HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 3t
I I 0,y "'
�11 4 laro ATAVA"WAA" JWMJLAJMO + I Ottawa, May 27.-I)r, J, ... But,
4 . . I .1 �, f9rd Dominion I,J,v � a her.
. .1 t � e Sfocf� Commis.
rP I . I I sloner and Veterinary Director-0en.
CAPITAL (paid np) ... � . ... , A ... , - - _'. $4 1000,00!2.00. : : I eral of Odhada, on,o.of the most valu.
RESERVEFUND .... .... ... I - , - , - , .'. - $4,400,000,00. : .., ,, ed officials of the' Government, has.
I I 1 tendered his resignation to the Min
I ,
�� I TO AL . �, , I 1. . . .11, 11 .. .... 2oQ00,Qo0,o .-, L ister of Agriculture, and intands, to go
. .
1 4 nobes in ()anada,,attd.Agents and 0ovrespondents in all � to British Oolumbia to reside. His
I Has 78 Bra ' 11 I '
. �
I the principal Cities in the World. � � � 44 resi I
,,, ancIgnatJoh has not yet.beexi accepted,
� I . . . it is still hoped that lie �nay be
I ,� A General Banking Business Transected I I 1, , prevailed - upon , t�o colitinue in the
:1, of4ce in- which lie has done invalw
I Saxin Ban: k Det%artment +1 I 1. �. . I
F � I + . I .
. .. I . +
I A,t all Beanobes. Interest, allowed. at. Higbpst Current Rates, . + I
. + I I
ID'oksoll &,Carling, Solicitore, , N. D. HURDON ga'nagor. .1, 11 �.. � ��, ...-I 11 1. I I
, 9 � I
I I � . I + 1. � 4s" "..
'71, . .i
. -
I ... ��/ f�,,�l
I., ��4
,,4V++."++++++ + .:.+++.�*11.*O..,.+++41++,+,.++..,-++++�:.4�+.;.+ .... lalllormw.4, I �1111111 I ....
- 11,
". �., ` I A N ""' A N ""'
, �
,GAPITAL, - $10,000,000 . REST, - $7,000,00 . 0
Inybranch of The Canadian Batik of Commerce is equipped to issue, drafts on ,
I v
. '. .
I qqncipal cities in the folio wing countries without dela .
, i
, _ Men. . Crate Greece New %Qatid . Siberia.
Axibia � Cuba H and �' 11%jay Soudan
I IcLd P. ".
.frgedtlne Republic South.Africa �
, bstr4o. " India Persia . Spain
. i,
Aostria-krungAry F do Ireland Peru . Straits Sottlernentio
�Dowum V . Italy I Philimiano islands Sweden I
.Bhiiii Formosa, Portugal Switzerland
Zj3ia , 1. a Prance 4a.1pr l3ourrAnla TK�cy .
61 TLh Fr,ch Cochin China Wfalta, WtedStates
41 1 "=
i G Manchuria ' S I Uruguay
,,c � � , r,r=taffrit.i. x.-,... Stam - West Inmes. etc,
.1 ��i� amount of these drafts is stated in the nioney of the country where they are pay-
WL. p; that is they are drawn in sterling, fmncsi marks, fire, k�Onen, R0611S, yen
') roubles� etc., as the case may be. This ensures that the payee abroad wii,
34cerve the actual aniount intended. 233
Exeter Branch—W.. H.. Collins'Manager �
ff - Branch also, at Crediton: . -
i - . . . I
P. h - h n: 41-
able work during the la%t five years.
Dr. Rutherford is one of L the best
.known veterinarians on the continent,
and was. last year President of the
American Veterinary Association. His
�health has not been of the best dur,
ing the past few years, and he has
continued in c�ffice -only at the urgent
SoliCitation'of L Hon. Mr. Fisher, hav-
in.- *,-everal times refused tempting
'Offers from the American Government
and from private corporations- I
�41 . ,
. Ul L, IF,%, uly
, I .
. I .
Tho BuMncss-
! , 4
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
. I
Rublio Worship -10.30 a.mw,
I f,P Is calflng you, why not pre -
, ,
: 4 pare vow? The leading mer-
and 7 p.m. .
Class Service-Sunday.9.30 a.m. and
after 'Morning Service Wednes.'
, cantilehouses of Canada and
dsy night.
1i United Statas aecongnizes our
AnibIRIDW Y01144 inian anA *
s,hould. send at, ota,ceCfOr '1�
Young 'Men's Mass Clatauhume-mA
efficiency. �
f .
9i The Suatton Business
Sunday itt a A.m-
Sunday and Bible 30
�J CallegeS
Pkm. � .
Have given thousands of
Epworth +League -Tuesday at 8. p.m
Prayer 'Meetinia-Thu -M_
young people a good start in
W1, life. We can assiat you.
4arties St. Methodist dhuroh, �jie pas -
I or will breach n . ext Sunday.'
I , car Heine Study
L Colinas
I ... .
RS. i
Offer unexcelledadvantages
I +
.Rep �
I first used it lit 1.80.1, I.ba(l heard
� - to those who cannot attend
I *
11 college. Full particulars up-
I .*,-,
on inquiry. +
_ - .
, +
: i __�,_ I
__.� 'Write -for particulars I
�;� V-4 . .- . I +
I A -Clinton Business +
4 k t
I +I-
... ,
1! .P. I . College. +
.1 - z +
_ L +
I +
Geo. . ,,^�tSpottou, . Principal. +
V, ' �'
� 0
: 1�
",e .4
. I .
� 4
. 4-1.
Thi$ school bag a cojitiu'antal i
� j#
reputation for hi,zh gradR work 4
for th,a success of 1'.z zttid-,�
. io.
.,d , '4
en4s- L �
We have three departments- 4
'A ff
1� �- '14
� ,.
I'— \
' ""
I ,
k. 10
I . ;
- 10
L ,
. -
.1, i*_,
, ,
AnibIRIDW Y01144 inian anA *
s,hould. send at, ota,ceCfOr '1�
- tj'.
worao,n *
our lamz6 free cataloaule. .., *
wxibo for P't at oh,ce an�,&gd,c-*
. il
wh,,1t our 1zxad_,mteis are doing. **
Thjlj� is a good time of 0
yi�ar fGT YOUL 'to 4V.tier. on_ --.T-4
oe(s. Students lare enterin.7-
I 0
,j, Nveei_-. Commcr.ce, your *
courja�, -at once. 4
D; A. b1cLACHLAN, .*
Pri'nelpal. *
Mrs. Charles Netcher of Chicago Is
acting manager and owner with her
qbildren, of a department store employ:- ;
Ing some 3,000 persons. �.
MJm Fay Kellogg is one of the most
prominent dichitects in the United
States. She is a Broold, yn girl and !
studied at Pratt institute. She then
entered the employ of an architect In
order to learn the business.
Lady ,Tullet Duff, the tall and hand-
. '
soine I daughter of the Marchioness of
I Ripon, has taken a gigantic task of
charity on her shoulders -that of rals-
19 '$500,000 for the London ChAring
Cross boApital, which because of its
heavy debts Z practically closed�l. L
.. Miss Ruby,Sia. is looked upon as the
leiaing woman of the Chinese Chris-
tian Students' association in Nortb�
,America. Miss Sia is a student of the
Baltimore Woman's college and editor
of , the Chinese Students' Monthly, the
organ of the Chinese students' alli-
ance. I
Baroness Hengelmuller. wife of the
ambassador from .kilstria-gungary to
the United Siatets, has been designated
by Emperor Franz -Josef of Austria
to be an imperial royal lady of the
palace, which grli,es ber the bighest
possible rquk and 1)rivilege at the
cotift. � , I
- 1
1�,,;,auright'a Cold
1�19 ib .
Which Ended in a,
Two Fatally and Ten Seriously Injured
. at Tonowanda.
Niagara Falls, N.Y., May 27. -When
a Lockport freight trolley crashed in.
to a westbound Lehigh Valley pas.
senger train at Tonawanda Sunction
yesterday afternoon, two people were
fatally injured and ten more seri,ou*sly
Mrs. A. P. GArett of Brantford,
Ont., is dying at the home of Stanley
0. Peuchen, where she was taken af-
ter the accident. George A, To-rrey, a
traveling man from Boston, Mass., is
so sezi,ous17-injured about the head
that physicians declare he cannot re.
cover. He is in a temporary hospital
that has been arranged. The injured,
r phy.
sicdafis, are: H. X. Travel, Buffalo,
riterrially inittred; Miss Evangeline
ravel, his daughter, head injured;
lex. Ross, Buffalo, right arm broken;
. H. Prayer, Galt, Ont., left leg brok-
n; Ira Scott, Buffalo, 10 years old,
�ace cut, internal injuries, Mrs.
- atharini Scott, Buffalo, hip broken;
��lies er en, both arms injured.
'everal oth s were also slightly in-
ured. I
Motorman W. E. Bradley of the I
xeight trolley said after the accident
hat the ItTakes refused to work. He
md Conductor L. E. Mextangh, saved
Lemselves by jumping. At the scene
if the accident the tracks of the Le-
dgh Valley and the one on which the
reight trolley was operating run at
ight, angles.
The trolley struck a ooach- of the
rain and hurled down an embank-
aent, reducing it to kindling..
Wants Det'ective Arrested.
I Montreal, May 27.-DeclaTing they
were being shadowed and in one case
assaulted by private detectives, a
lelegation. from the Labor Temple
waited on Chief of Police Campeau.
resterday, seeking -redress :from him,
and were advised to seek legal ad-
vice, with. the result that a warrant
.or the axrest of one detective on the
,harge of assault is to be issued.
Mr. Sinclair, a IA�or orgauize:r� who
ias besn. in Montreal for some time,.
,laims to have been shadowed con-
iniTally by a pair of sleuths, and at
L meeting in the Labor TetAple yes-
zrday morning an appeal to the po-
ice authorities was decided upon.
fei cannot go to my private house,"
id on& labor mari, "withiout being
;ai �
;hadowed, and directly I come out the -
iext morning, thexe is the detective
. I Promotions'on C.N.R.
Severe Attacill? of - Montreal, Ma.y 27. -The reorganiza-
I.- -:. 4.t,- f4 A; � WT +'k— . .+A—
� � ___
� . . �
Oil . J I
several promotions in the
. Re Moll'% and 111bbort
staff has been officially announc-
ed an the death of F. 0, Joues, ,k well.
kitowli resident. of the town, The
. .
farmcr,6 Antual Fire Ingar
I —
Im "04%.
, ,
� plemeut is not in more gej�erg,l Itse,
Guy Tombs, formerly general freight
Too much-stcess cannot b&laid,ol"146
passenger agent the - caitZn�h
thas he-ld hisjurisdietion extend-
fact that when s6 person Catches c0rd'A
over the entire lsystem,. while P. A.
I ,gje&d offl;,,o, . Farejuhar,',ont
must be attended to immedia.tely, or
serious results: are liable to follow.
formerly commercial agent of
lines, becomes district freight
"'.. I i, Presidwit, j. 'F. RUSSELL!
Btonehitfs, Pneumonia, and ConsumP-
Writ at Montreal, and Win. ,Dixon,
soliciting freight agent, be.
. vi0e_p.r&-i.. ROBT. G411DINER
tio,mare all causeA by,negleeting, W -curer
city freight agent, with J. J.
thesimple-cold, * .. I ,
Znd 11. W. Johnston asso-
him as soliziting, freight
I ItQUT, NORRIS$ Ista-t-fg,
Mrs. G, W. Bowman, Fztfullo� OnZi
, � I I
T11081 RYAN � . DuiViln,
writes -,-"Three years ago I caughto
.Rep �
I first used it lit 1.80.1, I.ba(l heard
t �.!
11 41 fwm. AROCK, Winolielsea.
cold. which ended la a severe attack 4,
u llel,�OtA men were
Ha*milton;� Coronation P�ogramq.
Hamilton, May 27. -The c-oroLation
9 i - ,
Fbettmonla. Since that time at the;
beginning ,of emhwintev I seem to catob
in Hamilton wall, he cr a
41111 AGN-44TS.
cold very easily� I have -been so howsol
�arl er scale, than at firit' planned *
1*.019 IM-,Ueghnent, St. CAihlarine -
JokIN B88HRY Hzetw, tworit tak
I am pii�halgh.
rwmitnabld4tv speak loudenoughtob4
, and t*be 22id,of Woodstock have-bec`,�
have V6on
, ,vabcm-no -d
.1 ol
heatd "roes the room 1A60 wintey4
: V, a fdend advised M to try Dj?.
iii'vated and ten bands en�
I t�it�o and fireworks' dis-
g,q d ?or the
a(w, J31bbert, vultarto)j aQ Logan
.11 . ,
. !
W6o&s No�wag Pine SyTup, as*g .0
I I at night, I
, I I .
;_4 Q[N CA:MJ?aHLV
. Treas. Farquhar
had helped her. I bought a bottle and
Death of Mrs. 131shopi I
I �
I .
before it was. half used I wm completeV,
Londo-A, May 27. -Mrs. Bi�shop., wife.
QLAM�AN` & 9TANBURV. 9,11'ki.tat,
cured.n I also fiad.it sy good mkciaefb!,�,
of Hon. R. X. Bishop, Newfoundland,
I I"! ------------------- �
the children when they 6,ve bolds,111 �
,r I
I attending the Impavial, - Cortfelence. ,
I Drighton. Thuksday %ftor
. ,
I BswAre or tli m
, e any in3ftWons, of Dr,
died at ,n
bporation. Afz! IlMap -is a m0mber
jdj�ll ,., �
tb,d's X�rway Fine; Syrup, � ,
I of. Prt�iidr Morris' Gallinet. � .
I For. IllfaItts aril, ChildreA.
� Ask fov ,�-Rr. Woo'd1s"', and ito, '.
� 'st oi
gotting what Vit ask for. a
i Entertaining Sir Wilma.
1ho Kiad yoo �Iave Ailftys BoUght
� .1
Itl-ig put. UP in at yellow wrapper., th"O.
Londou, May 27.—The Dutpq of. C�on.
nsaight, entertained Sit Wilfrid Laur-,
I . IV I _
, , _.,
' '
tho prie
pine trees the trade mark; Q)
ier at luncii, yesterday, Lord Peii-Ound
r � the "r
, s � �' � -
I " .e
Bear .)f %
. , �.V
. * *, P F&A
25 cents. IMAT.)XIL'ture d :only, hy, T16
diu�d him bn Thunday night, and Sit,
0 1
., "�
-� ""o
. I �al 4P
I L I V.gnat.Arl If CA ?W, f,
T. Milburn, On.. L iniltod. Toronto. Ont.
t t.
9. sroolonion, las MS)i
. � . .� .1.1, . - . . .. .
. . I I
, I .
, . .
I : . I
I'. I "
� I -11,
. I .1 I
�� I . I . . . I
. ,
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.. � �, - I . L �
,,� I I r.
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I , I
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6:1 \
I I I � I
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I I "
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.' , L L , .� , , ' ,; I -1 - ' 11 �' , , � ,L, 11 � �', � ' � � 4 �� "t' ,�.W
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I . I I I I � . . " . I
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. -1 �r 1, , .. � -, . 19 ft,� .,.�
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, - � I �, . I I
I I I . r I
�3 ki
I . 4 I � , "",] t#"46 -
Ayr, MAY.26.-A tragic occurrence
Mar , the holiday WC,(111,-Way
I , . 1-111.1 i. .
Toro nto, M,Ly 27. --After the examin.
L V#7A1*1;1q Py YVJ§0q;1§.A0. r,"m1P,r.V,L
� I have used. thi,s. plow for dlla& X
, rw 1,�f,
� �� � I ", �
KA .
'A Ono � 11
red for the
people of Ayr und vicinity. and resqj�_
Won of a number of witn", ges, 1 A*
duding W. R. Travers, former man4.
treaches for laying We on my wiscon-
. I I "
I , 41,
r% I
ed an the death of F. 0, Joues, ,k well.
kitowli resident. of the town, The
, an. eflort -to establish that ,(�ol.
rayl�es ManTo of Bm�'ro, -resident Of
SJUL f4rm for many ,years and am sur-
ed tbat A%0`L Useful and QjJI("je
P=,% at 44
I � I I " ,,,�',
AL -
, ,
�11� .
( d
scene of the fragedy was the unocqxx�
pied farm of William MeRour, fifth
, 1he Farmers' Bank at the time of its.
, ,
Im "04%.
, ,
� plemeut is not in more gej�erg,l Itse,
, 01W . 1,
e I 1
. I ,,�i;
conceuiou, Soulh Dumfries. on this
suspension, had wilfully sigri,ed re*
*ns falsely showing thi, po.91tio-a of
says a Wisco"n, correspondent of the
, �
I- - I-. .11,111,
�� 11,; , , '- 1,;,.�
� . I I I Ir., I I I I I I
faryn there is a 75 -foot well, with wind,
,%o bank the crown conclu4ed its
Orange .,Tudd rarmen AnX, good blagk-
i I I I
mill, Something had gone wrong with
mse late afternoon. X udg�
,Smith, with a4 assistant, cap. maAe
L I . I !1d
, . "� 11 I
, ,
the piping� and Mr. Jones, who had
aug tile well about nine
zenb was reserved by Judge Wluolies�
tWs,J?l0w in less than two days. 'Aa
, . I
- 1"Or , .
Case. In 1,100 ,9f Plant Good I "m I : �, -
, years ago,
,oalled upon to make the
I was 11Qces-
ler. H, H, Dewart, X.C., a ppeared
lor Col. Munro, and Louis M64oban
. old smitli and lija
,, , son made w1us 14
one day.. The ,totalL 6St Was only ;8,
, Fgsturos In M;kny Rpoiqng,,� I ",
- 1. -
saTy repad in which undertaking lie
assisted by Tqr- McRour, shortly
.represe-ated the crown. I
Tlie accuse4 baiiker� While aekaowl-
including a heavy four foot chain for
,Vor several ye4ra pao.t megidow" I$* . �.
� , � I
Ono has been ,an import4at crop, ' � � -i
. )
after the lioozi hour. .
k1ging the signatures as.his, stout ly
use, Ja hitching to. the ploNywiten, ft I
4 , I .0
down In the 4 tolf
. e er
Aorth. 4st U :,Kan as, qccordln� to th;
, 11 11 I
1. I I
Mr, 3-olies descended into the well a
�hort distance to make a jointon.t4e
maintained, that lie had ned the
retui= believing them to she'
.Rep �
I first used it lit 1.80.1, I.ba(l heard
States dep"artmej . , z .. � I . I
JtL �of aglio
, � .
. ture. The acreoge. devoted to t I .1 I
v1ping. Re had been dowu Only about
rhe evidence' of Xr, Travers and Ae-
u llel,�OtA men were
I 0
gross has. however, been extre I
me I
Wri minutes when Mr. MoRoar heard
muritant Fitzgibbon supported this
charging 25 cents perrod to construct
. . ,.
, variable, The flactuatiug tendency 11 ,: I
him' utter an exclLamation. Looking,
testimony, each declaring that, the
drainage ditelles NVItil tile steam, mtch-
due chledX to chzjtlges� ju, the, 000 � � �,
into the well Mr. Merour could see
nothing af bim, and he thereupon.
president had 4ttached his name to
the reports without, as far as they
Ing machine. I was able to build
ditches more cheoply by the meaus of
seed. The meadow fescue seed c,r .. �'
, .
X � ,
started des ' cenaing. He had gone
aown but a few feet when he suddenly
were aware, any idea ths�t they did
act truly represent the bank's statu.s.-
this simple homemade contrjvance�
OIL'04e pie( -e of i;;ork, by usi'
119 this
re, IJ
has in some yeArs acted �
untioll of over $1gQ,000 In ,I
4 ver.v JIM* I I �"
relt that lie, too, was bein- Uvior come
�y gas, And he hastily TZroated, but
S*mewb.at of a sensation was caus-
ed by the, introduction by the 4rrow,u
Plow and two horses. rour men Made a
ed,section of the state. ,Xhe' 4ema LL
for me,ldow fescue seed is quite 11 � !
+. * . t
TWO't . 11
was so weak that he had some diffi-
pf 'a private lefter written by Col,.
ditch 1,030 foot i(ing from tive and
one-half to three and one-half feet
�. , �
ed; henlr,e an unclue expaligion In s) .
. itl�' � I
:1 ;
culty in getting out. An alarm was
given oiver the.ndarest telephone, and
Kun.r46 to Travers in Deiqember� IM,
Tt referred to "rumors" the.
deep and one foot wide, in one day,,
duction has caused In several yeargAU . I
decidet] fall in .
price. The iii�rlts of tQ
lielp Was speedily secured. Mr. P.
writer thought the bank could not.,
from 8 o'clock in Me morning to 6
grass are such. however, that Wls, , i
Nunaii'voluutoered. to go down and
aff ord to disregard, and suggested that
o'clock in the, afternoori. This was In
I i
lieved that a better knowledge ot ":
made three. unsuccessful trips, eaell
Ume -plainly showing the do adly of -
. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt be compelled to
pay -his 1-adebtedness to the bank "as
clay soil, whieb at the time happened
to be very dry tird was shoveled eas-
, 11
11stifailless. will 3 a g In q . I
I re'. ult i jt�e UQ ,.
I !
ployed much more exfen.,4vey, es I"
feet of the poisonous gas. On the
last tAp, lie succeeded in fastening a
many people seem,to know of it' and
alaim.he was worth nil,"
fly,. If the ground had been wet, of
course, so much could not have been
� � �
� I
clally for permanent pastuares throu , ' . .
I �
"e around Mr. �ones' body, but it
I .
slippe'd and Mr. Harry Barrett, who
F. W. Stair testified that he had
warned the colonel a before the
aecomplistied, I
out the timothy region. �
. �
Areadow fescue is also locally Irno)" .
also Made a previous 7unsuccessful ef-
fort finally succeeded in effecting the
4ollapse that the bank was Unsound,
001. Munro this, d
In building ditelies for We I first
plow It a% deeply as possible, usually
,.15 English blue, grass notiy!th.9tau$q
J 1. I
In-, flip fact that In Rn�ltlnd it Is calrINJI1 I
rWc�vqry of the body.
admitted and sai
lie had s -ken to T-- -b-A Jt
going over it twico with an. ordinnry
� I
eadow fescue. The, name r�,nglj$m
C.N.R, Changes Plan.s
Montreal, May 26. -The presence
yesterday of D ' S. Hanna, -vice-presi.
dent of the Canadian Northern Rail�
way, ili Montreal is considered of
the utmost significance in railway
circles. - I
. It is stated that a general reoigam..
zation of the company's system, con.
� sequent upon the anial,gamation of the
Canadian, Quebec with the Canadian.
Norther3i proper as a transcontinental
line, is. now in progress, the effect of
which will be to -switch the centre of
gravity, so far -as the Canadian Worth -
ren Railway is concerned, froin Toron-
to to Montreal. It is -in connection
with this reorganization that Mr, Han-
. na, has come here, and important
changes in, the locEd staff, involving
several promotions, may be expected
in the i.uar future as the outcome of
the visit.
Wanted to See Hanging.
Montreal, May 2.6 ---Seats or wia.
dows for the ,hanging of Francesco
Czeola, which took place this morn.
. .
Ing were eagering sought after. For
two weeks past the7residents of Delori-
mier a -venue, from Erie up to Dor-
eheskw, whose windows overl.obk the
PourtyaTd of the jail, have been ap.
Proached by men desirous of ren -ting
windows for a few moments. Any-
where from 50 -cents up to $10 wasot.
fered. Two dollaxs and five dollars
were the favorite prices. Among the
applicants were several Italians. They
ad not offer any great sum, but seem.
ed quite anxious to obtain almost any
place from which the execution might
be viewed. .
Australian Mail Service.
Lo . ndon, May 26.-(C.A.P. Cable.) -
The. Chronicle's Melbourne crorrespon-
rs Fisher and
Laurier are ,expected to arrange a
Vancouver service in such a form as
to pave the way for the initiation of
t1eir allied scheme.' The Common-
wealth Ministers, however, are unable
o join in a new contract be-
tween Canada and New Zealand ow-
izig to the arrangement for a New Zea-
land port to be visited after Sydney
is left by outwar,.l EnOrs. The Sydney
Labor Ministry ,s pre�,:sing the Fed-
eral Government not to allow the ser -
Vice entirely to lapse in July.
I .
. .
,� �L _;, , ,
, :, '..
., I
I 1. ;
- ; L
. . I
� ;! ,�
and had been assured that all. was' plow. A.11 tho dirt tlint is not thrown blue jn,,ass should bediscarded for th
well. . . . I out by the plow la tiltili shoveled Out established, name meadow fescue, a� I I L I
I . T;ext X go tu) �Alld dolvii the ditch with tile a',e, Of botri lell(Is to q0ufu,,1on. . I
L 11
BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES, the pick plow. Our& J* mada to cut Meadow fescue sown alone furnisvej* I
14 ,
twelve inches wide. wid by baving, it seant vasturage during the flot sut*" I
Creola, who was,hanged in Mont. . so strongly constructed tbat there is mer months, and its lack of root St .0. L 11,
L ock I
... �
real yesterday, was the first Itall,an not much sprfng In it a uniform width Prevents Its taking first ralik as . a paW , . �, ;J
, I,
. ?
to be hung in the Province of Quebec. and straig it sides can be maintained ture grass In any regou where Ke I "
Thomas A. Hunt of Hamilton fell in the. d'Itleb. After the . 11 li�,, L L.�i
, ground Is tricky blue grass does well. Its vatU4 . 11 ��
trom a street car last Friday and loosened we s6ovel out the loose dirt nt prevent 1% fully appreciated only , .
died yesterday as the result of his "-. � ,ol-�
t ; and then go over It again witli the the eastern. parts of Nebraska alift I
Ujur Qs
Motorists from Ontario are now re-
quired to, take out licenses for their
automobiles when entering Quebec
Richard P. Smith, mayor of Strath-
t2n. 1885, 1886 and 1887, and one
of e first water commissioners, died
yesterday, aged 80 years.
It is officially stated that there will
be no special issue of stamps by the
Canadian Postal Department in cou.
, riection with the coronation of King
i Gemge.
T. Couginean, aged 84, of Sandwich,
died yesterday of blood pof-oning, as
a result of a scratch received iia a
playful boxing match with. a prisoner
at the county jail.
Aritherstburg, Ont., has decdded to
have a Carnegie library. The town
paid $1,000 for a site and has agreed
be spend S11,000 a yearon. the mainten-
ance of the institution The imount
of the grant iq $10,000:
,� Unusual Accidents. -
Toronto, May 27. -Two men are in
a serious condition at St. -Webael's
Hospital as the result of two unusual
a.acidents yesterday.
George Carter, learning to be a ton.
ductor on the street cars, comes . from
Petex,boro, Ont, Yesterday afternoon
he was Tiding on the knife-bowd of
an open Avenue Toad trailer. Geo. A.
Graham's big touxing car was stand -
Ing in the roadway at Avenue road and
Gattingham street. It was not fairly
against the curb and, the hood being
,down, this part of the madhine struck
Carter, Im,ocking him to the pave-
ment. One rib was broken and pierc-
ed kha. Inr--s-
70harl�s-Ri:tirer, a tea.mster, living
at III Berkeley street, while backing
las team in. a line in rear of the On-
taxio Woollen Mills, was impaled up-
on the tonge of the wagon. The tongue
pierced the abdomen when he was
jammed against the wall. He walk-
ed to his home holding his hand over
the wound, which. was bleeding pro-
On the Warpath. .
Montreal, May 27. -Hon. Mr. Fish-
er was in Montreal yesterday en route
DiCk Ploiv. NVO lisp an evener eight Kansmas. It Is quite probable that ft -"
feet long, so that (lie hor,;P.%t work far I L "'
enough away from the ditch that there � � . I L.
L [,-,c�L4w.��m;Fwn-;Ewpo"--N--=-w-m-m--vt-=-r--mI , �- A
. [Frorn Orange Judd Farmer.1
is no danger of'their faffla.- In. As
additional dept ' U in securt-d the bitch
Is lengthened. and Me plow can be
used in digging ,ditehes tbree to four
feet or more dvep. Where Nye have to
cross an el�rtjtion ill tile tield whi(ql
requkeB greater dvpth we go aver that
spot two Or tilt-vIt, tlui" wlrlt the plon'.
bringing Vie bortow of the ditelt,down.
to- the required level. Broadly speak -
Ing, the deptli to %vlll(,Il tht-; (q'ILI be
used is limited only by ihL leu-th of
.1 g
the chain to which the evener is� fas-
tened. I
There is an old Flemish proverb
which reads as follows: No agrass,
nd-cattle; no cattle, no manure; no
manure, no crops. .
Dairy Doings.
An ounce of the fluid. extract of black -
haw in a pint of walm water will be
found very -raluable for a cow threat-
enirig abortion. A balf dose can. be re-
peated in two or three hours as often, as
TO the man of little money and
. many ebildren the Shorthorn is a bo -
nanza, supplying mill,- and butter and
a good salable calf at weaning time.
The LTersey, Ayrshire and Holsteinare,
great milk and butter crrws, but their
calves are not to be considered wh . en
seeking cattle for the fe*d lot
Calves are often troubled by ring-
worms. It Is due to a regedible para-
site. The best treatment is sulphur
ointment, made er. powdered sulphur,
lard, oil or grease. Wash the part af-
fected with soap.suds and then apply
the Sulphur ointment.
Cow& require from one to eight
ounces of sith per day. The more
coneentrates th(ly receive tile more
SaIt they re(luire. It should be where
they can haro twc�vz;s to It every day.
According in aa v,zpe.rimeut made at
the Wlsron�!a ,,.r,%t!,,11, aV,out two
ounces.per cmv, per du,v Is the average
amount required.
The Kansas Agrleil!tnral college
grades cream as fouaivq. P`Pat grade
cream, 30 or mol -0 per cont of butter
fat; second grado, ,21:1 p(,., c:�i�',- and less
than 30; third gro-flo, lt-,;%Ing, loss than
25 Per cent butli!r lar. (.'r4,,,1m0rJ(as
like to get high ti-,fliu-, t:r.(,,1qt, S�,Iy :lo
anci. above. They ii�ok�, lw-ri- butter
from this, fts the overnm ' ,: gronter.
Alfalfa bay Is a most (,.,a,(,,1h1i)r feed
for dalry cow.q. The anhna!� niwa�ys
relish vloan, bright alfalfa hay, an(I it-
mmc ploductag' 'value is high. Irli,a
(1017triau that lins plenty of alfalffn x,,
especially � tortullk, te. I I X
Never allow tbe- cows to be e . xelte,i
by bard drlvl�g, abuse. loud talking
or lmnecc6ary disttirbanco. Do liot
ewpose tbern to cold or storros.
It You hare s1s. ccivrq arfd i3o sepa.
rator sell one of the cows and buy a
separator. You will 9ave work and
make money by the deal, *
.. X"Indness � to cows is oil I 0 of 'the eq.
scintial elements in profitable. d�lfrvjljg-
Nv, imlttet� how well cows are fei �11(1
, - tll(,,N' will lint he good milk-
, 0$ If they art, litindled romgbly..
'. 11 I
1�1 �
I 1,
10, h
home in Knowlton for a brief
,rest, preparatory to a series Of im-
. nwrit of agriculture.]
poTtant meetings throughout the, east-
ern provirices.
The first meeting is, to be held at
beneficial effect ou the pmiqttres.
Faxnham on Saturday afternoon, May.
Theability of meadow fescue to our-
. I
� The chief topic for discussion will
, 1. I
StoCk keelis Such places 1.�:-nducdye -in
o' reciprocity and the speakers will
H6n. Mr. Fishcr, Hon. Mr. Lem-
, .
fescue Ims the additional -advint -1ge, of
ieux, H. E. Allan., .M.P., and D. P.
I I ..
producing fit a short t1rue a ;i*1',-m sod
Meigs, M.P� .
a - nd cowd(lerable pasturage.
An,6ther meWng is to be held on
ForWometi—lydia E. Pink=
niursday, June 1, at Sherbrooke
whe r e ' the speakers will be I -Ion. Mr'
ham's Vegetable CoMpoiInd
Fishex, Dr. Beland, M.P. for Beauce,
Dr. Pelletier, A. B. Hunt, 1I.P., C� H.
adapteil as orchard gra4� it, ,�,�p clay
Lovell, M.P., aild E. W, Tobin, M.P.
Belleville, Ont. -"I was so weak
and worn out from a fem.ile weakness
. — ,
Locomotive . *Z -
I ., Works Change Hands.
that T qoncluded to r a . nk.
Kingston May 27. -Yesterday after.
� .
* :..,'.`.*.,::-..,-.%!.'.` .......... _`.!
'*' - - - "
ham's egetable
I O -L 0 k
o p i d. t o
naoii the C'an.adLan Lpaomatime 1Ajork.;
of tills city practically passed from
, �.-,-...,.. ...: -1:4'r...",
....... ---X.'.
I... , , - " * - ,.;:
* * , " ..
- " I ...
sev ral ottles of
the control of Ron. William Harty.
.%-,%, -
-_`.. , I ":�.`��:`
it, and I gained
At a special meetina ol the stookhold-
-It. "
-_-� `-,`--`,4'
-1 ... - ,
strength so rapidly
e I he
r .id here the offer of English
...t ..-,*.-.'.,'.,
.-. .,: 1; -.1
that it seemed to
cap,italists, made through Aemilius -
, `,;,
: — - ... .;�
- . . `
.I- ..1. I. : __ .....i.�.'.
make a new woman
,Taids & Co. of Toronto, was accept,
_11- -
.., .. ....
-.i.41'-'.-,-.: _.. ...
of me., I can do as
ed- The 'amount paid could not be
.,.. -:_!�- -I- I
............. 'i, 1,
, good a day's work
ascertained, but it is understood to be
.::.:*....;:.:' ...'. .
.' ! ..... I .
as er did. I
I ev
large. Mr. Harty may re main with
.,-..*.4.'.'. �� -
. .1 11 :.111�
. . .
.:.... , 1.:-&.:#q�. *. -
n he
tile new company, but this is not de.
... .1 I ..
day that I made tip
Iny iiiind to tal�e
finit.ely known�., The capital stock of
the company is to be increased very
your medicine for
largely. M. J'. Haney of T�Dronto ,was
.11111 ,
lemale weaknes�,
one of the chief stockholders. The
ind I am exceedingly grateful -to youtor
now company will shortly be orghn-
kind letters, as I certainlyprofited
ized. . .
y them. I give you permission to
pablish this any time you wish."-
, Cows Electrocuted. I
&Irs. Amm= NV'ICICFTT, Belleville,
Ontario, Canada.
Brorkville May 27. -Five thorough.
.1 I I
I L :.1
bred lYrelire ,cows belonging to
Thomas Jones, a,farmer, living �ust
bliat there is no other remedy known
%cross the'line, were electrocute by
bo niodieiae that ivill enre fernale weak.
tho drap-I)ing.,of a live 1119.4. tension
aess and so ,laccessfully carry women
transmission *Irc whialL crossed the
�hroughtke-Cliange of Life as Lydia 110.
Pinkhani'sVegetallte Com 01111d, Made
farm. ![he animals were valued at
$100 cach,
== native toots and her?s,
Vol; 80 years it lifts been euring�
. . ..
Armv Cut Wopm I - n the West. '�
w,omeri from thoworstforms of feniale-
Ills - hillanima,tion, .
ulceration, disk
Winnipeg, May 27. -The army cut.
�lacemenbs, librold tumors, irregtilui.
worm in large numbers ha& made it&
bies, perM-dic pains, baelrache, aifd�
aervaus prostration. .
4 I
appearanco in the Rainy River, 0 t '
. )"'i
district. � It has appeared in mult -,
tudes in the fields thatsection I
If yoti w.nit specla.1 advice v"ite
all of
aad the farmL
trs are becoming alarm.'f
t 4. !
Ct is free MIA lAwn Y's 11 elbfw.
. �
DiCk Ploiv. NVO lisp an evener eight Kansmas. It Is quite probable that ft -"
feet long, so that (lie hor,;P.%t work far I L "'
enough away from the ditch that there � � . I L.
L [,-,c�L4w.��m;Fwn-;Ewpo"--N--=-w-m-m--vt-=-r--mI , �- A
. [Frorn Orange Judd Farmer.1
is no danger of'their faffla.- In. As
additional dept ' U in securt-d the bitch
Is lengthened. and Me plow can be
used in digging ,ditehes tbree to four
feet or more dvep. Where Nye have to
cross an el�rtjtion ill tile tield whi(ql
requkeB greater dvpth we go aver that
spot two Or tilt-vIt, tlui" wlrlt the plon'.
bringing Vie bortow of the ditelt,down.
to- the required level. Broadly speak -
Ing, the deptli to %vlll(,Il tht-; (q'ILI be
used is limited only by ihL leu-th of
.1 g
the chain to which the evener is� fas-
tened. I
There is an old Flemish proverb
which reads as follows: No agrass,
nd-cattle; no cattle, no manure; no
manure, no crops. .
Dairy Doings.
An ounce of the fluid. extract of black -
haw in a pint of walm water will be
found very -raluable for a cow threat-
enirig abortion. A balf dose can. be re-
peated in two or three hours as often, as
TO the man of little money and
. many ebildren the Shorthorn is a bo -
nanza, supplying mill,- and butter and
a good salable calf at weaning time.
The LTersey, Ayrshire and Holsteinare,
great milk and butter crrws, but their
calves are not to be considered wh . en
seeking cattle for the fe*d lot
Calves are often troubled by ring-
worms. It Is due to a regedible para-
site. The best treatment is sulphur
ointment, made er. powdered sulphur,
lard, oil or grease. Wash the part af-
fected with soap.suds and then apply
the Sulphur ointment.
Cow& require from one to eight
ounces of sith per day. The more
coneentrates th(ly receive tile more
SaIt they re(luire. It should be where
they can haro twc�vz;s to It every day.
According in aa v,zpe.rimeut made at
the Wlsron�!a ,,.r,%t!,,11, aV,out two
ounces.per cmv, per du,v Is the average
amount required.
The Kansas Agrleil!tnral college
grades cream as fouaivq. P`Pat grade
cream, 30 or mol -0 per cont of butter
fat; second grado, ,21:1 p(,., c:�i�',- and less
than 30; third gro-flo, lt-,;%Ing, loss than
25 Per cent butli!r lar. (.'r4,,,1m0rJ(as
like to get high ti-,fliu-, t:r.(,,1qt, S�,Iy :lo
anci. above. They ii�ok�, lw-ri- butter
from this, fts the overnm ' ,: gronter.
Alfalfa bay Is a most (,.,a,(,,1h1i)r feed
for dalry cow.q. The anhna!� niwa�ys
relish vloan, bright alfalfa hay, an(I it-
mmc ploductag' 'value is high. Irli,a
(1017triau that lins plenty of alfalffn x,,
especially � tortullk, te. I I X
Never allow tbe- cows to be e . xelte,i
by bard drlvl�g, abuse. loud talking
or lmnecc6ary disttirbanco. Do liot
ewpose tbern to cold or storros.
It You hare s1s. ccivrq arfd i3o sepa.
rator sell one of the cows and buy a
separator. You will 9ave work and
make money by the deal, *
.. X"Indness � to cows is oil I 0 of 'the eq.
scintial elements in profitable. d�lfrvjljg-
Nv, imlttet� how well cows are fei �11(1
, - tll(,,N' will lint he good milk-
, 0$ If they art, litindled romgbly..
'. 11 I
1�1 �
I 1,
10, h
, - . ".. I
. Sr
[From bulletin of United States depatt-
.1. --' ��
. nwrit of agriculture.]
11 J
. Many regions an lucrease in the use of
I �
meadow fusezie, . would have .1 very
. I
beneficial effect ou the pmiqttres.
Theability of meadow fescue to our-
. I
vive lu wet placos when trampled by,
, 1. I
StoCk keelis Such places 1.�:-nducdye -in
Pasturea Nyh,-r(,- .111nothy. rc,l elover�
and Neatneky blila grnsg fall, and, be-
sides being stron,-,!_v perennial. moedow,
, .
fescue Ims the additional -advint -1ge, of
coming <117.1c1dy allil surely froi�l seed,
I I ..
producing fit a short t1rue a ;i*1',-m sod
� I
a - nd cowd(lerable pasturage.
I .
In the east meadow fc-sone has
11 ��
shown itself to be almo�t ai 1well,
adapteil as orchard gra4� it, ,�,�p clay
. I
soils, and. tbough not qui"t- .ts proi.
ductive, it is r. ither uwro liwatable,
thfin file- lutter. As the v:ii,to of tame
pas 11 ii res ovier na t f v e pas i r n �s I ; I liett er
� .
re.1111;:(�41 und as the Ru;ji�--!t i6e'a of,
MIXUN-V4 Is Wore flrw!,, o.;,Ian�ished
� ..
with Oze Amprican fitrv!o- tw.mdow,
fescue Nvill take a iumo !�,),..or0rxt
place at loast as a pa,,:�turo �P*�,.,%, .
' '
. 11
The soil b��,st adapted tit 0i, lwodu&
tion of wi�,�zdow fesquE- i..; a f3eavy,
blauk lown, This griss hr�� I ' -n noted
givWing la the must devio,1 g.-nnbol'
apo�-4, and ;n these plaveF wb�.-a mola-
� . I , .
turo was suflicient no amorni ,)f train-
11 i
pling aeei�ip(l to destroy fl. It . J,q Aot
ad,apted to a light sandy ooii, vi -A the
I , ,
beat yield oi Ility and seecli ,,,�, z,.�yvays.
. "I . ''I
secured from heavy soilis 1,*, 1h ill ot,�
garlic matter, I
Maniums biterp.�-tvd In v,,,4 ,,tnsture�
''! i
plant tuh oNalu further !�,f_matiwi!
from their state experm.�v;�,. ;,i;qfo.ns(
� I
or departirents of -jlA,r1(,11it tlt,;. ity- froii,11
I I '
the agi*illtural departnient �..,.. -Yash-:
, �� : 1 �
ingt6n. .
I I.,
. , 1.
. L .
.1 I I
I L :.1
.... 1__Rwi�__ . �. , , -11. �..".
I � --111. , .1. —
. ,
. 'niere is nolhitig flial v t d -,� �.,Y
- .
1, -
� 11 :. 1.
'. ..
I -
Illa produc":Vcnc�sa and v -i' 1; � ,, � R
L � i ,
farin so fir v ,wnd so �Cr, ... 1: ,,�, ""
� . .
, ,
� ",',
hing it to grain and t 11 �11 .10,
I I -
1. I 1, � '�il
� �
rgrain 10 wr,.,�61: indew,', I . 1�,
I 1.
. .1 t''
Lit ron 16, vr�w,'id. , � .
- �,,
-1 � , I
. , !�11 .
I �!
. � �
, .
I � -
I .
� I
, / . I I � .
,�, . �,
� I ,
1. ,
I .
/ ) , I I I I I .
I , , I , �
11 . I
. : � �
� of
, , I
k . I �, , I � I -o ��!w, , , I I . � , : �', � �L , , �
, I ��, !o� �k . � I
I .,
,,�/ ,�
� I ,
k ;; s . J I , I ". I , I I I
� �,_L� ,
: , �111 ��� 11