HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-22, Page 10Fip :T ­ I 1 —­ ,­ . I I . -­ - , . I I . , I ,,' wa,v $o Oad'Wit 1. I I ­­­­11141­ . ­­­­ --- , -­­­­­----­­— ,--- ­- ­ - ­­­­­P- 1 1 I . ,' , 7. , I I I . . : I ... . . , :. - ; I I -1111-1- -7 ­ M11 21s", 1 . ...... -,­­-­­­, ­­­ -,--- - " , - . . . , , : . 11 I ;, i , I . I I I I . I., , , 1, , I W, . , ... X 11 I's .--,.-..-- - . -,-, --.- ,--.---..,-.-- --. .-- I I . I . I ... I M. Z ", I . . I . . 11 11--11-11.1 -.1"I", ", -2 'I., -­­ " ­­­ --11,-. I 11 1. r 1, I - L ­ ­ ­­ - ­ I., - ,M11, 1 ill, l:li 0:1 'I'l !;,:!!O , :: llill'.011.! 4I 1, =.1- "I' *";;,!,., l!", "!." , "1.11 i ill!lI 11"! 111 1:1;071'. !!:1;7I .. I . I 1. -­­ ­- . . . .. , u I I t' -qio­ IF— I - . I - 11 I I . .. I I I ".. "I'll, ... ­- .Imit;­­­­ ! ,, :14;,;,;; 44. , I met tile past ion in a very prac. -----­; '" l'I'll' `:'10` " : "` . I . . . . . . I 11-1 L I . . . ; . : . 47 is'also . eapressed eon '-*D I I W . , f1l, E-1,01,11HORAW -1`11,c 41111 tnier Iarr . ILL"' Pre . . K - -­­­ - I I ... I currence. . . .. . . EWSUNDAY SCHOOL, ; 1. i . I Asquith thought the conference was - I -- I I . I ). I 11 . - ­ .1 ... I . ­ . ­ 11 7 1 -7 -7 1 7 - I I .11'.. -.1-1 .1 . I I UNNIUM I Colonies Can Now Got 0vt of 11111oh indebted to Laurier for alald ! I ... I , I lng, 0MO K n Dead ancl $lx I Irksome Treatie% tilis Very ,Practical proposition, -whio I , Hurt ; I litillifiti;iiillltiill)mlllllillillitillifilliffillilillitillitillillilliiiiiipil. . . I Would oertaitily prepare in Q.T,R.. 01saste Lesson X111. — Seoond Quarter, i . 11 1. . I . the way, and r. I , . I I possibly 1114ke the way plain t6r, ef. 1, . For JUne 4 191 1, I I I r'Ammfecit,11.1i Jectiva . +­ 4, 41, t I i - P.A,VTRRIA I I vll piltzit)1K X +* U 4ex COMerence, I I --- . . . , --- I I - I ­ if not be re. The proposed commis, INTLIRNATIONAL IS DERAILED ' I I 1, .11 I I.. ". I— ­ I I I I ' ' I = sion Is be. an advisory body wifla . - - I refereugg as wide as . wordtieould mak-e I — . ME INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 11111-11111111111"111.1,1 ... I" umi ror Infaids, and Children. , . Sir Wilfrid Laurier Moves That Home it on all mattei'c6rine6ted with tr , . 1. . ----- *00"Ama"M , . I Government Negotiate to Free the and commence, duction. arid i "10 Limited Runs Into a Spread Rail at * I - - = .. lf = ater- Text of the Lesson, 4 ,C Dominions From E course between gmprehensive. = .. . xisting Com- 11111,00 different Parts of Newcastle While Running at a High I I --- = I mOrcial Pacts -He Also Su the L'inpire, but would not be a earn, Rate of Speed With 25D Person Quarterly Review. -Golden Teixt, . . - The Kind You Have ; 91 mission to ,,uggest Or state a policy on Board - Tender and Seven's MIP- vi, 8 -Commentary Prepared by . gests Thal Empire's Trade to any part of tho Empire, Rev -*D. M. Stei - ResourcesI' Be Investigated. . Cars Leave the Track -Travel. .irns.. I . 11- ' AlWays Bought ' *%getallkPiepotionforAs- , . Otld()14 JU" 17.-(C.A.11. Cable.)- I JARDINE EXECUTED. er From Toronto Is Killed. LrsSON 1,-Naaman healed,. Il Rings jlmbili g WT00444dRigula- , v, 1-14. Golden Text, Isa. xlv, 22, i Ito thp­gto . -Adwixelsof At tile Imperial Conference yeste BQwmallyille, Oat,, June 17, -One "Look unto me and be YO Saved, I Bears the . S,r Wilfrid rday Stayer of Lizzie Anderson Is Hanged man was killed and six injured in a it4i. I -.---.. - . Laurier moved that the 11 - ; ., at Gilderich, wreck immediately, west at Newcasti,e tile ends of the earth, for I am God, I I 0 *1 (lovernment.be requt.1sted to open lie- Goderich, Jun .-The se . ritenee of at 4 O'clock yesterday afternoon, I and there is none else." Leprosy, a I I . . . . . . I .1 ,- .. ­ I S I d t, I e 17 4 ,go lat tons witil tile several foreign death Was executed upon. Edward Jar- when tile 'tender and seven coaches. of Peculiar type Of sin and 'sinners. i *— I Signature - I . COverAmenta haNiagg treaties, which dine' at the county jail esterday the "International Limited" left thq Great sinners may be great In, their : . apply to the 0 FTi)M0WS'D'14eS1Ion,Cbeerftd- "I . view to secarve" ;f " dominions, with a morning just before eight O'clock. rails arid toppled over to the south, . own sight and In the esteem of oth- liess alld&stGontain 5 nelthher :1 , . 1! 1-11 in&, the liberty for an Laxly in the morning Rev. Geo. E. track, to be ,t "U"' ' ' 0 1UM,%orphin6:nor1,11=a1.' :1 Of . I I . I . ,e, owinions, which may so the drive at the engine until tile be sqved If willing to submit to God 9P0TXAitC0T1C. . :: of thoz y .keeked and tOra by ers, but in God's sight lost AA can t , Operation been, the condemned man's sp . iritual ,couplings broke and left the shattered I I desire a withdraw from. OIL Ross, pastor of Knox Church, Who has of It treaty without impairing J hs adviser throughout. his confinement, cars upon their sides. and His wayj 'Uoney,cannot buy ft. 11 1 11 . . 1, it ! I tr,MtY ill ruspect to the rest of'Alle was with him and the -oun -a- Dead Lusox Il- Rllshals heavenlv de- . t . 11! l 0 . showed deep concern for his future James Madill, 47 years, ft commer- 1 fenders, 11 Kings vi, 8-17. Golden Ax4m of vrdA-X9WM B171 WR . ; vitid these proposals had bee I I ! .. 1 X s i before the public for; some time n welfare. For half an. hour he broke cia' tra,veletra, married, 60 Spencer ave. Text, P0-'xci, 11, "Por He shall give jiw &,6 X.M,1- and -Walked to Xorou . derAffam # . down, but he recovered and Head crushed and leg His -adgels' charge over thee to keep R-4,01UM& - -a various comments, the scWfold apparently without a. tre. almost severed. Body held at .New- thee In all thy ways,,, Ardse Aeqg # 0 had given rise t tue, same orie- ided,,, others fair and rea. mar. . God knows all I sortable. Ile ecessity for what he castle for inquest, I our ways and our g I I n Those present at the execution Were I InJured. oing out and earn- 2'"'-- L't.,, proposed might be.sh-own by the ex- . In.- in, and also our thoughts (Pa. . low Xced - Sheriff Reynolds, Jailer Griffin, Dr. Fred Allison,. commercial traveler, .. PeTieuce of Australia, who, when they Alex Taylor,.jail surgeon; Rev. Mr. 35 years, marri ex.xxix and Hzek. xi, 5). . , . , cts carried in British a and Pea- 'In . . D wished to givo preferential treatment Ross Constables Whiteside ed. 83 Dearborn ave- It God be .2=-J" 17---11-;-- to.British proda : e. Toronto; ribs fractured; ,serious; I for us, who can be against us? God . 4 U 81 a taken. home. k with us Is more than all"who cao be ApelfectRemedy forConsfipa- ra prevented from so doi I 11 Thomas P. Smith, sailor, 44 years, Opened. -eyes to see the t1oh. Sour Stomach0arrhdrA, ships we tlethivaite, Guards Murphy and Me- 1 g Math, and Owen Geiger, warden of the against us. by tilt' most favored nation clause in County of Hurom single, Xingston;left rib broken; tak- Worms.Convulsions,feverish- , . certain treaties. No representatives of the press were en. to St. Michael's Hospital in Mat- unseen Isour great need. He can do it. iless and Loss ()ri SLEEP. A similar difficulty arose when allowed to th LicssoN III.--Joasb, the boy king, X1 - For Over - Canada wished to give a p be present. . ews' 'private ambulance; riot ser- Kings xi, 9,20. Golden Text, Ps. ex - I . reference i Jardine Was never ,baptized until 'Ous- .hr, Facsiritile Signaturr'of , a the Mother Country. There were Thursday evening, when at his earnest Hector Dauphinatis, shoemaker, 42 2, "Blessed are they that keep His tes- C" P twelve treaties in existence containing timonies and that , I it 0% that clause. solicitation the rite was performed by ears, married, St, Hyacinthe, Que- I -teek Him with the a-;-11 4=--V- It had been suggested tha R:,,-. Mr. Ross, in & room beside the 12,c; gut on head; taken to St. Mi. ,whole heart, I Ten times in this chap- N -EW -Yi-DRIK. i 11 i r Yearb . 4 t the pro- condemned man's cell, in the pres. el's Hospital; not .1 y Possal would destroy the principle of euce of the jail officials and guards. _ serious. I ter we find the house of the Lord or , commercial unity, bat that p — Simmons, said to live on Laurier the temple of the Lord, or the Lord's I I i rinciple , ,ue., Toronto, arid taken home; people. God will take " care of. HIS 4 did not at present exist. The Ui;ited b"r"o a rib. - I I -­,, t- " BRIEFS FROM THE WI RES. chosen king, whether it be'Duylot or . , Kingdom. had it free trade system, and Mrs. Pallister, Ottawa,. bruised I all the dominions had fiscal policies face; at Palmer House. , based on the'principl, f rais' As a resul Soash or HIS Messiah. in& t of a strike of printers, EXACT COPYOF WRAPPE8. . . ' 0 -reve- The Local Arizeiger, The Tageblatt and Miss Swerer, Philadelphia Pa LnssoN IV,The temple repaire nue by customs dutie's, but no two of eired, 11 0 - -0 I their tariffs The Morgen Post of Berlin, Germany, sprained ankle;' at the King idw- ' Kings x1i, 4-15. Golden Text, I Chron. ---- — - ,.Mella V agreed. Instead of com- Th a2 THr CrNTAUH COMPANY. ra-.W YORn CITY. mercial unity there was commercial did not appear yesterday, e cause -of the wreck is unknown, XXix, 9, "Then the people rejoiced, for 1 ai ;!! li !il l 11111111111 ll l!l , illI II IIIJ -- . 10i: i:i ; I 11 111 I 1!! I !I I I ; ctiversity. Consequently it Was not In a voice trembling With emotion, ,save that it appears there has been, that -they offered Willingly.,, A chest, i I . . . . . I I difficult to understand that when the, Chief Justice Townsend trouble with tLe south rail; which aP- beside the n1far to receive the Willing . I pronounced pea after - -- - I United the death sentence on 19-year7old J. 0. rsf to have Spread or broken offerings of the people was the meth- --- I am made a treaty which Tebo t Digby, N.S., yesterday. Ile the engine passed over it, allowing the od of obtaining money which the Lord Wants —Law A'n`nu`il'e*d. . Engd suited own requirements that will bell hang,ed on July 24. heavy tender and cars down upon The Eluslive Fly. . 'the blessed. At least twelve times in this Mont -real, June 17. -The power' of . . 1 -roadbed, which was plowed up for I . I Any one who has tried with , out'. treaty might not suit the require- Th ship of Bastard is suing 4 considerable distance. the Provincial Parliament to pass a - ments of the Dominion. For very chapter the expression "the house of regqlation alone., the lines of the early fail to have noticed its w6ndhilAj . many yeaxs, at least fifteen since he Ormond Chant, tax collector, for over There were 250 passengers in the five the Lord" occurs. Devotion to the stretched hand to catch a fly qa5 nodl four thousand dollaxs that Chant eol- . assqnger coaches and diner, and the Lord because of His sac ce will closing law and to provide penalties alertuess in escaping. %14 had been in office, the Rome OOv- lected and rJaced in the Farmers' rifl "One ressaiNi I for an infraction of the same has been for this," explains a nat ,list .-,%! ernment, when negotiating commercial ars were terribly shaken, as, one bY bring all needed funds. . questioned by Lawrence Wilson. presi- treaties, had followed the policy of Bank just before the fallare. one, in rapid succession, they left the the fact that the fly was w -a ching' fliq',, not including any -of the dominions G. Lloyd Faulknf,r aged 24, one of LESSON V -God's pity for the hea- dent of the Licensed Vituallers,', out their consent. N the best-known y,;u g business men ' "' The engine still held to the mo,vernefitv Of its would be e'aptor-oEdfil with Tyhat he sug- , then, Jonah ill, 5 to Iv, 11 '11 'D ' acks and pulled the trucks from be- - Golden Association, Who appeared in court I ; . rat tr gested was that the of Vancouver, ivas at the Victoria as. X I of all or most of its 8,Goo eyes. 'Aix.i, --re old treaties should Xleath the laboring coaches. These fell Text SfatL xxvW, 19, "Go ye, there- %ith the demand that the'new law i now be brought into line. sizes yesterday sentenced to seven to be annulled. other reason for its rapid retreat ia P ,to their -sides and were wrecked and 'fore, and teach all nations." Jesus at, instead of seeing one han<Lc6m-7 . Owing to the extreme importance of ing toward it_ the fly would havd! - In order to save a Young il roke and Christ believed the story of Jonah and the points of law, which a hearing of J It Was not an argument for separa years in the enitentiaxy for tape. I th tion but would make for closer union. .compan- left them free from the urge of the those who question it question the ve- soon at least 7,500 hands all look -me' ion from instant death, Witliam Del- r uld raise it wa- ,C., I - racity of Jesus (Hatt. xh, 39-41).: One heari;g antil' Proposal should be coupled with three lor, aged 51, ,of Kingston, took hold rigine. Fortunately, not even the c'Un the application we alike and all moving down upon.i , I to the ground and fractured his left , June 2L in the same direct -ion. A third reasoxii. . . of a falling tree which . crushed him 6aches, was set ablaze, and so the Nineveh.should perish; the Lord is not of the fly's nimblenesv is its abi I first effort of the self-governing dom- nah was willing that the pe6ple of principles. First, it should be the ler, which held the Only fire ill the 10- decided to postp inions to develop their trade as far as leg. 'horrors Of fire Was not added to the litX - possible with the Mother Country; ' willing that any should perish (II Pet Killed by Runaway Horses. to vibrate its wings nearly 700 times I Gunner Thomas Allen, accused of in a second and to travel through1he: - secondly, they should not confine their I n the rocking coachescalme to a 'lilt 9). Note the things which God Brighton, J tine 17. -Richard ark,e'r, air at ,d rate of a ml'e in two and-&! , effort to the British markets, but*be killing Capt. Ellison at Esquimalt, r% pre- 'mil allowed as their second object to i f B.C,, Was yesterday sentenced by Jus- standstill, all those who were able, pared arid used -a -wind, a fish,. a a farmor liviqg about two, e w half minutes -or twenty-four miles an. , ., in-., tice - Iurphy at the spring assizes to made their 'way outside, and several 'Worm, a gourd, and even rebe'llf on of 'here, while"attempting to stop his i crease their trade with other natious; imprisonment 4octors who were aboaxd, immediately sonall. . 9 'brother's runaway team of h;rses at hour." .1 I ­ ... I ` nine O'clock yesterday morning, re- . ­ . - ­.- ­ . . irdly, any benefits given by the dom- , ural life. for the .rest of his nat" began to odre for the injured, Nvh6 LnssorT VI.-U7zIah humbled, II. celved injuries from which he diedl Among Girls. I 1. nions to other nations should be giv- A . were taken to Newcastle in automo- I I .. es brought biles arid then. the three most serious- 8.21. Golden Text, Prov. a half an hour later. It appears he Why do you,wish you were a manT4, . I " in- I by James Brown against Chief of Pa- ly injured were sent an to Toronto in ride goeth before destrue- horses and was I "Oh beciiuse.3P a ah;o, not only to the Mother Coi An action for $500 darnag Chron. xxvi, ry, but p_,Pther dominions of the ' xvi, 18, lip got in front of the . 1 'mpire. ,. .. - . I . ' lice .Miller of Haileybury for entering a a tIon, and a haughty spirit before a knocked down and run,over the chest. I 4- I Premier a house without a warrant and beat- pecial train sent out from that f I ;, ,Mtih'2 said that both the ing the plaintiff, Place, in charge of Dr. Gordon Rice, fall." Some people do right only as Ilie unfortunate mail was 30 years a on might at least think a maWs I" , reason." -Worcester Post -,. I . . , , ' ag . - esolution and the arguments in sup. was dismissed at assistant to Dr. Riordan, G.T.R sur- long as they have a strong visible bu- . - UP, ­ I I art of it strongly commended 4-1, I North Bay. . e and unmarried, and previous to I - " I . I I , I . , . I , . e I . — ­ ­ . ..... ­ WHITE SLAVE TRADE, .. . t: I , f - National Council of Women Discuas " Evil, It ­ Port Arthur. ont., June 17. -The re - I 1, rt of,the standing F'O cOnt,mitee on I 6qual mbral .standing and prevention " : ;, . of traffic ill women, by Mrs. Asa Gor- 7' L i don of Ottawa r ad by Airs- Boomer ; , Y sterday mn ning, touched a live wire of intere!.t at YOSterdliy's session , i-", ation of the Nz ill council of Women, 1. and it Was With. tile greatest d ifficulty ` that Lady Tavior could close the dis. I ; r Qusslon. Lau 'y Taylor -recommended I , ': I the 'work, of fir. Sl hearer, saying that, While his 1vul-k . i , was coufln' ed to the Presbyterian Churchi novt rtlieloss it " I , ,,, a grc,al ,­nd wonderful one of the .' 11 DO1111111ail. I I . I Wasz Airs...L.,-4.,.Itk "-M Toro roto, ..;peaking k i4w­ the re.-fution, said that it was a - grea,t p. lt tilat pepple cannot st-e an, ; 0-vil until 4 , 1110thing awful happens . - 0 shoch .-wat into aetiL on. Th*s evil f I IS act at our door; it is insiK The I , j,b,est wav tt, prevent the white slave ' I . L I .4affic is tii make conditions harder . I . or the p.,ople who are engaged in I ,Rds tfaflie timang women. The raising I bf the ag - of c, nsent will raise the I e of pretQction for the girls of Can. L , a. Invt..stiaa d . - - lion in New York shows gre or . cent. of these women " I not women at all, but children. Phe would advise the raising of the 11 le of consent from 16 years, as it is t present, to 18. 1, . I Mrs. Cumm,ngs pointed out that . ere is an organized traffie in we - ten; everywhere there are agents, L taid in most cases these agents are I I ,. tt ttractive. who lure young and an- , suspectin,A girls downward. I I Alks'. lorrington of Toronto aid s , I hat while the laws were made by pen thvy would be made for men, - ' ndl as t.'Iis was a woman's question, . It was t ' e women of Canada who %hould c,-ne to the rescue. I . AFRAID TO TESTIFY. I 'Girl Victims f Italian Fear Friends I t L ­ . . -, Will Avenge Him. . I `It r '­­-MontreA; . , dsne 17. -Arrested on su-s- I 1, , I . I i, L 4 icion of be ,1,_ the man who has for 'past thrlo7 montlis been assault- P Pon' '& W i i — I'v hile playing recking train Was sent on t 49 little girs in many parts of the selves to the Commonwealth point Of on Dnildas street, 'rom Belleville, Toronto 'H. man helper. The devil always te Pts. Live years ago lived near Hickson, Ont. , and a crew went to tity, Cichile s Elmer Snape, az,d three I , - A ubrini, has been re- view, The Dominion Government ap- work to clear 'the tracks. LA-5nded in iront I to pride and self sufficiency. butriwe . . . ran preciated th - , eight days for medical Min of a team, fallrng unde ' - e difficulties, but strongly , the horses' feet. The body of James Madill of T r.naation to hii Wished, He Was can only be strong in the Lord, and Two Bad Accidents. . as sanity. Subrini was without embarrassing picked,up- ronto the only fatality, was taken too sted on A ar ,y by . th'i and hurried to his home, where he Home Government, that treaties by, 4irre d.a pecial Can- di N,; c -,Itstle, that only as we know our own wealt- ness, for His strength is made Chatham. Jurli, 17. -Harry Camp - bell, all veliplove of the Blonde .. ,d of _Rhock. where, under the instrulc btables Walsh and lt-', ;llard while in which they Were affected should be tion perfect , fac- tory, had I of OOuntY Crown Attorney W F. : the a ct, they el: -!-l modified in the way proposed hel - , . alnack;ng a t in weakness. two of his fingers taken off . I 1, I .,,,,of at Kerr, Coroner A. E. Tiller -year-old girl or. t, - ,r of St. I earliest convenient moment.' i set about I - 113 com, I Killed In Wisconsin. investigating the wreck, ;and 'A-`,t;,n. LnssoN VIL—Isalaft's call to service. rsa. "I in a jo ner At. the factory yesterday morning. Campbell came here few I I Uxba.n preparatory 7"Tt ."'t- I Sir Joseph Ward agreed with thei Cornwall, i I * une . 17—John mcGilli. fo holding an inquest. vL Golden Text, Isa. vi 8 - a weeks ago fr,in bleaford. . 's. . I ix witn4­ wer., -; -),led to I r, , - -ses ., . 1!1 ,solution, assuming it meant that the I vray, son of the late Murdoch McGil. 1, I a tea . , pp T against 1 '?-, h nil:i vesttmlay, I old treaties Would be renegotiated bvl livray of Finch.Township, heard the voice of the Lord ,a;ng. Whom shall I send, and who will 90 9 . - e Wood met with a serious ac. Geo. ' , -- . , was acci. MEN GOING BACK . . 1 I four of his all, g- . ; . I ":. 11 . , and two i the Imperial Government, with a vie v i dentally ldlled while workin with a , teachers at the io !.- 11 ',I I . little to bett aTran. aement for us? Then said 1, Here am 1; send cident'in the, Gray factory Thursday. He was OPc,-Iltill - il, Sand drum When ,, wht-re , being made. construction company in Superior, Car Company Expects. W 1. , u:, .'.!I will appear Wis. or i orkmen on " "' I gir , were as. za ­.:: So far a Ille dominions were concern- -11 t time ago. The remains Rext I me." A vision of a m ari on the throne, the God man, allve forevermore, is his hand slipped and the was flesh ground to tr bone. He be I " - -, - ­­ - Saturday, ed, both agreed with the resolution. were ro,Zght home by his cousin, the Job on Monday. . , ` I Specipl COnst;.!,.,:. 10 -.­.` leclared Premier Morris was M- Montreaf June 17.—The I what we all need (Ezek. 1, 26-28). This Will laid up for some' tililo. I I . also entirely in r a. , J strike of . -1 I that a- ubri;J .z. i ; *110;-l nriny its favor. n Mackenzie, and the fun. the men ol'the Canadian Car & Foun- a . . er 1 t to the works conviction of sin and self ab- I . . i plac4- Presbyterian I d -, , L ,,I.xz !.; gu, ,jv - bvon Sir Edwaxd Grey said the resolution C c I . ' `ap4e Creek, and the Sixth 11 -,Y f of the Niane, Co., Ltd., at Turcot and Domiii- , ffy, horrence; then -follows forgiveness of To Celebrate Alien Victory. I 04 " W John, N B., June 17.—The 62od ' : r . . . .. I I - . b ought a s , *' 13 -on which commenced at one o'clock gai. ; :,. I.. %; , -L.., . ir!-x %-,.I,-, Was ,one Which in facts of the e -Ise I co e I netery. Rev. Mr. Mae- "' 't sins, and then a readiness for service, r, i usil ers, Col' J. L. MeAvity I 1 t, have positiv, !y ;.1--.I*1.q ,i t:!-,.- ., r:) ill must bq accepted. . ke ie 0 ced. asi Monday, has not -yet been settled. the dt-script oii zi -,,.,z- ;u,:. aill! .%'­ The case naight be met by though indications to the as He may wa LESSON VIII.—Song com.! inanding, with band and fife and drum , I ..re agreeirlg . —, , I point ma.- , afraid ta:cwne tr -., , ';-urt ::::. ,,,­, to open negotiations with the 0ouutrie0s , Jority of the men being at work on I I I To Welcome Premier. of the vineyard, Isa.'v, i ­i2. -Golden Text. Isa. v, 22, corps, 300 strong, left here on a spe. cial traia for Boston, to take in I I Monday, as more are returning to Work , .1 their'evidei­v, I!.-, f .:ir , %,,.*, I,,:. r .. concerned a3ld asking r-lw:!-, r they I Ottawa, Jane 17.—There will be a .1 :; [some of his fr:e1lit." al t . ­`. "k, :, would be Prepared to mod'.I.. I trea- , I e each day, The open air meeting held I "Woe unto them that are mighty to , part tile Battle of Bunker Hill celebra I "Hub" - I , I . ,- , I — ­­ - - ­ ties in the direction desirea, ,I ) as tr) I public reception for Sir Wilfrid Laura I yesterday morning was not charact ' er. drink wine, and men of strength to I tion at the to -day. MayOr* Frink , . fex . . I when he gets ba,ck from attending I . - ..,;,,Fire In Steamer's How. bring them up to date, in the 1! ized by any excitement, and only a P`, t mingle qtrong drink." .Strong drink accompanied them. il 1 the Impedal. 0 ill f h desired. New, York, J T, , ; 7 —A ire ;n the If they d the co-n 0 erence, probably dred men surrounded the acts upon the bad as pride does on ly I . . , . 11%"6 . I . ,,,,*I . JF", , 4-1 . " , 7, i l ` , I . ,V I - . . 11 o I -1-1 I .* I . I ? i 'i .-, ) I 1 11 I ( : 1 A 1 1 . , . I i III . hold ied tae F,,,.,,.a , :) Pro, dz,1:t Lin. I would be quite, si,41e i about July 12. speakers. I the soul, -the former causing "a beastly i I . 1 I., I , ­ 1 I but if they I it is likely that the civic a4horl- The Younger element hooted and drunkenness and the latter the drunk- : Coln d -""ed th, I - '- - - - ; ­ F1L1I,;111i-'!I did not the best course of procedure tied, -11 ,4.uj_ I I I - 1 - , - Iilrem! ;. tor , Ir,- Z L,' ; , 1t,1'&.J­ while 'tb e ve. .,Q I ;% - ': .4 .3 0 tit; we for . I Hambrrg­Ameri,%..; ".-,;tv. the , The ci`tY fire, ,1--,.,-,1T, ,..:, t" t.A, ., ­ .,., . , W, ( . . I aid of the. fm. br-,',. ..L. cl, ', -",aul he . - :ship compaily, dc,n­,,,--j t1l... -*:III,­s tf) Ihatch No. tio T 6 amid-...,..--*,. Not 1 *.r away, . 1 ! (I.I. i ' ,,at Pier No.. 3 wa.i t;lt! Cit ' :;lqti .,f the . I ithe same line, wft;c. , is jlu t.. a,, be I to -day, and several tug!4 ; tj.%'A 1-, I .I, to.haul eith ,r A lut, ,ready vvb.t.y il"'t" tile :river,' should the flam s get boy."lid ma control. I c,on I — MtL I lav % V%^ ,kF&IO Awlt aft ow "=_ _ _ _ I -and I ,.­ - ­ CURED BY )THE USE OF ' Gov sym L i MILBURN's tain difil : I 1; . 1% . M LAXA-LIVER P14 trad and ' ". I . .1 1 - F1,0i 8d! , '. , ij,4QQnStip&tjOa. is I., I . 1 . OU06 )of the nibat ire. ", , "ttand,t,ttila.o&=,,tim,oi,.,Ofi '. , ,, a, -F- Ire 4'. the stitu I . 1. . ". . , "', . ; serious otothe minor.0 I .. , . .to Ivel . '0 . , " ch niallkind Is subject' 'an -.6166M ject Mi) [, r . - - - I . , - , '­­ iN61*h00R6weC1t&-eontlrlA4. * * - shou to tl , I -1 free mtku* of 1 I " 0, ,- .e t 6. -",:bp lav I . ­tb. , , - . A `­` . . ,A u "4 be thek rW ' 4ve in , , , , , ", . 1 q n mis's Clem ,Z- F - 7PIM011d them;*O 611 do , , ., Y , - - ipgtfori I . I I -11 - -.--- -- ­ = , (JrTla , or, 5 V1410for4 : 9011ftailed'O.Utot art t i I ' 11 I I Whb"T . Milburn. Co.., ! , 01ft.. '.1 I I I I . .1 I . , I . I I I I :, , . . . .1 . I . I I , . I .. , , I . : . . I :. I ;:, . I I . . I 11 I ": I I I I 111. . I I I . . . . I I " I /' L `:, i ,; ,", ", I , ", -,1,,k.1fi.'k..­ - . I , . I , , 1014rrd 25 centa . I MI 4,6044$ ip.t. Of , price by lif4d; ,x6routo, I I Wu be To enter upon nogotiati . . , " a lew weeKs, arra lge alloutea. at -the passing cars filled with enness of Isa. xxix, 0-13. Only by the new treaties without denounc oa: 1 for it fitting welcome fo the Prem men going to in,r ier. -work, but the Poll'(38 kept' blood of Jesus Christ can we be saved se now !a existence. I .1 — .----- the men off the car lines. I from either, arid only as filled with In behalf of the Home Government I . I At the Dominion works yesterday I the spirit can we,bear fruit, . was prepared to accept the resolu. morning men were working to the I n qu that understanding. . n,umber of 450 and for the first time L IS NGIX.-UnIversal peace, Mic. he resolution was agreed to with ==== since the strike they enti-aied the shops IV, 1.8.0 olden Text Mic. Iv. 3, "Na. addition of the word "gammercial" di T41m without any big assembly of strikers , tion shall not lift up a sword. against ore "treaties." . I 13 shouting at them from the rdilway nation; neither shall they learn war ugtralia hat given notice of reso- FEEBLE STOMACH embankment.. any more." This great saying Is also I 1011s urging that' every effort be . The company sllippid eight cars on found In Isa. 11, 4, and It shall be de to bring about co-operation in ThuF,da and sixteen yesterday. - fulfilled when He who came as a babe A mercial relations in matters of Causes Digestive Weakaeas I L. .. ivet, deputF for Hochelaga, to Bethlehem shall at HIS coming again tudl interest, and that efforts in has dffered ,his servacei as mediator or of British manufactured goods and Polsollis the En. between the, men and the company. in glory be Ruler In Israel (Mic. v, 2). British shipping should be sup. i . not by peace conferences, nor by mis- ted as far as practicable. tfre . System. Bank Accountant Shoots Himself sions, nor by any present agencies, but Ir Wilfrid Laurier Said that the Sault Ste., Marie' Ont., June 17:_ only by Himself, at His second com- J. A. P. Barth, ai,'ed 26 - accountant Ing (Isa. xxxii, 1, IT). ernmenti of Canada had perfect 'WO OW can lhav6 'sufferdd more 0 . 's at th Imperial Bank, sh t himself in -Tile promise of the Pa- ptithy with the. objects to be ob. than I did with stomach trouble r 4V . Ligsso-; X. ed by the -Re resolutions, but it was writes Phil. E. Fascalar, well kriown tke Read Yesterday morning 91 ten tber, John rLiv, 15-27. Grolden Text# . cult to , eeure improvement in at St. Andrews Corners. dixy doctor O'clock at Ramsay's boarding-bouse. xiv, 1(,, -**l will vray tile Pa- eepless- Barth had attended to his duties atl ' 1 . e relations between the dominions told me my indigestion, and al folli the. United Kingdom unless th ness were due to Polsons in the blood, the bank, up to Thursday riigot, and , thvil. ;lnd Ile shall gire you asiomer essed more information than 'V CertaInly my condition vras despemte, did not a:Vpear yesterday morrili g. 111 1 colurorter, that [It, may abide With . they and It seemed 6om the desponaent is fn a dying conditioa4 . I . you tot -ever," Owy by thp Holy sipirit at present: He therefore thought feelings that swePt over me that I I first thing to be' done was to in- Barth ca'me to the Boo from Toront.. can we know God in Christ or revelve a K,ear ago, 1-10 was a mall of sten'! - t His word, tind only whoit tl:ie Holy . read -about I)r. I-Um,lltOrl's Pills, and hit its, although emotional, as eviol". c Spirit '41all hp ponrf d 11porl Nrnel Abllfl te an enquiry, and V ltb. 61lis ob would Jose my reason, X happened to he Proposed a Tes011ltion,yWch bought five boxes from the druggist. , mmended "Tlfat ' His Majesty Such bodY-Oleansing Pills I never used;- ed by the fAct that when he receiv4d i he * , "a U, - On of $ftl and Id be approached With a view they were mild and yet quite strong a leldef,rdam a year ago that his sister y "' "' , "" "i(*" Ze &Ppoiattraent Of a, royal edrn- enough tG drIve all the humors out had at Vancouver, it took thvep weleome Jestiq Cbi iqt ns tbilir Messia It. ion representing the United Rink. of the -blood. My. stomach gaineqX men to hold Win in bed. The batik I t LESSON Xl­41P9,(-1(I11h'S l"IIS1;()J*Pr, 11 I Canada, Australia, Ne strength rapidly with Dr. Hamlitows management stated that Barth's af. I C111 -0n, %%%. 13-27, Ooldon Text. I w Zealand, Pills arid I Improved so much that in fairs there'wera all right, he' had not h .Africa and Newfoundland, With ! Sam. xvi. 7. "Nian foriketh oil tbip titit- t;o - eight Weeks I could eat and digest all been ill, and no reason can 15e given ward appearanvo. 00t tile Lord looketti .W , l4vestifilting and -reporting ordinar7 food. 3)epresgion and wearl. I for his act other tha he beart.." The gri-eat aped of to. the nAtura resources Of each ness passed away arid I 9 n thanks to nd,tilre of the man. of, the Empire represented at br. Hamilton's Plllsi enjowing robust u day I.i. the zeal of a Hezeklah to conference, I gobd hqalth.11 I — — , t , Hon. Low'- H 1 said thp No remedy for cleanse tfie'profesqing church from as I I ;s areq , biliousness, Indiges- Fihod th"i Pilot, ft1tillness litid it) turn it whole W I . anot id, f - tion, headache, sick stomach, or cbw Quebec Jane, 1,7. -Pilot ph'ileas La. ly to the Lord. ' . hearte ation, was - 0-ril'y'' il' r ep in POU4 which had been tile gov, st1patlon that compares with Dr, Ham. chalice iVas, yeste'rday filled . Ilton0s ,Pills. Refuse substitutes, . 6,01d LnssoN XII. -The downfall of Sa. 19 110tQ Of tll(,' conference, rxamely , in 2 c. iesult Of tH6 'investigation held into - . I doro boxes. All dealers, or The, the groundinIg .of the steamer Man. marla, 11 - Kings xvil" 1-14, Golden I if im&hal concentration, Wit iw,- Catarrhozone Co., Xingston, Ont, i &ration.. . - .. ......... — , chestor Svin ier at White Island. 1, Text, Frov: xxlx, 1, "He that being , , , I ... miiar Fisliar' thoug4t the resplu- , numbet of' witnejso4 V -PIT heard, in- often re&bved bardeneth., his, neck ; afvery go C deal, DIN Har"11ton's Pif.-,3 cl dirig tile pilot. %%,h,1,IPC!;: 11wfo'gv, I rith A. ra 'etleab 4 way, df f I i1fill sudd6'nlY be destTelYed, and, ibld . ei, difficult Sg of ques, that,he riad btuon guj jy ()I I,:, 1'rror Without retiledy," As truly as jAidg. 1. . Cure I I I ,in jud t htiv,'ti: W,ml I.. . 'T P . f 114, , 'I Joswph Ward though Wl,14p, "M' . , I meht came on Israel So Surely* shall T I'.' . I '' 11 ,; 1, I . ' I t the pro. , StOMaCh TroUblea 'fitetg ­'­...' ... . t. ,', ­ . ' " ­­ I. 11111"n 14- It fivIntInieDt of 11 ,rn,e.,,, 1, - . wbl. I .­­. I T -Yl, . ,L4.kd all $iull I far L)J1WctJen6A, . I . ... I I I . . I . I I . I . , I I , . , . . . . . . .. .1 I .. 4 ,1 1­111 I . I I I I . I . . . I I . I :1 . I I . I I I .. I ,*\ "; . I I I . . i I I I - ­ ,1-1' I : . I I I I . ­ . , I . . > . 1 . I 11. . fll. , I . . I I . . ` 11 I I . . ., .1 . . I I . 1. ..", I I I . , I I , — , . , F ",_,X, I I I ,,I '. 11 - e., I 6:, , ­ Lk . L '.­­ . I ,,,, . I I 11 r - I I , , ', , I 11 . I .111.1 r .1 , . ..,I ­ I I , 11 I ­ I 1, )k, /­ 'I'll- - .. I I I I I' I I I... — I : ,,, I ­ . I I , , ; , ; ". . . . I 6 , , —, ­ - ". 0 _., —k 4 ­"- , . - 1661, . . . . . VPk­ . , ­ .14-.6- - X '. ,­ , , , I I ­ A, - I., i -: i,.&i, 4 . ­ .21 f I ­ ­­ — -.111f - 7 , i , , , I I . !k , _ 6 : ,.: I I I ­ ,:,­ 11- '160, - 11-1, L ;­ *­ ,-­ r 'I ), "lLl ,4-: iAl- I WJ l