HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 8PAGE 8 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987
Goderich Lions Club for the past number of years have hosted
the Easter Seal Mail Canipaign in this area. The pink envelopes
are in the mail again this year for you to mail in your donation.
This year Easter Seal organization has cancelled the Telethn over
Goderich Lions Club are donat'ng all proceeds from Mop. Mar.
23rd T.V. Bingo and Wednesday Mar. 25, Goderich Arend Bingo
ticket sales to the Easter Seal Campaign.
Please support us in this campaign
Please note Mon. Mar. 23rd T.V. Bingo will start at the regular
time 7:15 but we will be on the air at 7:00 for an interview with
members from the Easter Seal Committee.
Sial, "WOW Kms deF
6 g/*
MATERNITY Sires infants 8o Oar',
® each
1 / 2 PRICE
Shop Now For Best Selection
airy farm
rs urge o
Dairy farmers were urged to meet a
larger per cent of their rpilk supply quota at
the annual meeting of the Huron County
Milk Producers held Friday in the Brussels,
Morris and Grey Community Centre,
Although members of the Ontario Milk
Marketing Board recognized the controver-
sy on over production they told dairy pro-
ducers at least 98.5 per cent of the quota was
needed, rather than the 96.per cent current-
ly being realized.
Changes in the levy structure and the in-
crease in fluid sales and corresponding
higher ,payout percentages prompted this
request of producers to fill a larger per cent,
possibly even 100 per cent, of their MSQ.
Representatives from the. Ontario Milk.
•Marketing Board told Huron County pro-
ducers they were running close to the same
pattern as other producers in the province,
and added total marketings would have to
be one per cent higher than a year ago, on
average, for each of..the remaining months
of the dairy year to fill the provincial quota.
Total milk marketings to the board were
2.2 per cent lower -in January 1987 than in
Chilaren'> Wear - Linens * 'ice':'
11 VIICTOSIA ; ". CILI NtON atll 2-3 3.
Women discuss
animal rights
at meeting
January 1986. Total marketings have hw^^
lower, compared to the same month a year
ago, for eight months in a row. The OMMB
said it expected the trend towards lower
decreases in milk marketings, compared to
a year ago, to, continue as producers res-
pond to the revised levy structure and ad-
just their feeding programs to compensate.
for poorer quality feed.
Under the current levy structure the
recently reduced within -quota levy of $4.65
per hl applies up to 98.5 per cent of MSQ and
a special export rate of $27.50 per hl applies
on the remaining 1.5 per cent of MSQ. The
full overquota levy rate of $38hlapplies on
shipments over 100 per cent of MSQ.
The percentage. levels of MSQ at which
different levy rates apply will be adjusted a
year-end to reflect any under utilisation by
producers within the province. A year-end
adjustment for increased domestic re-
quirements was not anticipated at this stage
due to declining butter sales.
Dr. Jim Ashman, of the Dairy Inspection
Branch, entertained the Huron County
group, with a graphic comment on the
various hats worn by employees of the
The March meeting of the Goderich
Township Women's Institute was held in the
Goderich Township Community Centre.
The roll call was answered with "an in-
teresting achievement by a disabled per -
, son", playing basketball from a wheelchair,.
driving a car with your feet, skiing, around
the world in a wheelchair and many others.
Donations were made to a 4H club and to
pennies for Friendship.
There was discussion on a craft for the
provincial 90th Anniversary being held in
North Bay in July.
1 The District Executive meeting will be
eld in. Londesboro orf April 7.. Further
lans were made for the Dessert Euchre
Party on March 25 sponsored by the
women's groups in the township.
Bernice Mcllwain was program convenor
and read several articles on Animal Rights
versus Reality.
We wonder if persons so interested in
animal rights refuse to wear leather shoes,
'coats or belts and don't use leather purses or
anything else that comes from animals. '
The -meeting closed with a social time.
et qu.:ta
Dalry Inspection iir.,u. u. ,le llieu have a
slide presentation on the new dairy inspec-
tion laboratory in Guelph, and assured
farmers that the milk testing process, like
the American government, was a system of
checks and balances.
"The system was designed with four
separate checks if you want to take it that
far," he said, adding farmers should use it,
if they feel they haven't been given a "fair
"We are trying to do as much as we
possibly can to ensure the test results are
accurate." .
Also at the meeting Wa
Kevin Kale were re-electe
eto th
County Milk committee and a by-law passed
that committee members be limited to- no
more than three consecutive terms on the
committee, starting with new elections in
1987. '
Approval was given to the 1987 proposed
budget of $7,916.28.
John Oldfield, a Huron County Milk Pro-
ducer, was presented with the gold award,
and 67 others received the general award
'ott and
Friendly Helpers' hold March meeting
The Friendly Helpers ( Unit II) of Victoria
Street United Church me' in the church
parlour on Wednesday afternoon with
dessert provided 'by.. Audrey Linney and
Beulah Good
Leona McBride opened the meeting with a
poem, "Spring", and welcomed 21 members
and one visitor. Gladys Ladd led in the
devotions with Scripture readings and a
hymn accompanied on the piano by Mary
Currel. Gladys gave two readings, "On St.
Patrick's Day" and "A Little Gift From
The roll call was answered by showing
and telling about something "green".
An invitation was extended .to Exeter
United Church on March 21 to a quilt show,
hnlihiPc and crafts,
The Daffodil Tea for Cancer is to be at the
'Salvation Army on April 3. Our annual rum-
mage sale is also coming up in April.and will
be announced shortly. The April meeting
will be in the evening, beginning at 7:30 with
dessert. (.Note the time change. I Our guest
speaker will be Grace Broadfoot.
Eva Horton was in charge of the program
with Dove Horton doing a reading,
"Discovery" and "Room'to Grow". Mrs.
George,Kennedy was the guest speaker and
told many good Irish stories true and
Helen Edith .Elliot donated a plate', of
homemade cookies which were won by Win=
nifred Gerwin. The meeting closed with a
poem on "Lent".
Deep end, diving boar
Dear Editor:
If the town is considering spending over
three million d'ollars.on a recreational com-
plex, I think. it is inappropriate to have a
4.5 -foot pool with only three lanes, no deep
end and no diving board. It would not be
much more than a wading pool. Andwhat
about the main attraction, a diving board?'
At the Gooderham pool, the diving board
is used extensively. Vanastra's pool is 9.5
feet deep. at one end with a low diving board
(too low) and many car loads of people from
Goderich , go there regularly to swim and
dive. At nights especially there is always a
a must
,line-up for the board.,
If children are taught to swim in show
water with no deep end 1 fear once they can
swimthey will eventually dive and take a
deep dive with subsequent serious injury.
' A concerned citizen
and tax payer.
Spring Space Sale
'Buy one quarter page, or more at the casual rate and
you will receive equivalent to the size purchased ab-
solutely free.
This offer is good for one Issue only - Wednesday,
March 25, 1987. The minimum size offered Is 1/4 page
(16 Advertising Units) deep but this may be increas-
ed up to one full page or even more.
In order that your ads receive the proper attention in
terms of layout, copy and composition, the deadline
for this promotion has been advanced to Friday, March
20, 1987. All materials should ne In our hands at that
time. When copy is received early, the layout depart-
ment can assure top quality results. No extension will
be granted.
Ads can be placed side by side or spread out in the
paper as you desire.
You'll get two ads for the price of one. Short,and sim-
ple. But the benefits are long and significant.
Your advertising dollar buys more apace. A lot more
space. Use the extra space to advertise more items.
Use it to•promote services in addition to your mer-
chandise. Use it for institutional purposes. use the ex-
tra ad for whatever reason you like. It will generate
more business for you. And that's the significant part.
You'll de more business at the SIGNAL -STAR'S EX-
PENSE. Why does the SIGNAL -STAR have an annual
quarter page sale? We like to merchandise. It's the
name of the garhe isn't it?
Wednesday, March 25, 1987
R. serve Your Space Today o0
524-2f 14