HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 1325. 'Wanted to Buy WANTED Tread Mill 524.8106 -IIx In good condition Phone WANTED 10 BUY One pun of tree climbing spurs and tree climbing belt Phone 524.2841. 11 26. Help Wanted TOPS` N TRENDS is now hiring for spring line. Home parties. Commission sales. Manogernent position available Coll Karen 786.4728 06.15 BABYSITTER REQUIRED`Aprrl 1 for two children In Goderich, Live in or out hours to be discussed. Call Lisd•357.2550 collect. 10 11 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT positions for restaurant and hotel. Coll or apply SANDERS ON THE BEACH, Grand Bend 1,519,238.2251 between 10 a,m, 5 p.rn only. 10.12 TEMPORARY or could work into full lime book• keeper needed for Brindley Auction Service stor. ting Moy 4, 1987 Some knowledge of farm equipment would ; be helpful, Please send resurne 1o' Dungannon- NOM IRO or 'phone 529.7625 by March 31 10 liar , DIESEL MECHANIC wanted for growing heavy du ty truck dealership pieferably licensed. Top wages arid benefits depending on qualifications. ' Call Regal Truck Centre 519 348•4/11 for an appointment. 11 12 TRUCK' DEALERSHIP required General Joe to aid licensed mechanics and ntaintain•ycrrd. Call, Regal Truck Centre 3484711 for interview. 11 12 BRANCH SUPERVISOR required for the Kingsbridge Branch Library to work five hours . per yveek. Apply in writing to _Sharon' Cox, ass"is' tont librarian, Huron County Public .Library "66 Waterloo Street°South, Goderich Ontario N7A 4A4, on or before Mw ch 26th 1987, liar BABYSITTER WANTED preferably for in horn° ser• vice, willing to take care of 1 year old references required 524.8654, 11 12 PERSON REQUIRED for farm drainage crew Backhoe experience an 'asset but not required, Apply Roth Drainage Ltd. 656.2618 between 1 • 5 • or 527.0340 after 7 p.m. 11 PHOTOCOPIER TECHNICIAN with a background in electronics,. Experience preferred but not essential. Must have car and', satisfy re• quirernents for "futures` prograrn, Apply 'in writing to Grayhurst Business Strophes, 38 East St, , •Goderich, Ont. N7A T.1\13. .1 1 or " ' WANTED • experienced produce manager to operate retail store counter. Must be capable of ordering;=displaying; merchandising and direc• ti'on'bt per'sonnel.•Appiy`in'porson to Ly'ons;F'ood Market, Knechtel Associate Store, Seaforth R. NURSE' REQUIRED for insurance medicals, in Goderich' and area,, 1.800.265.4494, 11, .LAKE HURON Resort requires sales people.' Op. portunity,(or high income to mature individual who requires high standard ofiiving. Experience rio$lnecessary, wiR..troin.,Day or evening phone 524.6438. '11 • LOCAL BUSINESS requires salesperson preferably with e><perience. Port•tiine to full ,time..in.stare.. salary_only, also sales position in. , • volving wholesale to retail with satellite equip. ment, salary_plus commission negotiable, Phone '5242321 or apply in person et"the Got -tench Entertainer „The Square, Goderich. llar • TUPPERWARE • anyone interested ,iii having a ''Home Party` please call 524.7746. I 1 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE WANTED • mature self• starter, sports minded and energetic to work in retail store. Apply to Drawer No. 95; c o Signal Star, P.O. Box 220., Goderich,. Ont, N7A .4136, Iiar CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now Is Ilse time tp train for your class "A" license. for pre-screening Inter- view and lob placement Information contact: Mery Orr'il Group, 1.800.263.1260 County of • Huron SECRETARY'/ BOOKKEEPER The County of Huron, in conjunction with the Government of Canada, is undertaking a study of future employment opportunities and programs within the County. This pro- ject will focus nn future opportunities for severely employment disadvantaged groups. In'order to undertake this project a secretary bookkeeper is required. Under the direction of the project Coor- dinator, the Secretary / Bookkeeper will per- form general secretarial and bookkeeping functions, including: minutin'g keeping, telephone answering, report production, of- fice management, and financial record keep- ing. Familiarity with word processing is required. The successful applicant will have experience in a'responsible secretarial position. The loca- tion is in the Seaforth area. This k a contract position that lasts for ap•, prox. 32 weeks. Salary is commensurate with experience. All applicants should send .1 complete, resume to: Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street ' Goderich, Ontario N7A 31'4 ' Attention: Mr. John Gillespie The closing date for applications is April 3, 1987 with the position starting in May. 26. Help -Wanted Cheryl Ann, Grand Bend FULL TIME HELP NEEDED NOW - also summer student help ,needed for weekends and full time. Food store,,Cook. No Experience required, will train. Must be neat & energetic. CaII: 1-472-2332 or 1-238-5364 Ask for Al or Mike HELP WANTED 1)a}• time labourer 'position availably immediately in local business. Mature, responsible individual with the svillingitss to work hard and the abili- ty to lilt heavy items. Salary is commensurate with ability tit learn. ['lease al►tily to; I)R:111'KI( NO. 91 : P.O. BOX 220 GUI)E1{1('11, ONT. Nirt 1136, 4 'County of Huron RESEARCH ASSISTANT The County of Huron in conjunction with the Government of Canada is undertaking a study of future employment opportunities. and programs within the County. This pro- ject will focus on future opportunities for severely e8lployment disadvantaged groups. In order to urertake this project up to three research assistants are required. Under the direction of the project Coor- dinator, the -Research .. Assistants will be responsible for undertaking research into fut ure economic development opportunities • within Huron,County. - i The successful aPp licants"'wduml have a ver-*"; 4i.1.y,,deyree in eccmctml<s,_„pIannin , cam 'moody development planning or related` ' fields. The applicants must have experience 'in data analysis, field research and interview- ing. Applicants should be familiar with com- , puler data base programs. Ari understanding of Huron County is preferable. These are contract positions that last from 15 to 25 weeks. Salary is commensurate with experience. Research Assistants must, provide for their own transportation. ' • All ;applicants should' send jg complete • resume to: Canada Employment Centre Goderich, Ontario N7A'3Y4 Attention: Mr. John ,Gillespie The closing date for applications is April 3, 1987 with the position starting in May. • 2q. Help Wanted Applications for Dining Room staff now be- ing accepted. Please contact Miss P. Cunningham. 565.2611 Between 8 ant - 4 pit • THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIELD: Main Street, Bayfield HOUSECLEANERS AND HANDYMEN REQUIRED by Town and Country Homemakers to do heavy cleaning, home maintenance and yardwork. s6.00/hr. CaII, 1-800-265-3039 DISHWASHER NEEDED at Benmiller Inn Full-time job, involving days, even- ings and :weekends. Good wage and benefit package offered. 'Seriou's inquiries only. PHONE JAYNE at 524-2191- 27. Wanted General ' WANTED' French' packages for a VIC 20, • Call -"."'S`t9:7028-after o rn'r^'�•02. ii *.•*•'.,.•• ••.•,.' . », County of Huron PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR The County of Huron, in conjunction with the Government of Canada, is undertaking a study of future employment opportunities and pro- •, grams within the County. This project will focus on future opportunities for severely employment disadvantaged groups.. In order to undertake this project a Project Co- ordinator is required. The Project Co-ordinator will he responsible for preparing a detailed project research design and managing the day-to-day operation of the project. The Co-ordinator will be respon- sible to The project Steering Committee. The sue cessful applicant will have an advanc- ed research ek'gree in strategic planning or community development planning. The appli- cant must have experience in economic development, policy development and work- ing with the business comritunity. The Co- ordinator requires skills in working with Boards and public groups and will be respon• ' sihle fore,preparing an operational plan to' develop opportunities for the employment of severely employment disadvantaged groups .within Huron County. This is a contract position that lasts 36 week• at a salary of 517,000 to 19,000 for the con- tract period. The Co-ordinator must provide for their own transportation. All applic ants should send.a complete resume to: Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street' Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y4 Attention: Mr. John Gillespie The closing date for applications k April 3, 1987 with the position starting in May. Janitorial Staff We put a lot of work into our pride if you're hardworking. dependable and take pride til what.you.do. take a look at what'we can offer you: • Regular Shifts (11 p. n1. (0'7'a.m.1 •Regular wage reviews • Complete benefits package •Pleasant work environment To find out more, contact your local' McDonald's Restaurant Manager, today! Mcionald's 354 Rayfield Rd., Goderich ATTENTION FRAMERS Bids accepted ort resides • tial building..' 'Gall Nance Manske , 5242507. 10,11' 28. Business Opportunity FAMILY BUSINESS •" Idecrl,for fcrrnily with small or teenage children. If you fan 1 get away this Sum mer, we con help you get started .in a••sulnmor business ' irr Goderich, ' It promises per sorra' growth,und_dev..e Qhmept_fpr • For, rirfgrntution contact Dickie Dee Ice Cream c' o Mr, Bob Wilson, 55 Newkirk Rd. N, Rich, mond Hill Ont 14C 3G4 519 269p3032. 11 FAST FOOD Franchise available Goderich and Kincardine, farnily style,' Turn.•Key op'erat'ion 540.000 • 'S50,000 required. Phone .519.236•,7269. , 10 11' , 30..Employment Wanted STUDENT WIE'LING fo.;do add lobs likci cutting 'Towns, raking lawns, etc, Ccll 524.2776 after 5 p,m, 11.18nx 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 565.2638 Bayfield.. Free estimates. 02tfnr MASONRY, 'stone and carpentry work.Spociarr,r' inq in brick pointing crud chimney building; Free estimates: For• information cull Stan Kirkham 482.5305, - 03tfar - CUSTOM BACKHOEING drainrepair. erosion. control, cellar drains laser, Coll Fronk Postill 482 9101 , 1 5tfar HURON•BRUCE TUTORING Services All subjects Kindergarten to Grade XIII Qualified teachers. Phone 529.7634, after 9 p.m, 38tfar • WK STEEL Steel Service Centre Hot roll bars structurals hollow structurals. hot and <old roll sheets. full range of plate.. Wilkinson and Kornperss Ltd 226 Queen St Kincardine'N2Z 7S5• No charge dial 1,800.265.3063. 09.12 l THREE PHASE ELECTRIC •economy •quality •service Barry Buchanan ' 482-7374 1.800.285-9255 Ask for Pager 3078 DAVE McKEE PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS CALL 524-7774 Neil Beuermann Construction Spe rnh7•tng In CO•CRttth ' „, Ccmrrcrc f i)undarrnns and Renovations in Farm, Home & industry Call Brussels 887-9598 RENOVATIONS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates EXTERIOR •Roofing •Siding • New Additions • Eavestroughing • Fencing • Siding • Decks • Soffits • Fascia INTERIORS • Painting • Drywall • Woodworking Specializing in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Si I ENTERPRISES Goderich 524-6257 (;UDERICH SIGNAL. -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 -PAGE 13 F-731.rvice Directory PURSER'S PUTTY Complete drywall service BARRON (Barney) PURSER , 524-2241 Goderich "We We mgi you look good" KINGSPORT CONSTRUCTION R.R. 3 GODERICH •New Construction •Renovations •Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Cottage Repairs Also complete barn renovations, concrete work, welding, air hammer, etc. For moreInformation call BERT KNOOP .529-7058 HUMANE TRAPPING OF NUISANCE ANIMALS Skunks, Racoons, Squirrels, Groundhogs, etc. Phone: 524-6042 Ed Jones after 4 p.m, Mon. to Fri. We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre fora Complete Line of Pool and Spa„ Chemicals and 'Accessories. 524-9804 BLUE HORIZON` POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP you name it - we frame it Custcorn Framing - While You Nail - Phone i'2•1 -'f1121 We've'-moveci to 114 :The Square -- JOHN ,HICKEY CONSTRUCTION , •New Construction •Replacement Windows *Renovations and doors *Decks -*Roofing.. •Patios •Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Lieen$ed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years • Albert after 6 p.m -- DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock II' :Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES EEC 10 yrs. experience "No mileage charge* BRUSSELS ' 887-6159 _ DAYTIME or EVENINGS JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax; Preparation' All or In -Part" 7.' NEED WORK DONE? • •Renovations •Roofing• •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICKACONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-70.06. 31. Service Directory DRAPERIES UNLIM 71- Balloon Shades j Valances Venetians• Vertic als . Roller Shades 1rt•t' E,tinlates - No Obligation Iur sling a1 Hurn,' 1irtnt' Maxine Murray \Proprietor 524-2352 1 Complete Construction •Custoin Building • Add rttoos•Re nOv 0Nons • Roofing•5iding • Form Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 APPLIANCE. REPAIRS Authorized•Appliance Service Centre for all •WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN •ADMIRAL •SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St, Goderich 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL 0.proltlent in your faritily"' AI Anon clue help For time of meetings ngs tall 524.6001 4lthix I Bob MacGillivray will no longer, be respctntiible for any debt incurred by my wife Debbie •Mac Gilliviay of 1ucknow us,of Mr.. date 13, 23 1987, 08 11 x - OVERWFIGHT',.'c I lose weight ,r,ithout clietitag whi10 I sleep, •Cirll Scott tibout: Culerad' 482 5647 10 1 1 HAPPY 50Tf1• to C.D Lova Big Al 11x .35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, IN THE ESTATE of Tra?acey JonHill 'lot°"ef the ,...-To:w .sh.ip..of...Gaderich...:ar the County czf„Huron, All persons havi ra claims against the Estate of -- Steve McDougall Construction Ltd. Box 908, Wingham, Ont, 357-3107 All types of concrete work •Irldustnal •Commercial •Residential • NEW CONSTRUCTION Q. or RENOVATIONS 36, YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the builtrade. KEN KEl<xg WE CARERE ABOUT,,,, YOUR SATISFACTION CON$TRUC1t0" 524.6637 Goderich GARDINER'S MOVERS - We deliver and move ortything Targe or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE` 166 Bennett St,. E. Goderich 524-2645 BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING 5 -radio dispatc1l Trucks CommercialRettidentinl-Parking Lots 524-2645 8 -•{rete,yJ•c•,ate�f+'r-H�-+n:e•af••Tk:�.tAw ..� f>~k>i 3 tfi.�.;.....,>r. ;,, K In the County of Huron who died" August 16' 1986, ut'e required to filo pr 001 01 some with.tfie undersigned on or before the 25th day of Mtn • 1987 oft; r. `which dote the Estate will be " dist:ibuted with regard only to the claims of Which the undersigned Shall then have notice' curd the undersigned will not he liable to any lii'r son of whose claim he shall not then hove irohce DATED at Goderich this ,27th day of February 1987. • NORMAN 13 PICKELL Bornster incl Solic;'itor 511 South Street P 0,'Box 430 GODERICH Oratorio • Soli;;tor teff the Estate 09.11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons Roving claims-egatrwF 4I?e-Estcrter• - of HARRY HILL WEBSTER Retired Farrier late of, - the ,Township of Hallett. in tlt,e County of hares who died on or about the grid flay of February 1987 are rngrtited td'hle the same with full.par , ticulars with the undersigned by tire 4th day 01 April. 1987as of ter .that, date the as sets' of the estate will 1)0 distributed, • DATED at Godorirh Ontario this 6th day, of March 1987." PREST rind EGENER Barristers etc. ' 33 Montreal Street Gorier is h Ontario N7A'3Z2 So'licitors.fn1 thc,E'.ttitr, 1012 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons havrnq-rlairirs nijainst the Ferrite, of SAMUEL EDWARD HEWIT1 Reotrrhrf Civil Srtr vont Into of the Town of Godr:rich in the County of Huron.. who shed on or about the 12th day of February 1987 are required to file 'the same with full poiticulars with the undersigned by chi, 28th cloy of 'Morch .1987 as after shot date the assets of the r•strttie day of fob, lltJf 1987 PREST orifi EGENEI Bin ••,cera '011 33 Mni111e'rtl Street Goderich ()memo ,, N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate 09 1 I 38. Auction Sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer - CLINTON 4112.7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., MARCH 21 AT 10:00 A.M.: Appliances, • furniture, deep fryer, 2 large baking ovens at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton. THURS., MARCH 26 AT 1:13 P.M.: Tractors, tandem truck: farm machinery for Howard Armstrong, R.R. No. 1, Zurich, SAT., MARCH 28 AT 10:30 A.M.: 3 tractors, machinery, hay and grain for Hugh Johnston, Walton, TUES., MARCH 31 AT 1:30 P.M.: Tractor and farm mochinery for Ray Hogan R.R. No, 7, Lucknow, THURS., APRIL 2 AT 1:30 P.M.: 2 tractors and form machinery for Fred Funk, 2 miles west • of Hensoll, SAT., APRIL 4 AT 12:00 NOON: 49 acre cash crop farm, 4 tractors, -.pickup truck, large modern farm machinery. IHC 8 row planter, etc. for John E. O'Leary, R,R. 2 Stilt fa' MON., APRIL 6 AT 1:30 P.M.: Combine, 3 tractors, modern machinery, FM radios, riding mower for Janie and Jim Hastings, Wingham, WED., APRIL 8 AT 1:30 P.M.: 99 acre farm w house, born and shed. 4 tractors, diesel truck with 20 ft,, rack forage wagons, farm machinery for Robert W Kinsman R.R, 2 Kip, pen, ' THURS., APRIL 9 AT 1:00 P.M.: Combine, 3 tractors, modern form machinery, Hondo trail bike, for James I. Henderson, tt,R, No, 5,_ Seaforth. SAT., APRIL 11 AT 10:30 A.M.: 2 tractors, farm machinery, hoy, grain, sheep feeders, ' misc., some household effects for Francis Col- eman, R.R,-Na 1, Saaforth, SAT., APRIL 18 AT 1 P,M.: Zor file plow, 40 fon float, fila drainage equipment, for. Geo Nesbitt, 2 miletiouth.of_tlyfh, Onf.