HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-06, Page 1638. Auction Sale 38. Auction Sale ESTATE Alin.,'li`t`' SALE RIPLEY CMU ITV CENTRE S T U R Y® M Y 9, 1987 SLE TIME Ata Featuring antiques, fine furniture, and household effects for the late Mr. & Mrs. Glen Martin of Ripley. PARTIAL LIST TO INCLUDE: Andrew Malcolm French Provincial dining room suite, oval table with 2 leaves, 3 side chairs, one arm chair, matching 3 tiered glass top buffet with 4 lower doors in perfect condition; oak 3 tiered bow front c.hina cabinet, original finish, mint condition; Coombes gentleman's chair with matching ottoman, dark walnut finish, beige upholstery with rose tones; 4 tiered what knot in cherry finish; walnut tea wagon, 2 drop leaves, spoked wheels, mint condition; oak buffet bowed front with lead glass, lions claw feet; Coombes bowed back side chair;'walnut love seat, oval back, fine spindled legs; upholstered in beige with delicate pink and rose flowers; dark walnut drop front secretary, pigeon holes, 3 lower drawers with brass pulls; French Provincial coffee table with drawer. perfect condition; Victorian mahogany finish side chair, rose upholstery; matching mahogany gentleman's & lady's chairs with carved overlay gold upholstered seats; 5 pc. pine bedroom suite with queen size 4 poster cannon ball bed, 2 matching. 2 drawer end tables, 5 drawer high boy, 8 drawer low boy with dreseing mirror; 5 pc. bedroom suite, 2 matching end tables, small 2 drawer 2 door armoire, 7 drawer low boy with tall dressing mirror, high poster headboard; 3 pc. walnut bedroom suite, 5 drawer high boy, 9 drawer low boy with matching dressing mirror; 2 early refinished captain's chairs; original large spinning wheel; Admiral TV 26 inch floor model cabinet, good working order; like new brown velvet recliner rocker, newer brown floral chester- field and metching chair in traditional style; six foot stereo console, oak finished rais- ed panelled doors c/w turntable; wicker rocker with matching chair; pine blanket box; oak library chair, arrow backed, in good condition. APPLICANCES: Gibson frost free side by side refrigerator, freezer, harvest gold; Kelvinator frost free refrigerator with lower freezer; Frigidaire 8 foot chest freezer; 24 inch McClary fridge, good working order; Electrohome air conditioner; Hot Point air conditioner; bar fridge and stand. The usual small appliances include: Filter Queen vac. and.acc.; newer Aladdin Kerosene portable heater; 4 slice toaster; Phillips elect. knife; Phillips cof- feemaker; Molinex food blender; Electrohome humidifier, etc. GLASSWARE AND COLLECTIBLES: R.S. Prussia large fruit bowl, 4 matching nappies; hand painted Nippon sugar bowl; blue willow flo blue hanging plate; Besv„ick china horse; early hand painted fruit bowl and matching nappies; large cut glass water pitcher; Royal Albert cup & saucers; R.S. Prussia mustard poi; Bavarian creamer; Jubilee candy dish; hand painted hanging plates; 4 pc. pink & white toilet seat with gold overlay; Royal Worcester figurine first dance; plus much,much more. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO INCLUDE: 3 sets golf clubs and bags; elect. snow thrower; new Makita 3/8 drill; new disc camera; wall barometer; crocks; 2 painted press back rockers; steamer trunk; exercise bicycle; miniature grandfather clock; 4 drawer filing cabinet; adding machine; blankets and linen; plus much more too numerous to Mention. Don't miss this sale of well cared for furniture and household effects. B.A.S.S. BOB'S AUCTION SALES & SERVICE. Auctioneer Bob Colhoun For further information call - 396®951 2 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482-9898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., MNY 9 AT, 9:30 A.M. - ; hedreutln tr)rnv' v r'ham 15, garage at ? i (*.Nitro Street, Seaforth, 7)nt. for Anna Ho'gv. • SAT., MAY 9 AT 10 A.M.: Antique furniture, appliances, et(, at Rit'httrd Lnhb's Au( him Rare. Clutton for Anna f•Icregy ItIus'acfrlition<. rTHURS., MAY X4 AT 6 P.M. -Car and household effects at RR hard Lobli's Auction Rain, Clinton for Elsie Shaddick of lcindeshcilcr, SAT., MAY 23 AT 1 P.M. - Trat tors, swalhc'r, Dion forage wagon. harv(ister, tarns machinery frrr (jc'o'lluic.k, 2V) niile,' Oast and 11/4• miles north of Exeter. TUES., MAY 26 AT 6:30 P.M. - 1•r.ic ION; forage wagons, Zero graze harvrstcrr mac hinery, 2•1/2 , miles north oI Mitt hell for Doug Shean, WED., MAY 27 AT 6' P.M. '- Mr 15' tractor 'ntac hint'rt' riding lawn mower. hen cages & equipment hous't' hold effects for Glen , Mc Nic hot, 2r.'r miles scSuth of tValton and 11., utiles east cit• family Paradise Rd. TO GIVE AWAY to a good home • Neutered mole Cocker Spaniel, very friendly, all shots 524.9995. 18 07) CAVE AWAY - Shepherd; Collie cross, 5 month ,_ Puppy to a good home. Phone 524-7942. 18 44. Engagements VAN DYKE - WEST Mr. and Mrs. Jim West are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Laurie to Tony Van Dyke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Dyke, The wedding•to take place on.Sa'tur- day, May Xi, 1987 at 3 p.m. Reception to follow in Lucknow - 18 46. In Memoriam POWELL In loving memory of Vic Powell who left us on May 3, 1986. Resting where no shadows fall. Loved and missed by wife Edna, sons, daughters and their families, 18 ' 47. Card of Thanks A sincere thank you to friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness, during my recent illness. Special thanks to the 'doctors and staff of the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for' the excellent care given, while I was at patient there. Ernie.- 18x COURTNEY A very sincere thanks fo our family, friends and relatives who made our wedding day, April 25 so special for us. Thank you fdr making our recep- tion such a huge success o9' well. A sincere thankg to J. ar,d A: Florists for their beautiful flower orrongements. We would also like to thank our attendants for all their hard work put- ting on the stag and doe and helping with the wedding. Thonks again. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will not. be forgotten. Debbie and Mike. 18 M A I LLET A very special thank you to Mrs. Scott, Doctors Neal, Lomas and Flowers, also for the kindness shown me from the nurses in Emergency, inten• sive core and One East, Thanks to all my family Mid friends for their flowers. plants, fruit baskets, candy, cards and visits. You were all so •- "ferPfE t o very r- -nuappreciateo n Moillet. 18x 47. Card of Thanks THE ROTARY CLUB OF GODERICH Wish to thank everyone for their particii.ahon u1 our spring paper drive held April 25th Your sup• port is appreciated 18ar KLOEPFER I would hke(to thank Dr Lambert, Dr J Rourke and all the nursing staff of first east for their ex cellent care and kindness while 1 was in the hospital. also to family and friends for the cards and flowers to help make my stay more plea sant. Sincerely Theresa 18 AUSTIN I would like to thank e.eryone for all the nice gifts and .flowers. The staff of 2nd E and Dr. Chan. A very spe,'cil thanks to Potty and Aunt Laurie and everyone else who helped to look after my brothers Scott and Jeremy Kathy and Darren. Austin. 18x `• JEFFERSON The Jeffersons would like to thank the neighbours. friends, church O.E;S and all who so kindly supported and remembered them dur• ing Sams illness. A special' thank you 'to Dr Thomson and all the nurses 'Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Som and Anne 18 48. Coming Events J RUMMAGE SALE Knox Presbyterian Church Fri day, May 8 starting 6 p.m. in the church hall. Please call 524.9696 or 524-8669 for pick up. 18nx HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY at your home this spr- ing. Art's Landscaping will provide you with o private showing in your garden of shrubs you could use to enhance your property. You make the choice. Call 524-2645 at 366 Bennett St. E. Goderich. J. Connelly of 112 Wolfe St., Goderich has won a pair -of garden gloves. 18 FLEA MARKET sponsored by Dungannon Agricultural Society, Saturday, May 9 from 10-2. Lunch booth. Bargains of all kinds, 18 ATLANTIC Provinces, 14 days, 13 nights. Departs August 1 from $919.00 quad. Phone Robin Hood Tours 524-4540... 18ar rT=-'\ Let's see A�' V" you do " f-\;^ if!. A317rt OW l,Ylr1 thy }~�C� ARTICLES FOR SALE $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for im- mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 53,996, 40x60x14.$6,500, 46x80x14 59,250; 70x90x24 521,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft.,wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious- buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery, call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1-(416) 858-2446.-•-0-18 GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC. Equipment, supplies. Everything yoLkeeed. Bestquality; super low prices. Greenhouses $T89. Halides $105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 far info pack & FREE Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St; Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 1.604.682.6636. 0-18 STEEL BUILDINGS'-- Spring clearance • We have a limited amount of steel left from our largest winter sale ever - SAVE thousands - oil styles are available: PIONEER? ECONOSPAN 1-800-387.6896.--0-18 MIRACLE SPAN Number 1 in steel buildings, Check these prices: 25x32 52,597, 40x60 $5,797, 32x34 $3,497, 50x80 58,897. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete- with large doors. Sale ends April 30th, 1987, or when allocated steel is sold. Call toll free 1'•800.3874910.-0.18 A•Z PRE•ENG. BUILDINGS, New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & onsiwers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect ofter 6 p,m. weekends. Ask for Wally, Free brochures.--0-16tf Large Quantity of CEDAR STAIN, ideal for decks, patios, garage•,doors, etc. Only 510 per gallon. Phone Fergus, (519) 843.5548 after 6 p:m.- 0.18 SWIMMING POOL SALE 1986 inventory. Ingrounds, ongrounds, abovegrounds, book early, limited supply. Show us your best price, we will better it. Guaranteed lowest prices (519) 658.8221. (613) 547-6434, 0.18 HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grown shop, Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2337 Weston Rd., Weslgn, Ontario M9M 2R4 (4.16) 745 5007.•--0 16.24 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS Work shirts 52.75, work pants, 53.50, work boots $15. Send 52 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order), Military Surplus. Box 243, St, Timothee. Quebec JOS 1X0.- 0.18 VACATIONS 5 DAYS OF Spectacular Scenery CRUSING RIDEAU or Trent -Severn 1/f/aterways on comfortable cruise ship Kowarlha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box•.1540, Peterborough. K9J 7H7. 0.18 Discover the beautiful BRUCE PENINSULA. Resorts, lodges, cottages, camp grounds Fishing and charters, swim on sandy beaches. hiking scuba diving on ship wrecks Write Box 269 or call Bruce Peninsula Travel (519) 534.2671 Wiorton 0..18 • HEATHER LODGE RESORT, Haliburton Highlands Adults enjoy enchantling atmosphere, beautiful set- ting, fireplace suites, Lakeview dining, billiards, recreation and sauna rooms. Swimming, boating and golf packages. Bob and Heather Cairns (705) 489.3257, Minden, Ontario, KOM 2K0. MAPLE SANDS RESORT, Haliburlori Highlands Special seniors vocations. All inclusive packages from 5315 per person per week or less. June 6.13, 1.0.20 and 20.27. live theatre, Scottish Festival. travelogues. ex- cellent meals, friendly atmosphere Lodge or cabin ac commodation RR 1, Haliburion, Ont KOM 150 (705) 754.2800 0.18 ON the ARCTIC ADVENTURE see Churchill Rankin In. let, Repulse Bay. Harbour Islands, ARCTIC CIRCLE Tour August 16th to 24th', Coll CLARE BURT TOURS (416) 451.4995 or 1.800.268.3090 0.18 HART LODGE. Haliburton Highlands. Breakfast and dinner doily, swimming pool. sauna, whirlpool. ten nis, shuffleboard boats, supervised children's and adults programs all summer For lower spring rotes, senior specials or summer family weeks Call free 1.800.461•7699 0 18 WANTED TO BUY 4D-WRISTWATCHES--WAN.IED _-_ Menonly- --Gid ROLEX and Patek Phillip wristwatches wonted Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" squares wristwat ekes (25 years service). Will (ioy $750'and up fee this watch Phone 1.416.365 7240 or write 8 Wofsh 173 St East, Toronto. Ont. M5A 152 0 18 - s .. HELP WANTED , TRAIN FOR A JOB with _a fWure.,,with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. 'Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E.., (519) 743-5011,.Brant-- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.--0.18 HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS and interested persons re- quired immediately to sell TOYS & gifts for National Home Party Plan Company. No -investment, deliveries or collections. Call (5l9) 258.7905.--0-15.18 • WORK •OVERSEAS" A• fantastic challenge awaits you. Work in Austrollia, New Zeeland, Europe. A variety of farming placements available including dairy and hot ticulture. If you are single, 19 to 28, have 2 years prat• tical agricultural experience, then contact: I.A.E.A„ 10 Chrysler St. Ottawa, Ont. ICL 5 4C2. Phone: (613) "235.4287. (2 30 - 5 p.m.). • 0-18 OVERSEAS POSITIONS, Hundreds of lop paying posi tions. Attroalive benefits. All occupations. F'ree details, Overseas Employment Services. Dept CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7..-- 0.18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RESTAURANT, HOTEL, deli, bakery. butcher, grocery, submarines & pizza equipment. refrigerators, grills, fryers, slicers, sub and pizza tables, ice machines, steam tables, walk•in coolers and freezers, deli,cases, scales, cash registers, gos stoves & ovens, dishwashers for sale' or lease, Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures, Hamilton 1 (416) 528.8528, Toronto 1(416) 283.260d ---0-18 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you Prestige Acquain•' lances call toll free 1.800.263.9163. Hours noon till 8 pm. --0.18' NEED HELP???? Listen to the Bock to God Hour!" Sunday 7 30 a.m CHAM 820 Hamilton, 9.30 a.m. CKAN 1480 Newmarket and at 7 30 p ni. FM 108 Burl• ington, or, watch FAITH 20 Global TV Monday Friday EDUCATIONAL FREE, 1987 guide to study•ot•home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers Accounting. Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business. Cosmetology, Electronics. Legal Medical secretory. Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1.800.268.1121. 0.18 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 hours of instruction Next class May 30 • June 6 87 Contact South Ontario School of Auctioneering. P O Box 145, Innerkrp On toric NOJ IMO (519) 469.3936 (519) 537 2115 0 18 Train to be o PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER Canadian Livestock Champion instructors Professional results - Jordan &oMcleon School of Auclioneering Box 94, Kitscoty, Alto, (403) 8462211 0.1d COMING EVENTS 1987 GREY • BRUCE R,O.P Tested BULL Sole Monday May 18, 1987 Tr!•County Cottle Sales..Hanover Ont. 7 p.m 70 Bulls Breeds include Angus Charolais, Hereford, Limousin. Simmenlal 0.18 HUNTSVILLE FIDDLE and STEP DANCE Contest Safur day Sunday May 16 and 17 Chairman Ron Henry (705) 789.5994 work. 789.8214 Home 0.18 19 The Only way to get 1 YOUR . ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for 5748.00 or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for $25©.0© Place Your Blanket Cluselflod Ad by ceiling one of our helpful classified ad• vleore at your naereat weekly newspaper office for details. Luck now 528.2822 Goderlch 524.2814 Kincardine 3982983 Clinton 4823443 Walkerton 8811000 LS®alorth 521 0240 Mitchell 348 8431 j GODERICH SIGNAL. STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6,1987 -PAGE 17 Winner Isabel Mullin of Goderich hos received Mother of the Year Award unanimous decision by Jean Marg Jim Bob and Donna Happy Mother s Day Mom Luv yo 18 THANKS -MOM for all your support urld tender loving care over the past year Love Mark. Shawn and Derek Philips 18 MOM for all you do this bud s for you 'Darr ie r:rack Glnny Charlee 11A, WE WANT to thank our Mom for all the special things she does for us and wish her a happy Mothers Doy! Kim and Trncy Dungale. WE WOULD like to thank you for all the neat things you do for us. Have o happy Mother's Doy. Love Mark and Alicia Johnston. THANK•YOU for your thoughtfulness, and always caring. Love is what this message brings this Mother's Day, Love Shirley Straughan. Ldp THANK YOU for the little things you do for me and being.there when I cell. Happy Mother's Day. Love Jason Stroughon. FOR MY MOTHER - To thank you for the little things that you so often do. And for the special loveliness that's such a part of you. Wishing you 'happiness as great os•you've given me. Happy Mother's Day. Mary Ellen Lynn. r • 10 MOTHER who mode a wonderful contribution to society ME Happy 1st Mother s Day Mtn• my Lovt' Lcnwi,i lieu! Rrrufl'ey - MOM THANK YOU for caring for us and the loris you give Sometimes we are not so good at say ng oli the things we .should. But now s the perfect time to soy we love you and Happy Mother s Day • Judy Janet, Jimmy and Joey Sherrott. MOM Thanks for always being there when I needed you. Happy Mother's flay I Love, Cindy Brennan MOM I want to say thank you for your thoughtfulness and for all the wonderful moments you've given me from The start. Happy Mother s Doy. Love, Kim Vanstone. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to 0 very special mommy - mine! ! ! Lots of Love., Lyndi Ryan. xoxo MOMMY THANKS for kissing away life's hurts and moking them heal fdst with love. Happy Mother's Day. Love Brian Sinclair. •• A MOTHER is Someone Special loving, helpful, and dearly loved. I'm glad I have a mother just like you. Happy first Mother's Day Mummy Morgan Shropshall. MOTHER'S are wonderful - and you are the most wonderful of all. We are lucky to have you for aur -Mom. Happy Motho,T's Day. Lonnie Tris.ho.. THANK YOU Mom for your love and kindness for the last twenty•six:'years! Happy Mother's bay. MOM: We want to soy •for all the times Love Michael Reynolds. you have been there whhenen wwe needed a hug, now it is our turn to give you one bock. Happy Mother's Day. 'Love Christopher and Nicole Steep. - MUM: Even though you are not here, We are still thinking about you on this special day. Cove always. Claire and Mike Reynolds. • 4 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to a wonderful.Mommiy. You're the greatesf and I wove you. Kisses and hugs. Jenie Maize. • • THANK YOU MOM for your- love and understan• ding through 'the years. We have been blessed to have someone as great as you. Love always Bet- ty and Buzz Heles,ic XI Wishing all Mothers a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY from the Goderich and District Pro -Life Group. FROM nurse, to teacher, toadvisor, to coach and best friend... Thank you for always being there for me. Love Dione Siemon. THANKS FOR accepting me the way I 'ani and making me feel like your very own. You're a beautiful person and I'm. proud, to call you "Mom ' Love Dirirw Siernon MOTHER•IN•LAWS•TO0. Shirley is my wife's Morn 'ond now she is mine. Happy Mother's Day and Vest of luck with the horse Mom. Love Ted and EI'len Spooner. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to an extra special Mom for .your 'understanding patience and love. „Steven, David and. Peter Adams. "J JUST FOR YOU Mann a special note,of love for all your caring, shoring and love you've given to me along the way. Rhonda Bean. I LOVE YOU MOM. I don't say 'it often enough I know, but at Mother's Day• I'm proud to tell everyone, "I love you Mom." George and Bobbie Moffat. THANKS A BUNCH MOM for caring for us, and the love you give. You are very special Morn and we loye you. Happy Mother's Day. Kelly and Kyle Vanderburgh. 1' HAD to grow up before I understood what you ' THANKS MOM. for all the things you've done meant to -me Mom. I'm happy to report I feel like' for me since' I was a kid. The older I grow, the the Luckiest person in the world. Love Greg more I appreciate you and what you do for me. Leddy. Love Paul Green THANK YOU for all the nice things you do for us'. WHO BUT a Mother would' help see things Love is what this brings today. Hugs and Kisses through - who but a wonderful Mom like you. We Mom from Jennifer and Mnrk Noble love you, Tina bnd Don. ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS ANDCONSIDE.R IT CaII a Friendly Ad -Vis r Today AND PUT THE CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU! „one 524-2614