HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 11. . I . � I 7 - 11 � I- -1 11 � -1 I - I— I- - - - � I I - .--1 11,1,1
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''I . � . ,steadily de�ays until the inferior , I . I I I," ,
popul4t= is 0 i,y to make THEISM, OF. f UK I I
, WRITE RACE FOOND WANTING ,70I ,1,)W!,, " � I I I I .
I I rooni for a fltt�x, 009 ." ho.says. 6' I LLETVS . 11 .1 I I —1 �. . I . .. .. I I I
I . —, � , . The rise of now civil ' i4ations Dr, : : . I . "I - - I 11 I I � . I I 1, I I . I I I .
5 1 11" �,� . �_'_ . . I � �
Ict Petrie regar/ds as due to immigra- : $1,1111", _,��;:� .kt�,,-,,,,v�,,..,-. ,1111 am TR , " I
, DE - mix- I , IfOW olou"
,, �),1114 � VANISIT, 4014ARE 12 tioll ,uf new stock and it,� 'ad . TITZ - llw"/ . S. o vD, ,, I I .
= I . I I 11 �
I Ij. I 1. W. ',P,W ; �3�&,F g, "01,41811 PROVESSO11- ture with the pld� He ,,, "'I'l Standard Ar6ck . . . . . . - 11 EMMEM p� � �. . . I I
. �e E� '.N I I I
, . � A , 0 . . . . I I I I I
., - I complete crossi,o,y -of two races pro. I . 1. Oi � —1 , � I . . : I
,� � 71 XP, � I . 11 . 1 ' I
I *
. � I '. i T r_� , For MAXag So , I . I
I duces the maximuna, of ability, arid - R44dy for U00 to 40 .' L
0111' CITiliZatiOn 18 1):0ellnJAUff� Sa�,,, from this point repeated genera- quantity. . % . Prefer$ Caravan Routes Through ' 1 I I
I I I k �
. . " , diminish the ability.'.' . And -': For Softrno�$Watcr. I 11 � I
;; I I tions Udoful for fiva , I , � I I I
N 1 11 to develo'p and fos he . Afghauffstaa and Persla to ,
- Dr. Flinders Petrie, the ter progress liundred purvmvs, 41 1. Por Removing PAint. I
I I i I I suggests that "eugenics will in : � I e Russia, - I � � If � . 1, I
12-gyptologist. A can, eqwda 20 16, , t I k; ; 11 I 1
410 1 some future civilization carefully 2 A .For Di4nifecting I . I � I .
i M t, IM1.1 N ' " SALSODA. . ,� .1w . , " y . I Sinko, C1000o, Cholera, the most dreade14 of 06 � ' , ' ..
I � It has blaen, satisfactorily proved segregate fine races arid prohibit . - 4,�,c I , I I . I
-on. papel-that the original man continual admixture, until they U40 only the Dot, V . I Drdinsatc, plagues that -occasionally filid, their I I I .... "I ... .
i . I I -crowded ,� I 11 '.I
�, I - ..... ",",,", "I'll was black and that the White. races have a distinct type,, which will way Westward from, tile I 1
,W 1, .170 East, has its real home in, S
I � 1, _S1 �, -, , , I IMXVI� Can never permanently acclimatize start a new civilization wh,= trar,ls- � -WI �, 9 Nil . . Outh- , , I "
I 1: , .- a I .1 I .
, ern. China and round the mouth of
I in the black man�s country. Ger. planted." I, , � I I 11
, " =I , , ..
11 § 1. , 1� I Mall scholars havo written learned- Dr. ,Flinders Petrie's Opinion is � I . I I the Ganges, ],,'very few years, how- - , � I I .1 I 11
� , ,slowly to I � .
, these subjects. Now conies an th6t in pla, �, �: 11 ,
_ i I . I __ on . c ' ,a of looking on the fall . I I I. I ever, it comes drifting i said, . I I �
'11=t�11111011`� I � . . I I ,, I
=====______1_ . ris'lishman, Lionel W. Lyde,'pro- of the Romaln.Empire as a molls- Europa, moving steadily, it S � I
, r6monstrate, with him. Aft essor of economic geography at trous and inexplicable fact we now - -r" . � - 4t, the rate at which An average , 1, I � . I I ,.,
11 II: !, r. I I& . � I � . .1
0: III::: iii 111111 I I I ; ,
�� I IN SPAIN dramatic interview in .which the London University, With tha,theory ,sea, by the greater extension of , . . . walker trave �
: LEGA MATTERS man of ,law exclaimed In Ltragic that the white man is doorn-ed to our knowledge of the past, that _____ I'll Certainly, the path it prefers. is .. - I 11 L I 11 I
� I
� ,.
tones . , vanish off the face of the earth, civilization is not only' intermit- f ree� volun . taxy prisoner, and Yet ta,long the ancient caravan routes, � I I . I . �
. a I � I I . ,
I -
I . ,,GIVE ME WHAT YOU LIKEI' lelding to the colored races, tent but is , regularly recurring an involuntary one. L if I ,rough Afghanistan and Persia to �. I I I . I ,�
, ELL TO AVOID LAW- our friend got his bill reduced to Y , � k PRISONERS ON SHIPBOARD RUssi , An Old tradition has it, I .. . .1,
. XT I$ IT Prof, Lyda believeos that the, or- phenomenon, , ,xmr, E - that I .
� SUIT S IN THAT COU-NITIty- a more reasonable figure. mrinal color of the human skin was . ARMED WITHA BOWIE . this dreaded disease always . I �
. 111. . I The .dilatoriness of Spanish law dark brown. , The variations of __-----44 � . I may be i . nolined to follows in the footsteps of the w=-, . �
I , �s almost incredible. A watch was . that color a,r the result I . SOME VERY CURIOUS POINTS think that the close watch which is dering.Jew. . I .1.
I N r . �
� I � I I — stolen; -the owner immediately in- , a s of Ill,, . A M.GLE IT ]0[031L. I � I ibly I .
. 1. weakening or strengthening of the — I . ABOUT EXTRADITION. usually kept over a prisoner while Russia always su:ffers terr . I
The Troubles of a 11011se Builder- formed the police of the robbery. pigment, or skin coloring Under Watching the' King of Birds Dur- hat in when it comes., In the last : I � I
, . . . . ) he is on shipboard,'is somew . �
. . . Seven years afterward he was call- different climatic conditions, the . I the nature of a superfluity, That visit there were 400 cases a day in � I , I
. Dilatoriness in Legal I Ing Early �Jorning Hours. ie terrible . . I �
. . ad upon to give ,evidence as to the the pro- . 0 � , it is not always so, however, is St. Petersburg alone. T1 , I I .
. I . . Proceedings. � . ,object of the pigment being I �tll Writing of his experience. in the Prisoners May Not Be 11andcuffed I shown by all incident in the, career havoc it works in Russia is largely . I i I 1, , I .
� . . robbery. rs ago, there waa an . taction 61 the protoplasm benes gail, a student of -One Hour's Exercise on of Inspector Froest, mentioned ab- due to the stupidity.,of the peas- I
I Spanish law is founded on the . A few yew ' the skin from disorganization by London Daily I . . 1. .
: " accident, threa,years afterward the . birds says. "We, had crossed the ova. I ants, and their disobedience to the , I ,. I .
I Old Roman law and lea,ves but lit- . . ible. for abnormal and therefore dangero'46 Deck Each Day. . I
- were all- people who were respons rays of sunlight. boq� and had taken ,% short nap. The I Freest was bringing a, notorious medical autlxorities� Indeed, a I I
. tle to be desired, if only it the accident were called Upon to The effects of such rays on a man aerie was, now fa;intly visible, a -ad The manner in which a prisoner, forger named Sloarle from Havre whole village attacked a, couple of 1.
, ways put into effect, But the prac- I -
-nd theory of it are two very a their accoun�. of it. They had unprotected by a dark skin are, he an indistinct White object seemed to extradited to this country from a on an extradition warrant. There doctors, and ,accused them of put
tice a giv ravel about 170 -. era, poison into the vil-
to t miles to give , n I ervous shook, productilre suggest the possibility of an eaglet, foreign �oxie, is treated while on the was trouble to begin wizh over the ting the chol I
,different things, as many know � to evidence, The case was adjourned says ,tration, but the light was as yet too indis- voyage home depends very much matter the French authorities lage wells. some of them drink .
- - sometimes of nervous Pros , 'Over to t
their cost. The satire of the gip ,ly object with he fearful mixtures of tar, resin, and
sy's ourse, "Que tengas pleito 7 .and they IfXa to travel home, hav and frequently leading to,ex.cesses, tinct to make out ai on the detecti-ie who has him in wishixx� to hand him
.* I ing, accomplished absolutely no- Thus certainty. Shortly before three the English detective unsearelled ,and petroleum as preventives. In some
,qua garies" ("May you have a law- 'alcoholic. and other kinds. , charge; arid also on -Y�rbether or no I
, . - ffinclies burst in 'a there is ,any I suspicion , parts householders hire men to .
thing, and they may be called up to song, arid To this Froest,
.1 suit and win it") is still applicable ' ney again the original brown skin color has cha w that lie may u n h and an ff ad. man he had to deal stand at -their
on to take the long jour -�eloPed to black in those now perceived, to our intense sat- -ce, either knowing the front doors ancl
. ,,to present day methods .of conduct- in a short timeI or not for Years. boan de and isfaction, the golden eagle stand- emplating violen s. to, frighten the cholera
'living in the tro i . to himself or to other
I ,, ?'ins legal matters in Spain, as the Tile following story will illustrate races I pws on the edge of tht nest 'and s, says Pear- with, strongly objected. shoot gun I
: following story will show; . ' constantly subjected to dangerous Ing son's Weekly. Words nearly led to blows, The away. . I .
: 1. . the haphazard natu�e of 10parxish raysi, while on the other hand those guarding a solitary chick., For instance, in the'ease of Jabez French -Qolioe drew their swords, WHAT CHOLERA I IS. I I I � .1 I I
.. � A friend of oiIrB decided to build justice. Some. years ago a young notewOrtIly ana curious Balfour, who was brought here, all Froest produced a loaded revolver. ..
. .
,.7 a house in Spain, writes Mrs. English sailor, accompanied by an races Whose home is far from the "It is a ghty per c -ant. of the way from Buenos Ayres, there Eventually the latter 11,dQwned" Cholera, has several times got its I I
i -e London Even- equator have lost most of the pig- fact that some ei 4
Shiers -Mason in tl American and an Irish sailor, went absence of any great eagles lose one of their young dur- was a strong suspicioxi-probably his man, and searched him, when grip firmly fixed on England. The , � 14
ins Standard,' and everything went While re- ment I as the , irst three weeks of its ex- ill -founded -that he contemplated a murderous looking bowie knife first time was in 1830-2. :Put it is 4
well at first. The. contract Was an on shore at Havana, heat renders it unnecessary, while ins the f say that it never will again, I 4
,,ex -lent one arid, the contractor turning to.their ships they were white is more advantageous for the istenoe Nnmerous ,explanations committing suicide. Consequently,. was found in a secret pocket in the safe to �
. cel. attacked by Chinaman; . In the have beenadvance-d to account for Inspector Froest, who had him in seam of his left trouser -les. � On the, last oceasioa-in 1892-b, few, --I
. and builder Was a most plausible. fight that ensued the American hit CONSERVATION, OF HEAT. this, but they are all most unsat- H I I �
, .and pleasant man. An old gentle- charge, decided to take uo, risks "Useful sort of a toy for a man scattered cases oesurred in I'll,
., laam, however, with much exper- one of the Ohinamen on the head Prof. Lyde I holds that in this way isfactory. I . . that he could possibly avoid. like this tok have in his poBsessionl" Grimsby, and Yarmouth; but the 4
1 �
1. k so hard with a stick- that the man f nd can be, "The eagle was stancling over her The, regulations do not permit of growled the captain of the steam.- scourge. was soon stamped out. 4
1 lence of the. country remax ed to subsequently -died. The Spanish raptly ordered,him to WhaI is choleral Well, it shows 4
passed the divided into different zones, that Young with wings slightiy raised, d
I ,,,. a friend as one day they I authorities did not trouble to dis- peoples being on and and the chick seemed quite oon- all unconvicte prisoner n being er, and pro during the passage itself in violent vomiting -and diar- I 0
. house in, process Of building: criminate, but sentenced the three of the black handcuffed on board ship, o ce the be kept in irons rhoea, followed quickly by exhaus- I
.,: -a finished, ad the equator and those of tented With his head alone shelter- vessel has left port, and be Paust be over. :
. . "That house,, will never b men to two Years' imprisonment. arou P in the ed. b efore the light allowed one hour's exercise "on _-_-_-_�_-, tion and, death. A man who is well I
�;. for the I buil-de I rs- always abscond in The British Consul, being Una.eclls- the othi�r eoples further fro had becomp, ed, move- ::��� and strong, at Midday may at five 11
� . Spadxx�' equator in pnportioxi to the weak- in the aerie, and deck each day. These indulgencies quite I
L w !. took up s were noted encies they can be called .OB
tomed to Spanish alys ng. The ment -if indulg GENTLE, MGHWXY p BrRy. be haggard arid shrunk, and I
,, ,� 4
� � THE LUIL'DER DID ABSCOND, the case of the Eh,51ishman very ness of their skin colori the youngster wag in all probabil- withheld unrecognizable, with sunken eyes, �
11 � � .. . . e zone in which the. white man can �s morning. . -meal. Oc- -were therefore not Span- and check bones almost Protruding � 11
, authorities thereupon ity having hi from Balfour. Strange In d -dent Told in a � , .
�� . but the house was finished by the strongly; th6 . live under normal conditions has, his I through the skin. It is quite corn-
� - sionally the chick would raise
I I ,owner. The builder had practical- -possibly to teach him a lesson �
I ,�' hq says, for its southern boundary ca, 'bag his mother BALFOUR'S AMUSEME NT. ish Newspaper. ie I
I ,,,
�_ er.again and gave :i,ear to mon for a pat n6 to lose twenty-
. . � *paid for nothing and Our friend tried the men ov latitude 55 degrees, that -of Copan- head and api 1�
w l law- them all , -or an extra tit -bit, but this was re- But he got few others. For About three years ago Howelock fiVe Pound's Lin four or five hours. .
I hagen, and he can only settle and' f i With gentle firmness. twenty-three hours out of -every Ellis published his book "The ' When cholera first came to Eng- .
. suits. "Pay anything,,',' said his thrive in other zones. by ta,ldvg fused hin ) - land, it was thought that thedis- 11
Spanish friends, 1'raWer than go . TWENTY YEARS EACH. 1-tificially "Hour after hour the eagle stood twenty-four he was immured in a Soul. of Spain," in which he anal
steps ,to make himself' a g with a ase came, on the wind from Russia I
� to law, for if you ,don't you will be The Englishman after three. Years fit by such a laborioas process as motionless over her Toun looked cabin. He was not permit- yzes the character of the Span- e Za on its first visit. I 1,
ruined. As a rilatter of fact the in a Cuban prison, 6ring which of tender mother-lov,e in her le fl ,an I . -1
look I ted even to, enter the public dining ish people, and presents son , as -did in u
. I I
3011181', to whom the builder'.owed time his companions died o puts it out of the question. � eye,, quite unlike the usual fierce room, his meals being brought to strange elements. We expect to But now we know that it is infec- I 11.
f yellow Taking ordinary precautions, and ession associated with the king him by Mr. Froest himself, after fi d of humanity overlying tious, and that it spreads by the I I
1 $24 had already been to, law aI fever, was transferred to Ceuta to the great modern "P' I ' & veneer 6 - . I I I . �,
ided by all of birds. The ,s n L I
a ky shortly after two hardness and violence. In Spain it mouth. Drinking water i its fa,v
out' some other matt d rld, oscoPic dis- of the rest of the passengers had fed. A . I
r of his time, After knowledge of the mier ite free He was, besides, constantly watch- is the other way. There the crim- orite path from. the, plague st ickx, I 11
been, so bitten that he did not press, some years he and a fellow prison- o'clock had become qu "
L'� his claim atall. . . eases of the tropics, it is possible clouds, and the air became wt- e a the healthi.' A person may -, I
1 er,-& Spaniard, escaped into Mor- for the white man after two Years' st in ad, slid was subjected to a most inal pul,se is felt sooner than th n to o h clothilli 1� , . I
- 'Our friend paid some and left the ptured by tremely cold, the' touch of fro rigorqus search immediately on claims of humanity are recognized. carry cholera, germs n is ...
� occo, Where they were ca� of acclimaAl,ation to live ill the ondu-
rest.to threaIl. with proceed- the Moors, who after malting them tbe,aix, being by no, means c . coming aboard. I To prove this theory the author without injury. Bat, if infe I
. 'Zings , - - �went as far � as I "the work in the fields for ab< months tropics even more immune from cive to our comfort. His only relaxation was -an Oc- quotes an incident told *in a Sp � an- clothing touches food or drink, -the I I !
.4,� tropical diseases than the black. "Almost exactly at four o'clock plague �%�gixxs its work. It is be- ,
I � I c Of reconciliation " in which took them back to Cuba and clairn- But the period of this immunity is the sun rose in the northeast. He casional game of chess with some ish newspaper. )rings it West I
:Plaintiff and defendZt ,are brought ed the reward. The fact that our not much longer than seven years, of the passengers who kindly came As regards the, Spanish peasant's 'lieved that -what I is the I
Sljudge, ,wh d their eye came over the brow of a hill look- to his o, play with him, by attitude toward his fellow men, I along the caravan routes, . . I
. together before the 10 English authorities ha a,fter which the deteriorating ef- . �abixl t, Y� habit -some pilgrims have of , �. . ..
tries to act as peacemaker, as. n untryman and had of- fects of the abnormal heat on a ins 'red and,angry, and for the per= . I and in the,presence of found an instructive storyl as re- dirt . � ,. I I
I what . . of ' space of fifteen minutes lit up the lis rl., 41 This sea imprisonment corded by a Spanish magistrate, in washing their infected elothing.in �
. , though the law realized a ten tried, to get some remission .skin not naturally protected begin glen with a rich red light. The wells. I .
;serious thing a lawsuit in Spain :* prevented him from lasted exactly one morit1l and a an Aragonese newspaper a few wayside drinking I
his sentew to show tl-Lemselves and to render . �. I
-may be and tried to save you from sharing the fate of recaptured con- the system open to the attack of brooding �agle looked particularly day, and Ba -dour has since declar- years ago, at a time when there DR. KOCH;S DISCOVERY. . I . I
itself. As aa been said, our friend victs, �vhich was to be crue an beautiful in this light, being tra,xis- a trying ex- was much distress in Aragon. When the germ is swallowed, the I %, .
any 0! the .great tropical diseases, formed for the while to a ruby -red ed that it was th most .
. I 11
I .
'had to* complete the house himself. repeate ly ggge 1, some of the ,* I C. bir< rd perience of a captiv.l.cy that was A laborer out of work came on to disease always shows itself -within I I . . I , I
in t a piii�on, malaria. yellow feve'r cholera, & I of prey, and the young bi destined to continue for nearly the highroad determined to rob the .
I 7o maklI a flat roof he engaged five biggest blac guar $ Thus permanent settlement of the als.5 being faintly tinged with pink. person whom he should meet. four days. The germs on infected I I .
lbrickla,yers and appointed on�, to w o are ap, oin guar iaris of t 0 twelve years. . first .
. ext 'ate of pay rer �. tropics by the white is out 'of the The sun reddened the snow -fields One of the longest, and in its That person -was a man with a wag- clothing loseall Power after twelvG
I lbe foreman at an ra r ,t. . queslion. prof. on the crater -shaped Cairntoul days. it was. the famous Dr. Koch . . .1 . I
. -with the promise. of a gift if the The food provided in the convict But on the other hand, ith charming effect; but his reign later stages one of the pleasant on. The laborer made hiA halt, who discovered the real nature of
, � . -work were well done within a car- prison of Ceuta consists -of two Lyde -says, the pigment, while be- ' 8 all too liort, voyages ever undertaken by an un- and demanded his money. the disease. He went to Egypt . in
tain time; I meals a day of garbauzos (chick . he Wa. s for ominous convicted criminal, was that which "Here are thirty dollars, all that 1883 when the disease- was raging
Ing .absolutely necessary in It clouds hurrying tip from the west, - the no- I have," the detained man replied. I
Some months after the woik had peas), occasionally flavored with a ) Charles Hylton Davidson, th-er'e discovered the bacillus, and � I
I astonished to tiny bit of salt pork, a remarkably tropics' soon bid hix�a from our sight. The t,orious forger, made sOIX1.1h,,Tf11rs "There is nothing left for me but ' r -
I � 11been finished he was r $40 by a appetizing diet, as � IS NOT DANGEROUS, weather had now completely chang- back in the custody of In_ ' ., brought it back in a bottle. A ce . I �
th healthy, if not . a the Cairngorm was Canadian robbery; my family are dying of , t been found yet, 1. �
:find himself sued fo s�icl) ap- tain .cur,e has no I
� foreman for tools that had been us- the Englishman came Out of prison hu.no damaging effects, in colder ed, and soo: ,, . spector Murray, of the' .. hunger," the aggressor to put though under the latest treatment, .1
I . shut in by the gathering mist'. I
ed' by him to, do the work. At the in particularly good health. After Department'bf Justice. ologetically, and proceeded 'against �
I la;bitu4es. The professbr concludes- "I had intended to secure a pho- Murray tracked the man wanted the money in his pocket. But as be only one in five dies, as
first trial -our friend won. Some his twenty years of unjust, imPris- ,,pigment is no -danger, though aving her to lylexico, and secured three in five twenty years ago. But
1. - onnient he married a Spanish wo- in ' high latitudes, tograph of the eagle le . his ,,t,a- did so his mind changed.
weeks later, however, he was rath unnecessary aerie, but the feeble light effectu-, dition to Canada. But then his "Take this chico," hessid, hand- medical science does know exactly
man. , ally put a -stop to all efforts in the spreads, and at every port I 14
-1,, er surprised to be told that the . While the absence of it is fatal in ould not - � him back twenty-nine dollars, �ow it I I
� bricklayer had appealed to the lo autions .photographic line, and shortly be- difficulties began. He c Ing in England there are keen eyes
next court and that he had better ry white man .will bring his prisoner to Canada by "one is enough for Me."
go and � I _1P which no ordinai Eore the dark fore six o'clock the eagle slipped irect route through tfie United ,,Would you like anything that I watching for the enemy. �
� adopt, and thereJ can sap- the d diately Davidson have in my cart?" asked the wag- It is ka curious fact that birds,
. . .� . ntly into the dom- noiselessly off'the nest and in all States, for, imme Without Making any ba,cteriolog,ical I
I "SQUARE" THE'JUDGE . A. FATAL SROT. - intrude permane -ess peared from sight, having ins country, he could oner, impressed by this generos- -examinations, .
� t out on a fora- set foot in that are as quick to de -
I ain of the, fair with more suce probability se 0 re -
if he wished to obtain justice.. Our an An Englishman and than the fair can intrude into the expedition." . have demanded to have been - N-�Yes, said the man. "Take this tect cholera as the most skilful 11
did nothing of Duel Behve leased, There was, therefore, no has often been no -
friend, of course, domain of the dark." bi,
the kind, and so lost the case, . a Frenchman. se of _44— th o.r..il.bat 1,.O convey him dollar back, too. I had better have me,dical man. It
ic tieed in India that birds at once
Add to this the rapid incre-a, w ing ' a 8, a d, England, ana some rice and some beans." The
� . It. is extremely easy to find false Among the less known writers of the darker races, compared with . ay of -w ,a bag desert an infected district. I
'witnesses in Spain in these days, and ON'S TRIBUTE. thence back across the Atlantic to The wagoner handed ova first sign that the epidemic is dy-
but less than a hundred years ago,. the nineteenth century was Samuel the slow increase of whites, . - When, after the battle of Jana, Quebec. I of eatables, arid then held out five eturn. Twe same thirlg
. Rogers. He kept -open house, and the doom. of the white man is in I rs, which, however, the labor- ing is. their r ins the 11 � I
when false witnesses in civil cases - I TO THE RESCUE- d -011a w' noticed in Ireland dur I
. frequently entertained Dickens, evitably suggested. . Napoleon invaded Prussia' he ,1�is RESOURCE I er refused. a4 ,
were punished with ten, years con Pet- ited Potsdam, which -contains the ek money,,, terrible year 1831. 1
- Macaulay, Carlyle, and other cele- Then there, is Dr. Flinders ,age Mtirray kePt Dav- "Take them for Ill , been
I -demnation -to the galleys and their brities of the time. Rogers was a . ptologist, who views mortal remains. of the Prussian On the voy ation, al- said tile wagoner. fli owe you The strangest beliefs hava
, I
,property confiscated, it could have notable wit, but unfortunately his" r1e) the Egy zation with a lofty kings. The -sepulchre of Frederick idson under close obsery 0 uld- held about cholera. Many ignOr- I
I 'been no easy matter to find any- present day civili igh allowing him considerably that," and only so was the wo ant people used to believe that the
n of dealing with th-a Great occupied a Prominent thol Froest allowed -
� �one ready to commit perjury. A thrusts were not always tempered detachment bor ,more freedom than had be robber persuaded to accept- disease lay bottled UP in vOleall
I . . with kindness. Irving, in a letter eighty centuries. Inhis book "The site in the mausoleum. When en- ir, When, however, he e out -when an eruP-
. -perjurer was also looked upon as says "I dined tete-a-tete with him Revolution of Civilization," be tering the Wter, Napoleoll uncov- B alf 01: _+ oes, and cam
I N got safely a�, lax, 99 London, he was
non compos.mentis. � ' up ered his hea,d, and went dii. ictly UP ed to I tion took place. Others thought it
some time since, and be served attempts to reduce to diagram the NO ROOM. 1,y only those' who were
, In olden days if the accuser con- S in fhe noted both mortified and astonish
Ish, movement of human progres * to the sarcophagus of
si4ered that he had not sufficient his friends as he served up his f learn that there, was the extreme -swept aw, ,h to sleep in beds, I
. .11 . with a squeeze of lemon over each. the arts, sciences and acquisiti�0118 -warrior. Dr likelihood of his having bad all his "Bertie," said the hospitable hos- unwise enoug ted due north.
1. proof After the witness had given I a moment the Conquerl 5, with the head poin
k It was very,piqualit, but it set MY 'of wealth covering the period from For tess at , a Sunday -school treai I I
, evidence he prayed that the accus- I a trouble for nothing. on Answers. I
. teeth on edge." 600 B.C. to the present age. stood still, -seemingly absorbed ii. that a
,. ed might be �ortured, A witness the fore. , The law, lie, was told, "Won't you eat ,some more cook- -Lend
, r, k q4____--1_
- I .; I This same caustic flavor of his I -b may come as something of A deep thought. Then with . soner ,extradited from a f oreign ies 11, I .
, also if perceived varying in his ans- wit is, shown in a .story he was fond shook to the modern mind to find finger of his right hand he wrote Prl � T,M. tull I" sighed Ber- IOUSLY.,
.�� wers ad. In still of telling to the discredit of French nineteenth -century alrb, Placed on the word "Napoleon" in the dust country to a British Colony could "I can't.
could b6l,tbrtured in the same )mpous gentleman
manner as the acdus . ban the Egypt stone casket, and turn- not be kept in -custody in E 11gland tie. - "Look I The pc ` .
earlier, days the accused and the valor. a lower pedestal t iall of the buge i said: , for longer than t-,venty-four hours, "Well, then., put some in your at the other table has tucked his �
accuser I were tortured that the An Enqliahman -and a V renchmaxi. art of 4000 B.C., and also to Ob- ins to his marshals, . I nor could he be taken, as a, pr I ison- pockets." �re full, too," wa"; napkin �naer his chin witboVt at -
might be proceeded with , had got into a wordy squabble, serve that present day art is be- "Gentlemen, if he were living board a British ship sailing IlIcan't. They tricting .attention."
cause in downward in , , � "Would ,not be heria," er, on � I I I �
, a By which it which led to mutual insults and a ginning to move . . from a British Davidson the regretful answer. 'He must be rich."
,�eeit r certainty. the
I . ill challenge. Nothing -could save ,LE. � OF DE CAY. ------.,P I Here was diloemrt;aal. . "And he is eating peas with -his
I be seen that Spain has in some A cyc . I . air -had he only -_ � Pk— knife." �
xespects progressed I � I honor of either of them but a, duel. 3etrie says that the advance of was as free -as equal I
�, But duels were not fought to kill, Dr, I I S HARD TO MASTER. knowii it. But M113186Y Was - A Highlander or. his death-'Ud "Gracious, he must be wealthy!"
i If a Person in� Spain contests a a to strife, strife TONGUE . k
't 'if When Even serious wounds were 'Lin- ,civilization is du -ion, "Look here, Dav
I wi the decision is at last d man, or strife One of the diffi ulties of learning' to the occas (I got you safe. called in a, lawyer in order to make "And lie's stirriug his coffee with
guag h idson," he sa�d, I've I I .
pronounced there is rarely ever Pleasant, and a more scratch would between man an4 a Samoan Ian c e is that eac out his pill. The ,,awyer, after get- his fork I"
. gL left answer the purpose much better, of man With nature. The enorilious t4 of the
� an thin for the victorious � Wit have aecumulation of capital and Wealth, noble has & private dialect of his There is Only the last stage allow ting pe'ri, paper, and ink, asked ,,Great Jupiter, he must be le. ,� .
. ,q ,,Necios y.porfiados bac xx So that the antagonists ml� . plate, 11 I I ( millionaire I, I � .
, Lr . e matched journey to corn] 'Well," said the . . �
,�� par Y. hich is one of the. features of this wn, but the difficulty is 11 with Me as an him to pr -II -
, . . ter.,bliaxice, -of missing One an- W . ,� itself, mccordin 0 complication to cer- you to tra,vel sal,00
'ricos loj� lerados" (fools and ob- a bet . g to him, by -a linguistic will Highlander, "I would like to leave 'And he hasn't tipped the wai .
��!'. �_*-'.,.. I t�o a dai k age, is in � of Polynesia. In the Ord' first-41ass Passenger� .
-stinate people make lawyers rich). other, they repaired - t�n other parts inary.
: L � a cause of decay becaluse it dimin � -your Word to play me P,2,000 to MV Ivifo,and ;92oo to each ter ill
I "This proverb is true of every coun- room, 8 need ior incessant an,d Gilbert Islands tile man and wom- me I hildren, and ;0500 to "All, I said 110 was a million- �. I
. , I - All readiness. Tho Sig- islies th � You give 1) I . I of my seven 0 rupted vire I" � ,�
; try but especially of Spain, was in . W speg6k literally a different Ian- no tricks I Vids0n, the C,Ihurch." ",But," inter' . . I I . : I ,�. I
, � The Englishmano daily exertion..'. To this prbpositi,on Da I I
. . I
. . , I �awyers charges in Spain offer nal was given, erve, his foe To. f I orins of government he as- gilage� The'dilficulty of mutual in' nothing of the real state the, lawyer., in surprise, "I bkd no He was. —.I,,--- . " I . . . I . . ,�, . I
. .anotherlreason for avoiding law- no less eager to Pres the open signs little influence and import- tercourse is overcome by making, knowing, ere so Tichi Don- �
I no scale of fees. than himself, groped to . ever, is the the Women use the masculine of �r..tffairs, was na,turajly quite ide's '0 that you w n f act, I've Put the sugar used in 9, tttrt'in I � , 1 I
. I
suitg as they have . I : Democracy, how 0 agrea, And so it Came to ald. "Neither am I; i . ,:''�',
I as firepla,ce, He pointed his � pistol UP ance. -g to I � ,
,The ?f.rU--,,.A' above Monti I Of decl, ,the men, ready t ' e�ter I layers with tile fruit, not on the top',
� oned w, . . ine. tongue when talkin most notorious practically nðing, only J
�y and fired. g themselves it is taboo. And one of the � a,ke the p � - �
, ohimne cause and symptom
11 Iiii the pass that - astrY .
I -hen be received, big 1: majorit.y without capital ne- Amoni '11 -Own doe th for that is apt to M � I . , ,, 1
i,,,,.atnaze�d v "A . . ollt e , OY'll al ken the good w . � ,",'I-:''. I" , . � I
. , �". ,1 - '' �
, �
, �
[jwyer;� E xpect- nd by.Jove," Rogers was W I "Th their he I I
1rom I-oi- flpanisY, I the capital of the the men do not trouble ids criminals Canada has ever L Nodden. .
I l`%6 brouilit down the. ,cessaxy. eat UP , 1, , fraoiL yet not h400 lor thel&,#?� "I 11 I . I � , : ..",
J iI $60 JribyJL and tl* I � . �
-iribg a b hi li� received in- to exclaim I , oi-vili7,ation about the other. owne hopao in ,�tataj I � ;:
.1stead our o� $300- So he went to Frenchmoln'l", M=0 � : . . � � I I .1 . ..
� I I i I I ..
. I
. . . I � I . I I I . I . � . I I . . I I I I � . I � . -
, , I .
. � I I . I . I . . � � . . � I
. � �
I I I I . I I �
� I I . I � I I I I . I , I 1, I I I I . � , , I � . . I I . I . I . . I L . I : � . . . I.. 1. ��
. . . I . I I I I I � I . � I I I 1. . L, .1, 11
. . .. � I . I . I "', . . 4 . �. . I . . � � . 11 I . . I . I . '� � . 4 � . � I . . I I I � 'k I . � � . , , ",
I I I I . . . � . � I . I . I I I . . . � , I . . I ,,�
I 1. � I . I , � .� L . 1, � . . . I I ,. . I . . . . I .1 �. . 1. . � , , I
I � � I I 1. I , .__ , � - __ .... ... .. � ..... _ __ _ __ _. I � -.-1-,-- '. - ' '� � '� .... - " - �!L ' -, 1. . I 11
I 11 . � IIIIIIIIIIIIII , - 1. I "I �! . 1.11 . - .1. It -1 -1. I—. . — . , I . L "' . .. 1. . � - L _ _ . ...... � � , __ ., � � � .. . _. .., . �.