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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 24
Page 8 r Spring Ciean Up on used tractors 9700 Ford 517,500.00 7710 Ford 528,500.00 I 7700 Ford 516,000.00 I 6600 Ford 59,500.00 5000 Ford with loader 56,500.00 4600 Ford and cab 511,000.00 4600 Ford _ 59,000.00 4000 Ford $4.500.00 285 Massey Ferguson 58,500.00 990 David Brown 54,500.00 1410 Case 510,000.00 870 Cas© with cab 58,500.00 384 International with loader $11,000.00 10% ali repair lobs booked before March 31, 1987 ROBERTS FARM EQUIPMENT SALES R.P. 1 ELMWOOD, ONT. 881-7169 HOLYROOD GENERAL STORE HOLYIi?OOD 395-5(362 Groceries, Cigarettes, Chips, Pop`" (COKE, PEPSI, KIST), farm gates, stable partitions, fencing sup- plies, pig feeders, round bale feeders, form wagons, spreader chain, logging chain, V -belts, oils, greases, work boots, work socks, rubber boots, farm hats, work shirts, HARDWARE. ALLAN Ra M LLE='° AUCTION SERVICE Hawing a sale,. we'd appreciate your call to -day. Uoplus® now available in Canada HOWSO MILLS We have a full line of: *SEED *FEED *FERTILIZER *CHEMICALS: •UREA *DAP *POTASH *MAP AMNONIUM NITRATE T3 Micro Nutrients Custom Application of Fertilizer & Chemical Howson Howson Limited FLOUR & FEED MILLERS COMPLETE FARM SUPPLIES BLYTH WINGHAM CARGILL OWEN SOUND 523-4241 357-2700 366-2224 376-5830 Eastman Chemicals Division of Eastman Kodak Company has received authorization from Agriculture Canada to . market Eastman' IsoPlus' nutritional supplement as an energy source far lac- tating dairy cattle in Canada. "Feeding trials with Holstein dairy cows were conducted at United States univer- sities and the response was about a ten percent increase in milk production," ac- cording to Robert Morrow, Director, Animal Nutrition Supplements, Eastman Chemicals Division, Eastman Kodak Com- pany. Increased milk production per cow is expected to average two to three addi- tional litres of milk per day, or more than 500 litres of milk throughout the cow's lac- tation period. Eastman IsoPlus.has been available in certain areas of the United States for two years and American dairy farmers have (- used used the product with good results: Jon- Peters, • Market NIAnager for Eastman IsoPlu-s said, "IsoPlus represents a breakthrough, in ruminant nutrition. It is not a drug. It is a nutritional supplement." IsoPlus is the calcium salt of isobutyric and mixed 5 -carbon volatile fatty acids t iso-valeric, valeric, and 2-methylbutyric ). These volatile fatty acids are found naturally in the cow's rumen. They are essential nu-trients for. fibre -cellulose/hemicellulose" bacteria in the rumen. Research has shown thatwith sup- plementation of these volatile fatty acids,. two things happen: - First, the production of bacteria in the rumen increases resulting in more bacteria to digest the fibre making more energy available to the ahimal. Second, higher rumen bacterial popula- • tion means more microbial -protein available to the animal. The net result is that more nutrients are available to the mammary system to produce milk. This was shown in detailed university and ex- tensive commercial trials.. These trials have generally shown no change in milk. composition. In fact, since butterfat and protein percentages generally remain the • -same, more pounds of_ butterfat and pro-' tein are produced as a result of increased milk production. Eastman IsoPlus is only the firstih What is expected to be a wide range of animal health and nutrition. products to be. marketed by Eastman Chemicals. - "We are totally committed to improving Turn to page 13 1 ECONOMICAL; EFFICIENT HOT CLEANING POWER! - WHEN COLD IS NOT ENOUGH HOT WATER PRESSURE CLEANER MODEL 9210 COLD ® HOT - STEAM - • Rugged, compact, portable design • High performance direct drive 3 piston pump with ceramic plungers • 1000 PSI at 2.2 G.P.M. cleaning power. cold, hot or steam . • Simple controls and -convenient gauges up front at your fingertips • Powerful 1.5 HP motor plugs.into any 20 amp 115 V outlet • High firing efficiency with built-in safety.features and safe, love stack temperature - - • - • 33 ff. durable, rubber hose, heavy duty-sproy gun, extension and nozzle° - - - • Excellent for equipment or in barn cleaning - - • More powerful 1500 and 2100 PSI models also available - • Dependable Epps quality backed- by factory -parts and service THE NEW GENERATION OF PRESSURE CLEANERS epps tg Ltd CLINTON NEW EXPANDED - SERVICE DEPARTMENT - WE STOCK SERVICE PARTS & KITS FOR MOST MAJOR MANUFACTURERS °Bring your pressure cleaner to Epps for expert service. or have our mobile unit come to you. • (service charge applies) Just. calf John at 482-3418. CH •Epsoly Degreaser •EDwash Cleaner e Ppig Ltd CLINTON - HIGHWAY 8 EAST ®3418