HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-25, Page 14Mine captain, Bill Lawson, retired from active duty at the Domtar Sifto Salt Mine and was honored by fellow employees for his nearly 30 years of :Service. Mine Manager Gaston Brousseau .presented Lawson with a miner's imp on behalf of the c hbyees. I Mac Camp- bell photo) Bill Laws.n rt tires from lengt y career at a )w4mtar A reti•rernent party was held at the Bed- ford Hdte1, Goderich, for W. I Bill I Lawson, a long time .employee of Domtar Chemicals Group, Sifto Salt Division. Bill Lawson was 'hired on August 31, 1959, as Mine, Captain for the Sifto Salt, Goderich' mine. When Bill arrived on the scene,, the contractors,had just completed sinking No. 1 Shaft down to a depth of 1,760 feet-. The initial ..development had been done. and now the mine developinent, and, .production. was ,to start right from the shaft. From this humble beginning in 1959, the Goderich mine has grown to become the biggest single producer of rock salt in Canada, The Mine now covers ,an area of. approximately four square miles and ex- tends north and south and almost two iniles out under •I,iike Duron., Since 1959, the mine has produced approximately .50 million tons of salt and Bill Lawson 'was directly involved in the. production of every ton. Bill has seen many changes, from the in- crease in' manpower to over 350 employees to the sinking of two additional shafts, one for service and the other, more recent shaft, for hoisting rock salt to surface. • As a memento from the Staff and Dom- tar, Bill Lawson was presented with a solid brass. Miner's 'Lamp. This:lamp is not a replica, . but an actual, working model made in Wales. In addition. to the lamp, Bill received a picture of the Goderich Harbour showing the 'three headframes and surface .plant of Goderich Mine._ -For years, Bill's Doctor has been telling • him to stay away from salt. Perhaps Bill is .finally taking his advice, tut don't bet on it. . THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE T;� '. N OF GODERICH TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of' Goderich passed ::y -law 31-1987 on the 23rd day of March, 1987, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Goderich, not later than the 28th day of April, 1987, a notice of appeal setting out the ob- jection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and map showing the location ofthe lands to which the by-law applies are provided below. The complete by-law is available for in- spection at -my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWN OF GODERICH Larry J. McCabe THIS 24th DAY OF MARCH, 1987. Clerk Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West St., Goderich Ontario. N7A 2K5 (519) 524-8344 By-law 31-1987 has the following purpose and effect: , By-law 31-1987 provides new parking regulations for a designated area iri the core of Goderich. A new map, Schedule "C" (Parking Plan) (see attached map), designates the area in which certain uses will be subject to lowered parking re- quirements„in recognition of the availability of on -street parking. The following uses are subject to reduced parking requirements when they establish or relocate within the designated area on Schedule '`C": financial in- stitution, barber or beauty shop, clinic, club, department store, apartment dwell- ing, eating establishment, indoor sports building, assembly hall, retail store, ser- vice shop, supermarket, tavern, and theatre. Uses not included in the -foregoing list will continue to be subject to the parking requirements of section 6.13.1. of By-law 38-1985. This by-law amends zoning by-law 38-1985. aemeOe• ;tea subject 'to the reduced !parking. requirements of mmemmmw ;eaten 6.13 1.1 Bruce at =•—a Nelson st • N eeeeeoeaeooeee W ilei lou a e '•m000.e0e0 ,_ .m ,"c•e St. Pa-ck S:. A SCI [EDLP "C' 'PARKING PLAN TOWN OF t`,ODERICH • o•ommommmmo••••1i Wes: Nev gate S (‘‘ C -curt House Square East St. Lent,cu H St. David St x i/ I i o a • •• I o Brock St. • • m 3 i • 0 0 • • '• •• • • I II Park St. I I a • \ , 0 a0000.memmem4omao0m0e400nmmommemmmmmomda••a00:6•0.a•mo GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987 --PAGE 13 PIZZA • PASTA ° SALADS e MUFFINS 0 SOUPS • SUBS ®PIZZA 0 PASTA • SALADS • MUFFINS SOUPS • SUBS °PIZZA ' PASTA ° SALADS • MUFFINS ° SOUPS ® SUBS PIZZA 'e PASTA INS e SOUPS • ASTA • SALADS SUBS ®PIZZA S ® MUFFINS • PIZZA • PASTA e e SOUPS • SUBS SALADS • MUF- SUBS •PIZZA • JFFINS ® SOUPS PASTA e SALADS e SUBS ®PIZZA JS • MUFFINS PIZZA • PASTA e SOUPS e SUBS SALADS e MUF- SUBS ®PIZZA JFFINS e SOUPS ASTA • SALADS • SUBS ePIZZA S ® MUFFINS PIZZA e PASTA • • SOUPS ®SUBS SALADS 0 MUF- SUBS •PIZZA e ,JFFINS • SOUPS ASTA ° SALADS • SUBS °PIZZA DS e MUFFINS PIZZA PASTA D SOUPS ° SUBS mil SALADS ®MUF- SUBS °PIZZA ® SOUPS • SALADS • ML SUBS ®PIZZA e • MUFFINS ° .S( a PASTA e SAL) SOUPS 0 SUBS SALADS • MUFF ® PIZZA e PASTA FINS e SOUPS PASTA • SALAD: • SUBS *PIZZA • MUFFINS • S( o PASTA • SAL) SOUPS ® SUBS SALADS ® MUFI •PIZZA 0 PASTA FINS ® SOUPS PASTA • SALAD: • SUBS ®PIZZA e MUFFINS • SC e PASTA 0 SAL) SOUPS e SUBS SALADS • MUFI °PIZZA 0 PASTA FINS ° SOUPS PASTA e SALAD; • SUBS °PIZZA • MUFFINS a S( e PASTA • SAL SOUPS e SUB SALADS ° MU! °PIZZA e PAS FINS e SOUP_ PASTA ENJOY THE BEST DRESSED PIZZA IN TOWN and now Pep's t trodnceso . • FREE DELIVERY 11 a to 7 po I ©® in Goderich Only `1 Mi r i,� r! tun rders of $19.00 please 1 DAILY SPECIALS Eat In — Take Out — Delivery 524-83:4 45 West Street, Goderich HOURS: Mon. -Wed. 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; Thurs. 9 a.m.-12 mid.; Fri. & Sat. 9 n.m: 1 a.m.; Sun. 11 a.m.-11 p.m, iho son Vaccitions in affordable includes * roundtrip airfare airport transfers . 7 nights accommodation at Silver Sands h°tel' transfers to Club Mistral Windsurfing School room Studio apartments available - add $20 per person, per week. Board rental (unlimited sailing) tar 1 week $120 CDN • COURSES - BEGINNERS (10 hours) $200 CDN • Advanced (6 hours) $175 CDN 0001. Nooko Package price includes all taxes and service charges. Be sure to sign-up early, though, as space is very limited, Bring the windsurfing season a week. closer, Travel Is Our Only Business" See Judy Crawford, Lindi Tipert or Laura Wilder for further, details. Marlin irimi Harbour Light Travel 6fi Courthouse Square, Goderich 524-7335