Exeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 12SX-STER TIMMS.!,
Wt U06;L44%—The follQwl1n; T 's 'hiillp �,tk vistted 11a q London. Oil Dental Office,$ Closed*
... 4+ +++,#+#+ +++#+++*+++#+++#*++ r �r n
z, 1i
��o is ixet
"t poxt of 4
m�tedL 'up, �o %Tu&xl�l 15111. ur, llex� samuox� pf Hlzhgate� is U:tadlyr take TAOttoe kbat m 0, 00.1-414
Wheat iil "town. ils oloored every Wi�41nesfty arfoincom
n 6-3. DIA. ROUVISTQW, 4
'W, A plvt outivi Mv to '30 C Mr. London.. of London was in
Barley 50 to `5 cvDW, towil'. week.
cat t5 to W coats .MING NOTICE
'tfr. Thos. 18%iroot has boon laid up
ease remernber that my Dental
70 to 75 geWs. ad Cold. office is closed ever We4aesday'after-.
Brau $20A
HONE 16, 1+ )];.�.sa Lula iq nrouxld agala nova, _DU. XXX01A X,
after ft�x severo illacas.
Model Flour $2.40 .1
Feed f lour $1.4.4 Mr. Soe, Zammers, or ToroVto, was
1 -4 g Z.i 10
Just ft few 'items from the many big i eetzu�. in town. Tuesday oil business.
l3utto." :1 colato. -W. 0 The Plaoe-Where QOQC'r
7 Be v.� 1). ctlfln�q ti, in Stratford
Ntatoea 05 teeut�l, tWs wook atto:adiri,V Oat i$ynod. Clothes Come F rom
values offered this week, Remember 1J., r V10.
11or-S 1�lVe "ve;7,ht 6,15 Mr. Sara. Pyin, (if Usborne. ivisib
I i 610 Lo 6,25 !to d, at. day.
F Mr. Tboa, Cainilrs Sun
everything we.sel.1 is strictly reliable 011Q= export itceirt Mr. Tbos. Prookis is beautIfyi:nz his
tiewuni export rkoetvs 5,80 to 5.00
'0�tl 0ho'ce butchers heifers 5,76,6.00 r e.!�adchcn by ia- fretsh coat *Of paiat.
and thorough y dependable, Your _AO]um butchers heifers 0.60-5,755 The mernbers of Compaxi� Z %vill
Obacro butolvers eolvs 5.00 to 5.25 "o Lo canip at Godertch next Alonday. UMMOF
�)rediuw,Euboliorq cow�
money ref unded for any just cause, 'S. 4.50 to 4.75, t5 Mr., Wrn. Lovett is havin.; the ma-'
Colpnion-icowq 4.00 to 4,75
tor`iat pult oil the ivround for Ills new
Q4olQe lanibs 6.50 to 6-15
Leo 4.25 to 4.50
Sprn_ ILmb�q $4.00 to $,0.00 each. Mr. hild ,Mrs. 0, Hava�and Mrs,
+ Hays tame over hi t eir auto oii 'Fri -
y last.
White Lawn b f6
& Light Suits r
Mr. aild Mrs. W. Tapp vigited Biri
Underskirts, ILN
nbd Mrs. Spearin. in St. Mayrs over
Poultr suaday. 1. 11 1� Hot Weather
Two 4ecials. y 1,1r. Harry 11owe was in London on
The seams are all evening of Ju Sunday. Mr& Rowe is ProZrossiri6r
4, Up to the ne 22ad we favorably. Prices $12 up
double sewn. The 41 will pay in trade for live poultry t I be
following: lNTri4oh1n,DIguan i�,k going 1-o build
garments are, out new brick houser oil �,lttl nel Trouser -
V Old Fowl ............... Ile per pound a n 6 C. next Flan
right for the pre -
Spring Chicks (1911 hatch) 26c
Xr,,�. Robt. 'Swee't after a Plc,�,rxsantl ings in, the new .
vailing . style of Ducklings ... 1.50 1
0 is v6sit her,- retmx�hcd Lo lw-r home ill
Or* Ducks ...... 12c
dress. It has dust Turkeys ....... Climton �Jotiday. designs,
smart youri; man 'to
frill and outer frill
4, Chicks to be 3 lb. to the pair. learn the Ensmithing and plumbing
of wide enibroid- Ducklings 7
One cent per lb. ILss for cash. _W. 'J.Heamam
ery, trimmed with The bfiages Xroffii' of 'the Contra!
Watch this space every week for
a*endcd dacir couziiA wedding at W. Tamao
fine insertion to prices.
oshwaod) lw�t week.
*# Val.!
match. Very spec- Jones & may "Mr. Clarence Duplan,.c"f Cent a, The Nifty Man's
assisted at tile service iji tile riilvii3h
0 ial at $1.25 and Tailor
Clitirch 8uluday everring.
Several) Tiom'tow'a werl't it, Grand,,
-RA4d last Saturday aild caugh't over
# 400 huii1dred fish off the, dook.
4; '.Bev. 0. W. eh,'cl Mrs. Baler and li!t-
VO,0000#41 tio The Glorious Twelf th
White Waists I Fancy Parasols We*;t Lorn*1. are vis -
40 # iting Ur. anA Mrs, E. Follilck.
40 .11;tndsome new waists, the To match any dress, Some Mr, ;,. N_
I �S. Powell visited in Dryansitan
4' designs are new and valnes Very.pretty ones to choose IN-Pag,' Dorothy Tremie MallZft.--daugh 0V
4* over Suriday.
good enough to call special— from in Embroidered Linen— Mr. Fred Manus, of 1-tonsall visited, r, of ' Mr. W. J. Mallett 69 vi;giraarg
Mi. "and -Mrs. Humble. of Sarn:5%
at $1, 25. $1,00, $1.50, $2.25. 4 in Town Manday. )1r. 'T
3tiss Fraser of Clandboyc is vialtlziz cy:Gillles left Ibis week for
Owert Sound where lie bas secured a
Ur. and Mr. W. F razer of �olwn,
Hosiery Zood pozltion in a lumber cam
* Mrs, Mcouatg. of Schribe, �vas tile p
Gloves *0 The r'SQat� Huron Farmers X1181tftiltre
In all colors in both Plain guest, of Miss Robb on Saturday last.
Lung gloves will be scarce and Lace, Ask to see Pen- have dieia,,d.cd that Itbay -will not run
Mrs. A. Eva-,,brs. of London, visited j., 1.
Do e le
0, In orde the, gestPIANO
, - r 6 osql ve this prol3lem. we, are offerrin g 3 g t +
aud,S4 WING MACHINE BARGAINS that Were ever o ered.
A Beautiful Upright PlanoLovis D es 'gn
F inished in hiahogapy, Manufactured in the most up-to-date #
ii factory in, Canada, Equipped with the best German felt and wive *
Which. willretain. a mellow tone for an indefinite period. The trusses t�
and pilasters are carved out of solid mahogany au4the piano is guar -
Or :xuteed for art unlimited time.
The regulgr Price. but we are
-350,offering it for
of this piano is $P $247
t with Stool, Scarf anA Freo Delivery.
Positively only one at (bis price
A Cabinet Sewing Alachine
Finished in Quarter CA Oak, a full sai of attachments and gaaran-.
teed for 10 years.'. This machine is manufactured b
t�,r tile Raymond
40 M�g.Co,. of Ouelph and we, recomend it to you as , best. Re ular
4, price of Which is. $35,00.
Sale Price $22.75
MAI delay come in at once asthese are
dollar for dollar values. A slightly u . sed Bell
piano, for,$i5o. also a, Bell, organ taken in ex-
change for- a piano, Price $50-
relephone 3 Exeter
4 -
e US114 VX011113�011 �to kxueipn this
this season. We can supply maWs Guaranteed Hose. It '*w Ur. and TArs. Win. Treble over Sun- year.
your wants in White, Brown comes in all colors -35a or 3 day. + +
*0 or Black at 450c, 75c and $1.00 for $1.00. Lqndon. Avill
Mrs. Dfiekson' 'of Parkhill visilfAA + +
her sister. 11r;. Chas.,. G-91ey.-'i-a4 hold. coInfirination in the +
chyrch 'on the 'Suaay morrr,'r�g of X1,0111610 600 iGh I JUNE
week. or I +
muslins # k Juine 25tb. 01
ps Shoe-ve. 1of LaUsirig, +
Rep The Prettiest and Healthist T +
Several es of pretty +,6 Agich., 1p vigz�tiai_:, 1xis ii;idthcr Mrs. Messrs. Thordfon. Baker and Dan in Canada. +
in almost every shade pille- * &. I '.
cross bar floral Muslins, very Hartleib wont to Sarnia last Friday
$' ' Sheere. C + BRIDES
This is a very table for Saeques and-- Mr. 113aker br4nging back au- A Short Processiom
* t Mr. Frank Woods is imp 6ving the tomobjile. for Ills li'very. Attractive Special Prizes.' +
popu sm +
Re r
SP�c!§!- at 0
lar cloth this season. gu- Girls' Dresses, +
lar 25c. to clear at per yd, 20c appeara-nee oli'h's r_-.5idancv, by a large Are you married? Before making your
per yd, I21c. 1�� ur-
Mr.'Geo, Y�dge, of London, Mr. and pure $
verarydah. Mrs. F� A., Mad�e and daughl;or, of Good Speakers + I chases for the Bride be'
Mi6s Viiia F hilwr of Hamilton is X-oblesvOle. Special trains and rates, to call and examine our +
White Skirt.,,z--l" d., called on. relatlycri ee L + Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
vi",ettin -.- reta:tivo� and Errchda.!im, and ai;,d friends in town. Afonday. S iIISL an(] circulars for full partic- + Stock of +
I- Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks +
kirts are very sitylisb. aroaliod r ulars. A Great Big Day at. a Small + Soup Spoone, Pie Knives,
These s ey are made of fine 'Vene- 'Leon Palmer is in "the Lon- Durin',g1be Niond 4torm on 8anday Price.. + +
tlr4n Cotton, which, is easily I&XWVried. Price $1.75, Alastoo the new barn' of Mr. G., Joynt"s at Jos. McNEVIN, A. Al. TODD. + Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Watches +
Knives and Forks, $ * L,
I aridergolng� treatment : -V�- +
4, dau. Hdspita Hensall,was moved par�ly off' Ithe, +
for car trouble. and 'the wull was badly Secretary Chairman + Fish Servers, Carving Sets,
Bloscrs.8. Mattih and, Son last week 01,40k0d. +
their runkibotrt airto to Mr,, and Mrs. Humble from 8a ai thiA + Wedding Rings
dirsuosed of r I Mr.! R. Seldon was in Toronto +
F( ad Girls. They are cheap, cool and comfort- _in, of toWDL +L Diamonds, Cul '
Mr. X6,bla. A. Hank -Mr. Wid atrs. Ni.ahols 1rom Adelaid �ireek oin boiness. +
We' +
e and $1.00,
r -O All Sizes, at 75c 85 11 e Bryon 'Snell, of Kirkton will aiid 1rZ�-s- Llizeie Firilrbelftior, of Lon- Messrs. S. M�rtrirt and Wlb. w-�re Big Stock to choose ffom
preach in Jampast. church ii-pret Sau- doa�Laft'��Xt'Ld the funeraf of ZEss In London on 'Tuesday. Glass, Silver= i
I g and ovenlpig� Bertlid PIxi
day both mornm kbelner on Sunday.
Mr Thos. Kerzliok returnod, itionle +
This store closes every Thursday Mr. Thoilln'torl 13aker, has added Mrs. 1&. + ware, P i) u*w; - - -
an- -Pyni.. of Carrievale, 5"k.. from the wedt'an Monday.
other aido to bils 'livery baxb� The w�o was ,called to Detroit, owling to Mr.. Thos. Carling Js trimining thf" + quiest. quality and lowest pricas making this +
I afternoon at one o'clock during July 4- Which consists of the +
0- second orte dsa McLaughlfifn.�Bnik. ihe` death of her brother -m -law, vis- trea4 in froiA of his property. �t place to buy
4 :ted friends and rclativcs ir. this V.I. + -the bei
+ ; Mr,' r, . W. Gladma;L is in To.rointo week ay and Alliss Irene 11and- + Repa ce.
4 4P, V ^ '0,n1jy. Mr._ W. M tring done on theshortest noti
and August. this, week dftondin� the Ritih Court +
ford spent Sunday in Dfftchell. +
0 oL the Cer4adjan. 0i2ler of Forrels1ters, Mr. nnd Mrs, Bence.. and dan ghter.
'01* Mrs. Boyloy. of London, (i-ee,lUss
INIrs Jarmain and *family 'of London of Buffalo; Mr. McKee. of Windsor; ftr�. L +
May Pearsb`!V is visiting _dS '111 +
HONEY, EGGS AND BUT"I"ER WAN'f ED are: vij�sjaniz -1tre and ,Mr. Thos. R. Je-016all, of Port, A. Marchand
s. F. W.Gladman Mr and around town. +
Jarmalue spent !Sunday ,irith, thern. Huron imftended -the funeral of the +
Mr. Joseph Equior let Friday for +
It AlessersTom Case and John Mark. gate Mrs. ILGIdley on Wedzici:iday. , + +
W. Preston Springs where lie will Lin- Jewler and Optician
ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED "I* ham 'Were ih Stratford this week 9t- New Passenger A.ato-09niperl and +
41 te�iidjiq phe.synod of 'the Dioceze of others who are in the he bit der;o treatment !or rhaumatism Eketer Ont. +
lifas Flossie Coward who has been +
4, os spei3d
Huroiit. InZ their Lolidays at thc poilular sum. worlizio; in. St. 'Thomas xertur,_,ed cc +
Mr. Mack Vincen.1 has:cb�ngcrnen%s met resort of Grwnd Rartd, -aing .by her home in Winchel-sca L last -melek. + .................................. 4% ........ .
So"'OTOmWART 0 Cor FOx vVtor[tainments ]oil )Vatei,loo, way of Exet�r. will Cthis ycl�r hiiv.
Co. Ile has already Z,lvep four with- the pleasure o fmak-1-ng 'the trip by Mr. Jno. Gillespie. jr.. is olf duty
lii.'tbt, paEft,month. auto -as Mr. 11. Gu eL11,J,]1cr this -weekowing to Lllneiss. Mr. John
%yood has purcha�cd ;i iie of Daah- Pharltol-x is Itakirig blis plaice or. the
Mr. d.od. Mrs. [Slim.on Campbell. of w auto truck dray.
Usbowe left ItWis'--week fox the Nves� that will. accommodnix over twenty
pas��qiers besides I carry a lot o 'TUr 1) i0'can Snider, of tho Lake
r Dasliwobd. Jis in. L'o-ndan
aild othe frilends. ba�qage. The larig drive from Ex- Road' Men Powell'S B a z at a, r
fisa,�re- Hoisl,oi,tali iindargoinz I
On T i: etell to (he Bend bas been, a d" -di I ' " _, ai oprration for
Lesday evening of n�-xt 'weeic ab!(, feat.uro 'to some of th;�; apperl 116tis.,
'AtissiMcKenzie orf .01andboye. will ad- eaMPori who take,in Gr -and Bend ev- J. Druce returricil to Lon . des -
dress Ithe Epworlth Leaigua of 'the
lk T Pry year. hut tha �ncw serv:'�'C Will 'borough last week, a'ter spemiffiq the
if T Cwf Mein 'St. Melthodilst church.
0 D =1 the tl'uie about in two and will p;3st rew months with her slabexl6o, Weddinj Specials This Week
E -11h 4 Afevsrs. A. IlastLngs and 1�r. Tylkir- inalce fh(, Iiib .11 .11lev'surc. Rd. Brurphy�
U3 JLJ&Elm
A MO E IA A wl ray were elected delegats to the AV19s Fotherl,h%kharn who has been GrassW.ater Sets 65c to $3.00 Fine White Tissue Paper
Grand Lodge 11. 0. 0. F. to be field evoijilig la.5t
in Mejax-a Falls in August. . ecit- r,,,'rc Chick- Week-, teabtd th,�, iij a.�terldaneo upon Illas Rosie Lam- Pretty Parlor Lamps Wedding Cake Boxes for
Mr. . Roblas I ter. frispedtor of, the Call, the wasl,,�rworlcs �ystum w1ith roap. port duria-Z be,r.rciectit Macias, return- $1.50 to $4,50 � mailing I , _I
Never caused half the Sensation that otit Ftock ad i^ lhollsao*� feet. of he,,. With tbe tank edi to Lofidon. Tuesday. Confetti Crepe Paper
an Life Ynsurance Co.. from. Head , �irlly Xull a stream, of water wa.% Mrs. (Dr. Snell) and two clifildran. Pretty Jardineers 25c to $3.25 Wed .. in Powder
aad Priceg are doing this season. Our purchases of O[Eco,. Toronto. (paid Mr. A.. nbo--i,7 90 reet with & seven- Nvho, have been viattlAg at the Jameb ding Parfumery
al viisilt las6' Wednesday. hair lad Bowls or Liquid
a person n ghtlis no/Z10i The ta-vt -was madti streelt. parsoinlage. re-turnod to it Pretty China Sa
Mr. Thos. Hazelivood ba;.s sold li�s 0'q.,,rth strbet and the water would home� in Ex9ex on Wedresday. 15C to Sweet Scented Soap for Bridal
esidence on North stree t
's L ide and Baek�
tine bri,,ok x I)la:T on Mr. flazalwood reaMence, Was Jean Tom. 4wigh!:cr of t la� coronation China 100 to 500 use, Hair Pads Si
a tcj Mijcha6l. Fle'tolier. of 'Usbortac, w I,:, lis, Barrettes, Bands Drestq-
an rb if* i1e. la, -A in 'the street. Xt �De,otoyjom. of i�odjvlch "ine fir_�;t PepperandSalt Shakers and Cowl 1 9 1
Mr. Fletcher will take popsessidn in thf,.q 4'P(iagee the stream even 9 f Chi- ink Combs and Brushes.
KITCHMN' 50 ININ L01 Room Was in her department of the Universi- hundreds of small piece o
Oetober� beyorn-d expeclWon and is suf Latest S tyles. Lowest Prices
W.; a Carrie Kkight� of 111deriton. to ireach any house or barn fiZibnt ty exams. Torointo. lvt�rininz the Ed- n a at very low prices.
I n t hc! wake xedal-
M. who last week graduated from BaELle reidonfal 'papts: When the systern ICULDERT—TAYL OR
* Creek. SaInettorlum. is nursing her 11, eXti,ndod to the N%ek streets Exel_ ` bult preltly -weddifnig took it Don' Cost Anything
v ;acraridmothe-r. Mrs. Ch&�, Kniiight. of 1--r will have cxecliorit fire p�-otec_ A upie.,
PARLOR- BEDROO MITES to see our assortment, so just step in any time and look roand,
place on Wednesday, June 14th, 0
town Airp, K�jikiht �!a 1A kx, very str- ton, the home; of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor,
ious�,colhdll; on Ifttle hopes being held i0en. 'theilir dawgbter . Itissf 4,ffilal
out for hor recovery. Strawberries Phonographs
Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders SEIVERE WINDSTORM SUNDAY Veartfwis imited in marriage to Mr.
The Bo r -1 of Manageolerk�, of Cavan Myrori, U. Culbert. of BA.dalph. Thle Fresh picked Strawberries, A Phonograph sounds good
above any others off6red to YOU and the Jlrosbyter`.�,n. Chiirch have given the A isevere witildgtorm -passdd ove,:r oerem6ny.'Was performed at 'tweiva grown bv S. Powell. sold in these,surniaer evenings, Let us
ediitrae't' ..'or a new p0pe organ 'Lo
th1s ipart 6,11 'Sunday afternoon last oliclock moon by Rev. Rd. -Hobbs in the 1418 SPECIAL WAX -LINED sell you one. Allsizes'and pric-
Organ: Co... of b
th $j
we ' -oak. 'id dild co", Werable damagethrc�uqbf. preise�tcc of 'the Immedidbe xaffl- full quart boxe& T001 like, es. Call us UP �one or
Prices are Clean out of Sight. ooj,,st Owlingg 'tothe VrOsburc Of out tbe colninu,Dir.y. Several tro-eg,' lt,iveis of 'the cotaltraeltirig parties. The these berries. Powell's Berries write. $19.50 to
other work 'the eoriltraot barinol% be w'ere blown over in town. A barn be- bride "d groom �vere tinatlbeind-f sold only at this store. I
completed Ull the lest ol the year., lo4slarto Mr. Xamas Prayne, of Us- e'd excent for 'two P.Ule.
We are pleased to tevrn that Alm. bortne. Avbi,ch had been mized ready xi-nz beav�rs � Aliii-ters Har -
I og. of Trfaa;gar-�strca t. Lon- for *a founidation. wns blown, over and old eiid Ross Bern xvcphow� 'OE
don, who underwcnt an opereron. on for's fot�nd'ation was olown over. the biVo. Thq, 'carried the rili-g in Graniteware
on are just received. Get. your
PC 0 W Amtkins Thursday of last w -eek fis very speed- Canigiderablo damage was doae� along a basket of irbi'te hyderninlZaa and Amoth
4, ily improving. Dr. . Weekos. lady tho lake Aho're and near Zurich. Na,'dc a-hafr fprng, The bridtk en-ered er big astortment of,Granitew
4 FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS sped!aTist, and an assistant. were V.11,rY 'Seaftirth.—A vlolent wind lin(I ritin the r,,tr:or on- the arm of 'ne� supply now, Xothing over 25o,
successful with 'the operatidm or stcrrri( passed over this town an. Sun- father and loolci-d vvry pretty drttpiald
9."N"r , i'vittlawd 1 11 1
Miss gary..Welsh' of Itha Lori- flay aftern,"n, caus'.ii-a- considcrabir, rr-.111 it! sl ", - � wifti. Try Our Lemn Powder
C &a"Road Xorth. who has been waiit- damage. A sootilou of' the racreadon ur(�11111 ov,.,rlvc�! nad She
Agency for Autornatic Hand Power Vaccum leane., + . I for making LENIONADE and LIDRON PIE. It's d(-,1'<,.ious, pure. And,
+ for rerit at 75 cents a day� Jo� on her for some time will soon I groulads' tonca was blown (lovvn ; w':n- c-�irr�ed �it.bri&l botluvi ol vr(�-Ini ros- wlibler-orne. 25c, in glass Jars, Fall directions with. - -4 h jar.
be able to re'to M, home. -dow I)aneg were smash�-.d !in. so-vort.0 (!s ii ud A% ot�, 'n b.,azit'ifitl watall -Ind
, ' ib�, � ) . It 11 1 1 .
at Loadon.,—Mrs. & Darryhill Stores., While in -filly hl�rXe -x �rt oin "I" ie.-frooln
Drop in often. New Bargains every d.
of Ldn,don and folor obildren' whose fralt tro'es ,ven� herark of. d caniit-(l NN'.0i hyder-
�n from two to twelve years bpa b,eliog, fn. the con n try I lit: A:(..D r )i ari;rea ;in.cl fi�ru,;. ATL(Ir ri)(1, 0(tt'LIM011Y
ages To
rtarroWly escaped death at an early W1113 oVoll tDON' '10'70'1`1" IV). 11.4, ;111,A g� was cervod, Phone 55
U7 torh.0 F05M-klk is moving bia .. 0 1 Willis PoWell, Proprietor.
hour Thursday last whorl lthtciik one stables ware. irpiroofed s-',Ios AVL,,rt-.c, Tho, bi-'Jl(� i%,w.; I lit, j,00i L101 1! imilly
1�11 , I � - "n I - .. N
MASIS 1AXOTT140 AT RXE-TER. bousebold.,effects.to lotv'n this week, oyed by damag6d'laud fruit 'trece ruined. The costly 41114 u,�Zorlll weddiri�' alosents
story frame cottage was dtstx
tire. -Air Berrylilll is an cxpre6smani stOrtil IV41,9 9 Lill
ccornpanied by vivid Vash i-nrludin.g, a,'Silver Inidding ,Os
e�4 of, lighining and bvayy 1w alitirch clwlt
Xor the disicassioni AIr, Xamos MeElrea. of *codham Who %V rks at migEt an;Twhen hiq left f h under. gift or t
'of the prdpozad 11omprocilty Ya,Zrwa- ALlid, t brudebi,61d.-4 ierrifio whid%terni oLwbldh sbo hivi bveyi,A valued 6,velplug aP&
U re ahtly,pro he Xamlly roltired 'tban� w,*i, no � C!, I's T Oro- —A Oca6ficnary hea-Wt($. I,& 'the early
68A 04, ;0 in Moiifreal Yi t da6ts
held lnt4�31tr on' y Mign of fire . About 1,,loo a(,m. Culbey�(: loft Oft
'Monf IV'14'11 be , PrIda _Ntt;8, wa#d' here for half An hour Sunday bre, Mr.: li;114 Pe ake qqelf Lserr, through tne nikUtig. As wo have of -
In Jame's vI verV
Xune 23rd. 191(1. 1 tan U!ae for Vdfad areland bri. a VIT'Vrnx tv�l�rl ro 1, Toronto, pj�ak_ Stox ri.ou wilt im
I TT adsdc. f
tron" -ive- BerryhIll was awhkciilid by �zmok,! andl, arta-h6bil, Trees Of all lc,1116 kywy III tbd llghtniv.X
tredt *Church Libeida. Thia �nee,M'ib[; �o,' is taroi*s in County T3 8"1% �,trewft alov r 1TOands, '5c, orply kelt on ai,.(l ionching
hUlt, the flames having passed from 'the ro, c 11;:* alut t1w 7:110111�.and , the '20th, t ld 't Is
W, U labde Art, IrIcElre has been �In thm 2tst, and 22ud,, TWs 1�iiriod is t�t'th,c -Inspfring, but forltlke,
w,1111 be. addimost-d by !ton, chhtl� fride,fs f.raw'.11:,111 ,rava and rtwo
the r(, r t.o [ho fi,&t of -the. liora 0 ded wero also bAdly d"ll'14111 '19 n
Na av so Is ttee ill est I t &rfectly -harm-
KIng. Minldtor of Labor; at, cen'tre 0� Ilio. sunliner 1)arL ft is M
cOU"", W-neleen years, and is lmakin.� 'Thu -.yoma,ncc�i/ed. her baby and puzh� noys w�oro blown ofk houso$'_1 The fcll o'harle of. nianlfOStatiolla: leg, �ts mooz�b beau cif al 'to be-
-�V. Snflifft, X I?. of nor!ffi! Middle- h�15 first rAurth *isl t to Wits olA hoii3o, the alther di' tdresl abread of h; lit, n thall. and qreiit electrical
or and wheat crop was also sliqhdy (Ininaged, 01001 wi�gh it: to Imitch. 0
ake this period and In tilt th19 hold 4,nd, full. of,life and li-ealth teo
33b. laaa- tit of 'the Y1.01.190 0. mament Tbd fralt �rowers sud�!rvd eons1d.(!!V_ rotlifil. flit,
gqju�d ieLean� It, r� for lle �vlll visit rela!tIVos 7p 9 or two� 'kvill st!Wc! Oil th,�0, tini, will M nifty loort r.or tvhc ve,T -a well as 'to
111rot, 1,111y, invit- flarn Or Itlie n1grit-h We Ithiftilom. a
All, are cortl �rclaffid and Scotland. and '0ZP6tc9 to before the fird X`,Adheia 'Cho bcclr,)aw� ablY. Mvlin,g 1:0 many tipple aild o7theo 'irm ill WAIrlulpli, Their Itally
ed. eca ts, will); be it'verred fov the, bt! �,Jl ±;0hdon for the toronafao�h-, Mr. Berrylifll N well khtiwift in f,.- wylo" jrullfi' 'trN_,4 bcln� J;otal)y dest�-oy&l, 4rldpld4 will joill. Will' 'thO, 'Zme�, 1;n an cxecss Or lizhtnJng� all nrouria the all a',ftimatb Mo.. 1. J
Oxtc�iildjru� von�,ral till [1011q,