HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 63Choosing the right hybri
As the business of farming becomes in-
creasingly demanding, --economic survival
depends, more than ever, on the corn
grower's ability to choose the right hybrid.
How he chooses that hybrid is as important
as the choice!itself. •
Government and the seed industry are
reliable sourdes of hybrid performance in-
formation. These sources offer growers
trial results, test plot data, hybrid
research information, grower'testimonials
.and competilive hybrid statistics.. In the
final analysis; however, -how a hybrid per-
forms for the farmer in his field is what .
really counts," explains Funk Seeds'.
Marketing Manager, -Doug Knight.
"Under today's market conditions, it is in- -
creasingly important that corn producers
take_the tirrie to critically evaluate the
local perforinante of. each hybrid they
may consider growing. Growers must take -
the time to learn .how different i,..arieties
perforrn - an evaluation process which
begins with Pre -plant preparation and ex-
tends through to post harvest." •
To encourage the comprehensive.
evaluation of hybrids by Ontario corn pro-
ducers, Funk. Seeds has developed two
Hybrid Evaluation Guides, providing
is critical
growers with the necessary criteria for
variety assessment and selection. Through
a series- of questions, the guides help pro-
ducers build a foundation of information to
realistically judge hybrids. They include
pre -harvest and post-harvest checklists of
hybrid characteristics, from seed quality
and growth -habits to harvest management
and yield. The guides will also help corn
growers assess the inter -relationship bet-
ween crop performance, environmental
conditions and management.
Discovering the strengths and
weaknesses of hybrids in the grower's
local. area is a key factor in determining
Which varieties will make the best
econotnic contribution to next year's corn
program. No matter what brands theY
may be considering, growers must be
critical in choosing the hybrid best suited
for their area. Ultimately, the objective of
the Hybrid Evaluation Guides is to assist
producers in making a more infortned and
profitable seed purchase.
' "The guides are not intended to tell corn
growers what hybrids to grow. Instead,
they are designed to help growers in-
dependently ;deritify and gather local, fac-
tual information on hybrid performance,"
Knight stresses.
New safety standards published.0.
from page 16A
on internatibnal standards bodies -such as
The new standards fall under the title
Tractors a..40 Machinery for Agriculture
and Forestry - Technical Means for Ensur-
ing Safety (RSO 4254 ).
The first [document in the series tISO
4254 Part 1 General) hs just been publish-
ed. It consists of nine main -sets of re-
quirements; beginning with a brief state-
.ment of principles regarding overall
design and construction.
Attention!is given to:
Moving parts treated as dangerous: notes
about sha0s, run-on points of belts, etc.,
protruding keyways, pinching and shear-
ing points, whoels close to the operator.
Guard types: a description of three types
of guards designed to prevent contact with
moving pats.
Guard construction: Mainly general re-
quirementS, but with some specific perfor-
mance details such as strength and -c on-
structiOn notes. • . •
Safety distance: this- is one of the most.
detailed sections of the standard. The safe-.
ty di•stance!is based on measurements that
specify 'specific distances from which so-
meone can ,prate, maintain or inspect a
dangerous part. :It consists of specific
distances for-yeaeh in various directions.
and is well illustrated.
Provision of information: requirements
for operating manuals, warning notices,
etc. t in accordance with other existing ISO
International Standardsi.
Operator's workplace: another substantial
set of more specific requirements related
to handholds, steps, operating positions,
seats,. controls and various mechanisms
• such as steering; lifting and sropping.
Means for moving and supporting
machines: general requireinents for hit-
ches, jacks and supports..
Power transmission: protection of power
take -off. power intake connections and
power take -off drive shafts.
Other parts of ISO 4254 now being cir-
culated to IS() S 90 member nations for ap-
proval. include specific guidelines for in-
dividual machinery types such as: traC-
tors, . sowing equipment, planting and
distributing fertilizers, soil working equip-
ment, husbandr., .cleaning . installations,
forestry winches and arihydrouS ammonia
3cott re-elected to
Bill IA, an egg farmer froni Seaforth,
has been re-elected to his tenth term as the
director of the Ontario Egg Producers'
Marketting Board. _
- Mr. Scot will continue to represent the
82 egg - prOducers in Huron CoUnty, who
elected -him to the board on -February r8.
As well as representing Huron producers
on the ,provincial board, -• Mr. Scott
represents: all. Ontario producers as a
director of the Canadian Egg Marketting
Agency,. the organization which ad-
ministers the national . supply manage-
ment system for eggs.
Mr. Scott operates a custom hatchery in
addition46- Ws egg production operation.
E f&M
Scott Poultry FarMs. near Seaforth.
Policies and operations. of the Ontario
Egg Producers' Marketting Board are the-
responsiblity of 15 producer -elected direc-
tors. Thirteen- of:these are elected by egg
- producers in 13 zones or areas of the pro-
vince: two are -elected by pullet producers,
--or farmers who raise chicks to egg -laying
- age,
In each zone, producers elect a set
number of committeemen who then elect a
director • for that zone. Pullet producers
- elect committeemen to vote for a pullet
. producer director for -each half of the pro-
vince. Directors are elected for a one-year
. term.
Storage bins and dryers now t
. By Brian Hall
' Farm Management Specialist
Until January, 1987, farmers could apply
for.a refund of Ontario sales tax on grain
storage bins and -dryers. The refund has
x exenipt
been replaced by an exemption. This will
save farmers the bother of processing a re-
fund claim.
• Contractors who erect these- structures
for farmers may also purchase the
materials exempt rorn tax.
Page 17A
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08”ISEgnn- Funk Si..eds. CIIIA-GERi CAN kDA LTD