HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-25, Page 13PAGE 12 GODER1CH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 198, SUPERIO MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS rte_, rcuANCLER Clinton Areu MICHAEL FALCONER' .153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 i Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 Representatives of sev,eral local service organizalions..che..Lk_out the blueprints for their first ever joint project, during a meeting at the Kinsmen Centre on March 18. In all; 15 groups representing every such orgauizaton in town will be contributing to the project, a storage shed for ('hristmas,decorations, From left: Art Bourdeau, Lions flub; A.aa,Feagao, Auxiliary; Mark Fiseher Kinsmen; Ernie Porter, Lions Club; Alvin Blackwell; Legion Branc•l 109; Charlie Hancock and George Woodall, Huron County Naval k'eterans Association, (photo by Patrick Raftisl — Sponsored by — LOCAL MINISTERIAL North StreetUnited Ch k rch TONIG (Wednesday, March 25) at 7:30pamm ;Worship with %alar- Brothers and Sisters an the Lord. Personally Crafted Memorials Shop, Showroom and Display 293 Main Street, Exeter - Our xe t er Our Work Has Our a"'ersonal Guarantee Serving Hurrrn & Surrunding Area Since 1919. See D ug Stevenson Memorial. Counsellor for Goderich, Blyth, Lucknow,Kincardine and surrounding areas. May we have .the privilege of serving you with .your memorial needs. TOLL FREE COURTESY OFFICE UNE ,AFTER HOURS CALL:. 1-800-265-3477 528.3014__..... BY PATRICK RAF'TIS' A group of Goderich service organiza- tions have gotten into the Christmas spirit, area bit early this year. The 15 ai ea clubs arid Organizations have united for the first pro- lect. to ever involve all the local service groups, under the banner of "Christmas ,87" The eventual result of their combined ef- • forts should be a "bigger and better'," ver- sion of the annual Christmas lighting;, display on The Square, aid 'Thin Stark, of the Goderich Kinsmen (Club. The project begun, when a cor(imittee' was formed between 'the groups, to look, after the lighting; and decorating of The ' Square. • . "Like everyone else,' our' biggest challenge is storage," said Stark. Without a permanent place to store their decoarations when not in use, the clubs felt . it would be impossible to expand and ini-' prove the display as -they wi6;hed to do, and so, the idea of a conunon storage'shed was born; The ,groups approached, (.oderieh 't'ow'n Council ;amu I cceived apprcnal to locate the shed on town -owned lane. on C'y'press Street. The service clubs -will .'onstruct the shed nd pay clapital costs, :maintenance and utility costs, while the tavn.wilr supply the land, pay for the building -iermit, taxes and insurance and' look alter grounds maintenance. The building will he restricted to. storage of Christmas decoarations including both those owned by the town and the service 'lubs. Stark said it would- cost around $25,000 to have a contractor build the 31 by 50 foot sh- ed, but the groups hope'to co it for about half that, by doing the labor tiemselves. In this area, they -are hoping f-arsome general community involvement. Wien construc- tion starts, members of the public will ,be welcon e to come down and lend a hand -or a hammer to the project., • '`If they don't want to,help hat way, they '(an send donations to•'Christnas '87, Town of, Goderich,' and it will get to us," Stark said. ' . • This pooling of resources is not merely a Short-term 'prospect' which will end once the shed is built. "it's going to be a long term thing;." Stark said. ' -v„ Eventually, they plan to W(rk on enhanc- ing the Christmas lights display bj',holding a mini -winter carnival, with snow sculptures, and other attractions. "Our aim is to get more people involved. It's .i the display I is there for everyone's . enjoyment. In - the future we hope to • ex - pandit and get more activities going — try and make it aday-long event," said Stark, adding that he hopes the activities would get more families out to The Square at Christmas time. • Decorating The...Square :is. a unique op- portunity to showcase the town, said :Stark. "As . Kinsmen, • We •take peole from Maitland Manor around to see .the lights . and they come back with tears in their eyes," he said. "We have got the perfect placeto'do something like this: No one else has anything like that T.he Square) and -we should be promoting it." • Stanley Township Reeve, Clarence Rau had; good cause when he spoke,in support -of continuing a $f ,,90,.recreatiorlal grant for the:indoor stviinming pool at Vanastra. Toward the end of the special meeting, of Huron County Council, last Thursday, Stephen Township Reeve Tom- Toinessug- g;ested' cutting the grant from this year's Consolidated budget. A number' 'of councillors spoke on the issue, some suppnrtinc, Mi. Tomes' sug- gestion for a variety of reasons, while others presented an equally varied assort- inent of - arguments for continuing the. giant. However,,it was Mr.R.au who turn- ed -the tide and brought about the, collapse . of his fellow councillors - he told his , tale. . When'he was a°young; lad, Mr.. kali said, he never had an. opportunity, as children do n9ws, to hoard a bus and travel,to an in- door pool for swimming lessons. However, all that has changed as a result of , recent swimming lessons he . received. at the Vanastra °clot; When council regained thebir composure, a 234' recorded vote approved the grant. Knox Presbyterian Church MINISTER THE REV G L..RCYAL M.A.,M. DIV.. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Sunday, Match 29 The Minister Wil Preach 11 00 a m. Divine Worshlf 11:00 o m. Sundby School Enter to Worship Deport to Serve Ste George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets Goderich R,ECTOR THE REV. ROBERT J. CROCKER Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.T. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 29th 8 30' a in Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Sermon. Church History Series Sunday School and Nursery 2 00 p,m, Evening Prayer at Christ Church, ert Wednesd Portays rnAlbLent 10 00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion. except March 25th evening service withdrawn for Unity Service at North Street Church at 7 30 p m, You ore always welcome The Tru -Spread Dry Fertilizer Applicator is the most accurate dry spreading machine on the market today regardless of the formulation of fertilizier used''' AT THOMPSON's . . "We're improving our services to increase your profits' Free Meth ;• dist Church Goderich Lawn Bowlrig Clubhouse Picton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT 524-8800' Sunday Marcl 29 1987 9 45 a.m. Children's Sunday School 11 00 a,m. Worship Service • Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Victoria Public School ALL ARE WELCOME COME WORSHIP WITH US Mitchell - 348-8433 Hensel! - 262-2527 Grantor - 225-2360 Seaforth 345.2545 Port Albert - 529-7901 Ailsa Craig - 293-3223 North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 Sunday, March ,29, 19637 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:15 PM, Special poor mar's lunch will fallow the worship hour Cost 50' person (Proceeds World Deveopment 8 Relief) Guest Speaker al lunch hour Murray Cardiff, M.P. ' Worship Telecast Coble 12 at 1 p m REV. ROBERT O. BALL MINISTER Robert blackmail Director of Music C,• ivory Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 5246445 Nursery Facilities .avdilable Sunday School • 10.00 o.m. Morning Service • 11.00 d.m, Evening Service 7 00 p.m. WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues, • 7.00 Mighty Mites - Ages 4&5 • Olympians - Ages 612 Wed 6 30 - 8 00 Prayer Meeting Wed 7 00 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH The Fourth Sunday in Lent The Fourth Sunday in Lent will be celebrated • this Sundoy in the Christian Church. 'Eighteen days and two Sundays remain in the' season for reflection on the suffering and the deoth of Jesus Christ at Calvary on a plain wodden cross, Of tremendous significance to Christians is Christ's promise that He will forgive the sins of those who believe in Him and trust that His suf• tering and death paid in full for nil their sins, no matter how grievous Aside from the Scriptures themselves, there is almost no authentic rnformotion about Jesus Christ But the Roman historian Tacitus, writing soon after 100 A D did make a passing reference to Chrtwstus and states that he was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate under Emperor. Tiberius Thl's fits with the Biblical ac- count which Christians accept by+,faith.