HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-15, Page 1F -
43 re
.-Ask. 11ften yott bay 1191"Ifs Oraenl'� I -T, � WO
Feawa'y Dutch Com ,Aid AWL Why x1so, & pow -44,
bo g,00,W0 008
(1141111ZO When 141 esurotthle, worbA10, 4000
--BF � 1 fA 1h Its
)Ravo you tried W Asir, Us far a li5o a 1b. W�o IlMro the beat pakd we Ivan t
Copoa, you yoa to prdro it.
Sample, It to sAperlor t a
ever tasted %nd more, peonoxaloalt Ulve
d Always in fxvor.
trial� once lase 0010"'s Drug $tore.
& Middlesex Gazett
� 21"'Ad, �&
VIURSPAT XORNINGit (TUXE 15th'� 1911 u.,
.. ...........
T ............ Aw#..�
"poce After 0 naciprocitv
Lary's ExpvrA Exeter Council Usbor. 0 C Few.
Dark Council metTune 3rd as 0,
... 44*+ Tho court o.g hold i -t-, first t for 1911, M. P. South
Sillure og il,us moiglity suria-imad yez, Thursday ovenin;; the 8th lust RevIsison of assessilgont Rot iient and M- Y. McLean
All tho raqmbers were pre
to eoiroo't HUr011
JONES & MAY will be al, -liva4a froia,ma bil't 0.1 a�lv all'U0116 at�qjfiavt the
14 Zou,;bt to lc�joiiy. ar our osseFsIniinc, roll for 041. The meru�- ed with Reeve Hunkla as
14 photto No- 32- tbrillia experlonca tha t I 1 11 v i0l were all COr;Lbe, di'scassr
Te .4 One ber% of the c0uK re no appeals tile Roll will
tion of Reava Taylor As there we �hol41 we �OITY
Aol:sllt lwsht week aad, Ohn je�st writ- uf�tOi 'the acN�V , was examiried,pome neoOssarychanges lon of file, pioposed, UL,'C'XiPRC
Lin . YeZ 91 COW 10�11es. Whq is actc-ndiu,., "the. o0unty co[lneil. 4, DIr14 N'J� b e 1; w
mmaealail the Roll as reylsed was aP.- Len Canada, and
()4 Was wulkit, down, Dfain Sthreett Those Pretso'nt stibseribk . �-d to Lho nec, cepted,
ars afh?tor LIle 1,tsbi; �d-tlad State$ At the J-0110w1m;; MONLY
just a few ho oath, off 1100 rt the TJ
Walper� th'at Mr. Levott take . (jouncil met for business after Con 'the daes ullinedii-
thin,:; Saturday noialit. Chinklag av Day�
of Revisia The minutes of the l4st Plillig-A Oil
how nonipe arlft cvilei, the. a ly lou- tile cha to meeting were read and approved. Town 11611, on ALOnully
ay a 8abbath inornin oz. w1ill, Oi 140; ' Walper-D�u thf,"t WO adj3uVA JORLD 'CON
the 16 illsit at 7,30 p.m The contract to bnild a 4' 2, inch' CQI-
two frtads jest, comis. hoille Croal, pr.lday e ellb34 Jane UP"
af,ord. Good sbarp and the -clerk In AetIfY all part'. verb on con. 8 and 0 near Thames v 811WOol) Tuoiiday Su�ne 2014,
spolvdia th'a notAll.t. Road was let Ito John HurtUla for $60, J)X SAVERS
Uot11V,1,x Alai 0I. good avenin,�soz they co ceruel]4
fd �Share, ;rez Oil yez must W sthraloll�i T .13. Ciarl`vx� clerk. The Contract to build 00ment, r y Tune, 2,3rd
th averilli left crete abutments and a beam ISPan TER rixtpda
m I F.,
5 !in che�e Parts. for Bridge on Side Road lots 10 and 11
c, and 35c, here lost ez Ivan ay th ule�rcllftutki 13A2S1<r,,TBALL
0. xtb� L��facli of tile a
s worth 25 lip ,me lasht cluarilther in CA Vxiday evLalin.3 last !the agirls Con 14 was leb to A� Hill and 0 �bovo me
Linen Suiting I ing Price 196 WIZ7 lock of -the Exeter kli-gh chell Abutments $$.70 per cub. yd. be at 8 4'0190k,
1.4 AT 01UR
Glear hez safe aAd haud�n gic badc foar barkotball 'Learn Superstructure and Roor $588. Ac- r ro4e,
'j&s. so ex Wd have collealtioll to INrent Ito Nenzall and played a !ally invited.
a, &It are �q6rd
2, * , to $100,05. viere
hes wide, * Iqlate atth Sabbath, �%(.,Xvi 110-111311 'Tame. 'The result was q In counts amounting ladlea.
14-1,4 Plitt an th rriV�! aed to meet ileats reserved W
of. �ne Linen Slaitings,27 1*40 hare eha�t GTd C the home'tealm, A largo paid and Council adjoar
new and 4 ces, an fer to. make e 3s ln'faVor 0: the
H'xlspecial quality, lot. They ate 0,11 tart dead ij.ilmber from LOI�a went till) as ro�t- J'uly IaVat 0 o'clock in the forenoon. r. McLean will he aAaste&,P!f d -,%A
r sented in the her eauf left so ex not Ito sh. V. Morley clerk. U ,Ur, U.& is,�Jxell IL I
ry color repre 7vita orcheatra, of ,
nearly Z 11%,c Tory �Vn; 1by,
broke aa DlondaY DIOT41111' an then th ers. Oredkt;014 Moe
up todate in every WaY- the Dazb�
lnorpjA r.,amp, just afther Mr. Ediisom, Zo&don, %applied the raasi-c for khe
Di. J-� South Olfor4. FA 'MM
udy Is Viel0ftl' ,
the lo,.chtx'D1ky man, tavQ us Nvtiruirl oecao,:ori. Afterwards a lawn social, Mrs, (Dr Alarvillic homas aGD1111-
wood, ine
th.:t I,,, � w-assalat igoin. to break oltb 40-111 In
w"�fk .�Qld, The return qama will not T4 Watford, etfing by Dir.. T
oe!ljull,�ft� ,&It the Exe�
Sabbath, by jetlt�fti hez 1Oidht,-9;gO xuar be played for a 'couple Ole lveekz, The �anrlual mq,(AlnX and ele;(�tiou of liaii eY,-Re-evO W
Ns,,aE3 (he lin..up: llirwk'll�- 0ififee- 5
oire,s, lrolloIv'11l bf thc, Wom�;,.t4 InsItftute was by
511n, all avertowa oubex. 1), r Iter o�dde"hiv6
Colored RePPS iVer,oic tGotZ ni IN- held ht The 11orn Of I t - '- Q Labor in the Dom�
are Bt,,�,Orra. a6z Nvala av th-im it"s uo �- orwardis. . ,r. II& e I rs Dow. f- 1,�.,nl-r Ziui,ster Of
are to any left, but we bs .1,r4r, J?earl Brown. 'Ger- leeced for t W- 'Smfth
All our colored reppS every Not U) 0 g3L)i ringer- Olk am to thre,s(e sthre,ot k Arthar',''chec fizers were e he COMI(litg ini6n*Ua`biZrP-t flryAd 1
making a. spee i we, Ivnz jist otft cAllill 011 a el� trude contrea 0- year. On- Bl. P. Nor
Out. I Nearly Price '13 or" bu 'Irma 11-tand- �d
becleared Ial I e- �0 Mrs. Monroe Prez. AlW ch M". dle
go, A, v&rl Aqqie Hobkixk. Bx� rlor� ist vice Dirs.. DIeLciod 2nd vice;
choose frOU1-' They in oz me watch oz allus used Ituth RaLtr�je tnd
color to der to see them to 20c yd frjhid� k 'qjry Acheson, U11ito. Air, Dow Librarian, Dim 'I'la,9633's
At l5c ty a each oter
are correct goods �of colors at loc L abodt ki O'ClOCL RV -l"onVardis Abrill Dow, Sady Pefty See
ation , to
er yd. Ill hez, sthrong Qbje Uoyle; chocks. -T..wTreas- Dirt'. XOnrQ0 ;Zav*0 C&RD 01? ITTIANE-1a
and 20e P 11ankin. 'Irene Hardy " -esV r on hoier re"at
runain over four or five.hours wid011t contres 2thel reTy(.Intes inig va!i�
Dijas A. M. To 'The llngtitate ac- Air. 41 J.6rafth, Of De-
SpEQIAL -h 2cepsary quall6litAlons. we kind- and Nellie Amy. 11318tOJa trip to England, ts 11ad, Xrs. will.
Parasols er� -5-ol in,,13ed in 'th )gcolgv�raphy av it IVas reforee, "pted the offer of ithe Quaker 01% darlrlg�tbeir -Stad 1,aco beTeavlCmen:t and
Motor Veils, 50C ing a Very *0 an Were j;!15", a llttle fthina. toirae. Co, to' demonstrate toil, them C�Speloi, CelitTalia"
.aily Rov. 31r. B.1jtV
are sbow and But iILJ% moighty qlad We met yez 33ASr�BALL OU July 18-th. Adjourned loc T.r, MAT, 01. badtrali,.0
lack rds,
otor Veils In Ige of R $3.50 Laxry. for 'we'ro Rat been 'falkin av oll 11hUr'Sda.)t Lvem-ln' or Mst; we"), meet in library room July 7th. ITIrs,
44 Ladies' NaTv, Sky, large Ml 1 and 33�;tar * (or hit -a Wild
sha&es of Black, Fancy Paras0ls1?&1tcqe501t00t and 0 th labont What chased ine ;rlendfath-i "ralla 'U"OlOrs Hasting-a SoOY.
Cream and Tain, 21 ye 3ey are a 0 in 11t, (lz e on jh,� rLxe,%�er
T) 11 shootin 01etaldly 7-ftill
Dg over. wall, �11�ghl wh
well wortb, 1061r -i Ic 0 he home boys Were
is long 1)'I'a y e d
416 with hemsbitobed ends. Spe rontlanl I�V.tat ivaz 'Lakin L , is couiithry dlam6iid ben t a were not
#1 It ctal at 50C. %crostst 'to th 'tither solde Ivid thin. dcte�atad 8L Ito 2.: The boy t ur) in
1: safe to �w their asual firlim. and won
and how 'chat a6thin. wussen
# leave j.,i, 'ch shops nor houses, all, ev- the i1ir in the 77.Lh
;4V Half nolida Agreemost
AU ide at $1 Yard erybodyi bad to 'talzo. cv.�rthylln�g they ;iaa of Centralia, ampired the 4gama.
Special. 1 Yd W line iip-Ce'ntrall't
hed mi go co th woods. an barri, .1t I�011oAriu;� was the
the market at $1 per Td- I.fer afra I id av th burahlers an r6b- 3L Blfeott 1; 0. Duplam 'I *, A. Daplan
ya. wide silk on, )6rranted to weav brerzi tba' IV! z robbin avektIlyinj ,7 -, 1,T, � Dmpse� 1, 33. Zssery 2 ; A. Tss- TTJ V AN" AUGUST
have the best' f I U
beautiful sof 4 finished El. fully W, 8hnre Gory 0; 0. Bssrry o; Ar, Balithom .1;
ohlVon Taffet the Id t.their luktidson. FOR THE MONTHSIDIF JUIA
&V Often hearrd aboul, th H. BloojuKjell;1 O.Exe 'ter Hoskins 0 ;
-$114. t,t 0; J.Teyivood 1:4 0 )y agree to
moll;ht. excol[Untoilmes tney 'had a.Ch- crisher I; DIalle We the undersigned merchants of the village' f Exeter herel ts $5 to W3
issett 0
k ire man Fulce 0; 1311: rnoon dur' menssul
an whal: a br. me ou.Evely Thursday afte
ter ar Prcszca;OT 0; B Score by lanhigm close our places of biwiness at I o'clock no
gai'drather wuz an alow it ncy 0; Plvliet 0
Silks 0,0-8
Taff tta th family, * bn�t ?there pctrtraija 0. 0. 0, 1. August 1911.
e + xu:ns in.
% 0. 0, 0,
i, 4* liette Silks 1.1'.It no chance av showin it ZOW. 33,xeter '2. 0, 0, 0, , It ing Silly auc Mrs. Yeo Boys' Suits 2 to 7
Pai 'Swec't. 10. struck J. Grigg.
150C Yd since rieproolty hez made Ihe fenlala Sfrack a.:t bv JT A. Stewart W. W. Taman
oc Yd 13. llits nff Sweet 5 �11. %Bawdeu A. Ford
in all 0 own solde, av th fence. bt Bloollifteld Beer B. Smith
ood wearing 811k ood Silk comes h;,rt,tlirqwgb. tellin me this, ofg Bloomfield Burke W. J
5 1. Sh'r ts, 35c to Luo
A real �91utlful soft finish- This S 11 streak Petek Fisyne B. W., F. Beavers
beo shades and cannot be beatell a4ticed a Ishma on Friday gtl� the Brinsley andl W,. T,,�eaman los. Davis
with a
I F. Wood 85c -up
It �inixL oll;b't ItIlroulgh Ivan
'Black, Blue, Green, BrOWU for the price. Exete'r teams Played a game of Base- & Son
'114n 0 a 11 . I. George Mantle "ants
J ti
Or ilCl'.j;.blb Ills Odd r
r 1, Iv,,Odya J1 ttle Piece abelid. ed like a ru ff. Spackman Ed. Wi
and Gray. ball, At times it look u- D. Hartlieb
�,hur, we: niust OLY all seen ft to Jones & Ma)r Advocate
ning race and Exeter ended bhe game T. Hawkins & Son
�Va�jlst. fer mot. a: Ivan sat( rrd 1 TOM C&rlil Exeter Times
'0 four runs to the gool:
d z c Old hear rverryli ail�reatd
Overalls & SMOCks
WAISTS '�rea: 11in an our hearts waz beat. :and his hoodo bat were very notical . . .11 � I 1 11 -
Sq WRITEWEAR & It"11 tj for errors. . Boyle for Exeter. Weir .......... to
LADIE lard that it would make Xin3 T, + + 50V
i Boyle filled
11 *.0 Billy drums what walks ; _ his place as nmprie +
White waists proccos-'an on the -'twilfth av July.
in hez own for Brinsley did Nvell in the box.
Whitewear well -line up, M
ing this H&ye, you seen Out n4w #0 Zo sound 1Q1ko n. EeIv pine shrivers rat- 2; Ilos-, + Underwear, Sutufflef
aists, They ar,p- 9, real nit- 0 tru oil �1, Tall Cluce. i,,,z Oi alias had Exeter Cxrli1Ag
is rare to ple"ayou
Our beautiful sbOvV W lanA 2; Boyle Z,jea�,) 2; Flshe',r 01, +
p to date. + .0
lot'and right u 0 CARL1110 9 le to
seaS01 are ty remQ ie-pult-ft"Ida fer tgaWlt 011t `IV �A
All the dainty stTles See them before buYing,. ',04 0ifultles about ball ez easy ex lgel LIL 0131neY Priradley ----------------- +
an 33A!nfsly 111 11 t 4.
Skirts. �n thay .�thuriied for me advoice. Dorman +
showli M C Wdir I Dorman 2; N.
v War ro!Zh� on Falder +
We "held a coundil a Underwear, wool,
Athler the dyeoplosishv 2 F �-[). D ileY I C- Miller I +
the slipot. - 9.'T1 x -
for I-lousefurnishil3gs, w* aid IrLar 0 ; G. r, 1341in 1. score iQy Innin g + e hot weather is here and now is +
ecciiden who sb 0, 4, - 1, 0, 2. DrIlAl + + 60 to 1.00
& oilclothsv 10,0 the case at, d 4. 7.
We are headquarters S 0
1016um A:ilay Carrn.Oza's medals, i%;haf.. he ff.,J.. 0, S. 0, 2. +
C +
aives to heroes �nijq,;; 'the Exeter Sr. ++ +
1* Rugs, Ca.rpets, urtainsgLil 11rhat igo around savin oril V. . riday eve 0 o buy your whitewear before
loircs, and doi'a brave things so oz Ito Craditofa, + the titne t +
"OZto,,,gKt 4heir names in the noospapers. Basel' ball team -111 90 to + Work Sox, W0019
we decolded th verry firrit thimby and play the stars. 'It is exTeated-, + +
t) kofilid out: where the. a. laTge number of rooters Will +
0 �� thaO + your size is sold out. + 2 prs 25C
.i* 0 to do wuz ( +
May,. lolgild wuz comin from. aiit ez�.soou. ��jso go aloxq. +
o ez we found out it wuz ccralla from our junlor Base Dall tain, have at' +
Alarehalndi',si jewlery Shforf!. and that ra,Aged, to have two garries haro on + +
+ + Work Sox I Oc Per Pal
h Ole 011 on +
ra,oronatf6n, Day w I Skirts
1. nt
ch bur; s1are 1
ghlars. for 01 sez, sez Oi + Waists
ark ifts �burghlers. Xor see how 4thay'rel Juhlors.
pasted paper o�u 'the wilady otirwaistsareof the best In this line we have some Black Cashmere 20c
-to keep us f rdin The Independent Order of E'Ore.�ttrz material and made in the lat- of the neatest patterns shown +
lqokt,n in to'sca if 'they ez %akia 'the wlll'a�te&li Divine lVorshiP iV1 the eat styles ranging'in price $150
b1g;gost, �diamon& an igold %vabohes and Ble0i St. Methodist churbb on Sunday from $1.00 to $3.00. at prices f rora $1-00" to + 20c
of + ancy Cottoll
eut:glass niarmillemobade jelly dishas morm�rq June l8th. Dl�embers +
what King Edward serves up,oygter Court Exeter 123 'Will meet in lodZe
0 O,clock Q. B Atiderson + Stiff Hats
tAE MR R, hez hotel in-Toron'ty in. room at I + Summer Dress Goods 1.50
Afhfer colnEfiderin 'the buribla ina- Rec. Secretary..
LOW PRICES s`ews 'The PxCmarY alad Cradie Roll AlM Jac- `1
portaluce ar our capture ark planim, on 0 +
GOODS prtmat Of Dialm. St. Sabbath,A, �1 VoileS Foulards 4-
IVI P, ShAbiro0k;
ly I I ll�elt Hats 50c to 1.25
wcaNhi three er four modals apiece De 4;
q% sez. &,,z. Oi. we'll all inake a, rush -will hold their picnic on Ga!ttjiday &des and at
parents Will ++ quards and MuslinA in many Sh
for the ai-Lre an youzll Izo flriif K0 tiz *-Jahe 117. ohild,ren land
:,e church at Z o'clu,ek. +
01 can close thA dare if 'they 'try -to meeT tit 0 4.00 Shoes for 2095
6ull u,. by the front way. But th J.,'qmisdD1rs- �E(. Hooffer, + Right prices
durl-wouldn't open abiT. an they ivud- Watchford,,teacbers. +
—* + + 5A 4.00
da-rit hren leit us !In afhLar xaftlin, th + +
obituarys- +
c + Wo
Dfaroband's keys an to 'tell h:';m o,l FrAlly of ]art w ;I- the -dw:bh + S s,
latch. The mext Afing.wliz to 1307t ]Sir
Jewllry slitore wuddehl; be unimer Underwear rk Shoes all Kind
I J thatl li�z I.,00k Place Ot the infant sorl of Mr. -r +
.11111 IL L90 inucli ez'Faxiner's Bank Ers, Wlli&m X. Smich_ of Do -
-oi;t:. who have + s 31k
tthaol- a fine ribbed knit uaderwoav for children and +
u h"an lbal nolhi. wauld be leCt betil -visiti'19 Dir- I n I C" t Childre
it ,r on ch wilildys if hez t' � - + from us Jumper a
t Pa 1, 1 Lb,',A parents. Mr. aild Mrs Sam ieg With or without sleeVes prices ranoing
Uddehl', hurry up. We started o ff Sml� . 1 -toad SolAb. The Jj%d
d ter thRil :greased lolq�htnln shilld- act Smith, 1LOadom The in-
s + +
e lyfone pole, but -UL ither tbo n-eter +
ol- child was three md0lis old. + 1Q. i-� In ta 0 c. +
cou d ran fashter not 01 could tir. Oi tormnit cook 1) -- + +
just got there in toinac to 110�a� -1� ","4 CeluLtLry oil Sunday afternoon. +
us, il ink-
lifar baind tollin Min fbat The. death of is Bertha r
r f 11r. and, Dirt%- +
ri�oight 'tpilyforle iiervica and Women daughte a E'lgtophell Look Gents Underwear 41
Ifr. Marc -�kiatthciv Vinkbeiner. oi 4
of last 4
they'd )olkeV find 11 Thutsdiy
,tbipment, of Ghteeplin an th in�soide. oe at her homO <1 aii -nderwear for only I
Anotber- c -------- 14;.%: ri tilkbeiner has be=
++ A fine porous Balbriggan U
Ville' Mowers. Bx- Abodt t breo +
Trook BORN or some, time.
lmo h4 (Igo she returned from 'the +
�tra g( r $4-00 Tuesday re, � *
)0d 'value fO All FOLLICK-la St; 11aTYS On rial - London., wntro she
Keep out flies. Line 13th to Dr. L. L. and Dim '0 L� - 75c a S 'at
sizes in stock, Good 4 reatint;nti She XradLtally
ceLve' ath el
V 0111 ch. - 6� so a. W wor;c unfil de, imed hec Fine F 99
0 $6.40 INTed- A I ink. rench Balbri an underwear at
Others ilp t value,for . . . . . . . . $1.00 LRATHORN-11a Ingersoll on n ThUrs lal 0 1 I"t 1"cek; Liss r
;day June 7th. to ACT. And Airs!,
member of the LLVth
fohn ILP41,horn a dati.ghter. b ,Ind Ava-s 111��ch +
Others up to $2.00 6, 0 EB- x1,hA1P- St. 'Tor- craii church. Oreidilton, mu'lilty. * 75c and $L00 a suit
RO K At 122 Ch o Air. and beloved Ithronabout the com +
SaInda,y scbooL +
arv:.,o. 11,hursday June S. The iroembers of how also short sleeve undershirts at
B. L. )Crsuker.'a daughter� a body �ind
Ready Wing Mrs. I I IED a,ttte.iRdpd her funaraL in
wNia- tit ThO Srave. The Cnt&1710�iit
xrY +
he Oxeditoll c0liletL
4R Specla prices to reduce XUApT-pRr,,nTER-Ab the Lath- 'took Plllc('� 1 t +
-,g , ;,M. 50c a piece.
stock. <�.raa ielhurch Dashwood by 11�ev-'Dlluft 01 U Y-
tildther of dic +
Air, Edward G. XTa't to V%Ss ROSP, bai; x1rXinecl +
preeter All of stenh-eni Xcter ilrt the porsoll of +
Ainatit Roof' g, regu-- dley. I we will clear
e M -wJln 1pxocer on Of V
0L:,LJ3.143RT--TAYLOI1 Bfrq f3 't Ill L her '48th year +
'. IT(Irry
lar $2.60 for..,,. r ;,, A me a few fine Straw hts
way sun. frs. Pil�vsed 1 -(ly on.,Dfoaday We ha
Quality Brand, rega. Pearl, clatighter of Mr. nind + bout at a bargain prices,
Will Taylor. to Dtr� myroll U" Gal* of this week after all Mums ot over
-i yenr. lfer ap
ath was 'due to a
5 0 for . ....... $2.25 bart: of Lucan. �,�y the 11.011. diselises., oil 'the ath
comp)lcatiou 0. 46. 1
Roofingy Paint 766per gal. 11obbs. of 1aly list ytar. DIrs. dildley uta, r- +
DIED only + FreSh Groceries alWays on hand
an operation Nvilioll W1,18
Paroid 1�ooflng and Tar weilt +
a4l)LEY-10. r,,xctLr, On Monday, 3 11 tic partlilly nuccessrut, 1111d a Bhort time +LL
oved wite Of afto It, NVas- comp6lled to t,1kc her. +
Paper. 12,th. It.nnie 7�ckell� bol , r, l:1.41 - - es Paid For Produce
1�,eep cool by uSiDg One Mr. 11arry (3111dieY, ftz('d 0 yetirs, bed. her illnt�sjs sb.n, 110% been + ighe-st P1 Ic
oll, ou June 9� �Vnl. a GJ'.dley s lna!;4� +
VrL suffer
4of our. Oil Stoves. Two SDflTll�ln Stoph a An Xei*tffl. She
0011 ot. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm c S 11'
A, a, 1400 Ideal -encin jilfant .a, UN
9 Z am
Sulith.' of Dn�troi;f% Og'O'd a mOb1thit �r4stborii in S01 h d arld rania to thia
-burners, sPeci W
7, 8 and 9, ires; 250. r, L�J.J-Jn !Stephon. oil JL1re country in I.Elyo. . hboul CIVO Years +
d -to her ba,reav-
d dau�hteX of 'Air. and DIM, agoi -she was marne,
0 $1,1,00 per rod up. . Coile I barb bf� I Xthow JNnIcbelmor. agid 21 Ivears busband, 9he is surItived Ivy Ileir,
Others UP t JeOkell. OftO'Wu a1`1 I+ JLJL
eaving wire at lowest 4. weeks. T a 9 +
tile 'Pasit,m'jue h(lr SiaboLr Mn-�, +
and W W'o 'J* uaill
i-,ajt-.r Atrsd+
price$, the, Djarke mut 'nor, - I , I .
,te,,r-A.ten't you wa.stIlng , , s.;
ovens $2 00 up trimilminq-4 1101t,04'. of Wt,111daor, h6s been nlir,
a good deal of thnt dtoak in
The flyriLpil wa�4 held Wc5-� ......... ............. ++', 4-7 .......
to th* Exetor'tlem
4o na tt"Oryloon
-Hplaman SO Rd ON abo