HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 10__ r""�""rt �,- �­- "I � - . I I � I I -.1--1 11 1. I 1-11-11-11 __._._,__. I - I �__ � -1--l.. I - - ­ 11 I I 1. .. I - . I ­__,.:;;"_ ­­­­ - 1-1 I � - . I --- 1117 . I I 1 '400""w".­­� ­�­ ...... . I -.1, " , ­ , , "I � . . . - � , 11 1. � 1. 1, i I , ..,.-: m��,.�., V, �,_�":� �, 4-"­A.*0bV*1_, 7- . i I �__ - I- 11 � � I I � ! , . ilm . IMT .1 1. , . . I. I . m� � �-. . I I I I I pol-willillm",_ , 010, , " " I " � I . . . - ---_11-1-_- , . .-.-. "I""W7�r-101.1w,"".40 1 11 � " I I I I I I I 11 I . . �, I I 1� .. I I 1. . . � I 1, I __"1W1_W1`1PF I WN NVNPP1011� "I, �O,P"""Wllw ,_ A �, I . "� .I � : , �, 1" � ", I . I . . I � I I I . .. I I I .,,,� � I I I I . I 1. I ( 1. . . I I I . 1. .. . ,,, . . . � � � � I . . I I � / I - I I � I . I I . , ;� . I .1 . I . I., � . . I ,,�',_ I I", � I . I I I . . . � I I � I 11, I _ I I I I I THE X"E VR TIMES . .. I .. i", � . . . . . ­ � XJ X T I I I � 11 . . I 11 . .1. I I , r, _1 �. I--.----- 1. I I � . "WA*"* -.-"0"*#"_ .... 11.1111, ;, � � . - ­.. , 0 0. .1 6, m! � ! !. I" �14 !M% 1 M . I . I I . I . I i . 1. I . I 1 611 1 � I .�, " � �i 'I; , I . � - __ .1 �.. .- I . 1. . , � m - ,., I . I 1 6 — 1. . i I I . , 0 b1ft 0 I I V1P*%1XL-'1 .R,... 'A - ` ' ' ' ' ` q � � All *0141 "i -so ­= 'i' . I i , I Vverpool and obicer"o Wheat I , ,: 6 . � "I" STEP NOT NEEDE A9 SINDAY SCHOOL 4 4 -F,ut"ro.f., . . 6 . . . . I. I . Can be Directly. . . . � -ligbo'-Live Stock- I , 11 . .. , I li close I r . I . . I I I J OV _� t l,A1r#,r I 1 ! n KI . I Latest Quotations. 1. 1, . . .0 MCI; V. V 1, 4 =1AV1CFr VW%qQWq . WVV North Atlantic Lin Expec rter, For I .. . I 1. I . . es F ,ted Les CJ-1JQAGO, May 20.-Perll from deficient I , I and tion FiZ711rig te � � i 1� , � . Imperial sys�tem. to Oliaoard Ag.rooMent. I ' 10 1= w1heat .(,roll Ill, I� ... . ''. . � June 4,, '1911. thr ag tile * 1111110t,"'allZ I ;, 1. BAD BLOOD. . 1. - __ . . . . I kr.pt speculators to -day in a bullish I " . . , trood. Closing prices Nvere Own at last I I 1. I J � Phore-fore to get rid of thes . Fisiv-R FAVORS P"ANGE G. P. R. IS TUE LEADER TH4.rINTIERNATIONAI; SERIES., WgIrt's level to %a above, The end of I . a skin dis- , the dqr left corn %o to %c up and oats I _ I i : -it 1% absolutely necessAr - . 1. � ­ . Lit au advance of 1,4c to 1A.c. In.pr=ons mages g that the I . . I the outcome varied from 12%. to. I I Q'Id alhould be thoroughly 0. eArMed of . Me decline. - I . I 11 � ,�� I .1 . a ulated poisons, �,=d for this Ilustralials Pramier Commands $ugges* Danadian Pacific S4ryes Notice That Toxt of tho Lesson, John XIVj 16..27. The Liverpool market closed to -day -YAd' C . .. 1 But, tions of the Home Government Re- It Will Not Be a P.-rty Again to,the Momojr� Verses, 25 -27 -Golden Textt to %rd higber thau Yesterday on whoato. , I so there is nothing to equ . , � ia � 11-io - � and ua hli,hor on corn I . I ­. I 0 � 0100 �4;4040. garding the Functions of the Im, AsLondon" Compact Which Expires John - . .4 " The 110'ad You Umre Always L-lo-agilt' and wMell, has been I . .has been on the market . xiv,16--commontary Prepar44. Winnipeg Optioni, I I . . P . I � .( This, remedy perial Conferfmce - Premiers, I , . thirty-five years and when Y014 on June SQ -1t Gave Canadian bY Rev. D. M. Stearns. . Close, Open. High, Low. Oloafi,l in use fox, Ove,r 80 years, ha's borne tlxe SigAVA'are, of , , I . Wheat_ , ., , �� A =a I it 151A � , �, _,.w and ha.3 bee I do under his per- . 1 ,,, �, r, ay -.�� 95% - t ,,. , 1, 1: I . P,,,r,, very aro not e Lines the Work and V. S, As Israel's penitence and God's par- M, _ 95% 95 96 :, I Po �X't ou , ,. xperimenting with Laurier and Morris Content fg. , b ( 0 ,,, -,, � . � Allow Things to Stand, Companies Got ,the Money. 05% 06 961/8 95% 9153% . _ 1� '11 superVIS10,31L. since its Infancy. � bmenew and untried remedy. ,u y - : � oell. � , ; ,,4 , I . r 1, . . don, according to Koo. xly, the kegu� Oet. ,:::* 88% 881A 88% . , , �7 `,- I n - , � Wiss Stella Bioliel, Maitland Forks, I . 87% Wls 4 Allow zo one to dece!N,re Tau In this. il� l . S., writes, ­J11 have been bothered L'Indon, Alay 27­(C.A.P. Cable.)- Montroal, May 27.-T,he prospects of lar lesson for the day, can only be by Oats- I - M,t`,oni as -good", are but � 1. . May 363A 361A 26YA 36% All Counterfeits-, In -0o, .1 . . and 4"Just- . "t1i Salt Rheum on mX hands for three VVh(n the Imperial Conference yester. a rate war in thn Atlantic shipping the 1191Y Spirit, we 'will consider brief- July V 37 . F , : al. .. i ::::.: Vivs 37% 11% "' jmxverlments vin't tz'_.'*10 -relth ind endanger fte be -11th Of � ' , -i I �rs,arxdit itobedso I didn't know what :lay'cunsidered the New Zealand1pro. trade, -was the principal topic of dis, ly that less, on but give most of the Toronto, Grain Market. . I r,,xperio-tice, gigainst �E xperlmeixt� , ... � -do. I tried everything but noth, posal for reorganization of the Golon� du5sion in shipping circles yesterday. tim, , I � I I Ymfk1nta and ChIlld-m—i ed to be any good. I heard Ing � . e to tile gospel lesson. it is as Wheat, tall, bushel ........ ;O 85 to ;O � .k'ep�`m of . . It now appearti 'ihat the Canadian. they shalllook u 1'�i w th 0-801, , I r ll-� 11"Mh . A rd , , -I.. "I .11 , . ock Blood Bitters and bought two Lai , Office, Harcourt .,ut,rnitte 116 1 . . It . Upo m hom OY Wheat, fall, cenml ... 11, ... 0 86 R, a, , ' S. m1A - �botaes of it, and now I am perfectly ,-hunl-tts uu,- Government v.-ae, propaxed , -�,m CA 'O ('' * ­ 11 t' Pac-ific, which occupies as influential have pierced when they shall see Him Wheat, goose, busilel ...... 082 1 1 Wnex g, I I place n the National Conference as . coming In glory, that the Lord will pour Rye, bushel ................ 0 - 70 49 . I . 11 the ,A , . ''A and have no Salt Rheuni on my � to ill6titute. The standing committee Ish party does in the' British Oats, bushel ................ 0 42 :::.* Castorh,b Is a haruAnss S-atiptitate, for Oastor Oil, Pare- .. � any more. I cannot speak too k t� upon the house of David and the in- Barley, bushel ... � .......... 060 ..0. .� I I i�-V of Burdock Blood Bitters." A tll;, conferellice would ]�,' absolute� Elouse of Commons, has been a leader liabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of Buckwheat bushel ........ 0 48 'U 60 gor-le, ]Drops and Eootlillag SyrUPS. It Is PICaScult- It . 11 !1, advisory and nut exoeutive. in the insurgent movement and a Peas, bushel ............... 078 080 colat-.1jus ncittler op u.1n, liforphine nor other xarcotic� ... 003Vufactured only by The T. U11burn . * considerable time ago gave ii�tice that grace and of supplication, and, there I Toronto Dairy Market, ! . I - - I I .. i , 6,'r Wilfrid Laurk,r suld that Can� . is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , * ! I . ., i.mited, Toronto, Out. . a.43 was quite satisfied vdth the it would not again be a party to the shall,be a witional mourning and a B store lots ............ 16 00 1700 i substance, Its "Age , - Puesent system. If the otll�n parts ,Qf agreement, undor %�-hich all the prin- national forgiveness (Zech.':dl, 0; xM, B -null -1: separator, dairy, lb. 19 00 2000 1 and allays FevC.-visliness. It cux,cs Diarrhma and Wind i I I 11 S.. 0 22 023 ! , ===___=_____ -- — ci�al shipping lines on the North At- 1). Then shall Hos. xiv be fulfilled, Buttar', creamery, lb, roll , " d6p()$-Qa to press creamery, so ids .... 022 .... __ t1W EMPI .re Vl%�X`L' utter - weething "TrOubles, Cures Constipatiomi. . �"11 I I colic. It rellevc�) . � . -1 "I ." - LONELINESS. I larilic, have been -svorking. Thi agree- and after that He will pour out His Eggs,' new-lald ._ ........... 019 6 ... I . and rilatulency. It 4,4idniflates the )Foodp Zle,Pdates the , �; � I th,� suggestion oi a division. of the ment, which is known as the "London 0 Is Sal new, lb .............. 013 :133111 11 . I I .. I L�Xis:tim'; orgailizailoil of tIlti Colonial Spirit upon all flesh (Joel fl, 27, 28)'. ' Steitnacli, and :D(yjv0J,s, gJ,,%,jxxg, healthy and natux'fll sleep. - oftiei� agreement," has since been extended Cheese, lb., .................... 0 14.1h 015 ; ! , Canada would not ralse any It Is 6nly by the same Holy Spirit Honeycombs, dozen ......... 2 So M . The CItildren's T�I'auace:,%--Tllie Xother's Friend. I I i 'Mien the winds of winter howl ubjection. The standing committee temporarily on two oceasions, bat it 1.1ioney, ext,.cted, lb ......... 010 0 � � . i . � I [1 I -a are a-crunchinit had, however, ra,swd it more Serious that believers In this present age can. Montreal Grain and Produce. I � .1 1! And the Iceberg expires finally on June 30. � And the -polar bearlete growl. This agreement not only f-irbids know the meaning of sin and right- � . " - 7*""' l'-"' I . eousness and Judgment,by IM617ing Je- MONTREAL, May 26. -The foreign do. 4 Z� IT CIL.,.) R I AALWAYS' '�. " And the Eskimo then murmurs, ty. If it w��s proposed to sab- � Z" � , -.1 I dlfficu� � GENUFWE­"`2�� , � 1 '4 None oan half so loneby be." o that e(liurnittoe matters affect- �glut h*ta " r�ln ruxiiiing to ports d for Manitoba spring wheat con- 0��X � ` � , . i 'a' ! man 0 �L mit t "'i I � , � � * , y i sus ClirUt as the great sin bearer and . I � Xet the baueball tan In winter ivag one dunlillon regarding which heir riv,als, bat not up to tinues very slow, but there is a fair in-, ' I . , I �cn time of the - 'e 1 .-gr I I :� the t1gre-emont served by by seeing in Eris Sufferings h0W hate- quiry for oats and, as bids w o94 23 .ars the Sig .ature O' i� 1 Is far lonesomer than be. . t�ior,� inigh; bv differoiieo.� of op' i . I . 1101 � " ?i � I inion them, but also brouzht into effect an ful sin Is to God. Jesus Christ can some buslue�w was done for June -July I I .1 ., ­ . . U,�tweea 1.11", Ilowo Governinont and - shipments. The local market was firMl ", ­ c, I P0 : i; .� " - , I' only be a great.Saviour to such as under an improved demand for car lots. �, I . , .q �, I It is fearsoink. In the jungle arrangement by �, Iii li all the. in -.mi , " ': I � t.i,, �:overnn,t:rit evinerned, he thought ' Ic' -,,,,9 �'s . In the silent tropic night . P ;.� grant traffic-wbich is a huge pa,N' great Sin. A fair volume of business continues to be i I 1� - I, � When. no Living thing is stirring I wuall prory 'Llulbrous and unsatis- busineas-wag pooled, each veseel 'lng have seen themselves to be done In flour at fIrm prices. There is a X"t,��&,�zj�o -9-- 11 1 get- - ,V.�;? ,�� , In the pale and ghastly light, i'altorv, The status of the high com- ners. 'Paul saw himself to be the chief good demand for Manitoba bran for 0% . .. " . � . . h pr of the tot;il pro. . .404�92 " " ' I � And the savage breaks the silence . misaiouers and to him Jesus Christ unt, and sales of 2000 tons WerO 44� 0 .: �, 1. -y were not only the representa� I -00-0 Ma,y-June shipment at $16-50 to ; 1_0!:IZ5�1 . , �. Te�as of such traffic as was allotell t,) of sinners, =.9r.r 'i � 'r, � ;e"'� _�; was somewhat delicate. /-.d WU "I" KW6 i With a sigh, "Ah, woe is moll', . . I Tht- Fort William. I I . i �:"� I Met the bast -ball fan in winter her by the conference, regardless Of wag such a great Saviour that, he could sm.50 por ton, The trade I ,4 ,:. I I I I t:ves of autonomous Governments to I in all lines of cured meats Is fairly so- i , �11, : I is tar lormlz;orner than be. ' " the number of ininii-rants she earr'ed. I think or talk of no one else. It will be ,� -41n4ain, but also confidential agents, * tive. Receipts of Cheese are increasingp' mmit er their conversion there will be IL na, eaVort account. Butter -is quiet� and thdi, ,;:�V - a � I ­ Thus, if a boat was allowtAd a per- � just so with his people Israel, and aft, and a more active trade is passing for : .,--" On the farin and in the village nloli� *u have *outldential conversa- --- � 11 I I centage on the basis of 500 immlgrant�: � I A I : L " . , Time lvtalri� leaden on n'l hands. *i a vvith th,- 6t-ert,tary of State and . - demand for eggs is good. : e Mad You I, .n Always Bought . : .1 i Volks are sighing, folks are crying, �ol`,,ss mattor.- w!."eh it niight be un- per trip, her owners would be paid tion of Pauls to make Jesus Christ Beef -plate, half-baxrels, 100 lbs., $&25; � , I 'Cause thov've lonely in all 1-:nds. I , pa,,�� ii,gers whether she varri�d � 200 lbs., ;16; tierces, 300 lbs., ri n U,s' For 0, ve ' 30 Years I �. 1-1rable to h,�-iuile in an official ') �� known to all the world. barrels, 0 V � . But the bns,?ball fan in winter, 1,�,ptiwli. Th� . 900 or twenty -This applied to . THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. 1: ­ - 4 When mi athlete swats the ban, . . I In this preseilt age it every believer 1 $'23*50' . , . kv re. -�1.--!zt t"("�_-'-' committee all the vessels running to Nlorth At. . Lard -Compound tierces, 876 lbs., 9YA,c*.� I ! hi `.'It ilia. _�!!.Mllaflon:- suitable 1 ,, - � X n I l 11 . ry I i I Is the ant- w io gets our pity. I I I was. filled with the Spirit as our Lord boxes, 50 lbs.. net (parchment lined), VIAO; 1 . -'�"'71,,�l 77 7 7: ., ., , - - - I �.�,�lli�,.�.�".4.,7,-,-"�-�,�i-, � , t-4� h . I. I _�� ,, ,,, ,�� 't I � � _ ­ I , . ­ - ____ , �_� , 4� ____� Children Cry for l I M . I . I , of t�,. 6%q) - re and not to an por s, ruix., a 4 uA it! (It a - the ' tubs, 50 lbs. aet, grained, two handle-%, � I Hels 0, 1,niesomest of all. i .., ""I" ��a�*, :, .' f ax. � Jesus 'would like us to be then I ,­ _D � aI., .4,�r. I 1, . He 'Ll il A � 9%c; pails, wood, 2D lbs. not, 9%c; tin, I enver Republican. ill see what good - -_ - ---.—.. I I 1�,,;; I,. �) 4e vv,�uld b+. svrved. The effect of the -ugro?vrn,,nt is con- world that seeth not and knoweth not pails-, 20 lbs. g ­ c �4 ____ : - . roq,l, 9 . — �.:,�, I - sidered to havo been �1,-trhuL-atal rath,' and cannot receive the Spirit of truth Pork-Reavy t;auada short cut mess,' - . . A Perjured Pair. Proniii-r Fish,�r said that the stand- ' barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, $21.50; half -barrels.' . , . er than otherwise to Canadl X -k, 46 to He Had His Tea. ­________. __ _ . I I C,)n1m, �'.. � king, itte ' something of Jesus Christ $11; Canada short cut and back P, I re SI%t eni, tli+- great furniture U g ' ete would seem to extend I ping. There has .a bo 65 pieces, barrels, $21.50; CaneAa clear I . t - . commissioner in. Om in His people, and many would want 11 Wedded Peer's Niece. , - g made his pi down tae functioLs of the arrels� go to 35 pieces, $2D; bea3i "Jack said Mr. 13 � . le, had settled in int ,gration to Canada t'M p b rown to his -only London, May 26.-(C-A.P. C&Vle.)�-, I to) thv,-:�� of consultative authority. A �11 t the to kno* Him. "The Spirit always tes- Orr,k: t1s,t, barrels, $16.50. eoxi� ana heir, "I've got a good ininal, I I 0 pumults of a country gentleman. � Canadian ves.,els have lj�,,,n 4cided to p small pieces, bu .1 1.1- .1, . t 1111,z existed ill favor of Dominion tWes of Christ, teaches things concern- oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 41C to, to-wnd you to bed without any teat"i The wedding of Mx. Olaude Bryan, son: �, � invited his friend Plane Mg a -, I,,; coming under the Fareign Of, capacity whia itawl.,,rants on almost 41y - feed., i I "" - ,ger , 2c, car lots, ex -store; extri No. 1. of Canon Bryan of Toronto, and W1 ,, , I a a stay ,,vith him. 111.ii r every trip, asid th - n�siiit .;a� been Ing Him, guides into all truth, shows 40%e to 40%c; No. 3 C.W., 40C to 401AC No ' Jack -Why, d -ad? n , 11 f fiev. On the gexi+!ral question, as I i, lo, I white, 89%, to M, � 0, 3 'loca Dad -I hear that you have disobey- Annette Fumess, n�ecei of Lord Fuit., * . . ,that good m,:,,i,-,-.t- ,,:_*,xd by ,!­ Cana- us things to come and brings to re, C4 , - . day, armed with the latest ap- I Laurier had- said, the old constitu- Wb!t4e,, Sk to 39yie; No. 4 local -hIte, M ed your grandmother, who told you ness (almost better knoWn4 as .�Mt.� N , " - What we have read or - , , �� 'I than lines has lot -�_'. - I. beoii zianded membranco . I to 3w -,C. not to slide down the banister, an7d Christopher Furr "I ces for dealing out sudden death I t� al had rubbed along -very w , iess, the well-im . c'll up over by thern to t�-_v�­ �Lii,�,-iean rivals. heard about .Jesus (John 3iv, 16, 17,26; �� �. g in the game line, he and l� till now, but Sir Wilfrid represented . I I MoUiLldanitoba spring wheat patent-% tinued to do so. nolth of England shipbuilder), � - - . xv, 26; xvi, 7-13).. He is specially "the firsts- $5.im, secouds, $4.80; winter wheat, You con plicce at St. Mark's Church, X= I � friend trudged over the brown fur- � a gr .,!,,' , D*minion which had not hesi. patents, $4XO to �4.75; strong bakers, $4.60;, Jack -Grandma didn't -tell me not I 6- otra) -lit I I but at the end of three hours ' *a%d 'o, nialze inn-uvations. He might A.LL FAV07'TES WIN. Comforter" (partakelos) and Is so ' - rollers, K10 to ;4.25; in bagss to, dad. She only came to me A.-adley street, London, yesterday. TbW-, 1 N--' --- 11 gt,.-� a lead in thi- - _. -.*.., - . and were still looking for something I I '*­� 11" . called four times in these verses just $I.S5 to $2. . Bishop of Ripon, Dr. Boyd O Daxpente4­ -_ ! ') * Roiled oats -Per barrel, $4.55, bag 0-1 90. said, "I wouldn�t slide down those officiated, assisted by Re -;r. J. Croix-' 1, rt the bag with. y endeav,:.-ring It, �4- 1,61'des Carry Off All Events at referred to. lbs., $245. ; Imnisters, my lad." - J I , 17, I � :1.,ii"'i-onp- " ­ - the Woodbine. So we have a comforter in the pres- Corn -American, No. & yellow, 60o to, 610., Dad -Well? I - .4 li . I � , , shaw, rectar of St. Marles. A recep ­ ', [" I e. � . . ddenly a hare got up. Bang came � . ­­WX , , ZU � - Woodbi­i, Ravo Track, Toromt-o, May ence of the Father and a Comforter Milifeed-Bran, Ontario, $Z2­MaMItoiba, Jack -Well, dad, I shouldn't think. tion. was afterwards held at 23 Uppm, , � Hire Sistem, bang frow T" M; middlings, OntaxioA2150 tw sm; shorts,' � �1, ,. _,, enter into nego- 27.-T.Lie.races _1,d yesterday as fol- : Brook street, the residence of the-. � ,�� � er, - dwelling in us, but more wonderful Manitoba, $23; mouillie, $26 to W. she would, au old lady, like her. ,� and ovar W-' , �tl. bride's uncle. " I - - " . discussions as offieers of lows. , i, , " � I I �L� I . . still, according to verses 17,23, Father, F,ggs-Fresh, lMe to Ise. Should you, dad? * I .. .1 ,.. , - j-pomi=ons responsible to their Gov. First race, 1 mile, purse $500, for Cheese�Westems, UlhC to U%C. Mr. Brown didn't pass an opm*,*on, I J � - ., - .urn:lture ernments. maiden 3 and 4 -year -olds -Supervisor, Son and Holy Wnit all dwell in us it i Butter -Choicest, 211h -c to 22c; Sec0aldS, Efrockville Methodists Protest. i I I �'. I'� � 1, Premier Morris wbz satisfied with Ist; Ganoque, 2nd; Allaneen, 3rd. we are true believers and make our, 20%c to 21c. thinking it best to let things .dTop'.-�- � .: �' ". �, Iiiii friend. . the present arrangements. Time, 1.4-2 2-5. bodies their abode, or mansion, for the � I London Ideas. Brockville, May,26.-In view of the7 I I . I , .trp!l' cried. . "ne temerg�' decree the BrockvilkI :�, . � .-Th' , argued for ten minutes as to Premier Asquith said he did not Second race, 41-2 furlongs,, purse word translated "abode" in verse, 23 Is CATTLE MARKETS. � 4 Stories of "Old Q." A- . : , !V — I I � �Iethodist distrkt, at its annual inee . �_� I � .1 wish to press the suggestioris unless $5W, for two-yeaT-old filfies-Eton. . �'11, \,_.�,_.��; . vreapon had worked the mis. the very same word which is translat- � . The �'wickemesls­ of "Old Q." (the Ing, placed on record it strongest Vi,o-: I . . 1- Then the keeper was called they should meet with general a.p. Bim, ist; Wildweed, 2nd; Rod and ed "mansion" in verse 2, and it is used East Buffalo Cattle Market. Duke of Queensberry) has passed;into. test against any brandhof the-oliirawi 11 � � ' , - upt proval. He felt it would satisfy th�s Gma, 3rd. Time, .65. nowhere else, although the verb from . a proverb, but two tAles of Ins otfi,W mald,ag encroachment upon,. the; Ao­:�_ __ � L' I E,AsT BuFF-41,0, may 26.-Cattl-Re- . . ,low and st6adY: I .." .1 I ceipts, SW head; market s I I _.. VidJudicate. real want of the conference if they Third race, about 21-2 miles, purs! ,Which the noun comes is used a great xrIi. Ydr., main of the state, and pledged ttlem­. ___J ; � . q You'd take your oath it's your 'are, postponed deai_,ion. Hunters . prime steers, $6.25 to $6w45; butcher grades, trajis may be quoted frona selves -to resist in all le timate w I " 1�: , you 211 he tamed to Hire Sistenj 1 $500, Stanley Barracks Cup, rold's "The Beaux and the Dan.dies" I 9i ays, �%, � . Steeplechase Handioap, 19 jumps, for anany times And is variously translat $3 to $6. I J ; Calves -Receipts, 2000 head- market ac- One is thdt he "paid a dootor tol.keep Lill ,attempts to lessen the -validity of' "a � _ ihe prin � 7- Police Hoaxed. hunters foux-year-oldis and lip, gentle- ed-abidos, remain, dwelL continue.- tive; 6c higher; ouli to ehot�e, $5.50 to V. �. . -,L-,' k��, men riders -Prince Hampton, ist; Ex. Sheep and Lambs-Reeeipts, io,aii head; VV61 i ciple of organiq union 21- , � � ,, , � .necessary, certainly.l' Hamilton, May 27.-A hoax - the It Is impossible to fully grasp such a 25 low- him well, deducting fees when; he S, I Methodist, Congregational and P I ,1 � ,, g f,� r, C$1 1,0 i c 0 ilL and thus whet he died left, hi ; � . _ I You'd swear Itwas your lare?,P strmtture of which was built in the cise, 2nd; Delmar, 3rd. Time 5.19 4-5. trath, and yet it. Is stated agala and ; market slow*, c to Boo to to . :, ,_ : , i ,b, terian Churches, a . lambs, $7.40 to $7.50; Cull physician his creditor for $50,000, and- , I � %, _ ently to Plane Figger. Fourth (race, 6 fnrlomgs, purse $500, again in such words as thesd* "Ohrist ! $7.25., yearlmgs, $5.50 to $5.75, sheep, $2. 1 I - 7.�,� " , c imaginations Of tWo b0yS - is UOW * I t the other that "there was a populax - _ ould.11 for maiden three-yeax-old and up, liveth ju me," "That Christ may dwell o $4.75. Incendiarism Suspected. . : ` 41 I �hen thought to thave been played on the 7610, � narket 100 ..n ilk. .. 7 1 . ` " c to don at this time becausd it was I c � - � i, - oke mola, 2nd; Placexland, rd. Time, ts �6_40 ��O " Ro " ' � the duke bathed each of Samuel T * R_ ' yor i I - P.. & !-.d, ­: escapin' Ileven years apiece fog ported to the police that ChaHes Free- Zesus"made manifest in our body" I v ; pig $, $'- believed that . Kirk, grocer, was de -1 - , _ . ra I -- -5. . � 1 5 to $6.30. I . � , rough. t� % ' . I I Canadian bred-Blantan, __ ­i� - � - market 5 Lidice agai st drinking mi � 7650, .in , think yourself Jolly luck3l local police department. It was re. 1st; Com- In your hearts by faith," "The Ufa of I bl ai Kingston, May 26. -The entire stociki 3 � er 1.161 st�hp!5 -A to ' 1 �� Pi�!.;-ry, cos it lappens ter be my do.-.'& man, a boathouse -keeper, had seen to $6- 14hea , r,2 $5.25 stroyed by fire, which started fromatLi . � " �. ar Fifth race, Vatexloo Handicap, (G&L 14 20; Eph. 111, 17; II Cor. 1r, 10, to $5.4o. morning in. milk, - which . wav subse. I I I 'Dare Ivroments. two suspicious -looking Italians heave quently sold to consumers�" anknown cause. The building was. � , . purse $600, for three -year-olds and up 11). In vefie 19 of our lesson He seems New York Live Stock. I is the third� 1. d, loss $6,000. This I I I � 1. a heavy bundle into the bay near save ! ". . -Shannon, Ist; Ben Loyal, 2nd; Gal- to say that He expects that the world NI,3W yORK, May 26 -Beeves -Re- der mysterious eirouln-;; � �,� . I . .. * ^ ..... . . ' the :toot of S'mcoe street. Thinking atine. 3rd. Time, 1.13 1-5. will see Him in us. . Ilis life at the reipts, 2100 head. steers, slow and , .. � �,� 4 - barely Contemporary Opinion of Beethoven.' Oxe, to occur un I :'': ''I . � . thal the reco-very of the bundle might - r.st . ii " Si , and. it is believed a firebug - . I I wpak; 'and the ,,,, stances . . - . possibly open up a murder mystery, two miles, pulse $800, for f is at work. -Sunday night two five ' I i , �.. Misundersto ,th race, Tally -Ho Steeplechase, Father's right hand, where Ele ever i steady; bulls and cows, steady to When the First Trios �, 11 I I _Yea _ I steers, $4.40 to sG.40; extra prime, $6.55; Symphony appeared the conservative -1 L, �� 11 � - Out r liveth to make intercession for US, ' bulls, $3 cent theatres in the same black caught � .. .. �.... L �_ , dragging opezutions were carried on .60 to $5,30; cows, $2 to $4-05- I.. I . "Your father told 'I er, . I at the spot where the bundle was olds and up, selling�Waterway, Ist; makes sure our life, and if we would I Calves--RecOlPts, 900 head; veals, 25c. crifEos declared that they were "the fire. . . . !!�� I � .was always room at the Expansionist, 2nd; Osage, 3rd. Time, . higher, at $5.75 to $7.75; culls, $5 to 15.50; oomfused explosions of a talented . � ,! � to - I : 1-i I ".And what did he svy?" -, supposed -to have been thrown into 4.091-5. .. more steadfastly behold Him and not, . chtice buttermilks, $5.50. young man's overweening concieh.'� I ' ' I � 41 'Ve tmid, 'I suppose you mn the vater. Nothing, however, was Seventh race, 1 1-16 miles, pu4!se people or circumstances we would be i Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 9139 head; The Second Symphony wa.4 calle&a Class for Cen.'ag Enumerators. � I ,;.,:r 'rlm ' brought to the surface. It -has now arket slow and barely steaa�� sheep, I . �, I feel your brains rattling $500, for -thxeayea;r­olds and up, sell- more manifestly changed into Elis like- , in aster, a dragon wounded to deathi Berlin, May 26.-R. Y. Fish of Lin-, . ,­ i ' been. learned that Mx. Freeman did M75 to $4.85; culls, $3 to $3.50; lambs, $.G MO cominissicae-r for NortW 7. j, arouild.' "-Spokane Spokesman. I not see the men himself, but ing-Lad of Langdon, Ist; Sandrian, ness by the Spirit (II Cor. iii, 18). He I to $7.755; spring lambs, $8.755 to $9. and tinable to die, th,rashing. around-', wood, census . 1,1 . was told 2nd, Son, 3rd. Time, 1.4a. longs to reveal Himself to us and Hogs-Receipits, 884 head; inaxket,steady with its tail in impotent rap! later. Waterloo, hald a class of instructioni . . .1, Review. I t at ;6 to $6.60. LOTS I � . . I of their alleged actions by wo small through us, and He does this by His t Von Weber declared of the su,blime' vasterday for the tWenty enumerai i �, , 1,�,, . boys, who claimed to have seen them A Sudden Death. . Chicago Live Stock. Seventh'Symphony that "Ihe ext , -, wh6 will take the census in Berlin., . AL. `�, I dispose of the bunffle. While the po. . . Spirit and His word (I ,Sam. iii, 21; 1 CHICAGO, may 26.-Cattle-RecelPts e�- gances of this .g . . . . . . . . ...... - . It is expected the population to bet Peterboro, May 277. -The wife of I . I I - �. lice do not place m-ach faith in ex- Ps. exix, 130; IT Cor. iv, 6; John vi, ' timated at 1000; market steady to a their ne plus ut . andl-..- I L I ,�-sl L5 Goo in which event Berlin will ap:-! . . ", . . Marjorie's Decision. the Mayor T. H. G. Denne died suddenly 1. I , , I iq :. . story, dragging opemtons ; xl*, 21-23). I shade higher; beeves, $5.15 to $6.33; Tex, LLL .. . . "P, The ably be resumed to -day in all effort . rs, . I I , .1 Three little girls were playing. v"11 prob- from heart trouble yesterday, aged 43. 63 1 as steers, $4.60 to $5.55; western stee4 5ulte -ripe for'the m t ply for a city ,charter. - �. , �mother of one came into the room and to th,oroughly at She had breakfasted with the family. We must not only read His word and I $&&o to ;5.60; stockers and feeders, la -90 'in 'T#MoUSL ��COVUX�'_r.l--!' --- - ;�, L:1:: I I eri.gaged the children in conversation. port. te the truth of the re- . . - ­ � .- . — memorize it, laying it up in our hearts, � to $5.75; cows and heifers, $2.40 to $5-75; _____,. - . I .______­_. , I ,� . . "'Alarlon. w1vat are -you going to be' I but we must eat It, appropriate it, m Hogs- -Receipts estimated at 11,000; rnar- - __ ­ L ake ' 'alves, $5.25 to $7.75. 1 . 17 � �;� , .W-bea you &To,,v up?" she asked. i4, it our very own, according to Jer. xv, ket generally 10c higher; light, $5t75 to . � ­ I . � ; of TafVs Message to Scots, . s6.1,5; mixed, $5.75 to $6,10; heavy, $5.50 to I . "I am golug to be a famou.-i singer, " I $G.021/_--, rough, ;5.50 to $5-70; good to �� I ' London, May 27. -Attending the as. PILLS LIKE A IF V LE" 16; Job -x3ili, 12; Rizek. iii, 1-4; Rev. x .,,, she replied, 'h=h of ScotlamA are 8-1:L Thus only can we know the choice, heavy, $5.70 to *6.0*2%; pigs, $5.50 to, , , 1� . sembly of the 0 ! . . � . "And you, Susie, what are you going .. peam which Ele alone can give. He is $6.05; bulk Of sales, $6.90 to $8.05. FE 1 1 X. . Dr. SedgW:ick,,Nova Scotia; Rev. J. A. So ria s R . VARICOSE VEINS CURED , . Sheep and Lamb eceipts estimated at . � �� to beT' Macdonald, Toronto; T. H. Boyd, Xiw rsh and Drastic are the -Prince of peace,.the God of peace, i 10,000; market weak; nath,,es, 2,150 to 0.90; 11 I '111.1� � "Oh, I am going to vnite stories Brunswick. Dr. Macdonald gave a 11 the peace of God, oar peace (Isa. ix, I western, $3.75 to $5.70; Yearlings, $1,75 to 8�0- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT,' .' ;,"' 2: �i � ,Vvhen I grow up," she answered. 'Many Pills as to Seriously 65; lambs, native, $4,15 to $�,85; Western,, I I 1 .�_5_11 .1 ,..-.014��7 . � I I I !: � message from President Taft which -01 6, 7; Heb. xiii, 20; Phil. iv, 6, 7; Col. it PA to $7.10. � I . , �,.� , . - "And what is Marjorie to be?' con- said fhat no desire of his life was lil, 15; Eph, ill 14). By the blood of � � Confined to His Homo for Weeks- �.. t; I. � I I .­ . . I . , �. r . tinned the mother. more sincere and resolute tha;1 that W . Elis cross He Abas made peace, and Completes Flight to �%Iladrid. � � "Heavy work, severe'straining and evil haliks inyouth brought 4 � L�J: ., . I I 1. I Marjorie, aged five, thought seriously the two sections of the English race , . '. , - . Varicose Veins, Whea I worked haird the aching would beedine I I . when we truly receive Elim we have Madrid, May 27. -Pierre Vedrine, I I I severe and X was often laidup for a week ab a time, ivryfamily .1". , - 11 ,a moment and then said. "Well, I am should join in a treaty-ma.king war In a, lette­ written from peace with God and may'be filled with. the Freadh *aviator, arrived at the, ihysician told me all operatioa was my only ho e�but I dreaded it. . . - , , i . his Home In � �.,' . lidt sure, but I think I'll be a -widow." between them impossible. Our sin- , Valencia. TV r. Marsh Selwyn, does ser� 1 1 1 . , . . joy and peace in believing (Col. 1, �0; I Spanish capital from Burgos at 8.061 1 tried several specialists, but soon found out alfthey wanted was my �1, ., - hicago, Journal. vere, &size is that Canada may con Vice. to thousands by drawing atterl- . . , . . mohey. Lcommenced to look upon all doctors as little better than I , C . - � I, 'M was off work so much and " . , ,..� . t4nue to. prosper. flyin5e,;Rlitigh, flag tion to the ;,iiuriels Inflicted, upon deli- Rom. v, 1; xv, 13), but the peace of o'oloc�- F.:, i ..,yesterday marnin'g, b6ng the: roZues. One day my bogs asked me why I ��,, � . . �i]x . .. _ 11 - I told him my Condition. Readvised meto consult Drs. Kennelly & I — ca the Amexican co 'hoent. M, te People by drastle purgative pills. I ' ' 6xitestant to coniplete the third f . . . . . � ':% L W � . . -i God will Only keep out healLtts when L131 entielly, as he had talcon. treatmen rom. ' em, Inse cuelly . ' .. - -_ � � . ��.: � : - . "Por a long time I suffered fron we commit everything to Ellm In pray- � stage of the Paxis-to-Madrid aviation-. I 1. .. ey ,were square and skillful. I wrote thenit and got Tan Ew 1. - . ." constipation. This conddtion empell- ra,ce, and the alnitist certain winner. ZT1101) R04=1317T. Xyprogresswas somewhat sioNv and during 0 1 . I : " ad Severe Pains Motor. Boat Lantern Explodes. ed the use of pill% Like many an- er and rely on Ellm to see to it. � He covered th,a distiince of 140 miles � the first inotith's treatmenb I was somewhat discouraged. owever ti I Brockville, May 27. -John Fex"Uso � other, I =46 the unwise choice of As to neltber being troubled nor between Madl'kl' and Burgos where tln,,.,dt a ,me � b ee on longer aild was reivardGd '11= , � � I c . " - � r $12 a week in a maebine . was a -mo,tor boat a.� bart us,inw pills that were like. lightning in afraid see also verse I and compare l,ie lauded Th�rc-day trorn St' SMS I I . In Back. Island When an explosion occurred their, activity. I began to be filled Q 's ,�*, atnd ever loose a day. I *' On _, " r a . " to" t In _ t� r .,)rnpleto gi. _ld 0 , 9t' -1 b.f., 11.0 illy 4 �. trii.t�. - "Jaln ' r. _ '. m . ,.tm. ,� I . &e min I.h.r ._t ,.tm ' I _ 1.11 Your M . 1.1; — with Intestinal disturhances, constant . Iv, 6, s va .bl, e � I , h .11 after, . Matt. xm. , Lu ke xxiv, 38, and no- , tian, in two hours and forty- - I ", 'l L."', of ' i from a lazlem. in the bout. His arm Gilbert and Garros are still ... . HEN C. LOCUST. I and hand were terribly burned. rumblings, gas in the bowels ana diar- tice, bow Ile closvd this discourse in ! utes. . rhoea. I grew pale ancl emaciated. John xvi, 33, with tile assu=6 that ' stalled in. the wountain fastnesses, � �i eats is ! H,'A 9 YOUR SLOOD BEEN 0 1 .r-"') Z A S E 0? I I Felt As If It Must One of the Rut river acisid Then the doctor told me drastic Irrl- we Must expect (1-l'bulatloh. If any I and it is not flu,,ught probable that "I � . . . , . �. 11 :1 I . reported irom.'Crossiman's Point. Wal. =,pills had caused catarrh of the ' ; they will be able to flailsh within the I -111,001i POISONS are the mosti prevalent and inost %or4pus div-, vd. They smp the ! I � 1. I Break ter Seaman stafted in his motor boat an almost incura,ble. disease. one el.,se had said you, shall have tron- , Llll_� Enl:,t. : -4 vtnnr lifeblood of the victim. r.nd unless entirely eradicated from t 'L',ySteMNVlllCal1Se . . ­ , to -cross by'one of. the islands midcol- Explaining Irifty situation to a fill;Bnd, ble, but do not be -troubled, we would . I piri nis complications. BeNvr.rei of X . It May suppress the tiL,"jitoms-our NrAw I ' ercury. , , lj��d with -another ','put -put," which he advised a trial of Dr. Hamilton's think them very unbalanced, but He I I , J llf.;L;�7,101) Cures all, Llood diseases. - I .. Horse ,Ate Per Rat. I YOUNG OR MIDDLB A(=D 11EN.-Imprudent acts o - r later r-.-.-!,sg�s have broken i%l �, :­ 1, �, Mr. Alfred E. Davis, GorTie, Qnt struck his, craft amidships, cutting it Pills, I speedily experienced the heal- was Goa (vene 1), and He is God and do-,vnyouilsystcm. Tou �,,,�I the i;-,,nr)tpm.t stpalim� over vou� V.. !IY, hysicallyAnd - I. I . . , - I - -ears, I suffer'ed fr;; partly ln� -two. Beaman was thrown Ing and curative off act they exert on - C._:.,,h,,w. May 27.--A farin horse' ; � .p I . writes .-,*'For some y , IS ,vltally you are not the luall you us&L to be or shZldbe: NVAI youL !I .1 I - , . the stomach,, liver -and ,bov ticA Tietti; t1w C,­,illrd Drug 1�,.ture yes- t L thec anger signals? I " . gievere pains in, my back, and could on the deck of the other boat and 7els. The anceasAug* earing for us and mak- .1 . " Intestines, freed from IrritatIng d,ru.grj,, Ing all tbings work -together fer arrv? Vao . . , _­ , - hardly work at all, and when I stoo qpaped with a few- braises. 0" terdnsv renclied out at the head, bf an i M Ifunfob ; i �i down to pick up� anything felt as _ped � rapidly regained nalural tone, the highest good, asguring as that all our unki,�wii young woman, who was 1 Consultation , I I I my I bowels acted as if nature and xot Dn afflictions are fight and but for a mo. p;is,.!t1,v Mt(i vullod t'ho iat from her! a of Charge. J , :, ,� .back must break. was idvised 6 try Now French War Min;ste'r. Hamilton1g, Pills were -at work, I know ment comparai ly and are all work- 11,11 -."'Lille SCT,�ams of tile lady bi'otiglit'i men, Doap's Kidney Pills and afte? a in. I Paxis, May 27. -Gen, Francois Gpi. It will be of value to thouotandiii to Iva I ­ O namen an �: , . two boxes was entirely cured, an. , Ing" for as a far more exceeding and L,�,. ri-l-now of the hurse to the restue, ' I I � Itnow that a pill a.s mild and eurative 11 F Treatment � , that I cannot speak too higl�ily in,-' ir ran yesterday acceTit,ed the,�portloljo bad devourell nidRt of: I V, 11� I W& in succession as Dr, Hamiltonls Is, ava.1101% to the eternal weight of glory (Rom. vi% 28, 1)ui t!"' 1,1`1""c )01' . favor� ,. - ailing." II Cor. W, 17, 18). � . . I I ' tll(' rIL't bel.,ra it could bo ;Lakeh awayi i For Backache, Lame Back, We&k rangement, there 10 vo, pillt so Invarl- � eat that Ele V4 living in us, for � I 1) Rs,,,) . .1r.t..N NEDY&KEIANE' BY : �, , '(This was nearly four years ago and I t6 the late M. PlerteAl�;.killed bry an Vor bowel disordera, sick headache, . froin h'xii. The lady in'ada' a, quick . �:, ' I aeroplane last Suhday-, whor It Is -only in trial that we can really I � still remain cured." ,P funeral- : c0iistipation, liver and stomach de- . di.s..ppoarahce. I �,, � * yesterday was � made the ociiasion of m" . - �=Q � I I � ki, there is no remedy* eqUal to lit imPr0divc n9ti,ofial domqbstrati,ofi. atily sure to pure as Dr. Hamilton's almost any one it, Mich. . Bac' , can be lovef7 ,,Ind i Ohathar OvercroN�,ded. il Cor. -Aichi an Ave. and Griswold St., Detrol I ! �., � � ' Doan's Xianey Pills for tslRiag out the I . Pills� Refuse a, substrtute, Sold In 11 9 . i, 11 stitelles, twitches and twinges, limbering. 25a boxesi all dealers, or The Clitarth- � �ieas= t when -all g4s well. May we I Cla�dvvai, Ont., May 127: --The house i - I fa All letters from. Catiada must be adilressod I ., .To Protect Crotwdt Irrom A�rlator. Aim, to glory In all things that Ells, famine has roached such an actite � I - owiftr. N @7 I C Z � ''I , up the, stiff bae,'k and giving"pededt Lo-Ti&a.,-Atay 27. -Winston Oburch. o2lone Col., Xingston, ont. VoWer may rest upon us '(T.I 0or. kil, . I 1� 611W - to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- I � : , oomfort, I I . . stage in .this - etty f1fdt vacant lots, glee I � Wxku8nrm===m inctit inVindsor, Ont. If you desire to I ':, I ill has intr6duced ,,in Acr�al X�vjga. % I 0, 1%. and have always that':,whol6 renting for"high prilics on. th .- D6an'a Xidney Pills are 50 cents p�r tion bill. , G n0itll I! see us Personalq call at our Medical Institate ill Detroit as ve see and treat , e)mpo I I I i :. j 1, 1 I box or 3 boxes for41.25, at all dealer#, ot 1, jering, tbe'nome Sea. Dr. Hamilto'n's MIN, , kearted, unbounded,00nfidence in 111m side, where aowc�mers are' arectingi, mo patients fti out Windsor Cwwespondende and . � � I I mailed direct on fbeeipt. of price b Th �etaxf t:o d,ofine certain are&$ over that shall- say, ClEven so, ,ag ftnd true Et,nt%,,. to live in fill siaoh,tiii.ta " they I Iiaborato7 for Canadian' business only. Address all IL-ttets as follows: i &t 0 w'hkch-it is thought to b6 dangerous p% - , . . , AreMild--NeyerGrl �P:-,- . ve TVy wriys: v immv, th�t V161.1,1k g, bo ablo to socare houses. Many" #I T, Milburn Co Limited, Torontd, a I .1 rp �, " OR$. X.RNPROY kik� XENNRbV,, Windsog, OiAo I . I I Xh ordering direat'specify "Dostilo 0; for itit'OaTaft tO Pass. IMpri80nMezJt "­i_�, �_Iw .-W - �M� - . �m*� rlghteoui4,.'I'lly,,,�,­.L ,�'.J 1.'�,.�Jfert.ff I . � , ;i- 1:,"we nlyv.af!�­ C.Anbllslie,d ' Write fkv�. om" PIMIN. wddrt,��Ih . . . I . � � � I " . I '101 I I . I I , t " I 1,". ,� , and theavy fines are included, t . . . .. ... ;,; !oAh; in N -th 013" � . I I 1- . I -1 . . � . I I . I 1:1�1=11 ,iLt",-"W,OWojtoalmvoarununum,�*- � 11 11 I . � I - . . . L . � I I . . 0 � - � . I wiwmklla4l*.,D.Aml����R.%�iii�.i4- , . . i I . . I . I . . I I I I 1. I . . 0 , . :� � I I � ,� I I �, I . . . L, . I , 1. � I , I � �. . � I... . tfi� � I , � " I I � . � . . I . . � I ,�,­ 4 � l , .0 . . I . . I I � I#i I 1. . .1 I I . - 1 VAA 1 1 1 : . . . I . . . � . I . I . . I I . "INCL . . I . �� I . - I . : I . N I . I . � . . _� I I I . I I I e . I � I ,� I I 11 . .. I I � � I I 1. L . L I I I . I I I . : ., , I I I I - I I . � .., , '_ � . � - I , I ,% . i r - L � . I . I 6"' .. 11 I .'111r�l I ., " .1 . 1. � , L I . , ,� I . . � I � I L .. � . I . � I . I . � , '. I � . , . � .�� 1, I I I I .1 . I �,�� I . , � " , I I L, .#.'k, . I . . . 1, .1 � . . I � . L I . , � r. I I I , . . I , lif . I I I , , i 11 I I I . . I � I . 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