HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-25, Page 8............ A mumnyx a"Rity-RUT0. THE BRIGHTai uAY 1"UPARSS 1104RDED N11thods Used In Crossing Flooded THE Posmw Fashion Hints ms hi India, Winvs of Cxaa A Now H ead to 30 tU4-1 RU103r. Minutes FOR, EVERY 'WOMAN 'TEILS HIS FRIENDS T11, ute Vin. ar country where rivers are V, MW410d head are Sometimes so China that gold,bars to tho, NA -DRU -CO fleada�b Ulafer ere $11 Jeet to sudden and heavy floods, are porsistea reports in, UQM84 With G0014 18altt ThroUgh, value SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS, thataleIrries are kept TRAT 9[1TJ.Lr 81101jjD US of $0,000,00q, part of the 114,111, 25c� a 1Vx at Votir druniswor b),r mail from up through . . n late DONY. N44ional Drug *Ad C4nA4 Lace, Combined vnth net, ig. much the, �48 Dr Dr. Runs, centuries. Sach is the -case in India, DODDIS KJONEy pILLS agor Empriss' hoard,L. have, been 1414ited'., tised, and the methods shipped secretly to Eag-la d, of crossing the . n Everywhere we see a bit Aut PRI streams are now -Aba F ()J�t Tso Hsi, t4i . FARMS FOR s of black t the� have RIDINLEY ILLS. e late Dowager E rA A-REFLECTIOX. been from the press of Ohiaa, had the reputa Her brightes earliest times. tion "No wonder they say marriage is; H, wl��. DA SON, Feathers are sloWl t, day for girl Colonel Davidson, in his I'M of being the richest woman in the, 9, lottBrY with few prizes.- T.N.J.n.otty, Colborne St"64 y coming back and every woman is the, every ei4or' Ile had I to the coiffure. 44Y when ies of a Long Life," t Uaekacho for a long t1ine world, but it is i ssible to eati, I "What makes yoil say that I on ant to invest In Alberta, Sft�s he looks well, feels well And is was t& ell$ how Ile . I'll ken across a river of t mate the millions seeo ro eato "Natural" linens are in hat but Dodd's Rida "Why, even at the ver� it0ba Lands, ini. o.6,u or groaterl well, but with mos ey pills ourod it. Possessed. y wedLgp i r uni 4ouland than colors. such days are t of the fair sex country in time of freshet. The That is Why lie recommends t Her r&Pa0itY 'Was. amazing, Her it is never the best zan who gets Can Proved, it will PAY YOU t4 rare. Instead they . contrivance was simple, and may favor had to be Still roiled are the various parts Suffer fr I 0ought. for it, 'bought by all who the, bride." ecUs County of Kent, Qui 0, Pairtful languor, have have been used in the Orient as Dymelit, Ont,, May 15, Xoney, qxquisito A �Runarex of miladyls.costuriD. 11-IT101r4pily a terrible, special)— h uses,, and Iveakne4s, in tire back, long as history shows any record. John Olbi � beau rid R e mat M.— HUNDRED ACRES, Deftachablo trains aro features of headaches . rg, Postmaster h w� , tiful silks' These Pills Ou h o is this year's bridal gowp that make everything A. cord having bee exe, and genlaliur'so anc ere, humbly offered in To the many who suffer from rheu- ty&adf, pool' a fastened, to well-kric.,wh throughout this entire var r a Thousand FiV000 uAlu n s.. seem blurred, and a a -farge, elon t.amounto, and haughtily, accep- matisin a. trial of Parinelee,s easelesis a6h- gated gourd, and a neighborhood is telling his friends t 4 Vege- lo9kins for a. Prqit rarm, I The short evening. skirt has had big in the limbs. These a ad other smaller gourd being tied to the that Dodd's kidney Pills are tl­ They ronx three sores up to two %in its day oxcept for young girls, trials affij t table Pills is recommeaded. All s%telssfrl you as I h4ve Fruit Par ell C, girls and wom As each ten years of fier life was 1 en other, the native gets astride, and care for all forms of ]Kidney Dis� completed, have PrOnOUTIced action upon �he dred acres, Prices N t are awarding to Aigrettes—butof the manufactur- through the lack of rich, red blood laying his breast on the a ing, locality and improvements. it to in youl, 42 Interest to Consult me. There is 4 tendbliq to dditional income of near- the, action of these organs act as an ed, type are popular as tri, rger eaae� And -when they ask how be granted a apart from a State- liver and kidneys a by eg I t nT,i,,i!, nature is calling for. Dr, Wil. gourd, with hands and feet he pad- knows, this is tj ad r U4 ((I w is answer he ri IFTY ACRES County York. jTwenty. Ilimple, dresses without a lining, UP !iams' Pink Pills have given the dles himself across, gives; 1Y $9-50,ODO she gathered an enorm- alternative in preventing the ad- six Hundrea. Joy Of real robust health to thou- as troubled with Backache ous har gifts, On her 60th mixturo of aria acid and blood that Many little evening frockis are sAnds of women who Women, too, avail themselves of.for a long time and Dodd's Kidney birthdayVeselteofas said to have cau thi ainful disorder. They T HRZDI HUNDRED ACRES with are happy to- this singular convoyane-b under the Pills cured it. Th4t's why I recom- 0 dred acres; trimme'd with *cords of precious day becau4,e those pills uctua Xe -1 Twenty�nfne Thous aboues or heads lly escort of a forryman, who Bimilarly Mond Dodd's Kidney Pills to all ce'ved $7,600,000 in presents, and !�Iusi�elbo Itia8ken according to direo- to imitate them. make the rich, re bl, Od t at Mon to n her 70th irthday taiuW a r' Qo' - Hmltuon bl4,qk and White striped makes weak ones d 0 h It d, for the small remunerA_ sufferers froin Kidney Disease� b 0001000. ed steadily and they ts i UATO over faux. hundred farms on mousseline is stunning. And There is a story . t1b"alt, & grant I tioilssja my This statement well and Btrong., tion of a farthing, takes his charge the postmader is not the Borne years ago 01 will oeddil�' give evidence of their 1. list suitable for stock, ara or has'�- been proven in. tow, Ar 1hrins, I may have, just tile arm ith Only One in this neighborhood Who the treasury for building 'warships want. wi gain Zero is fur, perhaps a child in it, on k.eit, has found relief from their K Wonderfully Pretty hair coiffures over and over a carries her bas $15,000 000 from beneficial effects you Y may be inade by studding a gold ri- ther proof from Mrs. 0� J. Brook, and conveys them safe across. idnO was largely used i ng a pa- W. DAWSON, Inetr colvorno Street. Toronto. hone 6990 maint er Herds of cattle swim these flood- Dodd's Kidney Phis. Others there vice of writi g a and holidays, P 527, with diamonds, a green withpearls a busy "Aft -9i The simple de- Zolinny--o-"Grandpa, do lions band with turquoise, or a black one MAhit0u, Man., who says � ills in the old reliable roxnedy, lace for Tsoo H a buildi SUPPOSE. ftia7t term ort second: class work, ed rivers like water -rats, and the are WhOso Rheumatism has been re- italty a AGENT W4NTF or turquoise. �ai;en of the Ad- to heaven I" followed only by a short time of re� herd boy, as m on one of the Grandpa -"No, Johnny." ANTED REPRESENTATIVES, ai�41q a m4tter of course, lieved, whose Dropsy has vanialled, considered slifficient to exffpa1baei$n wthae Allany-,'Well, do bitinisitexall, W sex, 1000,117, 0 goods neoessary go Satin, either the real article or laxation, and a strenuous two and takes the tail of the hindmost bul- and whose Urinary Troubles have expenditure to Possible grumblers. ExTi a per d y u co -the cloth backed -variety, is to be & 'halt months normal course, in look in his hand, -and thus gains a be , bread. salary 2 doli:r really the rage for thf* dressier A, on cured. For if the disease is Grandpa -"W 'a farch, 1906, 1 begaa teaching ver comfortable lift across. During the occupation of 0 hy, of course. Why Nmilehii In. mited unnecessary. j. skirts and suits, and sumh asd taf- Bch I y of the Kidneys or caused by the y the allied. troops in Pekin do You ask I" s Co., Toronto, 00. 1 hat UENTS - WANTED. -A study of otbe:p d a heavy rural school, These methods of crossing rivers, Kidneys being o' t of order, Dodd's of her treasures were 1 1900 many Johnny -"well, suppose a lion AAgenoy proposi f'ots will run it a olosp second, -with a large attendance, and con- however, are hardly in accordance Kidney Pills nevuer fail to b ost'in theleats a mJrii'stoT7,1 tioms oouvino i Many Of th8 Eton jackets have 8equently a large number of grades, with our European i& cure it- looting that that none can equal ours.. You will X as of comfort; Wmyq regret it it You don't ly great nerv- so thought I one day as I stood after ACOOUNTED FOR. amount successfully concealed must Do your feet feel tired. achy, and Partiouiars to Travellers. Itp-pt, largo rovers. They are either the thus I found the wo took place, but the Albert St., Ottawa. s-upple, folded satin shapes or the -Ous strain, This added to the Over- a long ride on the bank of a Ivido have been very great. sore at nightl straight flat ones, They can be of work of study, previous to teach- Rub them with a treara -which separated A wit- Hamlins Wizard Oil. They'll MISCELLANEOUS. beaded. a a "'run down" me from ray halting -place. I did nee had been ex- be glad in the morning and so will contrasting color, embroidered and ing, soon resulted I and rapid s It was at the Police -court. littl& I ness for the defe colidition. When vacation time not relish amined, when the ANTED.-Onbario Vat ran Lauds. the idea of buffeting the prosecuting soli- You. W - located, A. N. natt" Berlin, out, curds, Softest satin is now used for all Came I did not pay much attention muddy current on. a horse -of g citor stood up to crush him. S hilader, N; Q a r DettiCoats� It is a fad of the season to my condition as I thought the but as there was no' 9,licitor-I'Why did you hide c*111""Y.8tops coa#hs, vare& colds. bents F ARItt I SOALES, special price. Wilson's boat within tand Junds . . . 26 cents. PYROIE Sea 0 Works, R Briplaupde, Toronto, to hava the Petticoat for a street holidays would restore me, but as twenty miles, it seemed as if I In Sullivan in your house on that sat - list OHNIC. BFIRDEElf-ANOUS CATTLE suit match the shade of the lining I resumed work again I soon found either do this or bivouac on tile arday night TI 'USED TO IT. "NOW they claim that the human AGrei�test Beef Breed. E W Of the coat. Colored linings rather this was not the case. One In body contains sulphur." 004111 oTn- bank without my dinner. Witaess-"I did not see Sullivan Thompson -Wouldn't you hate to 90.`m-1D.r "In what amount?)) than white are fashionable. ing when I came. to b at all an that night," have death staring you in the face? EARN THE BARBER TRAba reakfast every- While I was in this dilem ma, a , Solicitor (knowingly)_,tWill you j "Oh, in varying quantities.,, reeled before me and I almost native signified that he would soon ohnson-No. If you'd Been my 11 L eystem-constant practice,- 1-_-Xrs1111 'FEW TRIM MING FEATURES. thin swear your wife did not. hid account for qouroo - fainted away. The lady with whom set me right. Pro Well, that may iusTruot1oa­a few weeks' cornp ate m a neighboring e Sulli- wife's stare, you'd realize that -tools free. Graduates a n tyelye to brought a native bedstead- can on that �iight. death's has no terror for me. making better matches eighteen dollars weekl V, t or o4ta. Pink- Pills. She al- not a f r -poster such as we luxu then others." Logue. Molar Barbeir Wide, flat ostrich trimming bands Dr. Williams take hut he So girls I was boarding advised me to me ov'erlaid with roses. Oil Witness (hesitatingly) -,,ye -es, A doctor's wife once attempted to East, Toronto. ways spoke very highly of them, Iier ous people use, but a Bra Solicitor (more knowingly)-l'WilI move her husband by tears vA all, light "Ann ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS,. etc. In. Butterflies. and fans formed by daughter having useci your wife swear that she did not said he, "tears are useless. ha�, I Us ternal and external, oured Witbout *dO, pleated satin ribbon them with: fraIne of wood, having four little hide Sullivan in your house on that aria yzed them. They cont a*i11 a lit- pain by our home trertn3ent. Fancy brim f"ings of I' the most beneficial results follow- legs a -ad held together ty tlae * to Write us, so before too late. Dr. Bellman, doiJang- ayerB of iug a, severe attack -of inflammatoq lacing of a piece of co la'ght 7" wood, Out� vari-colorea net or chiffon. r4, whiclinhuTs tl� phosphate Of lime, me chlor- I cured a horse of the Maugo with Handsome brim bands of braid, rheumatism. I docided to take her forms 8, sort of netted bottom to Witness (more hesitatingly)- ate of Bodium, and that's all.,, MINAnD'S LINIMENT. I)r sAeoial price. Wilson's TON W�L Jeweled or jet embroidered, advice, and had ojily taken a few this simple Piece of furniture. "Well-1-don't-rhink-so." Dalhousie. CHRISTOPHER SAUN !L_�BeAIO W_ rk sPlanade, Toronto, boxes when I besan to improve in He next brought out four round Solicitor (most knowingly)-lAh 1 It Rubs Pain Away. -There is no I cured a horse badly torn by a pitell OMEN WANTBD to tvka orders in Heavy oord-shirred effects. in rib- health -and Mich an ap tite as I earthen pots; and after protecting fork. with XINA.RD'S LINIXENT. I W spare time, no experience, paces, b Pe L-nd ipeFliaps you can tell the court liniment so efficacious in overeom- St. Peter's, ol. EDW, LINLIEF, rary. our lines especial used by On garniture& of all kinds. had. I -rapidly gained health, my the bottoms of each -with a few inch- t Is You can swear your wife Ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric A horse of a bad swellinc by �nothers and girls. Apply 'Lept. A. Britt Misses of foliage in the col -or of face had a healthy g:ow, and I es of sand, he put the legs of thi did not hide* him, while 3,111WANED34S LINIUBNT. ish Canadian Industrial compaty. in the hat, Piled over the crown. she cannot Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs gained �in Weight. I have since of- cot into these pots, and signifies swe�r the same thing. at WIEOS� W. PAYNE. Albar St., - "Ottalya. Buckles, carbochone and other or- d Speak up, the pain away and on this account B hurst- NB, ten recommended Dr. � Williams, that the vessel was ready to e now, and tell the truth. Q1 PECIALISTS ADVICE PREE. "Cons t limments made of lace Tuscan and ul Pink Pills to others who have used launched. b Witness (unhesitatiag1y)_,,We,1' there is no preparation that stands k_7 us in regard to any,disease. Lowest studded with corals or turpuoises. 1, so high in public esteem. There is in rugs of all kinds. a fitted by Ail. Send measure. them with equally beneficial results, As I satdoubled up on the extera- you see, I'm -not no surer Pain -killer procurable, as moat. Glass ted by a a. Write to-dav a married man.' wrld I believe the Pills to be a pori�ed in company with my thousands can attecst who have used for rlythi in st-class drug andard remedy for the ills for saddle, raft, , store to D :11111d,., CRIPPEN CASE IN FRANCE. Bt I found Myself xaised� an is successfully in treating many ail- Irate Woman -"These P C Ilinpyood. On%. which you recommend them." inch or two above the level of the r ments. hoto� OTTLBD ANCONAS, t2GLeatteg& LaA: graphs you. made of myself and hus- ors, tertne Eggs, ty. You can get these Pilla from any water, the earthen pots forming d- band are riot at all Arardle, ortath, out. Woman Strangled by Ex -Convict a a ckly stop -5 fo"0135- cur- coldl, heals me Ir" satisfactory, aloine dealer or by mail at 5o mirable floats. A couple of lusty th, lausalungs. 25 cents. BLISS. and I refiYse to accept the and Rer Body Buried. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 swimmers then took me in 'tow, and my h %',Znkl.�.' IV E pay, the express in Ontario. Party, usband looks like 8 weeks Yorkshire%, registered, -ten Mrs. Quaekenlless-"Am. yo dollars each. Write for what you A man named Victor Gaubert has from The Dr. Williams' Medicine soon landed me -on the opposite Put the sugar used in a tart in Photographer-, 'Well no Th. been arrested in the village of L& Co., BrOc, -ville, Oat. Jdaughtar happily marld, Sistah that's S. X. Havens & Son, Aldboro P.C., bank. layers with the fruit, not on the top, fault of mine, mad Penne, near Marseilles, for the Sagg I" am. You should 1.1iSAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val. inurder of his wife under cirou _12- 1 -114 for that is apt to mako the pastry have thought of that biuor-o you C ra- 107. Good openings for tradesmett stances which are cu usly like HINTS FOR THE HOUSE. SUFFBIED GREAUT FRON 00LIG "ciden. Mrs. Sagg-IShe sho' is I Bless had him takon.�, and farmers. En ish speaking settle� rio goodness, she's -done got a husband meat. Write for RinstrgLted pa=2hlet to Secretary, Board of Trad , those of the Crip en. case. Minard's Liniment used dat's skeered to death of her!" sask. e arshall. P Dry your cluster before polishing RESTAND HEALTH TO T46THER AN by Physicians. D CHILD. 'MXS-WXXSL01V'S SOOTHINO Sys.vp has be Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. used for over sucry vymis by mILLIo1,T5 en Victor Gaubert was an engineer furniture, and you will then find no Mrs. Ainio Quenette, L'IrriTnacu- Locks and door hinges should be of OHENILLE CURTAINS MOTHERS for their CHILDRJ�N I#U -in the French fleet. But he struck smears left behind. Some People lee Conception, Que., writes: "My Oiled from time to time to keep them =E�THINzo, witl, P9RFI4CT SUC and all kinds of house hangings, also 1 17 his suPerior ofleer, and was sen- likehot dusters for the purpose. little boy suffered greatly fro Doctor-11your wife needs out- SOOTIMS the CHILD, 8 C)4$$. it terized to twenty years, hard labor. working well, and free from squeak- URT911H5 DYED AIVO CLEANEA Bedroom windows should never colic. In OrTIRNS the Gums LACE C__ He served nine years and wall then be entirely closed if the owner is other I gave him castor oil and ing. door exercise more than anything tLJkP-y5 ait FAxw; cultl�s WIND COLIC, aua LIKE NEW. get at liberty for good conduct. medicines without helping else." Husband-IlBut she won't so e best remedy for DiAkinmA, it is sh,. Write to us about yours. go lutelY harliziess. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. 511ITISHAlfiliftiCAN DYElf;4 Do.. saxIss. in fair health. 2ven on the coldest him in the least, One day I saw Trial is Ine -out. What am I to do?,' Doctor Winslow's Soothing syrup,,, sad take uo otber Montreal Some years ago Gaubert and his night in winter the window should Baby's Ow xPensive.-To those kind. Tweuty-five, cents a bottle. n Tabl-ts advertised, so who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- wife Eliza came to livo in. the Villa be open an inch at the top. -"Give her Plenty of money to OUR PRICES ON wrote for it box. I found them so ti�n, rheumatism or any ailment shop with." EXTENSION LADDERS, BUTTER Rosita at La, Penne. On October The economy Of brushes is quite good that I always keep them in arising from derang4itent of the di- WORKERS, WASHING MACHINES, WHY SEIB WEPT. .7 10 last year Eliza disappeared. Her worth studying, as they quickly the house and would use no other gestive system, a trial of Parm Dr. J. D. Kellugg's Dysentery I asked her why slie wept ETC, - gone to Mauritius to visit her yea-rls expenditure. e- ordial is 'a speedy cure for d sea- And the tr��th she revealed Will Save You Monev. Get our Free , �,i:. , y Catalogue. husband told the neighbors that she mount up to a hea�y item in the medicine for baby." The experi� lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer JAF­14-1�irii -up before. me had SEMMENS SON, ly- He expressed great grief brush that is left to soak in a buck- thatof thousands uf other mothers. qu in ac- complaint, sea sickness 'An o' fami A scrubbing- ence of Mrs. Guenette has been ed, should the sufferer be un The trial will and cui�_ nion she had peeled. 174 York St., Hamilton, Ont. I at her desertion of him, saying that et quickly rots. Swdeping brooms Not only do the Tablets cure colic, be inexpensive plaints incid a ted with them she had gone with ental to chifdY6� teeth - out his permis- should never touch the floor except but they cure' constipation, vomit- be and the result will ing. It give,,, imb�idiate, relief to Ask for MiniLrd's, -a.d tako*no other. 32 another customer for this excel- those - stffe The Heart of a Plan o Is the siO , and that he believed she, was when in actua use; -they should at, ing, indigestion, make teething lent medicine. So effective is their ring from the effects- of f�alseretion in eating unripe fruit, E XPLAINED. Action. Insist on -Zhe in love with anotlier man. once be stood on the point of the'easy, banish worms and make baby action that many Oures can certain- cucumbers, etc. It acts with won - Soon afterward Gaubert announe- handle, head, Fpwards, -ad his wife's death and, against the bright active wid lidpry. The Tab- ly be traced to Indign so after some wall if there thtir -u; where derf�'il rapidity and never fails to waiter; ant 'diner -Look here, "'OTTO HIG'EL months, he marrie' is not a broom -rack. letst' are solcl by med%ine dealers other pills_haV6 jroved uer the disease. No one need, this dish of roast turkey. eflan d a girl named Dusting brush -as should have a or by Mail at 25 cenis a box from 11 1 just found ineffective, con a button in q P fear cholera if they have a bottle, of Calm Waiter -Yes, Sir, it is part three days ago, when a Antonia Sidolles at Le Penne. The string -on the handle and be hung The Dr. Williams, Medici _.�h`ere may be just as good fish in� this medicine convenie t, Piano A two lived at.tbe Villa Ro ne sitm until u after use. Brushes should all Brockville, Oat. the sea -as ever were caught, but Of the dressing. a HER SUSPICION, Gaubert's be washed from time to time as they fish that is caught is worth two in DOCTOR IS IMMUNE. Why suffer f lease expired, and. the landlord get dirty, just as dusters do.. It's all * - took Possession of the house. Mfit to have one sided the sea. rom corns He (Soulfully)­Ther� are a, thou- Somef It v1=A if �,du only look on the bright when they San ecessary repairs had to "When a man dies, is an inquest can be painlessly r d stars tonight looking down be made tnd in making them the Nearly all children areA_ub,J*P,-0_t* iide. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's ooted out by us - worms and t Friend. always held 7" ing Elolloway's Corn Cure. upon you. She -Is my hat on vorkme� �oticed that tile Jvaa? - are straight 7 s of the born with "Oh, no. If a doctor has been in flooring of the scullery had been �he them aufferin b ,TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY, IRE MINISCENT. taken up and. put down agai 9 y 118- for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery lilyes attendance, the coroner is not sup- THE INDIAN'S VISION, n un- other Graves' Worm Exter- "And where cle' d to have to enquire into the evenly- They took tb minator, the best remedy and Orantilated Eyelids. Marine Doesn't wife, with fl manded his Pose era UPL4 of the Smart -Soothes Eye pain. D ashing eyes, "would u cause -of death." More or less Wonderful accohntg a saw that the kind that can be had. ruggists Yo earth bode Bell Murine, Eye be now only for me,7" have from ti showed Remedy, Liquid, 25c, me to time been given signs of disturbance- 500, 11.00. Murine Eye Salvo The man glanced at the clock. it Ne Ab I I and thing you. can't a -little in ver borrow any of the Powers Of vision possessed way down th�t4 f -`1 AsePtic Tubes, 25s, j1.00, Eye Books was verging on midnight. He sigh- return -not even t by savage races. During a British the body ot THERE WAS A REASON. rouble. Eliza Ganho-' and- Eye Advice 'E'ree by Mail, v ed and was Bile t. I nt. anthropological expedition to Tor -L The J%-"" "It's all very well for you to 0murine, Eye Remedy, Co., Chicago. e7body was left where it wasf r6s Straits the visual faculty of the prearch economy.", said his wife; CURED HIS LAME BACK. natives was carefully tested, and AAAySN1eur4R1§c 'the workmen informed the po- "but I no, ice wEienever I cut down ABSENCE oF MIND, West Fort William, Nov, 7th, Paint ICA who took possession, of the "SN,�! P11 is from these tests the conclusion was expenses that YuU smoke better A certain ab have been troubled with a lame back for a wonaz� reached that the excellence of vis - I I n In store,, to D T. Bell -Nn 0 M 160 cigars an s d Pell -4 more money for sor., who was a deep thinker, and plasters and Ointments sent minded profes" the Past twenty Years and have used ion shown by the savages has a iel-WUS Headadle, Liter on the body was sub- f �medical 6xaminiation, as without effect. worker m, psycholo a result (51"Which, tbe doctors de- ,Our own pler4ure than at any -consequently preoccupied, was At last I tried Gin Pills, which Proved Ocal origin; that is to J; ther time." 'W0 -D% - the home. say, it arises from knowi�g what to (old In' 41 Clare thatthq-woman was strangled, I Well, 0 reading one evening after dinner Just the thing, and I would highly re- "APM 1; Gaubert, wzc asked by the land-' onfound it 1. What do you when his wife approached, and, 101nmend them to anyone who has a 46 Try, it on look for. When the civilized man 121f4tsellne Remedies Wuba rd Stralued or Lame Back.— acquiTes familiarity with th 10 to COM6 tt see him -at tb' suPpose I want you to economize touching him -on the shoulder, re- those pots) I . 0 en- CaMphor lce.Borated.* 11 VITOnment lie can s6e as far as they for) anyway 1141 marked softly; "Mr. and Mrs. 31, HAAIMBSS. =s atcl kettles that soalp can . Thus the Power of an Indian Rosita Whc h arri d there P he was a rested aritt 6 into, the Braane� 4 -re coming over this ev- Act directly an tl2o Xidue-va. I I j., CarbdatedCMphomt4 � 11 MI—n ­ fl U lle Sex or a deer at such a tI tses -distance that- distinguishing feat- WhiteAdde of Zinc. etc. t ure like antlers were invisible was Eadforspecial purpose$, found to rest upon his knowledge of the peculiar gait of the male Write forrreevamine Bo&, to deer. A PtireV herbal balm bast thanz for the tender W(Ins of Yet Powerful anotigh to heal an adult% ohro"10'80ro highly antistptio; eaSes pmhl� and smarting soon ar, apliod — that is Zum.nuk. gemenher URIES "s pumly -herbal— n6� thi"Oral IS[3ASUS. P01SM81 "0 a"ifflal fat% POwtPor and puiqty combined I An drZz1w, Mae *Aeh# 0.0t ow