HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 9­ _­_ I . rll� �, -, ��,-,77F- I ,:�.�_­­-'��, - -.11, ��­­­ -r--- -_ _' - - - -- �_ 7- : -7—-777 , �WWIIII " k ­',� '­11'�,, 'I., __- , � ... . ... .. "Ill",.,-"�l"..�-I!,�ll.,�.�".,F",---I �_ �_,­­ ....... -�._;., 1 -".-�.,�,---r�-��;71���-1-�"�"�"�'-'1-71-�'� ... i-- I I I - 11- . ,, I � I I I I I 1, 1y7777W."rTW,-,W . I , , �,_ _ �� � , : I I - : � I � I .� � I .1 I . I I I , . . , I I , i I I . � - , , I , � "W"V4777 ­ -1,1T.M1211,1717-17-- . 11 I I I I I I , I I �� r I �. , I I I I . I I I . I I I I . . .1 I I I I I � I 11 : , , I . . i � .1 I . I I � . I , I I � 1. ", I I I � I I I I . I I I . . I . I I �� I I I � I �f ! .1 I , i I � II , . I I . � I . I I I I I I � I k : I . � I I . I . I � . . " 1. I I . � . . I I I I I . I . � I I I I . I � � . � .1 I I I I . � I I I I I I , . . � ". I I I � I I I I I . I . I . I . I � I 1 I . � I , I I I . � I � I I . I . . I . �. I " I I THE EXETER T1 MES � I I -- - ­._­ 1. , , I .11 I .. . �= , .,o.,. I � ­­­ - _ 10,10401114". . I . . I ,., ,,� -,. ­!O��, ��Ipii=� ."4: !V � .._-1_-__._1___ i -,- --,-- ­­ 11 . .- � '_ ­, 1 _;".�.���� 001000" ­__­,_,_, 1 _Wmmm� - . .. ..... ____==� �,_­11111 I 11 A .__-.____-1 ,--,-- I- 11 �� .-_.-11_._ � I. 1-11.1- -�=:! =�=,.==, I I _ _0 1(4ii ;W .r _ a, can AU70 an - I I "I ­___ - - .... �� I 14, 10 411121 W10110 I I t�W11.*1"-0--0W­.-,.A0"4" I ­ __1 ­ 11 1, �5_ey goV, said, be. sion, when Wizzuer J � . 11 �i . 'J, Uggll . ­ 6 . I , . . . - I'll I . - I PAAbou; 000n," ret �d �trs, G Ug tool, lux 0, embere4 , , I �11 .111 I - WIN —,- , 'XimWooloor'. I AM ARD OWTH TO MOTHER AND 01110i'M ,)Ile , raybill. old sm - -teriou I so ,now , , , 1. I ", . __-, i *X1�%W1v$X-0W'1SooT1tXNQ 8YAUP110 NZ Itterly, ot a thousand nlA .0 ,, I 1, �., I sAsetl for over SQXX y VXARS by XILLION-S of Carson- groangd. thinking 1) , �� bypotb Is 94 114r- 11 , I I I , In � arialits for their CkIlLUIM"N WHILS the hours Wasted at Fort Morgan, And made P1410 by (I" � � I � , . I r- - I XIJ�RIMCT SUCCASS. It wwea to the c9liawwo I i , 11 . jCP,I;,TlI1X0 �tyitl for Urs, Stott, 87AO bad 90110 Md'Al having y 10 , �� I I 11 11 , , � '44 , Igs the Clump, 601r,mws th,�'Gvas asked irtg. wimer ut- I I � .. 11 , . -1 , .. 11 1. � I vkA j.sV,6 WIND COLIC, i na tow) I I I I 0 to 16 1 , 4111, ; � 0, bome 01) tile itoo. Ptation Ot sinug, I .. I 1 4 . Ile g e yfoTDl&WM4XA. Itiev-4. Into the Instrument A slYt 01010- : . I . .� , St ire �, Wil, "They nit north, then," 0414 CAP teriod . , " � 1. ­ ­ � $ bot le s. 114 A;= and asic for we . f . I N . ­* A ' ter, exAspOrat10- ChUCUP, I �� , . , ' �"' , , . 0 1&'11A r 'o 14 .ot . , J),� OLAI take no Q44W � : , I . 10 'A , , - _' I - �` .. I W C t a ts a ottle , 18013, A. � I I T% , '. , I , "So must ,%Ost your t i I Xo0ple L . I I. 1. .4 ,,�, =;==____1�_7______r_ I'll-— 43A tell . 11 . , i I . & - , EIW& I . C, we," ,rejoined Craighead, , , ongue?t, be taunted, I � -1-11-1111.1 . 1, " , - . . I , .. . I I I ': .ti -yes,,, sai;l Mr� Waddy, who seemed ,,Well, arrest me� AD), 0110 c , : � " , . I 31001318 01 IN 009000,1011 011 , � 11�1 -loll Wrifi Bu - I VoLiot, 0111 I � I I . 11 . air ana so,it_, or lmlt� etill- a incident clos* you where I am, , t'WIU the, girl � . I , . UOU40TIMAD RROULAT40$00 I I �- I �a �,.$ Taluln(led 1111 lleajers of a I)asso pro. to eousider the Virgiul , . � I ," � I . �. 4.' ,,, _�l fundo Ilit,oritly a ed. ,,,,It go home an, push the work In leave Sither*bgrg to come and testify? I I then- I 11 I , �, I AA%4 .*�eraq-A w , ., � i , bi tile trough of th he is k.be sell* b4PA 'A k, �­ ,�_ 11'11�, I 4t a dam$ly %uy m4le,oyar it . � A1,K .-- heaviest vocal Sea. the west, you boys to New York to The courtship's just getting good now. I TAIKe it I , , I , I . � ., or I � I " I I Too bad to disturb tbeml't ".11%, I " 1� � I 1 � 1".., �� I tm,rp old iiiay homestea4 a quart0 0 oh. It s tvy lity nilles ti) Vassar, an* the Start the Injunctions gal things," *46taiiii of available bominhou land. li'm .. -.-- ­ .... .. . � mlson for,to cro*g� *'Mr� Carson," sald Mrs, GraYbill Carson burled the receiver away and X A "I ... A .1 EA57 I . , 111. �� A � I - , B), , 11 . I . � Milinxtoba, Saskatchewan, or Mberta� ( � ! !.', wy the 13ol � Tbero�s regultltfons to be broke at both quietly, "don't give UP. I kept the strode'liack to the Virginia. Ile found 11 11 I 1. I � I Whe applioaut,muot appear in Person ZT QUICK K ends of -the rotlte� 'y Be- fragments of the letters She tore UP. Thomas, the negro, with two men, , I . I L ­ �� � _,. t Bellnda,s eyes are like the sk , .11 Xt the (Domittion Lands Agaoo�n of mpaay 3u put them together. They will Cheer holsting the cau, of methanose aboard, '' 1� "� , . ,To get the, best of 04OUChO , -11-1 Al;-asenoz.fortliedietriats fttr'Y, bt . __ _ " _ . lindalil hall- is floss, � . , , � . � JAI 31 �% I .Zd Jim is blacR and plagued with love you up. What a woman want$ tosay Thomas gave him the list of aeronat Got a Box, of "i " , I I , " V* , � y � rgicoxy, may be had at '010 ggoww', ON of** .1.vr mmt I I e ot- and doesn't dare me -ins much, Vouch clearings. - : I � :� I ,� ''.. � I Pertain couditiono, iby,,father, motbAr I . I "Here's Captain Bolger Zow, * wen oil, .kt,s twenty miles to Vassar, not many -the Dr M I 71 , , I , I I .�, I , 124W, daughter, lbrother, or deteral up, 'a. little when she nears shore. more than what she Says," The, sallings were 11 . I 11 him about it." . But lt�s fifty smiles at Vassar, � emplas, the Long Tom for " 111,0, , , , i 1��, I � " 1_" latending homesteader, I" And It`8'0theX`lQvey-d0vey W119S In hosts Tern for M . , I -1 �� Months TesidegPe aPop Xou'll make it, dear; you'll. make it. Captain Bolger was a choleric gen-, pare', I Anti-palix - I , . , vatles..-Si� Mo. Graybill, standing on the shore, beyond COm (1HAFTER XV, I St. Axdrows Bay, and, yes, thO ROO � i , � �, . *Ad 0whivation of the Ilind in eaok with the rest the new motion. of I tleman with whisker& like General I oil, of dear Belinder burns his ! . the morning before Ofor Otherwise Daollacie - , �� of :three years. A homesteader M*y 'toted 11 t,,,:.,�toyi-eto a rinder, A B=nPAT VRQX BABYLON# departing .. , 11 , � I 11 11 11 _�� 1 3 tallea of Ais home. the airship when the engines 'were, Sherman's, mucii thinned by the in- A1,4, jlrn will be at Vassar ore the niorn- d when the Tirginia left northern points." et the besl r , . I � $kre within nim . i crease in the area oftbe face tlince the on HE ate � � ,1101 you ���. �. � Stead an a tEarin of at leudi 0.0 a4rail stopped and wondered why it behaved . Injg� - f the dunes of the Alabama "We can overhaul the Tern," said i ,;,, '. . I � I I I establishment of the foliage, He ad- Nothing disturbs t�o h, . % "I . � A. slight redness crept up under the �' , owned and occupied by him W so queerly. ,coast for her first long TOYA90 Craighead, with a judicial air, "at, Bay, $tl�t �',O' �- f��, Amug.'liter, pIdly, with a hippety-hopping tan of M ilathers' cheek; a slight syst6m, more than P in t 0 Z . 1: I Isolelyather, moder,l And then Mrs. Graybill, screamed. vauced ra is now historic. It Placed' Jackson and take on our friends for h era .m 4 , 31io I � 9- .,ajor F it tlo in the form I I , a � I " , I I gait, as if catching step with an ima , , I I I Alaska. I 6 hope the president can 'o . rother or Sister. e car qUiver of the thin nostril betrayed. the ba I �, . 1b in oortain distriats a h0m00te0A9lt She had seen the man. under th Inary companion very careless of the ffict t,4*.t Craighea,d's song had touched man as a flying animal on an equality ckitche, neuralgia doxhal PC 9 � ;! , �; hold and drop with the birds and bats � and Insect$. join us. at Omaha. Gentlemen," ad. or the pains pecali'ar to W Q#La � , I I o 14, goo,d sta4-ding may, J)re-eX0jt a deiib�'rately let go his march. some spot that thrilled. Mr. Craighead 0 A I., � � � , �, I I putter- ' ould be neces ldt�h - L I - 'r , � , alongside bis Iiiinao- into the water. The lightened car I The gas bag of the aerostat and theae' dressing the crowd, "here you gee a Dr. Milo - P111 4y- .4 91 , , 11 asked if it w sary to ad- � gr agr ter section ,WhaVs this, sergeantT' he s �.� �� $3. per acre. Dultles-r tilted slightly upward now as Virginia ronefs of the first decade of the century new aeronet invented by me. By remt�y for A a �� I �efid, -Prioe � , ed. 'This Is quite Irregular, Sergeant rootof his Identity. I 'I., I I . . -Oh of sfX obeyed orders, soared -slowly onward, duce more p t the way of the tentative and tin* reaching Alaska before n1ghtfall we �6,' ra sed by 4 .1 ­:. ru"t resl&'aix 11101111ths 11109 The parade groundl A VEn atid wom, G4 YZ jr �.. her inowentam, -Irregular. ,(possibly," said the major, -with un. 1wen f Hero win a million dollars. This is a sure � I , � ' ­�', _0l%ra from date of Lenwstead enitrY rising a little ws pertect.with the ste= engine o . , .1 I P -the time required to earn great gliding surfaces d—d thing with wings and V typo abated dignity. 11 shall hear the case and the war gins of Archimedes, Calli- thing, as the sun will not set there for 40 f6r years. . I I 11 &olluding brought the . 44 . d w w a rl 1, J, one 1. rlen � I a , Some In Private'" aebus and Demetrius. The new era three months, The bet Is with a Bra- -1 hp! e, A patent, nd ealtivtml - engluesl And no passes? , .1 � , d was �,Z 0 pp� . � I L I I I y r Ine I -lei � L � xhaaffted �Aer 'W� 4 !I � , � � $c 41 1 Omestead against the all,, and then, clearing the M ly 0azed � 1� . 1 $ifty acres ex Anti- ahi " will sweat Highly irregu- - - ntl.i 6 "!4 It I � tra. for this. The major rose and passed out with is one of great flying engines -beside zilian who forgot about the days com 04T, e � I foam of the surf, she softly settled on y . , 'A bomeateader whe has e 1411' I I out a g1ii7nee,. at the lutruders, The . Ing quarterly at Nome, But we shall I it, . to take. , X.", � , L 1, . Tight and cannot db- the sand witli'ller stem rudder� like , which the 7irginis, was as a buillming 'il�l � "I Ais beniestead the tall of a great dead bird, -washed "Pardon me I said Theodore. "My, squad took them to his quarters,, where bird to a hawk, but which art', every be honorable and Pay him the million i and she sa�? slis, W . . . I � g4 0 . I ., * I . .f ;itian may take a pur� - i� them agam - I � �- I I A ,"�a & E're-eml d - t - distriatti by. the hungry waves which she bad be received them in frozen stiffuess kot' t"d 'amesteil in cell, ain I name is Carson. I miscalculated my and stood aside to let them Into a If- one, built on, the Tdrg,lnla's principles- on tile nail if 'we fail to make It before ts , A. 9,11B, Austfnburg," 0. , !! ��� I I I . WJoe $18. .per acre. DUltic by amiracle escaped. Aild rowing the direct thrust of the 'blades =d the sunset in RIO, the real locus. Tomor- � A �tlf�lsjs_­�25 doses 90 cents. I . � I ; I _ � �S�-W-st as' speed. I know Colonel KrImnitz, and well furnished with books. balancing by the automatic distriba- row we shall win five hundred thou- 'aDIdAL co-, Toro I nee six manIths in each (if thr-,a in from the offing where he had gone If?- brary rather. M1 litoloah. - 11 r � . . I . At e - cnitivate fifty acres smd erect in his fighing boat in the wild and im- ,,Colonel rximnitz, Sir," said Captain The major sat .like a graven image tion of power by means of light gyrO- Sand from Rothschild by leaving '''' � .� ,___1 . — . I ,11 �' I "I" * , �� * ho�m ,wartb '000.91� , probable belief that he might help his , Bolger, "is temporarily on leave. I am until the ieceding footsteps were lost scopes. The new bew was the misera- Greenwich observatori at sunrise go- - I -------------- 1�_ 4_, W� CQUY, , to tile ear. .Then he rushed at Craig- ble young inan who looked Mo one The ,In �.­�� - 1. � � .. Deputy owt,the filtiter of �40 nterlor master came Captain, Harrod with a Ing west and returning at sunrise -next - ;,- were . . I . I I . 1 3N. X-10nauthoplZ nblioation thj 1Vr the i the officer of the day, Sir. You Will head, shook him until his teeth chat- death wound and maneuvered e IFIL ' .__.QtW . " 1 � bite faced :young man lying in . produce a p ' asg-for your confounded with his day from the east, circling the world mor6 regularly than clockwork, Xt;� '41 , '' 't Vol! - tered, laugung, slapping him on the eo- i Mob iWlaoli be paid bottom of the boat whose fingers drip aeronef or'I shall order yolVl-- the new maebine like a veterall-Th In twenty-four hours of continued suD- Ing the pledge of their mak I I 14 11 I , � 1'11� �.nt, Vire and Plate ped blood from the remorseless work , , 'Irfeel sure," said Mr. Carson, "that back. I dore Carson. Every schoolboy knows rise. Wish us well, gentlemeni Good- Supplied mitb fuel and oil ff"Vwtlui I �, 4W,l B. CARLING, Life, Acold OCraig! Cra:l I" said he. "Yon con , 11 IL',* also (;0-iseiftl; Aoeduni;3 of the Ille. . Colonel Krimnitz"- ___­ ^ __9-- ' '- * '---- - ,these things. by, honest peasantry, your coUntry's ran without a single stop until WOrA I I " I -1 - `2`,',T 8,�',H,'t',','n",',"�',"�-'g. * * * * * * * I "Colonel Krimnitz be hangqdl" Te- founded old ampegrace! I've an In- � But every one does not know of her " .. — ",I pride, goodbyl" out -the perfection of the Intern � I , J"'i VNING,-. X. D., M.'O "Allow me to suggest," observed , rnal good mind'to throw you in for I difficulty in getting ofr. At least th Ir n a Usti engine, once so I . W, BROV _ toried Captain Bolger. "Yon caWt je three The majestic rise of e V 91 1, , Comb On .. � ��J. J0 P. S., Graduate Victoria U Craighead as the gentlemen of the par- come the Krimnitz game, Sir, while he ten yeqrsl And that Belinda song you times did Can. on turn back to allow �N I%V n-SAtenence. g0dininion And sober too! Craighead to converse In farewell with with no preliminary run. drew a round worthy. i 1� 0: o a d I . his "I want to see where wel'are", fluall , , toryTge * inal- waved � .Xg � I t , ty at Harrod's camp sat in lounging ls,ou leave. Sergeantl" 3apade, up about met Graybill a .. F of applause. Craighead � N �! or6ji'ji Q, i�lltiron. attitude on various articles used as "Captallil" said the sergeant, salut, ratroduce your frlendsl" Mrs. nd Mr, Waddy cap. but Carson, paying no nttPv`-1u. eald Carson. "This is like an opeil . � Associate C I . . ly Craighead Consented to be Seprirated ' � : � "With Mr. Waddy'B name," said Infil the Virg-Inin dead for New York oceam I want to compare the ma,24 ; ek, I chairs, mostly jetsam and flotsam of the Ing. ,1�� Cy R.,hright, m. D., x.c, P. ana gulf, "that in perfecting the first really s,See what that thing is in the f!l-, I Craighead, "you are familiar. He is from the alluring Mrs. Graybill. End. 1g,ti, lind the constant pittk. with the landseape_" . '. � " . ,er wide west- Tl,,,,.N gow h thei I � � .dd� T g over the bay with a ., H.S., -Ronor Graduate Toronto U11- pyacticable fi.y=g machine we have set low's hand," pointing to Mr. Wa 7 0 1 the billionaire owner of Speak passin er ing� up naul flropp'ng of railway tr.Ons Obedient to the tilted rudders, I � - ,,Tal I UPS, a borab I Gtinn.11 1 , - erly detour, the Virginia came In ov - -r., avd'lbe swift succession Virginia pointed her prow downward.,* I :10. ljrersity. Two years resident physician In motion social and economic reac camera, ze it, and if '!'�141 '41e,nlli, . ]Royal Alexandra 11ospital, 6to; Offl-ce that will go on and on far beyond explode it at sea. if Irs a camera "Confoundedly sorry," said the ma- .Spring hill and alighted s0ftlY� at the . poke of the Her propeller blades burled her swift-' .1 � tions at moi)tle. Front .9 -f ' L11 1 -_vs alld tmrrls s . , �. ,. I And residence, Dr. Amos' oia stand the hen of those who, unlike myself, turn it Over to me instantly and confine Jor., "But if this reprobate," indicat- aeronef landing d " ,-��t­." I it h %mbit-t tile virginia was ly forward and toward the earth, an . I ew Street, Exeter. -treets, alleys all I 11 An& - - have not made a specialty of them. these 'Men. My, compliments to Major In e0olp at �­' I 'Lg:i�'11'1 ThP l4?a,-Tle,q betwet�n she plunged Into the cold stream of', �� . 1.h­�_ ,; Craighead, "bad hinted that he oundred sally ports- � � 1 � ISS DELIGHT HOBBS As that submarine dragged the Vir- Flathers, %and say to him that I have was our West Point disgrace I should -,Vbarfe-poured a tbrov-9 of 1) , ;,o - : :1 .Ni-tv Tork They ,Aeft the stratus cloud into mist and white.. 11 1. 11 y I have issued'passes and"- tracted by the strange craft that had. scarfs of lacy fog and the snowy ob�, .1 M . . . ginia out to sea yesterda we all confined three men who ran the gUarc said Craighead, "is the made Port. Montgomery to port an4 Atlanta to blizzard. Cri. fg- , I IVI-blin Instructor, James Street Par thought it was the last of Carson, hL in an airship, with bombs or cameras, , "And this," scurity of an aerial � h folksr, said Craighead. starboard. Carson had assigned him- . Nonage, Exeter. X, didn't we?" as the case may be;,that I 11gT0 the ;' Inventor and. builder of our airs Ip, I�Howdy, self and Craighead their duties, and bead gasped at tile ehill and the blind- _ �. . .11 — I . Mr. Carson picked at his bandaged airship under guard and awalt his in- Theodore Carson, M. A." "Take a good look, for even when ye both were busy, Craighead at the fill- "Oss' . 4y IMR. QUA.CKENBUSH, fingers, embarrassed. I "Quite so," replied the major, shak- wist not we vanish. out of the great with. his eye on the compass, Car- "Ring for a gnide," �sald he. 11rm, . p . . structions at headquarters-" "But it was con- r,, . I ID skI didn't see much hope of escape,�' And Captain Bolger hippety-holVed Ing hands- again. deep We Come, Into the great deep we e ,. ' lost." I . 'Physician and Surgeon � and' Ac- said he. tor headquarters, followed by a soldier foundedly irregular to run the guard, go. The elementals ,who send us are son looL�_-�Z at every working Part, oll- was not lost tor long, for tb*w5r. I . ��,� I Voucher. Office -Dr. Rollin's old office the pow*fulest spirits what there is. Ing, feeling for hot bearings, watchIng * , � Residenc8-Corner Breakfast was served. Mr. Waddy with a camera. The three interlopers you know,', I .t`ule clo,��­ the ti,-ery boodwIDTd,-qd2 , I _ on Main Street. was upon tenterhooks until the Vir- went into the gn . ardhouse, while, Cap- "We didn't intend"- But a brief space have we to warn for the slightest quiver or jar, greedy e d through its low�_r levelistdio . � 3kines and Albert Street, oppositb of every mile. Finally they' were I guel,ge I to him, so "Not a word e tea' 'hilaows of the netber al= � 7apes Screet Methodist Farsonage�, ginia had been explained tain Bolger% message went to MAJOX 111said the major. "YOU Mobile. Repentl Repentl Yet a few e , I . I Exeter, Ont. . a trip was arranged for Waddy, Craig� Flathers, commandant In the absence must Wine with me. Mrs. Flathers will mol days an' kobile shall be done de- speeding alon.- Over thegreat national They could feel the warmth radiated I I I t pbOne$_()ff2ce Boa, Residence 39b head ,and Carson. They would fly Of Colonel 1 I I She isn't Belinder- stroyedlly Appalachian forest when he relieved ( X, innit'. waive ceremony. fr,.�in the ground, balm,7 with earth3�, ' ' I . down to Fort Morgan, thence to Fal- 111 won't stand it!" Mr. Waddy shout- Craig, you disreputable old dog, dis- "Dan Thomas$" said Carson to an Craighead. scents. Far to tbol umtblast "-Z- ­­ - " DR. C. A. HOUZE, V. S. metto Beach, get their mail *and be ed. ,,I want to wire John H. Gunul I gulsed as a sober man! Could be old negro with a whip in Ills hand, In the little locker were found the shining river, Nvidecing at the 11M Graduate of Ontario Vet, College back for dinner. .want to wire Wasbington, I tell YOU- - I "come here!" elements from which Craighead pre- vision into a bro-ad estuary, and jaV77, . I ' I -a sight could be discerned tbOi � - Milinber of Ontario Veterinary Ideal 'Mr. Waddy shied from the sea, but John H: Gunn, speaker of the housel , . ­­ "Yes, Mistab Callsou," responded the pared the luncheon of bacon, eggs and with .. I =1 Society. . in air he became Intoxicated With He'll make somebody chew hay for negro. coffee, cooked on the methanose stove. clustered spires and towers of a cits" ,,, .1 _ , . I once I can of "We shall get Into the upper Atlan- 1 1 . � Z-�e�ie all Diseases of Domesticated enthuslasm. If this machine, said be, thisr' I , . "Fetch me at once one No. 2 SOD, "just in Carson looked the landscape over amd . .. Animals on latest Scientific principles. was so good that the Aerostatic Power Mr. Craighead began humming "It's - - .... -"-. - .. A quality methanose, and get me a tie regions," said Car time studied bis map I t____� . " r.,., A _. F...: Z to hit the area of local storms to- ,, All calls day or niFht promptly at- people thought It good business to hire - Twenty Miles to Vassar," evidently a . . list of the aeronat clearings for ,the "Cralgbead." 0-1-1 Carson, "Nv&vd � lenaed too. Office, WairStreet, 19xe- I ., -....�..".. .,.."..rf� � ­ 1, - - - --,-' night" 1 tWimer to drown it and its. Inventor- , West 'point ditty, paced the guard- . :�..".�11 last two days." made Richniond mree hours quicker : "I � ter, Ramsey's Old Stand. he could not otherwise explain the hor- house, turning comers with military 111. '. .1..,� -7 "Yes, sub." He looked from the tiller to the com. than I tbought it possibla A stork or ' -2-AICKSON & CARLING, rible afCair of yesterday�At was good precision or stood accuratelY r. 116 , � . . Thomas darted away. pass and hesitated about leAving it 0 a Canada goose conidn't have Covered I " enough to be vacked with all the with-ce 4 - eat. He bad never tried letting th6 I . . tain fingers on certain seams of his . "Pardon me," said a man who bad a la follow her nose with the tiller the distance, and hoth Sometimes go- I I ,Waddy money In all the eight banks. trousers as precise, as a tin soldier. 200 miles an hour! WhY"­ I later 8 110itora, Notiarloil, Oo�qre=000 -1 withered arm drawn up to his side in Virgin . . 1,,bI's, .r5'? C Th thdi The atmosphere had permeated his such a way as to give one the IMPres- lashed. "Let as, exult ovor you Insufferable , ,in oners, Solicitors Aar tne ois6ull e Virginia had alighted oli ' � eirik, Eto. - parade ground at Fort Morgan. The systeni, and wheiI a corporal's guard I . Sion that he was holding his breath, "Of course," said be, "she'll tall off. plutesl" cried Cmighead. "Let?s fly, , 340110 , y to Loan all lowest rates Of 110I)PmRt, bamboo braces fell outward, and she � But If she turns I can put her b - circle.% .. called for them his� stride might have ' ' "but are you going far so short hand. ack' rings around 'eal. Lefs sail ". tWV10EZ_biA1N .qTREET, E7.NTh1P_ lay on an even keel. The abronats '11- been offered as a model. 1. � � ed?" on her course. I believe I'll try her. I around the snobs!" Vi I " St. CABLING D. A. L. a. UTOWslop variably balted at the mooring balloon � I . Whereupon Craighead recited a � I Access to Major F lathers' desk was "Not far -in tline," replied Theodore. Craighead, scanning the southeast I I � poem: . 11 . and received passes, but Mr. Waddy's i 410fily to Alaska," added Craighead. with his 0oldglasses, had discovered " declaration of fedItY Was so abs opened for them by orderlies described m'eet a Russian admiral In St. "I go away this blessed day � I ONEY TO LOAN. orbing by Mr, Waddy as state?s prison look- I "We To sail across the state, MatIldow at a dista=.e of Six or seven miles a L IL and the speed of the Virginia so un. ing fellows, armed to the teeth- The - � I that nigger.doesn't My airship starts for various parts huge silver Aeronat steering uorth-1 : a We have a large amonob of privaitta funds wonted to her pilot that the fort had major was thin, solemn, bilious look- ...... . Michael at S. If late, general, and At twenty after eight, Matilda. ward. Theodore threw over the tiller 1. an am foxm and village properilles all lowratle been spread beneath him like a map 11 � hurry we shall be say I do not know where we may go I - Interest. Ing, as if he had a bad liver from serv- what will Admiral Phlaskovodka and made for the airship. Craigheali - . OLAOMAN &,STANBURY Or whether near or far, matAlda�, �� before he was aware of it. To alight lee in the tropics; b,' :"M us if the I then?" For Captain Carson don't make a.Darson looked at him in wonder. . , , . BATrIsbers 80H011"Ors- M-11"' ft� Bxe4er might mean arrest, inquiry and Ais- liver had overflowed W. -i ;,�.iiper. I . � The xnall lifted his sailor hat, bowed Of any foremost tar, Matllda� "That ship looks." said Carson, ad -i I charge after explanations to the com- "Who are you?" said Wlii a- Onthers , . . y and stepped back, unveiling a That mystic man beneath my ban vamelng the spark and crowding the 1-1 ,� 110NEY TO LOA_NL . mandant, Colonel Krimnitz, of whose . "Who are we?" criod 2NI.r. N�,ddy: . . politel knew- Shall suffer, coute qu% coute. Matilda. engines, "like the Roe." � severity Carson felt no real fear. But ,, I I face behind him which Carson What right has he to keep from ine I . ,, Who are we? American citizens, Sir! I the foxy, suspicious face of Wizaer, The airy, scary route. Matildalt After a few moments on a straight � A , private f Almas to loan at lowes t rat If be tried to go away after running Citizens and taxpayers before you was : Although, in sootb, I am a youth course to intersect that of the a0ronat I �ef Interest. ' the mt be fired on as a � ' i -) . . the inventor of the lost helicopter. Of common sailor lot, Matilda, i ERNEST ELLIOTT - - MIT with complete photo- ever born, Sir! Wire John H. GAI T Carson stooped as if for some casual Am I a mom on human plan Carson threw the Virginia up into thp r spy making ,ddy; s .1 . the slih?- Office opposite Central Hotel Main at Washington that Cyrus Wil I . . pnrpose and laid hold on a spanner, Devised, or am 1 not, Matilda? cloud. Soon they emerged on . ,street. Exeter Ont. graphs. Altogether It was safest to shut up in jail. an' you'll find outl ' - . With the Spanner in his hand he rose, "And echo, if there were any place Ing Upper levels of the cloud, which , . 1 14� 1 alight, thought Carson, and he settled You'11`1— I . and with an angry leap he stood in the to echo from, would answer, 'Not Ma- their aomoach tP the Other emrmafftL ' ; - - ­___ __ on the parade ground, greatly to tber ,,It would seem an economy of time, midst of the crowd. Wizuer had lled, Wda? Have some of the milk while LTo im coxTnw=Q , . I . ­ . A Musical F-4. agitation of an awkward squad drill- Mr. Waddy," said the major, after . but through, the thinned crowd Theo. the Virginia *chases her tail abo*0 Mt ,- - --- - 1, I A� little,colored girt appeared on one Ing under a sergeant, whose bellowed quelling him with a yellow glower, I - R dore saw his wiry figure, with the arm pinchofs forest." _�_ � . I I _Vf tfte city piaygrol�ntis the ,other, day commands were cut short off by the ,,not t - n or the presi- . that Virginia's bullet bad reached "She doesn't chase her tall much," KNO' � ;lecompailled by two plakaninnies who, whir of the reverial of the Virginia's o trouble Mr. Gun I WLEDGE. I I-, HWDOBB As HIA hanging in a Sling. Carson gave chase. replied Carson, "so far, at least." I remember, I remember I :1 :L' obe explained, were cousins ,of hers, wing blades. He turned and saw the dent, who might find it inconvenient CRAIGnmAD cAnGUT T to attend T -*r purposes of Identification. STAGGIERED. I Some one cried, ,,Stop him]" and an She did not The gyroscopes held . Tbltms in Newarl-L . -huge dragon fly with its bow rudder 1 What can you say, Sir?" . miles to officer, seeing in Carson the Only fugi- her on an even keel, and the altimeter The fir trees, darl-, and high; % I I ked the poliited at him like a great mandible. r at Craig- hanged as a spy � ,Twenty ped b1m. statoscape delivered the verdict that I used to think their slender � ,"What are tbe)r aanlibsr' as , -nis query was directed I 7oung womau in cb;lrge of the play- The drill sergeant's expression car- Vassue in headquarterst Nobody but five In sight, Stop ourseas top$ . head, ne," Said ainst the sky; I �uo Tied conviction to the sergeant of the, ,,Blost high and illustrious o Craig- Let's write a letter to Bill "Let me go!" cried Carson, strug- the Virginia was following a c Were close ag I und. i I . gling, "Come with me and arrest a level as a battleship's. Carson ate, e, "Aida Overture Johilson and Lucia guard, f a devil he, ,tile world is wide, its poliulation, Weirander-In Guam." Itwas a childish Ignorance, I i -1 jSextetta johnsor." the girl answered. of a bird thing that you couldn't see at The ninjor wits as complaisant as he man for attempt to murder." watched the triumphant test and for- But now 'tis little JOY � ---- some sixteen hundred milliolls. Of ' Irbe party was r cap Interrupted got to frown, and Lie little knew to- I from . � � r papit used to work for itll-till it struck the ground might not ?1341 nnyielding. � A boy in a messenge To know I'm farther oft ---- � 00You see, the! -Newark- Xewa. have been credited. The guard turned this considerable force we .1- 'ALI Witwi, - .- depart. . the colloquy by calling "Mr. Cahs011, ward what danger he was hurling him- heaven . . I i o' pera man." three. You ask us, 0 " "' s o t ...'. fybill met them when they Mr. Cabsoul" as if "paging" a man in Belt I boy. � � I out and moved on the parade ground. ourselves v ....... ,;U. t- .�.-Il_ ­ I Than when I ,wa-s a � Reciprveity. . The guard en4rovatered .1 great silver br­ - ,.wl,:-.,-,. RAm ­ lg , .0,:: .,, - � ...,Nil) the Virginia, with a let- a hotel. I Peak after ppak, village after village -Thomas laood. I .11 , . f . . I 1 winged insect vrith a snu.- car amid- ;_I I I-- fit" � : " 0 ­ . -1111 -i;*� i � , *­ . nand for Mr. Carson and a ,'I'm Carson,' said Theodore. "What and occasionally a big smokeless town ___X . I � . . , 0 _;=., I � U0111 ;, I'll, on her face- Carson do you want?" about the national power plants of the ,----- I . . I. - .� . . (Cl 7 n) I Ships. tier four braces stli-ldv- ­ -'It- Yet st-, I -vo tlit" - . I ""Se? �, - . 0@ 7 .1 �, jille as be tore It open and "Somebody on the wire for you at Leighton reservoirs Came hurrying to " I . . Bermuda aross llkp ,-- ,-t,.;. -.1 1. r,0 .1 - ­. .... let liko )1-1' it. jre4h) . I the telephone booth In the hotel," re- ward them, passed beneath like v1- __ 11. . Heart Trouble ) , , , � %_J The _--v:�r� ' .,,, ­ :', `R- ­ - ". " ,Wrig away with rn3r alint� who plied the messenger. sions and fell behind. : I . � . tt,- , '. 1"Al o0­1�.ww) �: T Ills, The J��,O,­ ­� Willi proll"":,"', na:� ­ndly tound ine and told rne of your Wondering who In Mobile might de- "See that big stratus cloud?" asked Cau-sed Dizzinatio Weaknew, I- I � I ,. � i ". "so " t- .. Z " -1 Pl­ -_; of Irl'ot" qrl'.- . i. A)? deception in allowing me to live with you, sire speech with him. Carson said, Carson. "Shall we go over or under . �q:�,:� ,,.,. 1,r%. ,Ill1t.11. are many and Smothering SPOIT16 1 - rimless -.�.;­ - , .; 1)(A., k tbinklr,L ..­ ;)y uncle. There --- 1. to the transviitter� It?" , . , .(,T;;o 1, -1 ,..-� oaricv- . , I i � . I ., ­ 1. '. , I- �bjr". . inight say, many I sbould like to %Nyho R thisr' in �i * . ­Prt� o .­It�,,, ­44� I- , F :-.1welal collsirlictioll -% say, but I migbt use expressions for "Your old friend Wizner," said the "Personally,". replied Craighead, 11rve — I . � � t-, � I :W StIl'.1111--, .1 mWIP innn ,j-n,n(_cl k,rol,g(leiid's nost, ,,*,::,, ally and .. _ vilich I should be sorry, As for tile com- I 1. I I i y aunt rcoplver. "Crazyns ever. Nevermind been under a cloud long enough." Through one cause,4))Vanotuor a .1 . i ,5yi117 Z) r,, I ,_,tgk-J)e L 0,,;1)A,14 la Impersonally. ,­ :� Jooking at a spe I I am. I'll tell that after I've The stratus was an Immense vapor . I . I . . cl- prornising of Myself. of Which M 1. ) I - ) . Other things where I orityofthepeo� e.�ural � I . P� �em*­l al W", -f .nlaute ,ml�lj �� � case, slowly removed the has spolcen, I care ni thing e theenrth. On. marontv o � .L . I . I m.licil mom. I want our i, to, you pupl" sbeet. half a mile abov i . . I � . count' f or so ,111,ed if you wilot me or ess, wit- -_ am of V - I � . I . 4w, 1 . . . au,� ,;' ­­' .. "', , - �.V IMMIXtion. gjas'ses and deliberately reseated him- 'parting to be without b4torness. So, with C,1rst%1l -lared tiorvely into the Pe- deMeath were the gloom and dull1less Wherever there are, sickly rplo 11 , . I � �. V 11, � . I ,s-1�1�11,,-sf notimile-F, ate self. the assurance that I Wla]) wateb over I of cloudy weather, but above It the weak hearts, BWbur&S HeV, a cl I . . . I 11 t;R11(i , : e-:�p 11w .4ealit �Amaz- ,,I have observed such a nose Ila but you and pray for your success and with e0frvr igment- Mvillbefoundtobotbe-WO off � I . . i. . . _W_ � � .. . 1, ,,, s;.liu1,_,, Craighead thanks for the manY, M.qny good And kind ,,I d1t1il*t gri tbnt." vaid Carson. sun shone with a brightness at the mc�iidne on the market. I 1� edly , . ,1 L' I one case," said be, "but its iatroduc- things you have done gor Tne, I bid YOU ,,V(,tl t.11n ,,tit,j- ilie pinolied, but I can ed by the brilliancy reflected from I .1 __ re . I— .. W's tense muscles, dropped his tion in evidence does not pstablish its goodby forever4 We can never forget we tin ttjibi And wbile I'M PrOkTiug upper surface of the cloud as from a Mrs. F. LeA:e C,rp* 114 EdOl .�- �. 1 I Old Doctor -1 learn that your son hand to his side and winked with UIO� Identity -with the only snout of similar 0aclA other, but we call nev4er tneet aga.ln. pn a for smug, great glittering Plain Of Snow, The Brantford, Ont., wriw��411t fir. � , , � ona my daughter propose to wed. utmost sobriety of expression. Symmetry recorded. 'Exhibit A' will VIRGINIA SUAREZ, things I'll fis ,�ou rellow past the meridian and shining greatest 61 ple�vlli:6,1 Vr1#6 y".10 I Wealthy Undertaker -Good idea! I 1,Podner,11 said be, "have Yeb got RUX be considered for what it is wortb-aS Craighead caught Theodore as he 01tw, nt'd Plit Vlarrnd whore the dogs Sun was the benefit I havo reeeivOddo b � U9 I � ?" u tool" warm, but on the wing over that tv 11 '' ­� "Think So evidence. Procced.11 ,I Istoozered_ 1von'l bite 11111A and vo air felt, not Milburriks Yp-trt, VA4 Nerv,.I... - . ! I . ,, nit - .. eaiin' toback,00" nything about stnllg great expanse of pearl the suffercd grell t I -,- fromlftrt' tr66 � , L I � "Yes, It won't matter then whotbOr "I'll trouble you gentlemen for your "I -will now Tender a song, which I . =�7__ T. I ­ I I- � __ ,11 don't unow a col but "caller," and they put on causedAizzi.­1,04, W,O�Qqmws tuild, , ", . . I , — - � gling," prolvsti-d Thoodoro 4, . � I � � 1 14, . t a � . Igo low, your pation-Ln s honorable body to receive as I Im I I or not, the passes." returned the sergeant. beg thl special Notlae,�, � 11V1,611,11 went OD NVjyjler, "it you dig their topcoats. The shadow of the ing lls I "", 04,� 1,66 '. tv I I -jr will bs 10 tlie family." I . 11 � . A0 " I �. ,� inone I "Unfortunately.", replied Mr, Cralg� 'Exhibit B."' BETTER THAN $PANKINGO Into the big snud bill ,with tile. steel , Virginia ran with her across the cloud : D4,, - 0� I I 1. . 11 0 1 1 �fi I - . , claration made a dis. oed in the 'un- I '0 MO, b X 10" - bend, "We OnlittPO to Obtain passes- I - Though this de You'll lind like a black bat bat k . hil. . ,= - .�e00-,-,.,4w'-. - , . C . ) � . ,��'"'O,��_ " . We ate ' tinct sensation among the officers'and "ISPInking clOOS not CuTo oblIcIren of bod- buoy on IL YoU Will. of a triple rainbow pills which I dU I 00 . " mr. . Vbat')l pill you 11) 11 better tr(00 tb�atl speakable glory A 1 Say no more, Mr. Sergeant ting. There is % oongtitutionAl cauge, for fiuQ4 One, b I I ,,­�, r 1. The Ran For Money. - . le Theodo? I orderlies, and though the sergeant, Wet ibu AA4 � I all zoldiero. This is Genn shis trouble. Mrs, W. Summ6ro, Box W 847 .putting me in prison for A fr011ic with which ringed the Scudding shadow continue I r - 'TW I 0, � I . "Albat iq Vie biteltectual epn� 0abson. Tu. A., and this Bfr� Waddy, I who *as a shortband �reporter, broke I ., v4ll send free to any, Inother Your neronef. Oil, dAT)'t tAlli so inuo- Rb -Ic circles, so b,rlgh4 I hi I , ret I � . I , winitaott ont out in concentl o ' I � � � h in 1 contl Row I I . ter of the V"ited statoq?" who svrvetl it) li& 1-11 t rhe typhoid , three Pencil$ I'D his agitation, Major her successful yacnio treatmelito with full did you finance Your air,; so refulg m -t it d,ye, so glorious In their one 0 "ering ro I r , , . "Nvby, the mint, of course.ti- Uprising r -..t 0h1vLtTru,1"g1l it the'Span- 1 Vlathers never let down by even ona �Ifistrucfilons, 0endlionioney,bub*Atelier I by free trade?" mingling lines, tbzt the Toyagers, tr 10,9) � 10 I , � . � , . ". I , , I 11 1� L I I � I �, it" � ' t�ou' I r " 11 Orn Int me unElt-, I 11 I i Ish I buttono " degree the saturnine dignity Of tits , chilhou trouble you In. this ship except, , I I Life. -Anyerfeall war, srv�w your . to-dayif your EEO ro. glanctrip; troin radlatico to Tafttiee, Mllbum!,s 11eart " , "I I I . . Ith a fine my"PD63114; blame 60 child, the chances Carson bad nothing to say. I , � I I . , . " . � I I 'I Mr. I'Voddy, as an 1,4. A. W, V. Y;u presence. Craighead Sang wi to it paulb 11elp It, This, troatment also membq4d ten' 4 + , r 1, � . I I . I .OnKes�. lowered 001r Voice$ td 04 MAI Ot 4 51) I § it & _.Captala Harrod's . � I I , A u I . .S� I � I * --">,-t', V41, - � t . , .. t wit I . . & . 0 , 11 y . L I , ,4 see, sergeant, that you are quite Safe JA40_­,p0.eJI0R 0 , Ung , b I � � times adultg,sa ogod people 6volibled With lb.04TttxAoAiAt'�n,00.,t4�v.,OoAq _'_ .1 I , . A, I , 11�. . - � � I I i . �$, t - � , - . . . . . ­ I U .Ipturipgyort morgan,.0 1. . � � ­ I .. , . I . ogaln4t 0 r �� . I I 414110 Aifflovitiollikly"y or AfFISA, .1 � � I I I �. ".L � I 11 .. . . � � . I � . I . � ", -11 . I �, .1 I I . � I , . I 1. i " IL I I . I I I � � . I . ` �% I � � r I I I I . .1 e", '� � � ,� 11 I I I - ._­�<� I ' . .1 ,� , , , , . ,, . I s. 1, I , , . . , . . I I . I I I , - , 11 �=11! I ,. '. . I �i,, _-, ' . .. . - �. I 11 � . . . , , " 111___��'., 11 I �.­ � I , I ., i 1, __MA"_1 - '.. _,W"., .�, 11'�, I . 11 . I I z, 4 ,... � . � � ,." 44�avi,�__A�. I I I --1 I L i , , LL - , .11�., I_ ; A_ � , . �.11 ,,,, . . I L I � I , I L , I � � �� 1 ". � 1� ", 1, -1 I 1. � I I . � . 01_�� _' ­­. I 1. :�� I I . ­�:, � . . i.A� I " _��.. �_�_­_'��_ ..,AWW,:1 _L - �_