HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 7ecisio regardi UC industrial
irnpost ftabled due to investigatio
A lengthy discussion between members
of the Works and Property Conunittee and
the Goderich Public Utilities Commission
( PUC) concerning industrial impost fees
occurred during the March meeting of the
PUC held last Thursday. •
At its February meeting, the PUC was
made aware of the town's disapproval and
discontent with the PUC's proposed in-
dustrial impost fee schedule ($660 per acre
for industries I. At that time, the commis-
sion decided to hold a meeting with the
Works and Property Committee to discuss
the various issues concerning the fees.
The first, of what could be a numaer of
discussions, took place at the PUC m'ting
last week. -
"I think everyone knows why we're here
and why we feel so strongly on this par-
ticular point," Ken Hunter, commis. I,,ner
of property and works, said. -
"We've been working on promoting in-
dustry strongly. If you go over all the in-
dustries in Goderich's Industrial Park you
will see there are no strangers. They are
local and expanding industries. To bring
strangers in is hard. There are. 600
. municipalities fighting to get -industry to
come to their location and naturally they
go where they get the best deal. The
Municapl Act says that the municipality.
'shall not give any incentives to industry
but we can make things simple for them.
Legion Br
We've bought all the land, zoned it correct-
ly, priced it competitively and serviced it.
We've been working very hard and the on-
ly way we can get them here is to have
everything in place. The town purposely
has kept impost fees off that land."
Hunter continued his campaign against
industrial impost fees by saying, "If you
don't come up with a new industry- one
' every two years,.you lose. The population
goes down. The future of Goderich
depends upon keeping a strong industrial
base. We're not looking for another GM -
Suzuki or Toyota, „We're looking for those
industries with a few employees who will
build to 100 or 200. Industries are good for.
He alsq noted that serviced land in the
Industrial Park sells for $8,000 pe.r acre.
Mayor Eileen Palmer said, "We only sell
serviced land.
Both she and town administrator Larry
McCabe noted that under the Municpal Act
there was some question as to the ability of o
the PUC to levyindustrial impost fees and
suggested that the PUC check into the
situation further.
"We are afraid people will" comae back
saying 'You sold us serviced land and now
the PUC wants us to pay x number of _
—dollars for impost fees'," McCabe said.
"The additional cost I of impost fees l is
prohibitive and it's hard enough to attract,
ch 10
The annual joint honors arid awards night
of Legion Branch 109 and the Ladies ,Au-,- .,
iliary was held on Saturday, March 7.in the
Jubilee room with a large number of
members present. Following the opening
-cerem'ony'Zonducted by Branch President
Alvin Blackwell the Auxiliary awarded their
year pins which- included 40 ye' r pins. to
Anne Anderson, Evelyn Carroll, ' Vietta
George, 1VIyrtle Good, ,,Norah Hugi'll, Del
Jarvis, Norma Kingswell, Ferne Moore and
Margaret Young.
Gifts Were presented to Margaret 'Horn-
blower, Marj Emmerson.,' Marion Hayes,
Rose Sheardown, Myrtle •MMcNair, Linda
MacDonald and Harold Chambers.,
The Ladies Auxiliary presented Legion
Diamond Jubilee Medals.. to Heidi.Beatle,
Margaret Maben, Peg - Wood, Margaret
• McMillan and Lorraine Jones.
new industry. Eighty per cent oI our in-
dustrial development( comes from within
our own boundaries," Mayor Palmer said.
PUC commissioner Dr.' Jim Peters ex-
plained that_, each PUC customer should
carry his or her own rate and not subsidize
`another customer. However, he did feel
something should be done.
"I would like to see a couple of things
done. I don't think some customers should
have impost -fees and others not. Wipe im-
post fees right .off," he said, adding that,
fur example, metering the water Would
take the place of impost fees.
"All we are asking for is a reconsidera-
tion of impost fees. If you don't want to get
rid of them, • then we can meet in a Joint
Committee. We have concerns.over the in-
dustrial impost fee schedule," McCabe re-
"Try and help us out with our endeavour
to get industry in town by knocking down
the impost fees. It's entirely us that has to
bring the industry in," Jim Semis,
member of the. property and works com-
mittee, said.
Both the Works and Property Committee
and the PUC decided that there was a lot of
legislation to be' looked into as well as fur-
. ther discussions to be held concerning the
matter of industrial impost fees. A deci-
sion on the matter was tabled until a future
meeting was held. '
h.lds aw
The .branch . awarded year pins, to`
members `w"3ho had . attajnecl continuous
years of membership commencing with ten
years arid this included twenty members,
who had forty years of service. •
Legion Certificates of Merit were award-
ed to Bea Dowell, Hudson Milburn, Bert
Squire and the Rev. John Wood. 'These cer-
tificates are. awarded to those who have
madea significant contribution to -.the
::br'ancii,,._ r. ....-.. _. . .
Legion long -service sheilds were. awarded -
to Ralph Kingswell and the. Rev. 'Robert
Crocker, Rev, G.L. Royal will receive hi''s
long service shield at the Vimy dinners
A Media Award was presented to the
Signal -Star for their support of the branch. .
Marcel 1i)e,Winter received. an Horiourary
membership in Branch 109. for his contribu
tions to the branch. . .
Variety of ideas at Port
The Port 'Albert Public Meeting was held
March 9 and many' ideas were put,forward.
Some of. the suggestions were: baseball PORT ALBERT
sweaters for the children's Port Albert
baseball teamI ,
m ; a scholarship fund, tender_—
ing out grass mowing at the diamond, trash
cans, streetlights, beach. clean-up and a'
ds 11i* ht
Past President Bob Chapman was
-recognized with a, Life Membership as was
Murray Johnston with a Meritorious Life
President of the Ladies Auxiliary Marg
Baker presented a cheque for $3000 to
Branch President Alvin Blackwell. This
cheque will be put into the Branch building
fund to help,reduce the Branch loan.
. Following the closing'ceremony the even-
ing .concluded with a dance..
Branch 109 extends best, wishes to Steve
Allen, Sonny Moore, Kevin Rumig,, Gerry
-.Ross, Shirley'' Schmidt and Jerry Rivett
who will be representing the bran 'h at the
Legion Provincial Five -Pin Bowling Tour-
namcrit• Saturday., Sonny' Moore qualified
for the singles tournament and also for the
doubles competition along with Shirley.
Albert n�eetin
Port Albert, Day to , be held on the long
weekend in July. Nothing was'definitely set-
tled 'and a' follow-up meeting will be ,held
April 6 in the , church basement to discuss
everything in more detail.
The possibility of incorporating ourselves
is being looked into and it was suggested a
contest he held to choose a name. ' . •
Jim and Donna Hayden and family were
' presented with a car, rally trophy and, as
last year's winner of the rally, they will be
organizing this' year's event. The trophy
will be .passed on with this year's wisher
organizing the rally in 1988. 0
• It isThoped that more people will attend
the next meeting on Api'il 6.
This reporter received a hot tip that Tom
Dickson is preparing' for his upcoming trip,
at the local tanning parlour or is it treat-
ment for his 'alleged emphysema?
Elton Draper celebrated his 70th birthday
at Pete" and Edna - Petrie's on .Saturday,
March 14. All the best Elton.
• Many of our residents are either corning
or going- south right now. ' Ron and Diane
Durnin just returned from the Dominican
.Republic and Jeff and Gwyn Fisher are
heading that way next week. Glen Weaver
recently returned from Florida and Jerry
and Sharon Weaver are leaving this week..
George and Ethel Williams are home after a
Donations for fireworks
display sought by police
Dear Editor:
Once again 1 am soliciting donations froia
citizens, businesses and:gt'oups for our An-
nual Fireworks Display. This year Goderich
is 1.60 years:old and -we should try to make
our display even better than, in the past as
this is a 'very' special occasion. The display
will be held in conjunction with the activities
planned for the Canada Day week. •
Any donation, large or small, would be
greatly' appreciated. I would like to have
donations in as early as possible so that I
can match the donation receipts with the
monies allotted by the Town of Goderich in
order to better plan the programme.
Cheques should be made payable to the:
Town of Goderich, Fireworks Fund. Dona-
tidns'can either be addressed to me at the
Pqlice Station, -85 West Street, Goderich,
N7A 2K5 or to the Town Hall, 57 West Street,
Goderich, N7A 2K5.
Yours truly,
Pat King
Fireworks Chairman
Town of Goderich
UCW opposed to 'ligour law changes
Dear Editor:
On behalf of the 'Nile United Church
Women may 1 draw to your attention our
concern over the proposed changes in our
province's liquor laws, and the way it was
reported in your paper of Mar. 11, 1987.
Shame on your paper,which went to the
local bars to do your survey and come up
with the headline "Locals like idea of bar li-
quor laws." What would one expect?
Prisoners on Death Row are also known to
be against capital punishment! ,
C►ui $i yap ieetn Li 'at Inc pt upubeu changes
will encourage .more consumption of.
alchoholic beverages leading to an increase
in car accidents. Some with fatalities, no
doubt, not to mention increased auto in-
surance for all of us, also more broken
families, some of whom will be abused. and
in all probability an increase in
Is this what the people of Ontario want for
their province. We think not.
Shirley Drestour.
Archivists to meet in Waterloo
Dear Editor:
I should like to alert your readers of an
important upcoming event, especially all
those who keep photographs, documents
and clippings around the house or office,
etc. and aren't sure about keeping them in
the best way.
The Ontario Association of• Archivists is
'sponsoring an archives fair called "Paper
Heritage Festival" in Waterloo on the last
Friday and Saturday of March (Friday 27,
10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday 28, 10 a.m. to
6 p.m.). it will be held in Hilliard Hall at
First United Church, one block south of the
new Seagram Museum which is on Erb St.
There will be demonstrations concerning
do's and dont's, book repairs, scrapbooks,
midro£ilming, etc.
Probably the most tmpTirtant teatime' will -t
be an archival supply house representative
in attendance with examples of all the brand
new safe mylar plastic protectors for photos
and documents as well as proper envelopes,
protective paper; scrapbooks and storage
boxes. Visitors will be able to purchase
these on site in whatever small quantities
they wish. This aspect really makes the trip
to Waterloo *orthwhile,
This archives fair will be of interest to
everyone incl.uding W.I. curators of
Tweedsmuir histories. Visitors 'are welcome
to bring along items needing repairs, etc.
for advice.
The Ontario Association of Archivists
does not anticipate arranging another fair of
this kind in this region for several years.
Please plan to attend if this interests you.
Sincerely yours,
.....-.-., -- Parr'ie&Arfde'f8hi1,
Stratford -Perth Archives
lengthy stay in Florida.
A card party was held March 6 in the
church basement: The party was organized
by .Gary and Pauline Nicholson and well -
attended.. Harold Adams and Mrs. Joe
Franks were high scorers and .Jim Hayden
and Linda Hayden were low scorers. The
next card party will be on March 20 at 8
p.m. with Don and Darlene making the ar-
rangernents. • This will likely br the' last
euchre party of the season.
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