HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-04-22, Page 17GODEHICH SIGNAL: STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987 --PAGE 17 1. Articles for Sale Distetter aSUTe Read the Classifieds every week to UNLOCK your TREASURE! Li] Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes each week [2i The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription ;list, is also included in this classified ad 3i.The "Treasures" are "buried" at random among the classifieds L4] Simply read the classifieds each week to check for your name L] Take the ad with your name appearing in it to the participating merchant. It is the key to unlock your treasure [J Ali the prizes must be collected within 2 weeks of the date the winners are announced l This Week's Participating ,Merchants are: 'Dixie's Flowers & Gifts O'Brien's Meats Morris Draperies McDonald's Restaurants Norma's Sewing Centre,. Carpet Care Squire'•Gifts , Campbell's Cameras Dirk's Galley Restaurant Culbert's Bakery Brown's Decor Centre Art's Landscaping Kentucky Fried�Chicken Bluewater Cleaners Suncoast Craft Corner Don't Miss the Fun or Profit, Read the Classifieds Every Week AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Clearer removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply, place in the • corner•of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and. Heating. •Kingston Street, Goderich. 524.7861 , 1 tfar • NEW SEWAGE pump, tank and controls, G.S.W. h.p. , with •worranty, $425.00. ' Phone 1-238.8692, 14.16 . - . • ONE ROUND aluminum awning to fitan 8 ft. win- dow. block and white. Phone 524-2464. 15,16 COME TO MORRIS DRAPERIES, your one step in- .rs t.erior decorating services 'entre, Custom ' drapery, Kirsh track and installation, .Draco win- dow shades, wallpaper and G.I.L, paints. Mr. , and Mrs. Phillipson, 351 Suncoast Dr. W„ •Goderich • you can pickup your prize at 36 West St'... Goderich 524.2551. 16 CHESTERFIELD and chair, French Provincial, green. 5250.00. Phone 524.7660 after ,5 p.m.• 15,16 • • • MARY KAY Cosmetics - Try our complete line of skin care and glamour items. All products available, Ivor information call Brenda Graham 524-9332. 16.19x • BEDROOM SUITE • double bed, mattress and box springs, matching dresser and chest of drawers.' Phone between 4:00 p,m. s and 7:00 p.m, 524-2931. 16 • KITCHEN CUPBOARDS solid wood with European style hinging, excellent Condition. ' Can be refinished or pointed 524-5222 evenings. 16.21 SATELLITE DISH Lease' To Own °Monthly Leasing Also Available Easy Monthly Payments • L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Servicea Call Day or Night 524®9595 1 TE EM FARM R R 1 Bayfield 482.3020 NOW PEN •our own red juicy tomatoes and english cucumbers. SEE OUR AD IN THE HOME & GARDEN GUIDE 1. Articles for Sale ASSORTED used doors for sale, $3,00 each. Phone 524.6637. 16,17ar ... . MAYTAG •DISHWASHER, top-of-the'Ii.ne, white front, needs . miner' repairs •ohl.y- • 5245222, evenings. 16-21 - . COMPUTERS .. �•� Sales and service, accessories, monitors, printerls, paper,, books and magazines, C W COMPUTERS & •SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 73:4 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1-396.3114. - 17tfar PATIO SETS 40.°6 off or more. Wide selection Warehouse open Fridays. and Saturdays, 71 King W., Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405.=-1.2:17er • KITCHEN SINK, standard size double stainless steel with fairly new tops and sprayer 524.5222 -evenings.• -16-21 . C ,r. E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'SOUR LOCATION THE SAVES MONEY '/a mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 5247231 We even take trades MATCHING TAPPAN gold fridge and stove, good condition, $500,00 for ,the pair or best, offer 524-4476. -16x DUO•THERM oil space heater, electric circulating fan, good condition. Make offer 524-7295. -� 16,17 TWO USED fridges: good for second fridge, .or cottage. Phone after 5:00 "p.m. 524.8769. - 16 HEAVY DUTY single axle all•pur.pose' trailer, Fenders, clearance lights', mud flaps, braketail lights. Girl's Provincial twin bed and matching, dresser, excellent condition 524-7689,...-15,16x • FURNITURE stripping tank, thermostatic control Call 524.9386. - 16 HAMMOND ORGAN, Sherlock Manning Piano Best offer. Phone 524.7195. -1.5t1 MODERN STYLE china cabinet With sliding doors 5150.00; -brown sectional chesterfield, very good condition $300.00; Juke Box style stereo, AM FM, 8 track, cassette, turntable" flashing lights 5300.00; 5 h.p. Ariens riding mower, needs' rear axle welded 5200.00. Phone Blyth 523-4455 evenings and weekends. - 16 ENTERPRIZE gas range 3 years old,*etcellent con• dition. white, 524.5222 evenings,- 16-21 THREE PIECE chesterfield ,suite 1930's blue cut velvet; Hoar model Hammond electric organ; small ceramic kiln; 1 pair occupied Japan dresser lamps;'•quantity of wainscotting; bench press end weights, Phone 524.2462 after 5 p.m, • 16,17 • 7 FT, PINE harvest table with Windsor bock chairs and 7 ft, pine bench 524-5222 evenings. 16-21 ONE OLDER crystal chandelier. Call 524-5220 days. 16,17 PIONEER car stereo, cassette deck, amplifier, 4 speakers. Call 524.4867 after 5:30 p.m. 16x PIANO FOR SALE - refinished, with stool, call after 6 p.m. 524-6592. . 16,17x • GENDREN baby buggy' $75.00; wooden rocking chair $50,00, TV Rotor 5100,00; boy's 10 speed bike 575.00, wiling to negotiate ,prices. Phone 524.8424. 16 "A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" the corn• memorative edition honouring the 100th An- niversary of Champion Road Machinery. 52.00 per copy (out of town orders add 51.80 postage). Makes great gifts for feimer Goderich residents, summer visitors and friends. Available at the of• fice of the Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, l ltinx Preserve, Protect & Add Value sikkens superior quality wood coatings For wood siding, decks, fences, docks, doors & windows, log homes etc. FIND OUT WHY SIKKENS WO FINISHES ARE SUPERIOR TO STAINS. Joe Burgess Construction Authorised Agents 395-5701 GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh sotellite dish and equipment ' for sale. Call 524-4243 anytime. 44tfnx REMEMBER YOUR SECRETARY with a mug of flowers from Dixie's. Tom Costello 88 Albert St N. Goderich has won a long-stemmed rost from Dixie's Flowers and Gifts 166 Court House Square Goderich, 524.8761. 16 • SANYO 20" portable colour TV in excellent condi tion. Phone 524.4462. 16 1. Articles for Sale CAR AND TRUCK BUFFS • Spring is here! Time to keep your prize possession.. clean and shiny without a lot of work arid mess. No water •need• •ed with the amazing Kozak cloth. Lifts. light road dirt 'alit!. dust w.ifhou't '-harming the vehicle's finish. 'For more information or to place orders contact 524.9828: Also other cleaning products in stock. 16.18 SUPREME ESTATE stove by Kelvinator' 30" wide. 26" deep used one year $400.00; CCM man's bicy- cle used very little $75 00.. Phone,524:8553. .-16 FIREWOOD FOR SALE •Very reasonable, pick' up. qt site, i.verything must go by April '30. Phone, 482.7425.. 16 - 200 USED cement blocks, cleaned, some corner block. •Phone•482.7723. -16nx - I, . . GALAXY 6 Storcraft camper trailer,; boy's.' piece suit, jacket size 36. Inquire,at 523-4363. -16,17x • WHITE marshmallow leather apartment size bed chesterfield • . new condition. Phone 524.8816. 16 , FOR SALE • Lawn -mower, good used, 3 h.p, Briggs and Stratton engine. '16,17 SMALL PLYWOOD boot with 3.6 'h.p. outboard • motor asking $250 00: 1978 Kawasaki KX80 ask• ing 5200.00; Four 13' aluminum mag rims corn plete with tires, asking 5125.00; 20" lawn mower and small child's bicycle.. 482.3222.--16-, FIBERGLASS camper top for 8' box truck Hos sliding side and end windows minus rear dropp ng door. Asking 5150.00. Phone days 524.8941 or evenings after 5 p.m. 524.7115 ask for Dan, 16,17nx SAILBOARD, brond new p.m. 16tf TRUST -BROWNS • To • colorize" your home. A complete range of all interior exterior paint pro, ducts, a full line of wallpaper and carpets to suit every taste and pocketbook. John Duckworth of 192 Sunset Dr . Gtderich can cloim his prize at Browns Decor Centre. 33 West St, 5247117., ' • 16 3. Garage Sale PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Get your Garage Safe Kit with posters and 'including one free •garage sale,nd on the classified pages of The Goderich.Signol-Star Only 56.00. Available •at the office of The Goderich Signal•Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday l l tlnx • DO YOUR OWN THING AND WEAR IT! Singer sewir4 machines knitting machines, service to all makes. Trade ins and used machines. Fabrics, yarns,. wools and notions. Call 524.5151. Sandra Billson, 181 Rich Si Goderich - a prize awaits you•at Norma s Sawing Centre. 56 The Square. Goderich. 16 GARAGE SALE Appliances furniture and dishes. April 25 and 26 10 o m " Counfy'Rd 25. ' . mile west of Auburn on top of hill Rain or shine. Watch for signs 16nx For ever so long 1 tried to exchange M)' sewing ma;hine For a good kitchen range; Then 1 ran an ad here And you really should see The range of the ranges Offered to me? SPRING SWAP ADVERTISING SPECIAL! Let us help you trade those unwanted ite^ns for something you' want at no cost to you. Fo advertising information call Theresa at 524-2614,, weekdays 9 - 5. Sample Swaps: Patchwork Quilt for Antique Lamp Pine Washstand for Oak Rocking Chair. Firewood for Rototiller ' Lawn' Maintenance for Babysitting SWEiP SHOP 5. Cars for Sale 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT 75,000 km, power steer: ing, windows and brakes, air conditioning.. As is, $1100.00.or best offer. 524-8591. '16.17 , 1972 VOLVO 142E. 4 speed with overdrive, ne engine, mechanically good con, ud t ori- Ts a lit- tle body work for safety check, lots bf spores, $800,00,•524.8539 ,of ter 6 p.m.- 16,1.7 1974 MUSTANG $800.00 ' as •, is. . Phone 524-8631.- 14x'• •., 1985 STE PONTIAC 6000' • electric ride control, .touch control AM FM auto reverse cas,sette with graphic EQ, power steering, power brakes, cruise, power trunk', power aerial, Good Year Eagle GT's and more. Dark burgundy With mot- ching interior. Why pay 524,Q00 for 19879 A steal at $13,900.00. Make offer. 524-2482 days or 524.7185 after 5 p.m. 15,16 TWO 1978, DODGE' Colts for sale as is. Call. 5 -4965 after 6 p.m. 15-17 ' 19 /ORD LTD II. two door, auto.. 302, radial tires, good condition, Phone 524.2531. 15,16 1982 MAZDA GLC Sport 5 -speed hatchback, f.w.d., 61,000 highway miles, excellent • condi- tion, 524-2703 after 7 p.m. 16t1 1977 MONARCH Mercury, 4=door 8 cylinder automatic, air conditioning, good condition. Ask. ing 51200 certified. Will consider trode•in. Phone 482.3222. 16 COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE Saturday. May 9. Goderich Arena from 8 o m • 2 p.m. For renting tobles or donations call 5242125 or 524.9193. 16 THREE FAMILY garage sale in VLA subdfvi iorrs0 Saturday. April 25. after 7 a m. Antiques and too many numerous items 'to mention. 16 TWO FAMILY GARAGE. SALE Saturday, April 25 from 7 • 12 noon, 241 Picton St W. No wax skis. 13 Ib. Danforth anchor clothing, numerous articles 16 5. Cars for Sale 1977 TOYOTA Celicn 3 speed automatic, has summer and winter radials on r„ims, car is in good running condition body is reasonable 51400 00 certified or 51300.00 as is. Cell 524 4766 Ol tfnx 1980 • AMC SPIRIT in good conditio' 524.7456 13 16 1980 HONDA Accord Hatchback 5 speed tronsniission Stereo tape deck certified. $2495 00 Phone 5242988 15x16 IS YOUR BUSY schedule leaving you too little time to cook? For n quick and delicious dinner treat your family to McDonald's Restaurant, 350 • payfield,Rci Goderich 5244622. William Ger. Phone 524.4511 after 5 • mon 26 Delbor Court Goderich has won two free dinners from McDonald's 16 [7.0 Wanted t,7 Rent PUT AWAY your winter coots, lockets. suits. dresses cleaned and pressed Store your furs ono fine woolens. Good service good prices every. day Leonard Boyce of. 65 Market St Goderich con have a suit cleaned • free of charge at Bluewoter Cleaners 38 West St Godericch, 524 6231. 16 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. 1986 SUZUKI 650 Savage motorcycle, block seldom ridden 52500 00. For appointment call 524.6486 15 18 - 1981 400 cc HONDA motorcycle Phone 524 4164 otter 5 p.m 15 17 1971 350 HONDA 5350 Coll 529.7421 after 6 p rn 16tlnx SOMETHING, SPECIAL FOR MOTHER Delight Morn with a special gift o Precious Moment Figurine from Squires Gifts Charles Bruinsma of RR 2 Goderich. This is your key that will get you your prize 'at Squires Gift. Highwdy 21 South Goderich 524-7920. 16 1978 550 HONDA. motorcycle. Bags fairing. rodio. Good sha Phone 524.2241. 16 18ar 7F. Snowmobiles & eq !.'rent 978 YAMAHA ENTICER snowmobile Excellent condition..New•skis at end of season $1 1_..00 or best offer. Call 524.2402 after 5 p.m., 15,1 FOR SALE. Full size and compact pickup truck caps and sleeper toppers. Available in supercap and commercial styles. For more information contact 524-9828. Other automatic products .availobl'e upon request. • 16-18 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 22 FT. OWENS BOAT, completely built new in'• board 4 cyl. Flagstaff motor 524-6969. 15,16 , • HURO.N MARINE Open Wednesday to Saturday 9 • 5. Lots of sailing hardware for all size boats. Discounts to 40°0, After-hours phone 1-5246658 for appointment or information: •15,16 A.C. SHINERS - any colour or size, $5.95 Lake Huron Rod & Gun, open 7 days o 'week, phone 368.71.82. 15,18 • GUN SALE • over 500 guns, drastically reduced for quick sale. 'Lake Horan Rod -8, Gun, Under- wood. Open • 7 days o week. . phorie 3680.1.82. '15-1.8 . SUPER DEAL'S 'on all hi-tech''fishinq equipment. Lake Huron Rod & God, . Underwood. Phone 3.8.7182., 15.18 - 1'W1Ne URFER, BICC 650, 1985. 'footstraps, ex• cellerr" ondition, 5800.00. Phone 524.4114'. •16 12,'MIRRO-CRAFT alumihum boat. Excellent con: dition $600.00 or best,offer. Phone 524-9467. 16 FIREBALL 16 ft: mahogany -racing sailboat, Elvestrom soils, Holt•Allen fittings, fropeeze, built 1972, used 3 seasons, excellent. reduced -to 52200.00 482:3428 days or 482.7958. 16,17 FOR SALE 17' cabin cruiser and trailer or'will 'trade for 12' to 14' aluminum boot and trailer or best offer. Phone 482•3723. 16 • LIFTL©CK F.G. 14' 3, seater fishing boat with Tees Nee sprint trailer and 6 h.p. Chrysler motcir with ' tank. New condition, Shakespeare Wonder Troll , electric motor 3 speed and reverse 6'or 12 voir- model 606, 15' fiberglass canoe. Phone 524.9259, 16x, - 1982 DATSUN King Cab diesel, 5 speed, silver grey, new,tires, excellent mechanical condition. no reasonable offer refused. 9 5 p.m. 524-8366. after 5 p,m, 524.4315. 1518 1986 SAFARI VAN - LE Model. Equipped with all options. Call 524.7077 after 5 p.rn. 15.17x 1952 JEEP M•38. 283 overdrive auto„ good tires, stretched box, snowplow, needs body work, , 51600.00. Phone 524.8539 after 6 p.rn. 16.17 • HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY qt your home this. Spr- 'in,g. Art's Landscaping will provide you with a private showing, in your own garden of shrubs'• you could use to enhance your property. You make the choice. Call 524.2645 at 166 Bennett St. E. Goderich. Mrs, Larry Park, RR 6. Goderich'has wort a pair of garden gloves. 16 1'983 DODGE RAM Charger 4 x 4, 360. 114,000 km. air, cruise. AM FM cassette Call 524.4963 ,evenings. 16.19 • 1976 DATSUN pickup. reasonable condition. 1976 GMC '7 ton truck, V8. power steering power' I. brakes, asking 5850.00 or hest offer, Can certify 524.4741. 16x 1980 FORD ' . ton. heavy duty 6 cyl auto, power steering. good condition, asking 58600.00, 1975 Cougar, good condition. asking $1200,00.•I'hone 528-3514 or 528.2735. 16,17 SPORTS i2ECREATION CENTRE OUIPP1ENT 7 classifications .7A. For Sale General' 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Tra 7H. Boats, Motors $t Marine 7J: Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers ° & Trailers TRAILERS: travel, 5th wheels, hardtops.'new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler; Boler, Lionel, Hit• ches. truck caps. Sales, rentals. repairs. 25 years in business. Comp•Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford 393.5938. • 12-30 ' CITATION, Northlander Pork Models, used trailers. Renting seasonal sites • 1 mile south of Kinloss on Bruce County Rd. No. 1, 1.519.395'•2757. 14.17 , 23 FOOT Prowler travel trailer, includes 3 pc. bath, fridge, stove, furnace, Sleeps 7, in ex• cellent condition. Can be purchased as is on a - rented lot at Pine Lake Comp or can be moved from site. Phone 482.7811.' 1.5,16 YOU NAME 1T. we've got it - or can get it, A full line of craft supplies including mohair, wool, syn• thetic and cotton yarns. We carry China Woodland Series. Mrs. Ivodell Schram 167 Cam• bridge St. Goderich, you have won a Lottery ticket from Suncoost Craft Corner Suncoast Mall, Goderich. 16 FOR SALE • 19 ft. Joyco Travel Trailer, includes 3 pc. bath. 2 -way fridge, furnace, stove with oven. Has large awning, sleeps 8, excellent condition. Can be purchased as is on a rented lot in Shelter Valley Carnp or can be moved from site, 523.4425. 16,17 1979 FORD F150 Super cob. Excellent condition, all steel body. new paint. one owner, 99,000 km, several options. certified, 10 ft truck camper. fridge, stove, oven, chemical toilet, will. separate, View at Travel•O•n Soles. Hoimesville or phone 524-4476. 16 1983 BON AIR hardtop camper, sleeps 6, in ex• cellent condition, includes new 12' x 1.2' screened dining area and port•a•pottie, asking 53800.00 or trade for boat ' of equal value. Phone 524-2748. 16,18 8. Computers Videos gtc. CAMPBELL'S Camera's and Benjamin Photo labs make a super team ' for 'top quality photo finishing. Only 51.00 for an extra set of prints at filers" time of developing for 12 exposure film • 52.00 for 24 exposure film. Campbell's Cameras Goderich 168 The Square 524-7532. Darryl Carpenter 174 Mary St., Goderich is this weeks • buried treasure prize winner. 16 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. FOR SALE 1918 750 Hondo excellent condition. Phone 5267003. • 15,16 10. Pets for Sale SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. .Chocolate and' blue point Phone 529.7382. 16,17nx , n 9 YA CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '4.50 min. 22 words 20ri ea. additional word thereafter, Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 eo. 3 or more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea, In Memoriam: '4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cards of thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6¢ for each additional word, Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions,• '20. for 1 insertion, Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 5Q¢ discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. FIT'S 'EASY!' To place your hard hittin Classified ad PHONE R VISIT OUR it FFICE: MONDAY - F I D %< Y 8:30 .;, M - 5:00 P 524-2614 Address Tat coi1 correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, 'Goderiich. N7A 486 1. Articles for Sale Distetter aSUTe Read the Classifieds every week to UNLOCK your TREASURE! Li] Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes each week [2i The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription ;list, is also included in this classified ad 3i.The "Treasures" are "buried" at random among the classifieds L4] Simply read the classifieds each week to check for your name L] Take the ad with your name appearing in it to the participating merchant. It is the key to unlock your treasure [J Ali the prizes must be collected within 2 weeks of the date the winners are announced l This Week's Participating ,Merchants are: 'Dixie's Flowers & Gifts O'Brien's Meats Morris Draperies McDonald's Restaurants Norma's Sewing Centre,. Carpet Care Squire'•Gifts , Campbell's Cameras Dirk's Galley Restaurant Culbert's Bakery Brown's Decor Centre Art's Landscaping Kentucky Fried�Chicken Bluewater Cleaners Suncoast Craft Corner Don't Miss the Fun or Profit, Read the Classifieds Every Week AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Clearer removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply, place in the • corner•of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and. Heating. •Kingston Street, Goderich. 524.7861 , 1 tfar • NEW SEWAGE pump, tank and controls, G.S.W. h.p. , with •worranty, $425.00. ' Phone 1-238.8692, 14.16 . - . • ONE ROUND aluminum awning to fitan 8 ft. win- dow. block and white. Phone 524-2464. 15,16 COME TO MORRIS DRAPERIES, your one step in- .rs t.erior decorating services 'entre, Custom ' drapery, Kirsh track and installation, .Draco win- dow shades, wallpaper and G.I.L, paints. Mr. , and Mrs. Phillipson, 351 Suncoast Dr. W„ •Goderich • you can pickup your prize at 36 West St'... Goderich 524.2551. 16 CHESTERFIELD and chair, French Provincial, green. 5250.00. Phone 524.7660 after ,5 p.m.• 15,16 • • • MARY KAY Cosmetics - Try our complete line of skin care and glamour items. All products available, Ivor information call Brenda Graham 524-9332. 16.19x • BEDROOM SUITE • double bed, mattress and box springs, matching dresser and chest of drawers.' Phone between 4:00 p,m. s and 7:00 p.m, 524-2931. 16 • KITCHEN CUPBOARDS solid wood with European style hinging, excellent Condition. ' Can be refinished or pointed 524-5222 evenings. 16.21 SATELLITE DISH Lease' To Own °Monthly Leasing Also Available Easy Monthly Payments • L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Servicea Call Day or Night 524®9595 1 TE EM FARM R R 1 Bayfield 482.3020 NOW PEN •our own red juicy tomatoes and english cucumbers. SEE OUR AD IN THE HOME & GARDEN GUIDE 1. Articles for Sale ASSORTED used doors for sale, $3,00 each. Phone 524.6637. 16,17ar ... . MAYTAG •DISHWASHER, top-of-the'Ii.ne, white front, needs . miner' repairs •ohl.y- • 5245222, evenings. 16-21 - . COMPUTERS .. �•� Sales and service, accessories, monitors, printerls, paper,, books and magazines, C W COMPUTERS & •SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 73:4 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1-396.3114. - 17tfar PATIO SETS 40.°6 off or more. Wide selection Warehouse open Fridays. and Saturdays, 71 King W., Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405.=-1.2:17er • KITCHEN SINK, standard size double stainless steel with fairly new tops and sprayer 524.5222 -evenings.• -16-21 . C ,r. E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'SOUR LOCATION THE SAVES MONEY '/a mile south on Hwy. 21. GODERICH 5247231 We even take trades MATCHING TAPPAN gold fridge and stove, good condition, $500,00 for ,the pair or best, offer 524-4476. -16x DUO•THERM oil space heater, electric circulating fan, good condition. Make offer 524-7295. -� 16,17 TWO USED fridges: good for second fridge, .or cottage. Phone after 5:00 "p.m. 524.8769. - 16 HEAVY DUTY single axle all•pur.pose' trailer, Fenders, clearance lights', mud flaps, braketail lights. Girl's Provincial twin bed and matching, dresser, excellent condition 524-7689,...-15,16x • FURNITURE stripping tank, thermostatic control Call 524.9386. - 16 HAMMOND ORGAN, Sherlock Manning Piano Best offer. Phone 524.7195. -1.5t1 MODERN STYLE china cabinet With sliding doors 5150.00; -brown sectional chesterfield, very good condition $300.00; Juke Box style stereo, AM FM, 8 track, cassette, turntable" flashing lights 5300.00; 5 h.p. Ariens riding mower, needs' rear axle welded 5200.00. Phone Blyth 523-4455 evenings and weekends. - 16 ENTERPRIZE gas range 3 years old,*etcellent con• dition. white, 524.5222 evenings,- 16-21 THREE PIECE chesterfield ,suite 1930's blue cut velvet; Hoar model Hammond electric organ; small ceramic kiln; 1 pair occupied Japan dresser lamps;'•quantity of wainscotting; bench press end weights, Phone 524.2462 after 5 p.m, • 16,17 • 7 FT, PINE harvest table with Windsor bock chairs and 7 ft, pine bench 524-5222 evenings. 16-21 ONE OLDER crystal chandelier. Call 524-5220 days. 16,17 PIONEER car stereo, cassette deck, amplifier, 4 speakers. Call 524.4867 after 5:30 p.m. 16x PIANO FOR SALE - refinished, with stool, call after 6 p.m. 524-6592. . 16,17x • GENDREN baby buggy' $75.00; wooden rocking chair $50,00, TV Rotor 5100,00; boy's 10 speed bike 575.00, wiling to negotiate ,prices. Phone 524.8424. 16 "A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" the corn• memorative edition honouring the 100th An- niversary of Champion Road Machinery. 52.00 per copy (out of town orders add 51.80 postage). Makes great gifts for feimer Goderich residents, summer visitors and friends. Available at the of• fice of the Goderich Signal -Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, l ltinx Preserve, Protect & Add Value sikkens superior quality wood coatings For wood siding, decks, fences, docks, doors & windows, log homes etc. FIND OUT WHY SIKKENS WO FINISHES ARE SUPERIOR TO STAINS. Joe Burgess Construction Authorised Agents 395-5701 GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh sotellite dish and equipment ' for sale. Call 524-4243 anytime. 44tfnx REMEMBER YOUR SECRETARY with a mug of flowers from Dixie's. Tom Costello 88 Albert St N. Goderich has won a long-stemmed rost from Dixie's Flowers and Gifts 166 Court House Square Goderich, 524.8761. 16 • SANYO 20" portable colour TV in excellent condi tion. Phone 524.4462. 16 1. Articles for Sale CAR AND TRUCK BUFFS • Spring is here! Time to keep your prize possession.. clean and shiny without a lot of work arid mess. No water •need• •ed with the amazing Kozak cloth. Lifts. light road dirt 'alit!. dust w.ifhou't '-harming the vehicle's finish. 'For more information or to place orders contact 524.9828: Also other cleaning products in stock. 16.18 SUPREME ESTATE stove by Kelvinator' 30" wide. 26" deep used one year $400.00; CCM man's bicy- cle used very little $75 00.. Phone,524:8553. .-16 FIREWOOD FOR SALE •Very reasonable, pick' up. qt site, i.verything must go by April '30. Phone, 482.7425.. 16 - 200 USED cement blocks, cleaned, some corner block. •Phone•482.7723. -16nx - I, . . GALAXY 6 Storcraft camper trailer,; boy's.' piece suit, jacket size 36. Inquire,at 523-4363. -16,17x • WHITE marshmallow leather apartment size bed chesterfield • . new condition. Phone 524.8816. 16 , FOR SALE • Lawn -mower, good used, 3 h.p, Briggs and Stratton engine. '16,17 SMALL PLYWOOD boot with 3.6 'h.p. outboard • motor asking $250 00: 1978 Kawasaki KX80 ask• ing 5200.00; Four 13' aluminum mag rims corn plete with tires, asking 5125.00; 20" lawn mower and small child's bicycle.. 482.3222.--16-, FIBERGLASS camper top for 8' box truck Hos sliding side and end windows minus rear dropp ng door. Asking 5150.00. Phone days 524.8941 or evenings after 5 p.m. 524.7115 ask for Dan, 16,17nx SAILBOARD, brond new p.m. 16tf TRUST -BROWNS • To • colorize" your home. A complete range of all interior exterior paint pro, ducts, a full line of wallpaper and carpets to suit every taste and pocketbook. John Duckworth of 192 Sunset Dr . Gtderich can cloim his prize at Browns Decor Centre. 33 West St, 5247117., ' • 16 3. Garage Sale PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Get your Garage Safe Kit with posters and 'including one free •garage sale,nd on the classified pages of The Goderich.Signol-Star Only 56.00. Available •at the office of The Goderich Signal•Star, Industrial Park, 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday l l tlnx • DO YOUR OWN THING AND WEAR IT! Singer sewir4 machines knitting machines, service to all makes. Trade ins and used machines. Fabrics, yarns,. wools and notions. Call 524.5151. Sandra Billson, 181 Rich Si Goderich - a prize awaits you•at Norma s Sawing Centre. 56 The Square. Goderich. 16 GARAGE SALE Appliances furniture and dishes. April 25 and 26 10 o m " Counfy'Rd 25. ' . mile west of Auburn on top of hill Rain or shine. Watch for signs 16nx For ever so long 1 tried to exchange M)' sewing ma;hine For a good kitchen range; Then 1 ran an ad here And you really should see The range of the ranges Offered to me? SPRING SWAP ADVERTISING SPECIAL! Let us help you trade those unwanted ite^ns for something you' want at no cost to you. Fo advertising information call Theresa at 524-2614,, weekdays 9 - 5. Sample Swaps: Patchwork Quilt for Antique Lamp Pine Washstand for Oak Rocking Chair. Firewood for Rototiller ' Lawn' Maintenance for Babysitting SWEiP SHOP 5. Cars for Sale 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT 75,000 km, power steer: ing, windows and brakes, air conditioning.. As is, $1100.00.or best offer. 524-8591. '16.17 , 1972 VOLVO 142E. 4 speed with overdrive, ne engine, mechanically good con, ud t ori- Ts a lit- tle body work for safety check, lots bf spores, $800,00,•524.8539 ,of ter 6 p.m.- 16,1.7 1974 MUSTANG $800.00 ' as •, is. . Phone 524-8631.- 14x'• •., 1985 STE PONTIAC 6000' • electric ride control, .touch control AM FM auto reverse cas,sette with graphic EQ, power steering, power brakes, cruise, power trunk', power aerial, Good Year Eagle GT's and more. Dark burgundy With mot- ching interior. Why pay 524,Q00 for 19879 A steal at $13,900.00. Make offer. 524-2482 days or 524.7185 after 5 p.m. 15,16 TWO 1978, DODGE' Colts for sale as is. Call. 5 -4965 after 6 p.m. 15-17 ' 19 /ORD LTD II. two door, auto.. 302, radial tires, good condition, Phone 524.2531. 15,16 1982 MAZDA GLC Sport 5 -speed hatchback, f.w.d., 61,000 highway miles, excellent • condi- tion, 524-2703 after 7 p.m. 16t1 1977 MONARCH Mercury, 4=door 8 cylinder automatic, air conditioning, good condition. Ask. ing 51200 certified. Will consider trode•in. Phone 482.3222. 16 COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE Saturday. May 9. Goderich Arena from 8 o m • 2 p.m. For renting tobles or donations call 5242125 or 524.9193. 16 THREE FAMILY garage sale in VLA subdfvi iorrs0 Saturday. April 25. after 7 a m. Antiques and too many numerous items 'to mention. 16 TWO FAMILY GARAGE. SALE Saturday, April 25 from 7 • 12 noon, 241 Picton St W. No wax skis. 13 Ib. Danforth anchor clothing, numerous articles 16 5. Cars for Sale 1977 TOYOTA Celicn 3 speed automatic, has summer and winter radials on r„ims, car is in good running condition body is reasonable 51400 00 certified or 51300.00 as is. Cell 524 4766 Ol tfnx 1980 • AMC SPIRIT in good conditio' 524.7456 13 16 1980 HONDA Accord Hatchback 5 speed tronsniission Stereo tape deck certified. $2495 00 Phone 5242988 15x16 IS YOUR BUSY schedule leaving you too little time to cook? For n quick and delicious dinner treat your family to McDonald's Restaurant, 350 • payfield,Rci Goderich 5244622. William Ger. Phone 524.4511 after 5 • mon 26 Delbor Court Goderich has won two free dinners from McDonald's 16 [7.0 Wanted t,7 Rent PUT AWAY your winter coots, lockets. suits. dresses cleaned and pressed Store your furs ono fine woolens. Good service good prices every. day Leonard Boyce of. 65 Market St Goderich con have a suit cleaned • free of charge at Bluewoter Cleaners 38 West St Godericch, 524 6231. 16 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. 1986 SUZUKI 650 Savage motorcycle, block seldom ridden 52500 00. For appointment call 524.6486 15 18 - 1981 400 cc HONDA motorcycle Phone 524 4164 otter 5 p.m 15 17 1971 350 HONDA 5350 Coll 529.7421 after 6 p rn 16tlnx SOMETHING, SPECIAL FOR MOTHER Delight Morn with a special gift o Precious Moment Figurine from Squires Gifts Charles Bruinsma of RR 2 Goderich. This is your key that will get you your prize 'at Squires Gift. Highwdy 21 South Goderich 524-7920. 16 1978 550 HONDA. motorcycle. Bags fairing. rodio. Good sha Phone 524.2241. 16 18ar 7F. Snowmobiles & eq !.'rent 978 YAMAHA ENTICER snowmobile Excellent condition..New•skis at end of season $1 1_..00 or best offer. Call 524.2402 after 5 p.m., 15,1 FOR SALE. Full size and compact pickup truck caps and sleeper toppers. Available in supercap and commercial styles. For more information contact 524-9828. Other automatic products .availobl'e upon request. • 16-18 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 22 FT. OWENS BOAT, completely built new in'• board 4 cyl. Flagstaff motor 524-6969. 15,16 , • HURO.N MARINE Open Wednesday to Saturday 9 • 5. Lots of sailing hardware for all size boats. Discounts to 40°0, After-hours phone 1-5246658 for appointment or information: •15,16 A.C. SHINERS - any colour or size, $5.95 Lake Huron Rod & Gun, open 7 days o 'week, phone 368.71.82. 15,18 • GUN SALE • over 500 guns, drastically reduced for quick sale. 'Lake Horan Rod -8, Gun, Under- wood. Open • 7 days o week. . phorie 3680.1.82. '15-1.8 . SUPER DEAL'S 'on all hi-tech''fishinq equipment. Lake Huron Rod & God, . Underwood. Phone 3.8.7182., 15.18 - 1'W1Ne URFER, BICC 650, 1985. 'footstraps, ex• cellerr" ondition, 5800.00. Phone 524.4114'. •16 12,'MIRRO-CRAFT alumihum boat. Excellent con: dition $600.00 or best,offer. Phone 524-9467. 16 FIREBALL 16 ft: mahogany -racing sailboat, Elvestrom soils, Holt•Allen fittings, fropeeze, built 1972, used 3 seasons, excellent. reduced -to 52200.00 482:3428 days or 482.7958. 16,17 FOR SALE 17' cabin cruiser and trailer or'will 'trade for 12' to 14' aluminum boot and trailer or best offer. Phone 482•3723. 16 • LIFTL©CK F.G. 14' 3, seater fishing boat with Tees Nee sprint trailer and 6 h.p. Chrysler motcir with ' tank. New condition, Shakespeare Wonder Troll , electric motor 3 speed and reverse 6'or 12 voir- model 606, 15' fiberglass canoe. Phone 524.9259, 16x, - 1982 DATSUN King Cab diesel, 5 speed, silver grey, new,tires, excellent mechanical condition. no reasonable offer refused. 9 5 p.m. 524-8366. after 5 p,m, 524.4315. 1518 1986 SAFARI VAN - LE Model. Equipped with all options. Call 524.7077 after 5 p.rn. 15.17x 1952 JEEP M•38. 283 overdrive auto„ good tires, stretched box, snowplow, needs body work, , 51600.00. Phone 524.8539 after 6 p.rn. 16.17 • HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY qt your home this. Spr- 'in,g. Art's Landscaping will provide you with a private showing, in your own garden of shrubs'• you could use to enhance your property. You make the choice. Call 524.2645 at 166 Bennett St. E. Goderich. Mrs, Larry Park, RR 6. Goderich'has wort a pair of garden gloves. 16 1'983 DODGE RAM Charger 4 x 4, 360. 114,000 km. air, cruise. AM FM cassette Call 524.4963 ,evenings. 16.19 • 1976 DATSUN pickup. reasonable condition. 1976 GMC '7 ton truck, V8. power steering power' I. brakes, asking 5850.00 or hest offer, Can certify 524.4741. 16x 1980 FORD ' . ton. heavy duty 6 cyl auto, power steering. good condition, asking 58600.00, 1975 Cougar, good condition. asking $1200,00.•I'hone 528-3514 or 528.2735. 16,17 SPORTS i2ECREATION CENTRE OUIPP1ENT 7 classifications .7A. For Sale General' 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Tra 7H. Boats, Motors $t Marine 7J: Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers ° & Trailers TRAILERS: travel, 5th wheels, hardtops.'new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler; Boler, Lionel, Hit• ches. truck caps. Sales, rentals. repairs. 25 years in business. Comp•Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford 393.5938. • 12-30 ' CITATION, Northlander Pork Models, used trailers. Renting seasonal sites • 1 mile south of Kinloss on Bruce County Rd. No. 1, 1.519.395'•2757. 14.17 , 23 FOOT Prowler travel trailer, includes 3 pc. bath, fridge, stove, furnace, Sleeps 7, in ex• cellent condition. Can be purchased as is on a - rented lot at Pine Lake Comp or can be moved from site. Phone 482.7811.' 1.5,16 YOU NAME 1T. we've got it - or can get it, A full line of craft supplies including mohair, wool, syn• thetic and cotton yarns. We carry China Woodland Series. Mrs. Ivodell Schram 167 Cam• bridge St. Goderich, you have won a Lottery ticket from Suncoost Craft Corner Suncoast Mall, Goderich. 16 FOR SALE • 19 ft. Joyco Travel Trailer, includes 3 pc. bath. 2 -way fridge, furnace, stove with oven. Has large awning, sleeps 8, excellent condition. Can be purchased as is on a rented lot in Shelter Valley Carnp or can be moved from site, 523.4425. 16,17 1979 FORD F150 Super cob. Excellent condition, all steel body. new paint. one owner, 99,000 km, several options. certified, 10 ft truck camper. fridge, stove, oven, chemical toilet, will. separate, View at Travel•O•n Soles. Hoimesville or phone 524-4476. 16 1983 BON AIR hardtop camper, sleeps 6, in ex• cellent condition, includes new 12' x 1.2' screened dining area and port•a•pottie, asking 53800.00 or trade for boat ' of equal value. Phone 524-2748. 16,18 8. Computers Videos gtc. CAMPBELL'S Camera's and Benjamin Photo labs make a super team ' for 'top quality photo finishing. Only 51.00 for an extra set of prints at filers" time of developing for 12 exposure film • 52.00 for 24 exposure film. Campbell's Cameras Goderich 168 The Square 524-7532. Darryl Carpenter 174 Mary St., Goderich is this weeks • buried treasure prize winner. 16 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. FOR SALE 1918 750 Hondo excellent condition. Phone 5267003. • 15,16 10. Pets for Sale SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. .Chocolate and' blue point Phone 529.7382. 16,17nx , n 9 YA