Exeter Times, 1911-6-22, Page 9THW� EXBTBR TIMIES
ii Amn 11CAITH Tn M un ------
mv., e answer ot vie LIP,
Ittl. ha bee
Others, was to set the depressor screws sY ' $ �
a -g onle
U but Mr. van Brunt wel no far.
son, groaning ob, crat"I'gheA4,
iscill over YI!,ARS by 5xIrIjoN,,
going, and, the doomed Roe, now quite, I for their 'QUILIAWN
�rl ?I,
tber than to Insert half li Is body and
head, you'vt, ruined mell"
3100PSIS 01100 WNW 1011h W031
I over the sea, dropped nearer and near. 1, sue
14003`112,S the t be
all his head In the room and look
"Rulneti your granny-th4t Is, 0
moldy.0orn Believed to so tho 044w,
er to the -waves. ALLAYS all VAIN; 1QU91,,$'W1XD C
'A. OLle,
the best reniedy for DIARRIM
"Now," said Carson, "I'll tell
Any persom wrho is exe sledia bow
of it famfiY, or any male arer U
Tears old way homestead a quart"
you 8 liesureandask it,
SM11toy harmlesp. for "
why I turned you adrift. Your envelope winslowls soothing 6yrilp", and take no Qi
vacton! ofavailableDomiul IsnA in
ri aint heart never won the money. I
tell you the wedding bells are now
-anitdba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta,
won't stand the strain. It had started hiii1d, Tweuty.fiveceutsa bottle.
While Applicaixt must appear in persap
rbglng� Go to, slri�ah_g() to her.
st the Domin ion Lands 'Agenem or
to caye In at the bow, and In anoll
Oubli-agency for the distriotj Entry. hy.
GJTe her the rush. Lay It on me..
1proxy, may �bp had at the agonayp us.
moment It would have ripped open:anti
dropped Ton. But I,ra to , . . Tou," said Carson, having
ser tain cianditions, IVY father, mother
Throw a rat on the rug, rip and tear,
pan, daughter, brother, or sisterof
going give it
made sure that the Virginia was In.
the test. If the Roc can stand tba "I..shan!t see any rQporter%11
intending hamesteader.
si weep, fight, fast, tear thyself,
drink up elsel, eat a croepcillle, take
Dtities.:-Six months resideni
strain I believe I call tow her and land
"Sure, you will," said the thoughtful
You. It she doesn't I shall drop
*ad cultivation of the land in eask
of three years. A homesteader
Into the Atlantic, You'll collapse, and 1 1 constable. 1Tvo sent t'r the I
aye within nine miles of his bu:111!,
mention the fact that the thing's a
obead an a (farm of ae least 0.0 acres
ii Amn 11CAITH Tn M un ------
mv., e answer ot vie LIP,
Ittl. ha bee
Others, was to set the depressor screws sY ' $ �
a -g onle
U but Mr. van Brunt wel no far.
son, groaning ob, crat"I'gheA4,
iscill over YI!,ARS by 5xIrIjoN,,
going, and, the doomed Roe, now quite, I for their 'QUILIAWN
�rl ?I,
tber than to Insert half li Is body and
head, you'vt, ruined mell"
the water was an expedleJ
t fun
I over the sea, dropped nearer and near. 1, sue
14003`112,S the t be
all his head In the room and look
"Rulneti your granny-th4t Is, 0
moldy.0orn Believed to so tho 044w,
er to the -waves. ALLAYS all VAIN; 1QU91,,$'W1XD C
'A. OLle,
the best reniedy for DIARRIM
"Now," said Carson, "I'll tell
searchingly at Miss $uarcz,
"Of colaii 11,voi
course, I disagree with you entiri
of the Deaths Qf Many Hor#os.
you 8 liesureandask it,
SM11toy harmlesp. for "
why I turned you adrift. Your envelope winslowls soothing 6yrilp", and take no Qi
sald Ile, over
ri aint heart never won the money. I
tell you the wedding bells are now
According to a bulletin Issued by thor,
x4goas State Agricultural college pp
won't stand the strain. It had started hiii1d, Tweuty.fiveceutsa bottle.
"Considerably," raid virginla, olibut,t_
rbglng� Go to, slri�ah_g() to her.
polment station, blind staggersm Aleeo$
to caye In at the bow, and In anoll
31r. Vau Brunt had vanished, Cralg,�
GJTe her the rush. Lay It on me..
atAgg ors, mad staggers of, menIngo.,
moment It would have ripped open:anti
dropped Ton. But I,ra to , . . Tou," said Carson, having
head gazed solemnly at Virginia and
Throw a rat on the rug, rip and tear,
00cePballtls has occurred In outbre4lo
going give it
made sure that the Virginia was In.
the test. If the Roc can stand tba "I..shan!t see any rQporter%11
"These," said be, "are some of the
si weep, fight, fast, tear thyself,
drink up elsel, eat a croepcillle, take
of greater or less severity in Wa oil
sections of the United States. 111 441
strain I believe I call tow her and land
"Sure, you will," said the thoughtful
You. It she doesn't I shall drop
local forms of the Initiation, Be cibe-
her In your arms, and Incidentally
41tiOn, there seems to be a gontitin4l
Into the Atlantic, You'll collapse, and 1 1 constable. 1Tvo sent t'r the I
and thou shalt prosper. Doi
mention the fact that the thing's a
loss of horses from staggers Jn,'a4..
can tow you In the wat The doctor, a nervous little man
er ea4ly. put
with no 'whispered to Carson
nothin' that you alWt told to—see?"
"What does this foolery mean?" ask.
matter of record and will be In all the
papers, It'll wo& Why, blast
loe.ality In which hruell. corn of an Ili
ferlor grade Is ra A certain P
on your life preservers! Hurry!"
Again the Virginia took that, his wife, meaning VIri was
ed Carson as Craighead emerged into
Picture, Itills got to work, If it doesn't
corn -mold, bnown scientifically as AJ3�
painter uninjured and urging him to go In and
aboard and surged against the gale,
the parlor, Mr. Van Brinut was
engaged In filling up blanks and tear,
I'm stuck for $75 for fees and corrup-
tion m.onel
Pel glaucus, is btainsd, . 11
The coul of the bulletin may be,
quiet her by big presence.
but this time drifting with the wind
while the life preservers 11�qeurology my specialty," said lie
were adjust,
Ing them out of the big check book.
Carson 'walked back and forth, torn
briefay summarized tis tollows*,
Feeding horses
slyly in Carson's ear. "Left. big pi
ed. Carson was confrollted with a I
Lice In Philadelphia on
said Craighead. "Pro-
fane not the sacred mysteries of Eleu-
with rage, embarrassment and anxie ty
for the result Virginia,
lipidin Immatur co'
badly Infected with molds an d wor:
account of
fearful alternative. If he let the Roe I A
slsl Don't aet evnical or fiinnv- Vnii
With thrilled
ba them- In fury, the env6lope of the
palely owned and ciecupied by him 01 , gui; out to sea sne,tlaa a bure ebancei —Wvalli I - - - - 1 -7- - M--b (�LAVU Vi. ill
. "1 1, 4 , lk-- fadiller rnofhor all— 0SSIble; but, edging Into the gale are not a very important person here. might mean to him,
Friends, fellow citizens Jerseyi
lend me your ears. We Lave met -for
clertain reasons connected with the vi-
tal statistics of o7ur common country -
to originate an epithet Two problems
look the American people la,the face
and gnash their problematical teeth
and What are they? My friend
the 'I has returned with
beaY_ -ir reverend
friend In wit-
liess from their
that I speak sooth when
these portentous national dangex-.
In celibacy. I have made a speciality
of it,"
"Hooray!" shouted the captain of
the life saving crew.
"My honorable and gallant friend,,ii
said Craighead, indicating the captah4
"hath a Smith college pin on his serv-
lee slilrit. It's not to tbee, 0 potential
benedict, that I speald We are here
to call not the Inoculatefid, but the hith-
erto imihune, to repentance. Fellow
reformeris, at the request of my friend
Mr. Carson-Genel Theodo, Calison,
M. A. -I sent a motbrear for Mr. Van
Brant, and the county seat of this
county, so far�'as the marriage records
are concerned, is here. The Rev. Mr.
Coryell has kindly a. -reed to perform
the ceremony. I will assume the chair
if there are no objections. I will en-
tertain a motion orderin - 4- 1
"r -m going in to tell her," said b
"And If I fail I shall come out and kI
You, Cralghead.111
"I shall make no will,,, said Crail
head. "Why, If she were Caroline an
I yol
Carson� walked Into the apartment
,Virginia. The serving girl withdre,
and left them alone.
"Tirighni . said be, "I'm going I
take You with me!"
0,lie flushed rosily, but, Woman-liki
takel his meaning.
unkle," said sho
You ar
marked wl;%l
But I've forgiven yt,,.
"Don't le�t's talk of tha-L,
"I shaWt even apologize. I'm glau
deceived youl Glad, do you hear
And uow you're going back -Psyche -
Rs MY wife. Don't struggle and try t(
escape. Don't you love me? Don`
you love me? Don't you love me?" -
She was past the struggle now, an�
In the new print gown of the servani
maid she lay in his arihs, quite surren,
dered. The time passed much mom
rapidly for them than for Mr. Craig.
head. His voice grew hoarse, the roco.
co Periods grew sborter, and at fast
he rapped on the door and called
The audience had entered upon the
p an na Jy the last, � 1, i. - nuv a . pbase Ot impabence characterized by
man clinging to the fragments of the give slack for the Roc's fa"ll, and then "RUT ACCIDIENT I NOT]i TO IT." to proceed. I assume a m6tion for the stamping in unison.
Phl and Surgeon and. Ac- nacelle would see the huge mass of with frenzied eagerness he dragged ic symptoms In your. very beautiful regular order. Reading of the minutes "What do tbey waili asked l'ir.
coucher. Office- Dr. Rollin's old office the Nvhole huggeemass ashore, anTas
flapping silk and gum and tin folldrop dispensed with. All in favor of the ginla.
on Main Street. Residence -Corner into the waves, himself utterly lost in the "Virginia alighted on the beach her Soung wife. sir -but accident! Noth. marriage of Theodore Carson and Vir. "Us," said Carson. "Let us go one,
James and Albert Street, opposite Ing to it!"
the utter �desolatlon of hopeless soll- skipper, leaping out, began a fierce on- g1fila Suhrez say 'Ayell "Out?" queried 'Virginia. "Out
Tames Screet Methodist Parsonage, Carson explained, with some neuro -
Exeter, Ont. tude-food for the fishes. slaught on the. wreckage, seeking In its There was a swelling roar of "ayes" 'there?"
V FbereF- CfUe 812a, Ecs;dclice 39b Dinner was served, Shayne trying to chaotic mass for hw whose drenched 1),ithic �Ynlpltlnls; of his owili, that the that startled Virginia into a beUef that "Virginia," said Carson, "did I not
yowig Iod- .1
smile and discussing with these dear form hi dreaded to see. y Iv.1, not his wife. a Political convention was in session In say I was taking you away -with me-.
Temaga- "E.,:r.-use lile,'" whispered the doctor, the parlor. Craighead called for the nol
DICKSON & CARLING, womes. the time of reaching tin tiPtoo- to whose the inistake "nays," with no response. "Oh!" gasped Virginia, shrinking
mi. CHAPTER XTX. Is. yours or inine, 0111ission or cioinmN, "It is a vote," said he-l'unanimous- back.
awlsters, Mielbors Notial coi;: LVIrl again On decI4 Mod gazing X731ALE. "You don't mean -for me t6 -in-
Cowin R oneris, golicitors xor the 0 0 ahead, liot kk4wing; thai th-bir nettial sion, cian't s�iy. hut pardon ine, just the ly! I congratulate you in this bar- derstand"-
Bauk, Die. 9100%REODORE carried Virginia to q^ ue. Musl go cow. 01hor patients, mol It augurs well for a successful
Money tolroan al lowest rates of literel flight was astern. She thought she r "The minister is outside -to marry
a seaside ecittage just in proc- you I�ntrji )1y campaign and a triumphant election.
was looking toward her 'destination. darling! Come!"
-OFFICHt-MAIN STREET, EXETER. She had lost sight of the Virginia, and egg of being pZt in order for And. slipphi-t his enrd to Theindorti Will some one volunteer to play the us- '
3L CARLING R. A. L. El. Mol it 0 its owners. wi:h Hilo uIr I-, wedding march? Thank you, 'giri "Oh, Theodore!" she gasped.
shel not sorry or displeased to "Tell e, dearest," he kept whisper- This to the captain of th'e life savers, c The door opened. Craighead's voice
nONEY TO LOAN. have Carson give chase unsuccessful- tug, 'Itha� you are safe-*nfe!" tabliab a connection In the castaway ame through In inquiry.
ly. She -was very angry with him. -et, draggled, her strong - who seated himself on a piano stool "All ready?" he asked loudly. "Then
-."; Virginia, w trade, he whispered himself out, being and ran his hands over the keys. let the cortege move! After these nuli
Suddenly she looked astern and was little form resembling a rough cast replaced almost immediately by two "And now, general," said Craighead
'We have a large amounti of private funds
vo-I pan on farm and village properties at lawrate amazed that such a body of water statue of some one q� tials we shall have the full music of
Inbel uite irresistibly i local representatives of the metropol:- to Carson, "all Is ready. The statutes
bad been passed without her knowing shapely, silen tan press, to whom Theodore resolute� the grand sweet soug� Like Prince
GLADMAN & STANBURY tly hung about his neck. in such case made and provided are Agib of Gilbertlan story—
Barristers Solfritorsi st6lExeter it, as one journeying over a prairie "You love me!" said he. "I'm not ly refused to sity a word beyond the all fulfilled. Brin- out the bride and
might feel to look behind and see an going to let you leave me agalp, dar- statement that the Roe was wrecked "We will diligently play
ocean. The subtle expression of the - lingl,, let the rapture culminate!" On the zoetrope all day
AaONEY TO LOAN and that the passengers were saved. "Craighead," said Carson, "come out- And blovirthe loud pantechfnicon all niglit!
1111 tossing waves told her that this was She squeezed his band in gratitude. This, however, did not prevent them side and I'll break every bone In your "Verward, march!"
Private funds to loan at lovrest ra t the open sea. For miles and miles she Carson went out radiant, meeting from sending In highly colored ac- body!" The wedding march from "Loben-
of Interest. saw great -waves bursting In Immense Craighead with the red . mantilia on c6unts oi wreck and of the seusa- No one heard this,but Craighead, and gr1ni tinkled feelingly forth from the
ERNEST ELLIOTT explosions of spindrift and spray,. tils arm. tional assistance accorded her by the
I he received the announcement with the piano. The minister stOod in the nar-
Office opposite Central Hotel Blain swept clean of shipping, the glassy "You all do know this mantle " said Vlrgifila aeronef—wbich were expand- suavest of bows and a withdrawal row cirque left open by the crowd.
-Street. Exeter Ont. rear of the racing billows thro"wing Lie, "but not the soul of paliry in ed In the city offices Into the sensation VrIth Carsoil on his arm. Craighead, like a new ducked usher,
I back to her eyes sinister glints from things great. Ethically, this is a lost of the day. Shayne of Aerostatic'
VARIETIES OF HEAT. the rare gleams of the westdrn sun, damosel snatched from a watery grave Power had violated the Craighead in. Plust a little delay," said he to Mr. bowed grandly at the door to let them
and out into this fierce fight of the Ing she went clown in the penultimate junction in the Roe! Cral Car- Cori "You kno* how it,ig--last through. Theodore took Viri
Curious Effects of Beams of Light li elements the Roe was drifting stern descent. -1 put my confounded life in son and the Shaynes were together 11, kisse's of bridesmadds—vell hsk&— plump, print covered arm and whisper
der Different Conditions. on in spite of the frenzied thrust of paWD—for what? I`c, 1 mere trum- rubbish—butwe must wait.""
her great screws into the suck- of the a New Jersey. villagel Rumors and ed in her ear promises which instinct
To, the ordinary layman heat is heat, gale. pery kicksbaw of sii... .. 'i no more canards on lebange and the curbl Ex- 'Mr. Coryell, with Cralightad's, ey told him would break down the last
no variation save in intensity. woman in It than a nntten! tras and red type on yellow first pages? in his pocket, sufficient in 'to resistance. The short service went on
"Uncle," said she, pointing, ts to
"I Beet
ence says that several varie. Rotteol This 'ere rescue nl� ( up to sation was not.known pay the entire expenses of hIs._?,,eatlon as rism6mbered by the priest.
It's the oceau!" ; But the real se
eat exist and sta,7�s in to prove sample!" until afterward. study of Atlantic gasteropods, waited "Who gives this woman away?"
at will heat one thine "Yes," said he. "God forgive me, Craighead," said Carson, "I want smilingly, rubbing his hands. Mr. Van And who but Finley Shayne broke
will not Virginia, for murdering you and your - " Craighead was a long time gone, re- Brunt lighted a cigar and looked of- through the press to take her by the
�O9-i:jaother, while some things are aunt,' Go to her!" you to run an ernnd, and be serious. turning with a perspiring man carry-
aceytible to nearly all kinds. Run for a doctor, Craighead. I be- Ing a notary's seal In one ba�ndj a huge ficially graTe. Carson seized Craig- hand and resppnd heartily, "I do!"
"�Tske a glai lens and focus the light Suddenly TIrginiq pressed his arm. 11eve she loves me." I head by ibe throat In the privacy -of And when the rin- was called for
an electric are upon an air Unclell— gald she. i volume under one arm and a flat'book
t- 41, ther- !1P Pacing up and,down the veranda, like an exaggerated check book under 1 be kitchen. 'of the life saving
e — ale of glass and iiir -and "On board the shl who but the captatnr
LO P Carson was In a delicious disturbance What do you mean?". he snarled. crel true to the traditions of the
ordinary temperatures as well as the other. Followin- them were a
The call sounded in their very ears. of spirits. He forgot Sbayne and his I tall, angular, serious' looking gentle. "What Insane thing Is this?" servic% came forward and took It
kind. It will be found, however, Within thirty yards hung the Virginid. wife, but ran down to see the Virginia man in wadin
t this beam of light. has no effect headed Into the wind and drifting easl- g boots, his eyes covered "BxPlanations," said Craighead, ex. from his chain and saved tbeml
k and found in cliarge the village con- tricating'his throat, "are uncalled for, And when the minister asked, "Do
AM it does not raise it in the slight-' ly with the nee. stable. with Immense blue goggles—a French you, Vir.-Inla, take this man to be your
The explanation is that the glass "Whnt do you propose to chauffeur if one might judge by cer-
0014. do?" "I know the rules of these cases," tain streng proofs in garments and wedded husband?" and the dear old
Hil stops all heat waves , that affect It was Carson's voice through the Y U
98 0 give I feature; a life saving crew from up remainder of It who but Theodore Car-
s, while the intervening air sto trum�pet, but It sounded sweet to this to the papers say sometbing about son turned dizzy at the 'bride's pa&e
said he to Carson. "'When
i waves that affect air, so when t e the coast who had just arrived after
am gets to the thermometer it is Shayne. Be bad no idea of any man- 1:�Ie -.1tv tbP nr0i-ce end of it was ban- a long distance view of the wreck and before answering, and who but Vir-
I Ipowerless as far as heat that affects ner In which the Virginia would did
him, but the sickening speed with several water side characters belong. ginla said sweetly and clearly, "I do?"
�glass and air is concerned- Yet if you
ut your hand in the focus , blister which he was driving out to sea made Ing in a New Jersey way to the Cap- And ns for Craighead, that worthy
be burned in short order, or it anything welcome lis a mo'difleation of tain Harrod class. The man with the geutleiva.0 would have been In still
�ke bub of the thermometer is paint- his despair. -ARM books seemed tired with big burden higher feather had he known that
lied black this 'will get hot and send "Do you understand?" shouted Car- and was using occasional strong words, within two weeks he was to succeed
the index up. TV EBSTER'S "Set down, set down your hZnorable
son. "You are lost It you drift on. hZnorable in persuading hIs adored Caroline to
means of which a strong and very W load," said, Craighead, "if honor may join him in a similar ceremony.
Warren tells of .,in experiment by Drop your painter, and I'll give yoll .1 14 ht
towlil, be harried with a curse. Fellow citi- T=, UND.
�ot ray was sent through a calce of XNTERNAT
Swallowing his pride, Shayne order- ZONAL 7ens, we are delighted with what we
fte without melting the ice a pariiiele. ed the Painter dropped. The Virginia. b1crtIONA RY have seen of your little city. The ell. Sir Arthur Sullivan's Fleverses.
9% was done by interposing a trails-
ent tank of water between'the I funning easily Into the wind, dropped mate Is lovely, the air fresh and the Twice Ili his career Sir Arthur Sulll-
ens THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Water warm. We like it. What do
trd t., ice, the water taking all the back, took the line and, with a word van, after building up a small fortune,
Rmat capable of affecting water or ice of cbeer, walk6d tip into the blast, 'The Only New unabridged die- You call It?"
�and becoming hot itsplf, while the pulled the painter taut and, like a tug tionary in many years. Carson drew Craighead aside and was placed In the same unenviable po-
sition as was Si Twain when In
am remained undisturbed, Yet gun- with a freighter, threw herself against Contains the pith and essence suggested dry clothes,
apowder may be exploded by means of the pressure of the Immense gas bag, of an authoritative library. i "Be silent, sirrah," cried Craighead, 1895 his III day" balance disap-
4he rays transmitiod through ice. and for the first time the people on the Covers every field of knowil. "and do as you are bid! Prilends, the peared In the failure of a concern Ili
Nearly all heat from the sun will acronat's deck clung fast and turned edge. An Encyclopedia in a p which he was Interested. And the fa -
'g], �rformance in the big tent is about mous composer met financial disaster
through ass . but it has been their faces from the "Ind as they felt single �Ibook. to open. This, Mr. Van Brunt, is one
If =und that from wUo I ot platinum Its stroke. The Only Dictionary with the of the principals-" ivith the same equanimity nq Old the
N6 glass absorbs ono-i�urth of its
'total heat. The most astounding e "Hurrabl" came the cry from the en- New Divided Page. "Of age, Lsee," said Air. Van Brunt, author. By far the greater of the two
X. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. looking at Ctirson. "I guess It's all finanelhI disasters which overtook Sul-
�perlment was made with copper beat, glue room. "She's holding usI11
o whiteness. It was found that For a moment she did, and then she 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly right. An' where's the other party?" liVan happened In 1882, and the news
4he giass through which it tried to droped the painter,and the abandoned half a million dollars. A maid who bad devoted herself to reached him under very dramatic air -
go absorbed rdnetecntwex�tiethg, al� Roe fell off before the storm again. Let us tell you about this most Virginia replied that Miss Suarez was cumstances. In that year "Iolanthell
Zowing on�y one-tweritietli to * go The serionef, having shown her power, remarkable single Vol'ume. quite able to see people, was produced at the Savoy, and as
I usual Its composer conducted the first
throug'+a, bad quitted Its exercise. But the Vir- .. "'gi Write for sample "Come, Mr. 'Van Brunt," said Craig.
As is wAl )Mown, heat from the still ginia again drew close In. pages,full par. boad. !land view the precious remains." performance. On the day fixed for
icomes through glass with. facility in- "Put On your life preservel cri - ed ticulars, etc, SER LAY IN DIS ARATS, Q'UITV SUI the production tha bankrupitcy was allI
Io a room and heAts up objects in Carson. "I'm going to put you In the Name this DPRED, InElf- noiniced of the firm In 'whose keeping
A, tbe ro6m, The obje�As chang'e this wateri paper and Spedal Notice. It seemeth to me, but If given require 'Sir Arthur had Intrusted all big sL-
.11eat to, dark mys, and it cannot get
�,out again, If glass transntitted a ma� "NO, you'll Aotl" said Shayne. "Wll- we will BETTER THAN SPANKING. the use of the traeba. Ah've done did curities, and the news of the crash
-jority of the heat waves from a hot lett keep ber up And run before it send free , what you done tole me, boss!" reached the eduposer just as he was
.1 a set of 1ISIcs,11king does not cure childron of bod. setting out for the Savoy theater, "In
istove we shmild most certainly have We'll circle the whirl and make sbori Pocket tillietting. There is a bonstitutional cause fov "What do you mean?" a moment," Says Mr. Lawrence, his
to have winter rooms without windows "Mr. Willett," said. Carson, "do as I Maps this trouble. Mrs. AL SUMM00, PDXVIII Carson stood before Craighead with
4r else lose 411 our heat. Along the say or as there Is a God In heaven I'll Windsor, Ont.,,will send free to any mother clinched f1sts, furious at Craighead's biographer, "the result of the work of
same lines i's the method of the earth go above, rip your envelope and let you her successful home treatment, witll full Scandalous Use Of Virginli-0 s name in .1 lifetime and of economy had been
0n retaining the heat of the sun I instructions. Bond no money,bat write her public.
drop from wherevei you bappe to bel swept away.% From the monetary
InI bo -day if your children trouble you in this "Strike In due time," said Craighead,
1�prough the night. The atmosphere If Mr. Shayno Interferes confl e him, Point of View lie had to'mak6 a be.
L ows abnost'all tI sun's heat to and take orders from m'e—oll drop from VvAY.*Doi blame the child, tho chances "but heart -a gintang All over ai but, unmoved
rs through io,tho eaAh, but there h mordamic.., 00 it can't help it. This tea 6nt also you told me io do for yo
h& ere by Ills III fortune, he Conducted the,
phao,ged and c�anilot get Spritugfield, Masai oures a d and al ploopl, led mith i What I'd want done In your pj�d& first pol-formance 'of 'Idlauthol thaf
T.ho StAeAnA -Ai incuit forward I
brother or sister.
vrith all the Power of bet screws, she
Ousit 1310 Suct, SCape was recorded.
. r1a
Dn the other band, droppin- h .
In oi district
worked stanchly ofT into the west
the water was an expedleJ
t fun
in good standing may �prls,�elmi a
lquarter seoticiii alangside blishei
Yet Carson knew it was a losing fight,
and Shayne walked the deck in agony
li The collapsed envelope ml�bt
OteRd. Price $3- Per &0VB- Dultis's-
Mdiust resildo six mon-thri iniel of siz
as she gave grouncl ot Ii.j."t ),(,fi the
the passengers and drown
them ; some might be hit by breaklug
Ire-aris Irom date of hotmesbead entrY
'time 'to
wind, 11()WILKI IIJ Z%Uross the
Pennsylvania mountains and beat the
bea6s or stunned by, concussion with-'
1(paialuding -the required earn
jfijoust8ad patent) fani oul-tiTtao
great hunted creature to the Dela-
the water from a badly Judged heighi
fifty, acres extra.
ware at Philadelphia.
knd Virginlal Yet, weighing the
tbances, be did not hesitate.
'A homesteader twho has exhausted
big homestead ri;gbt and oannot db-
Virginia came on deck. "Where are
we, uncle?" said she.
"All ready?" he shouted.
tAin a pre-emption may take a I)ur-
"'Oh, we're all right!"
"No!" cried Shayne. "Come back
4ased homestead in' vartain dietril
PAae $3. `Dutiea.(:-mWuflLt
TIMe enough for the trouble when
per acre.
posiAe six manfiths in eaoh of Ithree
the crisis came, for shipwreck
- in aerial
ready, Willett?" aske d Carson.
"Yes!" cried Willett. "Go ahead -I"
ly"rs, oulfivate f if ty acres mad erest
a house worth '.*A09Ar
Voyaging has no tossInj before the
cyclone ere the 15
Inal plunge, no wrei
Slowly crowding on power, the VIr-
tle with the waves, no tiring at the
ginia, fought forward Into the stol-13L
Deputy of the inliter of ttq nterloy
pumps, no roaring of white `sur`f, scab "
The painter strained t, t as a steel
N. BUnauthol priblication, ohl
meab will not be paid for-
barding the teeth of the reef. All Is
bar, and Carson wondered If It would
steady and conifortabIe until under-
hold. Suddenly a rainy gust boreddli
rn B. CARLING, Life, Aecident,1_1 and Plate
Glass Ingrance, also Collecting Accc;unls
neath Yawns destruc don. Though ev-
ba them- In fury, the env6lope of the
and Auo loneering.
ery moment inevitably marked a loss
Roe crushed in at the bow with an
of gas In.the balloon once out at sea,
tneY must nL
-ep -up to win tile; far Afri-
awful ripping sound, and the huge
liteely bubble -longer than a city block-,
P. S,, Graduate Victoria U
can coast or to beari'around the whirl
higher than a four story building --be.
y4wfilby. office and residenence. WIninlom
Laboratory, Exeter
to Nova Scotia or Labrador, and In
came a ragged cloud of tdttered frag-
Associate Coroner of Huron.
that quadrant was rain. Bef6re that
Inents and, with all on board fen into
could be done the huge gas holder
the Atlantic and floated in a shapeless
MR. bright, W. D., M. 0. P. and
would grow wrinkled, flab*, weak;
mass of wreckage.
S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
-versity. Two years resident physician
the car would dr, g her down, the
Carson looked down to see whether
the form he� loved
Royal Alexandra Hospital., etl Office
stronger ones would- cut everything
was smothered un -
and residence, Dr. Amos' old. stand
aWay to ligbten the ship, the weaker
der the torn fabric or floating free,
Andrew Street, Exeter.
would drop into the brine with no hope
but never balted for the drowning or
save in the prayer time accorded by
the llving� :gle llbt� out fifty. yards of
+1,. 110- A 4 11
1.. 7'. 1k.a —A. *,�.+ +_ +1, -1-+- +A
Friends, fellow citizens Jerseyi
lend me your ears. We Lave met -for
clertain reasons connected with the vi-
tal statistics of o7ur common country -
to originate an epithet Two problems
look the American people la,the face
and gnash their problematical teeth
and What are they? My friend
the 'I has returned with
beaY_ -ir reverend
friend In wit-
liess from their
that I speak sooth when
these portentous national dangex-.
In celibacy. I have made a speciality
of it,"
"Hooray!" shouted the captain of
the life saving crew.
"My honorable and gallant friend,,ii
said Craighead, indicating the captah4
"hath a Smith college pin on his serv-
lee slilrit. It's not to tbee, 0 potential
benedict, that I speald We are here
to call not the Inoculatefid, but the hith-
erto imihune, to repentance. Fellow
reformeris, at the request of my friend
Mr. Carson-Genel Theodo, Calison,
M. A. -I sent a motbrear for Mr. Van
Brant, and the county seat of this
county, so far�'as the marriage records
are concerned, is here. The Rev. Mr.
Coryell has kindly a. -reed to perform
the ceremony. I will assume the chair
if there are no objections. I will en-
tertain a motion orderin - 4- 1
"r -m going in to tell her," said b
"And If I fail I shall come out and kI
You, Cralghead.111
"I shall make no will,,, said Crail
head. "Why, If she were Caroline an
I yol
Carson� walked Into the apartment
,Virginia. The serving girl withdre,
and left them alone.
"Tirighni . said be, "I'm going I
take You with me!"
0,lie flushed rosily, but, Woman-liki
takel his meaning.
unkle," said sho
You ar
marked wl;%l
But I've forgiven yt,,.
"Don't le�t's talk of tha-L,
"I shaWt even apologize. I'm glau
deceived youl Glad, do you hear
And uow you're going back -Psyche -
Rs MY wife. Don't struggle and try t(
escape. Don't you love me? Don`
you love me? Don't you love me?" -
She was past the struggle now, an�
In the new print gown of the servani
maid she lay in his arihs, quite surren,
dered. The time passed much mom
rapidly for them than for Mr. Craig.
head. His voice grew hoarse, the roco.
co Periods grew sborter, and at fast
he rapped on the door and called
The audience had entered upon the
p an na Jy the last, � 1, i. - nuv a . pbase Ot impabence characterized by
man clinging to the fragments of the give slack for the Roc's fa"ll, and then "RUT ACCIDIENT I NOT]i TO IT." to proceed. I assume a m6tion for the stamping in unison.
Phl and Surgeon and. Ac- nacelle would see the huge mass of with frenzied eagerness he dragged ic symptoms In your. very beautiful regular order. Reading of the minutes "What do tbey waili asked l'ir.
coucher. Office- Dr. Rollin's old office the Nvhole huggeemass ashore, anTas
flapping silk and gum and tin folldrop dispensed with. All in favor of the ginla.
on Main Street. Residence -Corner into the waves, himself utterly lost in the "Virginia alighted on the beach her Soung wife. sir -but accident! Noth. marriage of Theodore Carson and Vir. "Us," said Carson. "Let us go one,
James and Albert Street, opposite Ing to it!"
the utter �desolatlon of hopeless soll- skipper, leaping out, began a fierce on- g1fila Suhrez say 'Ayell "Out?" queried 'Virginia. "Out
Tames Screet Methodist Parsonage, Carson explained, with some neuro -
Exeter, Ont. tude-food for the fishes. slaught on the. wreckage, seeking In its There was a swelling roar of "ayes" 'there?"
V FbereF- CfUe 812a, Ecs;dclice 39b Dinner was served, Shayne trying to chaotic mass for hw whose drenched 1),ithic �Ynlpltlnls; of his owili, that the that startled Virginia into a beUef that "Virginia," said Carson, "did I not
yowig Iod- .1
smile and discussing with these dear form hi dreaded to see. y Iv.1, not his wife. a Political convention was in session In say I was taking you away -with me-.
Temaga- "E.,:r.-use lile,'" whispered the doctor, the parlor. Craighead called for the nol
DICKSON & CARLING, womes. the time of reaching tin tiPtoo- to whose the inistake "nays," with no response. "Oh!" gasped Virginia, shrinking
mi. CHAPTER XTX. Is. yours or inine, 0111ission or cioinmN, "It is a vote," said he-l'unanimous- back.
awlsters, Mielbors Notial coi;: LVIrl again On decI4 Mod gazing X731ALE. "You don't mean -for me t6 -in-
Cowin R oneris, golicitors xor the 0 0 ahead, liot kk4wing; thai th-bir nettial sion, cian't s�iy. hut pardon ine, just the ly! I congratulate you in this bar- derstand"-
Bauk, Die. 9100%REODORE carried Virginia to q^ ue. Musl go cow. 01hor patients, mol It augurs well for a successful
Money tolroan al lowest rates of literel flight was astern. She thought she r "The minister is outside -to marry
a seaside ecittage just in proc- you I�ntrji )1y campaign and a triumphant election.
was looking toward her 'destination. darling! Come!"
-OFFICHt-MAIN STREET, EXETER. She had lost sight of the Virginia, and egg of being pZt in order for And. slipphi-t his enrd to Theindorti Will some one volunteer to play the us- '
3L CARLING R. A. L. El. Mol it 0 its owners. wi:h Hilo uIr I-, wedding march? Thank you, 'giri "Oh, Theodore!" she gasped.
shel not sorry or displeased to "Tell e, dearest," he kept whisper- This to the captain of th'e life savers, c The door opened. Craighead's voice
nONEY TO LOAN. have Carson give chase unsuccessful- tug, 'Itha� you are safe-*nfe!" tabliab a connection In the castaway ame through In inquiry.
ly. She -was very angry with him. -et, draggled, her strong - who seated himself on a piano stool "All ready?" he asked loudly. "Then
-."; Virginia, w trade, he whispered himself out, being and ran his hands over the keys. let the cortege move! After these nuli
Suddenly she looked astern and was little form resembling a rough cast replaced almost immediately by two "And now, general," said Craighead
'We have a large amounti of private funds
vo-I pan on farm and village properties at lawrate amazed that such a body of water statue of some one q� tials we shall have the full music of
Inbel uite irresistibly i local representatives of the metropol:- to Carson, "all Is ready. The statutes
bad been passed without her knowing shapely, silen tan press, to whom Theodore resolute� the grand sweet soug� Like Prince
GLADMAN & STANBURY tly hung about his neck. in such case made and provided are Agib of Gilbertlan story—
Barristers Solfritorsi st6lExeter it, as one journeying over a prairie "You love me!" said he. "I'm not ly refused to sity a word beyond the all fulfilled. Brin- out the bride and
might feel to look behind and see an going to let you leave me agalp, dar- statement that the Roe was wrecked "We will diligently play
ocean. The subtle expression of the - lingl,, let the rapture culminate!" On the zoetrope all day
AaONEY TO LOAN and that the passengers were saved. "Craighead," said Carson, "come out- And blovirthe loud pantechfnicon all niglit!
1111 tossing waves told her that this was She squeezed his band in gratitude. This, however, did not prevent them side and I'll break every bone In your "Verward, march!"
Private funds to loan at lovrest ra t the open sea. For miles and miles she Carson went out radiant, meeting from sending In highly colored ac- body!" The wedding march from "Loben-
of Interest. saw great -waves bursting In Immense Craighead with the red . mantilia on c6unts oi wreck and of the seusa- No one heard this,but Craighead, and gr1ni tinkled feelingly forth from the
ERNEST ELLIOTT explosions of spindrift and spray,. tils arm. tional assistance accorded her by the
I he received the announcement with the piano. The minister stOod in the nar-
Office opposite Central Hotel Blain swept clean of shipping, the glassy "You all do know this mantle " said Vlrgifila aeronef—wbich were expand- suavest of bows and a withdrawal row cirque left open by the crowd.
-Street. Exeter Ont. rear of the racing billows thro"wing Lie, "but not the soul of paliry in ed In the city offices Into the sensation VrIth Carsoil on his arm. Craighead, like a new ducked usher,
I back to her eyes sinister glints from things great. Ethically, this is a lost of the day. Shayne of Aerostatic'
VARIETIES OF HEAT. the rare gleams of the westdrn sun, damosel snatched from a watery grave Power had violated the Craighead in. Plust a little delay," said he to Mr. bowed grandly at the door to let them
and out into this fierce fight of the Ing she went clown in the penultimate junction in the Roe! Cral Car- Cori "You kno* how it,ig--last through. Theodore took Viri
Curious Effects of Beams of Light li elements the Roe was drifting stern descent. -1 put my confounded life in son and the Shaynes were together 11, kisse's of bridesmadds—vell hsk&— plump, print covered arm and whisper
der Different Conditions. on in spite of the frenzied thrust of paWD—for what? I`c, 1 mere trum- rubbish—butwe must wait.""
her great screws into the suck- of the a New Jersey. villagel Rumors and ed in her ear promises which instinct
To, the ordinary layman heat is heat, gale. pery kicksbaw of sii... .. 'i no more canards on lebange and the curbl Ex- 'Mr. Coryell, with Cralightad's, ey told him would break down the last
no variation save in intensity. woman in It than a nntten! tras and red type on yellow first pages? in his pocket, sufficient in 'to resistance. The short service went on
"Uncle," said she, pointing, ts to
"I Beet
ence says that several varie. Rotteol This 'ere rescue nl� ( up to sation was not.known pay the entire expenses of hIs._?,,eatlon as rism6mbered by the priest.
It's the oceau!" ; But the real se
eat exist and sta,7�s in to prove sample!" until afterward. study of Atlantic gasteropods, waited "Who gives this woman away?"
at will heat one thine "Yes," said he. "God forgive me, Craighead," said Carson, "I want smilingly, rubbing his hands. Mr. Van And who but Finley Shayne broke
will not Virginia, for murdering you and your - " Craighead was a long time gone, re- Brunt lighted a cigar and looked of- through the press to take her by the
�O9-i:jaother, while some things are aunt,' Go to her!" you to run an ernnd, and be serious. turning with a perspiring man carry-
aceytible to nearly all kinds. Run for a doctor, Craighead. I be- Ing a notary's seal In one ba�ndj a huge ficially graTe. Carson seized Craig- hand and resppnd heartily, "I do!"
"�Tske a glai lens and focus the light Suddenly TIrginiq pressed his arm. 11eve she loves me." I head by ibe throat In the privacy -of And when the rin- was called for
an electric are upon an air Unclell— gald she. i volume under one arm and a flat'book
t- 41, ther- !1P Pacing up and,down the veranda, like an exaggerated check book under 1 be kitchen. 'of the life saving
e — ale of glass and iiir -and "On board the shl who but the captatnr
LO P Carson was In a delicious disturbance What do you mean?". he snarled. crel true to the traditions of the
ordinary temperatures as well as the other. Followin- them were a
The call sounded in their very ears. of spirits. He forgot Sbayne and his I tall, angular, serious' looking gentle. "What Insane thing Is this?" servic% came forward and took It
kind. It will be found, however, Within thirty yards hung the Virginid. wife, but ran down to see the Virginia man in wadin
t this beam of light. has no effect headed Into the wind and drifting easl- g boots, his eyes covered "BxPlanations," said Craighead, ex. from his chain and saved tbeml
k and found in cliarge the village con- tricating'his throat, "are uncalled for, And when the minister asked, "Do
AM it does not raise it in the slight-' ly with the nee. stable. with Immense blue goggles—a French you, Vir.-Inla, take this man to be your
The explanation is that the glass "Whnt do you propose to chauffeur if one might judge by cer-
0014. do?" "I know the rules of these cases," tain streng proofs in garments and wedded husband?" and the dear old
Hil stops all heat waves , that affect It was Carson's voice through the Y U
98 0 give I feature; a life saving crew from up remainder of It who but Theodore Car-
s, while the intervening air sto trum�pet, but It sounded sweet to this to the papers say sometbing about son turned dizzy at the 'bride's pa&e
said he to Carson. "'When
i waves that affect air, so when t e the coast who had just arrived after
am gets to the thermometer it is Shayne. Be bad no idea of any man- 1:�Ie -.1tv tbP nr0i-ce end of it was ban- a long distance view of the wreck and before answering, and who but Vir-
I Ipowerless as far as heat that affects ner In which the Virginia would did
him, but the sickening speed with several water side characters belong. ginla said sweetly and clearly, "I do?"
�glass and air is concerned- Yet if you
ut your hand in the focus , blister which he was driving out to sea made Ing in a New Jersey way to the Cap- And ns for Craighead, that worthy
be burned in short order, or it anything welcome lis a mo'difleation of tain Harrod class. The man with the geutleiva.0 would have been In still
�ke bub of the thermometer is paint- his despair. -ARM books seemed tired with big burden higher feather had he known that
lied black this 'will get hot and send "Do you understand?" shouted Car- and was using occasional strong words, within two weeks he was to succeed
the index up. TV EBSTER'S "Set down, set down your hZnorable
son. "You are lost It you drift on. hZnorable in persuading hIs adored Caroline to
means of which a strong and very W load," said, Craighead, "if honor may join him in a similar ceremony.
Warren tells of .,in experiment by Drop your painter, and I'll give yoll .1 14 ht
towlil, be harried with a curse. Fellow citi- T=, UND.
�ot ray was sent through a calce of XNTERNAT
Swallowing his pride, Shayne order- ZONAL 7ens, we are delighted with what we
fte without melting the ice a pariiiele. ed the Painter dropped. The Virginia. b1crtIONA RY have seen of your little city. The ell. Sir Arthur Sullivan's Fleverses.
9% was done by interposing a trails-
ent tank of water between'the I funning easily Into the wind, dropped mate Is lovely, the air fresh and the Twice Ili his career Sir Arthur Sulll-
ens THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Water warm. We like it. What do
trd t., ice, the water taking all the back, took the line and, with a word van, after building up a small fortune,
Rmat capable of affecting water or ice of cbeer, walk6d tip into the blast, 'The Only New unabridged die- You call It?"
�and becoming hot itsplf, while the pulled the painter taut and, like a tug tionary in many years. Carson drew Craighead aside and was placed In the same unenviable po-
sition as was Si Twain when In
am remained undisturbed, Yet gun- with a freighter, threw herself against Contains the pith and essence suggested dry clothes,
apowder may be exploded by means of the pressure of the Immense gas bag, of an authoritative library. i "Be silent, sirrah," cried Craighead, 1895 his III day" balance disap-
4he rays transmitiod through ice. and for the first time the people on the Covers every field of knowil. "and do as you are bid! Prilends, the peared In the failure of a concern Ili
Nearly all heat from the sun will acronat's deck clung fast and turned edge. An Encyclopedia in a p which he was Interested. And the fa -
'g], �rformance in the big tent is about mous composer met financial disaster
through ass . but it has been their faces from the "Ind as they felt single �Ibook. to open. This, Mr. Van Brunt, is one
If =und that from wUo I ot platinum Its stroke. The Only Dictionary with the of the principals-" ivith the same equanimity nq Old the
N6 glass absorbs ono-i�urth of its
'total heat. The most astounding e "Hurrabl" came the cry from the en- New Divided Page. "Of age, Lsee," said Air. Van Brunt, author. By far the greater of the two
X. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. looking at Ctirson. "I guess It's all finanelhI disasters which overtook Sul-
�perlment was made with copper beat, glue room. "She's holding usI11
o whiteness. It was found that For a moment she did, and then she 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly right. An' where's the other party?" liVan happened In 1882, and the news
4he giass through which it tried to droped the painter,and the abandoned half a million dollars. A maid who bad devoted herself to reached him under very dramatic air -
go absorbed rdnetecntwex�tiethg, al� Roe fell off before the storm again. Let us tell you about this most Virginia replied that Miss Suarez was cumstances. In that year "Iolanthell
Zowing on�y one-tweritietli to * go The serionef, having shown her power, remarkable single Vol'ume. quite able to see people, was produced at the Savoy, and as
I usual Its composer conducted the first
throug'+a, bad quitted Its exercise. But the Vir- .. "'gi Write for sample "Come, Mr. 'Van Brunt," said Craig.
As is wAl )Mown, heat from the still ginia again drew close In. pages,full par. boad. !land view the precious remains." performance. On the day fixed for
icomes through glass with. facility in- "Put On your life preservel cri - ed ticulars, etc, SER LAY IN DIS ARATS, Q'UITV SUI the production tha bankrupitcy was allI
Io a room and heAts up objects in Carson. "I'm going to put you In the Name this DPRED, InElf- noiniced of the firm In 'whose keeping
A, tbe ro6m, The obje�As chang'e this wateri paper and Spedal Notice. It seemeth to me, but If given require 'Sir Arthur had Intrusted all big sL-
.11eat to, dark mys, and it cannot get
�,out again, If glass transntitted a ma� "NO, you'll Aotl" said Shayne. "Wll- we will BETTER THAN SPANKING. the use of the traeba. Ah've done did curities, and the news of the crash
-jority of the heat waves from a hot lett keep ber up And run before it send free , what you done tole me, boss!" reached the eduposer just as he was
.1 a set of 1ISIcs,11king does not cure childron of bod. setting out for the Savoy theater, "In
istove we shmild most certainly have We'll circle the whirl and make sbori Pocket tillietting. There is a bonstitutional cause fov "What do you mean?" a moment," Says Mr. Lawrence, his
to have winter rooms without windows "Mr. Willett," said. Carson, "do as I Maps this trouble. Mrs. AL SUMM00, PDXVIII Carson stood before Craighead with
4r else lose 411 our heat. Along the say or as there Is a God In heaven I'll Windsor, Ont.,,will send free to any mother clinched f1sts, furious at Craighead's biographer, "the result of the work of
same lines i's the method of the earth go above, rip your envelope and let you her successful home treatment, witll full Scandalous Use Of Virginli-0 s name in .1 lifetime and of economy had been
0n retaining the heat of the sun I instructions. Bond no money,bat write her public.
drop from wherevei you bappe to bel swept away.% From the monetary
InI bo -day if your children trouble you in this "Strike In due time," said Craighead,
1�prough the night. The atmosphere If Mr. Shayno Interferes confl e him, Point of View lie had to'mak6 a be.
L ows abnost'all tI sun's heat to and take orders from m'e—oll drop from VvAY.*Doi blame the child, tho chances "but heart -a gintang All over ai but, unmoved
rs through io,tho eaAh, but there h mordamic.., 00 it can't help it. This tea 6nt also you told me io do for yo
h& ere by Ills III fortune, he Conducted the,
phao,ged and c�anilot get Spritugfield, Masai oures a d and al ploopl, led mith i What I'd want done In your pj�d& first pol-formance 'of 'Idlauthol thaf
T.ho StAeAnA -Ai incuit forward I