HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-04-22, Page 1930. Employment Wanted FARA- MARK +-T 11 classifies tions 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 1.11A. For Sale General FOR SALE • 1st and 2nd cut hay 529-7102. 16x no ram 11G Farm Equipment FOR SALE: 12' 2 Triple K 3 pt, hitch cultivator In, ternotional 3 furrow semi -mounted plow 16", 2 18' bale thrower racks and wagons, 510 Interna- tional 18 run double disc seed drill or will rent out. Phone 523.4260.. 16 11H. Farm Services DO YOUR SEEDS need planting and you wont the best job done? Call Wayne Colclough at 523 9537 before 6 p.m. and 523'4849 after 6 p.m. for the best custom planting, • • 15,16 . • ROOMS SPRING TO LIFE - when Carpet Care "Ex- pert" cleaning puts beauty back into your carpets and upholstery. Phone 524.2440 186 'Rich St. Goderich. Mavis Baker 48 Essex St. Goderich • you have won a gift certificate. 16 11.9. For Rent 1 FOR RENT: Pasture for young cattle or cow calf. Near Goderich, good fences and water 524.4308 between 12:30 • .1:30 and 5:30 • 7:00, 1'6nx 12. Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Variety store and residence in mobile home park, reasonable 519.524-2510.---13.14 FOR SALE - modern 3 bedroom semi-detached on quiet street, electric heat, low taxes $12,000.00 down assume remainder of 5 year mortgage. Phone 524.4921 after 6:30 p.m. •-15,16 BAYFIELD, - P.RIVATE SALE. 3 bedroom brick dwelling with attached garage, 2 baths, family room with fireplace, sunken living room,' dining room and eat -in kitchen. Also serviced double lot 80 x 206.', Don Campbell 565.5293 by appointment.-- 16 BAYFIELD • PRIVATE SALE 3 bedrom brick dwelling with attached garage, 2 baths, family room with fireplace, sunken' living room, dining room and,eat-in kitchen. Also serviced double lot 80' x 206. Don Campbell 565-5293 by appointment ftet a(4.4./e GRAND •BEND Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pineview Mobile Home Park Everett & Marlene invite you to visit their adult park. Year-round living in beautiful Grand Bend / Pinery area. 7 mobile homes available from • $18,000.00. Lots available, cable TV.., pool, whirlpool, club house, pets welcome. Rent $99.00 monthly. 238-5584 or 243-2294 13. Mobile Homes FOR SALE. Glendale mobile home trailer 35' x 8' in good conditi9n, Great for permanent campsite or constructir n xpffice, Asking $800.00, Phone 527.0443, 15,16 • • QUALITY MEATS - BBQ season is here. Full line of retail fresh and frozen meats. Hamburger potties $1.59 Ib. (12 Ib. bag); lean pure pork homemade sausage, regular or garlic. Try^ our own pep- perettes. J,P. McKibbon 100 Picton St. E. Goderich has won two T•Bone Steaks from O'Brien's Meats, 413 Huron Rd. Goderich 524.8632. 16 a , MOBILE HOME for sole • 12 x 65, four appliances, partly furnished, shed and large deck. Phone 524.4762. • 16 FOR SALE 14" x 70' Bendix 1978. By appointment only. Phone 524.7731 after 6' p,m. 16tf 1960 GENERAL trailer home for sole, 32 ft, long x 10 ft. wide. Have 2 bedrooms, 5 pc. bath, fur- nace, oi•l tank. air conditioner, furniture and ap• pliances. Contact David Disher between 5 and 8 p.m. 524-6384. 16 MARLETTE for sale, Carport, dishwasher, all new windows, must sell. Lot 8, Huron Haven 524-2266 after 5 p.m. --16 12LFor Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS • Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395.2685,-42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent, $40.00 per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p,m.-•-42ffnx MOTORIZEDwoodsplitter$25.00 per day. Coll 524.8110 after 4 p.m.-43tfnx holiday rent -a -car system We have a full Ilse 9f: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS *WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT. MOVING VANS AVAILABLE STIRICKLANDS 344 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-8311 16. For Rent DIRK'S GALLERY Restouront will cater for up to 300 guests on your location 164 Court House Square Goderich Phone 524 2160 Arranged for your convenience and to your taste G H Schoemaker RR 4 Goderich you hove won Iwo super subs. 16 FOR REALLY CLEAN C'.RPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 Need something repaired? • Bring it in! Reasonable rates. LW/Mail] 1enta1 e q' u i p m_e- n t 209 BAYHEI I) k[), (;([»RICH 524-2659 17. Apartments for Rent GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apartment adults, rio pets. Call 524.2111. 47tf BENNETT 5T. now available - 2 bedroom apart• ment, all utilities paid. Phone 524.6653. 04tfor 04tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, Fridge, stove, heat and hydro included,.$325.00 a month. available May 1. Phone 524-9437. 1611 ONE BEDROOM upstairs apartment in Holmesville. $290.00 monthly utilities included, references. Phone 482.5544. 16x GARDINER'S MOTEL Offseason rates week•' ly monthly. Fridges and stoves. all utilities in• cluded 524.7302. 02tfar • 250;11 incks St. One & two bedroom apart- ments available for Ma -y lst occupancy.' -fully carpeted -refrigerator -stove • -no-wax ,floors -controlled entry - -outdoor parking Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursday '1 - 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. For Rental Information Call Margaret 524-5183 18. -Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM UNIT, fridge, stove, fully carpeted, $435...00 monthly plus utilities.' Caf1 ' 524.2879." 11 tf HOUSE AND barn north of Goderich. References required. Nonsmokers only. Phone 524.-7654. 16x 23. Commercial Property for Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - 900,sq. ft.•on West St. Call 524-2664. 12tfar STANDARD TRUST BUILDING Office space aJailable, 600 square feet at 138 The' Square, Phone 524.7385. 14,15, l6ar BAYFIELD Retail office space•available immediately, Phone 482-3070. 14tf . ' STORE FOR RENT: The store formerly known as the "Print Shop" on Newgate St. would ideally make two stores or business offices. One small .and one medium size. Contact Ken McGee at McGee Motors 524.8391. 15tfar STORE FOR RENT on main street, Phone 529.7888, 16tfar 24. Wanted to Rent TEACHER relocoting - would like to rent a small house in th.e country or near the lake in the Goderich Bayfield area 524-4285. 15.17x 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED: Three bedroom home in Goderich in low 50's. Serious sellers only as I am a cash buyer, possession 90 days. Send replies to Drawer No. 99, c o Signol•Star. Box 220, Goderich, Ont N7A 486. 15,16 DOUGHNUTS, CAKES PASTRIES, fresh everyday. Garden Festival Preserves by Linda Lentz. Ferguson's Honey Lee Littlechild 124 Bennett St. E. Goderich has won one dozen (mixed) doughnuts from Culbert's Bakery. 49 West St Goderich 524 79e11 Horne of Tasty Pastries 16 ' • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help Wanted 1XfILLER 114 Full Time HOUSEMAN Wanted 5 day work week to int lode weekends. Mutt have drivers Iicen<e. For an interview phone: 524-2191 'ext. 257 task for Fran<'es Chisholm 26. Help Wanted PARTTIME millwright position. Must hove w.elding and cutting experience Phone 5246439. 15 16 WANTED occounts payable clerk, typing an asset, 3 days a week, experience necessary Send resume to Box 38, Bayfield, Ont. NOM 1G0. 15,16 WAITRESS NEEDED for restaurant. Part-time ex perience preferred. Apply in person at 411 Huron Rd, Goderich .on Hwy, 8 or phone 524-8088, 15.16ar LABOURER. CARPENTER to work in the Marine Repair Business. Experience not necessary but would help, on the job training provided. Must have vehicle, wage based on experience. For further information call 565.2411. 16,17 SUMMER Employment for student age 15 plus, on modern pig operation, Need transportation to farm (Port Albert area). 529-7761. 16,17 FOR ASPARAGUS harvesting - Grand Bend area, steady employment, starting early May, riding equipment used, Phone Sam or Kay 236.7349. 16,17 • CLASS A truck mechanic with minimum 5 year diesel experience. Apply to (Butch) Maclaren, Service manager, Bluewoter Truck Centre, Goderich. Phone 524.7379. 16ar BABYSITTER WANTED Mature woman needed one day a week, to bobysit in my home, three preschoolers. Transportation available if ,need- ed. Please call '524.60.13. 16,17 LIBRARY CLERK required for headquarters in Goderich. Apply in writing by May 1 to Mrs. Sharon Cox, Assistant Librarian, Huron County Public Library, 66 Waterloo St. S., Goderich, Ont. N7A 4A4. 16or CLASS A drivers required for large dump trailer' operation. Must be experienced and have good driving record. Steady employment and ex- cellent 'benefits. Call Bee Line Carriers, Milton (416) 878.4193; - 15,16 PRODUCE MANAGER, must be experienced, Ap- ply in person with resume. Scrimgeour's Food Market, Blyfh 523.4551. • 16 PART TIME Bookkeeper 'typist needed for small business in the Gbderich area. Please apply pen- ding references, ,qualifications and expected .hourly wage to Drawer No. 1, c• o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. --16 SUMMER POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE IN BAYFIELD at the Pizzas Palace Restaurant and the '01 Bcakery. hone 565-2166 for an interview appointment.", Advertising helps good things happen. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION UUIDE -UCH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987 PAG("; 19 ASSISTANT MANAGER required for aggressive building supply company in Goderich Preference will be given to applicants having a minimum 3 years experience in the building trades 'and purchasing. Supervisory experience would be a icleflnite asset Only self -motivated individuals need apply with resume Reply with handwrit- ten resume to. MOFFATT & POWELL LIMITED 295 Bayfield Rd., Goderich, Ont. N7A 3G8 ATTENTION: W. Rutherford, Branch Manager CREDIT MANAGER Responsible for the overall control and in anagenaent of the Credit' functions for the Goderich: operation. This entails establishing, and main- taining sound and equitable credit policies to ensure systematic collec- tion ,.ol' accounts ,recei%'able with specific terms. " • dd 4uccessful Applicant must have strong, communication, supervisory and com- puter skills. This position offers a full range of company benefits. Please send resume to the attention of: J.D. 'Sweeney Sheaffer Fen Textron 520 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Z1 Required immediately! Due to expansion in business - PARTS COUNTER PERSON Farm Equipment parts experience preferred. PLUS EXPERIENCED FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Good benefit packagge included' with both positions, Phone Fred •Lobb or Don Duff for an ,interview of ', a H. LOBI3 .& SONS LTD. 4824409 Applications orResumes wvill be received by: COMPUTER FIRM established in 1981, is' opening an office / retail store in Goderich in early summer. We.will also provide training and on-going support on both Hardware and Software, for individuals'and business. We specialize' in 'BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR: -Manufacturing (Process / Job Shop) -Industrial Distribution (Inventory / Counter Sales) Farming Applications =Retail Operations -Restaurants , If you have experience that can assist us in providing, service, we have the following opportunities: , -Store .F Sales Manager Programrmiier / Analyst (Business Basic) -Service Technician (PC, XT, AT and Supermicro) Please apply in writing, outlining experience and epedations to P.O. Box 220 Drawer No. • 100 ' Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6 "OUR BUSINESS IS SERVING YOUR BUSINESS" Conestoga College ofApplied Arts and Technol•• CONTINUING EDUCTION Guelph/Stratford Campuses requires PART-TIME TEACHERS Due to expansion of the R.N. Refresher Nursing Program, our Continuing Educa- tion Department requires additional part time instructors for the Guelph and Stratford area. Applicants should possess a varied background in clinical nursing and recent acute care nursing experience. A current Certificate of Competence for the province of Ontario is essential as are good inter -personal and organizational skills. Previous experience in teaching, interviewing and evaluation is desirable. Interested persons should forward letter of application, together with a cur- rent resume, to: Human Resources Officer 299 Doon Valley Drive Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4 Competition #87-041 « ., CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 - WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 26. Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now Is Ilse time to trot„ for your Gloss "A" license. For pro screening Into, vlow end lob placement Information C'ontoct: Mery Orr', Group. 1.800-265 1260 27. Wanted Generale WANTED French p�uckugr.•s for •1 VIC 20 Cull 529 7028 after 6 p rh 02tfnx WANTED Quantity of cudur rrinls preferably 12 ft. .lengths Phone after 6 p rn 345 2075 15 l6nx MINIATURE or small standard rnul<• Dur hshund wonted for breeding purposes Bit. k r,r tar, ni colour Call 529 7036 offer 4 30 15 1711x LANDFILL WANTED Goderich urr•u cur' provide. trucking 524 9900 16 18 WANTED two outside doors with lainbs 32 36 wide preferably with windows Also 100 8 masonry blocks Cull 529 7421 alter 6 ' 16tfni SPRING CLEANING and gardening. kc•e,ping you too busy to cooky Ler Colonel Sunders do the cooking ft s our, taste that makes us famous Mrs. Carol Bechard of 169 South St Gorier u h u dinner for one awaits you ut Kentucky Fred Chicken 94 Elgin Ave E Godot is 0. 524 73j9 16 ' WANTED Pony sized horse or donkey Phone 524 4833 16tfnx ul. f:r.rl 28. Business Opportunity A'SIMPLE PROVEN PLAN Jo oOrn esti() money in your spare time Free info' motion P 0 Box 357 Lambeth Ont NOL ISO 15 18 WRITE YOUR OWN PAY CHEQUE m Dickie Dee Ice Crearil is seeking tlistrihutt'rs %situ: .Lilo, %%raking %lith %nimg pt'oplo. . et an manage their uysn time 6. business. The distributurship• incalcos running ,1 number uI leased ice 1 ream hit ss les iur tht' .t0t1111Pr. Pruni mini trim hi>nrt or .nl,lll htlsincs.. toll traininganti oquiJanoi1t prosidt'd. (ontat t: Mr. ' Bob Wilson (519) 269-3032 29. Tenders TENDER NOTICE oofing of ectory <et St. Joseph's Church, Kin -,abridge Tenders and specifications, are available at Rectory, St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge (529-7308). Tenders closing on May 8th, 19:7- at 6:00 p.m. local time. (Lowest tenders not necessarily accepted.) • TENDER FOR TRACTOR TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon M-ONDAY, APRIL 27, 1987 1 -Wheeled Tractor (in- dustrial) Class 4 Diesel. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Commissioner of Works Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Kenneth C. Hunter, C.E.T. Commissioner of Works 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5 (519) 524-7308 STUDENT WILLING to do odd lobs like cutting lawns, raking lawns etc Colt 524.2776 after 5 p.m. 11.18nx ATTENTION EMPLOYERS 18 year old Male College Student looking for work. FULL-TIME, PART-TIME, BY THE DAY Call 482-7546 - ask'4•pr Mark 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 565.2638 Bayfield. Free es,imates. 02tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair erosion control, cellar drains. laser Call Frank Postill 482-9101. 15tfor HURON•BRUCE TUTORING Services All subjects Kindergarten to Grade XIII. Qualified teachers Phone 529.7634 after 9 p.m-. 38tfar LAWN ROLLING call anytime 524.8845 or 526.7502, 15 16 - GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES 524.2421 Com-.lete Construction °Custom Building °Additions•Renovations •Roofing•Siding *Form Buildings HUGH k3URGSMA ' 524-6355