Exeter Times, 1911-5-25, Page 12THE T M TINES 7_11: I 1 1 mo :!"I"I!, market 1,1 1., +* *# ol 'Lxv , . V -tvd ii, i a . I y , r Ai, )5,b, U W 0 Now" IVIOaf, t-,landarcl 80 y 'TEZW Oats 8r)r ( " 0 13,arlev 00 T B to Buy Is y ere to '86"tter Stock I*. Shorts O 22.00, Better Values Bett er Service.' Xo<lel Flour $2,40, Satisfied Custo L 1,'e d flour $1.45 18 Od *P! i"Jaia"a w to 60 Dents, I -lay nl)I Howmy's Dru Store for Hot w th - r, N -eds 9 ea e Hog& 5.80 e + txport qtcora 5,85 'to 6,00 export 4,* 0 003 he Z, tth rs 5.60 to- 5.75 ce titbchur t 'helfj rs 5,60 j5.,80 NYA128 HYPHOS- NYALS IRON BE4RF xyAL F&OR Medium butclxer: 1wifel-t$ 5.40 5,5 AND WIN13 , " _NYALS TOOTH NYALS 11AIRSU, NYALS BLOC, kVe*j e ready to dress N 0 CREAM D'PUR. bhoX0 Butcher.% eowa 44.7$t To 5"00 This is a s j leudid help PASTE TONE IFIE R FOR Plr4pLES yvet-y inall bny or little 10 100!11ai butchem emm 425 ftq 4 50 for weak fo ks and od: an Is excellent AOM '. AND RASHES Is the. best. Tonle for , for tan t t th b Aching so often bob weather. Tones up sunburn, A non- t loblis' bes 00 Pa t pecially delic&tia stora 0 use whitens the teeth 01tused by hot weather e low who comes Lo as Qbo!cv s4beep .4.50 'to 5 *,5' the whole system. 75c. gVeas Oarishing Skin 1&nt Makes III as he should be dressed #0 zkawr' ,axi yoarting nheep * 7.' xohs $1.00 bottles eaves a View for thisiL time Of the and I , air gro ano, vb cl and 75o 8tops dandguff Is. an bottles. to Wear 40 4 ct:,aa, -,trling 00 7.50 l%nd $1. bottles. Tone after-eff ect 25c tubes yearls sure relief. $1 IIP(l desice +0 Caw Te, jhee(p, ta,25 t.50 excellent hal right, thing in YOU L fael TA 0 UM r dressing, (-,'otbe iibk to see the 50 teO 5 Make cool NYAVS DIGHS1,1VE, 50cand $1.00 bottle -s. .00 -NYAV$ CORN CURE, 4T Ltkitt Brand for boys and comfortable and TABLETS JN SrALS HEADACHE 1 4W aud. the famouq W, e, Sure care for corns gives pleasing odor 25c, if your stomach 10, WA I17ERS Nyhoiis BLANDS LAXAIIVE is the Newest Wing Tabletsar'e the best Johnston 00thing fol- k" 41 and all the suffering for a large titi li,jve sorts try these for Hot Weather Head, in Perfum ter than combination of Iron l inen. at per suit thab goes with theta 225c kinds two Rose two they will our- acbesu:ry them 25c a flowers tr Cablets e Bet "TALS 't bottles. Violet one Flesh. I prise you 25c and, 50 L 0 box y it Lasts Ion- ronicsyet, 50a a bottle W $3,50 to $18, 4 "0+004,0 ger. 100 tablets. TOW 0,1,rlixlg wits in L,)ndon Ir d I'M, ay` tar tit Waterproofs '0 + Miss Lela Gould Was in London o Cet S ted with NYALIS +0 Suits Under= the holidaV, Mr. J. G, Jones was in Toro Int this j 0# week on baSiness. There. i more Satisfaction in this Line than, any other line YOU CAN BUY, The wear and Mr. W. 0. TL'edCy W,%S in I to . Wa JaS week on business. sooner you get started with these Goods the better will be your health, flats We carry all Ulss Jeesle Orev(,h is stiffering from HL their Prep a rkions. I he kind yoWd like to I an att ack of P.eurisy. 'A oal. 11( w at prices Mrs. J. Braund FPKII. Lhe 424th gla 1, pay visit- W di at 44 tug at Londes born. I ;t"N't me, 1k I< E I 10 Messrs., W. Biirkean(l p. T3 a E 4 Ia vis- E I E M IV y IWCL in Oentralt.-t SUlIdliV, 'S db loll's 00 Miss Myrtle Daauey l ient the holi- -1-ew- and ankle *411 aayvisitingin Pdikbi Mr. Goo. Hockey ofDrallLfor 44 +'to, `XET R9 ONT I le, g, It drawers at 50c. E4 E z", d, 'vis - 4 ted his mother oz, the 24h, PHONE 5o A9118 MIS Mary Welsh blIts retDrued 1 11 h 11 will Sleeves and o* ome after vNiting in Loudo)ji. * Asses ivngth drawers M_ D. Sitopson and E, Hoolzins c1f ALOOrsville visited here latb. ,%-eek, Afiss T.White sbent, the holidays Mrs. X61in Parsons spent.Tuesday in Dental Offices Closed. Misses Verda ati(I pear visiting in Detroit, Load 111. I Leavitt are I iting Dr. at Niagara rlt[18 and + Buffal Mr. Tom Bowman, of London, spent Kinsman spent the -bolid 13:' ai 0. ay in in, Ll the 2 th in town. London. is ei take notice khal- my office Pon B6010000 041 tliem_lt?z n Dearing of Stephen is clok every Wednesday atIbBrnooix The Place Where Good 3 A81 Kail 0 severe t4 Lt ack of Plellrisy Mr. Win. Welsh spent a few days Mrs, N. McGee is visiting relatives Du. ROULISTON, * I a London this week. at WindsorI Clothes Come From I ioll Slit? 1 441 sho _N4 0 ers I i I, r ult $1.0t) 0 41 anRa &,_nvdis,Mrs' Gliffolo'l SPiAckman CLOSING NOTICE leligth 50vt * + bed in tOwt, ov ,'r I lie 24th Jr. Garvey Atcheson, of London, Mr. J,, G. Walper of Harrow, spent , please remember that my Dental *,e I I &4(,d Mrs. Jos. e o i, ay In * + MI ) of Seafor: was home for the 2Ath. th h I'd * town. Office is closed ever Wednesday after- * 4 th vi;i Mr mud -Mrs H, ()k, Mrs, W. J, Bissett and Urs. Floyd Mrs. Sanders and Master Joe Craig noon. KXNS IAX, a on Sun- THE WE L 0 day spent the 24th at Paris, spent the holiday in Parkhill. HAPT S Tb* e Lucaa Ifisli Nine baseball team sibed his Mrs. Jas Walters is holidaying in Mr. J. Taman of Listowel vi" Our 11 it display -mt p. s, s v i v It 1)g gip;1I.able d beat Centralia last Frttiay bYthescore Detroit over the holibay. in ea brother W. W. on Tuesday. DRESSED MAN f # wprf- for men young onto iSVIS_ Notice 111C 1, .4 lid (IV,. I f a' I it gt S [At$' to fit any Mrs. Jennie FIoVd of 'Kalamazoo iss Nellie Russell of Tor bevil i,r Rzi4, any p6wQoI Our Junior B -V e. Rail team go to Mich., is. isitfiag in town. is lie 'who has his clothes Zurich next Mom iting her father, Mr. Thos. Russell. Riad-y-i-ake notice -that commenco nday for the return Mr. and Mrs. Thornos Elliott visited made to suit lilia figure. You match. in London over the holiday. Miss Maxy'Taylor who is visiting at ng on the 25th My office IVIII tpu cannob always dppend on Austrian IC-b.ina Dinner Set Mr. W. 0. Senior, rf Tur Zion spent Sunday at her home here Closed 'for two Ircelos, ready-mades, but onto, was a Mr., W. R. Southcott spent the 21th Mrs. A. I Dr. Roulston. v guest of his broi bet-, Sheereand children of Lail- YOU ALWAYS HIT IT 0 town this week, Jos., while in in London and St. Thomas. sing, Mich,, are visiting Mrs. -A. This is a Mr. J. T. Woad sl -Lipped a c%r1oad Shiere of town, when you get Yoiur clothes at A number of 1--eball -F ctIt Of our enthusiasts of cattle to Torouto Saturday. NOTIC Austrian + took in the 0(citton-L Mr. H. Spackman has purchased oudoa ball . Miss Kathleen Stewarb and .,Owing to tbe meetingof the Ontario China game on 24Lh. Miss Mrs. Rachel Blatchford's residence on W. W. Taman's I Delight Hobbs spent the holiday i Andrew St. and will have it remodel 'ental, Association in Toronto, Dr, I)) Bridal Mrs, John Taylor spent the holiday Hensall. led. -Kin b0ice will be closed from Rose 0 visit ingher da ugh ter, Id ra. c'.avish, attern Miss Lamport daughter of Ur. and Tue *.a'y,,80 -uri.til Tune 3. We have the goods and the This is of z hakespeare. Mr. 'WM. Davis of Hllmiltoa'and experience, and we cau meet Mrs. Samuel Lamport, . is Ill with ap 25-5.,9 Yourwisbes at every point. 3tockpattern *4 Dr.G.F.'and Mrs. ROtilatori, left pendicitis. Mrs. M,tclaell of London vis tedtheip parents Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Davis, Ex. 1: '44, 1 we can sell 0 Thursday eVening for Muskoka where Mr. 66nd Mrs. Inwood, of Loudon, eter North. 10.WillAujo Youcaaplece *04 they will spend a short vacation. s of Burford, is visit - V. ' TRY US V. plate Is Mr -'E, J. Spackman and Mr.' a a cup Spent the 24th v" iting Mr, and Mrs, 9 frie pds 10.1 own, Mr. las. Atkinson, William street, S. Sanders. 4-d .). r j 0. j,on P and saucer, Mrs. Johnstonand child, of Toxclut as in Detroit Wed - had the misfortune to fall down cellar X' oo, besday attendii.g the funeral of the. nappy or veg + Saturday receiving a severe shaking . los COrAWil0on of Hensall has &a- visited Mr., and Mrs. John Spa ma Fhuson Wit- etable dish. papted a position in Mr', ThOs. Vil- over the holyday, You can buy UP- soife grocery. store. 0 Mrs' teams plap Aar,y Rowe London The Junior and Senior baseball q A W. Tamall a few , *0 Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Gardiner and CORE Road pieces UREAGE-laaving d JA-'wa6 taken to the London Hos. and keep ad- ad a game of ball Monday s to increase our corn acreage 'L,4; I Thu pight* Score2-0 in favor of the sea- on of Blyt]4 visited the formers inoth- open to contract for 25 to -10. M, re' rsdsy afternoon where she The Nifty Man's 801, ding Until er here on the 2-1th. $"-Pit undergo treatment, * * lors, will, you have the more. -co;in. Complete se The season is idea.1 f t. The ground is a pure white bar& body with A notice of the annual Mr. ana Mrs. P. T-. H. Robia'Fon..'and Exeter Cahning & preservibi, Co Itea,'utionary Storm Pe iod is cea. Tailor pretty weath of Bridal Roses edged with gold Its a beauty Start' ders of the Exeter f Ppnver Colorado, vis. M, Sanders, Mgr. On th(I 2MCO-fth and. 246% Tlitia + the sharehol Meeting Of two Children, o' Salt ited Mrs. J. Who te Sr. on Thursday, -now to collect a set. We'll be pleased to show You all the pieces. * Works Co. will be found on the sixth _,ow Moon in 1 eelge-a -and acar morth we have the perfed blend in Empire Day was observed at the vdvo!.',,r ation falls on Ibb(, 28th., caln(ng page. our Alirl school Ofi Tuesday last. The Scholars ,a.s tv1o­d harsh purgative pills Model flourNo wonder it is in demand. bnlrOwJete*c 'Phaylge to very ThcY fir%c make Yout, sick and :then, Actual fact from a dealer in near by Success is rarely accident&], Try a assembled under the trees in fron t. of warm ar4 xesulldng in vitejours AoTnis IvaVe Yon con-stipatod CL texls Little ALL KINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED town "I want 70 hundrIed Of Your sack next time. the school when an address on Ew- of Ithunder. wind, and -raiy4 r 40 MODEL PLOUR it gives better satis. pire Day was given by the pr Earrthj Lk"Or J , ills ivqtilaba 'the bols-ells andi faction than any other. Mr. and Mra,,%Ed. Stewart and Mr. Weidenhammer. h3ciPal, quaken from 20th'to 30tR. Inake TUIU )IV.]I Do pc oliv, t pill, NOVA Sas., Miss Young son of London and Mr Wm- otic songs were sung. Several patri- T -h- 16 Clara and Mr. Russell Stewart of Detroit visited Mr Ad Mrs -Ja An WAKT '*0 4, Shoebottom of London Township vis- Alex Stewart over the -holiday. 111111ANIMM1111" 11, 4, it-ld at Mr. Xas. Atkinsons for the fore On Monday evening the baseball L*, boys of 0entralia and Briabley play6d part of the week, Messrs Harvey Bros. purchased the a friendly game ab Centralia and Bria Mr. 0. G. McPherson Bethesda church, which was sold b Alex McPher Son of Mr- auction last week. the brick will Je sley played a friendly game at Cent.ra. son Of COwn was success- used in the constiuction, of thei Ila. The game resulted 10.0 in favor Povv v.* el 15 1WJ_,""azdM 0 ful in passing his examinations Of the etrebouse. now of Centralia, Srineljy led up until Ir *4 Ontario behool of Pharmacy. We ex- tile last innings when Centralia scored tend Congratulations, The bowl 4 41 ere opened. the green, on five runs. the 24th and several friendly gtxmes Mr. T. O. SOuthcott and 1086 Steil' !& were -played. They are beautifying -The Methodist Ministers of the spent Wednesday with their the grounds by planting so Exeb r district held their annual we trees A MOUSE, 0 Mother in Guelph. Mrs. Southcott's around it. J distriLt meeting in Main Street church JN A BED 0 friends will be pleased to learn that on Thursday and iday last.' The 40 Mx. Jas. Mitchell who reeentlY Un_ Fr Frida she is gradually improving in health,- derwent an total membe And The congregation -of St. operation in St. Joseph 8965 an Inc r8biP of the district is. Patrieks yospital has return ed home and is rease of 38. During the Never caused half the Sensation that out Ftock church, Saintabliry, held their annual year $4980 50 was raised form I I 4111 improved somewhat, Mrs. Mark Mit- ssions, 4 and Prioes are doing this season, 24th Of May Concert and social at the $4005.50 General Fund and $075 Our purebases of church grounds last evening When a chell of London accompanied , him ward in -Por- home. ovement. This is an increase very enjoyable'time was spent by all, of $87L50. $4.,31.,50 was raised for the Bar The program cOnsisten of Songs, Mus. The -Junior baseball boys held an Educational fund, an increase of $37, - da ic and speechs and a game of football organization, meeting on Monday 50, Total amount raised Salary Was AMORE evening 4 was played, -when the following officers $12.4395.00 increage of $520,OD. The y KITCHEN, DINING R were elected: Presiden(; Reg Bissett, grand t an tk. and family Vice Pres.; W. Birney, Se' -,y. Treas., 686 an increase of $2,9719, The Lo, - U Mr. E. 0. Thornton, wife Otal for all- purposes was $35,_ of Woodstock, cazne up in their auto Fred Mallett, Manager. W. D. Burke, don -conference meets in Chatham On Saturday and visited Mrs. Powell. Assist. Manager, W. Grefg, Capt., W. 'next week - 1P Ift Mr. Thornton interviewed thei Board Preazeator. of Management of Caven Presbyterian 4 rARLORA The openinggame of baseball was 011JITEo church in connection with the install. Mr. Maurice B. Bobier or Bu N -a,-& e C 1HUROOM 5 - I ills ation of a pipe organ.' M s,, poWell formerly of Exeter is visiting his ffalo Played last Priday evening when Exe- r many ter and Zurich Juaio returned with them to visit for a few friends in thigviciaioy before taking 9, rs , played* New goods are ariiving doily at MIS sta Are very Choice and tow days. position. While in Buffalo Maurice the mosb exciting and inteiesting. glstss and granitewarej we tell r6' Laige crates of China er head and shoulders gaineof baseball that has b wants h your friends it; pays to bu your above a During the past week this C Completed a course in E lectrical Eng. . een witess- , ere. 'Y ny others offired-to YOU and the 4 Ommun- ineeriug and for the past ten mOn ths en 112 this town for some timel, The Special itybas b, I it Gwarmed with boys have made a great I Prices OD our CORONATION CHINA, and on whito and Gold beetles has been one of the. faculty a MProvement AuArian China, *4 and during Cho evening the air has Mechanical Draughting. to ching from last year * fairly beet) alive with them, We and.tbe PvosPects are Prices are Clean out of Sight Q'Itte a pleased to bear of bis s are all th,,t_with a little More practise we 0 number Ot Lhe farmers and towns Uccess and hope Will have a Dr66ty. q it wift ter See Bsetoutalightand a tab may coWnue,In the futu ;in. our Hand=Bags at Redticed Prioac. # people hav4 The I of water and in 1 -his way a great many 24 eld, with great ce ourfancy flat pins 5 and 10( boys manag d ffid,;jj bh May passed for qixietiv in town.. success and the close. S have. been caught and killed. One A number of cidjzans enjoyed thp hnl - The senre'4 to 5 in 9,16iIiah,4 favor. The evitaing 9, few of the boys caught iday visiting otif, of town. others bo ys will play the retura Don't; forget we.have lots of Fire crackers and rockets; a ar game at zur- Xewl6llry can1b be b enougb to fill half busliel basket. went fishing.Tv it baseball games were ich next TupsdIty and we, all hop eat at the low pricest. Rowe X,Atkinson e that, The water does not drown the beetles Pl-%ved betweeti Brintsliby and R xeter they will bring 6ack tlie'A Urels Our 5 10 15, and 25c, table,; with Pwe loaded With bargins Ke Ut p AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS but they'nan be killed by- adding a The first was hem I (We Otl oUr WindoWS. ep your n the morning the them. little coaloil to the water. score being IZ7 in favor of Ex etorl, 11 Ille our Con f`e0tIOnerYdePArbInLU t Will The afternoon g,tnie resulto in. fa '01 of Reeve Fred and Mrs. our 40c. chocolates'youlll want more. be well stocked,. Try a lb. of A notable figure armong the militia- of unkloI uf the Oth. concession of U Agency for Automatic Hand was Sergeant_MaJ.or,F. E. Hector Exeter. 17-8 Both g M C1 a er, * nien, attle-1 were bov, I Was the scene, Of a Pretty 'wed - Power Vaccu e n. Regi very interestinaittid Weis witnessed ntq a da I; On Wednesdav, May 24tb, when Stock of Edison Up -to if Ate Phon. for retit at 75 ce * W- 0 of Exeter, 38rd Huron (11 1 .. Y. by large crowde. We always keep a full rueub. With the caution of the old. leir eldest daughter Florence May, One graphs. timer, he Wore servicto khaki',. his Pricet0evelYbody, Lobus-4ell, oneand Bxe`01AiveM8eI4ng-Tbe Exocutire was united in Marriage to Mr. Anios live the Nllgt of VOUIr life happy, A; Viads" carefully paocked away from Committee of tho'West Huron lrellh. Darling of MoGillivrky. At six olelock be dust of travel, Xr. Hector I 'did ers'sAssociWon'met in Clintoi, mo. the bride entered fibe parlor Ipaning 16 years? hard" in a, British regiment del School on Saturday on the arm of her father and I of the last to at ooked a ()I, tne nexb Ie I ft Whel?01341awsswotinded. and also in. tnibeling to, be h 'Willis Powell, proprietcr. Mr. and Mrs, Dur line, saw activ6 service in Chia the program It ' tasWtite radian t in her gown of cream silk mull 'hitaweek for a niontlis vl,, it Ith Miss Gladys Turnbull spebt a few South Afr -ldingietep in Oct. wJtbPeftr1tx,immingaq d' eari 9the", lea. F 0 'n w n r seven yeass he has ober The following were present: usual bridal veil and orange blossoms. "Oalnda in Cardfgar, Oltio, days With &r e6usi.lig at the Poeb been with the HU his 'resl", ron "r,ps, six oft Miss I. E, Sharman. vice-president,- Rev. 001in Platchert Thames Road, Ovlat the Maud Johns and, Freda fich tbeseyears as, sergeant-Inalor, His Goderieb, VV 11, Johnston, secretary, Performed the ceremony, Little miss 41 Saturday in 10,xcti: r t.rj :fI, Mr, and Mts. J. J. TOlor s out sun. sorvice has won him a... A a Mu Its, vp_.; ilamilton winchelgea JaMallubMin aetect as ringbearer and ;6048ias when si jents, dw evening with their son obert, of with,six bttrs. and thereI is no more and -1. E14 Lowery, Aolm sville. A wits dressed in pink, while, little Miss' C toither side, for "MOTHER AND MILD, Mrs. Th POI&V warrant officer in 310t,1011 in favor of asking the Rdu- Bell HUnkin Was flower girl and wore the Lake Road, Po Ontario.- res, :7 onipsod of Port,Huvon vis- -boadon Free Pr so, Mr. Hector left Cation llleoartmen6 to solid S. 1. Rad- white, About 200, . guests witnessed' 1@4arge of her navigati 101 sirx""11" b(Lca ited her daughter Mrs, Iolfit' Turner Monday with the regiment that i's cliffe, 9. A,, princip For ents The comes aboard. Vti * I Flf ty for a feW days last week al of the Normal the torernony, being present from *,Ias at her pier; or as soon Ice to attend the coronation in England, Sphool of Loudon, is their represent, Clel eland Ohio, Mitchell Seaforb 2 Xt Mr. arid Urs, Tao, D, . ijod ihfj find Sergeant A, 13. Angus, 1113" company Ative to the It as sh6 is'Within hailin dist au'lus f eaptaln is no longer In con't' a ami y and Me. and ' Mrs. Archie WIDgham Institute, was PaS80d: London, nd Exeter. Thoey will ria, The Exeter-Iftnes, Will be Sent, to any Address fo mt , And 0, & Sert. Jack Proud- An interesting programme Was pm,. side on the groom s farm in McGilli. ilt"','to' Webbano bo, vigtted at Mr. Thos # fto 15 then authority of the inarino, LoVesr Dd Build ft A30'a the Other rePVesontatIveg pared for the October mee6ingi vvay., The Timeig join with their- aflafeadont, who is in hia-1111i6a regiment, Atip, Command of many.frileadu ift wishing theta a long a 0 Ilk, hapliywedded life, B ance of the Year, 4ha plerg and ttf9s and harbor irant opillIt, IlAnadta for the al 1104uipmeat oi tbe line and who rge of th dooking of all.VOS8 els- knew 11, hi., 4 dirocto y flirt -i U.. Z7, 16f tho thilis dress. n li Try Del you efoj4 Y04 olly Cie: Ws. ALAr