HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 8- ­ _­ . ­ . - _­�_ _�,_­RM"7n1M-�.-,!;,__%W"-Mq . I I I I'll—, � 7911qq M " ___ __ _­ ___ - ­­ 1_�11�1­_"_11171_111!""� 1W"WFW_W"111__ . . 1 7- 1 __,,_ . . I 11 " , , P"1411"W'"114 qw—""1111 , I 77�7W.W"� , . . , � I I I I ,� ".. �.: ; -1 I � 11 . . I I � . I I � I I � � 11 11 1. � I , I . I ;� .: I . . ., I., I . I I ,� 1� 1: I I I I I I I � I I I I I. I � I I � I . � I . ; . I IM -4 *"-k*�_-"-_ . � 1. . I . I I . I . I I . I . . I I I W�-o"_o "k,", ­4*!!*s""W11",,"1­­, _ -14,,."___ � I � . I , I . I I I , : - I : . ��. I ­___ ___ ! ; �' . j L 0 ; . 0 � .' . � ;, i OM"�� --- � . I I � I I -__—____1 . . ­*­_­­ ---L---- LL' L :­ 11111- ­­ . , I � 7-- —­ I , : I � LL I I I � � .. I I I I . I . I L . I — __ I . - i0l­ 111—, ­­_ - ,- . I - . I ­­­ I ======I . , I I- , I i 41*0*1%1% %A4AV*ft�%e%V1**1141J0" . be built of four-inob tile. The root HELI , RADIUM LA-0EIN BREEZE, $- --- _- , I ____ - I I � I I " I I I I I I I 11 .. L " . I � .in coustfu L - Ay ": . . . I I . be ctod of the usual 'S A CONVERT To — , .. I I I 'VVI HOW TO TREAT Ut L � 1110, . I �, 1�1. 1, V-% ' Z ' . wooden rafters, boarded, b 0OV_ . I , i 1, . . I . �'%/ dv , I I The Latest 'Citing In the Treatmen � -_ - . . JL I 0 " 0 .. ered with slate or asbestos shine� L I . QX GQU .'I I I ... ' I . 0OUrs I e, areprA. , L t. I : L . . - LA" - 1 :,� : I 6 P - L.1 SKIN TROUBLES A GROWING BELIEF , I I'l A I . I � U11 Is which arb, -of L . lzt;, - ssibilities. of a, fire starting breezes are the : I L I .1 L I iT k I Radium4adeli LLLLL -_ i� -0" __ - an(,, po I L . , I -_ ma ,ng rquell headway In a'AF 4 vexy lates,t thing ja the tre vWwo the ivorar,w4aaahe in vo minau;o or im. Abspimtei,p harmleae. Aiw I I � %e%A", i4`**%1* *1011" lw%_11" , � abillent . L . .1 :1 I I _Tu portion of thi's building are " of gout One ,of the papers, road at all drugo'lato'. 14XM1% 8 KIDNEY PILL S L, ' L L ' � . . . I slight' TIU T DOI), R9 .......... .11,11111, - . __ ... -11. . . L L I , , OrOaSY OWM811tS O,f'1'0 '930- 'Perfect insulation at the German Medical Congress 11 =0 I & C11 I CA .1 CO. OF C4kNAX)A, J � Inn, �� ! L I . THE RJUTHDAY GIFT. Again' 11 "At " CUItEL FOR ___ - - I . L . I I 11, 11 11., . I .1 I . I 1 cold is obtained by ihe air spaces ARN THE, sur,.E � which conoludod at Wiesbaden v I . 1. 11-1 ­,— 1.___7____ = � I W �,:��� i I I 11, I :1 10, I Trouble Must be Oured Through I. . a to i I ___!!�� � , ��.', I I . L Bonuie"—wlloae, other -name was the tile. These terra-cotto, ]KIDNEY DISEASE, days ago was ,on the application of I . I'll � I 11 FARM$ FO � I I L 1 4 .L, . Thil 0amerati—oat -on a rook by the the B109a L "' 1. I .. R SALE AND TO FIENT, 11 I : I ron,d,L gt.�Xdyina . blocks- or tile come in various .Sizes, L radium in the, aerial state. Radium I - I :, I I I . hard what he, could . the ustialthiekit6sa is eight, inches � L, . — , . IC( emanatoriall have been esta,blish, Queen's aniversity I ". . W. RAWSON,T= Colborne street. ' I I L got for his, mother's birthday pre- It is not a good thing for people for outside L Wa'lli of A tWo-story . . . ,ed in Berlin and at Bad Rom . , L � "�' r . , blocks 'AreL laid , . burg, Kingston, Ontario. I RUIT- L k'ARAJS" 411 0,�e ro 5 Zorei 11 " I sent. He saved tiis , pennies Aftor with a tendency to have pimples dwelling, These in Mr. Itettle Noulalson, was treated and now Ems is to have one. A . E up to 200, at prices M11 are reason. I I., i , L . . OQtobor came to buy a large bottle and A blotchy complexion to smear cement ,on edge, and the walls of by two doctors, but found his ro- s,pecial ap . . : �, : r L L of la"ader-water for her Christ- themselyQ Paratus in which radium I . XRTS, EDUCATIOff 111.1 -11 " I 4L with greasy ointments the house can be laid up by P, mas, is placed '11 a currout.of air.10, fixed I L *1 TOOX, GRAIN OR DAIRY FARMS. It 11 I N_VaS fond� of Lit, � liet and cure, lit obt boxes of I I THEOLOOY, MEDICINE 8 will par YOU to conoult me if you d mao, becmisv she and su,ch things. In fact they On In a very short time. The ex- in A. too ) want to buy one, I : i ,: I . . and he was, too. Bu in and ,all the patients have SCIENCE, including . L I .1�1 ��, I L . . , , i . her own couldn't, do anything worse�, be- terior of the house may be of al- Dodd's Ridney Pills, to do is to sit in the room and talk ENCYINEERINCY. , ^ 11, . . was coming, and, what oau,se the grease clogs the pore,� of most any, Style, . I ,or reAd newspapers or play . .. Ell 8 TE R N 4 LANDS any claa,utity. t� 1 . L birthd . . W 1�­. I . tould Ye get that she really liked, the skin . 11 S , . T�e Arts course may be tiken by . I ��, I., . L ' L making the complaint I 1 44-- . urette Island,�,-Yarmouth, N. S., draughts the ", dium in sorution in , 4 ,t ­�, e 0 , I L , W. DAWSON, Phone Main 6990 or :�. . when ther wer only BeVeutceu worse. When there is an irritating . June 5 . (Special).—Renie MOUW-.th,�air d' correspondence, but istudentg desiring If. nights and holidays at Two YEUA- ;, � I 1,. -11 " "AIR, WAVE 8.11 I son, a fisherman 'Of this place, is 4 blo oes the rest and effects the to graduate must attend one session. P'' . dred and Sevauty-two. Wright Avenu06 1.11 I". J gouts, in his iron banki He never rash a soothing boracic wa4 miy . I Q4 through the lurips. This � . ,�, I I t I convert to the growing belief that treat Phone Park 627. 1 _44 , I L . ­- � I had to break open hit banks 0 help to allay the pain or itching, 8 metlities txt ment is especially recommend- , 0 L aorea I - 1, ,�� . know how much they held, for he but of course it 4oesn't cure. Skin 0 end 10 to 12 Miles Dodd's .Kidney Pills are the sure 10OR SALE IN ALBERTA -64 I '. . , . ed for all gouty ailments. JL�Ooyood rich lmnd,� in settled district, L f, . I � kept account of every cent in a fun- complaints Arise from an inkpIlIe Aboye Earth's Surface. cui , ,e for Kidney Disease. I . July 3rd to August I I th. . $0 and other conveniences. Write '' . � Ily little journal heL had. condition Of the blood and will per- 4 wy trouble started with a cold," . I * , Wm, Connell. Neepawa, Man, ,.... L We� hear much from th,6 Airmen . Sores Heal Quickly.�Rave you.A L - L " L, , ,. 11 What -was it he heard his mother sist until the blood is purified, Dr. of "ait waves," but the subjec "my mus- persistent sore that iefuses to heal 7 t . .,��,� . , t is Mr. Moulaison states. For Calendars write the Registrar, LBERTA FARM LAND$ FOR. BALI , I , � I . . The best mixed1arming district J, . .sayihg to a neighbor. Iasi spring, Williams' Pink Pills As clOs would cramp, I had bra,ckache Then , E -ric 17 G, Y. CHOWN, Kingston, Ontario A . any , � have cured of interest aside from aviation, , try .Dr. Thomas , electric Alaorta. .The oldest land comp L Itt , 0 out it the ga,rden, about something many cases of eczema. and skin, dis- a matter of fact, we have -our be- and I had dizzy spells, My Upad Oil in tile dressing. it will stop I - Alberta. Write for catalogue. Depart. ': ��, - I -_ ment "A." The Saskatchewan Land and, �__ , I she Nvanted more than anything orders because they make -new, ing submerged in ,,wavee, to often ached and I had a tired, nerv- sloughing, carry away the proud Homestead Company, .Limited, Red Door, %11��, I I I I elsefor the flower -beds, but she rich blood that drives out the im- wkieb the 'greatest waves 'of the Oils feeling while specks of light flesh, draw out the pus and prepare TUE RIGHT TIME . I Alberta. .. I I L . , -never I could find ir,? Could lie riot purities, clears the skin &ad ,M_ ocean are mere ripples in point of flashed in front of my eyes� a clean way for the new skin. It L 4'And wilen shall I take the sleep- AcEhTS'WANTED., I L - I . 111 . I .11 find it if he hunted the WaysideSL parts a glow of health, Mrs, S. L. ,size, says the New York Herald � I suffered in this way for over is the recognized healer Among oils in.g draught, doctor?" . GEN . TS WANTED.-A.Listudy of other I : and. edges of the woods and the Peterson, Brandon, Man., Says: "I When a current of air blows two months and was treated by two and myriads of people can certif I inutes be- � . .Y . "Well, aboub fifteen In AAxenoy propositions convinces I re. I doctors, but they didn't seem, to be that it healed where other oils fore you go to sleeqp�" . t1latL none Can oyAl ours. You -will syt � ; meadow -banks, now it was vaca- suffered for years, from eczema, across a water surface waver, a, j'� 1. . I . I . ways regret it i ou don't apply fol '� �. , L L I tion T ' Don Felton could go with which brought with it other trou- produced, and when a' -current of 1 able to do much for tn�. Then I failed utterly. ` � partiou,lara to Iravallers'. Dept., 291 t­� 1. ­ I I him, for Don would never tell what bles, Such as a poor Appetite, head- air blows across the surface, of! Started to improve. I took six L .1. 1. Albert It,. ottmwa. I I ' . 11 , . I I . .1 Away With Depression amd Mel� ,;" I they were after, and some of tile aches and weakaaas. The port -ions quiet air, or air -having a ,different! boxes in 'All and now I am glad to ('Billy," said Billy's � mother, an,choly.—These two evils.are the , , MISCELLANEOUS, I I I 11 I 11 e I . I " I ys Might tipoil his plan if of my body affected by the eczema motion from the first current., theii, say I am cured." . ' didn't I tell YOU that if x9t, ate .accompaniment of a disor-der-ed at ARM SCALES, special price. Wilsot's L''..L � I . I O" F or , . they knew it. gave me constant torture from the air waves will be produced. I If you have any two or three of any ,of -that ja,m I'd whip you!" mach and torpid . liver and ,mean Scale W ks, 9 Esplanade, Toronto, '.. 11 "e"", L He would take the dog along, for itching and heat. I tried several These atmospheric waves have, Mr. Moulaison's symptoms you ma,y t4yessum. But you Wouldn't whip wretch�dness to all whom they iisit. PURE-BRED SHORTHORN BULLS. for L I � Prince just loved going -off with the doctors and all sorts of lotions and the phenomena of water waves—i be sure your Kidneys are not in a . 2 sale -1 red and I roan -age 12 t � L L I . sick kid, would you I" ' �Of course The Surest and speediest way to Ind - I X * two boys, and he never told secrets. ointments, but did not got the least troughs, crests, foaming, breaking good working order. Bad XidneYs not . els is months. Sired by Gay Marcus -732 7—. . . L Are you ill ,Billy?" �'Yes- combat them is with Paxtriele, Ve- 4 1-2 3niles south of Alviuston statign, . .1,4 I ­,A� So there were long days in 'va,ca- relief. Finally I was advised to try and spraying—but since the qual- � mean Backache, Rheumatism, su�j. I don't think I'll git well." getable Pills, which will restorethe Latubton, County. 11O.&Ipino Bros.,. A,Ugh. . tion, When nothing was seen of the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and de- ities of air and water are so dif- Heart Disease or Bright's Disease e,ma,mma,s poor little boy 1 What healthful action of the, stomach and UT YOUR GLAS5 At 1IOMM._0,,,v"�, e, I ,,a . I *1 . I � boy after breakfast until he came cided to do so. After using the f erent, the air waves have dimen- I unless &#,ended to. The one sure made him illq', "Eatin' too much bring relief. They have proved C "Red Devil" GlassVit4er.dut req 4 . five hun- . . Aced and *indOW I . home late in the 0textioon, very Pills for some time the irritation . Way to cure them is to use Dodd's jam,,, their usefulness* in thousands of g"u"" plate glass, r,m( Ott 414, 90.. I I I � ' . maii, 266. w'. E. P ex � ­ I L I I hungry, quite tired, very dusty and and hea,t began to grow leas And. I dred times those of the correspond- Kidney I Pills, C . I cases and will eontinue to give re- VcV'6.11ty St., L XontroAl. . I . I . , I L , verycheerful . He said he had been seemed in better health otherwise. ing water waves. ' %,TRY MURINE EYEL REMEDY,,, lief to the Suffering who &to wise &WMILL MA.CHINBUY, Portable bf I �., . , I I 1". ". I off to Green Lodga with Don Fel- I continued ,taking the Pills for Thus, the greatest ocean waves NO NEED FOR THAT. for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes enough to use theia. S, heavy, La;tha Mills. Shill r -, - Stige of of, perhaps,, twent�-five feet would . andGranulatedEy,elids, Alurine Doesn't I I Engines and Boilers,* Mill Sup 50 laft I . L, ton, and as Green Lodge was a ftv- several months and every ve have, atmospheric counterparts ex- A milaist-sr, in an address to other Smart—Sootbes Eye Fain.. Druggists . I.. L E.'Long Manufacturing. Co., TIT,* West . - .1 winter the trouble disageared, and my ' . Street, Orillia, Ontario.' , I �L L I 1. orite tramp with the boys, - rd a distance of ten le I . � &ad. summer, .no inore questions skin is agai as I tudiag upwa mini$t ra, once said that he thought Sell Murine Eye Remedy, I.Aquid, 25c, 1 . NO 'USE n ree from blemig-i twelve h's min� Alurine Eye Salve In . L IGHT PIANOS, $165-00 cash. 1� _ Miles above the eart bsters ought to be humble and 50c, �1-00- Old Gentleman—"Now, kiddies, to.b. Montreal, equals pianos soa I., were asked. As in youth. Given a fair trial Dr. or Aseptic Tubes 25c, $1.00. Eye Books N.`3W UPR I ents, Writi do you want me to have a game of elsewhere $300.00 oi pa I r that month surface. The passage of these poor, 1,ke their Master. "I hav,. I ', t, Kn` ­ Two or three time Williams' Pink Pills will act dis- and Eye Advice Free, by Blail. * I Wholesale Micpa,ttuen T e Leach Piano I I . huge Air waves. would be felt by often prayed," Said he, 11that 1 0 Alurine Eye Remedy Cc,, Chica . t .., . I the boy was off on a long exRa�di- appoint those Suffering from skin I . ' , 1 go. romps with you? Eli?" Co., Ltd,, _ . I ". t3 us since they would cause a Stir- might beL kept humble never . . )�oungster­"Oh, nol. vrlp x. In. I �� tions, but, the mother Always had a eruptions or weakness of any s3rt." - 3 0 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. , ig up of the air At the earth's tol,L1 playing nit Indians, and you're no It aernal, i luncheon for him to tak; along, Dr. Williams' Pilik Pills cure all rl' a poor — I Fond Mother-17-ohnny, I . -,i ternal and LoN cured without � L surface somewhat similar to that ,could trust my church for that." d already.!" pain b our home treatment WAte'us . : due to poor blood i before Yoe late. Dr. Bell=Za, Colling- I ; -done up in paper and slung by a those troubles produced by the passage of 'water . ,you that you might have a piece of use- You're Sc&1pP - I t I 1 �7� strap over one* shoulder, with a simply because they make new, cake but I see you have taken two ' I wood. Ont. I I Bonnie rich, red blood. That is why these waves over shoal places. REST AND HEALITO 510T91ER AND CHILD.6 I Wilson'; .1 drinking -cup tied on. Tho undulating movement of such I Worms in children, if tlie_v be ll.jt'pieces. Why did you do that?" 5 TON SCALE, aBecial price. - MRS. WILNSLOW'S SOOTNING SIRUP has been Scale Works, isplanade, Toronto, � attended to, cause convulsions, and Small Johnny�-"Well, marnma, I've usedforover SIXTY YEARSby MILI,10118, of � L thought his mother was the *right pills cure common diseases 'Like S wo uld account in part for , . � � ., . - air wave often death. Mother GraVes' Worm beet making believe there - MOTHERS for their CUILDREN WHILU OMEN WANTED to take orders in � ­ ­, was an TXR,T11TNG, ivith PS'RV4CT SUCCI�1,8. It spare time, no ex erienoa* neces- _ zort�--jlist what a boy ,wanted. As anaemia, rheumatism, lumbago, Sol the intermittent gusts of windthat Exterminator will protect the obil-,other little -boy visiting me, Be, of SOOTHES the CXIL1% SOFTENS the GUM$ eary Our lines especiaMY used I - for putting up lunches of salad rolls atica, neuralgia, headaclies, indi- we notice so frequently in storms. d. I W b I . ren from these distressing afflic- course, I had to give him a piece, ALLAYS all PAIIN -, CURus w3u) coLic, ana motVors and girls. App Dopt. A, Brit! " and sweet pickles and plum ginger- gestion, St. Vitus dance, and the Tho presence of these 'waveS IS is the hest remedy for DIARRRQ�A, It is ab- ish Canadian Industriae- CompanY, 220. � t, too." I solixtely harridesa. ne roure and ask for -AIrs. Albert St., Ottawa. I . 1, !1. � bread and ,cookies, there was not a general weakness and special ail- also indicated by the. existence of I Ions' I I Winslow's Soothing Syrap,11 and take no other L . — , � , � 1 � mother in town who thought -of any ments that only women folk kn,)w. certain kinds of regularly formed I . . I kiud. T-.vcntv-Ave cents a bottl�_ PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult 4_11� ; such thing for a boy's tramp. Oh, Sold by all ipedicine dealers or by S T: cloud groups in which ea A Matilda—"Susan, I hope us in regard to any disease Lbwest ' ch cloud I unt I I . prices in drugs of all ' kinds. , . his mother was worth a birthday mail at 50 cehts a box or six boxes marks the, crest of an air wave. you took care of my pets while I I . RECIPROCITY. . Trusses fitted by mail. send measure- , . 4 N.. present, . if he had to walk his shoes foT $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' was away. " Susan ­"Indeed, I ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -dal - I — I On summer days I take my book : for anything sold in first-class drug f: : out for it! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,it— . did, mum. Only once I forgot to stores -to Dr. Bollman, pollingwood. Ont al , � And seek- a certain shady nook : I . I � When the birthday ,came, Bonnie) L _,!� g111LES;fe-ed the .cat." Aunt Matilda—"I At the Ye'vino.th Y.X.C.A. Boys' . E pay the expyess in Ont%Tio. Forty, . i ,. Don and the ,dog were gone before BUILDING FIREPROOF 11OUSE BABY'R TEIRS TUARED TO hope the poor t1ling didn't suffer?" Camp, held at Tusket Falls, in August, I Where flows a dainty little brook W 8 weeks Yo.rkshires, registered, ton � . �, . found MINARD'S LINIMENT most benoi And stay an hour or two. L dollars each. Write for what YOU L want, k i the mot -her finished her breakfast. . — � I Susan—"Oh, no, mum; she ate the ficial for sna burn, an immediate r.l,. . Thos, N. Havens & Son, Alc1boro P.O., Ont. , . She wondered if he 'Was going to Concrete, Brick and Terra Cotta The -well baby is a happy baby— canary and the parrot 1" . I for colic and toothache. ' . I � ALFRED SITONES, And recurrent1v each Spring d 11 . 1. . . . — — . - General Secretary. I an ^ARPET DYEINO f � I �." � - L be late that, -clay, when there was to I Used in Method. Always CoollIgi gurgling an'd Smil- Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. . Fall I "lt�jand Cleaul.g. This In a spacialty with the - - 'L : � L " 1-11.1 IRT.I. . . be a very nice early -dinner, such as Fireproof construction is not such ing- , It is only the sickly baby who . . __ I . I . This little b I rook returnz my,-,a,ll; British Am,arlaan Dyeing Cc* I �,, . 1i the boy liked, and a walk to the a very expensive thing and the pro- is cross, fretful- and cries. The . A SIGN OF LIFE. &land p.rticulsn by poat and we are aura to satisfy. - , 01 _- ­4nv, . I It floods the yard, creeps in the ��' ".. 1� . . .1 r6ress brooks alter fouro'clock, , I \ .­_� . 1 -1-71alte tection it affords to lives and pro- smile Or the -boars indicate' baby 8 A well-known professor, who had hall, AddreAs Box 138. Montreal_ _____, �' ' , ,F!12 -when it grew cool. The watercress perty is certainly worth the added state of health. Mothers, if you . And stays a da,y c -r two. ---.,.. - - � __ .. _." , I L - 114o'l treat, there ., the reputation of erring somewhat, I ORIGIN OF PARIS "APACHES." .­ �4 walks were- always a expense'. EVery one must realize want your baby to smile -the smile. I �� were so many pleasant things to be on the .side of pedantry in regard "k that if the exterior of a house is of of good health and freedom from to the use of the right word in the - THE BETTER LOT. The Apache movement in Parie 11 "I seen in the two-mile stroll. The I I .­ , , . rc ( was 11. some very perma�ent and fire -re- pain -give him Baby's Own Tablets. � , inspired by Buffalo Bill's Wild . i�� mother hurried to get her own woTk sisting material, a great deal of They never fail to turn the tear into - right place, returned home one ev- It is evident that Dicken's chat- SNAP" is West Show at the World's Fair in ' -11 i � ! ening and sur rised a burglar at acters were alive to him as well a's % A � done in the forenoon, and went out protection would be afforded to the a smile. Concerning them Mrs.L p .1 a wonde'r- Paris. The treachery and daring Lof � -; L work in his room. to readers, and thao he moved them, . work.,er in t�,� Apache Indians appealed to the � �,�` L to help in the last touches for din- Gomrjnuaity and the risk of fire Te- Jas. Hutcheson, Marysville, B. C., Whipping out a revolver the I&t- on and off the board with sympa- AN=cm2 . 1 l I . net,, when in -came two rather duced to &-minimum. It would al- writes:- "Your Baby's Ova Tabd I ' vigious 3,11S r - � ;ter covered him, saying, "If you thy and consideration. RAgo CLEgEp, 'the home. tincts of a certain class. grimy, dusty, but entirely joyous so work out that the interior of the lets have been a great comfort to! ' I.- SNA of'young Parisians, and they were I ,. I : boys, and a dog looking as ,delight, move, you're a dead man." "I can never forgive you, Mr. ­ k Try it on 1 , house would be less, inflammable .me while baby was teething. - He' Wrx � quick to imitate in real . life the . . Allow me to remark, my good Dickens," a lady once said to him, those pots '� blood -curdling manoeuvres they .:I I I ed as. if he had planned the whole for the reason that there would be was cross and fretful, but a�p soon man," rejoined the professor, "that "for the death of Little Nell in . I . surprise. For Bonnie, held out to fewer flues and less 'woodwork to as I began giving him the -Tablets I " pans and E.ettles that soa )' witnessed at the show, They never . t his. Mother a superb plant of card- carry fire. Concrete, brick, and the effect was wonderful. ke be- I your Statement is absurd. If I 'The Old Curiosity Shop.' " P 1 . disguise themselves. The hair of : ,. �. , inal-flower, five feet high, the roots terra cotta tile are all used f or I move it is excellent Proof that I "Surely," he replied, "you -would won't clean; I I each member is cut in the same . . I , � I came a good natured baby right, am alive. Yoti really sh.ould con- not have liked her to marry a Peopl� a34 discovering new uses , . ! L' ; I L . - ' . . tied up with plenty of earth cling- fireproof construction. . away and is now big, fat and heal-; sid-er your words a little before us- bntcher'o a baker." style -shaved high At the back -of i ,, -1, Ling to them, and a spikia of the For the foundation terra-cotta thy. The Tablets are sold by me- ing them. " 'r .- for 1'8 -X -A_ -P'1 every day. Try it the neck, with a. bulging masi of - 1� - beautiful, Jewel -red. flowers' in tile is laid up in a high wall 16 e hair above [' - bloom, that seemed 45 a� dicin dealers or by mail at 25 cents . A Simple and Cheap Medicine._ L yourself. 15c. a can. 60 Smoothly plastered , I to light the inches thick. These til re, tight- a box. from The Dr. Willia,ms Me- . - down. The girl Apaches never, ,�'. ��L vhole place. It was the mother's ly laid in cement, and the air dic' e Co., Brockville, Out. . A coldon the chest woeafteas you.r A simple, cheap and effective me -l'- — — wear I hats L , and ther-ef-ore devo-te . I � i � L favorite -Rower, and she had longed paces prevent moisture from strik-. 1 In . —114 lungs. Tubercular Germs attacit cine is something to be desired. Qi -,When has.a boy two pairs of great attention to their coiflures.' I _,", for a plant to set in her garden for Ing through. At the line of the the weak spots. Keep your I-angs There is no medicine so effective a hands 7 I . Their driss may be shabby, their 11 i 1,4" ,.: I AM- The story All came out -how first floor the exterior walls are strong by curing colds quickly with re,-,ulator of the diaestive system as I yle , Uncle -"You are a very nice'lib.- - "' A. -When he doubles his fists. jackets out -of, date, but their hair �. Ronnie had scoured the region four started of eight -inch tile and built tle . ore Aamlins Wizard Oil' And you will Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They . I �.,il_ I � Irailes round to find a . wild cardin up �ractieally in the same, way a girl to ask me to have in to not get Consumption are simple, they are cheap, they can / I . will be arranged in the lateA fash- ; It 1. I ga- . . soup. Now .why d6 you want me . Minard's Liniment used ,by 'Physicians. ion.--7London Opinion. P " . P�Iant, had marked the spot, and brick wall is made. The floor Joists, l,iave it I" Niec--"So you won't - I I be got anyvzl-k-Ar4,..-and...t.b�p�r.-be-nlq�� _w___r__. -� -- --- --*-7---_ . k visited , it week by week, watering it rest on th - ii 0 foundation walls and Remember, there ip--a -J..-,-,-A'-1,6'h'u-' `ffcia`f!0�i� ',wiil prove their recom- eat, so much of the ch an ,g�ij.yp-.Q,.._­­1 ', ,..,, ­ -4- " I ,S Ey" ""' _'­��­_ '71-.,---_ , in a dry at the line of the s�c,ond flodr are, 1�1 io��,_ ­,�`,-�,_ I time; and this'morning had did last time., .11---,-, man ell-tiurance. nd wh 0 mendation. They a.rd the medicine E , , ,_,�,,�, '. �, f - L - , ­T%e frie BLIND SEES WETH DO G_ - - S, 1-41 � built into the hollow tile wall and , ��_­, nc o wish � . L I . ".1, I . dug, the ,whole thing up and bore .� — stands up for you may tire in the of the poor man a I those wh % - 'I . �,� , . . ... . I v,,!Z�f_ - . � L it- triumphantly to his mother. carefully anchored. Special blocks �--- �* I course of time, and proceed to sit to escape doctors' bills will do well Restores Sight by Grafting 1iiiiii. . I .. �, are Mal 041- .- ­janib LL �R'.. " L 1.ufactured I" - -, Cucumbers and melons Are "for- - I I I i I M-rlue"`," -The ,��_ __ I- I ,,� L(�Ci. bidden fruit" to many persons so down on you. . in giving them a trial. . . al's Cornea on Human. , , I ,�,.t.: ­� I Thig., j�s z-oori. - . . . � - r" , . I bloa;'­ '016im1lie" E�Ides of the - I — ,iz W141 - ' . - , . ­­­. .?4:-.�_,',' ;jr was transplanted to hl's That a person L totally blind from �M�,:�,,4 . I - - .1 " 1� / ' #-d*:'an,cl lintel and sill blocks constituted that the least indul- I . False profits often Iead'to bank�, t I..!" �, . 1. . . I :%, ­ , mother's garden on her birthday to form the top and bottom of the gence is followed by attacks of Oountless have' been the cur -es ruptcy. . oph halmia evenfrom birthcan be ...! . I many, many years ago. She has had ' c. Worked by Holloway's Corn Cure. made to see by having a portion of .. .i.... . " . windows, so that the ordinary cholera, dysentery, , griping, et �_ I . a dog's eye grafted, oi-i his own 1. ­eee . . . . . . . . . . . �""__ ..... -, r IL"_1 ... L birthd y presents and forgotten Ve These persons are not aware that It has a p(?wer of its own not found was ��­ . 1 14,:%� , .,- -­,-�, a ' frame may be set in place, ry - I Keep Minard's, Liniment In the house., . -.1'. r' .� , P.. ..&WIG, I , .: '?""A! I 1 � . . ) PA, , I I . . . I -,them; but every year'that beaufA- much as in a brick wall. These they L Can indulge to their 1reart's in other preparations. L L I the startling communication made I .L.'F­XAM ­­­ ' LLL . I I -Y by Dr. Borsch, an ocul . . , �tj' I � f��' � L;fUl jewel -flower bloonis. for her blocks are made of clay burned in dontent if they have. on hand a hot- DYSPEPTIC PHILOSOPR ist, in a� PA- I . ";�, . . I . . . * � -er read ; � _ iagain, and she thinks of the two - ALWAYS ON THE GO. p L at the meeting of , the . . , t . I ,es tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysea L No man is a genius unless he, can French Ophthmological Society R '. � ,�44 't,�'. .11, � �o tugged a kiln to a degree that �roduc . . I �!, A, �1�11 . I . little ,boys w1i grooved tery Cordial, a medicine ihat will ,(The , M? m, e z �, "I., . I eager, dusty I .great ,strength. .They are housefly must go,'.' says a do what other people say is impos- last week. . . �. . , � ., � �L L . it home for.'her over miles of hot. on the faces which form the exter- give immediate relief, and a sure solemn scientist. . sible. � . . . � 'I � VX 1. I count y roa4.-Youtli's Companion. lor and interior of the walls so cure for all summer comp'laints. L . In the course of his Address the ZM a .. � r , , But that's just the 'trouble with When L& man gets tired of giving . edL that � I I L . I .doctor explain as a, result .1 ' ,I L -L — 0— that plaster, cement or stucco will . it. wedding p�esents lie should remem- of blindness from ophthalmia; as . . �,� , I . . MULMER INSTINCT. obtain 9, firm clinch, assuring ab- His satanic majeSty,enlployS A lot It does go. . . 4 ber that it is better to give than al66L froin a'on e other causes the 'A "I . . I solute, bond. I ­ of people to hand out free advice. If it didn't we could swatL it. to receive. . . !, ) 3 NED YHIS B y �� �,� � . . cornea 'which is a transparent , — . � .. I The instinct of the seal is mar- The tile, used in the walls of such 'L � — . L I . I I . . — ,. . . I 1 . membr'Ane in fhe front eye, be - .1 L 1� . vellous. It,Will leave its young on house should be eight by twelve I I � Mrs. X. Barrn I. � . 6o2 Marean St I I ;�, L . a "Tommy Tuft," cried the teacher It's useless, to argue unless you comes opaque, and in su-ch a case Montreal, seys�', I I I �,;' L L". '' L . the ice in the morning, And going by twelve. The floors -can be built _ Alk for Minard's and take no other. Severely, "why did. you chalk your know you aie wrong. . the only bhanca of reStbring Sight "'A . horrid 11 .. �,�,._ down through a hole remain away of this material, but floor colnstruc� . FEARED NOT11ING. nAme on this deskl" "I had to," I --=F===== is to replace, the defective cornea rash came out all over my baby's face and 1. ,,, ... � ,. 1. I all day Swimming in search of food. tion is found to be, somewhat morle, replied Tommy - "I gOtLno penknife I I I . I L "'", . Returning in the,tvening it will lo- exp usive, However, with floors of . The'SkittiSh rnaid, had captured )I . with a healthy one. . spread until it had totally covered hissralp. i , I I e to carve it viii � I—— L I . , ­ . I To perform this operation he . , first t wAs irritating and painful, and caused , , L , Cate its offspring in the Same this tile the building is practically her sweetheart's purse, and was , , the little one hoUra of suffering. We tried ­ I . �'L L �'�" I I "patch" mong hundreds of thou- fire -proof and the perm. . anence, of about to open it. I . - . . 0 . on a dog and lays back soaps and powd-ers and salves, but be got , �.� a I . ZlhC ' opetaleo - . I . its 0 1 from its eye the conjunctive, or better. He refused his food, got quite : ,L'.:!' L . 8ands of other baby semls, notwith- the =aterial will offset fissb ,,"No, n 1" he cried warningly. I I L skin -of the eyeball surroundingthe 1'O ", I . L . . . thin and worn, and was reduced toa veiy I : standing that. ice may have -wheeled cost. The interior partitions may Don't look inside ill I �:� . . L cornea, removes a portion of the serious conditlon. Iwas ad0sed to try ,e 'L"'.. . ,or drifted,60 or 60 miles during the - --- — . "Why notll' she asked. "Surely . . V14ii , " 0iine it was wonderful ' '! �` .� I . ,��_� �___, I I . latter, and placos it Aside in blood Zam-13uk, �tnd 6id zo. I ,'� L I . I ,day from wind and tid6, Land not- - there cannot be anything I should . . I * . serum. He thelaperformsa similar hoW it seemed to coot and ease the child's . : I . 1. b4ming, painful $'-in. zarn-Bulc from the ' I . I vithstAxi,ding. that the patch ma,y �, not see!" . I . 6. operation on the p,atient's e5re re. , 't se,t-,n�d to go tight to 1.�,., . I . I - , N I "There might be." P Quickly Heals I I vury "`11m*nccnttn , I extend So or 40 miles from one end � I I moving, part of the front eye o� the the spot, and the pimples and soren told the . J �:, � : � I I - I E '0, L, r I I ­ . to the other. - "Then, that is just why I am go- I C �". . . . . . . 1) .)en it," she explained. ruptlOns' same size AS th6cOrn4a, take], from irritation grew less and Jess, Witnin a 1. I . ing to ol MP LC the dog. . .. I [cW weeks try betby's sIdn was heklLd , I . .1 , . . 'Gentlemon of the jury," said the ME 'You =d I 1. ­ I L I L r i4 +H ought to - be afraid to do ; 'Sores . . � The dog's �Ornea, then is ,placed comPlately- I -Te has now not a traca of I . .111 .1.1 1� � L judge, ."if the evidence.shows it %X - / I that," . in position on the'liumall eyeand raaht or eruption, or eczemft, or burning I 1. .� L � . your minds: that pneumonia was the 01 . She tossed her head .1 : 1. I Wouhds . secured with stitcher of the finest sore. Not only so, but cured of the toy- - -��14­, , I. .11 I : cause of the man's death the pri- . "I am, afraid of nothing I I I Slit ex- , . 0 (11y],41cin trouble, he bag improved In � I ,I . I - � - 0 UWaseline ge7dies i possible silk, The surrounding %kin men ,-_,J,,,.,, L . I I . :,. , I victed." An elalmed defiantly. - , '. , . .. 'tkc ves, I L, !, I not be ,con . C C. M, 0r4 whioh. had .been laid back, is a1c Uold at ell sivres nnA inbikl - . I., . "It that's SO,," be sighed, "when . . A terttAill 0�1�.o , L , : . � � hour� later a megs,enger came from I . Hirithol W: brought into place over tho,edg-e to r�&, 6�� N . I � .... . 1. I 1, L 6 L.1 . L%145 1. lir , 1, a � ,... i. "The gentlemen of you'l ok inside th ill C of ific, c9pQa,, And also g,own, The 11ii, !UW,��,�,111, t1rnA,ctC.,z11d,farp�1er,,1 . , I � the jury-roon 0 at purse yod w carbolated.ca I � � , I I th J�JL . I I I I I .1 . L , L 11 I . . I 1 4 �1-'I,e jtiry� my lor-d", besaid, "desire I . � be soared to dea .. I . cam horalt :: , raft usus *ibh,the eye in a few �� . .,.' I "On wb " RA 100, 1P � I � ., . ­ L' � ��; ; .:ormation. at point of . 11 � , I LL FJ , 1�; 'Ptc. 966h . r 9 , (7 i gays, aided bV, a temporary,,rglasa � �: . . I . 4­,qdencol"� "None, my 1,01rd, they I . Sometimes a, man's idea of eco- I T L' 11 � "Vr� 11 . I .. rr"It . )r cover to keep it, in sha,5e and injec- mn"'Al .1 L I __ UrP0912 . L . I 11 - I . I I � , 6 I is to tell his wife how to gave (IV, go at,wit . I ',� , want to know how to spr,�f 'pn.eu_ I Sow ror frite sa'"Ola to 06041 � L 'I 110111y' -1 L I r .1. - roo Vas ling 00k tions of serum to W4 vital . . IL 1. I I . , . . �, ISSUE NO# 23�-Ilo -be I 80 Chabot AmmorArel i L,,V. I . I . I I � i I �Inlll � ­ I . . I wpnial�, " I National nru.% afi# CUM1091 G6,.T6idhtE r4olley. . . (bpi 1M. 1 . I � 01 I I I I I � . 'L I . , . I I ' ' - is in ile I , / ..� . . - . . . I � . . . . I I I . I .1 . � I 1 I 11 I . . � L L I . I I I I �, Jr.-�,�!n to be, - , . . . I � �'. L . . L : , i I i " . .� L. 'L 1. IL . . L . I � I I I I � I .'�; , .1 I I L . � r . I I L . �:, � rriin,,nal yibp1Aa6._. I I 11 . I I ­ I � I 'If I L I I I I " . . . . I I . L . . . I I I I I I 1, Za repavd� ofad it i.�. I L 11 .,(V;l I L . I " I I � . I . I . 1: . I L I L �L � I L . . I . L . ,, I :1.4 1.11.1 . 11 ... .. �, UT, . � " I 11 .. I .�, I I . / L . I '* I I r . L I .. . I I L I �, ..,I-' 41111ft�- 1 . L I I L I � I L . I I I � . , /.: , I . I . L. .� . 1. ... .1 L... _.... . I I I . L . , . : i � I I L 11 . , L r. I I . I I . I . r "' . I ,� I . r" . I . .. I 11 . I " ' I I . 11 L I I . I I L I I ;, , I . . I 4. , I . , I . , I .L 1. I . � I I . . L � ... I - 1" ' I I ! � ., I , ,, . I I , . I ­ . I I � , .1 I I L I I I i� , I , , L, , 7" �1, �� " .1 1.� : , r ,, ,, L� ,�, .1 :, � ,,,,;, - � . ­ L. .�­ �L .. " t'. 1. L ­­� , '' L "I - ­ I . . � � r L L f, '. � 1, , I _ _ �� -- - - -- , - �� ­ 'i . , �. _ I , '' ,� � ,�,� - :, ­ L' 111-11 - , - - ­"'_� L .ji����L - V% - - ����� . 1. __�, " % I- �iiijif,W. ;­!'' ' 'I - , � - 1.1 , 'Ll . ,.: _ L I " . , ­ 1611�e , , ' ­', '' 410imL 1, _r, . ii�_,==. ,=� = �'..�J, t � . , L , � �'J. , � ,� � cit -,.,, . I ,��, , . .1 I .11 .�_, " � �L y �=Z',,. ltla-m�', I . _,'� _1_' 10"L 'A- ..1 1_. __ "k:. � L ,