HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 1THIRTY-EIGHTH YBAR-No 1969 RXETFOR, ONT, CANADA, TRU138DAY MO, NIWQt JUNE Ist 1911 +0 041 Anniversar of Cave 'der EN nd r $enior basebA JONES & MAY 'etei V74 for ^.gteyate many years Both team$, I'Viae Organized in t'x-.e Brick Building at ��E North -Rev, Photte Noo 32. John Logie, First Pastor -Messrs J"Oha Anderson, Central* battery was Swan and Uitchell and the Exeter battery Qarl, Tohn Strang and Wm. Logie,'First Sessiow_. and Hoskins,, In 04e first inaings Summer Goods for June Jubilee Services a Success. Vin Mitchell crosped the plate, walOpg M ON Ey. only score for Oontralia of the Ithe evening. R. Ditplan, at first.Aaeld TheJubilee serviclem of Caveu Preis-, 8�11, a, nuibored 70 ni,,ubLr;s, A�t The warm weather makes u8 think of coot garments to get bytcej�in �Churzh were hroudh1t to a n�, aven church waasepara't- e d 'ron" 'I" ogervillo. formerly War- all the comforb, we can, We are well stocked with dainty koods ho� 1successful close on 13unday 4dt. 14rgd r ensvillet-ond wai winistered for 1two %I SA that will her sure to fill your wants during the coming sam- * V years by ULV. �T, 'G.r ThQmpqon, of 4W mer., I 41 Old Boys of tb, Oda a cougre.3A preacgi, 41=6VOld., and ­Uer. Thos, Alaoadim. and the Exeter boys ate sure of sup- on that oeca�siirbl,4; Aav, D'. nama,+ and. aftorwards Prof.1rac- AT OUN same class of ball, Mr. T. Boyle um- Dr. of Oftawa; pretwhed au'' Ada'in of Btormr�0411ege, Quebec. I all, Followl was the line -up, - I . "gentralia, 'M Blouses White Waists B� MXDhell 3rd 1: W. Oogins 0. 0 ,Ilnt serinoij jin %J2,3r xao=jng and Rev. Strang, A. I�L,Apfn. 188% .310'v. N'7, Dr, Mar*t1h I r 1. i, Peter X. of'ViTcleal N' waa tdlled from onvich, an(V ln(hjct� One of the, coolest gar- A big. range of the best we Man_ also ppeaclied -an jzi�5pirWff, Ser`, monat 'A zl*sgh't spwial rally Survicet ed is t4.��'�4]ii't j?aitor of �the, lonare- ga'6fiom "'a lgellrtTatp charge, During meats for girls. They are have ever shown.. Fancy Tail- it of he �Sqxrday yAchool wais ijoiidhv�ted 'the the, -fipst.. year of i1r. X��tinls pas - real nif ty and all the go Embroidered or Plain in., aft.6rridon, Spejelal ozasic torate U,,r,- idebt of- $2,000 whWh had White with. Blue or Red a r at $1 ore im to $3 each 4 (throua'hoLit)the iday was, Drovilid6d by been re.A,ng hc�,tVjjy ofir 'tjj3 icoxj(_�re' 'Trimmings, Ithe'lebah'. 03elow is aildlorlt liietoxy. t1bafora few :years, was ga paid, and of 'the ichurah';'_ th6 �bc&,w, for horses ­ - r TE -11 00104 'j $X-4,per year to advAn;a "M B et)411 14 Oa=ay evening the Centralia nd r $enior basebA I elayedlone4of the fastest games th4 lave on soa Exeter glaw and V74 for ^.gteyate many years Both team$, I'Viae are Putting up, good ball this 094soa+ Central* battery was Swan and Uitchell and the Exeter battery Qarl, and Hoskins,, In 04e first inaings Vin Mitchell crosped the plate, walOpg M ON Ey. only score for Oontralia of the Ithe evening. R. Ditplan, at first.Aaeld that bay well, The Exeter infield madea, strong combinati= and J, Bawden did some fine work on second, V I" Invariably the runner that -tried to %I SA steal second was put out, while on tbAe V other hand the Exeter boysdid sonie 4W good base atealing. The attendance at the games is growing in numbers and the Exeter boys ate sure of sup- port if they continue to hand out the AT OUN same class of ball, Mr. T. Boyle um- pired the game to the satisfaction of all, Followl was the line -up, - I . "gentralia, 1 B� MXDhell 3rd 1: W. Oogins 0. 0 _= 0 D uplan 1 0 .1 a alp O-Dapjan 2114 0. Congregatioi:-. was ozvanizad'ia erec4A. Tw'o years later.. -in 1885, an. JOHN E$SERT p SwanA P. 0 ; W, Luker R. V. 0 H 0 the year 1601 ';by !the -Rev-. �glot :to the churab. property 0; A( a.n Cy - Hose Parasols Jahn Logbo adU�ojhlt� Mitchell 0. 0, X, Dllio�ft C. V � Un 4.0 then rastor of Warrevav�lle, And Nvai.,i imeared and the pres I ont makiso Census Cowmissioner. who to -day, D uplan L'. V 0. In all shades of cotton, LUe Plain Black or, Fancy Col- Thame!i 11oad, The jeatson given in was built and equip'Ved with hot air (Thursday) with forty enumerators Exeter the early rerooril for its organizatior4 Curnace etc. at it co.9t of $2,500. Tzo will commence taking the census of and Cashmere in Plain, Lace ors in Childrens, Misses and &pr Carling P. 0 , Urel-, R. V 0; Boyle. S.' Ladies, you should see them. was that, owing to the dl�tance from il 18M.a�,grtat windstorm blew South Raton. and Embroidered -re:, in place of wor6-hi� a\-- the roof off the, church and wreckeA �8 I - 0 G, Bawdon 8,rd 0 11141slci�& 10, al P sbyterit b 0. Weii4od. 6, F o; 8teere 3 A- o.; Y er bad roads it waz.lthoaght expedl- the ,ullding bwdly. The church Iva's rslkEMEN 1COTjN01V i 13tLwilen 2xid 1, Uall�ttf L. F. L t 10 ent 'to 145rm a congra.�-atibn iii Fraiii- rebu Ulf. in ilt� pxclsexi7h from at, ai coa-b Emb. Flouncing fancy Silks 0 * cistown. now.Ex6ter narth.' The f1mb of.$2,660 and the indelitedkiwt me(v truchoul by �Carltng 11,'by Swann The 06-unell of � the Township of S 'tz: off Carling 3 ; off 0, * meeting And also Xhe fir�A pervioes almost iminedialely. 114 Swann 4, veaed. F Stephen con n �he Town gall We are showang a beauti- Are vcry much in demand * were beld in: the. brick gtoral at 'the Educated i1a I.Inox College taxid Orediton all Friday 4 the 20th of Ar y ourSeniouBase Ball team go to .0 . a ful lot of Embraidexed Floun- this season. A big assort- a, north end.of the villagc. The firft trincetown Seniiiiary, for 20 years 1011 at 2�1). in. All members *gtL ()exiftalla, Tuesday to play th@ return at low ment of all the Newest shades 0 communIO year, 'was Mr, 3Aartiu gavc a ,nholarly mc�3sa-,,jc, present. 'previ in all widths . , n, held the first TheLmintites of tlre� game. They are very pop- and patterns are. shown by us, 4' served to membiqrt-. . 'The! to li�[s people. 'He xec�!ived the degrefe ous meetTnj,,,� were riad and adoptedk The EXeterjuniora wexib to Zurich prices, 0 ular this season. pil3tor ira6 assisted on thls:occaston of B., D. from Knox College upon cX- - 'Gravel contracts -to the amount of an Tuesday and played a fast game of by the lafte Brr, John Andeeson, Mr. am�natloxiin 1886. He was elcVted to V571.00 were lot for (differenti ball bringing the laurels ack wi the Xoderator�,a chadT 61 the Synod M William Logic and Xr, Xo lin Strah, road di*vlsious in thq MtWpipil-� them, by clefeating the home team 61-5. as v3esslon. A.church was built about of UoxkIlton. and Londia at Cha!tham e i summer Millinery. The 4014Diving ox*rs were palcl During th fi!st six innings the Zur- the year 1863, on fth�xiorffi'bank of in 19,01. U April 1909, the tongxe.ga� 1�'Vyliliain Coates. Regis'terinq Central- !ch team failed to score they. then the rl*er. svedt of ai sub- Von clelebraXed him ivith 'hi's serni& Our Milliners are very busy with the Summer Milliner and By -Law, 2,00; !Xhos,� Txeve,Lhick. scored one and in the last innings # stadtial frame building rmffloign't to jubUce as� paptor of' the congregallov Linber 40.55, Sarnau 'Bridge Oo., Rd have a swell showing of I the new summer styles and shapes. * meet the neijds of the cong -at_'Yon and Ishowed their ap"precUffion by pr, drags and carta��e 25.40 ;,.Chas. Xienzlo scored!t move. This akes Exeter come along and leave your order early for your summer Hat. A, nole in 'the sc�silon rocords in the senlIng Lhim with and Zurich tie on the round as Zurich June is the month for tliem. ak.Pume of gbld. He 1 'Grading an N. -D-L 13,25; Chas. Rieta-, defeated Exeter here b it ti y iIIe run. year 1967 mentions 'that -the debt. resilegned hi pai!�o.rate on Feb 6th, I zle grading 6,75,�­ is expected: that the ew be played, The,0oun,oll aajourned t10 mee'tagalii ^ff 1jere -on Friday evening. -n Hall. C�' i,,'ton, on Ilan - A ad jA the Toi 2 ay the Uth of June next -,It I: p, R Mens and Boys Furnishings Vk L d, Clerk. Notice if, EILDER Tio Mens Su'ts Everything in this Line from your head to your Feet $5 'to $13 Rev. �V 'tson. who is leaiinit A Mr. and 1drs. Week -co who. biLvc. re- to "Lake 0. course of study !cent] 0 Suits to 7 Panama Hats Straw Hats T. 7 -­.' y c: me otit from E ngland Boys' �axl- Ga Grace City College wishes. 'to 4&� 'y 1(s! 34r., and Kris. P. Roivzlif - pass cif Us driving outfit consirOEap n Ithis viel j�tt A realgood hat for small In every shape for Men and and other relalrives 1 y of; Driver nixie years old, guaranteed rim.' Genuine Panama. Boys Sailors or S every 0 Sh*rts 35c to 1. 0 oft Dip About forty at the Census Entim- perreetly qullelt and reliable in ch. mly used t See them. Fronts 50c to $2, ea way. Top bug -,Y4 c crqtors were ifn (town a Tuesday re - summers. will b ae(lving their final insUizatob!A bebo re a sold for 'half prire. Odd Pants 85c up -comimen4mg 'to tiake "the .eensus or I Also a good set of harness, :roba. e, and borso blanket. Must be told. A-pply to Rev. 11. Watson, Sox& Underwear South 'Ruroxi. The c6mmenc E1raville �j (Thursday IR 4 .4W bne novelties in new For warm weather in a, var. Overalls & Smocks., stuff are here for your inspec. iety of the real good things tion, ......... 50C to 1.00 + + + Amok, + Underwear, Sum. mer, HOUG -.FUF Ishiflus to' A R"'LING"S . ...... -11;i , '. + 20c to ae� Th .+ -.,- - is is our bumper season we are showing the best of Rug s + Carpets Liaoleumq, 011cloths, Lace Odrtains, Tapestry Ourtains + + etc See them all before you buy. + + Underwear, wool, + The hot weather is here and now is + .............. 60 to 4,00 + I-efore -XI buy your whitewear lu the time to + + INTERIOR OF C.&VEN CRURCII + i0nes May *i + Work Sox, wool, -e to Monilon, Ontario. t your size + fivh-1ch had been redting on ItM cola- 1909. to xelgh is sold out. + 2 prs 25C gregietibn incurred bi fthe. Jbuildia-g) after twenty4x years' of + of the phurdh has 'been w1ped oult. peace and steady grow'th the cottii,4 ++ The pastor. Rev. John Logic, wap *greqgat[ion havin-, Oonbled in nambeng Work SoAx I Oc per pair one of the mo.it remarkable mie4i ifi that 'time. Skirts ++ � + Waists + xi's resignation, only among `ihe jAneer ministers of Wtarftw Af terT%rr. ll&ti + + ern Ontaxlia., Born and eda-ated.an ar few monIhs elapsed beofre Rev. S.; our waists are of the best In this line we have some Black Cashmere C Sqotland the came to Canada as . a IF. Sharp�:B. D.. of Ailliston. Orit., "VaLs material and made in the lat- f the neatest patterns shown Ladies are un-- man far above the average wae haducted on July 2Mja est styles ranging in price 0 called, He at prices from $L00 to $1.50 yo Vied the,'expedta- from $1.00 to $3,00. - + + Fancy Cotton A stea�y grow'th resulted from hdis 1VO9. and has fulh 0� tion in callinT. + Delidhted earfiest work, The roll numbered Q fif- tirons of 'the cong-r a! + ty-one comma ;'can't bil s when he'resiSt, Zim to be their minidtler. The re- + with ead Us pa6atora'tq in November 18,75 novalton and re-decoratuloi Summer Dress, 6 Stiff flats 1.50 a of rthe oods am0d. deep regret. charah, ubi3din- was uriderfakiez m + CAMPBELLS On August Ifth. !EL76, Rev-, A. Y. the autumn of Fhe same year and th-a + In Voiles, Foulards, Mulls, Repps, Shamrock, Jac- + VARNIS H STAIN HaTtley was inducted to isrueceed him, ahoiij7 loft furnished, IvithL foldiliff * ++ Felt Hats 50c to 1.25 + I Enterting 'the ministry in mi'dille life seatt,. The con�,ract for Idecoratloo quards and Muslins in many Shades and at + for re-stainind and fWshind alter, aZ short baiiiness reareer, - he was gtven into 'the hands of Carter + + I. showed W*(s executive abilit-y''in the and Simpson of Sar A.ia who being mals- 4.00 Shoes for 2.95 Furiaitur�., Wood Lis + "211 reectiZn of a new brick church op fers, of their art gave cornplete, sa + Right prices + 11) work and'F1 oors the present isltk. The Rev. Dr. 'Gold- faction, The ftotal cost of the under- 41 C6 + + 5.00 4.00 smikh officiated at Ua opening - fn tak,ing was over !two Ithoulsaad dol- + e y can do themork + Th + e 1'9,.77 and Mr. D. D. most of NvWjch !the Alanagerst + themselves with Wilion, al6o of tars. 4 excellent resultw Sea_'orth. qa'A (the icorner istone and were grallfied to find on the -olaloa " - Summer Underwear rezolved ak silver trophy in honor of at the rc-openfng Gervmxs. This iii- IT Wor' Shoes all Kinds the event. Shortly after this si)e:6� eluded howevoy� imrde reryjiberal + TRY IT, In fine ribbed knit underwear for children and ++ tal sermons were preacht6d by 'the d1ndivi'dual gifts by members, �f the + Ilev. Dr. 'WO-iliam Caven. Pxinicipal'of congreg*dioxx vlA. a compleite electric 4+' + A,14 Shades &Colors ith or without sleaves' prices ranging from Childrens Jumpersa,35C J Xnox College. after wbom!the chureth I ightia-, system with haxidsome clian- + Ladies w + ill; + was called Caven Charab_ At : (the dellers, a beautiful communion 'table + elok Mr. Hartley's, pastorate tn soii d valuable pulult bible. + 15 25 45 85c Tifis 8c up to 50c. + + + + + 25c and 45c + "Ready Mixed Paints Alabagtine Come in and See the ear 25a and 45c Gents Underw lse, 30c, 55c rnd 65C Aluresco + '-ploor Paiat + 500 and 600 Curtain Stret ' hhers 01.00 + A fine porous Balbriggan. Underwear for only ,,Only Use 100 %,Pure Paint Lawn Mowers $1 to $5.50 + + ALUES YOU RISELF + 75c a Suit + + + Fine French Balbriggan underwear ab + + + + + 75c,and $1X0 a suit 0 + �d W. also short sleeve under shirts at an dy Tr OCT + 50c a piece. 7. We have a f ew f i ne Straw *ats w a W! I I Ole ar "Bawden TUB MANSE + + Stoves from 90C to, $11 out at a bargain prices, + + + + "Joasoline Stoves, f-Vom to $10 i.es always on hand 13ORN + Fresh Crocer. +1 + 011'stove Wicks 5 cents up ADA. q-Tn Doxb�wood CoAj Oil'and Ga' F OST Ofl3o-At 'the P.,irr Lliie, f4tanlay, on- 'Sattarday blay 27th IVIOL0 Swr��ix� + soline FRiitamRs. 2&oents up lNlay lftb, lbo Mr, and Mrs. rst�, n. Rtynaldo., I rices Pa U + Oil AIMMS to Mr., 1110-1411110 i hest P id For Prod ce + win V odki; 0, hon. DIED H, g UITTING, 11ODGINS-IT.n Clihitoil. on F1'u(,Qda3,. Ideal irefenchig 6j 7$ 8 an&, 9 Wire TR1EV-.A.1t;Vurhh on May 21ok, lo Ilay'8011 'George flod�ilxie4. a,�cd M W1 Xr. and $i�, Conra& Whit), a yci PSI + W1 ks' Staples Eta, OZ NOLOS-In 19a5hlvood OA'A'hllr�- + V(Coiled and Barb re flo-P, 9 tt* Vast 215 n 00Y�1616 + T T *V . I ?I.. I . 51 RO8,9,-AT Uply Crow fqlqjn.T ft, �kmt 60 years. _In theel yh U, 'S .,Mrs. 90A B I N E-4 osqAW Ram- ary, Albefta, art -)H'ay 15th. 1"JI: 2( Ta StOVO Stor�oj jjj a,ffi L �& Xfoh,,nn' Alonda, 6 It b(,IOVV,d L it, �xid �,Vrq w� J. jr� Acos of y. May nafflin 11inlc at Votnzerco, wifo� ck,, giisk, -,i ken.,' drtw 116dgert, agod 47 yoar4% (old + am? x, dF6 I , IV he a IL dfll a -mom NIL Ali, e_ �Av