HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 811W --7— I �. 11, I � .1 �7- w --- - ---- -----7--- �� �- , - ----- ,-----,,- .�. I . - 1-117� '11_771.1��, .... ��...,_!-,W"_.
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I I ____"___1M
11� , t, And Only recently vacated I Em? � � aomethiug that' . is. sub-aCid. , It which telia of thousands of exile's , , , I-------- �
b, . � 00C
1;. the pust of 0oulmouder-iii-Ohief of uleasa t, ut it is 'et , li�r I
h 11 �
1: .1 I I 1-106'ES IN, ORRISH FLEET ""' fee flow go THEY COME BY haye �assled. It is an 0 o
1 4
I t e Atlantic Fleet. Ile will be fifty- di rent fro or is 01 SMUGG
I I I I I . I . . _� $CvOia ye -_ in humor. 1. — . brick t sixteen feet in height. . . .
.��, . . 1. I I ars of age WMAY next, and essenti4ly, slow and deep, Arid geu� . I ,. On the west si,(1,0 it bea;rs in Rus- . I — . 1
, ,, . , RID G E MAN . I . � I . . .
[ �*� I.,. I 5IR FatANXIS R IS entered the nv,v at the age of four" , y `1 ', TAT BELIE'. TUBIR ial - acters the word "Ell �
. . �, 1, INAII ONS T11 1 'R A39D PrArl - char,
g � - � N, - 1,t"n� lie served with the Naval I- The Scot possesses it. rope,". ar,d on :the ,Other "Asial" ' TRICKS TRIB'D TO CIRCUU.
� �! , � - . 'S G kND SILENT D1, T, Brigade during the Egyptian War , I could go on fit length eriurn4er. GUARD 131EIR FRONTIERS, , 1. � 4 I .
I ''I � A STRW ., JJtVJJTAT1O4NS. , .
., I I -1 I . I I . , . � .
.,. I � .
1� � , I I — I �of 1882, but his professional repu� ating race� who are ghin credit for . � .. — F -,P---, I n,mrTin, CUSTOMS., �4
,� 'I . . I — � � 1.
� ,� . tation. has been, made both ashoro qualities that they don't possess At , 4 1
. . . � I
. . .
I �111 I 10M Fleet Is Greatest in the World as an administrator And afloat as . all W1,1te,9 About the all. 'Some are called brave, others caunat, .and A.ST1:VRNJ)(PuS F-0, AT , .
1. . A,it Buglishm � , united Staes Bound-
, commanderi � � . 1 I
I 1,� '. � , He has served in are ,called honest, others. arecalle4 . . NOW York Is the 'Greatest, port for
� . 11 and Comprises 400 Vessels of ia ary Is Veltraited By post 'i_i;necd for I. � I
i the following important offices' , Traits �of the Yarious trutliftil, others polite, and go , 8 and Polish W011MA 'A'hirty. I ?_1
I I �.. �. Every Type. I D1410ond SnAuggli4g,in
; "... � �, I ashore. Xa,vral Adviser to the In. I four Monrs, . ,
� "I 4� - I Peoples. I forth. St011e Cairns. . I I - . .
I �;; , : . I . 8ir Francis Birdgeman, it maj be speetor-Gelieral of Fortifications, I often give These mythical race qualities Happy is The- most enthusiast'o,dan"rs in I ,the 'World. , 1. .,
. .. ,-
", . �1, I . . member of the Royal Artillery and ' Races are n credit for the country, I I
, , �, � . 1� P408Sess, g SeUes natural boundaries. We Are weddings it is .
r` ., I . remembered, was appointed rs, . fine qualities they don't cause the confiding traveller a -lot which POs- the world are Poles, and at Polish Some t4me. ago a woman succeed. .
� ,: ,: I . I . , Royal Engineers Work,s Comr�ittee, of bother, You go to a country of the custom for the ed in muggling out of German ,
... I i . . � I I I I . Pommander-in-Chief Of the Home member of the War Office just �'S individual$ are, lye, the, better off in this respect than al- bride to dance with every guest at South 6
1; 11 Fleet when. it was treated (in its Torpedo I which you have heard that thepeo- ,
�� , , most any other nation, for the -W,ost, Africa, diamonds to tho ��
". I I I .
I'll : I I Places Committees, example, ar-e a
.11�.,,� I arid Landing or upposed ple are politeness itself, You say th,3 ceremony who asksher. There value of $2,600,000. An ne who �,
I:- resent. form) at the beginning of lish ' ,_ �. ..
, I ng 'I is .0 .
1". 'b'y guile ess strangera who don't 11 -have whole of our 2,165 miles of frontier , large YO
.., �, , .� , � � " ,, and Director of Na,yal Intelligeric.c. , to yourself, "Oh, now I wi , Polish 11
I .
11 I. f907. He bola the command for two is guarded by I . section in St. takes diamonds out of that German ,
,,. 1, , . � the ,%ea� Next comes Louis, a,nd, it was r,3cently rep .
, I .�, . . I . As a flag officer Afloat he haa been know us,. to be a, sto'ny, inexorable, a -gobd time 1 1 won't be put to any Italy with "% 4712 miles of led colony has to pay a d -,
i , � I I . rea� cout-line, - f rom , ut-y of on��,
1!� , I . I � IL I I rs, says The Illustrated London Commander 'of the Second Cruiser 011bending, unflinching, Spartan boiher ' Everything will go on arid the that city that a Polish orlide third the value of the stones, � Se. , -
. I graphic, spending a large propor- . We are. alleged to be beau like a wall across her dalleed for, t
��`, .!�,� I .
�� , , � � , -in-d of raoo, tifully oiled whewels. For these A, 11 hirty-four hours. The that ingenious lady '�4
"� Squadron, second in command of k . northern adary, says, Pearson)s c1.1st.om is
", � I I I I I $Dri of the time in a 11stone fri- 'ke our people, Weekly. bou saved about
1 I' the Me&t*rranean Fleet, and Com- laconic and steel -like and stoical, people are not li � . for the man, who wishes $860,000. . .
�' / �, , � � I . ;ate "-otherwise un office building mander-in-Chief of the Atlantic writes Bart Kennedy in London They are, so polite, � I to dance with a, by�dc, to toss a sil- But the great .
I I at Sheerness, Under his 4com- . Answers. � Contrast these c with those place for diamb,44
� � � � . laand, however, the Home Fleet - Fle e t. . . I And what do you find?, Why, you of Germanya ases ver dollar int( I
� o tb,d plate, the coins smuggling is the port of New York.
. � xid Austri I A. The lat- rIn sortof silver dower for 'The American 11 is 60 per cent., .
) About 3,800 miles,. of which 2,996 is e in a d �y
I � , � �_ - . as I PRINCE LOUIS. As a matter of fact we are , .no And that these people with the pol- tQr country has a ' .
� 1- - " � �: l Wmecl- a.. very different aspect from such thing, We are a, gay, sport�y, ite reputation are the rudest people . frontier lino, of 'h b r 6W e, and a Polish ceremony* but it is an import'daty, not anlex-
I )hat which it were when The significan" of Prince Louip' t sts as 10 the .
r he first I' lively people -that is, when the unhung. At every hand a turn YOU land, %every mile of which must be la ng ' as the energy of port one, I
�, t hoisted his flag. From being mere -!new appointment lies in the fact Egyptian darkness of our Climate are met with rudeness of the dou- guarded against the encroachments bride and her male guests, I And when an American buyn
� I I -and admittedly ,a reserve forc'e, that he is senior to the o0icer whom lifts, and you get us at the right ble�barrellcd order. People bump of her neighbors. Germany is &I- The bride who performed the stu- $25,000 worth, say, of diamond& in
I I I i developed in size, in modernitl he succeeds, and that, in the ordin- moment. Our stoicallaess is simply into you, nd knock into you, with most equally badl Pendous feat of dancing for thirty- London or Pari , ,he does -not Al -
I - . y off, for her se 8
� ond in readiness f?r war so rapidly ary course Of events, he will have b'�cause of the weather. For a four hours was Mrs. Fred Zapowa, ways- see why ,sJI44 should have to
i In' out so much as saying '1131 your coast line is only U4nniles while
p 't ' . I . $hat it became plain that it was not attained the rank of full Admiral England we have days that wai,ild leave I" And you feel in the end 2,265 mile,� of land frontier ,border who was married on a, Wednesday pay the further substantial sum of
� � �.! . iestiried for long to hold. a secon- by the time his vwo years in the make even angels stoical. . that you are looked upop as a p r- u . morning at- nine o'c�ook, and was $15,000 for taking them infohis own
�. � � gon Russia, Austria,, Switzerland, willing and able to continue da-nc- c
. . . � .1 � iarY Place in our first line of de- appointment havo expired. Sir No; get to know us, and YOU will son beneath consideration as e a lanoe, Holland, and Belgium, and ountry, . .
I , . 1. .. ,� .1 I I . . , j a we ossess none o , arger portion of this great in . I 11
�1� � . I lence; and when Sir Francis hauled George was seventeenth on the list find b t v p ' f these human being, just because you are far the 1 ,,Jg thirty-four hours, later, when The -chief offenders, howevei, are
� J . . lown his flag in March, 1009, it oe- of Vice -Admirals when lie received Spartan -cum -Roman virtues. And . the men dancers were, pla,yed not amateuroa'�, but the buying ag-
� � . I : . msioned no surprise when the Ad- his appointment, Prince Louis a stranger, These are the people distance is not protected by moun- out and fell on,chairs and �
� . . is I am very pleased that we don't. whom u heard of as -being so pol- tains, rivers, or any other natura tl�e floor ents of certain wmcrupul6us New
l . yo
� � I...� � mirAlty announced that the Home only eighth. Life on the fateful, immense, ite i I I boundary. . . . . .1 in utter ,exhaustion. ---It is- not sug- York and ,Chicago -jewellers.
, I
, . : I Fleet would abs�orb the historic, 'Ine il,ome Fleet, of which Sir Greek tragedy lilies mli'ii have "TRUTHFUL" LIARS. I . The Germans guard their front- gested, of course, that Mrs. Zap- Last Autumn one of the most re -
X1 ,e owa danced for thirty-four hours so
. '
I . Channel Fleet, which until thel"Francis Bri geman assum s cOm- something of a `00ntr � _, urceful smugglers. thar, ever baf-
, I Act' You were , I know whereof I -speak, for I xers with unceasing vigilance, 04� without a rest. The intervalsi how� ed the Customs� men �vas brought
.. . ha,d been the head and front of our mand, is far and away the great- s doing impossibly tragical have had- this kind of interesting pecially, that which faces France
, a4val -defence, It is well known eat naval force in the world, It alway ever, were Only short, and she did to book. He was known to be, a
,; things, just because the high gods h h border of Elass-
. . I th4t the Admiralty were not over- comprises, to the total number oil experience myself, I have travel- '01 " 's' u' ern not 'go to bed during that time,
much in love with the appellation over 400, ,every type of warship that thought it was good for you. led amongst people who had -the . �',th'�x.itn en,) an France is by no . jeweller's Agent, but had never
, an g e Ind d The record -of Xrs. Zapow& is n (4declaxed" more than $100 or $166 ,1
I __ , .1 - ' THE EFFUSIVE ENGLISHMAN. reputation of being truthful, and I b h n her precautions. Ot
, " '. __, � I "Rome Fleet"; it was altogether exists to -day -battleships; armored We English are simply a common- have found them to be bigger liars As soon as the. war of 1871 , was an unusual one for Polish women, worth of stones. On two previoug
too tethering a, name. But it had cruisers, protected cruisers, un- over France began to build a huge who accomplish stupendous feAts Of occasions he had been searched on
been necessary to swingaround the armored cruisers, sense, shrewd, exceedingly wide- than novelists. I have met peoplo . dancing at their weddings, and it
. scouts, topedo- cha4if of fortresses All the suspicion, but fruitlessly. Thisi 'A-
. strategic front of the fleet, so that boats, destroyers., torpedo -gunboats, &.wake people, whom Fa,te has or- of alleged politeness whom I would way has been placed on record that time the Customs men awor .
� � , from Belf,ort to Longwy. - The steep a e they
I I aot only did "Channel Fleet" be -,and mine -layers. It comprises, al- dained to live in a country where. have brainecl for their rudeness, if Vosge's mountains guard a portion another St. Louis voma- danced would make, no mistake. The Arri-
I . mme a misnomer, but "North Sea: so, a number'bf auxiliaries, such as the sun shirks his duty. We are a there had. been a club lying -around of this frontier, but the rest is flat Almost continuously for three days erican Custom House keeps Agents i, I
.1 Fleet" also became the obvious al- repair ships, a hospital ship, depoi democracy under a moiiiirchial dis- handy. J have travelletl amongst country, and -the and nights, I in London and Paris to send homa I
' boundary line . .
.�� ... I �ernative. For political reasons, 1 ships for destroyers and submax- guise. We are all right -when you honest people who would steal the uns through I I Three years ago an Ita,lian living n-ews of .any American purohase� ol I
. . kowever, this was to be shunned;! ines, a distilling ship, oil -carrying know us. We are experts in the eye out oil' your head if you gave r in Paris ofkred $50 to any person valuable Jewellery, and they had
I and after referring in two or thre�'ships and mine -sweepers. art of giving other nations the glad them half a chance, Indeed, I have FORESTS AND FIELDS. wbo. could dance longer than him-
I Its ma"ll hand, and getting them to do, what been forced to the conclusion that , cabled the news that this man had �
� 11 Dflicial papers.to the "Main Fleet,". strength, active and reserve, con- Where the line runs through self. Five competitors entered the just 'bought two diamonds, each
, 1 we like. And what we don't know the reputation that a race 'gets -as woods'a broad belt has been �lear- lists against him, but one by orre
"Home Fleet" became, and re-Isists of 4o battleships, 19 armorea worth about $25,00OAo A detectivo �
saains, the title of the greatest na- , cruisers, 25 smaller cruisers, 11 about the "fake" that is called the a race is always wrong. And, fur- ed, and is kept free of *alkunder- they dropped out, wbilst the nim- was ordered to travel with him, 11
K val force the world has ever seen. scouts, 175 destroyers, 65 torpedo, art of governing could be; written ther, I have come to the conEusion growth. .aiong the cebtre, At dis- ble Italian fantastically footed. it and keep a, close watch. �
� I on a postage stamp, We are a that these reputations have, in the tances of about a qiia-rter of a mile� for fourteen hours at the rate, of
SIR WILLIAM MAY. boats, 60 submarines, 7 mineAayers 1. Nothing -suspicious occurred 'till �
� . and 6 torpedo -gunboats. No small �,ery good people to know -when main, no better foundation than are, erected stone posts very like eighteen waltzes ari" hour without the. liner -was nearing the pier at
� , . When Sir Francis Bridgeman force for one man to handle, paxti- you agree with us. And, though that afforded by the individual our ordinary mile stones. When- turning a, hair. I New York, Th b detective, no -
hauled down his flag, Sir William you may not, credit, it,, my dear. views ,and yarns and lies of the ever a road runs along the frontier As a matter of fact, dancing com- I en t
� � cularly with the semi-independent ticed his man eaning' over the rail
� , \ I May succeeded him. He also suc- Atlantic Fleet, consisting of ten stranger, wo have, a sense of hu- travellers of old. it is marked 'by tall wooden posts petitions are very popular -in Par- tea'king up letters, ' and d 0 i:1 �
ceeded Lord Charles Beresford, armored and four smaller ships, mor. We axe certainly not built It's an odd world, my confiding painted -on one side with the French is, and at one of the haIla a ,short the pieces in the water. Itlsepepm -
� I I , I who for two years had commanded thrown in. . on immense, Greek tragedy lines. traveller! And the only .safe way, and upon the other with the Ger- time Q;go'e'ghty couples competed -strange that a man who had not re- �,
the' Channel Fleet. Sir Francis The Americans are another race 'when you are going around in .it man colors. Oustom houses stand for a prize of $20. 1 It was won. by ceived any letters for five days -.,
� 1
Bxidgeman took the post of Second who are credited with qualities they is to go by your own eyes, : riot -only -on the railways, but upon a couple who danced for,three-quar- ,should only tear up his old on ,� I :,
� ;- � I Sea Lord which Admiral May had _S_ do not possess. They are, supposed Yes, use your own eyes, and don't all the main lines of traffic, and are ters of an hour. In this case, how- hat A ��
. vacated, and now, after two years, . I to be as sharp and keen as mus- mind the yarns you hear -about the well guarded by police and troops. ever, correct dancing and deport- now. Then he noticed t �,
" S. I envelope dropped� almost perpen- ,�;
�_ I he returns to command the fleet tard. They are reckoned to bethe People You are going to visit. Go Rows are of constant occurrence, ment as well as endurance were dicularly inst.6a,d of flut-terivg. By ; �
Co . most up-to-date and wide-awake 'With an open mind, prepare to be ainle recently an Alsatian, who taken into consideration, an inspiration, he rushed to the f
� whose inception he superintended Remarkable Change in Their , n people who have ever happened. surprised at nothing, and all will a boy of eighteen had fought in At another wa,ltz tournament a captain, bad a boat, lowered, and
four years ago. On April ist Ad- ('11tion Since They Were . Freed. the war of 1170, and had subse- couple waltzed for eb. 45min� on.
4 miral William May hoisted his flag '.L -,-y are up, not only to snuff, but be well. reached the floating envelopo.just
� . in a shere billet -as Comman,der-in- President to all things. They are alleged to _ip que:ntly settled on -the French side e ' ted
Forty-eight years ago nd without even a momentary in time to prevent its being 1-4
. I . chief at Plymouth; but if rumor is Lincoln signed a document which be the sharpest, clieverest, shrewd- ROMANTIC 3,700 MILE TRIP. of the border, wai drinldng at an rest, -bl�e previous record of the, by a boat th6t had seemed t6k be
I rrectly he will hold this liberated 3,500,000 black- slaves in est, and most slap -bang people go- inn on'the German side when a kind being ah. i5min. Altogether admiringly watching -the big liner
41-1- the Southern States. These ne- ing. - I First German frontier' guard saw him -a dozen couples eiitered for the
� -A pjast for twelve months, being al- White Wornan to Penetrate, I tournament, but only two 1 sted come in.
, 1_1_1'_� __11� �, ready assigAed to fill the shoes of groes and their ancestors, had been THE GULLIBLE Y_NK. . Interigrof Africa. d d a The envelope was found to con- I
, kept in slavery during 244 years. I The Alsatian, although nearly over six hours, and all the winners tain the two diamonds, embedded -
I I Admiral of the fleet Sir A. K. Wil- At the liberation the negroes were This is their reputa;tion-with Miss Olive MacLeod, daughter -of sixty years old, won the race, but received for their tremendous ex- in a piece ol.cork. 'The., other boa6 .
� son, the First Lord, when that of- without money, without art inch of people who don't know them. How the late Sir Reginald MacLeod, the when he got about a hundred ya,rds ertion waa a, prize valued at $10.., a
; I . ficer reaches his time limit On , th got this reputation was partly first white woman. who has ever across the line the German fared at . was soon overtaken, so I
I �� . March 4 of nextyear. land, without knowledge 'bf any ey _14— Customs made a clean hau con- - - i
� . kind, and without any moral or owing to themselves. They ran hur�- penetrated anywhere in the inter- him twice. Out swarmed the. federates and ingenious passenger,
I I BRIDGEMAN THE SILENT. religious education. - riedly hither and thither -tip and ior of Africa, arrived at Plymouth, French guards, and if am officerhad POWER FROM POTATOES. too,. I �
. I .
I . � . down Europe, saying these things �ngland, recently, on her return not luckily been at hand a fight ..
A remarkable change has taken I Probably no one is betterable to I
. I Vice -Admiral Sir Francis Bridge- place during about theihselves, and in time peo- journey. She accomplished the would have, been the result. Make Alcohol From Them and Run read the human face than the New - i
I � these forty-eight trip of 3,700 miles for a romantic
: . man, although lie is a step lower in years. Without the assistance of Ple believed them. For, if you will object. . Her sweetaeart, Lieut. A FRENCH14AN SHOT. Farm Machinery With It. York Customs man. A group of
I � status than the officer whom to -day immigration, they have increased tell people how great you are for Boyd Alexander, the famous ex- Some years- ago a tragic incident . Culled potatoes will be furnish- them stand at the gangwa,y, scru-
he supe.rsedes, is seven months his considerably. The knowledge of & sufficient number of times, they ployer.'was murdered by nativesin occurred not far from Belfokt. A ing the power for the gang plougb tinising the, faces of the passeng-
. I in
,� senior in age, and attained his reading and writing has increased will wind up by believ ng you. Such Central Africa, in May, 1910, and French officer hunting a deer, i and the -engine on the farm before ers as they troop off the riewly-ar- .1
11 .1
. - sixty-second birthday on December to 55 per cent. Three hundred uni- is frail human nature. she determined to make the joF� the excitement of the chase, many years go by. A bushel of rived,liner. They do not search one t
,,, 7 last. He entered the navy in versities, colleges, academies high As a matter of fact, the Americ- gal- ,senger in a hundred, 'but when It,
� ) ney in order to place &,memorial loped across the frontier. A Ger- culled pota,toes is worth 50 cents. Pas I
�,, 1862, the year after the completion schools and seminaries are pos- ans are an innocent and gullible cross on hi -a grave. . man challenged, and, as the Turned into, denatured Alcohol they they ,do search they usually find. I
. Of the first armored ship ever built sessed 'by the negroes. .Mey pos- people. They are, in effect, local Miss MacLeod in her journey Frenchman did not stop, fired, and 'would be worth 72 cents. The pro- . Too loud a, laugh, an unria-tural �
I I ;�
11" for the British Navy, and within a-- s s, and manage, forty-eight and provincial. And when an Am- trav,--rse,d Southern and Northern killed him On the spot. The French cess of extracting the alcohol is not qftickness in talking, . an . uneasy
I the next six months he will have banks of a total capital of $2,500,- erican is allowed out in, London or N 1; a glance at the men in uniform, too A`
7� i eri and found the Falls of May Government sent a pretty sharp ,one that every farmer can carry
�� wi , . iii
under his command the first ships 000. They control 700,000 farms, Paris thout his guardian be is Kabo, which had never actually note to Berlin, and we believe that on, but the alcohol is there $11 ostentatiously unconsciou; a, bear-
�, L carrying the new 13.5 -inch gun, and possess 230,000. They pay taxes apt to make a present of all his been seen before, although Com- compensation was paid by the Ger- right, . ing-any -sign, how -ever subtle, is �',
I .
, . I . . ",
� . a� . I . 'Alcohol is produ&d by the fer- enough, . . . . I ,
I and, shortly after, the first sea- on property valued at $975,000,000. money to the first 'confidence who marid nt _Lemfirit had penetrated man Gove-inment. , .4
. I
�, . going wa,rship propelled by inter- More than 236,oOO negroes are comes along. They are- an interest- that section for a short distanm The Russo -German frontier is nientation of sugat, Potatoes con-. . But it is on -small tramp steamerg I
q .
; I
v nal-combustien engines. He' is not teachers in public and private ing people; but ----if one may be,per- In future the Falls will -be known marked in a gimiliar fashion, - and tain starch that,niay be converted thit the Customs man's ingenuity i
. - .
� 7 --- I . a popular officer, in the sense that schools, and 800,000 children in the mitted to borrow a phrase from the as Les Chutes MacLeod, in 'honer here troubles are of -.frequent oc-, into starch by the adda,ion of malt is really tested. - On a liner a �
. �
� smuggler has to act alone.' On V. I -
- of the young woman. currence, for the hungry, ill -paid and then fermented. The potatoes At,
� I be is neither a Fisher nor a Beres- schools are black. The negroes have vocabulary of the confidence man � � . 4
, ford. He does not talk delightful- erected 25,000 churches, and there "they are easy." -Still, it is im- — A. __ Cossacks are consta'ntly -raiding are steamed u -til the starch is small ship the whole crew are* US-� -
, . ly comprehensible "shop,.)J as did are 35,000 negro priests and bish- possible not to like them. They � . � AW over thf_�order in search of poul- cooked thoroughly. Then the malt 'ually in the plot. � In a suspected � I
� I 9- -1 ?_ .. r - _
Lord Fisher, nor does he pertain ops. Two hundred thousand ne* GERMAN INSURANCE L . hip, practically every cubic inch
�,, I to the "b . luff-a'-n&hearty" type roes are medical doctors, 3,000 are are so naive and -amusing. . I . .1 I try an�! plii. is added. When the starch has 8 essel has to be searched, . �
I ' e old@; -pr line in Europe bq .
The Irish are supposed to posess . �n qpye tast Qf the v I
I - . . .- ag
l� �s W a �t fronti ,_Kd into IuFar a y
. �,X, lawyers, and 80,.009 tradesmen, But, as a mat- Facts and. Figures As To H6-iy It - T ch . I . - I I
N which finds . g4at modern . � sense of humor, Is maAs rhe 1;1'1-Ad.dy InZh is ded AnJ the sugai fer- fyona ihe coal 'n the'launkers to the 4
!, . is at wbi
I Wles Ord Charleg. His ter .01 !act, Ley a.re Fhe' most ser- . . Worked. between Hanover and Holland, mented. What is left from the oil in the fo'c's'le lamp. Even the JI
� � pex.sonility is more that of Sir Ar-' -----*— . 44?W PeOpl� oln�. Jn I r91DJ Of ttig" llow' � . It crosses the- line. A row potato mash can be fed to cattle. fender -the big W1 of rope that AI
I � ing figures show the where 1 1
V, � th ' FU fo xii6ntioni - The fo ns lies all across'the riv- Experiments have proved that the ea,ses the shook between th`e-�ship�s,��'. ,,
- � -
I 511 _;..Al� a man adored (in sec. TOBACCO CREED OF EXPERT. I bw I be. act that working of the German workmea's of pontoo i 11:�, .
. �, le-�) bl'the ha�j, ini-to Z-1 Int'a-at's ed bow and stePn, the mash has a high feeding value. " side and the pier -is prodded v, I � ;��
" .�.and puaq�e� iniqo7p �p gen- Claimed for it '11hat it is An Aid to . insurance law in 1909 are of inter- er, chain long needles. No pow ". : .
. ', . , I SAR,IOUS POLITICIANS. est. Of a total population of 63,- eastern halves of the boats are Denatured alcohol is use' , 1.9 I
I �._ I 19 t � . d for place is overlooked. � I I 41
, eral public. lEference books -Cell Digestion, I le 9,928,478 niales and painted in German colors, and the heating and lighting, in chemicals, N ;L
i "�r nothing About him, probably be- � They seem to think that the talk- 879,000 peop The result is, in varnishes, in explosives and as But it was sheer luck that helped
? " cause he does not eontribute auto- Just now a man m&y either s�op by the Thames really exer- 3,4�6,812 ,,feinales were instired western in Dutch. I s the Customs man,- who) standing �
� , . . smoke or not smoke and still have� against the, consequences of ill- to say the least of it, striking. a fuel for engines. For some year,
ck the most eminent me& .
� biographical notes to them; but, at his b a c1ses, a ,potent influence in the af- ness. They were insured in 23,449 While the boundary. between the the tax laws were such that'alcohol in the captzin'a -cabin cheerfullY
I- like Sir Arthur,Wilson, those who ica,l authorities. Any -one who has fairs of human beings, I insurances offices in all parts of the United States and Canada follows was too expensive As fuel for en- confessing his failure,, remarked -
I How the Irish got the name of. empire. . . miles the gines. For this reason machinery that it was hungry worki and that .� 'T
; I . .know him (professionally) the best, studied the ola physiologies in the for, many hundreds of he wouldn't mind a helping from :
� like him (professionally) the most. public schools will remember what possessing a sense Of humor I don't Against accident were, insured River St. Lawrence and the great has not been adapted for using �e-' .
I know. Perhaps they bad such a 14,854 000 males and 8,913,000 fe- lakes, there is a vast distance of natured alcohol'. But it is coming the cold pie the skipper had just � "
: . His work as Second Sea Loyd has a horror of tobacco and its dele- I risen from. The look of terror ,OA . I '
- sense in the days of the"bards. But males. Against complete inval '
I gone straight to the heart of the terions effects was inculcated in id� prairie landbeyond with no natur- into use. ough. Tho ,`
men of the fleet, Nvhos,e position has. the minds of impressionable youth, they certainly haven't got it now. ity, or'inability to work, were in- al demarcation. This is larti . ficial- The United States Department the steward's face. -was en " "I
, I i roved in innumerable vrays dur- ' it Indeed, they are the most serious sured 10,707,100 males and 4,737,- ly delimited by of Agriculture has issueda bullet. man who swallowed that. pie. could. '
� I .mp arid many of the medical fraterni y I . . De- easily have pawned himself. for
. . Ing his two years of office; while still oppose the use oftobacco in ,people in the world. . 200 females. There were 5,540,826 PILLARS OF IRON AND WOOD in recently,on this subject. , ' s, : .
. You h to be a bit careful. alc7l' cases of illness dealt with, 1,021,168 . � . natured alcohol is being extracted $7,500. There *ero three diamond ,
. the fact that he returns with the theory. I alve, . . � !
I., acting rank of Admiral to the com- The Slavic expert, Pawlow, has out making a joke in Ireland. For, cases of accident and 115,264 fresh placed a mile apart. These are from potatoes in other countries, In it ',, worth considerably more than I
. I . I � . that su`m.-London Answers.. I.. ��
mand of the fleet to which he was recently made a statement of his to- if you don't mind, you will -to use pensions for invalidity in - addition �upplied alternately by the Canad. with ,success. � . I I I . � �
. . I
I 4 1
* . .
appointed while a Rear -Admiral, is bacco. creed in wbi*uh smoking at an Irish fighting phrase -"get your ,to the existing , 983,354 pensions. ian and United States Gov,ern- A distillery for this sort Of work 1 _-11- .� - I I .
i sufficient, evidence that those in least is exonerated from most of head in your fist." . ons numbered in all ments, and ruri from Lake Of the might be conduetod by a farmers' - I - � I
I -Irish are a polite people, 130,643. . � . Woods I)o the Red River Valley. cooperative association or as 1.1 . . MELANCHOLY READING. : �
, whose discretion these Appointments the charges made against it. Ile The I I .
. �
I .
1� �, lie have the fullest confidence in claims that it does not injure or Which is altogether a different tbin,g The income from insurance was. Beyond, mounds of earth and rivate enterprise. A plant with a , ,,11istory is interestb3g," re%nArk- '�w
� . -,, his ability� hamper digestion, but actually aids from being a humorous peo le. 1891,698,800 marks (four marks equal cairris of stone are used as marks. Kily.,capacity of 8,000 pounds of . 11,
. I I . the�other day, ,� �,
. .t I I � which 413,497,700 The pillars are hollow castings, potatoes would cost approxima, te- ed alittle beginner t
I I., Yes, tbc�r are very polite indeed, ,rongbly $1), of 'but I )ry sad,,4.�tber. �;J
I.. I. � think it is v( , 4��
.� IN THE ROME FLEET, - .6 contributed* by the eight feet high, eight inches square ly $12,000. This is larger consider- , , ""
. He claims that the pungent pro- And they are, very clever with it, , marks wer � Da you know, everybody Ive, stilidied 1�
Another important change oc- ducts ,of combustion start witii a They know by instinct what you 6mployerg, and �42,076,30o by the At the ba,�e, four at the top, In- �bly than would be practicable for I I
. I
curred on March 26 in the Horne flow of'saliva. grid that as'all the want to,hear, and they tell" you workmen. The Imperial contribu- side are woll. seasoned cedar posts, a coop rise, The. plant About yet has died." I I I
Fleet, Vice-Adiniral A.S.11, Prince glands work in a sort of harmony that. and nothing more. Andthey tion, was 51,500,2oo marks. The to- Each pillar is inscribed in raised would balve to be in a potato gro. w- . — ' r I ,� I.
. Louis of Battenberg suocee when saliva flows gastric juice al- like I you. to be polite, too, Though i%l expenditure was 5Q§,924,200 letters on the north "Convention ing country with good railroad fa,c- CONVICTION. 11 t I I
ding ka.. � I L e' south, "Oct, I I L
Vice -Admiral Sir George Neville in so becomes active. Smoking after 'if you are not, they -will put up with' Inar , .. � . . -of London, " on th . ilities. . I - Singloton--"Evesi a married mau �,
. I I
a me&J, is especially beneficial to it, I . .� I I qf-- Wth, ims.11 The stone ettirns ate . � 1) �` I
I 1 .__-44— , I
I command of the third and fourth di- . I . . . 1_ L . has 9, right to his own opinion. , it
, - �.of a, bypopeptio tendency )3ut they won't put up with' kes, � I seven feet high, eight ' ' I ' the OLD Renpecke-"My dear fellow,,Al I
� visions. These divisions constitute persons � 30 base, and .shaped likc 11111id. . CE NSUS TAKING� ' '
. -1 � `
L the r6ervo_ line of our na,val de-. because it is certain to set tip . all I remember, when, I was travelling, � isn't 6 question of � right, It's a . �
0 Sttanget-Say, cabby, where ZrO Earth is u'sed where L. is tot There is a record of a censiis in i .1.1 I I -
increased flow of gastric juices.- in Ireland, 1 tried now and then to . . I I . question Of courage." I .
I I I . . I I I fence, Ships in the third division L I � . I crack aJoke. Biit I n011t.ly,gn+. my . we 711 available, Ohina as far back as the year q049 I . - � .
I . I I . . . I I are manned with three-fifths oor 1. , I ,4$— I head cracked for it J..", " ,!Ire��, Cabby-' 'Nowhere. Jistoheotde � -The most'fam6us of all bound. B.C,, and.of ,one in Jap.�n in the, ElplDr(IM10. , 11 .
11 �. I . 1. , four-fifths Of their full crews, and , � . ' ., suburb;. " I � ary marks� in Song Land story is the' last before Christ, Under . . 1.
, .
I � . . I , � 1� I Elsie says there was only one times. And I bad, t,, . � �,,, .., . I I "Pillar of Farewell," which marks the �cnt I , � . � I
. .those in the fourth� division with " tonsturlyttion of Solon, the eiti- She --'Row's your wife? goo.& 44
, '
I . .. � � � one-fifth of two-fifthg, Accor 4 to drambaek. to her wedding, " a8 tbey. say in Lanc.,.Ww , . AsBistait-L"Mri. Joneo complains the line between Russia afi4 Siben, z6ne 6i Athens were divided find re- 'Ile --Her Iread ti�vubles her a,
I �
. I . I ' F '�5 S( tj her photographs don't, look'ia, It stands between Ekateri - g I I t
11 I z� , , "Wha't was th "She s THE -TUMOROI) I I - � I— I
, . , tbe: age and type of the ship.1111100 � ,%: th� n est.e 0 0 .
I . ,. I at W aysher . I � L r d in f ur class,es, Aoeording loa , .
I . ,: ,�. : 1 ; ' t I - I Photographer -"Com- I burg in Russia and Tiumen in Sib- .' S e gla? � I 1.
�, , . tvaio of., 19odienberg is one of, the f4ther, looked too clicerful whmi he � I don't deni, that they are 4witty -like beP." , " ) � . -to the aniount of their tax,ibld pro�- il, -'New-al "'
�, - , ., ,
I � I w*st abl's and popular offieovg in govt her away." But wit has in itr,a sharpness 0,11� I Owns I sho OU04 #*AO' , "'�V 14w' 'and is claithe main road along perty, . � He ---No; glw�wllnts a 1'11,�w' hat 1. �
1, i IL .11 . I I . . 1. )As . .. I I I , - . �
. I . � .
, . I . .
: I � I I
I . . .; I I . I . �, . i . I I �!, ;�
I 11�
I 111,�
� . . I I I I 1) :., ,'. I . . I ,��,, � . . .i �
ill � I I I I I . . I . I . . :1 . ...... � I I i I I . . I . .. � I � I I
.1L.. I � . 1. I I � I I ... I � , -P,v � I . I �. .1. . I I . . . .,. I I 1,
- . " I 1, . I I . � . I I . " A—* . _�, -,y �� , , . .. � . I . . . . I . � . I � I �
11 I . � , �� ; .�, , . I � . L �L I I . I . I I . I . . '1\ . I I , � I V9 � . . Oupyl. � . I I I . � � � .1 , . I . . I I . .w4 1,�ALP.�, . .. : . . . . I . . I i ,
� . I I . r I ,� � i I 1, , , � � � . lv-.01 4�', 1 �. n , , L I . I . i , . . . . . ? . I
I , . . , i 'T.,., .
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11:1 11 I I . � , 1, I .. I I I ,� .", � , � , Ar ;"_ �. �, �-' L, . . I .7. � . . . .
I I I I . � I , - I � I .
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;, , , ,
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Z-_��. r- , 'r 1, , � , - � . , . �' 00 '' ��",r,�' I . � , , , , : , ; , , I � . � I . � I .. , � L I �, ; 4 ' � ' , , I �,, �
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iLL, _ : .1 L' 111- � ". , �,, �.4 �� , , ,� , '.',.i,"!,& , _ � ,� _ _.W.�L, _!� �.,�� I. ..�.:.,_�, , � I �, _,�, i�11. ��- - - I 11 , "I
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