HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 11111iUP-111t, 111L MAIR, Ur Ll stre hus o r Ou � th a � I ,�, � 1 1 7.: 1 1 ��� � 1 WIWI? ��., Jq'I ,. %0"- m7lqulwl 1
. , I . I ' w "Wadw 4, 11 � ym�W,;T -1.1 I
, I . . ug I 11 11, I, - I ti$teft�, , , L I . FITN'TWIFMIAN the w Y, fio " ArAobi 1. ::::� "Ll". —
. et n"1111. Uo a�e t .0 . strea 8 f , If Ht Fu[Jul" '' , , � 4611 An w I' i In, : �
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: I t � bt X� 111111), rou " L 11 , . r- � � two,secrots whi h' are only in the . I . I - . Ii ��j —
, —
I the, land U ' I , I, i *
I �,� i "�'
I 0 t belioto of ,ever 0, 61 (I r,a, a G , I possopsion. of t " articular olas$, I t . . 1,
. , L, I 11 I , I I ruixied G '17, lef , U401.10" , :17 1'�'l
IT4 Inx OTTO I I I . .. . cities no"r T;�t I .. ,by,tho f3pado. :,�.,,,I
"� 80OW ' r". �1 I � 71
1 0 TUB PrOOLS Or THB, , owlq, oriminal, AD W ich the Indian 0 - S
L , 'r, �of 01
THE ALQJRr I N)� Prose, n N, A I I
, EX QbOer'V4400 of
MH F I I .. . .".
. I T I .1, I 9 U oy TjI Qj,.tr , CU$,to4,g,S, ,
,, They,
RAUABLIN ARBS 1, '0� I police have bee tr ing to discover I E �&,,, I = A DB ,,,, re h 4 s of civill L - ;,
: , " 1-1 , 11
I AL PER LEI It. � i I in I �, ;1
I Again ago anil the a .., I � The ple4ouro$ Of Uo Nrai"# , .;i;,�
pproa,ohing for many Years I Which 11� arobaeologist" I
. I
I — , cligsolutlou ropresont the , oupi. I . I Here, At last was .our obanee.- ' ROUTE I losses himself . ayo �_ A
S O -V TUB Iusw. . peru%ps rightly" PV4> Are 40, iho main refinod, They h � 3�
� . onic I . I . . unintor not' nia-47 kinds of ro4oatlon, 00"A. I
human tragedy, The greatest bait but, tryao we would, neither offers' estod. ' There ago fashions. . I
V;Uch Sdc,tis(s ... Experimen .1 I . � in archaeology juot as in drp.$p, vorsation is ppe at their Chief �A ".�,
It.- with whiq $ympathy of the P d In Iand -huge reW41& . 1. . . �
I Al the devil em � e plo With of free pardo ' �
, ,
1, I$ , t , ptecl the I � � A Una Over which , upt JOYMOUbs. Althou t ' 4 � largo )pro. '
liar. on Iffors , with religious in the o1cl, ,days was the . nor any. other kinia of 4 lyl � "
. � I , viewto. I Criminals 90es Their Work ,persuasion - erlQuo A DRAP�IAXIDI. I'� ", _ . ,� I . I �
0 � I an noitboi ro#A, I
.. I 8 I I 'Veil - veat dams, 'to I think' 'Wo, Must call then% L
� � Promise -of restoreA youth. so, the I would in4luce them, to part with the . , portion of tboln 0 ,
e . , 17 . o I
- curl g, serum, - Has" Runo for Mal Whence ,cant . the loor.'W'rZ
I . . . , I Faust, rich, famous and wen- : Dimoult. I coveted inform4tion, oo they Were, I . .1 so t . , . I z
From .th � . 1101� I � , all I .. � 1� these hilloof tomb4i, these s,paciouo an , _�
I , delfu , laments th4p.� absence of 1,4 I tried 444 sentenced ,to tran Centuries, . intellectual Peoples writes Mary I I
. I 0 rench , vetqinary - The Europe ,s- cities in a land ,which no . A, Co I 11
!, School portation, News 1 w W_ws � 14uhqun. 1 I. I I
,at AlfQr comes the',* an" Jewel that would enhance them 4,11 dian police are the, hardest worke I has at last arrived -of the literally I 1.
. i 401111cement th t, recent ex * —fresh youth to enjoy tlie )) , , d I dead, except. ia 6 few fay.� They are natural hngai&t I
I I I in. This progress of Admiral Sladg)a. Ady . ored .gpots.? what i, � . .1 s 0,44 ,.
� * , . po�rl- body of officials in the worl4, and )DODGING THE DAGGRR� � . ,. on since their count I .
, . . , . I s the secret of rY is inhabited.by
I ments with injeQ ion$ of radium in- the false power bas thoir duties, more particul . turous little expedition -it chase ,,of the region of thirst in which a 80 many differ 11 � I
I , . . e r." , . .
., "a 0
I ArlY in : Shortly aftor the trial, I was the Baluchi and Afghan gun -run- British expedition %they are. V . .
to the veins of 9 horses, have. led Before anything was known of the country and jungle ,districts, shot at twice in a, Most mysterio I . i's now March, peak ' ' ' Merent I I
" ,
eeding varied Andd - us . h I 'ILI
Y c0ueelv- are of an exq 1 ,064 "'d - �
I . if I t � I L 11 �
that this ,wonderful Is ed the restorer -of youth to be . manner, -without, however, 811f. ' d t� 5 I -, I I
tho professors in charge to believe the sciences Men naturall ners in Persian Mokran, says the ing I The tombs and the dams are "ge it iM. .
. London Tiz RImmon to �
, loment is. to 5' 'Me ficult nature, writes' art ex -inspect- foring any ,damage and letters ,. .nes. He left Bombay on more subjects Of ISP60ulation,though "a-ug"goo Who s=cel'y �Aowa hi$ , , I , , . :
become the,basis of a real elixir'of wondrous substance bidden in an I . I ril 7, with aemall force of Brit- they M&Y have been of, very early fi9d a ma� I . I
., obscure part of the wor or in London Answers I were found in r4y oi4co warning me. !hp bl � tight hand from his"Ieft whe can
life- An old horse into ae jug- liuhe!ackets, aind Bombay infant- Arab origin, QIi speaktwo . , ,,,
, who . I'cl And From the earliest i�orning until to leave the. district, if I would es- matic changes or three languages flu -4 , ''.1 I ,"L
. . Ight they are on the cape the dagger or the poison of his ee days later he had put have been at work, as in Central .ently; to,this nu � ''.
ular vein were injected four milli- closely uarded hy fearsome mon- far into the ni ry. . .rabor a, . I
pam m on two occasi I one ,sters._ fhe highest exploits of the alert, now. quelling brawls in o first landin party ashore,, ,and, Asia, man of any � . I
th, in and perhaps ,deforestation education 'whatever would, add two , .1 �
. . ;
. . I -ots, now in very common in India,. .and a site- ' . wl S elu� was a Contribut we or three, I I , I , ,
. ImmediatelY began to show signs of heroes were the recovery of these bazaars, or religious ri . y enewies, Such incidents are Wetrustbo '11hunt down hi' ory cause. All more, I I . I
. . � L
rejuvenation, - I I possssion's; yet, ratiom:ally ,enough, pursuit,of dacoits and cattle thieves sive quarry. There is a peculiar in� reallr�.kaow of the past i There is no caste am ' � .
Mel-r4a � * ,.
� ng any of, I I I
in the fortunes of art enter, is furnished in two .brief glimpses. of the rues A , , �, ,
` The animal became frisky -, golden ,apples or what- or probing apparently unfathom- cleared a dist some partiou- prise, in itself of no vital import- CYruse said to have invaded :rUdia s n of Wasir-i-Din, Shah's butler,- I I I 1 ��
. 4�1 _, took when th cessful detoctive,. after he has .0
-on flesh and was easily mistaken over they may have''been, accord.- able mysteries of daring robbed riot of 0 found in Persia. I I
. for a Still Young and valuable ani- ing to the various fables, were ro- leB lar, kind, of pests, has invariably to anee, which brings its into, contact through Mokran � a t h re. me his Prime Minister �� a pea4- i I I
.Zho and mur*der outrages., Then, after , I beca . 1. . . . I I
k for his removal to: a different with some of the earliest known turned 1IIY` ,seven men, 0 rst fay. 1,
as ave
. I Mal. Analysisof the blood wed covered, the poss,dssor invariably having passed the -d . ay in the' aLrdu_ with o' a d O' wat girl Once became th A .1
� V all increased proportion of strong violated some. proscription of the ous task of protectiiig the district, lest lie fall a, victim of events of Oriental history, A mys- though the whole ,statement is Orite of this same King's anderum, - . I I I
red- globules. The whole animal bestowing power, with the result 1 a '" some assassin, terious veil has always hung over dubious. I i I ,
, abiding citizens against the vast Much the_SaM4a ,Story is becatioe, she lifted her veil as the �
. I � �
I �, says Prof. Gabriel Petit, who con' that the effect was lost. Youth was As I was married, and accompan- the land of Mekran. Onceor twice told of Semiramis, if the Ixidy ever Ki was passing through' her na� .. , .
-ow in- . 0)
: � ducted the experim8itts, showed a never recovered. . I army of criminals, and trying to iod by my wife, I allowed myself to is has, been torn aside for a brief existed , which some are n . tilzgvillage and her bea,uty appeal- I . I
" bring the latter to book, they, .are b aga I I I I , ,�
"I" SUrPrising radio,activity, and the In the widdle, ages and the re- often called out to secure ab- . a,persua&4, and took charge' Of SPace, only. to be closed in for clined to doubt. The first real aP� ed to the royal fan,.cy. . I . � L I
I � blood revealed the presence of con- n6is"nee period the work of the sconding elephants, rutining riot a, station near the Afgiian front- centuries. Mekran is -the, name pearance of Meltraia in history Nva -s But while there is -no caste the ' ' . I I .
� .
alchemists reached its height, and ie,, where I had a very exciting given to the long coastal region when it becante1he scene of Alex- ,a 'great ' . e
. siderable, sulphate of radium. and cau;9ing; devastation in the plan- ti� Persians are in some waj .
�� Without making. or hinting of it bontinited 'to flourish independ, r to free an outlying vil- e with smugglers and gun,run- stretching almost from the Indus ander's memorable March, Me sticklers tor etiquette. The Zi,i- I � . I �,
ently or-, as a side branch, of ohemis- ners, Who do: -an enormous trade in . I I
I rash Promises the French sciebtists lager from the attentions of aman-, to the entrance of the Persian Gulf. conqiitror followed the shore, with Sultan, the oldest and most cap- ,',I
who have been largely instrument- try until within.,the last hundred .. supplying the hill tribes ,and le- Much of it is British territory, and detours able son of.Naair-i-Din, could not , I , I ..
I k. I.. a] in the development of the now year,, � eatingtiger. inland, and lost large num- , I .1
I � I - I � I volutionary societies with illicit forms the southern portion of Bkl-: bers of his men' from thirst and 'succeed his father on the, throne � � . I � �
�. highly eff-ectivo .anti -toxic serums, For centuries there was the -de- BLUFFING THE, "BOBBIES,." weapons and ammunition, pro- uchistart;, the rest is Persian hanger and privation. Another because his mother was not of � I . .
, � I I 1. �I
annotince<1 their purposes in ex- hibited books, and opium. though to,a great extent in name royal birth. All social functions, � � I %.,
�'. .
-1 .nting with'the hories. a stone held the secret of'per- such o'ver�tualities, an inspector of . Y � I , *11
I lusion that the so-called philow- Arid, in order to cope with all . � 1 section of the Greek army took a
perime The pher' . � I
I . . - onl . Sailors have coasted along route far to tho north, A third, por- mOrooVer, are attended with the � � � ", I
action of radium on the animals Petual Youth, as well as the power the -district., comprising perhaps . I 0,14— its white shores from time im.- tion sailed along the,coast with Ne- MOS 1 4 1 1 . . � ;.�
waalfirst to be observed, and, if of transmuting the baser metal I I I � t rigid ceremonies and woe to � , I ..
I .. I ., I .,
� Is forty or more villages, .each Fepar- UNCLE RMAN TO NEPHEW. memorial,- but few in modern days axe,hus 4ships built on the Indus. the Person wbG attempts to ov,ell- .11 � ,� . I : - I I
found beneficial in rel�italizing and into gold and silver. The p,pecipit- ated from the other b� miles of im.- � . 1. . have ever penetrated the ranges of Every -at/ p of the retreat, has been -step the bounds which custom haa ;`, ; , I 11.1 'I; � I
rebr,ilding tissues, -the ptofossors ate or sublimateof this straitge, I - ' �ills which lie beyond. The inter- traced 4-11 prescribed for his rank. I 11, . ''.
hical substance in its full penetrabl.;D jungle, is given only one Gives a Little Advice as to When . recept years; every little I . I.. I �
were slowly to innoculate the horse lyt ) of two white, constablesand a. posse to Make Decisions. ior is nothing but a succession of cope and harbor, has been identi- Some barbarous and.,absturA =5� I I I I 1 �
. -
with the mysterious new element strength, was supposed to trans- of native policemen. Tne latter I I long broken ridges, scored and fie& The Greek narratives fit toms -of earlier.time�i - are passing -------
. , the, I
until a radio -active. serum might mute metals, and, in weaker doses Pathans, a, phy . I "Don't 11 said Uncle Hiram to , weather worn, Pierced. at intervals, countr�y just as though they were, away. One, amusing custom of lor-
be drawn from its blood. and infusions, to restore youth are mostly s1cally his hopeytil Young nePliew', "make by rivers running south to th � mer years is now almost if not on- . I
11-doveloped and strong people, itten yesterday, Then for more � ��
, THOUGHT GOLD THE ' we _ any momentous decisions when . Sometimes the valleys between the than a thousand years an absolute I
REVIVES OLD DREAM. ELIXIR. but, unfortunately, quite, unreli tirely abandoned, It was -once a
. . , But there were many other the-, .able and often treachdrous. you're tired.. When we're tired we ridges are green cases, filled with blankness settled upon Alekran. gaPital. offence. for a man to remain . 11
Stich a serum could be aZininis- ories -of which the more persistent . Moreover, to further increase the want to get the question settled date palms, but these, are compara- When the veil shifted again the in any street through which tho
tered to the human being, As are are still of interest. Gebir and .difficulties of the position, the peo- and we're ready to ,make conces- tively rare. The greater part of star of I�Iam had risen, and V royal harem was Passing. Outriders , I I
I I -or- . .
the common swallpox and diphth- Roger Bacon believed that the see- ple in towns slid villages show an sions,. to give away, and the other Mekran is desolate and forsaken, like Arabs held tho lower Indus. loudlYannounced the approach of 11 I
I eria vaccines to -clay, in the ho e ret of the elixir of life lay in .aqua open antipathy, -not to Gay hoatil- man is, sure to, get the better -of a land dessicated by, nature and The long na;rrow valleys behin t)[io, ladies and the men burried I . 1. :
a . . d the .%,
that tissue might be softened an regia, a dreamed of liquid capable ity� -to. the police force. Instead of "' � shunned by man. The few tribes narrow ridges were threaded by down side streets,. into shops or � . .1,
revitalized and the blood vessels of dissolving all substan.ce�, espec- assisting, tney place difficulties in "We often .-hear'it said that it's which linger there are the jetsam innumerable caravans, bearing the houses, or into any other place of 1.
held back from the �tiffi�ning pro- ially gold. The aqua regis of to�- the way, and. mislead the officers, a good thing when in doubt about ol history, stray wreckag-e which silks and -spices of India westward they could find. Any . �', �� ..
. , I
. gess which comes onvith advane- day is .of course, a mixture of -even though they might be in pos- anything to sleep on it, and this is hais drifted into this obscure corner to Baghdad and Europe. Then it man so unfortunate as not to be , I I 1:�
Ing age and -anally ends in senility nitric ' sound advice. The general theory of the world in the'backwash of was, n able to make his escape turned his I .
and hydrochloric acid, and session of clues as to the identity 0 doubt. that the valleys . . . "..
1� and death. There is nothing ex- it does dissolve the purest gold, or whereabouts of the wanted crim,- of utie benefits to be derived from great ovents. It is even believed were planted with aat.e. palms, and face to Vie, wall. . . I, ,
- inals. ping on� a question is that sleep that the Dravidians passed through all along the route there flourished An eccentric EurQpean several � I
travagant in these hopes. Fully but it was unknown to tat alchem, eloo , ..
. _11 I . . s - CIZOMed to an untimely ob- years ago met the royal harem ua- ,1.
Both Gebir and Bacon held If, further, we take, hito cc ' 'to a settlem�n ab�out a th hidig, and left stragglers whose livion. The Arab po'w'er waned, . . . I
ealized, but ist, . clarilles.1he miM_-but.in comin -at on their way to Southern citie
.already it has been demonstraWd that potable gold—that is to say, s . .. - t ing the! ,Mekr expectedly in the street; turned . . .
. .
that direct injections of radium ideration the fact that the crimin most i0portbint advantage tb desconidants7'h-ve dwelt there ever and once again darkness descended .1
will rejuvenate a horse, and that gold reduced to drinkable form— al gangs are invariably clo at we 1. .4 his face to. the wall, like a, native, I
sely or- find in sleeping on it lies in the re- since. There are patohes of Mon- upon Melcrait. The fleets of Europe and as each carriage passed, de- � I .
was the elixir of life, and centuries gan*42ed secret societies, such as newed strength that sleep gives us. gols from the days liberately bowed backward. . This I 11
I the injections can be made, leav- were devoted by -these alchemists I L Oy "'Clei-lihiz sailed the Indian seas, the, Portu- I
. soci ti �
4 ing a trace of the vital drug in the e esof burglars, cattle thieves, it renews our courage, makes us Khan; colonies of half -bred AL ,gtaqse rose and fell, the Fre greatly amused the ladies and th 11.1.
blood from' which the serum must and their followers to efforts for h usebreakers, clacoits; etc., the ready nch and V . I I 1.
� -
be had. .the dissolving of the yellow InCeital. , 6 I not to giv�D way but to stand from the time when an Arab dy- Dutc'hiI;,,�ded and fought, the En - told the Shah of it. Now Nasir-l" , �
I reader will be able to gauge, the 9
I . Roger Bacon called the attention � up -and fight and fit and able to nasty held Sind; unmistakable Raj- lish clim�od '-I, dizzy heights of Din never lost an opportunity to , �
enormity of the. problems with fight. . puts who were there before Alex- Empire, bu get what amusement there� is to be .
In other words (nearer to, the of Pope Nicholas IV. to, the story which the t� �Ai Zlike left Mekran
concrete expression desirable in 9 that an old man plowing in Sicily I Indian police have to "Don't be in a terrible hurry to ander; African negroes, the Off- unheeded. Then ��e_ in our own got out of life� so he sent for this . I
f their daily settle things, Stevey, anyway. shoots of medieval elavery; - I man, made him repeat his, salutes I I 1
matter of so transoendant interest had found a small phial containing routine. aps routine is. hardly There are times and time, a few bold men vacr-aaq'ed a .
ma .
- a yellow liquid. Thinking the sub- the word to ,os telegraph line through the w11Z63, ..
to n), radium, which has al . Perh then you must traces of still older peoples wh e and, after laughing heartily, gave . I
I ready upset half the notions of describe conditions of-- strike, when the iron is hot, but as origins are lost in the mists Of ness, one or two British -officers" . him a handsome present. .
,stance dow,andbeing hot and dry fering so'much varietyand excite- a general proposition don't be im- time. % .1. I
,phemistry and led the mosbadvano- under the ardent.southern sun, he who left handfuls of men against -1-1 - . 01-4 . . . . I �
n I 0 BA--,V�Or, ENGLAND NOTE. . .
*hat tho had drunk this substance and bee - Thus,* a couple of ye. RUINS OF FORGOTTEN CITIE, . r ..
od of scientists to believe t meat. patient hings -settled; it's
age to e Obber chieftains, of wh m Eng- � ,..-. .
� -old dream of the transmuta- immediately metamorphosed intb %rs ago, I the man abletol op cool and wait S land never heard, and, finally, Ad- 1- —_ .. 11
tion of baser metals into gold May a young and radiant being. was in charge of an extensive jun!g- and let the other fellow do the .The country presents as many miral Slade. The real truth is that Qualities WhIA-P.reTent Success,!, I L... .
t b a, fulfilled, is now likely to be le. district in the Punjab, some worrying that generally gets the fascinating problems as the peo- the emptiness of Mekran is of a . ful OounterMltiu 0,
hold the principle of an elixir f . ,9. � ..
ye. . , Somewhat later, about the time eighty miles to the south -of Khan. biggest piece of the cake. . ---, -_ .
� life the fount of perp 0 that wine drinking became u'nlv'-rs- At the time we were pestered with "We may meet occasionally a ple. The sea, swarms -with life, as modern change. Unseen and 'un- About the �`c,&t out- �
, - etual &I in Europe-, Raymond Lully ad- I on the southern coast of'Arabia. suspected by the world, the "Ile . year 1819 a gi
.1 - Thashores are washed by the lees behind. the gaunt yellow ridges made cry was raised against the Bank,��v -or- , �
, � a particularly audacious gang of man of high and unbroken contin ys
. . vanced a theory that the basic spir- robbers, Whose ,deeds and tactics uous courage, but not often; the England for not adopting -a style Of . ,
. I .
If, in the 49nd, this is found to it of the wine was the elixir of life. of a vast ocean, in which marine have been -one of the greatest trade note that could not be imitated and I I
$e, true, the search of every ago in He called what we now -denote proved them to be at the very biggest of Men have heart sag at monsters dis ort themselves in the routes of the East long before Al- at the same time preventing the . 11
. �dstory will have been as height of their profession, and well ti es, though they may not show fashion which the early map-mak- exander—who took the wrong road .
.1 ivith success; the dreams crowned alcohol aqua vitae ardens, and held asquainted with local conditions. itr;nwe are all human and sacrifice of life, which at that per- � I
. Of thO that, could.it be isolated, it would much , I
'PuPtian priests, the Grecian ad- � They -operated indiscriminately in alike under the skin if th ers loved to depict. The stray —and'long after, until tbe OOM- iod was common, the punizliment I
restore all whp drank it to former at" any coasting -steamers sometimes find Marco of Asia forsook the, land and for forgery. being death. The,sub- , I I I.,
ventures, the alchemists. of the the European arid native 4attle- comfort to you; we have all Our themselves in the midst of spout- was borne by sea. As it was once, . .11
a I .. .
. I- and happy and times when we are a,cbmira�l Thomas the Government appointed co=,- . . ,
- will have "attained the glorious ot the pure tary posts, with a, view tu stealing low in spirits and depressed, , Nearchus, did when "be Holdich, who has paid much atten-
bummation. — fruition — ,and man that the alcohol was n � so it may be sea. Sir
. states. When alcohol was distilled monts, and had even forced their moods; timis when we are buoyant ing whales, exactly as Alexander' ject at last became so pressingt1at
. middle ages -will bay-, reached con- the followers of this theory held entrance into the police and mil
. essence, but that it, in turn, con- ordered the men to direct their tion to Mekran, believes that a of the. numerous forgeriwi CaUS3 .. :,
lid all, kinds of valit "Don't, Stevey, settle things ai
which we may kiss ' and tained the true elixir ' in minute weapons) & - ships straight .at them as. in a sea- railway along the old -trade route whether a mode could be devised . L I
quaff the golden drought." quantities-7prob ably the fusel 01, ables on which t116;/ could lay their when you are feeling low and dis- battle to raise, a loud shout, and from Persia, to Karachi Pr sents no I
s theory there, is . I- hands, . pirited. o whereby the forging of bank notes , 1
PERPETUAL THEORY IS OLD. In thi again ev . You'll take a, different to ro� as hard as they could, mak- serious -engineering obstacles. It mignt be prevented. I . �.
. . . dent the inclination to regard the THE SE CRET POTION. yiew when you come back, as you ing as much noise and din as pos- it not anattractive or very direct
Nearly every known century has . inevitably -will., to thp, summit. Previous to this investigation the .
craft have. alignment, and the heat is fierce, directors of the bank had been
-uth Iti A peculiar .'feature of their pro- "Let your decisions 'be, made, high brown poops, and, 'look like but it has the advantage endeavoring to remedy the evil,
had its thoory of perpetual yo exci ng . and exhilarating drugs sible." The few native
as youth restorers. Earlier dream- that it
and the means by which this state ers had seen the property in bliang, cedure. was that ,they invariably ad- Stevey, not when you are tired. or the galleys, of old. The Ichtbyop- could be struck -st from the sea I
. . ministered some insidious drug tb depress d, but when you are * fit h i, 'who "use fish in place of and British soldiers would h
� bore,.while Lulw- their intended victims, and whilst ana strong, and pride and habit brE4., ... still there, and Mek- fore prefer it to be a line through liged to , reject.
might be attained., The quests for, hemlock, and hell e many plans having been submitted
elixirs fountains, and wonder 6 f er;-' to them all of which they were ob- . I
fruits ,that might restore th4e fleet ly felt the ravishment .of wine'and the latter were under its effect will make you live up to them.": � I
years have filled -decided that it must have the pro- quietly raided the place and disap� ran mutton has as fishy a taste as Afghanistan. - Though we are Th b
I sie ank placed before the com-
history, romance, and f d be � . ,
More Pages of ___�-_§. it -had in the days of Arrian. There bound to say that, it looks a most' . ,ro
ible than, perties of renewing life. , - PpAred before the alarm coul mis 180 different projects
any other single subject, It is pro- ALL AGES HAVE SOUGHT IT. given . This fact satisfied us tbwb RE, PAIRS NOSES AND RrB,9., are districts covered with spike- uninviting route for a railway, wo that had been recomninded for ad- I
bable that this search first dis- P&racelsus and other alchemists the native servants were party to ' — , n,ard, growing just, as it did when are at least willing to believe that option and 70 varieties of paper I .
-closed to man the nature, uses,, tried out both of these theories. the conspiracy; but whether they Surgeon Tells J Successful Opera'. a �sweet perfume was diffused far Mekran -will not again bb allowed made by way of experiment. The
and abuses of those few drugs At 6 somewhat later period in had been.terrorised into silence, tions Already Performed. and wide over the I land by the to lapse i4to obscurity. result of all this labor was the bank
which were known before the age Italy, France, and Germany, the or whether they ahared in the pp- . tramping of the Greek soldiers. note of tb-day. .
11 _.�, of chemistry; the marvels of Egypt;. craze for alchemic investigatiqn led ceeds,' the most stringent examin- Noses repaired with bone taken The fishermen on the coast still be- . 1* I The color 61 the, paper is peculiar. I ..
' i i
.� 1 t-,_;!zn embalming probably were to . the dabbling in every manner of � ations and inquiries proved ab . or- from ribs of the patient whose fea- lieve Astola to. be enchanted, for FINAN HADDIE COST $5. . and cannot be imitated exactly by , ..
tures are undergoing reconstrue- they have never learned how the I .
acliieved as the best substitute poison, with the result that. what tive, Promises of rowards and counterfeiters, except at groat ez;;' I .
I for a substance that would provide little knowledge had been gained .threats ahze failed to loosen their t4on represent the latest advance in bold Nearchus forced his Famous Monte Carlo Restaurant pense. The combined thinness and I I
. immunity from age. Chemistry it- was used for the most monstrous tongues, and in the absence -of in- surgery. In the current number of men to land him on' Aho n strength of the paper are also I .1
� sell is the science which grow out of purposes. Exili, the Italian,client- criminating evidence we could not the Journal -of American Medicine, island, and proved that there Make's Specialty of it. unique. It is made in .sheets largo . I .1. I I �
the millenial search for the philos- ist, furnished the original know- even arrest them. I . . Dr. W. W. -Carter tells of success- was no alluring Nereid who Ciro's famous restaurant At e ough lor two notes. Each note I
I fully performing several operations turned men into fish". . In the Monte Carlo—the haunt of 'a fore it i I
opher's stone, one. of those two ledge of Poisons which enabled Meanwhile, robberies continued . the be . s sized weighs about IS
. I
I properties was supposed to betbis Mine, d�e Brinvilliers and her lov-, to be perpetiated daily. C63nplaints of this character. More and parts the traveller com,.,s gourmet in that paradiseof cookery grains, and then if doubled it is : . I
marvellous power. Even to -day ers to carry on their series of at poured into my office from places The best case is� that which re- upon forests of dead trees, which �has been acquired by an English strong enough to suspend aweight � .
. - . I
' , the fondest, dream of every scion- rocities.' La Voisin and her crew which were twenty and thirty mile" stored. to facial sightline6 a rail- in that dry climate haveatood. still syndicate for $170,000, and a ren- of 36 pounds. I .
, .
tific mind is the disoo.vei � ,y of sowe of socerers and magicians—all apart, and in every case, whether road Man who came out ,of an acci- and stark for ages. Yet Melcran tal of $15,000 a year. These figures The texture of Ithe paper is also �
e that will, re -a.nnot always have been either SO hint at the profits , L I
., I ag al-ly store the ag6d poisoners of the, worst character my agents or myself took charge of dent with his nose so disfigured r of the Monte peculiar. It has a crisp fool in- . I
tissue and prolong life. � known to history—based their work them,. we bacl always to confess that there 'Was little of it left. The dry or so deserted. . Many of its Carlo artist in food. * Cirols is in. variably the,same, mud such thit . - I ...,
I 11 .. OnI the wildest dreamers in the largely upon the traffic in drugs ,ourselves beaten and utterly. baf- surgeon to6k a piece two inches in hills are, so closely k"-wered with the gallery Charles III., and con- bank , clerks of experience caa' . . I.. � .
� .age 1i chemistry, now. entering up- which one of. the alchemists in her fled, �hcwover unwillingly. length from the patient's ninth rib little stoi;ie houses, A\,'Atly square sists of one fairly large restaurant readily c.letect forgeries by this test I
- on newer marvels, I held that the train prepared, , at the bNe, narrowing upwards alone. Then the wire mark iinpres� . I
..., . The blackmass, - This had now been going on for and setting one eud of it on the re, and a small grill room. Ciro feeds
� �� elixir oflife was still a possibility, p amids, and with sod in the making by a frame cost- � �
. , . . or -formed by another of'her sat- some three months. The robbers maining tip of the nose -and the the -most fashionable and wealthy ly to make and difficult to use, is � I
. � . ye , t to -Jay all & s]�eculatioii is re- ellites, was another of the. .out- ,grew more audacious� with every other on the nasal prooess"of the domestic ' interiors. They are set who frequent Monte Carlo. As practically inimitable. I I
vived and the competent an- growths of the � passion -of those successful coup. In some instances fronts bone grafted it with care, tombs, and among the rubbish �the season does not last more than
re are I I
�_. _i tborities who will earnestly con- days for the unknowabie, we baq plenty of evidence that the The still living bone of th� rib found within them am fragments five months the profits must be Each note has thin, rough edges, .
� - r oflight greed potteryof fine qual- enormous. No one knows that bot- .
. fi�n'd that the dream is not neces Thus, in every age and many -vlllvg�, .1 ere eithe in league united with the nasal structur,6 and , uncut not to be produced by any . �
. : sarily fatuous. . I .. havesought this esior- with t'; . or had, at any rate, formed a rafter which effectuall I Y, an those who pay the Prices' devised expressly for the purpose. I
. � guises men r I which no one seenis. able to mode of outting paper that is not
I; .. I I ter th,
� " I ,wn some -members � supported the flaps of skin which .
I The reason for all thi& is patent. er of the years. Is it possible that seen , I J Y identify. Then there are, vast mas- A dinner at Ciro' s—ex�-,Iusive Of The paper for printing is damped .
The restoration of youth is insep- modern science, which has acconi- but, a , ,'h we descended upon were brought up over this tie onry. da,ms,. obviously built to catch wines, etc.—is considered cheap at; �
. , arably tanglod with, the dream of, plisbed so many impossibilities� is 'th ", I cross-examined every fashioned feature. Phot wly the water in the hills, just .as en- with water in the exhaustive re- i
., e 'P I ographs ,. $5 a head. 0 e of Ciro's most fam-
. heaven, fhe tenets of every relig- to -consummate oven this. . . i a "ita 't we could not isecure any ta,ken..before and after show a gineers are making dams in the ous dishes is . nhaddock—Scotch fin- ociver of an air, pump.. The ink
fwn, T_mmgrtality i's but another _ alse cl was exasperated. Indian Ghauts to -day. Sometimes used in the plate printing is made -
� _10P.- 11 itog. I , d looks on an ha,ddock. It.is sent from Aber- of Frankfort blae1c, which is com- I
, DA -RLI 0, It was only b coident that we the paxt of the I . � I
�yord for the perpetual spring of MoTqgE ]R,�S ICKLE in hills are terraced for cultivation,
I N " . . pat&oto . - �loen by parcel post—and is cooked - - . .
. life. I The Greek Elysium lWa.s a Itually securvthe band, some . after the fashion of hills in South. . po,ed of, the charcoal., of the ten"
ever . I .. In another instanr,e a girl six ere; onlyin lift Some wonderful -way which Pre- drils and Iiiisks of the German . �
re n in which the happy rejoined . Visitor—"Can your baby talk at stolen goods baying been traced' years of ago had, fallen on her fact Me . serves all the flavor of the haddock
gio -membered loved onesi re- . I . I I I I .k es are dry and
� the ro all yet?' I � back to the shop of a much respect-. and flattontd her nose badly� Zhe I ran the torrac and adds some other delicious flav- g'ap ground with lin,seed oil. This . �
r,tored to the� prime of ,youth, ' to Mamma�"'Yes, ludced,l 4 bare, and not evew a, blade of grass E heas a peculiar and very ,deep I
dwell in a deathless life "ever say 'Manima.) $P 1 � �Baby, ed M,ohammed4n dealer, who lived operation, whick cost a smin geo- remains. The. drumbling ruins of Ora as well. it is f erved with a ghade,of black, common black inko �
, oun I nd ever fair." . The Indian Ba�by—"Oogle google I" . I only a, few miles from tho police tion of r%, jayt her &,perfect Pro- whole. citiet) ilie very names of poaabed egg on the top and n-ew'po- being tinted -either with blue or I I
I I` ' ' I ., I headquarters, And, after keeping file, � Another patio t w4s a woman which are, rgotten, lip, concealed tatoes—there are always new pota- br wn.—Sai ittific Am6rloan. , .
,. -11% r M.piAy '11witing Ground Nirvana ,,,"Xow say 'papa.' " - a 014 oso watch Pon .himself and his 0 o e . . . . .
� � u 1�i No toes at Monte Carl _cOokod in the ,. .. .
- 11 ' 'wei" _' 'W �f`oaxs 01 i Who W fal� between the ,serrated ridges. —1,11 I .
� .
.e0;,it 'Valhalla, Par;�Iis�,XdZ' � - ','OcgIe,' googlol)) � I visitors, , we secured him, with , n nQ66 J?rhon, sbe ,was seven .. . I . . I I.,
; leti o Ner I excavator disturbs their solitude, jackets, The haddock thus served . . I
'des .all' 6arr ' do 1' to twenty-eight associates� and thc- Vears old. T�e deformity was of th and they are, left unregarded, save costs about $5.—London Chronicle. He—etDoyoti think th I 0 your fa.- .
, Arcadi�, HesPeri . . . y. this 4 J I � _ A HINT.
� t1i I . . I . e I — .
contrAl �houghC The fall of mah" � 6 lady." . major part of the property that had il&ttoned and coiioavo, f4riety. The When some curions saflor from a 44-. . . �
figurabivi,ly at least, cost him this � "Oogle googl,e p, -A .� ___ - I . , it bliS8 whL . : ther .would offer tonal, vio. . I .
. � inos IM - Aufte6ii con.it ucted & bri4g6 from b at In. Charbar. Harbor WAn- ignoratie6 n1r;V Isrerr for you Ilk ;;
� been stolen. This was . t , I r . gn o I
blessinp. The'golden apples -of the � "Bless i6 ickI4.4eArt'l' It tap talk.'p4ortant capture for we, were � '60 A man letwe if I were to I .
. !lestg, 1,v ��4068iau ,gar I I ' in part 'of her ninth .rib. and she is ers amid thovast beaps whielt re- has more. money than lie knows I L �. . �. I .11
" 11 , dons were 811P- Mos� ag'good as mainina tan I" hones of at 14st learnine the nsftrO --%v of almost Orecinn svoinietry,' mr-,sent t1x-. na"den't Arab, port of,L.What fo do -th. I I 8�e—"No, but 1 think lie will it I �
� . . . . I
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