HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-06, Page 10MATTHEW BRODERICK 1 'Kite en tab1E q psych°: 1gy' by police officers duringdo Editor's note: On May 12, Survival Through Friendship House is sponsoring a family violence information evening at '8 p.m. at GI)C1.' A panel of speakers representing the Goderich OPP, Huron County Family and Children's Services, Huron Centre and family law will he discussing the various issues surrounding family violence. The following article was written to promote interest in the informa- tion evening. It is hoped the public will at- tend the meeting to learn about family violence and what can he done to combat it. For officers at the Ontario Provincial Police detachment in Goderich, becoming involved in a •family dispute can lead to one of two situations: 'kitchen table psychology' or Iv knock -down drag -oat situation'. "Each situation i of family violence l is dealt with depending on the merits of that particular problem. Each is handled in- dividually. You can't set a precedence with one or the other," Constable Bill Wilson, of the Goderich OPP, said. Const. Wilson, or one of his fellow officers, will be speaking at the'•family violence infor- • mation evening to be held May 12 at GDCI. At the meeting, ' the •OPP speaker will answer three points: the role and respon- sibility of dealing with violence within the ften use estic family, program initiatives aimed. at pro- viding protection for the victims, and howvt legal practice handles the batterer. The ()PP get involved in domestic disputes when 'someone is battered; or be- ing deprived or something they have 4i right to do or have," Const. Wilson said.,. The police then try to settle the dispute or try to protect someone from more harm '1 he seriousness of the dispute directs the action the police take. Cons( Wilson noted two forms of action - -kitchen table psychology" and •'a knp''k- -down, drag -out situation". Kitchen table psychology often sees the police officers talk with the fighting couple at the kitchen table, usually over a cup of coffee or tea, according to Const. Wilson, In a knock -down, drag -out situation', the police separate the victim and abuser by removing one from the premises. What hap- pens depends on 'the severity of the situation. "Sometimes the situation can be talked out. Sometimes the female requests to be droved from the location since she fears the other person," Const. Wilson explained. He noted that it is sometimes sufficient to remove the abuser i which is more often the male with the female being the victim) from the premises and take him to a friend's place, a motel or another town. isputes "If we moved the female, it would be at ther request, " he said, adding that she i and any children) would be taken to the Survival 'through Friendship House In Goderich. a secure facility for battered women Having a tac•rlitin this area for that type of thins; is definite]~ a plus:* Const Wilson ,ind Ina domestic situation•cchere battering; i• ciciarly evident d bruising, broken bone, • . arid the police know , ho rid the battering, a charge of assault causing bodily harm may be laid against the abuser, "because we, as police, can see the evidence," However, is no evidence is available to the police to ensure that a crime took place, the police leaving laying charges to the victim. At this point, the police must stress to the' victim that she take time to think the situa- tion over before laying charges, •"She must reali;;e that it is a serious situa-• tion and that the charge will not be dropped with their change of heart." Const. Wilson noted after a situation has taken place - where a chiarge has been lairs and court action has taken place, one of tw•u things happens - there is either a c•nmpil+te family. breakdown or a. rejuvenation. For more information on family violence from the Goderich OPP detachment, plan to attend the May 12 meeting ,at (:DCI. The nominees for GDCI school King and Queen are: back row, for King il;►ft to right) Darren Connelly, John MacKenzie, Joe Fitz- patrick,'Kevin Talbot, and Tom Beam; front row for Queen (left to right) Cathie Gallow, Carol MacKewan, Joanne 'Campbell, Shelly Surridge and Julie Boyd. Voting takes place Friday morning and the'winners will be announced at midnight at the F ormal.(photo by Ted. 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