HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-25, Page 17PAGE 18 •-GODER.ICH SIGNAL -STAR„ WEDNESDAY, MARC,11 25, 1987 24. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE quiet couple wonting to rent coun try home near Bayfield References available (III 482 5748 11 12 WANTED Single working parent with two small children seeks reosonoble housing in Goderich Reliable and responsible Phone 524.4764 12 . WANTED TO RENT a one or two bedroom cottage ur Bayfield Area June 2 9 Coll 529 7711 evenings. 12 13x WANTED Two or three bedroom furnished cot tuge for month of May in Godench oreu Call Woyne ut 524 7316 12 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED Hornpster cage Phone 5249193 12 WANTED TO BUY used crib in gond condition Phone 524 9271 12 WANTED used wall mounted naturof gus fur moss. (chimney vented) complete with fun blower one utility shed suitable for storing 'own mower and garden utensils etc 524 2907 12x CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help Wanted TOPS' N TRENDS is now hiring for spring line. . Horne parties. Commission soles. Management position available. Call Karen 786-4728. 0615 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • positions for restaurant and hotel. Call or apply SANDERS ON.' THE BEACH.. Grond Bend, 1%519138-2251 between 10 U.M. 5 p.m. only. 10.12 TRUCK DEALERSHIP required 'General Joe to aid licensed mechanics and maintain yard. Call Regal Truck Centre 348.4711 for interview. 1 1 , 12 BABYSITTER WANTED preferably for in home ser vice, willing to take core of 1'2 year old. • references required 524•8654: 11.12 TWO BRICKLAYERS needed, top wages. Start now. Phone Jim Holland Construction, 527 071'7, 12 KITCHEN HELP required.,•full•t,ime mature person To! shprt•order cooking and kitchen duties. plea- sant.personolity'and willing to work. Experience not a necessity,' will. train. Captain's Cove, Bottled 565.2992. 12 STUDENTS summer employment waiter. Waitress. cook and kitchelr helper. .Blyth Inn Blyth 5239381. 12or . • IF 'YOU ARE an energetic and self ..motivated in• dividual:neat and hard working, read on! •If you hove a G drivers licence and clean driving record• read 001 If you are able to lift and carry 55 Itis and do lots of walking, please apply' You or c needed for our lawn maintenance operation April through October. Apply to Drawer No. 97 o ' Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 436.. 12ar STUDENTS summer employment • waiter waitress cook and kitchen helper. Blyth Inn Blyth 5.23 9381. 12or ' WATTED aggressive persbn to do some e'er Ir'col. work on new home Cull Nance 524 2507. 12 HURON HISTORIC GAOL requires cr registrar PVISOF, with Museum Certificate or two years ex per 'ern preferred Send resurne to Huron Historic Gaol 181 Victoria St ' Goderich Ont N7A 2S9 before March 31 12or THREE VOLUNTEER drivers needed for Meals on Wheels two drivers for four summer months ilial one driver year round This •involves one hours time on<e in three weeks If you con help p'euse roll 0 Knislc'y at 524 7150 12 " IMMEDIATE opening for n secretory in Goderich arra .Must hove good telephone manner and bookkeeping knowledge Bilingual and word' prur r,ssar experience would be an asset Please forward resume stating qualifications ex p<rrirnce and salary expectotion to P 0 Box 248 Goderich Ont N7A 3Z2. 12 SUMMER STAFF required by OODERICH - RECREATION DEPARTMENT POOL STAFF Instructor 'Lifeguards, Minimum Qualificotions,.Red Cross RISS Instructors Certificate Minimum Age! 16 years. BEACH STAFF Lifeguards. Minimum Qualifications RISS Bronze Cross and or Na• tional Lifeguard Service. Minimum Age• 16 year's SUMMER, PLAYGROUND STAFF Summer Special Events Day Camp 87. Supervisor and leaders are required for 8 weeks (Supervisor 9 weeks). •Responsibilities include planning and implementation of special events. bus trips. sports. cultural activities plus planning and implementation of week long day comp programs for children ages 6 - 12 years. First aid training and a vehicle ore preferred. PRE-SCHOOL RECREATIONAL PROGRAM Supervisor and leaders are required for 8 weeks (Supervisor • 9 weeks). Responsibilities include the planning and' implementation 6f on active program of games. music and peciol activities for pre•school,aged children. •kir the above, positions apply in writing stating age, experience and qualifications age• experience and qualifications (photocopies of all current certificates must be included). Submit ail applications to: Goderich Recreation Department 166 McDonald Street, Goderich, Pl7A3Ey3 Application Deadline: April 10, 1987. 26. Help Wanted HELP WANTED People Iv ho have experienced success in parenting adolescents are needed by Family & Children Services to provide foster care to 14-16 year old children. It' you are interested, please call us at: 52427356 plc)Family end Children's Services of fieron County SHIFT SUPERVISOR REQUIRED Will train suitable applicant. Apply in person to 364 Rayfield Rd., Goderich 524-2688 EXECUTIVE SEC''ETARY Starting Jul' 1st, the following skills are required: Shorthand - 80 wpm; typing speed - 6() wpm. Capable of .using die-taphone and perhaps some exposure to word processing and personal computer equipment. This • position requires a mature in- dividual capable of dealing with confidential inforanation and work- ing with limited supervision.. The prlition offers a full range of company benefits and an attractive salary. Please send resume in confidence! to: 141rs. ,Dean Gould, Sheafler. Pen Textron, 520 Huron Road, • Goderich, Ontario, 1x'74 3Z! Part time Rry om Cleaner Wanted Call 524-2191 Ext. 257 Frances Chishoirn for an interview Benmiller Inn CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the limo to train for your class "A" license. For prescreening infer• viow and job placement information contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1.800.265.1260 27. Wanted General WANTED Fionrh packages for 0 VIC 20 Coll 5297028 after 6 i, in 02tfnx 28. Business Opportunity SALES & SERVICE Bicycle Shop excellent loco tion well established clientele reasonable rent on building 524 6254 or 524 4215 12ar OWN YOUR OWN ESTABLISHED CARPET CLEANING BUSINESS Carpel Upholstery cleaning business for sole currently based out of Clinton. This is a national franchise. with on established customer list, and all -equipment, Full details available to an, interested' party. Reply to Drawer No. 27 c/o Clinton News Record P.O. Box 39 Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 C30. Employment Wanted STUDENT WIIIINC, to rin .,rlrl Inti, lits0 tolling lawns roking'riwns etc Coil 524 2776 after 5 pm 11 ;tiny WOMAN WI rH one child mints to hnbysit in own horse for summer months References available Phone. 524 7952 12 INTELLIGENT r rrrrgetir 23 yenr old man seeks full time position good business sense mrrhrtrncnlly indi red experience with many types of heavy marhinery excellent references Pl'one Brihn 565 5271 12 CHEAPER than Dnyrnre but just as efficient will hobysit rn my horse between the hours of 6 30 o m, 5 p m Phone 524 8502 after please 12 l3ns 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR rnrpot and Iinoloum installntinn rob Norm, 565 2638 Boyfirld Free estimates 07�tfrir • MASONRY stone nnrl mrprntry work SpCninh7 trip m brick poinhng_nnd rhimney building Trot:, estimates For {information rr`11T Sinn ls'rikhiirn 482 5305 03tfnr 31. Service Directory CUSTOM BACKHOEING drum repair erosion eunuol cello' di outs loser Cull Fronk Posnll 482 9101 15tfur HURON BRUCE TUTORING Services All ublects Kindergarten to Grode XIII Qualified teachers Phone 529 1634 otter 9 p m 38tfur MIK STEEL Steel Service Cimio Hot roll burs sir ucturuls hollciw structurals hut and cold roll sheets full lunge of. plate Wilkinson and Konrposs Ltd 226 Queen St Kincurdnre N2Z 2S5 No chorye dial 1800.265 3063 09 12 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything Targe or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 THREE PHASE ELECTRIC •economy •quality service Barry Buchanan 1-800-265-9255 Ask for 482-7374 Pager 3078 STE'VE'S CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:0(1 p.m. 1'!.years experience. Additions,, Renovations, etc. I`'ItK1': EST INIATES Itefere noes, Available NO Job tan Big or Small PURSER'S PUTTY Complete drywall service l:>ARRON (Barney) PURSER 524-2241 Goderich "We ill ke yo I look good" CU LBERT' S :tj L AT F N Spr's yed on Urethane Fo r. lt1 Agricultural, Industrial Residential, Cpmm.erdiol FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 UMANE TRAPPING OF NUISANCE ANIMALS Skunks, Racoons, Squirrels, Gr undhogs, etc. P. one: 524®5042 Ed Jones after 4 p.m. Mon. to Fri. Steffi di) ugaii Construction Ltd. Box 908, Wingham, Ont.' 357,-3107, All types of - .� _ r I,. concrete work •1ndustrial *Commercial •Residential ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY r& GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St., E. Goderich 524-2645 BOOK- NOW FOR' SNOW PLOWING. 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots 31. Service Directory JOIiN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction *Renovations *Decks • Patios *Replacement Windows and doors *Rooting *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7372 10 years Albert atter 6 p.m Neil Beuermann Construction Specializing In !- h' comcRntn Concrete Foundations and Renovattons to Farm, Horne & Industry 887-9598 Call Brussels MEED WORK DONE? *Renovations epoofinge *Siding ®Dry Wall O and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM' CARRICK CONSTRUCT! Auburn 526-7006 NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of •th"e building trade, tkEN I(� WE CARE ABOUT - -� YOUR SATISFACTIOii9 , �STRt1CCTBON 524-6637 Goderich JERRY RIVETT 0 :kkeeping Services 3 Huron Rd. • 524-6 31 AD bookkeeping functions including payroll Ledger Controls Financial Statements Tax Preparation All or In -Part DRAPERIES UNLIMITED „ " • s:"" Custom Draperies 1\' / Balloch Shades `,�' j 7 / • Valances.. ',/"/ VenetianseVerticals • Roller Shades .(,/ ' ) Free Estimates - No Obligation . For Shop at Home Ser'ir r i Maxine Murray Lill 524-2352 / `\6''raprl�tr➢r - Day or Evening i APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all •WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS .*SPEED QUEEN •AD1(IIRAL •51MPLICITY .HOTPOINT ,Appliances HOFFMEY ER . PLUMBING & HEATING LT 55 Kingston St. Goderich PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 Vtei7PIi5 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock `nr Roll DISCO POLKAS. WALTZES, GOOD RECORDED'MUSiG FOR WEDDINGS DANCES. ANNIVERSARIES. PAR 1E5. ETC 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge' EfffUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS RENOVATIONS easonable Rates Free Estimates EXTERIOR •Roofing ,,Siding ',New Addit'iorls •Eavestroughing o Fencing'ID Siding 0 Decks "Soffits 0 Fascia INTERIORS o Painting • Drywall "Woodworking Specializing in kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale D &I ENTERPRISES 6oderiich 524-6257 We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre fora Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 BLUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich Complete Constrruction °Custom Building oAdditions•Renovations •Raofing•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 1 15 minute Oil Change Quaker State Motor Oil From Filters 50 Piston St. 524-7400 Goderich LY ': 5 <: N LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd. R•R. 1 Kincardine, Ont. FOR ALL YOUR Manures Teed & Grein Handling Requirements CALL 395-5286 We handle everything - Almost. 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL n pioblem in your Jointly') Al Anon can help For time of meetings call 524 6001 41 tfnx TWENTY SEVEN year old reale hist moved from Cambricfge would like to play fast hall on local softball team Call Dove 262.5065 after 5 12 13 THANK YOU St Jude for favours received 12' 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims uguinst the Estate of HARRY HILL WEBSTER Retired Fulmer lute of the Towr.ishrpof Hullett in the County of Hui on who died en or about the 2nd day of Februury 1987 ore required to file the stone with full pur ti ulors with the undersigned by the 4th' day of April 1987 ps after that date the ussete of the estate will be distributed' .DATED at Goderich Ontario this 6th doy of Moich 1987 ?REST and EGENER Barrister etc 33 Mune eul Street. Goderich Ontario N7A 322 Solicitors for the Estate 10.12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN TH•E ESTATE OF GORDON HODGKINSON DECEASED All persons having claims oguinst the Estate of GORDON HODGKINSON late of 236 Britannia Road West of the Town of Goderich in the Coun ty of Huron who died on or about December 31 1985 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before May 13th 1987 after which date the elm c:nrentic'ned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed' . DATED March 24th 1987 MESSRS CAREY & OTTEWELL Barr sters'anr3 Solicitors 50 North Street • Goderich Ontario N7A 2T4 12 14. 36. Announcements J The HUMANITARIAN SER,V•ICE Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodge. hos equipment for loan Contact Fred Fntzley '524 7217. ' ANY EQUIPMENT OWNED by Hurncuutonan Services that was loaned out by Anis Osbaldeston 90 Pork St is to be returned to Fred Fritzley 186 Wilson 5t. Goderich, when it is no longer required 10eow • 38. Auction Sale Rich.: rd Lobb ctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS., MARCH 26 AT 1:15 P.M.: Tractors, tandem truck, farm machinery for. Howard Armstrong, R.R. No. 1, Zurich. SAT., MARCH 28 AT 10:30 A.M.: 3 tractors, machinery, hay and grain for Hugh Johnston, Walton. TUES., MARCH 31 AT 1:30 RM.: Tractor and farm machinery for Ray Hogan R.R..No. 7, Lucknow. THURS.., APRIL 2 AT 1;30 P.M.: 2 tractors and farm machinery for fred Funk, 2 miles west of Hensel!. SAT„ APRIL 4 AT 12:00 NOON: 49 acre cash crop farm, •4 tractors, pickup truck, large modern farm machinery, IHC 8 row planter, etc.. for John ,E. O'Leary, R.R. 2 Staff°. MON., APRIL 6 AT 1:30 i?M.: Combine, 3 tractors, Modern machinery, FM -radios, riding mower for Janie and Jim Hastings, Wingham. WED., APRIL 8 AT 1:30 P.M.: 99 acre farm w'house, barn and shed, 4 tractors, diesel truck with 20'ft, rack, forage wagons, farm machinery for Robert W. Kinsman. R.R, 2 Kip - pen. THURS., APRIL 9 AT 1:00 P.M.: Combine, 3 tractors, modern 'farm machinery, Honda trail bike, for James .I. Henderson, R.R. No. 5, Seaforth, SAT., APRIL .11 AT 10:30 A.M.: 2 tractors, farm machinery, hay, grain, sheep feeders, misc., some household effects for Francis COI, •eman, R.R. No. 1, Seaforth. SAT., APRIL 18 AT 1 P.M.; Zor tile plow, 40 ton float, tile drainage eqipment, for Geo Nesbitt. 2 miles south of Blyth, Ont. // AUCTION Farm Machinery - Equipment • for PAT O'NEIL.L 6 miles south of Amberley and 15 miles north of Goderich on 'Highway No. 21 west side, signs. FRIDAY, MARCH 27th 1:00 P.M. 7600 Ford Tractor, 10:00-16 Front 18.4-34 Rears power odium?, dual power, load monitor, 3 remotes, 2600 hrs.; Combine Gleaner M diesel with grain saver, straw chopper, quick attach cutter table with canolla attachment, 9' pickup; 450 CASE CRAWLER LOADER BACK HOE DIESEL, EX- TEND A HOE, 3 BUCKETS, TWO WHEEL HOME MADE FLOAT, (CRAWLED HAS A REASONABLE RESERVE 010); 1964,Chevy '/i Ton 305 automatic, as is; M.F. 43 grain drill 22 run new in 1983 with grass seeder; 3 P.H. grass seed fertilizer spreader; 14 ft. Dunham packer with transport; 16 ft. 4 inch grain auger; 24 ft. pipe elevator; h.p. electric motor; Buster bar for 4 furrow plow; 36 ft. 6 inch Vorsltlle grain auger with transport and 10 h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine; 3 wheel hay fodder; 33 IH Chisel Plow 9 shank; ' wheel cart for •wather transport; 20 ft. 111 3pth. No. 43 Vibra shank cultivator; pickup reel and knife for 655 M.F. Swather; 488 NH Hay Bind; NH 313 Haylinner Baler and No. 70 Thrower, electric hydraulic controls; Kemin hay stabilizer, new in 1986; J,t3. • wagon with 9 ft. by 20 ft. bale thrower rack; 9.31. 15 inch tires; 2 JM 350 bus. Gravity boxes on truck frame wagons; 9 ft. by 18 ft. hay rack and wagon; 9 sec- tion harrows with heavy duty transport; White 232 disc 48 plate, I9 feet; 1972 Citation Treanor, oleapa 6, fridge, stove, toilet, excellent condition. FEED: Approximately 4,500 bales first cut Alfalfa Timothy Hoy. NO RESERVE TERMS: Cash or approved cheque. Not responsible for accidents. All an- nouneemen's take precedence. Mr. O'Neill'• farms aro rented and he Is offering his clean line of tnodern farm machinery to the highest bidder. No small items or misc. Plan to attend on time. PROPRIETOR: Pat O'Neill (319) 393-3734. FOR INFORMATION CALL: Salol Manager/Auctioneer _Cot Cletfus Dalton (514) 395-3701