HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 9- , . I I I . 11 -, - - - ': -T.--, . ­ I., � -11-1 !W`777-�'_ ----'- -7 _7-1--____- 7:-. -T ­ - - �- - -- -- - -'-, � . . . . . � ��� � '' - - - ­ ­ -11 � -_--_--1_O - I 111,WA` I "I ­ 11 11 I - - , , . , im" �, I 0.1p;We.. " ;�, , " . .1 I I .. I , : � I 1� 1-1 -11 --- ---- ��;��� I . , I I I � I �. I I I I.. I .I ����� .I .......... 11 -11 11- 1. - . � . I I .1 � !!!��wtti�o;,t,l .� I, � , , I I I . I I I : I I � I 11 "I L , -1-1 .­ . 0 . . 1". � I i . I I � :,L . . rr . r . I I � I I I . I 1� I I 11 11 tary A t at, 110 I I .�rrr . ���..3�1 I rl, I 1:11�:`::11�1�� - -+- ++++*�++++++ i ­­. .� , . 'lli—imrs'"ev-0 vs � + � ,, 1. 1, � CIO, , I .L.*..&A;.&440++V�V - -�. MARKET BE I I -1. ,� . ,� I I # I'a 1411 , A. , "V +� .... . Ut 0 U1 9. r. * I I � ,++, ++;+TfV,T-f-*-*- . � rJVK VMIVW`r� 9 n 9 V,V. 0 1 z 'r 1: n a " 444 k ,4* ,X�PUQI- 14f I 11 , -,r wo'-V . . . . . . Liverpool Wheat Futures Close LOW- I 1140 I . ,rr . . I uVrQuQ T1341 . I � . r " r I . I I � . . I LLLLLLL I � I ., I '*. er, Chicago Higher -Wye Stock — Or , oaslf),Tj� . ,i I 11 ,, , 1. In" $1 Now Oompainy Will Estahflsh Its Plant, : 7 ou We birtbau, a4cessfou . 'r : � 11 r coronhaon of ,the 56-feraigo, 4134 r ;r , � , ­ 0 I 0411 I 0180aa"Dwak + -Latest Quotatiom. at Sydney, N,$. .0 I Kmnjg� af ,Engtand 1, .�� I lot weather , London, J,4ne 10. -The formation of b4kWay, -of the4conwrt of the , ; �'. � , ,'�� ""Q 4 '44 ", 11 10, � ('11"Pu t4o bir (14rorle. on * tile � , I * - . I b�r,�U_44'r_ ot'li"h�e_c , �v The M CHICAGO, June 9.-I � V' 5k.% and t4oBrltis Canadian0b1pb4ildingr()Q., . I exopirs weti. 61 0 , - . , . ; � e, r ' r . 1i tht$ . .::'� _4 incorporated 1805 + da,mago In I<ansas, Nebrag r I � . r I . � ; 11, r � r "all , 3 I � 11 ' ,... $400 .,.000.00 + other states almost monopolized t116 with, a SUKOAbed Capital of $10,WO,- � & . . r ' )Vologrht, into play. . , ' . $. attention of wheat trader's to-day� Ili 00q 'is anlioun,cie4, The company is ma I , J*Irl,' ic,�N)?ITAL (paid up), - - .. , - ., -, ., , . - . , . , . ­. $4,400,000AM .*. copn9equ9nee -the trade N%raS StrQA I � a Ten Days of Festivities Wig. Att000%`Ahe,,,Cr ' - ag of .6: Vo MaIly rlogtll; the 'freparatdo I � 11 11 RESZRVE JIUND ... .... *.'.'.. rg at zed to build warsUips aria mer. own! for tue, cormatIon 060,ra 44ye r be, � " I , I .d. it I . . - . �, :11 � ne� ,4 organi 1'e a'. . � "a, L GCQ�ge a In 'eteady J)rporess, The mutter, , 11. pl_" $44,000,000,00 a dva=4 of 1-4c and $40 to I -P chant vessels, and. it J as, r y-_Pa.#y - � r r , r + r . �o, �deuts Fivall bids in, for fol �JW�6TA of I % . 4 r I AS$9T5 OVER .... .... .... taplOfir ah6W� asid Mar I r I aches in. Canada, and Agents and Correa $� 1 and 5-80. Other leading is, ir proteg : §�e_%%Ipfl ofir-owpomp "I , rang 140 t'mn Pr, 11 �� "I L �'01 !�R - Has is Bra + ed good gains over last night-gorxf, 10 "raluent, An 1, J I - the Brii5tol class and'six torpedo.bgat , . 'r 1, �, I.* incipal Cities in the World. ',+� r to I I-JQ" Oats 1 1-40 to 1 Q nd C r ony­-L don WAU',,:8a, ��Cto,vded­ ,ith N .C141 istyle book defines the, le'49t1f.: I I , , the pr 1-2e, and pro destroy-ei% f,o be built by th Cana- a W . r � , � I ; ' � [.1 � - ereM on . . 0 t I ''', I 'L ' ' +, ! visions from,17 1-2p, to nearly halt 0, than 00,V61-nment. i a 1, tralus 'for peei:OsSe all(l the, Pat - , + I ,,, - Z dollar. Ken I P llatt of ToTonto is Visftors From All Parw.,6ft1i0V4r14, . I of coronets for the varlQu$ IMAkU : ! 'I" A General Banking BUSineSs Transacted , I . . . - ed tO-daY 'Ad ir man or ' �O � I Q� noblemea -who . I . �+' 0 " ',Vhe Liverpool market clos, I I . the company, ead other @S$@$$$S8@@(E)� will be in attend r r - � , I , to '/*d ,lower than yesterday o; wheat,, chair >1 " P 010 Or 0 . , 1 �4 1 . Saving Bank Department 11. and ulichang.e4 to ka higher, oil corn, directors are Lieutenant-Gove'rnor , Some� time ago the earl,=411,�h4l, WA r _: 1 Ant-er 1-6ed ^ lower Berlin in low-� 4. � Q; M-,1. r&711; 10"Iy—fil. ­ �+ , -1,-. "t ­ ..v4l; � .4 -4 M." nf rhhP$r,o i I x0an x0an , . I 1, M � � Vlj)$on, oi. via ax o, . . ., rest allowed at Highest Current Rates. ;:� er, and Budapesel%o higher. At all Branches. lute + of the John Brown Co., of Clydebank, + Winnipeg Options. f the Fairfield Co. + Dickson & Carling, Solicitors- N. D. HURDONs M&n,%ger- + and Mr, Qra�ceY -0 � + Close. open. I-Jigh, Low. 01019e- TIle new company's shipyards, . ............. �+++4�+,+++,A* Wheat- 99:y� go-ija docks, arid machine shops wil be at I + 'Tilly, ...... 100% 100% 100 .. . 314. 1 !k : Qat., .._ . 80% 89 891/4 ydney, Nova Scotia. 11 -Le company �_ Oats- ill receive a yearly subsidy of $170,. , 1 'IV i, July .".. 37% .... .... ,.... 37% W k _' 000 for thirty-five years from the Gov. " � .1"HE CANADIAN BAN &X, � W� Toronto Grain Market. eminent. I I eat, fall, ,bushel ........ $0 85 to $.-... It is stated. that the company is ��, I � fall, cereal ........ 086 .... ready -to build anything from a tor- t -,%C - C1_*%NAXAP DCF 1� Re -1111, goose, bushel ...... 082 ' .... I . I 1-f to a suner-Dreadnomrbt � � I 0 . � I tay,e�, b us h e.1 , ................. 070 h 0 43 6'a � . E , - he Clydebank companies have agre I . . . I . I . SIR.EDIMUND WA ' _____T7_:!_ ,, P.0,L-, PRF_81D1ZNT . LKER. 0 ' .V.Q.,LL.D 0 3 ................ , bui Barley, bushel .......... 060 6... ed Buckwheat, bushel ..... ::1 0 48 so cal to send to Sydney all the meohami. . experts needed. � ALEXANDER LAIRD, �,&UERAL IMANAUER " Peas, bushel ............... 078 0 $0 that of the peers, by rows of ;1,; . _ . — . ,CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $7,000AX10 Toronto Dairy Market. ' Butter, store lots 016 017 , Forger Jumps From Train. citioa, N.Y., June 10-Priedge Riath, . . I .... I �," , I.A I TR ............. Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 19 020 Butter, creamery,. lb. rolls., 0 22 023 0 22 25 yluai old, of Short Hill, N.J., Came to this ,City two weeks ago, pur. i 1'� I . vielo st CoAvie by The Canadian Bank.,of Commerce are thp mo L (I 11 - 'Is Butter, creamery, solids._. ...., E ..... -019 64.. 0 -laid .: 13% hgegess'e,nenwew. lb. ... .. - - .. ..... . 0 IS chased an $800 automobile, and gave an apparently certified check on a . .sued - n g. 'I 4 1 " arry mon . ey They ar i�� ,f" in which to c when travelii enFU :� and the exact amount payable Cheese, lb . .................... 014% 015 oneycombs, dozen ......... 260 .... Roney, extracted, lh ......... 010 ou 1 Montreal, Que., bank for $3,000 in )ayment. He got a check for about : ��, e rywhere, self -identifying, � , , . .f a 6 . $2,200 in Teturn, which he exchanged I �cipal foreign countries is, printed on the face of every choque. I , � . Liverpool Grain and Produce. for exple ss money orders in small 1. , � I 1.__� in denominations of I . . �,� ,cheques are issued . . It LIVERPOOL, June 9.-Closlilg-Wh 17 spot quiet; No. I Manitoba, 7s 6Y2d, sums. Running the automobile about - : . I � !'�� $10,'$20, $50, $.'100 and $200, 235 2 Manitoba, 7s 3%d; No. s Manito 4 7if Got. a mile o ut of the city, he abandoned from ,11 , ,.�, ; I ;and may be obtained.on application at the Bank. IVA. Futures steady; July Gs 10d; fie 88/,d. it , His check war, returnea Montreal marked " forger.y." I ,I , Ia connection with its Travellers' Cheques the Canadian Bank,,q , , i I "Information Interestto&h% V lour -Winter patents, 27%. . Hops -In London (Pacific Coast), �5 50 r in Riath was ar ested 1 Augusta, Georg i A Utica 'officer went after ,,, � ! ,Commerce has issued a booklet entitled of �1 to travel", which will be sent free to -anyone applying for it. to j6 los. - - Beef -Extra India mess, 86s 3d. � 76s 3d. a. hiM returning Thursday evening. Be. :-about . ; I ' . I �, Exeter Branch—W. H. Collins Manager Pork -Prime mess, western, Hama -Short cut, 14 to 16 lbs. 66s. Bacon --Cumberland cut, 2 '30 lbs 624 , "'! to .A I I III— 1A � 62s, 6de " long bwee'a Albany and Schenectady, where the train was running slow on an upgrade Riath locked himself in v i PUDIAWL110 UP V 11 � I ,, IN il I bo inore del'nsk'ely populated 1han for the occasion, AJI last W14ter � . 1 "; ever before. For each of these ten trappers of the Hudson, Bay coral)) 1, I 1� ndjAg L. �_ I da!vz �toinp ceremony of overwhelm- wero busily engaged in fliadiug L �.� ing �olenmity or so�ine scene of pro- for coronation use, London ulun'd A I 1, , � digicv.%: pomp 90s been prepared. The , 1.�,�, eye;.z of the world will be. turned, upon turers bought uP, all the =1111yer f ­� 1 . I . .. . , , . London, and everybody who can get I 1; : . � i I there will be there, for the sightseeing � 1. I 11 I I I . will be worth while, � I I ,;,, I , . . I And the funniest tUng ab,out the I � v � : I whole affair is that the people of the I � 11 . �� ­ ..�,, United States who have the most to I . I I say against the expeme and display . . I I I i I � � I (-f coronations are the very people . f I . , � %-.ho will go in the largest numbers �O � I alid speix] the most money. It is 1, I :1, - 11 I I t,�:timated that their plutocratG and' I I I . ' -oc, I s a! c'iinbers will spend twenty- � ,,, � I five million dollars during the festi- , . I '' , v:tips in order to see a function . . I �_ � ­ I ­eh they prir fes -z. so strenuously to I I ; . 11 I !�ipi­e. Their spending proclivities ; I 1. I ,:. I ' i.ave .�ent the price of everything : , "I 1.��, ,:, �It)rinc� and bu-e �uins have been . . � . 11 � I.,� I , I , I '"id f-11. th. ocetipancy of London . . ,�, " 11 I 1 , � i I. I 1, , I �1,�(­ I - , fnr tho coronation fortni0ht- I . I'll f .., -- of mts nlong the route I � ,I' T)6,t r- L - I ''. I --��, ,,�fi,)rtncii-, and �viiidows are bring I ' � . I � � :� !��., iabuloti, nityis. . ,� ­ FIT-ot,ninAmt placei in h i " , I , . 1!" �,:Vpii to the representative� rf t�e . . . .11 1­,Irlir�� rvw-rsea�, Sir Wi',frii Law- .. - F � I I . , . : -Canaet, and Lrrl I'm " :� ,:.,, r­prs­­r-.tZ ik � , " 'he ,spr,c al envov (�f the . "I, ­i4,T1-` ;- I i I At­t�-aliafl 4-rknimonwealth, S:r Je,z-- SIR WILVRID L&'ORM-R. � I . ; c ear e I . I ' I 1) ca,,�- I ,gMT7' r�--1 ! (Bra,n,ob also aT )Ore&fdn� clear middles,'liglit, 28 to S1 lbs., 53s; long the closet and jumped -out of the win- - .. 'I %Vard. t0i-) pfiz,eii thrr.uLl " . ,. There are superficial critics . � - ,� I I - clear middles. heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., Us,' do, �1 i!l reeontb;, IV, 011 11,4 Nrly t,-'I,,e tUat could be found, the Supp,y 15e1U#A, . � 11 - . - . spring up from time -to time W 'I. � i unequal t t,$;.� I I . I . - short cle backs, 16 to 20 lbs', 498; shoal I and � -NITIP of ilit, cerenin V whi- Ila o the demand for this �,t� i_ I ­, i t- . ders, square, 11 to 13 lbS., 45s, wribe pageantry and coronatons. v,.,q vorn. by Mla, :�': Lard -Prime western, in tierces, 4-1a 9d; Forty Years Bishop. , (I 4 th, N, . 'w Zt,al,_Ir;8 &,�ogjifi ,n. rial in the -robes to be W I . ++++4i Church Directory AXnericall refined, in pails, 42s 6d. I barbarism b � �,,.-�_, wilb Sir Wilfrid Laurier will noblemen and noblewomen invited _ I � , � . + Brockville, June 10. -Fifty years ago ' I I 1 A; Cheese -Canadian finest -white and cot- the truth of the matter seems - * 1_ �ov­ral provincial Premier� ,1111d tjW ,coronation. - � , i i 'd I - I 1� 4 � ,4� + 13 the election of Dr. J. T. that the world to -day is en * u "' .+, ored, new, 540; Canadian finest whit% on June . 9 11 To, Velfe I � � i,� MME + JAMES STREET .,ro�entalive 2athPTiJ1!Z Of P-�" - I , old, 60s; do. colored, no stock. Lewis, LL.D�, as the first bishop of the a rebirth of the great spec I I I . t Itows 1)etermiue Rant " I 1"I .j"+--,, 5U R ++ Butter -Good American, 82s. tiewly-10TIned. Diocese of Ontario took �m I '� . 0 1 1 . - Petroleum"Re %,.. -, t�,'., � i.g "! " %gF,',.�, By a simple little arrangement a C " . I I 1� t'- -T, ,%,;�­' gh to dete ,i . I'M ; ,�""'SX�4 ' , . I �� " " q `� - � . - *r "' . I � + . ,' .1�11 ,­ ,�,� wnm� I METHODIST CHURC H T.,pj,.tl.e­Spirlt9, 47. Resin -Com- made, so much for the civilization�4 F.�:...", �. �-F-g-:;-PWR,--P'RT,P - , 1 I . . fined, 6'h-& lace. He was at the time rector Of 14 t 4 - -7 .� � i�% .,. , _* 5d. earlier racee. The only differencer .�0.10 r i�-, � 1, + moil, 4 - 9 S31. - - -- - U&t glance will be enou , , Nockville, and presided over the dio- � � Ff., �a.,-.� - ,;�' ` * Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Linseed oil -46s 6d. That they axe being done on a. fam ,., �� Pr , ,_ rr"k, -*v I ,I' f, � ��"A_ '. , I !� gthecoro I , � ,.� " '. 111,3, I-Al";!'k-5.�t, '%- 'k - I t1le rank of peers attendin . � : M , -.' "4�7jw, AF . .. �� I I L � 4 "I", V,�- ��. , � - . .." , _K1__..1_,;1 I �.i,�l i - 5E5SION Produce. cese as bishop for almost forty years. scale -thm, ever before in histoM .� _�, Xl"� q. � , &I I �,z,!p .� .��i.:� �_ tt,m6 ,, � L '% - ­ ,��,.",',%,� ..�:-.­ ��Iq-x ­... z , Montreal Grain and by the , ,-%t � �` N, 1 ,�� - � - __,.�Zl I ttDu, for counting the rows of � - � . AM ,, -.1'.., �& 1� -*�:, , , . I � + Sunday Rablio Worieh!P-10.20 * , . I" , . .1,11, � ��, �, � , V & pastoral has been issued �m;. 40;,U,�_,'. r- I s anni- 4:.,� , L'A I , - " ,,IV"', ­­ - , -i� - ,,� *..t, , . .. L, I I - I + - and 7 p.tni - 1,w.--:&,.V_,*"�VvT Manitoba sPrilif wheat is very limlt4 . These great national drinaas -so far I.. ��. ,I 4.k";, - .,:;,; the wearer W , I MONTREAL, June. 9 -The demand for, present bishop dealing with thi hom being barmful am splen"- .� ,'-.�"­,092'k "AM, , " �� -,.:� .-, , Will determine whether I , ,;a��": ,� I .... j",4,- -.1 ._� , � �� ,,A . I , . ", - . k Versary, setting forth special prayers F,� , marqui.8 01�.' 'L :. ts of No. i and No. 2 �, ,�tig-li"7�;��ln.A%�,,�,,'��',-'�i, 4 % baron, + Class Serviee-Sanday,I).10 a.m. and several round pmentation of-Iruths put i a var ,I.,- ­ Nn,,- , viscount, ear], , - , ,��4. - 0 4, -P � am .�, 9 � + rthern being offered, on spot at 1340 to and calling on all the clergy to com- .11, , . �*64:0v, , ,V;'. - ,,�� I - I I . i:--.,-..-"-,--.--.1�"--, , * � 74, dnes. no ... . I " I .., - - '.. .vz;��I-Q,, '�, ., ., ., . . . . . . . � 5-P ,M_ I -,` . Students may enter any + , after Morning Ser.vioe and 'We " humanity mwA take notied- 0� ftke, this being determined by th-W, ' . L 2a per bushel under the July oPtl0n,wlth�-� `,,G, _ _ .11 ' .iM �W , ,g" ­­­ 11 ., . ., g - `,J n f m s. ii in 0% � . day hikkti offere4 memorate the �avent on Sunday mom- - ­'�,,"_ g '1'11�,.""..w I � -, day. Open entire year. Now + London Each a one is the public wedding mlu', .��.!�­'.��i,�!','.-�!:` �,,g",.§76- !i, gmou t o Iniver, a fe ows, - , '*',R�. L;, , ._ , , , , _'. .­ .­,�,� - . i ., .....",­,", ._ , I :,:,..: �,,..�:,...,..,:,...�.��-.;�-.�" .. -�,a,�. , �.N out meeting with buyers. , ing, ne 11. _, * young Menlo Claw &A&IU-taahumew to resen xo. 2 northern att,11YA per quar4 JU . -2&�� I A?l _ is a good time to enter. ter lower than she was w ling to accept The 41s to srhich iato take plaee,onTime I ­ ,� offlelal notice: . ,� Regiment is arranging , , , ` � Ba=u .... ! , _ Largest trainers in Canada. + Sunitsl At a ID.RL 'Yesterday. Oats were cluie but prices take is ,hraual , outing to Niagara FUng George tmxhis people. � 11'.­....'�_ . rP ; ....................... ,.,,,.=o,r0 I , Graduates get best positions. ++ Sanday .School and Elble Masdes 2.80 � ", t ­Ije��je�.� W_-r_04nt ............... T,. rc . I are firm. Local trade In kour 101 luir, palls. - It is called a corcinsAion but,ia .:,:,." � . I . . 11 I �o i .. ...-,_:.�� k.":'ZI,_�Li R,ml ..!.4 ..:. ................................ Three ro I I L Thousands studying ar, home. � ,Pkm. and pricas show no change. ____ the rftug is lbat of a ,churvU .... �'. :::: %. - .11 o -1 L L . I .. _ �. � '41 R, � , Oatb-Canadian western, No. 2. 4140 tO -�-:�,--:1..;:'ej;'. . ;�, �, .1 1� gjar.quls .............. Three rows and a h ___ . ' ..., . . . �, Exclusive right of the "Fam- I Epworth League-TuesdAy at S. p.m extro. No. I feedt g. .when the King -takes upon , . -� .�11 ��, �+ . ��: _i,:,:S%:*.�.�:�, , now ...... I...... ................... Four ro,q* ous Bliss Book -Keeping Sys- 4+. Prayer Meetin&-ThwraAas ,k* 8 u.= 42c, car Iota, ex -store; Vancouver's Strike Troubles. certain ,obUgations and promLecs- ,�;,.._ � -I;. , 410 to 41:yo,e; No. S C.W.t "c to 4W4LO � ,i:..:!%,.;" '. v tem", for Ontario. "Actual,- A Vancouver, B.10., June 10. -The . faMifully -the British nation, __ :1,0 , 5'q,F,F1 The mantles or robes to be Worn 0VCV I "' , , ch� �he pas. No. 2 local white, 400 to 4W,&c; No. 3 loc . , _. " foU court dress, uniform or regimentalsA jam -as IS't. Methodist dhur a � 4 Business from Starit to + Lor will preach next gunday. 'white, 39Y2e to 39%6, xo,. 4 ,local white, strike is becoming more serious. here It had been intended to make fl0i . .� 2%o coronet of a baron to have on the' I 281ho to 39C. daily, and disorders are increasing. kmonation of Ring George and W , ��]']�i._. .."......'.. I -c silver balls at equal dls--' * ng wheat patenE3,. , ,��4:,,.:;�� .:-:­-`::. �,* , Fimiish." � � drele or rim sL i� . Flour -Manitoba, npri The Government can apparently do 00W;cri,,Quee11 Mary a quieter arcaft "'.­­ I __ :i:',%.j:j .... .1. tw2c'e- :; . firsts, $5.30; seconds, 0.80- winter whsa� nothing to pacify either side. than the ceremony of crowning UK' . . . The coronet of a viscount . I ".":1 �;. :�:�-:,.,�. to have oil th* I , Split In the Ranks itents, $4.60 to �4.75; stroi�j bakew, $4.6Q;J , _':,;,L;­� pi�� ,. .......... .: ... ,! Write for particulars. 'Washington, Julie 10. -The declare- straight rollers, $4.10 to $4.26.- in bagff,� Other forces are threatening to join late King Edward, but.the necessft, .:­-­;,�,�., "... .:. ;,�4 drt-A& sixteen silver balls. I . . :-.T'..:,.,%-:� + tion,of Col, Roosevelt thathe would $1.75 to, $1.86. I in a -complete tie-up of the city. of binding together the componer& 'L : .%..,. .!�.L�''�"::::..��;,L�'f',"�'� The coronet of an earl to have on th66 I � , �i.�, Q'-,�: .,L�'. 4 — + Rolled oats -Per barrel, $4.55; bag of W ..., _1-:: -%�;��', -��.:,­:�:,� eu�eu eight silver balls raised upon potntal:k b' a candidate for the Presidency . Iparts. of the Empire -made the Brifi* . , .:..:.., I I- "...1. 01�' ,;�N. .. � ;� and the implied support promised MY. lbs., $2.16. %. - -,,`,%_Z �:k-..---.!,. .;�;: - with EpId strawberry leaves between t1mi. : I Feed barley -Car lots, ex -store, 510 to; Another Bisley Change. imthorities. decide on a function. tbst� .�:,Xl :,.. ,� ��;� � .. I.". . . + Taft. have ciused a split in the insur- 62c. Ottawa, June 10. -Major W. L. Ross, would be more magnificent -dian, =3�-- 1� � : ,,�.!�:f, pants- net of a marquis to have oul � , *�i.-.,�,�'�i�'.�'�,.�;i...:.�����,� , The Coro I � 1, - ­� br , - �Ll . , I Londoii Business + ent ranks, and .five of the.ir thirteen Corn -American xo. s yellow, 60a to 61c. 1 of Hamilton, has -dropped out of the Mling.,in the past and be the� acmlie, 7,-:1--..:1;-. " '' the. circiv four gold strawberry leaves an* I + Millfeed-Bran, OntRxl0, 422', Xa`dtob%1 Bisley team for business reasons. y , 1, I ,, i had climax of all such affalm : � .A c, i + enators axe said to have refused to ,. four silver balls alternately, the latter * I . $21; middlings, Ontario, $22.50 to W; His place is being taken by Corpi. 1hus it bappens thal­ou the- .=A- !.,."*..+�,*,*--,",-.,�--i��i.;, � k .College + support the nomination of La Follette shorts, Manitoba, ;23; mouillie, $,25 to VV. � ;..:I.:.-- . I Uttle ralsed on points above the rim , . - ::*i:;, ; , _,4 1'�.� -r and will be for President Taft. Dressed hogs -Abattoir P-75 Cper 100 lbs. Geo-fge Ross of Quebec, formerly of id Sune. -when the King and Qpesm 1, , ,--­!��*.,-.,:-� The coronet of a duke to have On th* .- .. I , r:.;� ,..;,:�:� + -barrei .60; :;-�!.'...... - ckcie eight gold strawberry leaves, - : t�_ , I . 4 .4 ___ Beef-PULte, halt s, 100 lbs., *7 Ottawa. ­ � lbs. - *M be crowned in NVestminster ab-� - . barrels, 200 lbs., 4-14.w; tle=es, .0 `J $21.50. . j�,,, (A.ffiliated Witt) Clinton + Butchered With An Axe. i I BLIsiness College) + Portland,,0re., June 10. -The bodies Lard-CbmpoM,id tierces, 375 lbs., 9�fiic; � 1, �� I � --,."--. * of a man named Hill, his wife and boxes, 50 lbs. net (parchment lined), 96/sc; GEO. SPOTTON, President, "' two children, Ivere found yesterday in tubs, 60 lbs. net, grained, two handlea, It "I ___� + the Hill home at Ardenwald, a sub- 9%0; pails, wood, 20 lbs. net, 10c; tin , I pallso 20 lbs. gross, 91/0. . -V arb of thi6 city., Porij-Heavy Canada, short cut XneRy, . The woman and children 1fad been barrels; 35 to 46 Pieces, $21,50; half-bar- � .1 chopped to death with an axe. He rel.s, $1; Canada short out and back pork, I 4s to 55 pieces, i)arrels, $21,16o; Canada I had then comm4.tted sulcide. �o s5 pieces, ;20; :A, .. , 1". elear pork, barrels, 80 i . : fl- AL il -_ .1 � . ILI I Cru bean pork, small pieces but fat, barrels, � � . .. I I I Spaniards Lost Mo Killed. $16.50. '�, 1�aris, June 10.--'J.I1e curmspondellt Eggs- -Fresh, 17%c to -Is c. I ; 0 . heese-Westerns, UIAO 1� 11vic. 1 1, I .. . of The Temps at h1puni'a, Uorocco, S , seconds, 1so. to . I utter -Choicest, 21%e; ,� 1. :.. STRATFORR . 3NT- a clash oc- 19, _ �� yesterday telegraplieu t,iaa , , � * A. LARGE SCHOOL� A GOOD * our -red -between Lix bpan �sh ttoops and . . I , 'bom-u,a at 5(jul Arba, � ) , SCHOOL. THE + a force of tr, . V;"� I" I BES * ,,),,,,r , ' I. .� �. , o"a-L't'l ., I , -� v -e 101,1 .�." I This school has a * Dekert. The ,.I ossc_ -'el . " -ion for hi,zh gradf, work -killed. ThL n%Lwsalen sWiv,red a � �" . fl, reputat , * men East Buffalo Cattle Market. f ,to stud-* *' I ,.,I .1 A . 1 9 -Cattle-Rg- the bigge show on ,earth v= tE I " , , ::".. . . " ­, The rank of the peeresses will be dq,� , place. (Wy a compazativeAL%W � :: e termined in much the sam way ax be prhdleged to vilnessethe-ft- ' 1: . .1 that of the peers, by rows of ;1,; nation. About TAM�Ters=� and the coronet ornaments. In addV . 8�adndttedlto­the grea:Vllidff�tovse6� - " . tion there wM be another system of I � - _. I - grading, and the higher titled a peeri. I . I ess, is the longer it will take her t� ,:*,:��,M.. . .V2 . �. "'...'T ­ .. '.. . - to rank the length of: pass. According .�'. ... X ­1�w', . thet�gown -!,. regulated, the trains rang-' I 1. _ . Igg from one to two yards in accord- I . . - . I with the fouow1ug officially prcp- � I . I ��� mulgated order: ­ I I I - "-'' �� . . � I . I 1. � �!, �. lj� � �!,. Dieee- I ­�­ ­ I— . . . . i. 1. � 1, namness ............................. Ond yavff' - ��g ­ 9 . uRnN MARY. viscountess ........ Oneyard and a quarter countess ................ one yard and a halt . ­... .. _.: . I ... cisnwftom,:both camps, the-Conserva- Bftrchloness..One yard and three-quarters . Two yards . I '�­_,4 A lk VX__ d-____ :Fos. Duchess ............................. 0�, . .,*, and for th,6 Succe- - loss 01 P.-Ouaw y ,3 . EAS111 BUFFALO, June - — ,� I'M= e Jy . . . . . - - - �;�,� ia4ts- . * - ­_ celpts, 800; market active, strong; prim4i - . � *PL King�s and Queen's Robes, _,., * ranch Had Demerate Batflo. steers, $6.30 to $6.50; butcher grades, $3 t6 1% U,t ., '.5 1 Ileged guests -.1. . - .�� . King George's coronation robe Is of - I , I.. * F - Theo.�.`iTlVjting Tliv '47 We have three departments- , � $6.25. ' active. , , ; i une � C*--�-I;vciai de- Calves--RecelPts, 2000; inarket . gg� : I to Wastminster abbey for the crmm- :111, 0 London, . $5.50 to� $9.25. � , oAoth of gold, wo-ven at Bmintree, Eng - 1, ­'., COMMERCIAL, I " .­. r rt, �11,,. ,,'lat the firm; cull 'to choice, ftig,�ct-King- Ge=gP_ �snd Qneen Mary, I I , i; * epatches from ': . land, where also the magnificent vel- �0 � . - J. , - - and Lambs -Receipts, 2400; mar- L*�'ffiA,�M,. . . . . 11�,, , I 'I trv..!�;�� Q_ .,.,! _,,j,U Jz on sheep .. , 1.�.�, ., � - SHoRTHAND and FreilUl _- lit .. ., lm:4.7.1 June *ZZMuch larger I . It. . n �of King FOP .. ket fairly active And strong; cnoice �,;g, _...V:P thaik that vet for the aueen's train was maau-� . o: cull to fair. $5 to $6,90; .., , Umd at -coronatio '! 0 June 4, after - ,' ! il_­.. lambs, $7 to $7.2-5; .. I I The PrtA.,nd __-,,!.ii-e1-Z,I,I, and �^� M ' � uid Queen, Alexanfts. Its Vmms- � .. - . ", yearlings, $6.60 to ,� - ��F�` . Z11 ,g,n,,,.�, wazd .- . ; 'I - " - `�`7 '.. ' -�'z� . $6; sheep, V to $5 ,�'; -.�� " , ':;-:;,�%, §:X;.� .11 -2, by 11 14 inches. It- ls�dhe � I i Anib,ltloW young inen ah4 * .27, Alive �$ . . � ffl - -3:&l . t.'L1 I? -. t . � !!lN10S S.'Ay, 'Lre Hogs -Receipts, s500; market a<, -1_11 ­ . - _ , ,f. ures I * . I 0,11, higher; yorkerp, $6,45 to $6.50', V . - , , wom8n Q,hould send at oticet-for'O his CabinLt, is ,�60 I ,�..".,�� - ,��­. . * prisoners. Hoay." L­v��,� w"CUM2( y $G.80 M. votkolof R Parf�dge_ . our lariZ6 free catalor-Me. to $G.zo; mixed, p.45 to $6.50; heav , . ­'g�.Tm ::;.-; , .k.'! g.,.:,X,*., .1 . � stags, $4.50 :f,:KN-,,1Z �: , ... L.� W, =x -general dedgm enqAra,-d7,e9-,tIie . I - it at once and &6e * both sides, � to $6,40; roughs, $5.2-5 to �5.6u; WELL AND WR: F!`g 11 to$5. 1 ­..'*$-:,_-­,--..�-_ I . -,16.* "M% , �, � maritima-greabies3,4of-the British em. , ..1........'W:"�..:;,W; I r.r,hVs is a Igood 'time of ,The * � I Live Stock. . ," 0, , se�, L . Write for . * ., ��%*K ; I IiVI�U$,.,�%-,.*� .1 I I . what our I-xiadua1eis are dGl ew York- ­ Q 1$ .1m I V1 ..... .... I—— I ik; N�11 .. � ... . .. : .:­1-;,.-m,­..._.a_ . `T - I .r .. ! -- NAS. bnrkgwun& nr-Ahe I yelar for you ,to cro,�er. oil 'IP- 1 NLpw yoRIC, Tune 9.-Beeves-Receiptm� ---z:lz;ll�-;�;.,L;9:.41�-�;.,.."��.-,-, ovem t., . I lare e-1 �555 head; steers firm to 10c higher; marr �S,.,".,.,,ij R 11 , . Ili the centra is a 1. -, t3c(s. Studentis ,r: , ON N .s slow to lower ;;-�11 ��.-,-.......,-�'..".,.",";,.', .._,.,.....�­­­-,., * SH - HAD CONSUMPTI I g for high grad, i-1. .1- ....... 1.11 . . * 14, ket stron " ",,_ 4 . 11-1.1::,. mich week. CommtrIce Jyvu� v S, Steers, $4.85 io, $6.70; bulls, S"IARONG `v'1';"_:` ;1...'1;;..14M:t1 I'll . '" for I - ��'���'?,-.,.'.i.-.-,��,,-,,'�..�I I � . 1_ . 0 ­ . other . .iE- �__,�.�'....,._.',." ,I &,spery. c=ry - r ws, $1.75 to 0. 0- , , lin, coursp .- , at once. * '. 13.50 to $5.40; co, firm. - .."g... ..-T.-.-.&:.- ��, . � -ht hazi(Elbe royal sceP- ... I 0 I . . .-� .; .� , -� -xig: I 1* Calves -Receipts, 46 head; market � �,.,,� , ,ini,_im-her. to 25c higher; yeals, �7.50 to $9.75; pulls � ..... toe[r, Valh fh:P� =sS6 OV& in the left D. 'A. lacL'AOHLAN� * Dr. Wood"o, By Lydia E. Pinkham's :1 ,�reignty. . I - Principal. 40 , 1�--Iof 66v( .1 L I and fed calves, �0 TO P. the-prb., Ahe emblen I Shee?. and Lambs-ReCelpts, 5081 head; ..... � -;Ihe aureoled ,; � Norway Pine Syrup sheep wer; cl-joice lambs steady, othert Vegetable Compound Percfte&�cirr the 'top��iof I � .- — weak; 3heep, $3 to� $4.50; lam.U, se to heilmek -wtdch also, 2T,winged, sits a . L � I � e.rilngs, $3.26 to $6- Toronto. --I gladly give you my _-:11. minial=erBTitish lion. . . I . I $8'50; 7 testimonial in favor of -your wonderful 0n,,tb_-6gbt-of`1the­f�are shown � I Ifto Usborne aud filbbert i Cured Her. I-Iogs--Recel-pts,1824 head; market steadr I 11111- . ­ � I . at $6 to $6,40. medicines. Last October I wrote to I the- royzl of Xing George and .;; � . Z. ,;; , . . . . Chicago Live Stock. you for Advice as I was completely run tbp-, troyak mxonogram� -Q. R." (George � lusur . C1-JICAG0 June g. -Hogs -Receipts, IS,- down, had bearing down sensation in : - Rex).. Beneath the,medallion of the . �_ � Weighed 135 Pounds- 000; markei be higher; mixed and but- . Farmer's� Mvtual Ulm - . . - good, heavy, $5.75 Lo- . the lower part of aTms .Uv-,*ffism..r.word,.-ot 6fate and the I daW,wagau .1 chers, $5.90 to $6.80; _.: , bowels, backache, I heavy, $5.75 to $5.95; light, . I . ; trident. The-.Queees arms Now Weighs 172. $6 37, rough, ­ .-- o: __,_: . , � on the .. .. .­.-4.�,.1..,.. land pain in the I $5�96,to so -30; pigs, $15-60 to $6.15. .1 . .."..'.1, , , I left closely x�semble iliose of ,the I.- .... - .. I.. i I � _ .1. ... fered terribly from * ' " �,Head Office, Farquhar,'.Ont — Cattle_-Recelpts, 1500; market steady; 11 s de. I also suf ` I . I , beeves, $6.15 to $6,50� cows and7 heifers, . --- "'ng � Mrs. Charles McDermott; Bathursti �2.45 to $5.so; stockers and feeders, $3.85 .t�l 1� gas. . M"'; � :� President, J. F. RUSOE" to $6.85; Texalls, $4.50 to $5.76; calves, $' - TILP XING G:I�ORGV.. low the I I . V1oe_pWe15,. RO�B!rj. G,&RDINER, N.Bq `writes: -'11 thought I would, $8.36. After receivi -1 arms is�the cornucopia, or horn. Of . L., . � write and, let ion know -the benefit I have tosheep and Lambs -Receipts, 12,000; mar- . :�. I .. your directions, King Edward and Queen Alexandxa plenty. . 1, DIRHCT01�8. ' native, $3 to $4.50- western, . .� � ,_ follow6d them PUXI4R -WARD, Xl,�W Z)�AJAND. received ugh the use.of Dr. Woodil ket weak; Nmvest- . Six smaller symbolical medallions, thro, . . cl will be permitted to see the George three on ewh side of the feet Of the factured. 1Xne gold chosen for thS . 150AX&A $;.25 to s4.60; lambs, $4,25 to $4.55; . I osely and am now crownecL it is said that even more � I ;aQRT. NOURIS, I Norway Pine Syrup. Three years ag() ern, $4.25 to $6,90- ,,, . entirely free from , � I , t TEM,. RYA -IN 0"11", I had consumption. I had three doctors Cheese Market.�. . . . in back and and Mary function. But it is on the central figure, ,.mrmounted by the kj11g%MIo§e,.p&W.,an&9toIe is clear and.L I . . ain outside of the hall of Westminster royal crown, ind'eate the various do- brigbA ItIld 0117"; I ,, �11.1. ! fwinohaafta,� pERTI-L Ont-, June 9 -There were 900 Eowels, and am enough 91loy Is u i � / W"U. 8000K, attending me and. they were, very much boxes qf cheese boarded -700 white and ,. I that be real sightseers will see and mi-wons, of the �mpire. FAir states to�jgtve -it the neeessary,strength. T " I I 0 - . FATLQUgAn alarmed about, my condition. I was so 2oo colored. All sold at ruling prices of . stronger in. every be seen. London has a matter of represent the four rovinces of the L wIth`the emblems of, I . � ". �. -wm.. aoy 11%c. way. 6,000,000 and more, while hordes of � sWie Is adorned I ,. ,','� i ' U140 to, T South African union, the maple leaf, in I � 1 14 AGENTS, weak and miserable I could not do ray 6TTAWA, June 9 -There, were 220 whit4b I also took L dia E. Pinkhara's . . ra will be present from all the Canada; the rose, shamrock an�j the empire ht,home an(T overseas, 4.i � : ; I. ,�,, � i -While looking t ou -1b 'Yo � d 497 Vegetable Compound before my baby vls1t0 and from cluding, the lotas of"India, which waW � 4-11", , . �4 OHN 06SERY ZxOtew' ageot lax housework. ' hr L Ur an colored cheese boarde� A'c. British isles and colonies thistle, the United , Kingdom; the , I I � 311;iUl'A B.B.B. almanac I saw that Dr Wood'01 day. All the 717 were cleared up at ill/ was born, and I recommend, it hi!hll the Amerioan republic, which always five 6tars the five states of, Australia, embroidered on King Edward's mantle'l ". . 1* 'aLsbar'ne W4 *, AiMi , Norway, Pine.Symp was good for, weak-' 11 ecipqotity. to all pregnant women. -MRS has a large contingent of citizens who . ,,,, � I LURIa. Mum German and R, while the Indian and New Zealand Queen Mary's co;pnatlon robe la &I I . OLI a RA I . langs, s6 1 got a bottle at the drug stor#,- WAxDBY, 92 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ont. I I . I � - w0b 4 pine for royal pomp. All nations will - `� , (101i 11=, Valliartod aA and hfter Qdng ten bottles I was corn- Ottawa, June 10. -William M. Ger- symbols'are readily di5tinguishable. most impressive affair of. puiTle vel -I � . I Auother Woman Cured be represented officially. Between P,000 and 8,000 of' these vet, vbjle the train of her coronationii jo . CI ,I fla== pletely cured. At that time"I weigw! man, Liberal M.P. for Welland� is I " . I -�, ( `W ., !lv.y 135*poundi and now weigh, 172, a 11not. still opposed to r'eciprocity. He is Maple Creek, Sask.-I have used From each of Britain's far flung cards axe being issued. The peers' gowu is of red veltet eighteen yardW1 ,�. . i J:X So_ Et , Par4uhar a to - vill gather regim6lts and cards, which are sent out by the col- long And embroidered lu gold by thei I - - 37 pounds in three yews. I how're",p it' heye and says so, but he intend Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com colonie,4,, i � . i � . O&NBURY. vollieftars uld not eT91 in Wella,ud. pound and Blood Purifier, and I aM battaliQas and troops of soldiery, all lege of heralds, Are 6igued ,by the most expert needle-%yomen In Greati I -QUARMAR S; in the house all the time and wo , I . run again as a Lib vas troubled in glittering panoply and grand ar- King'biniself. The others are issued ' 11 , . . .. 1. be without it for anyt� A I owe MY The faTme-ris, he says, are divided now in perfect health. 1'y send her Hindu . It Is Lbled througliolit W=� � I . . I I life,to it.'! .1 1, oii the reciprocity qttestion, but all wkh pains ev� month. I know other ray. India, will through the earl marshal's office and Britain � I Z as I did I ir dazzling suite4s, gr,*- are signed by the Duke of Norfolk. whiteosatlu. I Dr. Wood'a Norway Fine Syrup,COIL- the towns we against it, women Who so. er and I will princes and the'� r<�ldd' When Xing Greorge V. is crowned, � ,, gladly recommend your medicine to tesquely garbed. Some of the P #0 teen Years, . , I tainis the,�=j bealin Virtues of the' , � the crowning no fewer than 776 gum win sonorou&. Lord Chancellol' for So Pit I _` CASTORIA .combined *ith' Reggre Meets the King. them. You may publish this if YOU est of them will Attend � X&w.ay�lh**ftf wNk, ance to the ly axinounee, the fact, and they will Lard, Halsbury was Lord Chancellor I : yor ,LM&U4m a,aok 0 oifi��,W)iotbent,expectoroxs;and,000thiOg London,' Jun� 10.-(O.A.F. Cable,)- think it will he$ others.-Uns. V, E. and make obeiS: white .1 MUM% � Creek, Sask. overlord Who rules them and reP" be. so distributed as to give loyal sub- , *a I ' . 0 . I medizinga; Oakes, itmithout &Aoubg g to that countless army sents the � force that keeps, their na, jects in the remotest corners of M I ,U Uayor G. R. Geary of ,Toronto was COOK, Maple tor seveateen years and received i . -LA , . it ou belonj lary daring that 'period $850,000. : . So . rinOylor, c0agbis, told ttron We v6sented to lCing George,yes d who suffer from some form tion together. e some chance of hearing th� " L - - 80 . 51ki be4t . L ter men I With hi,s*,six years' pi�wion he has , I . . * D I We has also Teceiled an ln,gitatpionqt� ' of,wo� festi t1le enTIVe Toyal sAilut-e 0ow-ist'. of twent,y, I , ,� ,IV, 1pod YO 44" AIW ,� and al"broOland lung troub m � ills, on't hesitate to try For ten day. -the Val of t,-,civ�4 ,,J,o0u,o00 lov lik servioes. ,., �. 1 , of female L. , , 1- : cen Dowar* NVestminker Abbey to see tAe Vegetable Corn- coronation is progrianod tb las . eg.Vs tka, - - ride 25.' t$ L at 9,11 dealers. Lydia E. Pi 11 .h� . - b, It . L . I "in t that . I � imitagons. The genuine is M=UfM- 11 etion. . � ts and, herbs. f"_­­,L� ., I I � . L -,-V.1!gW),T,Ur111q 66� �111,"-_` ,� of pound, maile from roo � _Vwt_.el�,:­ - L'. �' � %�' L. I I . I 'L I ! , tureA only by the'.r. Milburn Co., UmiW. I . . . _­­ ­.""' _�� L � . , . I I I I . ,� . � I I I Toronto, 0116. L . . .... -1 ­­­­� - . . \ I I . . � I , , � I . . I L . I � . . I I . . I I I . � . , L , � I . I I � I � . I . I . . I I . I L I .1 'L 1, I L 1. I I I I I I I ,� ,, I L i I I . L I . I . . . i " I I I , I I I .1 AW - '' L - , I . ? i, . ______. � " , `1 I I . . .­ ­ - - ... L--` 11". 111111 --11-1111 I-- _A . " ., L", L , I I . I I I 11 I I I I ) � . . L � � I . , . . I I I I 1- ­ ___..O� ., L '�A"­ � L I -A& ­­��_ %--_--.2.,.j, 1 ­L'_.._L.`__' ­­ ­ ­­­­ -- ­ ­­­­ "" limom