HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 74PAGE 4A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987
weekends froiu March 14 to April 5, 10 a.nr.
to 4 11.111. Demonstrations of maple syrup
production, both past and present, will be
held. Maple syrup products will be
available for sale. ('all the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority at 337-3557 for more
information, '
TUESDAY, MARCH 24 - 'l'het'e will be a
Goderich Singles Club. Organizational
Meeting on March 24 at 7 p.m. at the
Goderich Recreation Department in the
( onniiunity Room ( Grandstand ), , 166
McDonald St. All "Singles" are welcome.
WEDNESDAYS -evening card parties are
held at the Dungannon Senior (Citizen Cen-
tre. Adinissronr is $1 and ladies must bring
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 - There will be
' the annual Dessert Euchre at the Goderich
Township Hall in Holrnesville at 1: p.in.
.Admission .i '$2. Sponsored by the women's
groups til' the township.
WE:DNl SDAY, MARCH 25 - Mothers in-
terested in information about breastfeeding
are welcome to attend the next meeting 1'r.
the Goderich La. Leche League. It will be
held on 'Wednesday, March 25 at 9:30 a.m.,
at the hoiue of..CaroLLonias, RR 5 Goderich.
For further information, call 524-2390 or
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 - There will be a
Hospital Auxiliary Bake Sale on March 20
from 12 noon im in the Auxiliary Room.
Fl(1I)AY, MARCH 20 - Euchre card party,
at Foresters flail, Ue.nrniller on March 20 at
8:30 p.rn. Admission '$l. Everyone please
bring lunch.
MONDAY, .ViARCII 23 - Women •Helping
Other Women meets ,every second Monday
at 8 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church in
t;oderich. The next meeting is March,23 at 8
p.m. . Guest speaker is Valerie, Bolton of
Women 'l'oday'.. The topic will be Self Help
Groups. 1'or more information, - please call
J74-92222 or. 524- ,Q, _.....
The Goderich Garden Club has arranged a
bus trip to the (,tome and Garden Show in
Toronto on April 8 at a cost of $34 per,
rneniber including admission fee and din-
ncr.• Members are required to bring the
money for the trip to the March meeting,
and to telephone Jean Peart at 524-2741 or
Annette Stelnp , at 524-7947 for further
WE(DNESD)AY, MARCH '18 - The March
,ineetin).;. •nf the Garden .Club will be on
March 18 at the MacKay Centre. Guest
speaker Will be Frank Sanders of Blyth;
with the topic -Herbs:. how to grow and use
'l'he Goderich 'Lioness Club presents Ron -
rile ('oburn's "A Breath of :Scotland". at
(;D('1 in the West Gym April 2nd and 3rd at 8
p.nr.' , Enjoy the. best of • Scottish 'dance,'
music. songtend Comedy. Tickets available
in Goderich at Campbell's Cameras, Jim
Ifavter'(Trcv411-cls, Bog re-:Fuelsi td. -Esso-;
in Holrnesville at Holrnesville General
Store; in . Clinton at Huron Business
Machines and Mary's Sewing. Centre; in
Exeter at Exeter To%'n Hall; in Seaforth
from Lioness Anne Dayrnan; in Blyth at
Sc'rirrlj;eour's Grocery; in Auburn at Seers
Restaurant:. in Belgrave • at Taylor's
General Store: in .Wingham at Vance's
Drug Store, Fred McGee Auto Parts and
Mel Bogie Esso Office; in Lucknow from
Bob Sheppard and Grant Chisholm; in
-Hayfield from Lioness Janet Smith; and
from all Goderich Lioness members. Cost:
adults $6 $7 at the door ), children 112 and'
under) $3 ($4 at the door ).
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 ' Puppet Paper
Workshop for children aged 7-11 at the
Goderich Branch Library at 1 p.m, Learn to
,make simple creative paper puppets.
Materials provided. Free admission. Pre-
rogister at the Goderich Library as space is
limited. Sponsored by the Huron County
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 - The Golden
Gate Seniors meet at 7:30 pin. at the
MacKay Centre.
THURSDAY, MARCH 26 - Heather Bishop
and Friends in concert "A Taste of the
Blues" on March '•26 at 8 p.rn. at Blyth
Memorial Hail. tickets are $9 and are
available from The Tinker Shop, Hamilton
Street. Sponsored by Women Today -
FRIDAY, MARCH 27 - Friends of the
Library invite you to a' -unique travelogue on
March 27 at 8 p.m. Special guest Michael
Watts will show slides and describe his ex-
periences' of sea kayaking in the high Antic.
Everyone welcome.
SATURDAY, MARCH 21- A benefit dance
will be held at the Dungannon Agricultural
Hall for John and Doris Fielder who recent-
ly lost their barn by fire. Music' by Tiffin's
hand. Please bring lunch.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 - The annual
Dessert Euchre will be held at the Goderich
Township Hall in Holrnseville at 1:30 p.m.
Admission is $2. Sponsored by the women's
groups of the township.
and District Lion's Euchre Tournament will
be held March 21 at the Auburn Community'
- Centre. •.Registration-fr-om..1-2 p.cn. -.Euchre
commences at 2 p.m. Entry fee is $3. per
person.. Cash prizes of $50, $40, and $30.
Held under the authority of a special occa-
sion permit. Alt proceeds to the Handicap
lift for the Blyth and District Community
(.'entre: , •, .
THURSDAY, APRIL 9 - Anyone •in-'
terested in taking, part in a trip to Toronto to
visit 'Casa Loma and do some shopping on
April 9, is asked to pall Ann Knox'at 524-8403
for more information.
THURSDAY, MARCH 19 - There will be a
card party at the Carlow Hall at 8 p.m. Ad-
missiop is $1. Please bring lunch. Everyone
St. ;Vincent De Paul' Store is at 15'
Caledonia Terrace. 'We accept all donations
" -o ufrvurniiure' silted use1iola articles':"' File
pick-up call 524-6217. We are.ppem Monday'
and Wednesday from 2-4 p.m., Friday night
from 7-9 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10
a.ni: to 12 noon.,.
Management -Coping Skills , for Rural'
Couples land interested individuals) spon-
sored by the .Huron County Health Unit and
,Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Speaker: Leslie Rose, Canadian Institute of
Stress,. At the 'Huronview Auditorium,
Wednesday, April .8, 7:30-9:30 p.m.' ,.For
more inforrnation.or to pre -register, call the'.
Health Unit 1524-8301) before April 3. •
. THURSDAY, APRIL 9 '- 'Str'ess•
Management -Assertiveness Workshop for'
Women sponsored by the Huron County
Health Unit and' Ontario Ministry .of
Agriculture and Food. Speaker: . Leslie .
Rose, Canadian Institute of Stress. Cost $3U.
At the Huronview Auditorium, Clinton;
Thursday, April 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more
information or to pre -register, call the
Health Unit (524-8301) before April 3..
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 - There 'will 6e a
cornniunity sponsored euchre. party at
Christ Church'in Port'Albert on March 20 at
8 p.m. Women please bring lunch. -
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 - There will be -a
Pancake ,Supper at Knox United Church ih
Auburn. Admission, will be by ticket for
Beatings at 5, 6 or 7'p.m. Prices are adult $5,
elementary students $2.50, •pre-schoolers
free, family rate $16. For tickets phone K.
Webster at 529-7682. Proceeds to the Sunday
FRIDAY, APRIL 3 - The annual Daffodil
Tea will be held at the Salvation ARmy, 18
Waterloo Street, Goderich on April 3 from 2 -
4:30, p.m. Support your Canadian Cancer
Goderich Figure Skating Club
would like to say
to the following persons,
Al & Rick Faccianato
Clem Wolterbeek- commentatov
Randy Glew
Arena Staff
Goderich Signal -Star
Doug Blackard
Everett Horton
Dave McKee
and anyone we may have over-
looked in helping to make our
"Pop Concert" on February 28 a
i• r
f r March
Your local library is a great place to
spend part of your March Break. In addition
to books and magazines for hours of reading
enjoyment and weekly storytime programs,
there are some special events planned for
the week.
'Sumner will be coming early to the
library when Marian Doucette presents
'Gone Fishin' ", a free children's puppet
show at the Goderich Library, March 16th at
1 p.m. Marian will banish the wintertime
blues with, her puppets, stories, poems and
•-er-afts,--Ad-riission-is- free and everyone is.
Marian will also present'' Gone Fishin' "
on Tues. March 17 at the Exeter Branch
Library at 1:30 p.m. and the Clinton Branch
Library at 3:30 p.m.
On March 20, Marian will present a se-
cond program at the Goderich Branch
Library at 1 p.rn. She will show children, ag-
ed 7 - 11, how to.make simple, but creative,
paper puppets. Children will be.able to take
home their creations after the program. The
Paper Puppet Workshop will be about an
hour long and materials will be provided.
Admission is free. Because space and sup-
plies will be- limited, preregister at the
-library as soon as possible to avoid
•;w-.1Marian.svill a` iso.;present..a..P.aper..Puppet
Workshop at the Blyth Library on March 16
at 3 p.m., the Bayfield Branch Library on
. March 19 at 3 p.m. and the Zurich Branch
Library on March 19 at 1 p.m. Preregister at
your local branch.. •
. All these March $reale programs are free
and they are sponsoredby your local branch
library and the Huron County Public
. Library. -
Brad Andrews
Love, Mrs. A, Gramma Lil
and Gang
0.w,N..:�:.,::i.•:iCVi�}1%+.n:.;n ti
.....?:moi •1.'h4"�S .i%..5 ,.:7�d�i' •iii {M..,'�i +'G:e�t/n,.>fi:..
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 1.p.m. there will
be a Bridge/500 dessert - party at the
MacKay Centre for Seniors. .Admission,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 at 8 p.m. there
will be a variety program at the' MacKay'
Centre..:for Seniors. Admission $1.00. Taxi
call 524-6594.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27 there will be Card of
Life Clinic held at MacKay Centre from 1
p.m. to 3 p.m. For further information call
-SATURDAY, .MARCH 28. at 8 p.m. There
will be a dance at the MacKay Centre for
Seniors. Music by—The Entertainers". Ad-
mission $2.00. '
FRIDAY, APRIL 3 - Retirement party for
Sgt. John Donatis on April 3 atthe Goderich
Memorial Arena. Phone Bill Wilson
524-2579, Brian ' McDonald 524-2573 or the
Goderich OPP at .524-8314 for more
information. -
TUESDAY, MARCH 31, - The Goderich
and District After 5 Club will be holding a
dessert and coffee entitled "All in the Fami-
ly" on March 31 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the
Saltford Valley Hall. Special feature' is
Children's Fashions by "No Kidding" of
Clinton, Music by Larry Hutchins and guest
speaker Marilyn McConnell of Kincardine.
Tickets are $3 each. Reservations are
necessary and can be made by calling Joyce
at 524-7118.
Buck & Doe
Saturday, March 21/87
Stratford Royal Canadian legion
Buffet larch X5.00 per person
Tickets Available Ate
$2095 $3095
Granada has them! The TVs you brag
ahout. The one for the hig game. The
one that does justice to today's special
effects and Lig budget movies.
Yes, from the newest flat screen
monitors with rich, stereo sound...to
the 40" Super Screen model, the
newest, most popular colour TVs with
remota control are at Granada now.
All, covered by our no-wol y •
"(, Jranadacover" service. And all, ready
to huy, lease or rent.
So call Cirsnada today!
Your Granada Authorized Dealer is: •
58 The Square, Goderich 524-2321
Grade 7 and•8 winners of the Royal Canadian Legion's recent literary and poster contest
open to local and area school children were: Shelley Alcock (Robertson -'2nd poem), Bryan
Pickell (Robertson - 2nd poster), Rhonda.Castile (Robertson - 1st essay), Jim. Sherratt (St.
Mary's - 1st poem), Jason LeBeau (Colborne - 3rd poem i and Jim Craig; (St. Mary's - 1st
poster). Jim Craig's poster placed seeond in the ,zone contest.
The.Royal Canadian Legion •held its annual literary and. poster contest recently for local and,
area students. Winners in the grades 11, 12 and 13 division were: 'i'im Connolly( GOO - 1st
essay), John Fel ws ( GDC► `fid poem); Paul Speight (GDCI - lst'poem) and Lisa VanDen-
Broeek (GDC( - 1 ' poster). • ' n,Connelly's essay placed third in the zone contest and Lisa
VariDenBroeck's poster placed second in the zone contest. Paul Speight's poem placed first
in the zone contest and first in the district contest.
Fundraising set for
Rotary Music Festival
Many registrations in band, choir, vocal,
keyboard, instrumental and -dance classes
have been received by the Midwestern On-
tario Rotary Music Festival, which will take
place from- April 27 to May 2 inclusive, in
Walkerton. The festival is organized and
sponsored by the Hanover -Walkerton
branch of the Ontario Registered Mus:
Teachers' Association and the Walkerton
Rotary Club.
Walkerton Rotarians have begun the fund
raising campaign to help finance these daily
sessions. Chairman of the Scholarship and
Patron Committee, Cliff Buckingham said,
"This festival enables over five thousand
musicians, novice and accomplished, from
surrounding counties to have their skills and
progress assessed by highly qualified ad-
judicators,' and to obtain performing ex-
perience. As the calibre of musicianship
rises more scholarships are required and
Centre In The Square
Kitchener April 28
April 26
Wednesday, May 6th
"Pump Boys & Dinettes'
May 15 - 18
Robin Hood Tourst
oder,ich, Ont:, rid
patrons are needed in meeting teseivdi ex •
penses. Scholarships range from $25 to over
$200, patrons are $25 and up, and friends of
the festival are any amounts under $25. All
donations are gratefully acknowledged in
the festival prograrri and receipts are given
for tax purposes."
"Another way to assist the 'festival is by -
businesses placing ads in the program",
said Gladys Jacklin, who is,on the advertis-
ing committee with Edith Waldie.
-These programs reach the public within
a sixty mile radius. We have always receiv-
ed an, excellent response 'from the com-
munities involved in the festival, and we ap-
preciate their interest and help". said Edith
Treasurer Bill Read, who is also the chair-
man of the Budget and Finance Committee
said, "I have really enjoyed guiding the ,
festival financially in the past six years and
still find it a challenging job: We are self
supporting, thanks to the generous dona-
tions from buisness and professional people,
municipalities, organizations, and in-
terested individuals. When we did have a
surplus we returned it to the community by
donating $1000.00 to the new grand piano in
the Town Hall which is used for the festival,
and also donated towards drapes for the
Town Hall stage," •
The festival concludes with the presenta-
tion of scholarships at the Highlights Con-
cert on Saturday evening, May 2, at the
Walkerton District Secondary School.
Tuesday, March 24, 1987
7:00 p.m.
(Community Room]
166 McDonald Street, Goderich