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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-20, Page 3
C mm'y:a n jty Museu riff cia fundr ly o Blocks rf.eing sold at $5 each A campaign to raise a minimum of $10,000 towards the rebuilding of the Huron County Pioneer Museum was officially opened Friday evening with a blockbuster celebration at Court House Park. The campaign, sponsored by Friends of the Museum, involves the selling of decorative blocks at a cost of $5 each. The blocks will be used on the outside of the new museum. "Our objective is to raise $10,000 minimum for the rebuilding of the museum," Harold Harris, chairman of the Campaign, said. The campaign will be "ongoing from tonight", he added.. Although the blocks will not be inscribed with the purchaser's name, a book will be published recording the names of everyone who contributed when the cam- paign has ended. The book will then be on display in the new rnuseurn. While members of Friends of the Museum were kept busy taking campaign donations, visitors to the event were treated to musical entertainment by The .Fbghorns. Coffee and refreshments were also served. Children attending the event received tree balloons. Taking part in the celebrations were: Harry Worsell, reeve 'of Goderich and chairman of the Huron County Council Museum Committee; Claus Breede, Huron County Pioneer Museum project director; and Brian McBurney, warden of Huron County, who officially declared the campaign open. Breede told the audience that $50,000 would be raised if all the, decorative blocks , are sold during.the campaign. Should this happen, an enthusiastic Breede said they would then begin selling the concrete sup- port blocks. The blocks being sold are full - face split decorative blocks which are buff colored. There, will 10,000 of these blocks used in construction of the new building. •'We hor' you will buy.a lot of blocks to help finish this museum up.. So dig into your pockets: Let's support it," Reeve Worsell said. ' A total of 281 blocks were sold during .Friday night's celebration at the park. , eine isin = ca Friday GO1)[ RI('II SIGN AI. • WhiteWestinghouse Come in and see =-� our Targe selection HUTCHINON APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron Rd., Goderlch 524-7831 524-8732 WL•.I )NE:SDAY, MAY 20. 1487 1'.;(;l..; . BEST INTEREST Q1/4/ Guaranteed Investment Certificates Subject to change O&&Ser©Knee! 04_4 el 11111hInsurance Brokers Inc. Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 4829747 Grand Bend 238 8484 Goderich 5242118 ANNOUNCING I'MAY, KNE 20th, Sl d' Harbour Airport, Business Air Hangar $2500 person (including per person (including lurch) Tickets Available at °Cainpbeld '.b ° ° of Goderich . 524-7532 'Help Us Celebrate 25 Years of Service' 9 SPO:'VSOREI) B1 ROTARY CLUB O)1'' GODLR1('t1 Huron County Pioneer Museum project director Claus Breede was kept busy handing out balloons to children at Friday evening's Blockbuster Celebration held at Court House !"ark. The celebration was held to officially open a fundraising campaign sponsored by the Friends of the Muscum. Here, Breede hands outs balloons to, from left, Samantha Mar- shall, Alexandra Breede, Meaghan Marshall and Christian :'.reede. (photo by Lou -Ann Hope) VALUIEA:NOS YOU CAN BUI Building or Renovating ®66You Can Rely On Us99 *Full Line of Construction Material * Hardware * Paint Panel �• C� Woods Kitchens ,j * /,/� 1Vlas t n W Windows BIYFIELDLUMBER & HARDHWY. DAYFIELD 555.2000 Fro. Estimate IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE TO SMITH'S! ...Quality, Selection and we'II save you dollars! 'I•r i �; y�fy 7 ' 11'Jn/ yeto ` Ir" GREAT SELECTION MORE ARRIVING DAILY! G1AL OF. ) coQ WEEK. 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