HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-1, Page 1THIRTY-EIGHTH YBAR-No 1969 RXETFOR, ONT, CANADA, TRU138DAY MO, NIWQt JUNE Ist 1911
+0 041
Anniversar of Cave 'der
nd r $enior basebA
for ^.gteyate many years Both team$,
Organized in t'x-.e Brick Building at ��E North -Rev,
Photte Noo 32.
John Logie, First Pastor -Messrs J"Oha Anderson,
Central* battery was Swan and
Uitchell and the Exeter battery Qarl,
Tohn Strang and Wm. Logie,'First Sessiow_.
and Hoskins,, In 04e first inaings
Summer Goods for June
Jubilee Services a Success.
Mitchell crosped the plate, walOpg
only score for Oontralia of the
evening. R. Ditplan, at first.Aaeld
TheJubilee serviclem of Caveu Preis-,
8�11, a, nuibored 70 ni,,ubLr;s, A�t
The warm weather makes u8 think of coot garments to get
bytcej�in �Churzh were hroudh1t to a
n�, aven church waasepara't-
e d 'ron" 'I" ogervillo. formerly War-
all the comforb, we can, We are well stocked with dainty koods
1successful close on 13unday 4dt. 14rgd
r ensvillet-ond wai winistered for 1two
that will her sure to fill your wants during the coming sam-
years by ULV. �T, 'G.r ThQmpqon, of
mer., I
Old Boys of tb, Oda
a cougre.3A preacgi,
41=6VOld., and Uer. Thos, Alaoadim.
and the Exeter boys ate sure of sup-
on that oeca�siirbl,4; Aav, D'. nama,+
and. aftorwards Prof.1rac-
same class of ball, Mr. T. Boyle um-
Dr. of Oftawa; pretwhed au''
Ada'in of Btormr�0411ege, Quebec. I
all, Followl was the line -up, -
I . "gentralia,
'M Blouses
White Waists
B� MXDhell 3rd 1: W. Oogins 0. 0
,Ilnt serinoij jin %J2,3r xao=jng and
Rev. Strang, A.
I�L,Apfn. 188% .310'v. N'7, Dr, Mar*t1h
I r 1. i,
Peter X. of'ViTcleal
waa tdlled from onvich, an(V ln(hjct�
One of the, coolest gar-
A big. range of the best we
Man_ also ppeaclied -an jzi�5pirWff, Ser`,
monat 'A
zl*sgh't spwial rally Survicet
ed is t4.��'�4]ii't j?aitor of �the, lonare-
ga'6fiom "'a lgellrtTatp charge, During
meats for girls. They are
have ever shown.. Fancy
of he �Sqxrday yAchool wais ijoiidhv�ted
the, -fipst.. year of i1r. X��tinls pas -
real nif ty and all the go
Embroidered or Plain
in., aft.6rridon, Spejelal ozasic
torate U,,r,- idebt of- $2,000 whWh had
White with. Blue or Red
a r at $1
ore im to $3 each
(throua'hoLit)the iday was, Drovilid6d by
been re.A,ng hc�,tVjjy ofir 'tjj3 icoxj(_�re'
03elow is aildlorlt liietoxy.
t1bafora few :years, was
ga paid, and
of 'the ichurah';'_
th6 �bc&,w, for horses -
TE -11
$X-4,per year to advAn;a "M
B et)411
14 Oa=ay evening the Centralia
nd r $enior basebA
I elayedlone4of the fastest games th4
lave on soa Exeter glaw and
for ^.gteyate many years Both team$,
are Putting up, good ball this 094soa+
Central* battery was Swan and
Uitchell and the Exeter battery Qarl,
and Hoskins,, In 04e first inaings
Mitchell crosped the plate, walOpg
only score for Oontralia of the
evening. R. Ditplan, at first.Aaeld
that bay well, The Exeter infield
madea, strong combinati= and J,
Bawden did some fine work on second,
V I"
Invariably the runner that -tried to
steal second was put out, while on tbAe
other hand the Exeter boysdid sonie
good base atealing. The attendance
at the games is growing in numbers
and the Exeter boys ate sure of sup-
port if they continue to hand out the
same class of ball, Mr. T. Boyle um-
pired the game to the satisfaction of
all, Followl was the line -up, -
I . "gentralia,
B� MXDhell 3rd 1: W. Oogins 0. 0
_= 0
D uplan 1 0 .1 a alp
O-Dapjan 2114 0.
Congregatioi:-. was ozvanizad'ia erec4A. Tw'o years later.. -in 1885, an. JOHN E$SERT p SwanA P. 0 ; W, Luker R. V. 0 H
0 the year 1601 ';by !the -Rev-. �glot :to the churab. property 0; A(
a.n Cy - Hose Parasols Jahn Logbo adU�ojhlt�
Mitchell 0. 0, X, Dllio�ft C. V � Un
4.0 then rastor of Warrevav�lle, And Nvai.,i imeared and the pres I ont makiso Census Cowmissioner. who to -day, D uplan L'. V 0.
In all shades of cotton, LUe Plain Black or, Fancy Col- Thame!i 11oad, The jeatson given in was built and equip'Ved with hot air (Thursday) with forty enumerators Exeter
the early rerooril for its organizatior4 Curnace etc. at it co.9t of $2,500. Tzo will commence taking the census of
and Cashmere in Plain, Lace ors in Childrens, Misses and &pr Carling P. 0 , Urel-, R. V 0; Boyle. S.'
Ladies, you should see them. was that, owing to the dl�tance from il 18M.a�,grtat windstorm blew South Raton.
and Embroidered -re:, in place of wor6-hi� a\-- the roof off the, church and wreckeA �8 I - 0 G, Bawdon 8,rd 0 11141slci�& 10,
al P sbyterit
b 0. Weii4od. 6, F o; 8teere 3 A- o.; Y
er bad roads it waz.lthoaght expedl- the ,ullding bwdly. The church Iva's rslkEMEN 1COTjN01V i 13tLwilen 2xid 1, Uall�ttf L. F. L t
10 ent 'to 145rm a congra.�-atibn iii Fraiii- rebu Ulf. in ilt� pxclsexi7h from at, ai coa-b
Emb. Flouncing fancy Silks 0 * cistown. now.Ex6ter narth.' The f1mb of.$2,660 and the indelitedkiwt me(v truchoul by �Carltng 11,'by Swann
The 06-unell of � the Township of S 'tz: off Carling 3 ; off
0, * meeting And also Xhe fir�A pervioes almost iminedialely. 114 Swann 4,
veaed. F
Stephen con n �he Town gall
We are showang a beauti- Are vcry much in demand * were beld in: the. brick gtoral at 'the Educated i1a I.Inox College taxid Orediton all Friday 4 the 20th of Ar y ourSeniouBase Ball team go to
.0 . a
ful lot of Embraidexed Floun- this season. A big assort- a, north end.of the villagc. The firft trincetown Seniiiiary, for 20 years 1011 at 2�1). in. All members
*gtL ()exiftalla, Tuesday to play th@ return
at low ment of all the Newest shades 0 communIO year, 'was Mr, 3Aartiu gavc a ,nholarly mc�3sa-,,jc, present. 'previ
in all widths . , n, held the first TheLmintites of tlre� game.
They are very pop- and patterns are. shown by us, 4' served to membiqrt-. . 'The! to li�[s people. 'He xec�!ived the degrefe
ous meetTnj,,,� were riad and adoptedk The EXeterjuniora wexib to Zurich
prices, 0
ular this season. pil3tor ira6 assisted on thls:occaston of B., D. from Knox College upon cX- - 'Gravel contracts -to the amount of an Tuesday and played a fast game of
by the lafte Brr, John Andeeson, Mr. am�natloxiin 1886. He was elcVted to V571.00 were lot for (differenti ball bringing the laurels ack wi
the Xoderator�,a chadT 61 the Synod
M William Logic and Xr, Xo
lin Strah, road di*vlsious in thq MtWpipil-� them, by clefeating the home team 61-5.
as v3esslon. A.church was built about of UoxkIlton. and Londia at Cha!tham
e i
summer Millinery. The 4014Diving ox*rs were palcl During th fi!st six innings the Zur-
the year 1863, on fth�xiorffi'bank of in 19,01. U April 1909, the tongxe.ga� 1�'Vyliliain Coates. Regis'terinq Central- !ch team failed to score they. then
the rl*er. svedt of ai sub- Von clelebraXed him ivith 'hi's serni&
Our Milliners are very busy with the Summer Milliner and By -Law, 2,00; !Xhos,� Txeve,Lhick. scored one and in the last innings
# stadtial frame building rmffloign't to jubUce as� paptor of' the congregallov Linber 40.55, Sarnau 'Bridge Oo., Rd
have a swell showing of I the new summer styles and shapes. * meet the neijds of the cong -at_'Yon and Ishowed their ap"precUffion by pr, drags and carta��e 25.40 ;,.Chas. Xienzlo scored!t move. This akes Exeter
come along and leave your order early for your summer Hat. A, nole in 'the sc�silon rocords in the senlIng Lhim with and Zurich tie on the round as Zurich
June is the month for tliem. ak.Pume of gbld. He 1 'Grading an N. -D-L 13,25; Chas. Rieta-, defeated Exeter here b it
ti y iIIe run.
year 1967 mentions 'that -the debt. resilegned hi pai!�o.rate on Feb 6th, I zle grading 6,75,� is expected: that the ew be played,
The,0oun,oll aajourned t10 mee'tagalii ^ff 1jere -on Friday evening.
-n Hall. C�' i,,'ton, on Ilan -
A ad
jA the Toi
ay the Uth of June next -,It I: p,
Mens and Boys Furnishings Vk
Clerk. Notice
if, EILDER Tio Mens Su'ts
Everything in this Line from your head to your Feet $5 'to $13
Rev. �V 'tson. who is leaiinit
Mr. and 1drs. Week -co who. biLvc. re- to "Lake 0. course of study
!cent] 0
Suits to 7
Panama Hats Straw Hats T. 7 -.' y c: me otit from E ngland Boys'
�axl- Ga Grace City College wishes. 'to 4&�
'y 1(s! 34r., and Kris. P. Roivzlif -
pass cif Us driving outfit consirOEap
n Ithis viel j�tt
A realgood hat for small In every shape for Men and and other relalrives 1 y of; Driver nixie years old, guaranteed
rim.' Genuine Panama. Boys Sailors or S
every 0
Sh*rts 35c to 1. 0
oft Dip About forty at the Census Entim- perreetly qullelt and reliable in
ch. mly used t
See them. Fronts 50c to $2, ea
way. Top bug -,Y4 c
crqtors were ifn (town a Tuesday re -
summers. will b
ae(lving their final insUizatob!A bebo re a sold for 'half prire.
Odd Pants 85c up
-comimen4mg 'to tiake "the .eensus or I Also a good set of harness, :roba.
e, and borso blanket. Must be told.
A-pply to Rev. 11. Watson,
Sox& Underwear South 'Ruroxi. The c6mmenc
�j (Thursday
4 .4W bne novelties in new For warm weather in a, var. Overalls & Smocks.,
stuff are here for your inspec. iety of the real good things
tion, ......... 50C to 1.00
Amok, +
Underwear, Sum. mer,
HOUG -.FUF Ishiflus to' A R"'LING"S
. ...... -11;i , '. + 20c to ae�
Th .+ -.,- -
is is our bumper season we are showing the best of Rug s +
Carpets Liaoleumq, 011cloths, Lace Odrtains, Tapestry Ourtains + +
etc See them all before you buy. + + Underwear, wool,
+ The hot weather is here and now is +
.............. 60 to 4,00
+ I-efore
-XI buy your whitewear lu
the time to
+ +
i0nes May *i + Work Sox, wool,
-e to Monilon, Ontario. t your size +
fivh-1ch had been redting on ItM cola- 1909. to xelgh is sold out. + 2 prs 25C
gregietibn incurred bi fthe. Jbuildia-g) after twenty4x years' of +
of the phurdh has 'been w1ped oult. peace and steady grow'th the cottii,4 ++
The pastor. Rev. John Logic, wap *greqgat[ion havin-, Oonbled in nambeng Work SoAx I Oc per pair
one of the mo.it remarkable mie4i ifi that 'time. Skirts ++
� + Waists +
xi's resignation, only
among `ihe jAneer ministers of Wtarftw Af terT%rr. ll&ti +
+ ern Ontaxlia., Born and eda-ated.an ar few monIhs elapsed beofre Rev. S.; our waists are of the best In this line we have some Black Cashmere C
Sqotland the came to Canada as . a IF. Sharp�:B. D.. of Ailliston. Orit., "VaLs material and made in the lat- f the neatest patterns shown
Ladies are un-- man far above the average wae haducted on July 2Mja est styles ranging in price 0
called, He at prices from $L00 to $1.50
yo Vied the,'expedta- from $1.00 to $3,00. - +
+ Fancy Cotton
A stea�y grow'th resulted from hdis 1VO9. and has fulh
0� tion in callinT. +
Delidhted earfiest work, The roll numbered Q fif- tirons of 'the cong-r a! +
ty-one comma ;'can't
bil s when he'resiSt, Zim to be their minidtler. The re- +
with ead Us pa6atora'tq in November 18,75 novalton and re-decoratuloi Summer Dress, 6 Stiff flats 1.50
a of rthe oods
am0d. deep regret. charah, ubi3din- was uriderfakiez m +
CAMPBELLS On August Ifth. !EL76, Rev-, A. Y. the autumn of Fhe same year and th-a +
In Voiles, Foulards, Mulls, Repps, Shamrock, Jac- +
VARNIS H STAIN HaTtley was inducted to isrueceed him, ahoiij7 loft furnished, IvithL foldiliff * ++ Felt Hats 50c to 1.25
+ I Enterting 'the ministry in mi'dille life seatt,. The con�,ract for Idecoratloo quards and Muslins in many Shades and at +
for re-stainind and fWshind alter, aZ short baiiiness reareer, - he was gtven into 'the hands of Carter +
showed W*(s executive abilit-y''in the and Simpson of Sar A.ia who being mals- 4.00 Shoes for 2.95
Furiaitur�., Wood Lis +
"211 reectiZn of a new brick church op fers, of their art gave cornplete, sa + Right prices +
11) work and'F1 oors the present isltk. The Rev. Dr. 'Gold- faction, The ftotal cost of the under- 41 C6
+ + 5.00 4.00
smikh officiated at Ua opening - fn tak,ing was over !two Ithoulsaad dol- +
e y can do themork +
Th +
e 1'9,.77 and Mr. D. D. most of NvWjch !the Alanagerst +
themselves with Wilion, al6o of tars.
excellent resultw Sea_'orth. qa'A (the icorner istone and were grallfied to find on the -olaloa " - Summer Underwear
rezolved ak silver trophy in honor of at the rc-openfng Gervmxs. This iii- IT Wor' Shoes all Kinds
the event. Shortly after this si)e:6� eluded howevoy� imrde reryjiberal +
TRY IT, In fine ribbed knit underwear for children and ++
tal sermons were preacht6d by 'the d1ndivi'dual gifts by members, �f the +
Ilev. Dr. 'WO-iliam Caven. Pxinicipal'of congreg*dioxx vlA. a compleite electric 4+' +
A,14 Shades &Colors ith or without sleaves' prices ranging from Childrens Jumpersa,35C
J Xnox College. after wbom!the chureth I ightia-, system with haxidsome clian- + Ladies w + ill;
was called Caven Charab_ At : (the dellers, a beautiful communion 'table +
elok Mr. Hartley's, pastorate tn soii d valuable pulult bible. +
15 25 45 85c Tifis 8c up to 50c. +
25c and 45c
"Ready Mixed Paints Alabagtine
Come in and See the
25a and 45c Gents Underw
lse, 30c, 55c rnd 65C Aluresco +
'-ploor Paiat +
500 and 600 Curtain Stret ' hhers 01.00 +
A fine porous Balbriggan. Underwear for only
,,Only Use 100 %,Pure Paint Lawn Mowers $1 to $5.50 +
75c a Suit +
Fine French Balbriggan underwear ab +
+ 75c,and $1X0 a suit
0 +
�d W.
also short sleeve under shirts at an dy
OCT + 50c a piece.
7. We have a f ew f i ne Straw *ats w a W! I I Ole ar
Stoves from 90C to, $11 out at a bargain prices, +
+ +
"Joasoline Stoves, f-Vom to $10 i.es always on hand
13ORN + Fresh Crocer. +1
011'stove Wicks 5 cents up ADA. q-Tn Doxb�wood
CoAj Oil'and Ga' F OST Ofl3o-At 'the P.,irr Lliie, f4tanlay, on- 'Sattarday blay 27th IVIOL0 Swr��ix� +
soline FRiitamRs. 2&oents up lNlay lftb, lbo Mr, and Mrs. rst�, n. Rtynaldo., I rices Pa U +
Oil AIMMS to Mr., 1110-1411110 i hest P id For Prod ce +
win V odki; 0, hon. DIED H, g UITTING,
11ODGINS-IT.n Clihitoil. on F1'u(,Qda3,.
Ideal irefenchig 6j 7$ 8 an&, 9 Wire TR1EV-.A.1t;Vurhh on May 21ok, lo Ilay'8011 'George flod�ilxie4. a,�cd M
Xr. and $i�, Conra& Whit), a yci PSI +
W1 ks' Staples Eta, OZ NOLOS-In 19a5hlvood OA'A'hllr�- +
V(Coiled and Barb re flo-P, 9 tt* Vast 215 n 00Y�1616 + T T *V
. I ?I.. I . 51
RO8,9,-AT Uply Crow fqlqjn.T ft,
�kmt 60 years.
_In theel yh U, 'S
.,Mrs. 90A B I N E-4
osqAW Ram-
ary, Albefta, art -)H'ay 15th. 1"JI: 2( Ta
StOVO Stor�oj jjj
a,ffi L �& Xfoh,,nn' Alonda,
6 It b(,IOVV,d L
it, �xid �,Vrq w� J. jr� Acos of y. May
nafflin 11inlc at Votnzerco, wifo�
ck,, giisk, -,i ken.,' drtw 116dgert, agod 47 yoar4% (old +
dF6 I , IV
he a
e_ �Av