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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 14
Visit our office at the SUNCOAST MALL, Goderich. Open 9 to 9 Monday to Fri- day and Saturday 9 to 4. Bert Alexander 524-7836 L 524-2177 John Alexander 524-7836 524-217.7 A• PAGE 14-OODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 .38. Auction Sale 1 J AUCTION SALE REMINDER Tuesday, March 24/87 10:30 A.M. Farm Machinery & Feed for the ESTATE OF ALLAN KEITH MAU(DEN Con. 3 SDR., Kinloss Township. Thursday, March 26/87 10:30 A.M. Form Machinery for JOHN MacAULEY Con. 7 Huron Township SEE PAGE 5 .FARM PROGRESS '87 EDITION included in this week's paper for full listings AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald Wallace Ballagh 395-5353 392-6170 AUCTION SALE 2 Tractors; Tillage, Planting Equipment; Rock Picker; to be held at Lot 3, Conces- sion 8, Ashfield Twp., Western Division, go 3 roads South of Lucknow then 6 miles west on Huron Cnty. Rd. 20 or 2 miles ea of Kintall off Hwy. 21. TUES t A , MARCH 31 , At 1'30 P.M. • NOTE: • 4 ALL ITEMS. PLEASE BE'ON'TIME TRACTORS: John Deere 3140 diesel trac- tor w/high low shift, duxiliary front fuel tank, dual hyd. outlets, 16.9 x 38 tires; selling separate 16.9 x 38 T Bar duals (good ones); Koehn heat houser cab, '18.4 x 34 wide space T bar planting duals," new; International H tractor w/ hydraulics and pulley. MACHINERY: John Deere 7000 six row narrow maxi-murge corn planter ,w/monitor and cross auger insecticides etc; John Deere 1000 201/2' hyd. foJ cultivator w/3 bar finger harrows and spray incorporating kit; Flex coil 22', 3 section land packer w/transport wheels; 22' double rolling basket har- row w/transport cart; 10' front mount levelling cultivator; Anderson rock picker; J & M lA fertilizer auger; Lilliston 8 row 30" rolling cultivator w/new disc hillers & shields; Allis Chalmers 2000 five furrow semi mount plow w/16" trip bottoms: Innes 8! pick up for combine; John Deere 453 soy bean row crop head; Helm 300 bushel, gravity box on 10 ton Helm wagon w/custom tarp; 1000'gal. stainless steel tank; Glencoe 6 row rowcrop cultivator w/rolling shields; power" washer w/rebuilt pump; 3 pt. hitch sprayer w/ hose and_gun;..3AC. fertilize _, r boxes for planter; 8 AC zero: pressure seed press wheels; 8 Demco liquid fertilizer = shoes; truck tool box; Turbo air cleaner; 80 Honda motorcycle 750 km.; shop oil furnace; Wallerlstein 1000 gal. Slury spreader with vacuum pump; NOTE: This equipment isin,good condi- tion. Owner has changed to no -till far ming and this equipment is no longer needed. TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEER Brian Rintoul & Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Owner: Ray ,Hogan 519-529-7249 AUCTION SALE Deep frye'r,. 2 large commercial (Ivens„ turnrture, appliances, piano, etc to be held at Richard Lobh's`Auctron Barn, Clinton for Fstate of Ida 'Wright, plus good additions Sat., March 21 AT 10 A.M. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: 2•Moffat ommerc Lal ovens 22(1 volt, .3 phase, Garland deep f rench fryer,, -2 burner hot plate 210 volt, single ph. ',', 10 soda. acid fire extinguishers, 14 water pn'ssurIIed extinguishers, 'antique oak frame show case with glass front and top '111 ft. long, 3 ft 5 Inches high 26" deep, vegetable slicer, stainless steel telt pot and creamers, etc FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES: Avo- cado green matching'fridgtt'and stove (good ones), white square model fridge, 1U" electric stove, barn fridge,- New F ngland upright 'piano, 2' modern chesterfields with matching chairs, •modern sectional chesterfield, love seat chesterfield, 2 wall hugger recliner chair.''; modern ifa)ve sport couch, oval chrome table with matching swivel arm chairs; like new, small round wooden pedestal dining table, 4 dining chairs, round chrome tahle with 2 leaves, ,antrque blanket box, b matching dining chairs, 2rontmentalsingle beds, double box spring and mattress, matching ' dresser, (hest of drawers and poster type bed with double box spring and mattress, ornate antique dresser with moustache pulls, antique chest of drawers, (rouble woollen bed with mattress, large oval coffee table, floor model hr lin card table and chair set, floor lamps 2 portable Sewing machines 3 gun racks- rollaway bed, Tike new, annex stove, small table saw, antique 9 ft tihle, plywood wardro)i,e, 'several upholsterer) (hairs, table lamps, 2 large mtrrrirs, plus our usual large offering of dishes, glassware;' MIS( garden tools, step ladder, etc , I awn Eloy lawn mower, etc TFRMS CASH AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LOBS & BERT LOBB 482.7898 39. Educational GODFRICH 1 AKE TOWN BAND is considering of fennq n (nurse ,n instrumento! MUSIC for hegrpn ing rtdults Previous music experience will not be. neces5-ary 'Training will occur.-on,...W.00dwrrsd,._. Brass• and Percussion If you bre IntOreSted Piavry AU CT I • N Vtv Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend ESTATE AUCTION . SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd at 1:00 P.M. Selling for the Estate of Betty Bryen, Albert Street. Southampton, the com- plete contents of said residence; plus ad- ditions. This estate has a nice selection modern and antique furnishings, all in good clean condition. An auction well worth your attendance. See Saturday's London Free Press for a complete listing. AUCTIONEER: PAT LYON 243-2713 140. Lost & Found 1 r40,1ICE Would the person who found the Video tupes on the Bayfield Rd phots.' (ontocl the lose: of the topes 1 I x IOSI medium sire fe.trnulu dog sandy colour lost 1( Goderich fwp, new Pine Lake Miss1'iig two weeks Coll 482 3328 11 FOUND Iwo i.Ce k5 ago ,n Chilton erect , Luigi..., sire neutered mole dog, Block and brown in col our Hound class very intelligent and friendly Hud (olio, cind tugs but has srnre lost, Phone 4132 3228 II 41. To Give Away FREE • PUPPIES to good home Phone 524 6934 - I I '1'2 46. In Memoriam MARCH 19, 1967 It was a linin of <0(100's consequence, We C.15 flodgings all - On the H11'001old of independence,, Gnthere.d to ask,. Whul s to becorne Of us now?" In the years 5111(0 As our lives yet unfold Each to their own poll). We often poise In ;Aeric reflection Would he hove hoped for more' • No. „were all of us quite fine. Dad„ Well done I_il t(.ihutF> !n the m(„ nlor"y of J,N. MucDonold Sr., who s passing 20 year; ago Murch 19..c hanged. the Yves of ,many people who• loved and respected him, He was a fine mom. We cherish his r•riento'(,Y, Lil, Joe„ Charlie, Randy cind Irene.- 11 - MERG In I(ving nlerilory of a door soh, brother and 'hrolher•irrluw Don who left us so suddenly one .year ngo•Mor'ch 22, 1986,, little did we 'know that morning ' ,The sorrow that cloy would bring, The "(till was Sudderi,,,the shock severe; _Tb'"ltirt'with'one we toyed so -dear;' — --- You didri 1 hove time"to say farewell;>ti" „ Or torus to soy goodbye, You bud gone before we°realized,: •Anil only God knows why,. We think of you in silence And oftell speak your name, And"ul1°we have are memories And your pit ture in o,frarne, ' •' Our hi,' ,,',,still oche with sadn'ess,. Our',ifent tears strll'flow „ For what it meant to lose you No one will ever know , Never forgotten: Mom urid Doc] Noe and Ed, Red and Lori John and Bea, 1 1.x 'MERG In loving memory of, o dear husband father and, grandfather Dan, who suddenly left'us one yen( ago March 221 1986 If tears could build a stairway, And heartaches make a lone„ We would wails a path to heaven And bring you horse again. No one knows the silerrt.heorInches ' Only those who hove loved con tell' the grief we bear r1( ,dente Fo, the One we loved so well, Lovingly remembered by wife Dorothy and sons Derek Krivoi and daughter -in law Mary Lynn and yrondson Shane 11(1 SAWCHUK In loving memory of a clear husband father and grnndfcther Fronk Yr Sawchuk who passed riwny Mrirch 17 1985 Hr live}th long who liveth well All other •Ide is short cold vain Hr' (Neth lartgest who can tell Of,living most for heavenly gain Alwnys loved and remembered by his wife, Mar 10ri,hddrrrn Diana and Mike Doug and Mory f try owl Ted c3rnndchildren Shannon 111(13 Shown 1'1: SAWCHUK Ir, r1( nnory of Frculk Peter Sawrhuk vitro passed away Mnr c h 17 1 985 Remembering someone known now gone Leaving us behind ns he travels on As 'times he comes olive 1n our minds Mentor .ino1)6 whiSpn,ring gentle unit k'i'nd These memories never fade with' time It 'mikes 1,1tem richer like vintage wine., Fni:h•orie htFur,:taughm t 115 soething° speci'ol ' Storing experiences in our minds vessel Remembered with :Jove by his wife Marrone children and grandchildren 11 HOLLAND In Invinq memory of Bertha Holland who poised nwny March 21 1983 ' A srn1le for all o heart of gold. One of 11)0 best this world could hold I k Never selfish always ,rid Wonderful rnemories she left behihd 4lwuys remembered by niece Mory 11 47. Card df Thanks LADD I would like to thank Dr K C lambert Dr Neal Dr Chnn nurses and %teff at Goderich Alewnn drn ancf Marine Hospital for their core Also ,thanks to my family and friends for their call flowers rind c orris. Speciol thanks to the Dew n_mpinyee$ for the fruit basket incl lards rind also Ivan McConnell Goderich Elevators for his roll John C Lndd 116' WALLIS The tinnily of the Tote Mary N.'all,s wish to thank relatives friends and neighbours for their ew prrsssrnns or support rindsympathy during the re rent passing of our wife and mother 'Sincere thnnks for the rhorrtohle donations floral tributes gifts of fond rind messages of sympathy Sperm! thanks to Reverend David Woodall Bent tin Funerul Home and Ontario Street U C W Your kindness and thoughtfulness wtll,arwoy:be_ rempmt re,Tynnrlie Margaret: (air)! Doug rind Ruth Iry plea,.' rn11 482 3570 .11 , 47 Card of Thanks DOAK We at this time would Irke lo,irlceiely thunk all the people fur rile beautiful Hutu) unrunyements donations to Conder Society urid for food sent to the horse Sincere rtwnk you to Dr Archie Lonlus for services for the lute Robert, Doak and wife Manu Thanks to Dr Pearce, Royal Cunudiun Legion Br 109 Lades Aux Thor y for the service U4 the Funerul Horne and to the legion Ladies Aux that fu, lunch ['het the June( al to Rev Robert Bisset for condolences Lind Rick Polley for serviee5 endered Those tliliiy' will long be 11 i'iembered ArnoldArnoldDoak 11,113 family. I I MacPHERSON We would like tri, thank all '.fur it ir,nd6 urrd neighbors 6•+110 'nodi' ou4r benefit dont 1• such u succees We would (60 like 10 thunk 0,el yo,ie responslhle for their trtni and hardness 1(i rnnk. my it all possible ' Ito' Cl'umpian Rood Die ie Goiter', h 3I4.10)01s Ball learn cw old thou ivE'S , The Go -1 E'iles hall recoil Put Alloit Iht Mitt the Suncuu't Resluurwit Ball learn and their vrives the D J Don Dotema Pool cind Donau Floyd!, local 1863 Beth McLean cold the guys Inca, Suncluy Hockey Suer thanks to B8B tlrxr and :Sherwood Buses for 'donating the)! ser .,(t, 10 losurir ,-vet ones, soft' Wont ty to and the; dunce. Ever vanes kindness will he reni(,10 i013 unit olip: 1'c rated by 115 KNOX My slnce,e (hunks try Di GI 21111 and lu', ('x,�'llenl leant of doctors r(urS('5 and staff ,fat tht;n tare given me while a patient in University Hospital London and to doctors unci nurse6 at Alcxt>nlrr.i Murine_ and General Hospital Goderich before going to London Also to illy Ictnilly mcnly friends and rleighhors for their many clxpIP'sIons of ((>n - cern prayers anti good wishe"s,. I will be forever grateful, Sincerely Lavine Knox 111 47. Card of Thanks DOAK f he family of the lute Robe: 1 Abe Douk 'wishes 10 express their sincere thanks and 0991eciutwn to telulrves friends and neryhbuui5 fur thea kind support fforul mbares ch(r,rtble •dur,o 110,15 during the loss of 0 loving husbund hither wid grandfather Spec 1(11 thanks to Rev Rubel? Bisset Rick Polio Bob McCollum Legion ladies for then lunch and for the Legion service and to Dr " DPearce for 1,16 (are Mina Doul. unit family I I. RUTLEDGE We would like to express Dur thunk', and up U1(11101.1cto neighbours friends and relatives lo, ,tie lowly, gifts cu,d5 ancf money 10 our furnily thank you for taking 4s 001 'for dinner !hunks evteryune Beth Lind Wilmer I I ii MacPHERSON We would like to thank all Liu, it 1(8 ' r 111 rielyhbors i the VLA and surroundir,y elan I3e Quarter Century Club 1110 Thursday Night Lockey !Qum The Met (1(d lilt' 6l'111010101,i, I,;unr for ail their help kindness cord dnnatiorls during 01(13 (titer our hie Also a 59,;)1111 !hunks to lhc• Goderich Fuc'. Depot tment for their quitk' re.9(11151) and hard work the y(it of thelir u•'unri o Leah Codinun for making us 11101•150 w,'h (rile "I her home Duncan and Pat MacPherson I I 48. Coming Events FREE Computer•Inventory Seminar • MARCH 23 1:30 OR 7:00 CaII CW COMPUTERS for Detail. • 396.3114 Out,: 30 '3/447.1 £a:,fieniu«ee i.e tke )Real SilA a /.id trey , , 1 0121011 n t,©. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED Good west -end location, close to schools. Excellent starter home. Three bedrooms and'main floor den. New roof. Two utility sheds included. Call for an appointment. IDEAL FAMILY HOME Don't delay in checking out this brick veneer three bedroom bungalow with fully finished basenient In- cluding bedroom and recreation roont•All new win- dows and roof and spindle round porch. Weil decorated and neat as a'pinl Priced under $80,000. COUNTRY ESTATE Located on 2 acres 'overlooking Maitland River. Three levels of living area, featuring oak plank floor- ing with pine wainscotting throughout. This proper, ty offers country living at its very best. Think big for bathos' results Send YOUR message across the province or coast to coast • CANADA WIDE CLASSIFIEDS It's fast! It's eate...Ono call, one Wit. doss It at l 1,a WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology for treotmga-wells and r,sti•"ns, off.r'mg source to faucet protection throughout entire water system Rusty,.. Smelly Bnd Tasting Water hnrlerru, staining and more Ni, Solt or Messy Chernuols , maintenance free See the ,.'sulfa for yoursell with our sr* month teal offer Call not toll free 1 R00 268 7656'or write Aztec Willer Purification Systems, N� 203 1030 Korvin Rd M,ssrasaugn Ont L4W 486 Area code 307 call 1 (416) 674 4344 irollert) 0.11 NORTHERN FOOD TREES Old f(ahloned ripples pear apricot nut trees 'shrubs evergreens seedlings Guaronteed delivery', Rensnnnhte prices Cotnloque SI Golden Bough Tree Forn, Mal 1bonk. Ontorro KOK ?10. No Phone 0 3.13 MIRAC1f SPAN No 1 in Sten) Buildings Spring Sole. E. 37 . 34 $3 914 a6 . 90 59 187 Other fries to choose from `ATI buildings doe complete with Jorge doors Coll toll lien 1 800 387 4910 0 9'17 MAPIF SYRUP rnnk ing supplies naw and uSP1i °quip menf containers ntr Write for free price Inst Atkin son Mnpt.':Syrup Supplies RR 1 Borrie, Ont 14M 4Y8 705, 727 :33..11 0 I 1 STEEL BUIIDIN(, SALE' 19 w 74 Sl 848 ,37 x 14 53 549 75.w 37 57,649 40 + 60 55 849 50 • 80 38 949 Ends March 31st All hiuldmgs complete ,Wo make, oil types Pioneer Econoepnn-1 900 387 6896 0 1? SWIMMING POOL Sole 1006 inventory rngrounds, ongrnunds ohovngrounds !muter/ supply cove hon tired*. Don 1 buy until you cnmpnre our qunrnnteed Iown.t prices Book roily 1613) 5476434 (519) 658 8221 0.11 14 VACATIONS CALIFORNIA IOS ANGFLF5 or Son Frnnc,sco 5)99 return Los Vegas Mariam Hotel Mny 1518 5399 frim pletu pockagn T 8'1 Tours 1 800 765 0900 '0 11 Clore Burt Tarns invite yin to (herr TRAVEL 87 PREVIEW Tun Mor '11 Ons Community C,.o$rn lindSny Vend A,'r 1 elnrtley Hauer. Wnikw ton Thur% Apr 2 Pnynl (-window Croton Orangeville Mon Apr 6 Dresden United Church Dresden loin Lit at 8 p m nor{ loom radia nhnul our world wide Spn(iol internal 1010< Win dao, pr,z.'s Obtain Pwcep (toren) trowel diernunts To rnsnrvn Iran odmr,eron t,ckPts call (416, 451 4995 or 1 ROO 768:3090 0 11 5 Dave of SPECT6CU1AR SCENERY en/tiff-1g Rrdeou or Trent Severn WMPrwnys Ort romfortahle ,rune ship KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR tante ()worm Woterwny„ Cruises Bo. 1540 Peterborough K94 7347 0 11 Modern Inkrfrnnt HOUSEKEEPING, COTTAGES Magnificent view 3 nnr)'4 pr hath Opnn 011 year rnmpettee (reeervnnnns (irrupted) Avnilnhle by eeneon1 Safe enndy hear hes rnrrenrronol Inrrlih.S In, further mtnr,nrnon planta phnnn 17051 3713 2740 0r write Ioknv'nv, rot/ogee RR 7 Pin ry Sound Ont P7A 2WR 0 11 WANTED TO BUY OLD WRISTwAtrIIFS WANTED Men% only 018 ROIF6' "7011 Pntnk Phillip w(oehoro Arne wonted Alen wonted Fntnns (darter rnnlnry S unrns wr,Stwnt that (25 ynnr', sn,v,(n) Witt pay, 575O nod up int !hit wOtrh Phase 1. 416 365 7240 or wilt. B Wahl) 1'73 St Fnst Tnrnntn On? MSA 1S2 0 11 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A 1013 with n fatal.' with hr (ovnfy Truck Dyiv.'r Trn'nrnq lob sn'nrrh neeisln#re nvnilnhle Kitchener 720Krng1 ;510174..1 5011 ,8rnnt ford :100 Colborne 3 (5101 75A n7Tt h 11 l 1� 1, Town&Country REAL - ER TAT E ni CanadaTrust Realtor C LINCOLN PLAZA 0UICI: WATiRiOO 114. 1260 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 21. & Sunday, March 22 1:30 - 4:36 p.m. 3 miles south of Bayfield,' VI mileeast of Hwy. 21 on Stanley Road -5. Come and view this charming Victorian home on 10 acres. House is very ` tastefully decorated. Open centre stair. way with cherry banister. 5 bedrooms, private country living or good potential for B,& B. Asking 599,900. Call CATHIE SCHWARK 482-3051 • it C_I© mutffru LISTING SIRYICI Canada Trust Company W.J. HUGHES -REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingston St. • Goderich 524-7373 ' 524-8100 Bungalow in' 30's Good retirement or starter home. 3 bedrooms, `dining room, family room, workshop. Large treed lot. Close to Square. 11/2 Storey In 30's MEET Someone New, Since 1967.., we ho a introdured ihousonds for friendship or moulage a Personal Acqunmtonce Service. 249 Bronson Ave OsiTov/l -f1 6136 0.11 AUCTION SALES Ontario HEREFORD PRESTIGE Sole April 4 1987 Mnrkhnm Fairgrounds, Mnrkhnm 42 selected hulls 31 selnclyd female% Show 10 o m Sale 11 30 'lido( motion and catalogues contact Ontario Hereford Association Box 68, Langton„ Ont 001 IGO 1519, 8754803 0.11, HERD DISPERSAL, Fri Marih 77 1? noon Regisrnrnd Ayr<hires for Ron Murrell RR 4 Thnrnesford for in formation coil ',Carson $ Auction Servtre 519) 291 7049 0 11 EDUCATIONAL FREE 1987 guide to' study at home correspondence Diploma rourseS for prestrgrous career% Mrnuntrnq Aircondituoning„ 81ookkeeprng Business Cosmetology, Electronics legal. Medic 01 S.'rf PIM), Psychology, Travel Granton (5AF 763 Adelnrde Wesr Toronto 1 900.768 117? 0 17 Crash in on INCOME TAX Earn Money doing t1(* returns' learn Money•Sovrnq Tn. Tips Free Bre(hu,n U 8 R Tow Schools, 1345 Prvnhmn Hwy Winnipeg MB R31 286 0 11 COMING EVENTS ST LAWRENCE RIVER CRUISES Roinnntrr (rime the world fomaes 1000" (stands The ramniltrhIe Interna' lion01 Senwny 8 locks Upper Corrado V,Iln9n Spot • tricolor shorehons 8 more Spend three 1(r l,vd nights aboard the el.'gnnt rrurse vessel Canadian Fmprnss Diol a brochure 1 800 767 0960 toll Ire,• (> 11 11115 WEEKEND! The 6th Annual Sprmq Fnrnet City Noslnlgrn and Anhqun Show nn,1 Sale imolai to C.'ntenrnnl hull 550 Wellington St Landon Sot Mdr 71 and 2? 17 noon to o p m Sunday 11 rim to 6 0 m Admission only 57 Fentunng 60 Docile! el Giga Trotinr 1519) 679 1810' 0 11' r The Only way to get 1 YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for $748.00 or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for $250.00 Place Your Blanket CIssaill.d Ad by calling one of our helpful classified sd- visors.l your n..rs•t w•.kly newsp•p.r office for details. lucknaw 528.2822 God•tleh 524.2814 Kincardine 396 2963 Conlon 482 3443 Walkerton 8811600 LS•.lorth 527 0240 Mitchell 348 8431) a, Immediate possession, modern kitchen 6 bath. garage. Large treed lot.' yelliiilding Lot '16,000. 1 only, central location, mature trees, close to shopping & all conveniences. Don't miss. Port Albert Building Lot '11,500. Acre lot. Make offer. R1TA ALLEN 524-8480 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingston St. Goderich 524-7373 524-8100 West End, Extra Lot Immaculate home, well maintained, 3 bedrooms, hot water 'heating, living room, dining .room. quiet residential area. Mature irees. Call Rita Allen 524-8480. Yesterdays Charm Super spacious 2 storey family home, 4 bedrooms, pine floors, natural trim, full basement. Situated on lot 104' x 104'. Call Ebb Ross 524.8786. Mobile Home & Lot i acre lot with Canadian built Bendix 12' x 60', 2 bedrooms, tip top condition, in• eludes stove, fridge, all curtains, utility shed and your own well. Excellent starter minutes south of Goderich. Call Norma Taylor 524.5112. Immaculate Northlander Mobile with family room," 4 appliances, carport. Beautiful home. Moderate price. Call Rita Allen 524.8480. Rural Rarity 10 acres with well maintained 2 storey brick, 4 bedrooms, maid 'floor family room, modern kitchen, drilled well. Call Ebb Ross 524-8786. 3 BEDROOMS IN 404S One bedroom & bath on main floor, en2' ed yard, garage. Take over existing mitt.' •\ tgage. Call Rita Allen 524.8480. 18 Acres Mixed bush, 2 streams. Goderich Twp. Asking '29,300. Call Norma Taylor 524.5112. Rita Allen 524-8480 Ebb Ross 524-8786 Barb Shewfelt 524-9581 i orma '1`fayFr`- -574-5117