Exeter Times, 1911-6-8, Page 12x4r:ket I -Tlie kollowbig iW Addlitional. locals on paae. 3 e Cl()Sed,
100 I.-Axt ni 2 -ter ularkohq 1=,- I)ental OffIC s
4r, V 14sls , taq laylor Atas, A
reotod Up tio June "'Mi. thome from Zion, IC4141Y Uke, notice rtlmt my office
+4 Wkeat Sb,45d ird S2 to ?4) olking for 1w closed ovpry Wednesday afternoom,
6_4 6 * Oats43L1 Lo 16 toak,'-S. :,Sir. IV RoULSITON. : , - Peo le'Read
Zli 'IrEVVAk"T r! 40 Barley, 51r.T. Creech, Do P
: Z 1 15 w 00 evllftfs, Itev. D. W, . Collinis, woA in XViax- CLOWN0 NOTICE
iluo.UwLeat 45 Ito -50 toats
5 11,11a Vvidqy last. Plemee remember that my 1.)ental
lklas 70 to, 7, t4,.,
Bran 4$20,00
Shorts 60 110011. xis'$NAX. +
P110NE 16 :,)Ir. Xftliard. Treble Is YorklJ 44or Office is closed ever W ed. ne er isem s
Adv t' ent
MOO r, W. 1G. Ussett.
Toro ato was in
Model Plour $2.40 Mr. R Oalwell. of
VA -1 ;' cki 45 town last k
pprial e a, girt t'vow oul. hilt stnd well ceqd .
Tbe3j, Reide will. Ur. "'d XrB, F" Boxle VISReq at
assorted (if Chirt and Fancy U on Hol -N, ale. t-itike sug, Qcttxtr*1Aa 'Stinday.
PoWtoe's 65,
f,-e,,,t ions for cal-efulbuyer s. IsIr, aod Mrs. Sno Ea.-wkishaw, V s-
ited Iii Luioan lait was,
Ir I
Ila, m "r*11,7,lit 6.15
Mrs. R(L Rob-nison has been ill d4r.
Cb e exrtort&s 0,00 'to 6.10 1
Austrian China Dioner Sets _41edlum cip6rters .5,75 'it<) 5.95 111Z the past NN'1,'Qk-
Cb0co butchers helf irs 5.85-6.00 Xr A. Ha,,Wngs was in LopAon.
Common buthers holfers 5.504-70 Tuesday -on biis!uoss.
BesO, Cows 4.80 Io U0 Mr. I"'arl Bro,,Vfiii !a around a.-ain
:0 slith-p 3,50 to &.O ) after hi's rozoAt 11IM15s.
0 1Spi:('a;- larabs from $1 'bo $0 eti-all
t Berry of Ingersoll is visitlin3
r. and XrB. R, G, Seldod.
'Mr, W. Wray. of Lo5idoD, Nvaa ta
towa Tuesday on bu lross.
LOCALS' Utilss Lala Ra.-Ungsis slowly recov-
fllil Xrom her re-eent illuess.
t _13 ) Messrs. James and Alt Walters loft
Mrs, S. Quxnce .'s vis ltlnx ix,'Allsa
4 L, I Wednesday for a[ tr p Jo the Soo.
'Arr.S Martin Nv's in Stra:tford thia
itending t a
gmtovc- Miss Raland,of Lwodoa. is visii0i; we,
he conferetace.
INV.c-is Ethel Piper is home from Lou Mrs. Wwssen, of Toronto. is visiting:
her dau,Xhte-,r. Mrs, W. H. Colltimff ,,
don for a few daya.
Mr. Rtnig. of Crediton, ispon!t Bun,
4 hir. 1.\r, it, was in. Tb:rdd.to da W 'it
Saturday gmd Sunday. Y, t, b, Mr. and Mrs. Datincey.
-Air. Lorne Pethick,has renbad 14itsa
Ur. J. Willis Powell has installed
What. would be more desirable for a young Bride to receive Alary.Balkwill's house oa Andrew St,
a telephone ih his store.
I ban one afour. Bridal Wreath Austrian Cbina Dinner Sets, # Mr. and Mrs, Jas, A-tkinsou. w n
This chiva is a beautif al hard white bndy wi Lh pretty decora- '0' Ur, Clarence Whitby, .vmEteid ope'r to Lotddoii Tuesday for a short vIsIt,
t- F Vink Roses edged with gold Tlie piecesare all the new- Sunday at his Lome in. Paris.
10LI 0 r Mrs. B, A. PolUck is spending this
est t Ita pes 131r. LeRoy Coultis at Gods lob.
spent Sumday at h3iis Lome her week at her summer cot tage a t Gratrt4
40 Prices $22.50 A. 0 Mr. and Mrs, J, W, Powelle`spw t I
4 Ot-her Austrian Ohin4 Di riner Sel s N b Sunday and Monday in Bryatstohm Mwrs. Rrzest Flynn and J. New-
all visited one day Jast week in St.
Miss Dinah Elsr.on. of Berlin. vis- ),Iarps.
441- $15.00 $18.00 and S2 0. 0 0 Vk fted at her home Item over Sanday, 'Strawberriesgrown by S. Powell on
Ethel Brush., a,' Finzal, v1stt- sale 'Sattirday at poweirs i Bazaar.
40 ed 11,11sa May Wood, a few day6 lut Pho(no .55
'01 orkx Or L, V solve touls, prouxem.we are 0'4'J erx n g V V mEj
and SH WI XG MACHINE BARGAIN$ that were ever offered.
tBA o Louis xv Design
A Beautif al Uprigh i n
Finished in'blahogany, Manufactured. in the most up-to-date
faotoryiuOsuada, E quipped with the best German felt and wire
which will retain a mellow tone for an indefinite period. The trusses
and pilasters are carved out of solid mahogany and the piano is guar-
anteea for an unlimited time.
The "I lar price but -we are e247
Mis $P350 it for 4V,
of piano is offering
with Stool, Scarf and Free Delivery..
Positively only one at this price
A Cabinet Sewing Machine
Finished in Quarter cut Oak, a full set'of attachments and gaaran-
teed for 10 years. This machine is manufactured by the Raymond
M g. Co. of Guelph and we iiecomend it -to you as the best. Regular
price of which is $3 ,00.
C -Ole Price $22.75
Don't -delay come 'in at once as these are
dollar for dollar values. A slightly used Bell
piano for $iso also a Bell organ taken in ex-
change for a piano, Price $,50.-1.
a -IF
M A N & S 0 N
,* # # V * releplione 3 Exeter
iyeek. 'The first shoot a' 1he Rifle Club
4: Hanging Lamps Parlor Lamps 'i * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lin4enfleld and' for the !tropby I
* son. Nod. Waited in 1(Todbrlah over vas hold on Tuagday , MASS MEETING, AT E XXTE R
For FlAls, Dinjug Rooms. Have' you seen the new 40 Sunday. A mass meeting for the d6cassion!
Mr. at:i4 Mxs. Robt. DXnEcy of Cred-4 at the proposed Reel
and Parlors, These Lamps Parlor Lamps. We have 6 * iprocifty , ajree ,
* * May Jewell bas accepted-apos- iton are v1siting -Mr.. and Mrs. pi ment will be held in ...... ....................... 44++_+44+ +-* ........... IN.++++ 4+
are d i r ect from factories in them in 9,11 sizes and colors it:on with !Sir. Jos, Senior. photo- Exelter OILXX day +
e. * evejufrz. Tune 23rd. 1.94. in Jam-eis + +
Pi i t&hn t g U. S. They come iu The new embossed glass lamp 0 x1apher., +
all sbales with beautiful is a beauty and ' mucli. # M. -is O'Neil and Miss McNab, of Lor: street church isheids. The. tineetfartig + +
better light than 1'-B Godexf.,ch is making bi,, prepLra-
frinae of colored heads and golthe, kinds * don v1sited Bin ard Alrs 'G. Majina wtifll be add rcjstscd by 11on, W, L
tions for the clebration ;f the 12'th over'Sundbay. I , McKe $ I PRESUTS +
separate brass founts at. $2.00 S3.50 S4,50, $5,50 0 hzio Kin,7, Minister of Labor; + +
4, ffulT, ,= that town, Mr.- W. Uffolloran. of Brantford. A. W. 'Sm[Ith. Al. P. of uorlthl SI.iddle +
$6 50 $7.50 %nd $10.00 +
Mrs. Loadman pf Lor-tdo q s vlsi; - spont. 'Sunday w1uh his grandfather sex aind 11. Y. McLean. X. 1-1, (or +
ing her idaughter Mrs. Ed. Treble for Mr. 1-1y. Lambrook south Huroh All are -cordially invilt- + +
;Lvaervad. for thel + 'OR THE +
ed, Ocats wili be +
couple Of "Leim. Mrs. Jas. Boyes. and Mrs. WM VS. r +
1hursday. June 22nd. Coronatiolni Brock Visited at +
China 'i ea Sets Toilet Sets Mr. Win. 10olling'-. lap% + +
Day. has been officially proclaimed a wtr-dl,'s FAday laist. +
Composed of forty pieces We hav . e about 40 sets to holiday. Dr. abd Mrs. Roulston. have return- julae Ehe fksk It1he offhaa of Vbe Bell
choose from in white and + Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke ardt ed from o_ most enjoyable ItAp, )?a +
v ith the new Kermes cup 'Telephone Company !instltutpad a J0 Us" N E +
+ All Migth't IServilce-Commelacin'? +
with young aon. spent Saturday and Sunday the. Muskoka Lakois. a6n:finuotia service for Ithe subsorib-' +
0 severalvery daintV patternts gold and colors to go
anytrimmlogs very suitable 4 visitiiit in Louddn. +
4 to choose from at prices vou. Mrs. T. 'Gregory haLs arrived home era of 'the Iiinle. Thti, nlgh t sc.M 0.- ++
4 Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway. of,Clinton, bar- after VisfQn--her daughter, MrIs. 'however. 61s ninly for urgent tcalhsli: ,
10 will gladly pay. forWeddirggift at $2.25 to 0
$4.00 to $10.00 $7.00. 40 returned home after visicilag 4x* -.r Potter. of Toledo. Ohio. axso of sickness and x.-erossary We)
i, mother Mrs. Wei'ah.. cMNs. O:rL'8uY_,day,,duri1bg 'Elie isexviv.,'B +
Any one havinz an issue of the Ere- BRIDES
91 INIr, R. E. Rogers of Ch-lica-go. has ter, rft!,ines of February 16th. -%vill eoh- ol't-he iday. 'Elie oi6lfoc will b-, closedl +
+ + +
ja .:ned Mrs. Rogers and is visiti;n,; for 4 favor by Jeaving it at this off'Vae, Xtavall tolose at 9 o'clock iu blie morn Before making your, pur-
Air. and Mrs. E. ChrlevA -Air. Geo. Mai
Big assortment of Water Sets, Bevry Sets 0hocolate Sets, r has retur(ded horaa Ing and will r -o' apen, till ;two in, th o chases for the Bride be sure +
rable Sets, Tardluers, Biscuit Jars. BeIrry-Dowls, Salad Trays, afte± nj oxx, whor- ilt will remain opm + to call and examine our +
* * Mrs. Braithiva*.Le of Londod. izhore after a nidnibli'a visit with frierids, 4. Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, +
Beead and Butter Plates and many other suitable gifts, e Be F:111 four. 'It will agaih opcu'at te:L I arks Stock of +
in aLtendance upen her rao'cher. Mrs.. rn Detrott and Trav r City. Mich. telclock &L Itht leveniug but only for + Cold Meat Forks, Cake F
Pxper. who is ill at 1her home.. Mrs. E. Christie and Miss Margaret; + Soup Spoom, Pie Knives,
4 urgexit; bwsine.laa. + ,
40 Mr. and Mrs. R, G.Lukex, oE town Rogers attended the Christie -Luke Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Watches +
r The Stoat draft of Itho-'sitationlin + "Knives and ForkSt +
attended the ChrEstle-Lul-Ar Nved- wadding in St. Catharines on Wednes- _4 +
dfn- in Hamilton on Wednesday. clay. c6mmIttee. of the LdAdon Conferanco, + Flab Servers, Oarving Sets,
Bed Spreads able Cloths Clocks, +
Do AdverUsemeets Payl?-S. Matl:M iA out. 'The Exeter District is as + .4.
0 Air. E. 11. Senior, of Toror-to, via-, follows; Exeter. Ma0h sIt- B. tG. pow- 1, 1 1. J
Big assortment of Travel- 0 and Son are tryking to solve thip prob- Ited his par6nw, Mr. ard rs. _. el.)E xeter Jani s st.. R. HAbz; 'Park- I Diamonds, Cut +
Fancy embroidered Bed Wedding Bin
jers samples in new medall- * lem. See add. in another column. So)aftr, Eli -few dAys during the P:IZ' . hQ1. IV. 'Godwin; El A +
S reads, Somethi + from
.-Z6 P ng new and
differeno from the ordinary ion and floral paterns all siz- 0 tock to choose
es at $2.50 $4.00 $5,50 S77.00 * strawberrlies, every day after Satur- -Mr. E. Jones. of WilkespoTt, who ford I` 11161sail J. E. J.- A4illyaxd Ki Big S
Fresh. ;clean rtck-ed. fall quart. week. -Steaamata; PenlLrarta T. IvY. Blaboh- M
at $4.00 $10.00 and $15.00 + Glass, st V
day at Powell's Bazaar. Pholne 55.
iis attendirg the London Conferenva Pon. C. tO. Couseas ;.Crediton, R. Hit" + ware, Pins, tc.
Mr. W'.1bur Phillips, at Toronto. at Stratford Visited in -toirr on S.1, Up + +
Grand Bend D. D. Thompson;- A' a +
+ Which consists of the fiaest quality and lowest pricas makin this +
visited his mreuts 11r, and Mrs. B. day Jast. Craig, John Kennedy; Lmean. 1G. J. +
Linen Towels Tabk Napkins S. PhMips for a few days this week. J& R g: Samuel and little daugh. Kerr; GraiAtin. P, 0. Kaine; Wood,- + the best place to buy. +
r 1 ar. +
:n ham.,W. R. Vaniep_; H ixkton, j3. Snel)t +
ZUrs. Ready of St. Marys, who has of Highgate, are here Repairing done on the shortest notice. +
To embroidered and hem In M&uV designs, and sizes been v'siti(ng her parenIp Row. J. D. Visiting ger paren:tis Mr, and M - Rev. W. H. Blatt, of Gohitral[a 1goeo +
sEh bed edge, Pure linen : ., rs. .1.
a big range to choose from at and. Mrs. Kestle has returned to hor J. Bawdet. to tWigh #treet L*,mdon;.Rev.,H. Wat- +
washed and ready for use at per doz, $150 to $3.00 son."of Eliniville, was given. a trans- + +
home. We are sorry to learn tha +
per pair Mr-' fe-r `6 co00-mue, hia 91 ud'Aiels. A.. T. F. +
40c 50a $1.00 & $1,50 A. Muchand
0 4 Nrrs. Jevaie Floyd. of RalamaAco George Kexalako, ds ill with pu
I.L 4b e mAA- But'Q qo--s to Byro. +
who has been vsitiug her mather, Ia. Ris mainy friends wish him a
ix +
Mrs. Wo.6,h returned to herhom 3i on speedy recovory. The Annual Bleei,ina of the South + +
ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED 6* is -I.- Jewler and Optician
Tuesday. Euran Reform. Aosodat',ca was aeld +
.51r. J. A. Stewart, IVI: KathleLqn
y rt were in
Xr- 'X-,-fv J Ila:-r*s left'NAreduesda ond Master Wilfred Stewa + W
at- Brucefield 'on ITtiesday of this 4, Fxeter 'Ont
o to .81t he daughter at Tara. IM Lcjdd on Mor -day and Tacs her-, wais Un- +
ra. d-ly anid, re- 3
S. DLv,*.s acooinuanied her a.: far aa turned home with a -aei McLaughli;r. aeually larZe and evary : . ..... I .......
T mutalcipalitty.in 'the xidjrg was rc P-
in Am 160' T E W A R week. IT an
0* Wlngham. auto.
resented TU was largel'y a buisiness,
Dr. A. R. Kjnsman returned Satur- - O'n Tuesday of this week, Mr, Thast mcetiuq but the enthusiasm of those
day evenirg a1ter bein.; in Toronto Smale struck an excellen.
t sprAng of Pres(jat shows 'the ta:rty,tq be in -good
several days attending 'the D10at9.1 water on 'the proper[' of Mr. John f4q,liting-1trim 21r, H,Gmithof Hay
Dilgnan On Main OtroGt- Mr. Smile was re-eloobaid Pri'sideat AD-. d" Arm
located the aprji= at a
Zles --rg, S. G. and Jas. Bairden left Ais auce of StaInbury. of Exgt er. Getcr,!Lar 1
Wedr, isday for a.trip rhrou-;h t lie 28 feet (down and the wath2r just Mr. John'Mardock. of Bruecifiold.
pour y 11 Baz"&L
west. Mr. F. N Mallett will look , f. edinto !rho , a 1) Powell' t to
trilatalixier. LoLal Pre.ai&nts wart - I
poin'ted for. eveFy municpality-. and
6 1,or .Vr. Dawdents store durling his On Su,.dav last 'the congregaUctag
d Main St. 0* theroilzb. or4a jz2tlon . effeebod.
iff 0 T T A V E of Caren Presbyte.,tar_ an
D a The In4ependent Oxdo-r of Foresiterw
Merbod-st churches beld union : er_ Resolvtlobats s1troazly apl?rovin,,g a[ Lhe
4 w:11 aft-&,nd Divi v:ces, rn the morr-ing servi 'Domi-ai6on, Government aaald the pro-
ne ivorshin iln ,.he ice was
71 A M IN A DWD hille W^ longs
0 0 held in Main -street chu b and in -,Cniolal'Op )asitioa and strongly on -
4, Kain St. INathadist, -church ro
4 (111 -S"ac"'y Lhe evenirg in 0aven church conduct d0relnq reciprocity were !Paesiad amid
mor4mg June 18th. Ilembers oE .,d by Ver. S. F. Sharp, 13. D. dresses wexe . deliver -
Court Exeter 123 wil.1 meei"In lodg-, % aAhuzialsm. Aid, The time is at Hand thab Presents are wantedan&this Store is full
Never caused half the Sensation that or -it Stock roam at 10 o'elook.' G. E. Andersot5 The First of .'Elie Sealson.-On Mon ad by M. Y. McLeQn. 7M. V. the Preis- ofthem. Come, bring,yotir friends and see our Assortment
10 ftbt and Spiereltary and' h1so by
* Plee. Secretary. (41Y Of flifn week Mr.13 Gill brati-
A and Prices are doing -this season, Our purchases of 4 b
A&isrs, Thomas Fraser. Jacob Kell r
0 Mr. 11. Swann. of Eden, conducte& us in some exceller.t ripe strawberries man. Alex. Alastard. J. A. Cowan.
0 'the so th&E IVOM VE01- d h am h Chinaware Glassware
brvilices in James stract chureb, a h ' garden. Robert Gar6ner. and ntherq.
These Were-th f:
46 on Sunday inpitning and preached a - irst home-grbWn 01ristio-Laker - On Wadtiesday.
4, very inspirimg sermon. In the evan- stra*berul cs we had s, ,.en this sei- . Yancy Cake & Bread Plates 25c up 4 -piece Table Sets 45C up
From rello, June 7tb. a very pretty weddli).2 t. ok
iing a platform meeting IvaS cobid.tic1l) "on "ta we believ-,o, the Fancy Cups and Saucers 10c, up Water Sets with Tr&V up
i strawberry hi ill be n1ace at.the iiame at Mr. and M?.-.
KiTCHEN9 DININGuRoum, 4b ed by TAIeszrs. M. r. Salter. Russell r ves t w: -4 very Fancy Salad Bowls 25c up Tumblers special 5C
IQ, J. Luker, of 07 Dazotalt fALneet.
ray, and J. M. Southcott, bod.Aifal one, Coronation Salads .50c up Goblets special 50
Messrs. T. E. Handford. L. J. Wat- St. Cathev;,nca. when their only Coron%tion Cups & Saucers 15c. 25c Tall Boquet Holders 10c,to 25e
Oft as Th:L:z Yaa r -This year the daughter'Miss Bimtri-ce L. was ufnitfad Coronation Cake Plates 3'for $1 Berry Setts 75c to $1.50
an a son. 11, Steero.,.G. Taylor and 0. Hey- m marriage.to - Mr. h. 3'. Christie- of Coronation small Plates -v and Salbs Ior a rup
apple crop ih this section is aroom- Mf.5SeS 4 ai
wood and Edra rollick and, Exeter. 'Ube oardmony Look plae.? at Peppe
I)ILte I'dilure. No xeason is given for
PARLOR & MITES _N* - a I loc J ugs P29C up
'Puffuum tVs aldioi kh g3ome blame the June W410 ra Howard were in Llean and Mugs
1 . Sanday ard conducted 1the mornf On thre2 of.clock p.m. in thL pre-sanoa of ation. Milk Jugs 25C
0 bugs or 10w early fro qt_-, but the fact ag the bmmedlabw xvlaUyes of th-a colij- Goron
4 of the iria:bor is ther-, ivere no b1ols- servi:-Pc in the Mothadkt: :chars/h, trad[Onig parties and. I was performed
4, sowis. SmtIl fruits sueh as Vtraw- Miscellaneous
-Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders there. A- very pleasant ard prolftabl,,, by Rev. 'Dr. J. 'IT. Itatr1liffe. Tbo
tirne was spent.
above any others offered to YOU and the bbrrles. ch,erries and plains Vromise bride was bicominzlf atr1red in a
Granite & Tinware
4 to be la'rly -Pleii:tifal. A couple of telephone men are in avedding gown of aream silli with lace Confetti 5C
4 town this week installing new phones. al: mzcrtisntrimmfnzw and waa a - Rand Bags 40C to S3
0 Mr. T. E, Handtord arrived Lome
Phones lywe been installed at the ed'by.l1ftIL MiNs MarTarat Ra:r- No need going to London or else Stafionery All Prices,
Prices are Clean Out of Sight, 40 on SaLurday.ovenfing after vitsitingii ii Bowling Gieen, W. S. Cole's, J ers nrdke of Eli.,, groom, who as flow- where to buy cheap It pays to Combs and JB
trade in Exeter. We save rusbes 20e up
a;iad also going nearly to powellB and will also be installed in er girl was the only aLccmdank, Aftar you Easeballs, 'Jardiners
Edmonton stopli1xg off at"differeuY the following ptaces, J, W. 'the 2ercmopy con.gratulat.fons ive ' n mons It these lines. , Try c'
Picture Post Cards
glacc% along Ithe road. Air. Han,dfoi-46 ing,s PoweT1`soB,zaar. You'll be sur. I
everyW!ng it , office and residence, W. Saell's extecidied and all to &` V, gy prisdd at the Bargains. Remember 5 views of.Vxeter 2 forO, 3 for 5c
look'tug Offtc,, at the English Chursh rectory, da11ty. dejuennar. the tables and th,. uothing over 25o in this department I
ffft F%ncy Coronation Trays.
I S 0 , , car 'Mrs. W. Bawden's residence, V. W, rooms be',n;r rasicily do,corated 4ot, L& lele (odly d 15c. each
KWd% 14D A&DOA r Ats prooperoua and the orops ithlix yo '00.) at
promiae to be one of the biggest: yet G1,adman, X. G. Sbaribury, R. N. ocewton. The br:de who 16 an'EXCL and souie . arti saalowas4cents Perfumes (all kihds)
Wbrile be -was in /the wmit Jj,., purehav Rowe's
FURNITURE AND FUNIRRAL DIRECToRs and Thos. Croech?& er young lady bav n,3 lived hera antu
: ad -I Inflf scastion qf land.
4P -a St
At f tc last- vzular Iast.surnmer. whttii -shL. inowd 1,
The many fifends in town of Mr. J.'b, c J!_ 1 Remember we sell 9111SON-1S LATEST PHONOGRAPHS
Is-(% of is
at.n. Ohl Q. I?. the a4mprwnl; No 0 well and lavol-ably Icnowri and is bold mod keep a, choice stook at all tlrnes. 6ee the N-Y Standavil w1bk
Agency for Auton follolvfiniz officers wero e k- Zroem j_
,ftic Hand ower Vaccune CleaMr, l"ill 41" L itn' c
loy but: JWsV of V iattlpc ,,* cettal for Isa MODEL R REPRODUCER$
Corr]if)!;Z _11 L; Q Ask or write ft,r information,
e 4 Wero uleased .o abak, . harids. M! vory ropulnr 0111011117 0oniectiooery of ail kinds.
for rent at c nts a day, f.r. I -P. W, Pal.l. rii. N., Try our Mixed Cho't-4 ates 40e wpoyAnd
on'Su idtty last Mr. Clarke U au li; ple. INI.r. and Mrs. epn"" B&naiaaa 20c, a dozen,
Ro)ve,; if. P. V ifx, A. 1- Saoibit
Wily 1101110 to W11111(peg tifter 't f 1 v1J sifr '111. f3ov,f(,.. weddlnfg; tr;p for Vronro. 'Niatur" ITVA.YS to trade at -this Store, Drop in and Sev, HelptiaGrow
4 Inoil lf a, , tr) I) drOL11111 U , 1 1:11 1. J, G Falls, PuMi,lo lda&s.
0 S4,nnl- fY - ;I- W. P00 .1"A. N. 144 0
w 00d 16 COMI)VIV II'LL-It his [)Atr. nnf Nind xpect to bo awny for tbr ,,o r IL
I?. Day% Av"
7 aaa-1,11ALLAN" Mr. uentalt *Va Ea tbc Grand Vnet ,Vooks Tha bri-shia gohig away J. Willis Powell, P
the ht6ic mpmsnt four . ropriet6ri.; Phone 55
,,lan temia,. DA unecy Yl L(0 -Ur- J. G". Jones wax, in Stra!tfor4 iting in Japan, Chin, " Xgypi *11d to be lield at Wagar, Aq)gg t dresi was tL ladles groy tailorod sui t
TueedAy aftendl:nq Q n_ othar paifts ot Afr hw aAo in Germany w1ith hat to maLob. On. their ritarii.
r and da
gneA by a lar3e mgiority at
so tetit Rxe a-nd th"rytiSh TBICS all llco!Ways-A petition hic:, boon Afr, viid Mrs, Qbriote will ro,-kicTo 1A
France Swit rl IT,
U and other plates In thd aftelilloo(ti !)q 0'.
tb,. tewh The host of fri-ondo of the
-dealers, -nd 'xeter Ifigh 9,ehool GIA4 1 ask Jam('. h o1nd !groom will oin with the (6stuxlyAnow. The Solstite P-ir- A. illegular mwrix Per -16A extondw
L o Wif I Afr. The 1. " 9trect stinda'y W50bool - Irr, ua nojs Xneu at Exeter to clos,, -the brIl
Teo by T he T. JMttrA06:, I V, ot, ball toana go to 11a.-kBa4l Prt:41oy to Olanlo'g gave an M,mcquvt at hir. visit M StOreld at One o'clock every Tlturvdayl 0mes1ii extend K)
Oat. ing "Watulati'46 otiod mu(md-6 from tke Ifth to tho, and ram *the 18'tb be Uia 3.704, berng at
p1dy a friendly -4me. .11tt.1all alt# tbe 1101Y Lallel. X(jim (ac! j_ afternoon, during July and Augitst, - .-nid ulill vri-sh for thom '91any yclUN9 of'June. 'The -full moon, orn1lie 1.11th the 6ci% of Itto, Xerebry tjiod, aii(I
cinitlan at Jerti?alem , Jerica Dethiny The half holiday worked out so wall, of hapikatesM and prosperity,
fallsat Me coutral day of tli,& anaival ii.nder rull gEral*r). of the welagdb nfA
... ... . )V . Notta Prityno left au& lloth laiu, h Jordan Riyi)? p.Ld last summaer [that the merchants have 111:1"
a. 'two weele4;"' onary k ftrloal - qtartala 10A the, Vanaq perlo& : Dally tbundejo,
Loudbc, tha Dead Sea wAr. full of baltiwl g and drA:d d to close &;gain %hi% yeav, W,,t, t Vis"t majoy wide extrcmta of the kmrLh rj.,arftt,4 N0 tfi an exacss of g1ecib±1*j,kM
amt St. Thqrr Lilly 11Uy very histra ot! ve. While In timria hope the Altizo-ns will bear this iln,' 3 arm VOT41bd will bring"., &VIAM *':tcodod lbk "10,arth ill 0 r- wlucl rain and hail, may be c xpa,;Z , e it.
"'irayne 1--, Mr. J, storm condilionb on and touchIng tbe
61arke wat the ra,, Vuffid amd govern thowgelvoo acdord-i rent,,;," mxwh Volca,V14
ITI14 QJJanLM# to VeLry ii)uch Cooler Ivill't
th Wth q1t:,h and igbi &t iuw% per- riol
nt mita PhAkes. low ifton 0) the loth. tlt
U we t*blar inko the '2410640