HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-18, Page 2E ALL NEW AZDA 4X4. imilitscogooxito e5 Yearsl100,000 Km. ®No Deductible. eAll New 1987 Mazdas Ball Major .Components *No Extra Cost Transferrable ' k MW MOTORS LTD. 184 EAST ST.; GODERICH, 524-2113 Sales. Service, Parts, Leasing PAGE. . 4,1)I)I?ItI('H SIGNAL -STAR, WEI)NE:SUAY, MARCH 18, 1987 CORRECTIO N •STICE for the A & P Flyer distributed by household mail for the week March 16th thru March 21st, 1987. Burns Smoked Boneless Picnics was incorrectly advertised at 4.83/kg, ,2.19 lb. IT SHOULD HAVE READ: 6.15/kg.2.79/Ib. A & P apologizes for any inconve- nience this may have caused our customers. Thank You EST INTEREST 91/4 /� Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Subject to change Gasser®Kne le Exeter 235-2420 Clinton , 482-9747 insurance Brokers Inc. Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524-2118 No teief, +' i n f *r 1 ilial ca f([i t paign This year, the need for public support is even greater than usual for local Easter Seal campaigns. • The Easter Seal Society Telethon will riot be held on CKNX TV, for the first time in three years. The telethon, usually held near the end of March, raises an average of $50,000 to pro- vide servic.es for area physically handicap- ped children and their families. CKNX has decided to air a telethon for Childrens' Hospital in London, but intends to televise public service announcements to support Easter Seals, says CKNX Program Director, Al Skelton. • • We get so many requests from various. groups and we try to accofnodate as many as we can," says Skelton. However, he does not rule out the, possibility of airing the Easter Seals telethon next year or at some time in the future. Peter Shephard, Goderich Easter Seals Chairman, says the goal this year is to raise $5,500. A mail drop campaign - every household in Goderich will recieve a package,of Easter Seals - and two bingo . nights should raise the funds, • hopes Shephard. 1?roceeds Prom TV bingo on Monday, March 23 at: .7:15 and Lions bingo at Memorial Arena on Wednesday, March 25 go towards Easter Seals. , The Society's goal is to raise $4,000,000 province -wide. The money pays for wheelchairs, artificial limbs, nursing sup- port, summer camps, • and research facilities. Locally, 15 handicapped children and their families benefit from Easter Seals Society. This year's Easter Seal campain hopes to raise $5,500 locally. (hack row L-11) Goderich Easter .Seals Chairman, Peter Shephard and Bob Woodall, President of Goderich Lions Club. (front L -RI Shawn Thompson and Crystal MlacPhee two of the many children Easter, Seals helps in the Goderich area.( photo by Ted Spooner) Councii receives master recreation plan. m from page 1 way you'll be seeing the planning process other aspects of recreation in Goderich terns, He pointed out that the lesiure pool through is if you build al facililty that.' and both the consultants and council res onds to the needs of the entire popula-members a reed these features should riot concept is one that is designed ,for use by pg all ages of population, not only the young. tion," he said. . became lost in the debate over the "This pool is not just for kids, it's, for the ' Councillor John Stingbr asked if the con• ' (.implex. , entire population of this town and the only sultants were recommending the lesiure -The 'aquatic centre is simply one part of . pool because of cost factors, or because . the overall master plan and I would hate to surveys indicated it was what .people see us get hung up on a three million dollar wanted.• . project and sort of veto. it. because it's.go- e "The main requirement i among people' ing to cost alot of money,''' said Councillor surveyed for swimming was an indoor' Bill Clifford. , ' swimming pool and associated fitness ac- Other, less expensive recommendations tivities, which are both well -served by this include the development of goals and ob• - concept," replied Stevenson. However.,he . jectives, .creation of a system of bicycle admitted that financial considerations did . ',and walking paths, -provision for the ex - enter into the decision. pansion of facilities for team and im "We in Ontario can no longer afford to dividual"sports such as' hockey. baseball. , develop , Singel - purpose .facilities. The tennis and soccer, and creating a general lesiure pools built here in the past' five .atmosphere condusive to recreation in years are the ones that have proven to be . tawin. . the most economical and • the ones that • • Recreation is one of the madates that. - .._.._. generate-t-he-rrtest r-e=e:,ve•:: he explained__ ........lime beefs. gven-to..4'-ou-b}:.nao:thex.l;Q:vern-..... The lesiure pool concept first because, n)ent picking it up.." Goderich resident ars ago,, in Bob Dempsey told council. -We have,an popular about a 'dozen ye " Europe, moving to Canada in the past five aging population in this area and by keep - years or s6'; explained Brian Gregersen, of " ing them fit; maybe. you won't, have to Moffat Kinoshita Associates Inc.. ar- build more nursing homes and chronic chitec'tS and planners. care wards so„co'i." "A lesiure•` ' pool should have a resort,feel *"ifrl"r of•.the consultants. was corn - to it," he said "as opposed to the tradi- tional approach to pools which was very 'sterile.and designed for one purpose," said Gregerson "The complex," said Stevenson. "ad finished its work and kieen disolved., dresses all the existing recreational needs , A number of people who spoke at the of this community in one centre." meeting,, both • council members and OTHER ASPECTS members of the public. praised the work of, Aside from the aquatic complex.. the ' the committee for their, role in the master. plan deals with a wide variety of preparation of the plan. �tr ng ifltg "Penmans 44 An eye opening collection of our newest Fashion Fleece ...for Men, Ladies and Children. THIS WEEK ONLY pieted with the presentation of the plan and study to council on March 16. Likewise, the ad hoc committee which has been studying the plan since May, 1986 has Our entire collection of Penmans Basics...Pants & Tops...Featuri'lg Men's, Ladies' and Children's sizes in 7 terrific colours: Royal, White, Red, Navy, Black, Grey & Pink. THIS WEEK ONLY Huron County' Council will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 19 in the Court House council chambers, Goderich. Huron County Museum Committee will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 19. at 7 p.m. in the Court House council chambers,• Goderich. • The Utility Co-ordinating Committee will meet in the Goderich Town Hall coun- cil chambers on March 18, at 11 a.m. The Parks and Waterfront Committee will meet in the Goderich Town Hall Coun- cil Chambers on March 18, at 12 noon, A public meeting on the Ontario Neighborhood Improvement Program Lei V IC G FINER ONIPI Phase Five will oe held on March 18 at.7 p.rn. in the Goderich Town Hall Council Chambers. • The Administration and Personel Com- mittee will meet on March 19 at 8:30 a.m. in the Goderich Town Hall council chambers. Goderich Town Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. on March 23. in conjunction with a public meeting under the Planning Act. And to brave the brisk winds Windproof/Waterproof Jackets and Pants...for the whole family. >1000011S TRAINING . SHOE 99 ->"1BS00HS INVINCIBLE Leather Court Shoe ,\ien's R Ladies' Reg.. ,47.99 99 CONVENTION LO Men's Leather Court, Shoe IN-STORE SHOE CLEARANCE Assorted styles and sizes for Men, Ladies & Kids. Choose from Nike, Puma, Brooks, Power, New Balance and more. FROM OPEN DAILY: 9 am -6 pm FRIDAYS TILL 9 PM We honour VISA and MASTERCARD 4 Thu 'A(Jt',\RE GODERiCH PH( )NE 524-2822 SALES & SERVICE 98.7A 1FOIL AT YOUR TRIANGLE DISCOUNT STORE 10 Pack Garbage 39 Rags 2 for Wampole Synthetic 400 I.U., 100's Vitamin E $21.7.9• Final Net, Non -Aerosol, 225 ml. Hair Spray Mennen 75 9. Speed Stick or Ladies' 50 9. Speed Stick $ 99 229 w Tums 150's, Antacid or Extra Strength 100's Scope, 750 rid. Mouthwash $4299 s Jergens Softening, 400 mi. Skin Lotion Woodbury, 450 g. Economy Pack 450 g. Soap • T�FdiLANG LE .�p� DIw�'COUIr I1�.�N ore, Ooderlch; Malin career, (.union;'Moln Corner. leaforth