HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 73( L -R) Katie McNeil, Jason Dignan, Amanda Bentley, .Jamie pretzels they made during the schools 'Glad to be Me' day. The
Whytock and Katie Durst of Colborne School are proud of the pretzels tasted great, if a little underdone.( photo by Ted Spooner)
"Glad To Be Me" day held at Colborne
Once again Colborne has been busy. •
A special day' for students and staff was
held. It was called "Glad to be Me" day.
Each teacher had a special activity for each
group of students.
Grades Kindergarten to ,three tnjoy.ed
making giant pretzels, doing all about me
booklets and playing survival. 'Grades 4-8 "
-liked • Mr:-RubinsonT's. drama 'class makita'g'-_..
their own adventure playgrounds and'doing
the Bird Dance and playing music games.
Mr. Ross' grade 7-8 e'lass is enjoying art
activities. We are graphing a comic book
cover ona big sheet.
- Spring must have sprung. With • light
jackets, skipping ropes and basketball prac-
tice, we realize that report cards are a big
part of spring. •
The grade 7-8's are going to be helping the
Cancer.Soci'ety by selling daffodils on April
2 3. The money will help. Cahcer;'research.
In April, grade's .4-8 will .be putting on a
spring musical Called ."Wheels." We hope
you will be there.
Science projects are due on March 23. the
Monday that school • starts.. Since the
Canada wide s.cienee fair is, being held in
Toronto, everyone that makes it to country
wide, gets to visit it.
Dn Thursday. tifar 5h T3;-th'e`pupilsof t'ol—
borne. Central . School participated in a
Theme Day entitled "Glad To Be Me." Ac- group got the opportunity to play "Oh Deer
tivities emphasizing positive self concept with the primary groups under the leader
were chosen by the staff .and a few special ship of Mr. Harman. Mr Bond chose ac -
guests. • tivities that, taught his groups how impor-
At 9 ',.m.everyone from Kindergarten to tant each person is to the whole group. Did
C: ade 8 gathered on the gym for a "Kick'cil'f you know that you can pick a person off the
Assembly." T.hey were divided into 14 ground to a height level and the per°ssn be -
groups and spent the rest of the day par- ing lifted trusts the group'' Mrs. Graham
'tfe1'p•zrt;rnr;°.irr s'e'ven elective- att"i• it4e:s:... ,. •,. ------ cJ,.11t ' -141:095-, mrake_•d 1DOive - c 41-4ges_..
The primary pupils were involved in • that now decorate the ,s -calor hall. Mr•.
games, stories, songs, cooking and outdoor "Robinson was on hand to lead' his groups
education. Mrs. Grant had a magic box that through several drama exercises. Mrs.
contained 'the image of the most imp'h'i'tant Baker's groups created booklets • that
revealed'thi'ngs we like to do, our personal
goals and our strengths and weaknesses.
When the groups got to -the gym, Mr. Medd
put'then through their paces with music and
folk dance. Boy can he sing ( and dance ).
The final, senior activity was run by Mr.
Ross. Since we, as a community, are hoping
to . build an Adventure Playground in the
near future, he had his groups build models •
of what they would like their playground to
be like. .
'1"he', day was a very busy one for
'everybody but a!great deal of learning. took
place and everyone left -home feeling just a
little better about themselves. , xi
We would like to thank Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs..
is controlled by Mother Nature. Graham, Ms, Fanjoy and, Mr. Robinson fol -
The senior groups•were also involved with -tak-i-ng the -time --to come out to-Galbor-n -to-
seven different electives. ' Each senior help us with the day. We would also like to-
. thank ' Mrs. Hord, :Mrs, F'eagan, Mrs.
Winters and • ;Mrs. Stoll for helping the
please give
generously when
a canvaser comes
to your door.
person in the .world. Miss Steinbach's
groups traced a life sized portrait of .each
important person from each group. Mr.
Brereton then had the groups paint their life
sized portraits to show how they felt about
themselves. Mrs. Moffat was on hand to..
• lead a number of self-concept builders.
When the group got to Mrs. Allen, she had
them make booklets about themselves and
their feelings .towards each other. Mrs.
Fisher and Ms. •Fanjoy taught their groups
how to make shortbread initials, The kids
really "ate up" this activity. When, the
groups got overheated, Mr. Sanders took
them outside to play "Oh Deer", a game
that taught how the wild animal population
studentsDid you know that the grade 7=8 class have
• been busy making posters to adti'ertise the
® Daffodil Tea that will be taking place at the
^� reSalvation Army Citadel on April 3 sponsored
° by the Goderich Branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society.
es and
• Last Thursday, Mrs. Sygrove, the ART
teacher, came to Mrs. Young's "grade 1-2
•class and did many exciting activities about
pancakes.' The children read stories, wrote
'stories, measured pancakes ad cooked pan-
cakes. Best of all, they got to eat them: The
class says thank-ydu to Mrs. Sygrove. This
week their "All about rne" person is Gerry
Grade 6, Room 7
Mrs. Tehbutt's class made dough action
figures on Friday, March 6. This project
was'ir-ltbegrated with body proportions.
Marie Webster initiated and guided •us
through this lesson.. We have as a result,
.dough figures who resemble rock stars,
hillbillies and sports personalities. We have
varnished them and are ready now to hang
them. Thanks again Mrs. Webster. •
Grade 4-5, Portable 2
Mr. {;trip's class has been Preparing for a
person who is coming from the Bruce'
Nuclear Power Plant to talk about electrici-
ty. We are preparing by studying in science
about generating stations, batteries and
other electronic things. We have done lots of
experiments such as light a lightbulb with a
battery, making a simple battery and a sim-'
ple generator. We have had lots of fun and
learned a lot of exciting things.
Grade 3, Room 4
In Room 4, Mrs. Smyth, our helper, is
back from "Texas. She brought sand dollars
for us. We are glad to have her hack. We
are introducing Ryan Jervis next week.
This Friday is hat day 'in room 3 and 4.
We're going to wear crazy hats. Some of us
are working with Mr Clarke with electrici-
ty. We went to the library to go to the Peru
centre that Mrs Blake set up. Thanks Mrs.
Blake, it was interesting. We hope everyone
has a nice March break,
Grade 4
On • February 20, we went skating. On
February 24, we had Payday. Our thanks to
Mrs. Webster for acting as teller for the day.
On February 26 we enjoyed hot dog day. On
March 11 we made lion and lamb pins. Dur-
ing the last week of February,' we made two-
way pictures of lions and larinbs. Our class
predicts that since March came in like a
lamb, we think it will go out like a lion. Hap-
py birthday to Kate Storey. and Chris
Peer tutor program
The Peer Tutors from Grade 6 and their
reading partners from Grade 1. 2 and 3 en-
joyed juice and -cookies on Friday. This was
Mrs. Bere'S treat. Mrs. Sygrove and Mrs.
Alice McDowell, who initiated the program
last fall, assisted with the serving. This
Peer Tutor program has 'been very wor-
thwhile, benefitting 'both the tutors and the
young readers. They all seem quite en-
thusiastic and we appreciate Grade 6
students taking a few minutes of their time
to help younger ones.
rc4 Grade 8
' Mr. hlaz'litt's grade S° class is busy trying
to get thier science fair projects done for the
school competition on April 1-2. They are
also busy practicing their basketball skills
at noonhours with grade 7 students. After
the March break, they can try out for the
.school team. They are currently finishing a
novel study called "Iceblink".
• The senior question this week is: What is
your favourite music group?
Shawn Woods and Kevin Hardy, both from
grade 7, like Alice Cooper.
From grade 8,, Duane Durnin likes Paul
Young and Alison Curran likes Bon ,Jovi.
Our famous music teacher, Mrs. Jewitt,
likes ,the all time favourites, the Beatles.
What -is your favourite day in the year?
was the question for the junior •students.
The following people all have something
in common. Their favourite day is their bir-
thday: Chris MacDonald (grade 6, April 3),
Iipbyn Dawson ( grade 4, December 23),
Chris Curran (grade 3, June 24), Scott
Richardson 1 grade 2, January 27 1, Amanda
Wylds ( grade 1, May 13) and Catherine
Alton (kindergarten, August 3)." Tanya
MacInhis from grade 5 chose Valentine's
Mrs. Sygrove helped a group of children
from Grade 1, to make pretzels on Friday
and they. shared them with the rest of the
Grade 1 class,
Student's council
The Student Council provided a film for
the students on Friday. It was called
"Flight of the Navigator."
Enjoy Winter. Break, everybody, and
come back eager to do your best in the Spr-
ing Term.
Club enjoys Goderich songwriter
At the February 24 Dessert and Coffee of
the Goderich and District After Five Club,
Barb Hodgins of Clinton delighted the au-
dience with her humorous lyrics about the
day to day activities .and calamities of a
housewife and mother.
Willa Rivetts of Rivetts T.V. and Radio
microwave cooking as the `special feature of
the evening. The speaker, Donna Srielev of
Atwood was sometimes a rebellious
teenager as she was raised as a 'preachers
kid' in Pennsylvannia, She spoke of the
source of strength which has enabled her to
cope with the. sometimes very difficult pro-
blems in raising three daughters and facing
serious illness in recent years.
_____W.ateh.._tQx 41/0.1ntng_infonilation about
our March 31st Dessert" anti CoWee and
special Guest Night to be held April 28
Twin City
-4 School ®f
.4,-h' Waterloo, Ont.
• Hairstyling
°i ar Piercing
55 Erb St. East
"IMonday to Friday
830 am, to 4:30 pm*
Clossiss start Iso of ovary month
1 " & '/f'
32 Newgate St., Goderich
(Across from McGee's)
f:.!/'/I NI
Vertical Blinds
rrad.n,ar-6 d Howie, Dourlae
A ri,rni.r Dourine pwd,xr,
OPEN: 10-5 Monday - Friday 10-3 Saturday Closed Wednesday
A musical celebration of food. From "Junk Food
Alley" to "High Society" and the "Rutabaga Rhurn,
ba", this original musical is guaranteed to be a
nutritious adventure.
-Winner of the Dora Mavor Moore Award for
-'Outstanding Children's Theatre production in Vit$3.
Victoria '•'ubllfc School at 2:30 p.n. (use southeast entrance)
ADMISSION: 52.00 per Person
This performance is free to all children registered in "Holiday Happenings."
Special assistance from the "Ontario Arts Council"
40 Years of
April 12-18 is National
Citizenship Week in
Canada. it is a time to cele-
brate and reflect upon the
strengths and values of
Canadian life — equality,
,diversity and community.
Share in, the spirit of our
dynamic, multicultural
society. Share in the spirit
of Canada.