HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-04-22, Page 16PAGE 16 --GODERICH SIGNALISTAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987 r. II e -e{ ining ori torrent Hon Everything left Is pric d to sell FAST! Great for the first time rider Aero 506 i ;999 Cash & Carry, P.D.I. & Tax extra l' (rake engintio\ 11atti'' ransnus.tun Electric start Lucking storage cunilruunenl Proven Performance ATC 200 SF $1,599 Cash & Carry, P.D.V. & Tax extra ATC 200S I.II IIT V1'I.1( IIT _ 4 SPIT() NH 1111if{ Born on the racetrack and made street legal NS -400 RG 72 linrseiti .ser 1/(111111 cnulwi I'sn stroke \ :1 enginr. Sts se ' iim aluminlun. frame, I'ru I,ii k"'suspension. ,c),,A.c4oLue 54,499 Cash & Carry, P.D.B. & Tax.extra Honda Crozymisimommainz In Londr' n at Wharrncliffe & Southidale 6 5-8045 In Varna 262-.731 R eljgio A celebration of the resurrected Saviour took placeat Calvary Bap- tist Church on Friday, April 17 as the church choir presented a musical contata. "The Splendor of Easter". The choir is directed by Mrs. MaryWoodcock and narration was done by Pastor Terry Woodcock. A repeat performance was done on Sunday at Maitland Manor. (photo by Gary Renaud) Why doesn't somebody DO something? BY REV. ROBERT CROCKER too. The churches make it refer to Easter, ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH n especially, and. may translate it slightly dif- When Iwas a teenager, Iworked in a M11 VBS�EI� S STUDY'. ferently: "This is the day the Lord has men's clothing store on Saturdays and.dur- I .ACTED" or, even, "the day of the Lord's ing holidays. The manager hated the sight victory." of `his clerks when they appeared t� have "My God, why have you forsaken•me?" We Easter is the occassion of God's interven- nothing to do. So•we coined an expression: wonder why God doesn't DO something. _tion into the world where people have grown "Don't stand and gawk, just straighten- One of Easter's messages is that He DID. careless and indifferent, mere spectators, stovk!", and. tried to govern ourselves' ac- The churches have taken Psalm 118 very passively wondering why someone doesn't cordingly, always arranging to seem 'very much to heart; it seems to have been a take some action: "Why doesn't somebody busy, at least when the boss was around, favourite of Martin Luther's. ' It contains DO something?" And God DID. He sent His Sometirties it seems that God isn't very these words: "This is the, day which the Son to die for us, and to show us the way of busy. Some people think, that He just sets Lord has made, we will rejoice..." It refers Eternal Life. So, on this Eastertide we have • things in motion and does nothing more ` to the festival time of going up to the temple .reason to "rejoice 'and'be glad.;' May you about it all. Even Jesus on the cross prayed, to pray; God's specialday, and His people's all be richly blessed in this knowledge. Pass Iver 'me is.part of last suppesupper - By Diane E. McLellan The Easter:weekend began in an exciting 'and memorable way for more than 60 local Christians who enjoyed the privilege of par- ' ticipating in 'a traditional Passover meal. Free Methodist Church Goderich Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Piicton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT 524-8800 Sunday, April 26 9:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sunday Evening Bible Study 7 00 p m Victor'St Public School ALL ARE WELCOME COME WORSHIP WITH US Knox Presbyterian Church MINISTER: THE REV. G.L. ROYAL M.A.,M. DVV., Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Sunday, April 26 11 00 a m Holy Communion Reception of New Members 11 00 0 m Sunday School 7 00 p m Chapel Communion Sermon AN INHERITANCE INCORRUPTIBLE ,Nursery Facilities! Communicant s Class Sunday May 3 10 00 a m Enter to Worship Depart to Serve Calvary Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 524.6445 Nursery Facilities available Sunday School 1000 a m Vv tory Campaign 10 a m April 26 Fishers of MPn Sunday Balloon Sunday' on the Bus• Morning Service • 11. 00 o.m Evening Service / 00 p m. Speriol Music by Charlene Paton ,1100nm and 700pm) WORIB'OF LIFE . teens Tues, • 7 00 Mighty Mites - Ages 4&5 Olympians - Ages 612 Wed 630 800 'prayer Meeting • Wed 7 00 WELCdME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 SUNDAY, April 26, 1987 11:00 A.M. Worship and Sunday School Cable 12 Telecast AT 1 00 PM. REV. ROBERT O. BALL MINISTER Robert Blackwell Director of"Music St. George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich RECTOR: THE REV. ROBERT J. CROCKER Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.T. Sunday after Easter April 26th 8 30 a.m Holy Communion 11 00 a m Holy Baptism sermon, Church School and nursery Evening Prayer at Christ Church. Por tt Albert You are always welcome " 200pm Post Easter Jesus is sometimes referred to os The Lamb,of God who takes away the sin of the world At Easter it is easy to see why this name is so appropriate It was the custom in Jesus day to make a sacrifice to God of the best one hod as a sign of obedience and faith At the Passover celebrn fion the sacrifice was o fine young Iamb the best you could afford offered to God on o special altar The people of Jesus day understood very well the signilicanen of this annual ntunl It is oppropr ate then that God would choose to sacrifice His best His Only Son spotless and without blame Jesu't willingly became the Lamb of God put to death on the altar of n cross, in the place of all sinners of all time who belteve that His sncrifire was complete final Jesus ,The Lamb of God that tokes away the sin of the world hos earned forgiveness for everyone who trusts in Him and His great Oct of fav' A small room in the basement of the On- tario Street United Church in Clinton was transformed into a symbolic "upper room" last Thursday evening as men,- women apd children from at least half a ' den denominations reinernbered Christ's last supper with His disciples. "A great deal of research awl planning, as well as a lot, of hard work by the•Christian Fellowship Club of the Clinton High School went into making,the evening so successful. The members of the club were encouraged and helped by•their math teacher and staff advisor, Linda Garland, who generously undertook to organize and cook almost all of the food for the meal. The Passover seder is a very moving ex- perience. The word seder means •"order" and there is a very definite order to the pro- ' ceedin'gs. Everything has a meaning. This special tradition is celebratedby.the Jewish people every spring to commemorate God's deliverance of the Hebrew nation from bon- dage in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. The ser- vice has been arranged in such a way that each participant become personally involv- ed and actually begins' to feel a part of the ancient miracle. Rob Adams,' a Grade 13 student' at Clinton High;School, first considered the idea of a . Passpver feast several months ago, and began to study up on the subject. He receiv- ed much .Practical help and information from' Colleen Maguire, a Goderich. .photographer,'who has,'been privileged to be • a guest at an authentic Jewish Passover celebration.. Rob, and the other members of the Chris- tian Fellowship Club were very grateful to Linda Garland, for her assistance and were greatly amazed at her culinary skills. But, the Passover seder does more than give a full belly — the richness and beauty of the service fills the heart as well. Government makes committ ent to end violence The Ontario Association of Interval Transition Houses is pleased to. . acknowledge the efforts of Ian Scott, At- torney General and Ontario Minister for Wm -lien's Issues and John Sweeney, On- tario Minister of Community and Social • Services recently when they expressed the government's commitment to "stem the tide of family violence in Ontario". The Ontario Association of Interval Transition Houses 1OAITH) welcomes the announcement of the additional $7.1 million providing a total of $12.5 million to address primarily legal enforcement and victim assistance. OAITH is pleased to note that $3. • million has been allocated to further sup- port the work of existing shelters for bat- tered women. However, the organization is concerned that only $300;000 has been provided for shelter expansion as this will not meet the demand identified, by shelter workers, par- ticularly in view of the increased awareness anticipated by the upcoming public and professional educational awareness campaign. OAITH •is encouraged by the en- thusiastic acknowledgement of their ex- pertise which leads OAITH to expect that the increased dollar allocation will allow for improved salary scales and staff ratios' in the proposed new funding formula. • • OAITH looks forward to co-operating in a consultative manner with the Ministers in the design of this new funding formula. Residents at Maitland Manor enjoyed an Easter Hat Parade Mon- day afternoon. About 50 residents took part in the activity. Pic- tured here are (in hack) Cathy Wiebe (activity director), Gerty Kew, Alive Gaunt and Karen McVittie (assistan-tacTivity director). In front are Vera Larder and Sidney Belle Jamieson. (photo by Lou -Ann Hope) Personally Crafted Memona Shop, Showroom nd €his :Ia 293 Main Strut, Exeter Our Work Has Our Personal Guarantee Serving Huron & Surrounding Area Since 1919 See Doug Stevenson, - Memorial Counsellor for Goderich, Blyth, Lucknow, Kincardine and surrounding areas. we have the privilege of serving you with y€dr 'TOLL FREE E COURTESY Oi"I"i t UN' SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS . 1 h. %-4 Clinton Area —� MICHAEL FALCONER 15:1 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345