HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 3�" I I I I i 1, I � I.. � -----�,; -,,;-- 7'_� - - "'.", _11��_.," - � ,� � , - ,
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� 9 ,OREST AND KFALTO TO MOTHER ANP 0,910, 11 fie, ,"Is unusu I t Oug OM , e .him . 104a. or: of the A ==��,=!�,= 9- - - I I . . : , I I "I
, ---I-- 11 . 1�ft lw� i)OIA, to seei.0 well talc t I .Ir C.Annea I 11� ...'I
, Axxts.lvxxsl�ows SoOT11wo svur It Q
9 .J,V P�as W90XA 9 e4,70 , � I I
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I I 49,ro. O.W4 for ovcr sIxTy"YA'Aus b rl for Wboln be bads 0 I I � ; � ,
0 . trIven, laa I 11 �� ;
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,,Jr ,WJfJLF � I � , ,I �
w1r 0. 0 . .4m. for lb-, ,W'."" 44 .LXONS , ., "You're, 001" -ejaculated Oral ad. petil; triallon ol) ,I . ,��
" " I . 0 ____ ,. � - on obaIr Ve know?" asked Tboo. ImCnAlL � kly, b`� , � : .. ...
, '*
. I "00040 replied Villoy. OWWH cover rijimsixwo With XJ,�XXTX&CT SU .0 )Mountain top, with P .
A4 V�11'1 _ , l 9 Q9%;gss, It Yolt're oil! Jo fact, to , , , � . 91 . I .1
` mi, 19 r d the Whole country with injunctions I '500=90 the CHILD, Nor-TgNs tlia 0 LW$ . 9 speak gTAm Mar, SlIberberg. � . , I � � , tl: ! -
I 11 .
VALA wni a ALLAV$alt VAIN 1, CTJRU�$ WIND CoLlq, alla nlarialllY, *You're on, Your honor, Bu l fel of I I I 1. � , . ,
. I I I ,!.
9 . I V1114 It. 9 . 11
4 I" I 11. � I ... � � P � , `
, in n. tow days. in 4 ve 'ly J)"0419s", 110 61're"Ano: ask for 99 .
r I. I . this 4terAciOu and get a heaIllia; hen; i s uie b�!st nnuody for DI4xRuw,A. It s at. you're hope,%(!, " Spirit$, Wb"t 99 Mr. Shayne and the .. I Z I . 11
1P ,, 9 9 .. .. :
. , , , ry fe�.w weeI6. I �OlutP Is Soothing Utyrup A'd take Uo'A','wo' A ballitr Interrupte4l, by ha castaways lie a palace? ,, "I ,.
, 9 Tw . 3 a 1;4 . udlug a : ": ��
9 .
11 Wal I . e we isball"'wi.4 the greatest legal tri. I 5t,.'t., C'uty FAW ccut tl.. at I , I .
. 9
,h , , I
* 8001313 01 IN 0.0001100 10 0, t . �,'t note to the , stonjohetl courtl . I Silberborg was' sps,
ROHNSTPUAD RRGQr"&T1(,�XFJ I UnlPh of recent times or-snuffod outill 1.� -11--- 11 "Ur. Cralghe , ad" said justice M0,, , ading au aft. 1W I I 1 9
1 ,
I � Tb4t night began the series, of son. 617DOOlit 'With Virginia on the Sh . .
Any, -Versoll who IS. tbe SAO beaA ro'dw -;lq. (if, ans its ,),It.h il)(.)ral Fadden, A% is sug'gested that ;rou are grotiods. . , ayne . 1�-"
.1 .,r I Satlons that made so'memorAble the INTERNATI .11
at a Tainfly, or any, M-410 wyer 10 JLA right to It),, ,;ii.r A,; it, I'lit- surface, not A licensed ONAL � f �
As L . anes '�' 'war for the use ot the air, In tb, , Practitioner at this bar "We are alone," $old Bilberberg, 11oA - r �
Year$ old way homestead a quarter . 9 1 The way) with, a (Itiv(l I,.) It, squ,ire, wile or at any other. This extraordinary alt Island In tbo air. Are y ., lkw1ollay, � I I �!
ftct(vni odavallable-joeminWa land 1i .urts of every 'federal district and * I , OUSorry?,, . 1.6 . I 1�
- ',aa, or r ,,,,6,,, 1 . E st4t.o courts of West Virginia Mr. V0 Virginia was thlabig ' I , �,
, .
Manitoba, 0aaktittOb-ow � *A A ROMANC OF . co ; of the gurfaoe ot thiq p)auet utido address of Yours leads the court -t9 Of the victory 01 ... 11 , 1 4
The applioalxt t . . ley filed .his Injullation suits against I this law owils, a great pyramid, apes. doubt What Is tbefact? I thought I of Cars � 99999 1 .
. . on, He bad been great lAwor4- THE NERRUN WEBSTElt T , " ' �'; . �
. Xna appear in Nreas , 'FLYIWG ' 09 at the earth'.,; o,vter und extending recognized You as a member of this r Ing out his creation, and now he Lad . I i . i I I � 11
alt. 0e Dominion Lando Agenco sk I .
. .
�, 1$al.,_!Rgeu0y. f 0'r the diatriotA A-Kktry bj I ,11� . the owner of every known airship and Ait intO space ln diverging lines In- bar. Have we not metr" made War on � - �'L I
by. the Clause used In labor ftpu , , her 'Uncle )6,1711ey, the . I 1
[14 017OXX may be b , tes I lultely.. so that if tte, can $ho , Because It In 6 NEW =EA- .1 ,� I
.� .ad wt 4le ltgow.o * Olt ... By - - I w that "Your honor," said Craighead,, 4%tod- tiger -of the Stock Exchange, in his �, ' TION, Povering every- I . I :, .
Certain comAitions" lb bound Ali Persons, whether named or ,, I field of the World14 thouxbup I I . I
, I I
. �k I , Lir, father, motbox 4 of boundary take In Mars led lauguagettuder me.,, Very den -U4 won! But yet this last I I
.11 mm, daughter, brother, pr sister of lol,wbo might with the defendants or I !iese line. "Lauguagell, action and Culture, Whe ogbr I .
0 Hierbeirt Quick ,Intl her vanals be would bav6 a per, roared the Justice. victory was not like the, first. This , 401V unabri ged dlotiouW, jU L I
. inkending homest%der, independently design trespass against � i9eet C r � ,,
� I aspagainst (be Mardans for rent "Wben?�' many-yeara. d , , ... , _�
. *he plaintIff's rights. was the old story of finding how to 9 1 � I � "
Dutiesi.-ft montlis residenpeapon of Belds. and tells over waterw � . . 9 , � �
� A&.4 1909 � . � , i .1
- 9
X.I., . by . 8yo it "I was Your teaLwer in English exploit the World by monopoly; that' Because It.deflues over 400,OOQ I 1. : � 11
IN . ,- . I .1� . ., I
pa.4 014tivailion of the land in eamb COPY 4 rde4 , the Oobb3- The bill In New York recited that b(, could get service and bring. and dfawing," replied Craighead, "in 'Was doing, creatingl Yet Theodore .1 �: 1k,
td three years. A' hemesteg I , I - Compaux . the, de- . TVords; more thAn avv �
9 -der May - . , the plaintiff was the owner of all fvudants into court. . Schl befor aPpo4xqd bet �
. Rre within 4ins m1les Of MS h0b&9wx . I rights of navigation In the air in co, i OsSer's billiard parlors-Englisli ha4 mortally offlendet! bar in that mat 9 Ween two L : 4:
stead on a tfarm of act leadt QQ Mew .r, "Land! Land! . The mystic word . and drawing, 'With Incidents. , strue. ter of being her uncle. .- covers, 9700 P49eO.. 40000 4_1 . , ." I � I
I in . All was over , lustra"on.s. . I , , .
"rou'rW really good. 'Idi.10ralghead 11 tain described belts or bands surround- that rules the world! The woman w . 9 . 9 1�
Vilely owned and aocuple4 by ldm, or said a girl rep . orter, "and it ho tion In the use of the globes; also. d Yet she finally ail- � .
, . ry between them, � 11
his father, womer" goo, jdaughter, hmgsta ge lug the city of New York, dIvidinj It ejaculates 'Good land!' conjures by a nursing, the masso and the followl" swered SIlberberg Inconsistently. Because it is the on& dictIonari I 4� 19. .9 1 1
new dividod r I I . 1.
lbrother or sister. to of your alcoholic days was into portions, and grldironlng the con- thing more putent tbali',�Iall the gods of "Remove blm from the bar, Mr.. "No," Said she, "I'am not very sor- page. A1,14t,rIftle, .
(In certain districts. at hamestewd-ov .Worse than this you ought to have tillent; that the defendants bad In the Olympus, of Oewup"s ! 9 , L
, � I I Balliffl" thundered the, court. "Take rY. B ut I Shall )lead my ban# now to. I . -.1 _WW 11 � '. L�,
It these by "The air above our land Is a part 'of him to jalll,, . hold my (Plress Out of the dev�.'*P Bec4 - "I 9
In 9004 Standing ' ma,y pr&.eu3Pt , taken something for it.,' . past habitually trespassed c6 .
. _ ,Use it is an encyclo,pedia, III I I I .
U,Aarter AeOtlaill alongside lishem,e, "I Wed to," confessed Craighead, flying Over them In airships'- " _� a single � A , I
Otead. 'Price $3. per move. D&Les-r "but Dr, Witherspoon expelled Well' passage to or from the city of New voli,13!i i ;1 . : , , 9 !
F that the It. You know It. Why else have you "Stung -Iii, the same old aching "Tell me once more that you are not I A - I .
I �
recognized Reimer's appeal, 100 Patin- Spot!" cried CrAielip-arl, ,tsil-ul t1L. Sorry, Please," said he. I Becau;e it is accepted by tli� . 9 �
� ; � , .
Wst resi,do six monithe iao&oh of &ix "But here's tlie sitilatli-n as * Tork over the sea, the river or other Sylvania .state, as good law? What great unealledl Dift know ye, proud Courts, Schools and ' ,
get t . I I
I I ,
91naIndiz 'the time required 'to earn ' WIT 4'1 am not," She i:eassured him. Alin Prem as t2te one supreme 4u-", � � .1
IY,emo from d;hte of Lomestead aa,trr li, If' we�re wrong, 'weli ._t,,5- %'r'f ing I route was impossible save by such Was that case? A bay window many judges, I have been expelled from fact, I -I am rather glad, Mr, Silber- I thor�tj�. -,�, '. .
.. ., , _ L .
P "
vomeatea patentl-* 'and oultirtat Ian ass ydb. set us right.,, I trespass, and therefore Injunction Was feet above the sidewalk was declareq worse places than this.1 What harm berg." , . � . I" , '04e_ I
Mause he who knows7TVIns, 1. 9
MY. acres extra . "'011, cursed spite!", recited Cralg asked,prdhibiting the defendants, their a nuisance becaiise It Jutted out into have I done ye? Filley, get me out of. "Max!" said he unctuously, ,,Let it m--� - Success. Lot U4 tell :, .;
A bomesteader 7whoi has exhatiateg head. r I servants and all other persons from the air tba 9 t was a part Of the street. thist" , I new work, '4 1 4 � I �
, ;, I
I . - ��.�,-,.. ,� I I I .
, _..�
"( .
I I , 11�.��'� ,
k, . 'departing from or coming to the said And see also Bybee rersus the state, ' "Wall,,Xax, then!" You about tWs I I I I I I i
I Ns homestead Tigl3it and cannot db- ,,No more tungstate, if you please,st I be Max, your fellow prisoner!" L . ; ;, I ,
( , ____ - _. . : , I I . ;
I �� 99 1 ,
#In a pre-lampition may take a pqr- said the young woman. 'The Air city of New York through the air owit.- 94 Indiana. You bang your 4dornice or OR &PTER XVIII. . Virginia now systematically bid from 'Ji4WR1TZ for itroctmon of now dly1ded pAp.141` T � ..� L r �
ollyawd hamestodd 4i, certain distriets ad by the plaintiff or iroin navigating . � . �
WlPe $3. per aoiv. 'Daklee��.ast Productg,company was a wildcat look- any aerial craf t across, over or through string a wire In -my air and I will bale ALONn ON AN ISLAND IN AM 9 SlIberbarg, dinners and forced inter. 1&C.==AXC0.,Poblis1wr V"lelcljwam � I i � � �
"k 9 You into court, Don't presume to fly views bringing no advancement to .big . Mt4ti'401$v',Por47ooeive�Al;iiflQtogpoi%lt;p%)?$. '.', L . I �
renLe six mcinfths in each Of 'three -lug eSt Tirginla fortnation to"-heril PIn ED bailiff, a tottering old fun courtship. 1, I 11111m _v,s rr .
� 1W '
Veir& otx,litivate fift acres and ex-oot the real property of the Iii C_ . I
a house ,worth �Ma (r I . she read from a clipping-', 'to extract I aintiff where. a kite overomy land except by In - tionary with a white ma tache . . - . � , 9 � ,
free nitrogen from the air by the I co": of Bismarcklan fierceness, wa- .
I soever situated. Sent; you have no, right. And r'eymem One blowy day it culminated. Vlr�,
V* Finley Shayne's name -led the list of .1 � _,___,_ - ---"--- I �
- -
Peputy o,f-tbe. 926,te,r of,t,4q .tw., Oralglidad' method or otheMise, . ber that the city Of Cleveland was ginla from a summer house opening -nay, oecause or r;j;lr ract zor a'in'ga . � �.. I
. _ . . for rIly laid a. raptorial claw on toward NeV York braved the moist wind never blows stridght,'but alwaya 9 9
N. 15,_Uhattbovilged p bliontion Ohl the purpose of obtaining fertilizers to L defendants, followed by that of the muleted in the sum of $50,000 for I Ca,algbeadls sleeve. � . 1.
menbW111tob OP loF ;
. . thereby. in6rease th6 capacity of the Aerostatle Power company and page Swinging a bridge a few times a day -" gusts and swept the sky with her I ' the "low." So, . I
_. 10147 IP a - " " ' I
?P . - fter page of names of people a hundred feet above an inch strip of . .&mateur day In court,"' be hissed fieldglasses for-WeB, for ' Sba�neCjv'1'!o'1',,t III"'" I "
r,n, B, OARLING, Life, AccIdent, Mrs and Pl� 0 earth f6r suppoiting poplalat owning in,tbe ballIff's eav, "The bObkI Tile something. I 1119 the rules of weather �
FT �J: Glass InIgmuce, also Collecting Accounts "Is that," cried be frantically, "in aerial craft, and airships everywhere land. Silberberg followed bar, swearing In- ake sunshine within, was
kad Auctioneering. . . "rid I
book! I go, but my logic sticks, Stone wardly. at the p C T
1 I .1 our articles? Then allis lostl Let me were hemmed In by the 11r.eal proper. �.'How much more am I damnifie,d by walls do not"- I erversity of the girt, I 11'-t. suep' ,�,�,'�d whtAli t (I Id that they were .. � I
A W. BROWNING,- X. a N 43 take. it!" 1 9 ty" of the plaintiff, like.,whalers froken the ,airship, which � may drop a moa- and as he found her things began to I ft.pPr0a(�hJJIg th4L1 due of reversal-tbe .
.. I
is V. S., Gradluate"Victo.;,I; '. U With Shaking hand Craigheacl'took In. the lee. The "real property" was key wrench, a Spanner, a gpb . of bal. Mr. Filley here interposed to such happen. Far over to the southeast tQrn of the wi..(t. � . .. . � �
i I I
7107. office and Ke-sidepence. 91>61hitilan that wonderful spider's net of gr4nts, I effect that Craigbead was fined, ex- and driving fast before the gale came "Head against It," ordered Shaync-, ,
11% I
TA Oratory, Exeter - . down the telephone and asked for Mr. last or a casual remark into my priva. I I . I
. Univers cy? Aeronafs will fall Into the rural terly address was b .1. 9 11
Nitrates and Air ased 013 the law free of the AleFaddien interdict. Un- you can.,,. . . I
tier 61 huran. "This. 'you, Pmey?,, he queried. r Products company silo, drag ropes will rip up barbed laid down by Craighead, reference to fortunate Silberbergi I "It Ionics more tium we can face," � ,, �,
Asioclate Coro' - . Pilley. . � and the plaintiff was 'the . polled and set free. Mr. Filley's mas. the only flying machine In America "aud Crops Lake Ontario before dark It
11"r R. bright, M. D., M. 0. F. and "Here's something that ruins us. A Craighead's opium dream was expl wire, and Pyramus and Thisbe In their which finally evoked a smile from the At I � ,, �,
Won, ed. The relation between the twl the q4me hour Birs. Sbayne burst said the pilot. "If It'is shall we rurr 91
JMQS., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- split infinitive In the articles. t Arcadian wooin- may be smothered- Justices. In a week tin injunction was Into Sbayne's den, her breath short, before It and try for a Pennsylvania I
I ireralty. Two years resident physician hurt anything? Won't have to be done companies 'was disclosed. Two perfect- under falling gas' bags or torn asunder il;sued its prayed. The airships of the her face flushed, her attire and colf- port?" 9 "I � �
�Uoyal Alexandra Hospital, etc.' Office over? And we call ourselves civilized.1" ly.-well known legal principles were by dragg - anchors inserted in their whole -nation were ded up, the Ual- f ure disarrang . �
W and residence, Dr. Antes' old stand here united in an audacious attempt to �hlkz ed. Sbayne knew the "T380 yonr b.osi JudgmeuV' siald I I
Andrew Street, Axeter. � � Craigliedd handed the paper badk. mofiopolize the air, the rights attach- fluttering hearts! I shudder� your hon- versal Nitrates and Air Products coin- symptoms. I I
. I "YOU have shocked me,,, said he. ors, at what may happen When the air Pliny made the Carson Sbayne. I
"But never mind, dearle! I know not Ing to ownershli of land and that of Is populous *Ith flying Jiggetts, pop- -Craighead Aero- "Oh, tell me it Isn,t true!" she cried. "Yes. s1r." said tile Pilot, whose best I �
MISS DELIGHT HOBFS- Injunction to prevent trespass or nul- i net company its sole licensee; the Car. "Tell me that. I am not humiliated, ac- JUd-PlIt"It 11-1 Itt-a to stay housed. I
tvCether to rejoice for the Air Products sance. . popping about, raluln; ballast and I son aeronefs were the only flying ma- tually controlled, by that bandit from "An'd ,you t.tn.-.. n'. -tilt to know, sir, .
* Viblin Instructor, JamesStreetPar company or weep for Institutions that wine bottles and bacon rinds an(I stale 1i eblues which could be used; the law the Alabama forest!" . there's soint, st:rj r)f (.I,,Ift aotern and _-r- I _� I .
sonage, Exeter. allow such a solecism to be legal as 'to Public and press :were Struck 'With bananas and hot coffee and soft boiled of rbal property was vindicated; Aero. Mr. Sbayne begged her to calm bar. Overhauling it,4. � I t.,� . . 9 1 �
- thereby Increase.' 11 amazement The unthluking laughed eggs and lobster a la Newburg On a I static Power dropped ,to nominal self. . �
� 11
"Well," said -the reporter, "it goes at the unheard of and preposterous lost and undone republic, and when I I prities; Craighead was sud I denly recog- "It's only an I "Tkv dovir" el-'acul"Ited Shay.,,I% 11 9 _e_ �
DR-QU&CKENBUSHI claim to private control of the atmos- shudder peiso .injunction,,, urged Mr. I'll ttll�v a lot."i .%I 1�vr."
on to say land for securing all rights ns at ordinary Sensitive. , nized as the most overshadowing gon- Sbayne. "We C, ,t so I 11 � I
.,1;IJ;.:r, ;,ealvd an aeronet .
- It's legal strategy had ever known; cause the court forbids ltl�- 110"blips tive im- uMem with wide, .. I I
I'> Physician and Surgeon. and,' Ac. in the atmosphere necessary for Its phere. Lawyers began poring over ness fly into fragments with the shIv in u the Roe be- Th- it;
Roe complete cases dealing Witt rights In and over ers, for I am no light and habitual Carson stood high In finance and d1plo- "At that man Carson's request!" I wings. III whivii -,, t-ould see the shim- . I �
coucher. Uffice-Dr. Rollin's old of reduction to Possession for . � 11
on Main Street. Residence,Cori�er land, with growing dublety.as to the shudderer. 1.
James and Albert Street., opposite -the production of nitrates, ozones and inae.T, the factories for manufactup tell YOV, Finley Shayne. it � . mer of hindt- hi r�: i ;,I revolution. The
I i
ist P all other atmospheric derivatives( and "I have spoken in my weak N'vay of Ing flving machines were offered to the proletariats to immure us here and I exclusive ri-dils ,---' the Virginia, the, I.,
James Street Method' Outcome of the case of the Universal t is a trick of I
arsonage, Nitrates and Air Produl" company what is Ight make a landholder un- him 'it his own terms, payable in Car. I . .
Exeter, Ont. for the securing of exclusive rights in versus Shayne at all" � come at their I&sureand kill us!" Singular swlfvv, niid power Of the I
FlIonc-s-00ce 89a, Res;dcrcc 89b the air over landd. for all purposes willing to haie his air used as a high- son-Craigbead st . ock . s; .. thousands of "My dear, my dearl" urged I I . I
. � _.
whatsoever. me on. to be beard Way. But he doesn't have to give a men were put to Work on the Carson � Shayn - , J In her wl,n,,_-%4 nssuril Shayne that be, I I
Now, that," said,she, . . -up : flight of Oils ,wronef and the shimmer
7 ,When the case ca 4 - I
the laugh bad disappeared, the. very reason -he can show his deed and tell RerODefS; the Waddy family began to We could go in the Roe rather than be! Was ['u'-A"('(l '�T the� machine which. ii� I,'.
)DICKSON & CARLING, "'for all purposes whatsoever,' isn't 0. "That Is quite impossible.
. that pretty broad?" army of lawyers appearin�& for the de- - the ,whole world to go to -to the cap� �"_ - I . I .11
arrIstors, Sollelbors, Nobarlea, Convoys,noarB . "A broad Intellect composed it." fendant rendering it a serious -matter. . taints office and settlei � occupy space in newspapers and ma- urder 11 had �Yrvolwd ':w� monopoly. They ,�-,ft - I...
Your honors, I I �, ra ad. �
Commisploners, Solicitors tor the Molsons Craighead sat in cou- I azines; the world of finance whirled i wanted it) put 1..�l) it) jail for br aking '1� ,%::,
Bank, Etc, "These eights happen -merely b.qp- "I with Fillay, his adjure you to cling to your unbroken "You imprison me and then Insult I e _� �
Money toLoan at lowost ratw of inberes, about and readjusted itself to the ex- me. Coward! It gojn� i their injunctinn '1,- raged. The shame I 1.
pen -to gridiron every state,in squares. bali, rumpled, his crou!,-(,d nose high, � precedents and uphold property, on , in the Roe is ""_
t6 marked by grants and leases to the in a suit of legal black, drawing more which society Is based. To say that Plosion -all of which took time. so easy, why don" t, we go? I thought I : of lt-'hv. FiWi Snayne, a fugitive � ,- � �
I I '�__
OF -F, 9�-DAI-MAIN STREET, EXETER, . attention than did Carson, whose face, I we do not own these strips of land, And in the midst of the first excite 1 for snMiag (-';:(!-,
--l-al � Air Products company?" was marridd to a man!,,, .,4 fi-tle air in his own
. CARZING B-4. L. H. D10118as "MY child," said Craighead, "do you bleached .of the gulf beach tan, bad .1 but only rights in the air, is foolishness !ship! .� III ft�, 0 -mg -or of It, too, for . . I
�_� ment the following item appeared in a Shayne sprang to his feet :
, assumed the pallor of the . scholar, newspaper: ! Canacia aw! q:,.l`1.11 now looked utterly 11
1. understand the Craighead method. of � of the damphest sort, The landowner . "Marle," said he, "the Roe Will be i . . ., I
'JONEY TO LOAN. I unattlillinhItA. . .1, . . ,:.
f . extracting, nitrates. from the atmos- while vast responsibilities bad been. may sell the surface and keep the A bizarre result of the McFae ready in half an hour! I'll show you , �. �
Imparting to him an' sion is the marooning of Mr. Finley Tho incuutains -Wipped from under I .
We have a h6rgo amount of private funds pbere by spontaneous discharges of atmosphere of dis- minerals or sell the mineral rights Shayne, erstwhile prince of the powers of rm no coward! Get readyl Call Vir- ,,, .� �
� � can an larm andvfllageproperble2 ablowrave statical electricity from electrodes sus- tinction. Ere sat scanning the people down to -China and keeptho� s rface. the air, at Shaynts's . I them. 4nntl the farin,; and villageslook ::
1.� -
. 11old, where the Roe ginia and Silberberg! Hurry!" plact"'oll tilt' t-noving concave of 11 , �
was enjoined. There Is no egress from their . ,.
: 11
. Inbareat. 14LADMAN & STAN13"Ry pended over the earth's surface?" of the defense--Shayne, Silberberg and Our grantors owned and solduthese the hold save by airship. The Carson Mrs. Shayne knew better than to try the earth vs the W,r Ship made' speed - I I ...
b. V,va,oz 111sZo," she said. "Do you?" 11 ..:,.; I
BArrl�borB Solicibors. MMn S' other greai financial figures. rights to us. It is slanderous to say crowd has the air rights'surrounding the stopping him. He yelled messages and toward r%!� ��o,wk. The Roe was . .. .. ! ;1 :
I be. ornswoggl mountain, and Mr. Shayne and his fam- I , ... I .
_____ - "It is one of my special tles,11,salc While The pleadings and aflidavits that we have h ed -to coin orders Into telephones. He issued bar, - -'!' " 11
mising fly have no means Of getting away except ry calls for valets and maids. The h . , , , - gale; a sudden . � . � I.:
� were read Craighead sketclied the a phrase -the farmers by pro Struck 1w - ' .
an evening I would explain, but for the eap nitrates'by the Cfalghead meth- I'To craft save the Carson aeronef, the forcefulness tb4t had made him ineutunt (" N-�� ': , . I � . , �.;�.
MONEY TO LOAN ITE I might have you all to myself for bailiffs, sbuffled his feet and drummed ch by violating the injunctions. � urricaiw �r, _. -,r decks a,.i her mo-
. � Private funds to loan at low a A rat nonce by-byll' � on the table until the court tapped for od. Ii Is my intention to take a few Vir.-Inia, can go to them or anywit.46, he was came uppermost. What 1. .'liroug;h tite north I . . 1.� .. . � 11 I :
. I . silence, wind, SlIc ittaiud before It. Thar � I L: ,� I .
of Interest. Mr. Craighead took much pleasure moments some day to perfect the and 11r. Shayne 'will starve rather than Suddenly into Shayne's den burst t conca�o ,panevrama below Slowly ''I
allow her to land. This sounds like a 1
-ative tract joke, but ATr. Shayne, takes it seriously. reversed and lie an paying off to the
ERNEST.ELLIOTT In his Position as press represent "We will hear from ille plaintiff", Craighead method .- nd begin to ei I&S. Silberberg, his face red, his whole grea 9
Qffice opposite Central Hotel . Main of the Oarson,Cralghead Aerenef coin. said Justice McFadden. "and as the nitrogen, but that is- another narra- The castaways are Mr. and Shayne, being simmering hot. north as the vast neronat drifted -like . I . .��
. � treat. � * facts seem practically undisputed,,- - tive The point is that we'v� gotthose Miss Suarez and Mr. Wam Silberberg. "I'm done With You!" spluttered Bil- , 11
.8 Exeter Ont. pany. The Virginia, her builder and l , .1 I
the contest with Aerostatic "But, Your bonor," protested a bubble to the south before the,
Power the rights. We have what nobody ever Carson approached Craighead with berberg, ""Get me a -way from here if fiercest blow she had ever dared an- . � I
h �,
CARDEN SEED TESTIMO. were matters on which the great dai. 11,1,el for the defel.- ...,,,,. -we cer- I ad before -the proof that defenda thl pttper, his finger pointing to the you're it geiftleman!" counter. Canada was out of the ques- .
� tuinlY do tint adinit'l- - I Pass over our lands, because they hints ' "If I wasn't I'd have you kick I L
- - ' lies had men at work night and, day. " . For presmit. limposps. * rve Rol. aighead read It with glee. ed tion. � % I -1_
-� r( -;-'-v1 the to. Nobody else ever had lands hem. 'When Shayne has eaten the last offl" said Sbayne. "You can't jump on � I
. Lh Is Important to Know Germinating This visit to the neighborhood of justice, "I I,e slinwing sot"". .1 uqqt! that Ming In everybody. "If we reach an serial harbor," said "
� Qualities of Stock Shayne's Hold was a tantalizing 14ys- We have. This i. A me, if You are my gues-t! I' I -
pintilliff 01"T poisoned rat," said be, "and worn his 11, Shayne through the speaking tube, 'N - ..
� �Ms a rule, American gardeners pay tery. The mountain inn where the 11s 4"'Phill) ft,;ilts la.lands makes our proof simply pie, and we ' kne raw snaring rattlesnakes off the "She's refused me in a way I caift �
I., �. 1. k 8 .17 PS cc what do you think of trying a land- ,..,- ��
, '."little attentl6n to seed testing, 'Virginia had been laid up for repalrs 0 Olt ItIbUted th-t the defendants call upon You to protect us in the cliff for food I'll go to him and say: stand," Protested Silberberg, with I I
". , . had been visite' 11111"I P44is Ort -P '!-m it) going from name of the law of landownership, On � bands upflun - "She said I was dis. Ing?'I I ,,
: )anding mostly upon the seeds they d by repoiters and the phive to p]at.,,: .,!-:-.t rbi? dt.f � - 19
- ,as.beidg strong ,Intl fresh. How- impossibility of surface communica- endants which every government in all the .. gustingl I can't stay!" "She'd rip to Strings," wa the pilot I 1-
.. tion between It and Shaynel 11"Irl. hzlilltuall� .;. W, SO alld that the Wdrid Is founded. . . "Well," answered Shayne, "the Roe "We'd be killed." .
, very often coasiderable quanti- - S Hold situntion con I
... ' pointed out. The ysterjous . N'itlif ;1 t"re.it that this "They say we seek to ehslave travel- . sails at once.,, To the pursuing Carson the Ro& i
'f seed are cari,od over from one er . onef cor- wfli tie I-vpeati'd llie defendants by ers.- This absurdity applies as forcibly The'otber members of the imprisoned seemed doomed to the aerostat'ship- , 71�
1, 1, .r` I .Craig- ,
, 111� Zeason' to another, ,iiad these are Of head had leased,formthe A '' ,,, "
. Acre value.than ar.., new supplies, be- poration the vacant aarodrome on the clahiling ther ri., 1;1 f0 P-148 th"qe lines to surface rights or mines. it the tray. I party were at the garage before Silber- wreck --a shattering fail In landing or, � ,
I - ,
pause we have provcti . them by actual roof of this very building, gone back 0013fPS.- I his fw - rf-pnr purpo., rs. We eler ca t pay our so a let go by v atery extinction in the open sea. t
Ill Ilivri,fore 4 '4 W al him I . I berg, Mrs. 9bayno in the cabin Vir- And Virginia! Agonizing for her, Car- ,
troppiiig on our ini,4 and under our, to the inn, whence the Virginia had w jl";r rroll, 111-1111tiff's .'public highways or by boat or rail --or - ' I glnia and Sbayne in animated &bate ,
sailed to their )eased roof within an eounsi-i oi, riTA ino stay at home. We antiel - .. . - si n followed. Nva�vlihigjike ,I wrecker
iponditlons, Hence it is very impor- pate that ' I I I on the platform.
r , - "Well," Sbayne was sayl .(A
kant to know the ge-iinating qualities hour, and not by Shayne's Hold, afte Mr. Flile.v gni,wreil Up his papers; r1glits to air navigation ,VM become ng to her, -vhen a full rIgg A ship drivett on a
a I bili. ivf,l) n t,r,.tt-.,,,vn,1l ,;(�1111(jiD_
which Craighead was the n �, ,,.�Iay ___�
, ok such stock to avold'losses or delays. ews center h " *More and more valuable. We expect C3 � . I "stay, then, like a simpleton! But how rep.f.
There 'are sej,criji inethods of seed from w4icb emailated-.the most as- pleaso lh�. .."UTT M:11 (1111ILtolluded to cliarge whatever the situation I are you to get away? I don't know &nd ,Tet. eypn after her turn, all
��-Placlng seeds . Filley will ttlp* - this up, I .
,testing In common -,l . toundink medley of sclentifle, PxY0110- front !tw pl$-" ict- a. re- makes Possible. This Is as moral as I( - - how long Me courts will keep seemed well vOth the 11tee The sea I
lbetween, layers of i:i ist cloth, sowing ]ogle, mystical and mystifying lipws Qlfl��t tilt *"A 11�"1111":Mn s finniv. Cra'rg- Increasing rent for lands. .We shall and our running the lnjunction won't lax south and e'ast. Nnrth-lirx Nva.,'im-
A-ito ground. Each I ease. - I
I and and sowing I ever beard. limto r,%,(-. . tr LTO BE cotqTIxuri.DJ -
_. lu s, grant ,licenses or not, as we III make It nrr shorterl :
Then some one discovered that .ou ('I'n l,-`W--Ut.' 431d tie w, respunse to We may demand title to all patents on � "It's blowing awfully," said Silber- - , -, .
;= 16 proper place and time. HOW- . � *; ,
, the day the Carson- - I
vver, unless a test 1; carefally carried .0faighead company tilt, vourr r -litery. ,"I will offer a few airship Inventions before allowing . � 1-.1 . I I I , - . berg. In Dry Colors. ' 5� 1 1
� out It is worthless. Thus the opera- bad beeh formed the Universal NI- rNI)."I'lis of? The law and then yield to them to be used, thus applying the I 11 Nobody noticed him but the PROL She says she's an Impressionist 4:
r must know the ('4.9ree-of heat and trates and Air Products company was my learned colleague. who will lay be- rules you and your Predecessors h a . C I "I know it, Sir," said be. "It's fool- MUStyt .. ,�
iffilount of moisture most suitable, The . _ av . I
b, ' I And when S110 Paints the Grand canat'!
born,.witb directors and stockholders fore your honors joe feeble attempts of so wisely laid down, 'He .who owns hardy to take this gas bag out.,, I She always paints It dusty. .
0ame treatment wid not do for ail. Identical with those of the Aero-nef the enurtS to erystallize It In prece- land o iv to the skyll How beautiful .. "Shayne," said Silberberg, "the pilot -01weland Plain T>Aa1*n '
-, company, and that they had spent a d says it'i not fit to go out" -
We must try to get w; near as possible ents. The law is fuJIY as Plain as the the princlplel What a stimulus to on. I ____, � .
at natural conditions. F, . great campaign fund In getting leases nose on the face of I he most Roman of terprise It offers -in cornering Spacel . . I I . . "Then stay," answered Shayne.
We must bonsider the Season. Some and grants for the extraction from the .your honors. As to Its righteousness Our getting of these rights may be a "You're welcome to the house."
,peads are very difficult to sprout in- atmosphere of nitrates an6 the JIke In Itis as moral as landownership. ,That' horse on Mr. Shayne, but tho�rules of ;/�,_ "But, Shayne,11 cried Silberberg, "it ,
. . it has not heretofore been applied lids the gante-andwhat a ga :ftl
� lines like those of Scotch plaid all over. me It Is, your I may mean getting whirled out to sea NERVES WERE ALL UNSTRUNP.
1. =�fd the nearer we approach
ral sprouting season the bet. the continent. Tbe air over alm6st been Owing to the stupidity of the honors!-.g1ve us the Pot. The costs . I .. orPt- .
A 11
UT the test while others. again refuse every bigbway had been granted away legal profession, to the asininity of *constitute the kitty." . - "Out to sea!" sneered Sha a. "And Wherever there is any Weakness of qp � �
to s by the owners of the fee -the very landowners aDd to the fact that the Jus . . I ,yn heart or nerves, flaggirig energy or p I �
, prout In great beat, such as the ties McFadden tapped on the . . the wind southeast Stay If you're sical breakdown `6116 use of Milb I
ommer months. Thus we see a test streets Of New York being covered law Is so plain, for that, which Is all desk, rind Craighead paused. I afraid. Virginia, Mr. Silberberg's go- Heart and. Nerve P1J1zWM,f3O0t p ue I �
so Par. as to cut the city Into nearly a around ever remains undetected, like . "Your Iang"age, � F � . �
, xande out t f season may prove entirely hundred Irregular blocks. The other the pressure of the atInOsPhere or the . � . Mr. Craighead,'. 100 I � Ing to stay with you." a healthy, strong System. -
I Worthless or ' Worse than, thato very - I ____ � - - .1 Virginia walked aboard with a Inok Miss Bessie, H_ . ' Orkona, Out. .1
�6!94eading. great citles were similarly gridironed. picture with trees and c1puds repre- . __ . . � .. of disdain, the bitterest cut of all. writes :--�-" It is W a greatest of,
- ,
The space over the smaller rivers and senting faces or animals. Aud as 'When . � � pleasure I write yowAstiu,g the ben . �
Murfug the Winter months the sand --------------PJ' The winches drew back the leaves of I have received -by u =' --your Milburn!
#�pst Is the best, as �soeds sprout more streams was mostly sold to the Air once the cat In the landscape is seen TJ I v, 1-100H 1 TS -9 itil nOR! I GO, BUT MY the great roof to let out the Roe, and Heart - --v - .. " '
A A . S#r .,�
Products company the landscape fades, and one can see PILES CURED at HOME ' ro)of( S"01c.4111 and Nei:Ve PjU This I ....
� � ,
i,eadily In clean sand tban in moist The mystery In air filled the was &U rim down and' tiould . ,
� �
. .
earth, and the sand gives enough root this so sumulat;� Curiosity that it nothing but the eat, so in this case I" b� New Absorption Method.. 'Prond ex-PhVe, it im Your bandaged garage with windy tumults Silber- any work. I ,,,,(-,,It to &I. dor 1 -an � �, . �
(?, � 1.
, caused more eXeltement than the Vir- when the law Is once made plain your 1 -1 * 1.
1. , On I
: Action to allow us to judge of the . . - Ilnt�eg you beg MY L�1091Y clemency I'll berg suddenly resolved to go'end leap- told. me I ,had ht;.vt I "
, . ginla, herself, for 'these honors will -be able to see n If yoU �stiffer, fro3il ble ding 4t I . . .
. _-;drength.of the young plants, whl�� seemingly Otblng else give you'th14 timidwich arid bottle of ad to the gangplank. The drawbridge norv% were r) I I, ufttmg. I I . �-, I
' e ...
worthless rights over far We are taking the libei:ty Of 116sealing ifthing, blind or protrudini h0vi'l Otberwise .4t- I medicine, as he ordsre&mo t , � I., ..
- , _,O d*".�
, *be moist cloth test does not permit Ins, streams, ` turve, and be roof dropped down; the Roe, huge, .
. , ft-, e d road$ and streets Were like it huge tbd 0nd eyes of the.gourts," Piles, Senil ine your address and ,aug(qI It) ,v,ou., 8'q"4`- did me no- gr;..I. rwasw " I
epth at which .seeds Should be . ) Either that or wire steely and majestic, went out of.ber � .1 , - orldpk In -
� ,tested munt'lle decided upon accor . ding . spideris web spitin as a net over the Mr- FUley V740 Outraged at the ef. I will tell you &(w to cute your- him permisslou to 41topart 113 t139 nog.. Vast nest. . rintig offit-r- at thio"tIme , - Od � - , .
. -
, -
- frontery . 9 etor Said 1,1 11 ihb. lqtr",,�', .. I
as .,�_O. �
,,, ,
thus taking tbe.sceno, but to malce a , ,. .
to season. Thus In the dark winter world 8u�ope and Asia its well of this unlicensed actor in self at hoii,ie by the absorption Which, siyest thour, I -'-Sbayte sullenly gave orders to lay a o e 'IeZU1 k. I t I 11;
I I ;9%,
sources was up to samethin , " C, , I" . �
months very little covering Is permls- America, Some one with great. re- treatinent ,1 aii(i will alSo Send "I have wked (Aul Offer o tour - 'y father advised *0 -40 �,
I . aid Car, the It. so dead for Temagami in spite of M , .
slble, while latdr on ,ruore"coverhag is I disturbance now would be worse than Solne of 't1lis holne treatment cause," s ,;oil, *,.,Intl lief 1, . Ve "..
g big. declued the northwesterly uftd back of the a' I
Something Was , to be ' caught la the to let him go on, and Air, Filley Sat M.
ifteeded-to allow for higher tempera- Insultingly. Tbou I offered to come' clonds. BY waiting Tor the t be;teirtfromthem. jiffciro,114�L. I ;
ff-ee for trial,� witli ref�reuces urn of the .1 ... I *,,�S.�, , -I 11
turei; and rapid evopotation. net -but what? down frowning and hoping that Ornig. for them In the Virginia," wind they might have one box I notibed a,V%t40%r r I
- -Garden- . bond's Offense might eseft-pe discovery. ffom vour owlt locality if made gew * f
66 . .
ttg- Ora)ghead and Ca: � re- could -work Iroin Morlda i . Iffi Y ; �, ,,, I �
� , 0;tft'. % . -son dined with 4A iculus qUestod . "And be answered?" I York, but every mile of northing took olit 0.11I stiaotherk 9 :. I I it 11 I � I ,�
11 11. I - 11.1-1-1-111- . I .. Mr. Filley, Mr. Waddy's personal.rop- ad solum, ejus p.qt usque ad Immediate relief and "That he wo Id Shoot me or any them farther from the C tral "low" 11 . I .
. - coeltim,", went on Craighead -Is ,be periilali Seitel Man 113 my .. u I cat drecommon&4h .. ,.- - I
. -1 _ r0sentative, a httle Wan with a ,- .% ,
I A great, maxim on which we stand, the mean� 110 Tnoney, but tell PIO�y that dared Java& and into a larger circle eoltl ,he )huge nervous and run. d6imp , o'. � " . . I I I
scantily thatched head and no body , otliorS of his air over Sha a, . 11
Yn 'S goldl,, . I - � �- , , , , _ � ..
things over with the hired - lug Of Which has been decided in bun- this offer, Write fo-aday to Mrs'.] whirl of the gale. The pilot kil that Pried, 60. � &afa liet. 0 r . . .
, who ate lobster and green turtie soup 11 Mr. Carson brooded over the fa Temagitnil, was, out of the V� it oil doaldthrav I . . ,L
I 11 . I I
*0_7 1
, 61D�' 0 1
, , , I
wid hdip bodi you and h6 .. � dreds of cases and, Strange to say, Is M; SUIUMero,. BOX 1, � ot questlon, I f - 0 . I I �.�
�� I I ,:.'
- and drank port and grew paler evory 8ilNVhIdS,qr,, that the votir, vrAft of inluactiou I , cb,)� . I
Zw . -k-* _"_U-- , I I 1:2 1 . I � :ttW elear-116 who owns land o,wnst th'td ;4QP94,.�40,yFln4t,klpyV,dead,ioWard It bf.ploo � -Titet% I 4 069�. . � I I �
I I ".... .. , �
, . ,.4 �. I
� I � . .Q11t, 10 � , I I
I , . . , � �'.1, I 0 tit. ", _11 �. .... ''I
l_ �. L I I . I . . � I .1 I I . � ;� I I I I . "k I 1, I I 1. � .1-`-_`- I � I I I L ,�l,.��
.. I I . .. � . I . I," � . � . : .11 I � 11 . I I 1��. " � � I . ,�
I . L � 11.1 I I I I . I.,, .1 . I 1, . .�, �. . 11, , , I . 11 11 . IL - �.... I I I � �� I . 1� 1A, � . I I ,If I
I . � I � I ��'. .. I �', , "I. ,
I . . . I I , , I I I Z , � , _ ': .1 ,?. : .1, I I . � � � p 1, . ., � 1,
'' -
I . I L I.., ." , j . �� _L :, L . , , L.'' , � I . I I., 1,�. . - . 1. , I I I ,� .. I I I .:i* \I %._`��N:'_ L� '
� . I �. . _ :� , , , . I 1 ., _. . I ) ,1 . . ;1 t : � , .
I .(., � I � , �� , I ., , I . ., I ��_ �. , ., ''I . ;. I . I .
I ' .1 _t,,1,,,.! � yi.ib�, . , * ,
__. �' L, � , ,,,:i,1'_ 16id-', - '�� .�,,��:_ - , *: ".,. , ` , I . �'.,,� ., ,
''I �� .,:1-, , , _:.:: . . . . . � �,.'' " � '' r, ,,, '', � "I , .1 I
_-_-_J.-1- . -,-.,.,,L � L - - - I_ I � �.&&_. , ,,,..,.'i",...,,_,�_ , � 11. - I., .- , "..t. -I ... ... __ , � L .1, � I
'L , ,
, , 1&11� , , , - � . 11 I . 7 '* - " '� "A �! , �. � I I .
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