HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-22, Page 8�,- I I ,�:� I- -1 I , ." - — - Llll -, ,! , ,� - -, ...... i----.---.:. ,-1-1---—-11- I, ,
I I !PT�,7�T�P- �:, � 7� 1 -71'—��' 1 1 . " . ., ,:: � 11 , . !""! --1111.� , � ' -11141- -1 I �-, ..... . .�
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�, 11 ��� . - I- `1�1; ;1;i4;=',�Z..';W@* . � M---- . �. " I � . . I 11 . .
., � , I I . . � I . ,� 1-1 � 1-1 "'! , :, , , 'i , �� � - -7, , ", 7 7!� , �;- -.., �-777�------------ . .
I � , I . V,p wl, -o, � . . � - . , -, . .
. I � : I � I I � I I I I .1 . I , the finest 9004 o I,, furs.-m� � I .. .. , " -,. , 7=-----�.�� I . . . .
, ! I . . F� a. � . — I I . .1 � . �. � - ..1.11", .11. .1 —1--..""%*" --
11 "; . , I 1, � . Any, wolliarl Who owns a suyor I '� I - I str,(�alxl before the wOnian diseover� I . ,, 1------,:- � ."a--�,---..,
I., I 1. I I P"VI I . "Salo You se, .- .
I . . : rulall I nt for him, marm,
�, �Pul`30, cltb0l.' sterling or Go od it, Leaving bile chicken , - I
11 I I I ;,an,d who coll'stall fato, she d'art(KI a to their didn)t youpi fie inquired", "What
� ,
. � � . ays the jowel� I across with, incred- forl') : I FROM 11111
. I I ' I
I , 1h 11 Hlr-t m,,e er for cleaoilig iltlyn,order to save . Ala, speed, I GREEN ISLE
. � I ", , ,koe I ett'ng out " wild Ory For the first time tile, wonlan be,,,;- �
� I ' and light dre-USeSI Will be . I of warning at the, ,sa, 1. — .
I I . gloves �jllat � . it 00 &O time, itated, and, A flush came I , � . . I
. -now - ,euronioil baking . NvAs t late. Tho child into her N I!,
glad to 1c. 11 BOY JIM I I I . . ,WS By , �, �,IL I,,to . . I
��� . . � fe* mill- . . � U llc& . , ,
, 1� � � I I I I I . . I . I llt�,s. That is what most jowelors or, 'and lost to, all sense of d4n`��- " , It ain't no bUsilloss ,O' yours 11 I LANDIS SI(OTIT"'S. I. I
, , . I I �— sodAl will cl�an it in a . its 0YO On tile speck of !povin , g with cheors,
I. .1 . I � 11 , I
'� � 1*1 :, � . ., size ,said, Irbut I reckon It'll 11 ' .
I .. 'I � I- . aye . � 1. �
t � . -it ,, . use. Jus.t take plenty 6f soda and . Went heading Over the bank into to tell You. I'm Tain,X - .. I
. 1� I .� I Notes of Parti.culair It erest to wOtUOn Folks I 1- . I - I . the 4' acplwrson's � I
I �,,,' I I I I , I � I . I . . . little Water and wash betw,een the GOP, swift current below. wid4er, an, I knew Jim I I I . 1;
I , 0I 1. I . . � (I,.- -- . . . . . hands oi- with ,a brush; rinse and k BOY Jim Was a horse thief, HTT Boy Jim Was tbirty yards aw Hallet 11aRpellings ht the Ewer id
,. , I. -4..�v�o�-� - l . I I . dry,and think of. the money new it himself thoroughly, a When -this happened, a , afore I was married, He used to I . 4 . Isle of
"I . . 1. , I � �
C . �� , �, � , , � - � — -z----------,) and thy come sparking me at Gully .Flat , ,
It : . I I . . Many good men who had misse,cl -scream 1001,08t, to Irish.
I . .
"I, , � " I � SE'LE CTE D RE, CIPg,& I "I'd � horses were I which the wornan gave but we quari-eled 'bout notiiingi ,
� � �k 1. 11 � . 1. b"W's give lids another turn. . hs, , pretty . . . W04 I � I
1k 1 . I I ant Jam, --'Use 4001d set Mwa,N, in a d4,rk cool, I "'Rialt Clot -Take stockings or him but he Was .. Suspicious- -of made his blood tingle, He had nev. , lie wont away. The rest don't. I . . I
I I I tNvo quarts 'd 411011 4,vony and do pair, in matter, only I heard lie was ran6h-
�: ceedinly 11slim" a" beal an
Curr When are Past mending, split in IAS WAY of doing things, and not a. human Voldo, before. Its Th 0 death occurred re
�,� � , � . I of either red 'or Icellar or closet until wanted. �Noleekra$ fIrIcall
� 1, , � white currants, top to toe, triln off tlIo all the skil� =ed ing at Mawson, an, Be contly at
;1. 1. and ox,perienee, a aillat to be c& 8 n b wo rd to A
� I from which tile steins, have, been I -- darned 9 Ailing upon the 'who!e' Ring� Dungaryan of An old wom I
� . Places, and Sew a good which lie pitted' himself bad ever verse for aid. le uni- him. as I was, bere-an' free -ani ,,allied M An ,
I I I I , removed; three, pounds of suffary I CHER131i" RECIPES. I seam, after Placing right sides to. beert'able, I willin' to see him.') ary Ajoloney, at tile W4
I I 'One Pound of chopped raisins, ,and . � . gother, and stroWhing seam ,veil I . to "round him up". once Pulling his horse t * 'blw spoke With all the embarrass- vanced ago of 107 years. I
I I . he was Oil a, borrowed horse's back, haunchas a on o its Miss Hannah Sullivan, a teacher
I 1! two oranges, peeled ,and sliced. For ollerry shortcake make a'soft as you Put it through the Sawing His t tile woman'^$ side, lie ment, of a wonian making a confes- in Berrings Nati6
Ij I I . . Boil twenty min tea. . dough by Xmixiing together two oil - I machine. The fin name arose from tile fact that sprang Off And, crying . 1,1jold Sion, but Ginger Dick's face was Iodg n4l School wbo I
'� I Vt a fte P I er hose are espec�, �
11� fuls Of flour d with ,% 1164p -ng I , I
1:1� � I � I ;ga,17 good to � lie had been on tile prairie from him!" dived into the streani. It still hard and incredulous, ad in Blarney, Was found dead 4
I 0'ant4lQUP SaM.-Cantaloups teaspoonful of bakiag , Polish furniture, neXt bOYho64, though lie was now twen- was a Splendid in lieu, bed recently, . .1 � . ,
tl..� ,powder, a Wgrade for 4ust cloths, and tile heav- leap, and brought '11'114t you got to say to thatIll Dr
! .
�,;, I I can ,Often be obtained when other teaspoonful Of salt, and half a cup- I ier ones to scrub. linoleum and use ven, with a weather. him to tile surface close to where lie inquir�d, looking at Boy Jim. be - J- W- 'Scott, Coalisland, has' .
; ,-. 11 materials for ' salads Are scarce. ful ,,)f shortening, whic ilay be I About Nie, range. The, beat ,Way to I tya--,�,�i'X',4<)1;a,:: whose. dark skin was the child was en appointed cet,tifying surgeon
I Tile, h I
t" . v make a Simple but -delicious h I veral scars, His ready breath, vainly struggling for "Xothing " was the curb. reply, under the Factory and Workshopa
k"'. . alf each of butter And lard; add I clear the house of old stockings, In . To seize it and turn ,on I "It ain't y'o'ur business."
,�, a4ad, R I broken ,
1 � emo.re the seeds and rind, two tablespoons of sugar and mi amil'o a.,I,ay ineerry eyes, surmounted his back Was the work of an in- "I guess its my business to know Act for th0boalislaild districtt
: , 1. I �x 'an afternoon oat make up enough by 4 shock of curIv brown air, had, stuat. Feeling the uselessness of if I'm 'being spoofed 11 lie retortede Killarney Guardians have grant.
''L . I and out the molon into small piee- with a Well beaten -egg and enough I to last six months: r something of' a boyish look swimming against the ad a pension of $265 pel-year to
11 . I I ,ti,,
.;,i " es. Serve on lettuce leaves wit), mil]c to make the I -Soap to Olean fine upholstery, About current, lie "an' Pin going tol, ' I, '
I , . ! I I mayonnaise or French dressing, dough of the right them. I floated with it, kick' know, 9 wid- James Ooftey,* .
�11. 4 � Tom consistency, Roll out in two lay i rugs, carpets � One bar naptha soap I Ing Out for tile der Macpherson sent for you it was who recently resign -
I atoes with Bacon ---A popu. era and,bake in the same pan with I cut fine in one of W � wiry, . ed his p
;� . 11 gallon Beyond that, he was a tall * bank. � � to make it up, I reckon. An' if OsitiOn after a service of
� I aker; active man whose muscular body it ,seemed ar� etern forty-five years as
1, . . I ItY before lie You came to see. her, it was witil the I , R,elieving Of-
, lar dish in Denmark, Lay large -fleaks of butter between. When add fol!r Unces pulverized sai- and a-ine�ry limbs flad been ached it, and when, assisted by Same idea, . , 4
� l i I I I square crackers in the bottom of a baked the two layers will separate 1 soda, elghto0unoes borax, boil fif- Strengthened and kept suppi re ficer, I
I 1. . shallow pan. So you won't object to ort 1111hott, of Rosculton, . re-
� I it I , 9 ed rry Iliall-right away." He looii�- contly . celebrated his wo I
. a thic slice of tomato --either be In readiness to spread between J`Water and one-half Pint of Alcohol, ork -and constant exercise in On to dry ground, ,,,,a ed at bor inquiringI th birtlicia
. I On each cracker put nic�ly. The cherry filling should teen minutes; 'four gallons of cold hard w by the woman's hands he scrambl Ul a Rob
. 1�1 canned or fresh -sprinkled � tile open air, for, let it be uncler� Well exhausted I . was pretty Y� and bids fair to celebrate 8, cc
�� : I I salt and pepper, and on e with the Shortcake, and on top, large, 1,Stan,cl over night, Apply a small -stood, he was Lot a horse thief ex- -self-preservati . The, instinct if "Ain't bin asked,yet ) 11 she r5. many more, I � a �
. I I ach slice ripe eherdes are pitted andcrushed J,AmOUnt -on brush And on -a on was Active, how- plied, "not by Jim. I .
I III, . ,of tomato I sintfIl Olu-siv61Y. He would work as stoad- ever, and he looked round for his. '51'al," remarked Nosey Th Edward Shanks has., been ap.
, .
� ": , . aY a very thin slice of slightly in a bowl With sugar, the space at a time, Wipe off immedi-, ily as any intin ontheplainsfor� -horso, It was peacefully . OMP- Pointed locomotive superintendent I
� �.;, .1 'bacon. Put the j1an in a hot oven,. right quantity to use being decided 'atelY with clear water And cloth, 6, or grazing r 1, "Ile kin ax you now all' we.111
. 1 ,� � -,�, , even 12 months. Then four hundred yards up the valley '01 I the Sligo, Leitrim and Northern
I" I � When the bacon is crisp, the toma, by testing the * , know by ),Oil of
I juice as you mix. ter he Would vanish like a cloud, and in the direction he cme, I �
. I toes are ready to be served . . The sauee, will be more delicious if 'often , . Let dry. lo will lo A, bin lying," r an . swer wLther you 0ounties ,Railway &h Manorbanill-
I �7ringring cloth out, changing wa
I I I Fro3h Herrings -ok bright always'a lloqe vanished with him. Mile beyond it � . ton vice Mr. Stephen Murray,, who
,�,� � I with But -ter, - Prepared Several hours before it is as new. This will not harm any Why he, did it no one know. � . them like the w , coming towa�-d. Boy Jini looked at tile woman's has retired on superannuation,
� Clean as many herrings as are required. Serve With, cream if de- delicate articles, silks or wool. it h&d � .. ind, were five horse- well developed figure -and protty *
: . .happened again last.ni men rid ' I -t abregat. face with'a Work has commenced on the new
I ght, . t1r Ig'.9 a�mos glint of -admiration in bridge. which will span the Shan -
1 . needed, and cut each one in halves sired or witholit. When peas -a-'ad asparagus Are The old longing, restless and per- , ;asI thank you v' said th his eyes. Her powers of invention
� , ! 0-hwise
. , long, . Chop ve ow
, � , ry fine ,a little Cherry rollypoly is made with. a new and dear, use a ban,ch of car- ,sisteut, had come on him in the woman,. ping tile a and superb acting 'acclaim non atPortumna. An English firm �4 .
garlic and some Parsley, mix this good d-ilmPling dough. Roll the rots with a quart of peas, or with night, and child to her ed her has tile contract at $107, -
. with butter'. and Put soma ol the dough long and ,the horse he was riding And tryinf to Soothe its frightea6d to be more 'than usually el 04-5. - The - k.,,
. about a quarter Of a bunch Of asparagus, In -either now had been appropri bowls. , . . . . ever, and work will be done largely by local ,
. mi-sture oll'one, of the halves of an inch th ated as a she was not a day over tiventy-five,
. -case let the carrots cook until al- sacrifice to the craving, By dint lie bitterly. "I'm too "'Mrs. Macpherson could hal had artizans,
i � .
1. I each fish. Close tile two halves face With pitted cherries with a Wo at -tander bef ort adding the -other of steady riding and sho t breaks wat an' tOo winded to.run an' my me When her nama Was Mary Trail. A I
together, and put the herrings in sifting of sugar. ' T ipr zo of* $50 has been awarded �
�,) an ol O'Rourke, assistant teach-
�1, �. Roll up the dough vegotable. A -cupful of lima beans rest he had placed a huge lice gun's full 4. water," ho re'marked, She kin hmT me now. I cai6 here
11 � the oven in a dish contain!vneg but- and pinch the ends together and will make a quart of for "The only thing You can do is to. D
Sel yellow beans of"prairie. between himse the to ,ax lier,
ter, salt and pepper, , _ hot steam for three-quarters of an go much farther. Th� lima beans spot If. �nf WItat YOU -say, Mary?" er, St. Peter's National School,
I with a little w to vinegax.d where lie had worked continu- cut me do,kn and bury ine-whell 19I Warrenpoiat,. by the Commission-
- they've finished.,, don't quarrel with Inc agen 'bout or ation, for
hi ropped hour. A delicious sauce is made should be soaked over night and ally for the best part of a year. reekon 1 will,'� I she said, "but
� , Johnny -Cake Toast. Y He nodded towards the rapidly the w a - showing high merit in the teaching
: . � on each herring. for the rellypol by crushing ^the' cooked slowly to prevent break- In front of him, rising like, a row I y I -do my hair." a of National Educ*
� -Make a -corn pitted clierries t approaching Pursuers. Avlsible -grin Spread over the of Irish during the past two years,
� .
Was to-
day's lima bean soup and add them wards these that he had -been head- in with a StaktIed face, which but Ginger Dick scowlecl. , b
� corn -meal, three-fourths of a clip and cook with $110 looked at,�`thenl and thenat .features of tile of A skull and parts of a skeleton
Ake with one cup of granulated sugar, stra,in to remove the skins unbroken beans from the previous stood a line of hills, and it I -her throa
c 0 a Pulp with ��g- It is a good idea to select the Of gigantic bubbles from the earth
�., a bit -of butter' hi 'lien, that are supposed to have een
�, of flour, one large. tablespooniul of ,Serve hot. , I to the yellow beans just before serv- ing all morning. Th grew suddenly white, I there
I sugar, one small teaspoonful of I "'VVIlat you "Wal " lie. remarked, "Minister hou, 100 Years were found In a 1i
I , Ing. I . -ey looked quite bin doin, ?" she asked. se at Belturbet.
V salt ,and three teaspoonfuls of bak- . —4, I near, but his pr"tist'd eye, as clear Todd is,olitside minding the horses. . At a recent meeting of tho Derry
� . .
� . ing-POwder. With these ingredi- SALMON. AND HORSEIZADISH . and keen as an eagle's, told him he "I borrow -ad t,hat hoss," was tile He came to see as you got justice. I
. 11
11. I I ents mix -on JAPANESE &A -11I Gs. ba;d three good miles to cover be- grim reply. I Guardians,. an application was
. I 11 -a ,and one-fourth cups Molded Salmon with Cucumber . N fore he reached their base. H Guess we'll fetch him in and hitch read from Win. Canning, an in- , ty
. . of sweet milk and one tablespeonf�l or Horseradish er eyes travelled f r,40 the You two together in no time.,, I
� � Salice.-One can Falufflar Ones Adopted From Us- There, he would find a gorge., , horseman to his face, and then B The woman went crimson, an mate, aact Ilia wife, for.clothing to
, . I of melted butter. a h sudden determination oy d make "a voyage round the coast in
.. I . While this cake salmon, one-half tablespoonful sadt, Others of Ilome Manufacture. huge, crack in the hills, clown whose flashed wit 1. Jim took a step forward.
; I I I is baking make the dip. Heat a one And one-half tablespoonfuls gged side dropped a cataract. "Go into th6 house ,' she said. "That is 11 continued alc �
� spider * � , lie spe� - Summer."
1� "Quick I -er. "I I 12 A large tract of rough pasture,
on the stov,d; put in a small Sugar, one-ha;lf tablespoonful flour,. Many Japanese proverbs rng the earth with (I I alk sharp ", tc
I I � PiebO of butter and a little water one, few ., have ru Don't' run ' I you ain't foolint US.
to kee iously over rocks IV' he I Ain't objectin' " said the W �
teaspoonful mustard, come from India, and China, while a roar, frothed fur. What's the use ol tha ) O� bog and mountain land, in Carrick� 41�..
, I p the milk from sticking. grains cay-enne, yolks .two eggs, intercourse with the Occident, and and boulders: into, a, valley began. man before &cullin And Balintemple, Armagh,
and one-half tablespoonfuls particularly with America, has op ned at the far end of the chasm "Don'+ talk," she almost hissed, could Speak. "There's in in a Mo t I
�� Add -three pints of sweet milk and one which Ile" supposed lover was recently devastated by fire.
I , or roo Th � rmo invasion of Dublin
I -point melted butier,, three-quarters cup according tx> the Oriental Review, and, fed by .a hundred hills fro ' "Get inside 11, , outside." �
11 . 'when this reaches the boiling a In . a ...
thicken it with four tablespoon- milk added a ply. Of He obeyed, 'h � They all trooped out, and after is exciting Attention. The army of �'�
. /'P'l .1 ,one-quarter cup vinegar, . , very generous sup either flank soon becam, a deep 91f mechanically. Mormon . 0
11; een made three these latter, ' torrente About he woman followed him, and - �,,
/ . I � 0.,
-'qua 'Time i and danger'Ous missionaries in Ireland i4 IL:
I rters tablespoopful granu- a money," has T things had been explained to Min- I'—
/ Smooth in colcl.watex- Add butter lated gelatine been hugged tight to the Japanese later Todd, he stood inside, . id to be Ittle short of 3oo. lr�
" 1, two, tablespoonfuls three miles clown. the valley -was a closing the door, -sat the now sub -f % circle sa �
,� .enough salt to suit the taste, cold Water. Remove salmon frOlA breast, -and is perhb6ps more quoted tree-Ilid-den cave where he had once, dued -child in a chair. of men and horses to solemnly per- -Lir. Charles Boyce, of Ennis-cor- ,
, I and , f
. . C a
"I I Another that in popular estima- many weeks. . 'They call me 'Boy Jim.' Jim tween a very Wet brictegro . lit in
which has been opened on a large � ' form tho marria - with a sho��king Accident
) : and'pour the sauce over the cake, Ican, rinse thoroughly with hot 1. - retired in peace and security for" nam' 71' she ask-, go ceremony be thy,' met
1 -r- I dwate,r and separate in flakes. Mix in. casual speech than any other - "What's your C -ed, Om and a when his right Arm was caug
ry �g
I Platte - Serve hot with cheese. , 'r a who, never-
��,F" .. . , edients, add egg yolks, tiOn comes close to, it is the one that Suddenly"toy Jim turned' his Hallet, really. I bin ranching at very white faced brid the cogq. of a water wheel' and
- � , I . Aunt Elizabeth's Famous Chicken I butter, milk, and -vinegar. .,ea,ds, "Heaven helps those who head and i,00 . I �round to pulp, . <e,
I Cook 1 14awson's place � and trekked last �heless, responded to the quesii-ons 8
1, N I I I -Ov boilmg water, stirring con- helps themselves." Japan believes were five black clots. Theyliadnot night-" In a firm voice.
, John Strain, general pereliant,,' ,
. iii this pro -verb too. She has racog- been there a few minutes before. Oheonodded and looked at him I and contractor, has been app<') -i -M -,-d---__,_,,,, .
chicken, eight medium-sized pota- StE�tly u') miiture thickens. Add When it was all o-�er theY rode .
, a
I . il to the Commission 11 "-
: toes, about one pint of Sifted flour, I 9-elatin soaked in c nized its wisdom. Re, stopped hi "Ever bin to -Gully - f.
. . old water. Strain a mount and watched thoughtfully. � away, (,elling Boy Jhn be could I of the Peace or
� two-thirds of a cup of sour cream, I and add. to salmon. , Fill individu- Human minds being fuAdament- them,gi,til pilpy Flat?" She asked fetch the horse back after the hon- the County of Donegal,
I . .1 I I . one teaspoonful of soda, and one-lal I I . ally alike the world over, it j.g.,liall, A � . - ff�e� into five toy f . eymoon. . . Tile Belfast municipality recently
Id, chill, and serve with either I _ - U -5 -MR wowlili d;1Is oia---t4ir,ba,oks,- - , X=w 1fr6ackwards," he said .
I . half teaspoonful of salt. mo , I nral that thert�� r .- The thud of hoofs outside *as "Wal," said Jim When they had conferred the freedom of their city f
f I I out up f sauce gdde.d 6e simila Then, swinging round agai�, he W di - I on Mr. Gustavus Wilhelm Wolff """
yp,ybV%'the East and the West. -sent his own steed forward at a, distinctly heard. "You done me a good �
. I tile chicken and pare the Potatoes, Cucunlber Sauce. -Beat. one- , pr2, sappeared, �
i and stew both slowly in one quart cup heavy cream until sit . I .J�Japan onesays, "Not untilyou steady pace. "Don't you speak," she com- turn and yourself a bad one. Guess one of the founders of the famou's
� i�ff, A � in
I tea. Me . I -1 There was no -need to tell Ill anded, "'cept to, back I'll ketch that hoss an' git
I of water for twenty minu one,fourth teaspoon , have child'ron of your own are you im Me up. My a move Irish shipbuilding firm -of Messrs'
while make Wit. few I
. the crust by dissolving A -�, I. properly grateful to your parents." that the men behind were massen� name was Mary Trail. D'ye on me, if -you're wi] )) He Harland & Wolff, Queen',s Island. I
� I r, ai��-`du -under- lin
�, I grains peppei nd gf� was.
I %,*�" two g.
1- I the soda in- the sour cream, . taiblespoons �`Yit,gipr ; liben a one The Italian provar& is, "Who has gers of death, with lassos at their stand V' I feeling very shy in the presence of . ---C4— i
� adding the salt and flour, ma nfr,
I I , jV'"l- ' 110
I or . �, "
I I , h t .11 Ili< , --.1 Der, pared . . -ad hi " ife, �
-�Lilcu childrendoes not know what Saddles and revolvers at their hips. He did not iin,lexata , and be_ a W ,�
1� the dough stiff an . LT. drained. choppe And love is. " .r The discovery did not disturb his fore he could ask the door flew op- te, Yes, " she agread, "You'd bet- SHE IS A GREAT DIUSICIAN. / *�
Ong ,,:ml , go ef �
I Pour the cooked chicke � " �, . Chinelc-,,- say, "Neither year peace of mind in the least. He had on, and Gin`ger Dick, a giant with you Want to." . ' , %��;
� `-�' , , - a � "W, ,,-,,,
-1 -I'- 11 - ,� ;tir� 40�&- .' , 1-. � P*ta Horseradish Sauce. - Three - ,be�Llth wait for man." The nursed his horse -carefully, while red hair and beard, stepped inside, 011i'd Y011 -would you let ind QuCcit Alexandra. Is An Expert : 1, I . , , ,
,�.. iTito a , -, n -
V . t:��L 'I �.%�.Ar., -§m5d a ng ish, tablespoons grated horseradish E 1.'.q..�A*�;&d others have it, feTime his Pursuers must have'ridden hard followed byNosey Thompson, who stay 7" he stammered, and even his Mandolinist. I-4. 1.
V� Vdingtt o them one ta les oonful. root, one tablespoon vinegar, one- a has ,% proboscis like the f' Ileep fan could not hide the color
, - - ��, bu er I 0 " 6-6jards ait for no man." There for hours to get -iight of him. With amous .
� one tablespoonful of quarter teaspoon salt, I ' I
� .- . i
ne teaspoonful of salt, and cayenne. four tablespoons heavy n .e skins of badgers not yet a n I men � 1,
I flour, o I few grains is sftb,4an,oae, proverb, "Donit, the cavern waiting for him down Duke of Wellington's, only longer. in his face. Fem People outside her family .
I ill
I d- 'cream. 'Mix first four ingrediects caught," This, of course, corres- It was tame, almost ridiculous, and they all held revolvers in thaii ad him. "You'll find some dry that Queen .i
I a dash of pepper. Place the rofle 0 u th valley, he had -nothi g to fear. BaJaind them were two other "I reckon I would," she, iDform- -and her most intimate friends knew .
I until. the other clay ;
� out crust over these iagredients, aind add cream beaten stiff-. Tanis in a box in the far I �
but do not have it quite cover the I ponds to the familiar English say- though his Pursuers must be in hands. The fifth rider. stood at 'a cIOtheS Oi Alexandra is an -expert mandolin-
� �, , di,,h, leavi g a space of about an .`
.,J� . I 1 i . Her tutor, Signor Leopold t
� - , . — ing, "Don't count your chickens deadlyearnest to have fitilok to his distance, holding the horses. room. He Was just your size, but lat
�11` .11, . I n LIME WATE R',. before they are, hatched." � trail with sucIT clogged tenacity. "You kin put your hands up , . Francia, ba,s now told how he first
. . . Boy not ,,'good-looking." I
�, reek- " Give over I I I - met his royal pupil in 1895, when
� , inch all the way round. Bake the The Japanese saying, "Men� Tell minutes later Boy Jimdash- Jim," said Ginger Dick. "I ) ' she gasped a mill
� . . - J ".
1� 1. �pie slowly About forty minutes. A more general be was � ,A� -
I ,. i calion, and, keeping to on wo got you this time." -4
� I . . I � -ing it from. water during hot -weather is much ble," is the -equivalent of the Elig- the -right of the stream, emerged The woman Stepped between . 1, Ladies' 4 11 !*:-�'ILJ
, Five minutes before tal use of lima come to God when theS1 are in trou- a lite later. "You'll have me as -wet- lited director of the
, . �, as Yourself, Jim." I Mapnodiolin and Guitar Band
� .1 . � the even add half a cupful -each Of to 'be desired. It can he made at lish ,a& nto the valley beyond at an in- them, and. Putting liar bands 'on . nd, Z,.� �� .
�, . I -hot water and thick swe ying, "Some are atheists on- i I Ife laughed joyously, A lift- Orchestra. � t, L �
et cream. home and costs but little. Lay a ly in fair weather." Tho Japanese creased speed. The turf I -it the Spa,%) - I I
� , between her hips. looked kor ing. her in his arms, carried ber iw- 'Uis organization consisted of .
4 I . Pink Shoes sixty of the most highly born -wom- ' .1'r
1� I . . I � Of ham always accom- lump of quicklime as big as the proverb, "Work On festive days the river ,and the ,foot of the hill with flashing eves. to the Shanty' to attend to the I
i . panied this perfect diab. two fists in a graniteware pitcher' And pay for medicilies," ridicules was verdant and flat, offering a "You got rea hair," she remark- child, � ell in England, "
� I . . I inclu�ling Queen
1. I . I I( I
� I . . or bowl, pour over it two quarts of those who -are always. lacking in splendid stretch..of easy going for ed I sticking out 01 the ugliest That was Boy Jim's last theft. Alexandra, tlien of course Princess .,4,
; ,. � I I.. 1 cold water, stir with z wooden the useful qualities of head I ever seen, blit it's real Ro owns many horses i -, �. ;
: .1, . . diligence a final burst, . and niuch of Wales, For throe or fol: r goner-
" 1. PINEAPPLE. spoon, and lot it dtand six hours. andtemperanc,e, ,and who therefore A bend brought him in sight of a pretty compared with your check. cattle himself now, As well as & ations in succession Signor Fr . anci �
I � la i
. I Stramberry And Pineapple Short- Strkin the liquid through a, double must pay the usual penalty. .Asim- cow placidly grazing half a, mile How dare you open my door With- a family, and his wife declaies used to go every summer to Ken- I 1�
, , . 'arg I I
I "ickness of cheese -cloth without ilar, proverb is, "Lazyboots Work- ahead, And, beyond that, with & out knocking?" . . premarital courtships are a, 1-13, I
. cake---Zaka three -quarts of berries, It" . . th,at sin ton Palace or to Bridgewater I 14� ,
� I "You'll excuse me marm. " -,aid 1111 House, Lady Ellesmere's house in
�, ,two large cups of sugar. Chop. disturbing the sediment of lime Ing on a lioliday-" I thin wreath of smoke floating out stake, inasmuch as ber husl?and . . . L �
,� ,be ries and sugar together, let I Put in bottles And cork tight � be: Kyoto is the ancient capital of of an iron chimney, stood a wood- Ginger firmly, "but Y'OU)re liar�or- has been courting her ,over since. St. Jamos's. Queen Margherita of : 1. I
� . r I fore using ing a hoss thief, and w . Italy, an expert mandolinist, had
�, stand an hour. Dice a p ltewpDle� , pour ou half an inc� o; Japan, but its people do not feel on shanty of considerable size. -a -ain't stand- . ---.)P---- 1 4� _t�
", , i � tile top iff it has stood any 1-mgLil exactly complimented wnen those The valley was* inhabited. ing'on ceremony with .him." 1� I I set. the fashion for this instrument . , .
, , sugar it, -and . IndirViant Caller-llyo.ur pa
� 11 . - let stand an gjuri of time. s say, "The most A woman came,out of the build- "You're -telling lias!" replied -the per, and from Rome, X,iples and Milan
�', then,put berr�,es and pineapple to- Sir, refers to the 'man charged with the fashion spread to England.
� Lime Water is good to rinse bot- plentiful things in Kyoto are wom- ing., holding ,a .child by the hand. woman. "I. sent for him. He'd entering my house as 'tile alleged "Queen Alexandra,- a 0
I gether. Have Iwo nice Shortcake, I tie ' nd temples." It is true, nev� She caught sight of the rider, and, have come back to -night," 1. . ays Signor
. doughs baked and spread thickly I - Pitchers and pans tbat I.ve ell a diamond thief."' Editor -."Well, Francia, "ha,d rare musical Attain- .
with. mixture. Serve with either held milk. ertheles.a. Then there. is another deserting the child for a moment, The four men lookea at her and Sir V' I. a --( Well, I want A, (in to ments :
. I . She, played both piano and ''I
h i saying, "Girls from Kyoto�; men ran ahead and tried to chase s6m fidgeted uneasily. They were all uuderstand*tha't I had no alleged guitar with ireat skill I and feeling I". � ,; :
� -1 I whi, To Sweeten drains and I Jleach c, uj -a .t.,
pPod cream or plain cream. 'murk left when stronger alkalies from the East." The implication chickens towards the but, ,evident- troubled with the inbred courtesy Prolniscs: tliey and her knowledge of harmony and ' . :
This will serve twelv� people, I diamonds 11
I on my I f I
Are no girls in Japan ly thinking they might be trampled and respect for women Which is were ,111 . , L
I apple. -As the ,pilia- quite so lovely as thos6 from Ky- upon. The youngster, left at, )ib- ,characteristic of 'the rancher. genuinc." counterpoint was remarkable. Sb,3 . ",
" I I Canning Pine, laave failed. . is that there "
. � . I Apple season Approaches m&ny a From, a teaspoon to a abl�tp-)on- ----- has wri,,ien several compositions .of 1 ,� J
. ful in a glass of milk w,II ill * Oto, and that no men are so gal- erty, took off a soft, cap, and dart- ,"We're sorryj marm," int-prpos- I I I �'!
housekeeper v�oulQ like to preserve � . . . .,. , , "� rettl beauty. One of these, A . I ,t�.
� '. , e-" , � ( , � I
I . - .
I ., ignor- I kind heart, but that story �vohlt � I I
� , . capital, being fly, got very nea the edge of the a
1, I this d6lightful fruit, but art I acceptable to delicate " k0 it lant as those fropi eastern Jap�p, Ing in a zig-zag line after A, butter- ad Nosey Thompson. "You've got .., Z
� .. I Etom"'18- Toklo, the moderl , 1 � ki g� wodding March,' for piano and
I ..X I I r
" ant of a sure mo I especially where there i,4 ac I 0 , 51 -',,A -
I thod of ,..,,,,.,,,,. 14'ty- the ceitre of the section. - Wash." . . IS 2, �, mandolin, was played. at the inar- .
� -, — , , , �
� . ,,,, ,�;11171, - "t I
7 Lime water is good for.a mouth . ,,p N I
.q I I If the follom,ing rules are adieradl , I 'The reign of a wife and the blast The woman oyed him scornfully, . " 4�� riage of Lady Deatrica Egerton and
" in per , " ,
- , .40 1 k4x . Mr. Kerap. 1. I
ter te, however, things'are "If you could see as far -as the end *J� V, 11L ,,Al
much qhanged, through tho influx 'k-11, , v I ,�
NJ- � ...
I I Sweet oil make 1 -lie vory I,cst doubtedly be understood by mere of your nose," *be, remarked in a, ,aq, 11 I "She appeared several times on ... 11
1 lect mature but pe ns and scalds and of modern civilization, I 9 :" I .. . V
. -1 . I man of ovary nationality 4 Q, r, ,,, .. S the concert platform with mandol- �
-1 * - I anr of the northerly wind," will un- in
- to, Pineapple may ),-,v serve( w -I'm Equal parts of -lime wa ent. . Of la
� foot, condition all next winter: So- r(knedy gor bur " �"" .
, � rf�,ctly sou.,ld biting tone, "you'd notice this child I . 11 -y"'I'll"
� fruit, I e g , VVII . in thisday a aid of Tokio people . - 1 -11N7 ", ... . . I
1) II ,-lot be forgotten when (.lice "M
-emove eyes .Vvith , . of the militant suffragette. "Fire It 'a 'so' s' Silting here wet through." - wwr �- ill' O I
� She -, zp� r guitar, Only & few ladi
- .
� I I aciss-urs - u So d, . that, they "never spend mone- kept " ,-,.;;;- I, � , ,*, �� . ,�
I land poe.l'with a silver 11-Mife. Cut and quarrel are flowers of Tokio," t1i swung round sideways, so that they �11�e � M .. "I � .thecOurt alld her tutor were in the
� � . into slices one-thiect, of an inell, in — is difficult of comprehen8i I On. to over night,", This means thA UY might see the man behind her He N, A 1.�e Secret.- When sheappeared on the ,'!I �',
� I ARO . never keep their money over nigh I , .1 -.."�. . I
, .. I - - -1'. �:, �,:,
thickri ,"a. Place in .layers in a , UND THE HOTTSP,I. Westerr, people, but. in a 'WO pi was .standing in a pool Of water - platform she dressed like tb(,, other �i.',!�
� I oden �,
� . and this indifference to -money is ?1:
I A'
I � I p built dit? like Tokio, fires occur in �� inembers of tlio Ladies' Orebostra, A
� layer sprinkle a tablespoonful of beA,11 used for some time get rl freqt,entl , y and make a splendid & a CC a . In a black costu.me r . If"
! Over each Sit -re -P teaspoons that lave not still the pride, of the born Tokioite, "Look at him!" h cri 1. "Thi I elieved by , a, ".
, orcelain lined vessel. Which had trickled fro his clothes. -
� 1(thty . I There are'llundrods Of other pro- horse thief; as you call him, Was ", 1� I .- I I ,
. granulated sugar, Continue, uiltil and $0 give a, peculiar flavor. Tbi 'display. erbs quite as apt as many of those 0 nf,'V,e�,, " $. sash of red, black and yellow if she I ... I
, I vessel 'Is half full. P�c)ilr in (Inc . a Not necessarily in,differept to v being obasod. 'His only chance was 0. 'I'l I played the guitar. J�'o on could , I �
essentially Western, Be it said, "
11 1� . ypuV;, ng a I L. 3X p others' Sufferings, tile Poo le, of to keep on riding, but he stops to ; /� I detect her. identity, an ah-coalway . a I
i can be prevented b -
cupful of boiJin,4 ,,v6tcr, covor'; �Jf itigar into the P " .... , �-.:4 1 1.�� I "
. I
)lice on f -okio have become so ,accustomed learn on,e, e've r fetch my little 'un outer the water. . appearecl in the programille; under .., I
� I Ire. and bring slomoy to � aWaly" - pot be I fore . putt � ing T however,'that if the Japanese , " 11 I I I I ,�
I ' " I I to ,joke . ad that credited to iQn't .stop to' take his gun -off ey- �, V �� I - , , , the name of Countess Gage.',' � � --� � 111
'ring so that-, -each slice is I In Init-ting a -way furs. or w6olen Spain, "Never do to -day .what you �'. I
�., , . boil, stil are able I , . . , " � ".P.,4.'� . .� : ". . � I I I ,,,
I . evonly hcate,d . Boil for,fi , ' about it. They are proud that ihey * 6f c'n so's he could shoot. Think he'd " � " I ----�-q... .1111. '. M
. I ai an put f to the mor.row," they . I I I
� VC lutri-feldthes "r -and dust thoroughly, can look upon fi s flow- e ha' done that if he � 1
� 1.1tes. � Thoron hly ste was, runnin' I I 1
t's rili/c glass have very carefully forgotten it.' I I The r�unte ,
00TI sPrinkle PlontiEuIlY with com. ory display. Again, ,they are quick away V . I . r Oh I I bog your par- A man seldom wor�s overtime in
� " boiling, Ynon table a . .
'i , ' Jars, lids, and rubbut with I An ancient Japanosb �roverb b ad d r an. -effort to make hi,i wife happy.,
I I - I
'.� %? I alt. Wrap in news- empored and not ashamed to dis. it, 'Wevei, trust a woman, even if Nosey Thompson licked. his 'lips The I .
� I I � pnprr Pnd.you will not be troubled Nativ,B-Xo harm done, "
ater, Dip tbc, pilloapple, ."Ito flit, I t. I On. I mistook you fo a dc�pr. . I �
� Calls and fill to t I close that trait upon the slightest borne. you seven 6114I )) and drew the back'Of his free hand. in Klixious Pare:n I;— "D octor', ' Iny'' I
arrels are . an I across his mouth, while Ginger on I'd a bill Sa.fo J,eh%LLC,141 ter avpears to be -oilig blind, ' ,
80 cOm- The Japanese are discarding thi$ )ugh it ye'd raistoolt ., a I
-ricoll years and found it a j�erfeet mon that they often serve as still stared a,t the womom and their i)vis on� hie for & "and she is 'bout to bop'marrieV'
juice. � Slij,) 3,11libars ull and scrow 1 r Qu
) -tile top 1vitb tile I wiih tnotbs,. I have used this for provocation. she has i0ter, I reek
1- / on the lids tightly. After elaib',f saccoas. The salt will not injure another kird of public on proverb, owin to Western influ- onev A, face ox ressing do " barn door. -Life. I . - �
�, . F ;1 ------_-_-_-__-__-__-----=-" to I 6 with I P , , I I 'Doct,oy- I "Let fibi, go right on with. ' I �
, I
i I
I ally
I dd
A . " "'
b ki .
b I "
'(1 I ,I.
, --,
o I I "J I
I ,1
" "I
1, " - ,
11 If �
P, I I I . . I I . I I . rt4in- 6co. I thouslit, : . op � - the wedding% R anything can'Opoll ,� ��
. � 11 I .. I I . � , � I 1. . . - ED. 0 . � lslita; '36, 24-� il- I I * I 1. � I .,
l I . i . 4 . . . I 1. I . � I .1 I I I . . � . I I V . I � I I . I � I I 'liar eyes, illarrin.ps will." 1, I I ,� 'i
,",� I . I 11 I .1 � . . �. I . 11 I ,�. k". , . � I I : I
1�, I � . I . , . � � . . , , 11 . � � . I . I . I 4 I .
, , I I I I � I . I � ,- " - � 7 I . . . I
I, , I . . I � � . � / . I . I , I., , I 11 I . � I -1 � � I � . ; . � I I . � .
I I I . I - . 1. I 'il . I ,� 1� I . . . I 1. � I." ., . i " I I I . . I . . I I � . . .; i �: I . I
-,��, � W , 1 4 1 - , . � I ,� I I tl'..� I , , � "I � ,� 41. I ,� � 1. I I I �, �, , � - . . I I . � . . ,l ,�
I I I 1, I I . I I .�! ,
� � --- ., - I., I J I .., � , I � 4r - � ,, J., � I—' � , ., L -1 �., ,:: 46&ii I ili� - I - ;-$ 1 � � , I I I . I I 11 � I . . I I I � i
1. �, -110 I I J I /', � 1, 1, � "I- �' .,
� : ,oe ) I , � .." , I ., � , I 1, I . I - 21 " I I �,!�
I I � I 1�' ' ,4 � , I
----- I .1 � I ,� � . - - .., � .1 � I , " , , ", � V " wmw� . 1 I
- � -1 I . � �� 11 "LL `�"` , , , . : ' 1", .. I ,_, `-.- 'm - --L--,-. - .- , -- ", I
-6- � , 1 � � - ---��',',L'1,111 11 , s , o I.. I . . I I I , ,:,,.�,,, . ; , : � " 1
OWN6 ..�I.I.-IZ. .. 41, "�":::':'� ii* 11040.01�.,�. -