HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 11ewel i hIunkett higJ 1 week's Aub i rn euchr Euchre party There were four tables in play at the euchre party held at the Auburn Community Hall on March 10 and the winners were: Jewel Plunkett (high lady i, Carol Daer i low lady 1, Warner Andrews 1' high man I, Ken McDougall 1 low man I and Ray Hanna I novelty 1. Euchre parties are held every Tuesday night at the Community Hall at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. WMS meeting The March tweeting of the Presbyterian WMS was held at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark. Mrs. Erma ('a•rt.wright opened the meeting with a poem. '1'he devotional period Was taken by Mrs. Martha Daer, the scrip - j te•portion was taken fronrthe 6th Chapter of Leviticus 20-34 and was read alternately. The meditation was entitled "The Lamb of God" followed by prayer. The study was taken by Lillian Leatherland and was about 100 years of the World Day of Prayer. Dur- ing the lunch hour, a candlelit decorated cake was brought in and later served in honor of Frances Clark's birthday. A social half hour was'enjoy'ed. • Local Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross, Anita,. Bryan and April and Marjorie McDougall, visited last week with Mr, Allan McDougall, who was attending a conference for districtsix of United Steel Workers of America at the Valhalla Inn, Kitchener. Mrs. Bonnie Armour of Waterloo spent the weekend with her .parents; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin. The General Meeting. of the UCW will be held Wednesda,y, March 25 at 8 'p.m. The theme will be "Stewardship of Friends" and the speaker will be Mrs., Joyce MacPherson from Ripley. . Mrs•. Robert Peck and Marjorie McDougall attended and annual conference for "Women Alive" last weekend in the Crystal Ballroom of Holiday Inn, London. y at last p.JLty c AU Li'N iildred Lawlor, 526-75 9 Knox United Church Rev, Gary Shuttleworth conducted the 'morning service at Knox 'United Church with organ prelude by .the choir director I4ori Millian. Prayer of invocation was read and life and work of the church were given followed by the prayer of confession and the Lord's Prayer. The hymn "Count Your Blessings" was sung. The minister told the children's story and they went to junior con-' gregation with their teachers. The• minister's sermon. was entitled "The Prin- cipal of Spiritual Growth." The offertory prayer and dedication of gifts were given •and offering was received by Brian Ramsey and Marinus Bakker. The minister pro- nounced the bendiction and service closed with title congregational benediction, "Lord We Pray." Unit 11 "Refugees and Immigrants" was the topic studied by Unit II of Auburn UCW at their meeting on Wednesday, March 11 held in the church basement. Mrs, Peter Verbeek and Mrs. R. Koopmans were the convenors. An El •Salvador story was called "Faith and Hope in a Tortured Land".and "'The. Human Family"told of four refugees , first in their homeland and then as refugee's it Canada. We also learned of the "Tuceer •HotTae Shelter" for refugees in Toronto. Scriptures were given for group discussion. and "Guide .Me Oh Thou 'Great Jehovah" was sung with `Mrs. Allan. Webster 'as pianist. Leader Mrs. John'Vincent conven- ed the.. business and reports ,were given.- Convenors iven:Convenors were chosen for a'Garage. Sale planned for .May 16. The general meeting will be on March 25 at 8 p.m. with guest speaker Mrs. Joyce MacPherson from Ripley. For the roll call, donations were given for the Survival. Through Friendship Home. The convenors were also hostesses for a social half hour. Horticulture Society meeting The Auburn Horticulture Society opened • their meeting Wednesday evening March 11 with the singin of 0 Canada. The first vice- president Maureen Bean welcomed all members and especially the new members present. The minutes of the January meeting were read by' the secretary Ann. Vincent. Maureen called on the treasurer, Elliot Lapp, to give the financial statement. The 'highlight was the announcement that the Society at that time had 118 paid members. Maureen thanked those who canvassed for new members and also the people that sup- ported the society with their memberships. The district annual. will be held at Seaforth. The delegates from Auburn will be Ann Vincent and Maureen Bean with Dorothy Grange as the District Represen- tative from Auburn. Other members will be attending as well. A film entitled "From Our House to Your House" was shown by Elliot Lapp Showing vegetables from the fields to the food ter- minal at Toronto to the stores. Marjorie McDougall introduced Carol Reinink and Tammy .Sparling who presented slides with their running com- mentary on Annual -Flowers for different locations around our houses. They answered many questions from the au- dience. Another film was featured. Called "Home -Landscaping it showed plantings close to • the house and in other locations. • The .meeti rJ,g closed with the singing, of the Queen followed by the singing .of Grace. A St. Patrick's Day lunch was served. . UCW members learn about Hawai '.'he March meeting' of the Pine Ri\ er UI;W met on '1'ii sdaT, 'Mitch 10' at the ..,uhcr.tcb,.,.in.Atte- ; aaserttetit„:,fOC, 4...lunche9.t Ldessert.meeting.• . • The meeting opened . with the president Naithel Wilson reading a poem and then the 'hymn Rise Up Oki Man of 'God. The purpose of the UCW was repeated by the 21 dailies present•• , • , The roll call wasanswered by something you knew or wanted to know about Hawaii. The treasurers report was, read, by Margaret Ferguson. • _ Linda_C art belt and . _Myrtle Ferguson, gave a report on the Bruce Presbyterial': Meeting in 1 ucknow and the meeting, of the World Day of•. Prayer held this year at ' the• Pine River Church on Friday, March 6. 'Phare were 40 ladies present at this event. Mrs. Wilson led in prayer and theoffering —was taken and dedicated. The -meeting, was then turned over to the convenor Sharon •Cour'tneY.. The hymn •';'All Creatures of Our God .and. King" was sung. ,NEWSCHALSH YWn Kae Webster, 395-5257 Mrs. Courtney read the scripture and then led assail inprayer. She read an interesting. reading on Hawaii, all'.about.the customs,. culture. and 'religion of the island, the founders of the islands. ,--Sig -alLea•ne was introduced. to-the.;island.__ _ ' about 1850 and the pineapple was also in- troduced there in 1885 and Hawaii was made the 50th state of the 'United States in 1950. ' , . The 'memb'ers listened' to a `tape' "The Lord's Prayer" in Hawaiian. A lovely dessert was served at the bei inn ing of the meeting by the lunch committee Audrey Ferguson Ficki Kolke. and Norma Humpherey. There were some very interesting -pic- tures and titerature'"to 'see and• read 6h "Ha:waii-and..t!Ye l.adies,.Q.t joged.a •.s erial Not t ....., • Home News Ken Wilkins was home, for study week..but went back to Ridgetown on the weekend. Barry Jones and a friend were in.Lond.on recently td take in the FarnT.Show..,,... Jack and Marion Smith visited recently • with Kae Webster. Louise Miller of Palmerston, Florence MacLennan and Shirley. visited recently • ,With Rhetta and Marion MacLennan. is _a—sartton...quip_-taken_ out Readers' Digest: TV'annoup€er Back to• our commercial in a minute - but first this word from our program. • Which when you are' Watching TV seems - all top true. , Here we are back to the March break; so it eorrld be a -trying week. £or._the•.p'arents,_bu.t. then for others, it will betime for enjoyment in :the warm Florida ;sunshine. Whatever you may be doing have a good,time and take care,. • Mayme `Wilkins once again has' her greenhouse in operation to get.some of the -plants ready for the gardenand flowerbeds'. On Saturday evening„Charles, Mayme and 'Ken Wilkins were at Larry and Janet Wilkins to help Adam celebrate his fourth birthday. On Thursday evening, Charles and Mayme Wilkins visited with'Herb and Marie Wilkins at Brookside. Happy St. Patrick's Day! GODERICH SIGNAL. STAR, VVEDNJ SDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 - PAGE 11 AIPPLIANCE' R HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" Seniors to hold annual pancake, syrup and sausage dinner° By Blanche Deeves HOLMESVILLE - The Enterprising Seniors will meet March 19 at the communi- ty? centre,in Holmesville. This is to be their pancake and "maple syrup, sausage supper. Stan and Bernice Mcllwain will also show their slides of New Zealand. Get well •wishes are sent to Jean Lobb from the Enterprising Seniors, Church News • Worship service was held in Holmesville' United Church with Rev. James Bechtel of- ficiating. Rev. Bechtel spoke to the children • BEST RATE AEuvvEsNrrs FINANCIAL CENTRE, GODERICH 52442773.- 1.300.265.5503 rr rr Jl t�'� Stla oUS Getalv Vitellft e saw, Ar Plus Tax Includes: • 2 Nights Deluxe Accommodation • J15.60 Restauranl Vouchers •^Heated Indoor Pool & Whirlpool • Relaxing Intimate Lounge 1 Night Package 559.95 Luxury Packages Also Available For Reservations Call (519)' 273-1150 Box 1144 Ontario SI., Slralford, Ontario NSA 6W1 HOLMESVALLE NEWS Blanche Deeves, 482-9536 before going to their classes. Wayne Tebbutt and Gordon Lobb received the offering. ALE • ON P SAVE TO o% OFF. *3 DAYS ONLY' THURS„FRI. & SAT., MARCH 19-21 1NQUIRE: ABOUT OUR IN-HOME: DECORATING SERVICE • Available Bed 44 Bath Shop • Fine Furnishings Lighting - Decorative Consultant Accessories 8 The Square Goderich 524-4400 Clinton Spring Fair -1st ANNUALTRADE FEST is n booking space for Trade Fest Friday, June 5 & Saturday, June 6 *Any type of displays welcome* Applications for space can be forwarded to: PAUL WHEELER Box 387 Clinton or call 4824924 anytime or 5244171 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. CHECK AND COMPARE ALL NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THA.T'a Public Meeting of the liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the VALHALLA INrS KING & E3ENTON STREETS. KITCHENER, ONTARIO on MONDAY APRIL 6. 1987 at the hour of 10 00 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time the Board will hoar an application in accordance with the Liquor Licence Art and Regulations thereunder The following establishment has applied for a Ircenceol the class indicated and the application will be entertained at the afore mentioned location and time • Application For Additional Seating Capacity Bayfield Village Inn^ Bayfield Concession Goderich Township (Bayfield) Additional Dining Lounge Facilities - Licencee• Bayfield Village Inn Inc. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any Person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application shall make their submission to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hearing' or rn person at the time and place of the hearihg (Copies of wntt"n submissions will he forwarded to the appiirantt I iquor licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO Ontario M5E 1A4 MI NI ST R' COMM THE 1.1 OF CONSUMER AND RCIAL RELATIONS UOR I ICFNCE ACT Ask about JOINT LOAN INSURANCE ask about a loan .. Coverage Built for Two * Up to 522,500.00 available * Completely Open for pre -payment * Simple Interest * Life Insured. * Up to 60 Months for Repayment If you are looking for a ... New Car Loan• Used Car Loan, Home Renovations Loan, Home Refurnishing Loan, Holiday Loan, Paying -Oft - Your -Charge -Card Loan, Bill Consolidation Loan• or any other Good Reason Loan ... Let's get together! We are the "People Helping People" with payments to suit your budget and your best 'simple interest' open loan rate ... 12.50/o. Check and Compare•! 39 ST• DAVID STREET, GODERICH ;" OFFICE HOURS: PHONE 524-8366 TM Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 5:95 p.m. ' ^fWambar Ontario Sham and Dopostf Insurance Corporation" rrfa.m. to 8:00p.h4 days 9:30 ' People Helping People Saturday9:30 am - 12 noon GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDITUNION