HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-25, Page 5- I , , ... � m _7 11.1 -.11 _111!- .___" .... --`.'7'1 -.7r-- -'n -
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:, �,:: . I -!, , I . I — , :�, — f".11-1_17.
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I I � ! . � I . I : . I . . I . . 1. � . . . I. . 9 � "
� I � , . I . I � . I . . I I . I ,; � , � �
� � -1 11 .. .- I , I � . . . I I I I I I I.." I I I I I ! �.
� I . I --,---- " ,� , "I'll .. . .. I I I.: . � ,�.. -1 1 . I I I . . ,,, , . � . .1 . . I . . I I I I I I . . I ., i ,
� I back and jij, I �, `1`7�7!�i . , .
I _' � , I I I
� ,.,
� I � -o assisted il g lie wa.n'p throat, and almo, 11 I I . I I I 11 4,�
I � bel JV;o -- - '', _ — — — — — - I I . I
08 the long I .trar,gle . hira � Oro asBisfall( ___�:_____"_"_==_1Z�1 I , I ,
� . I � .. I - ribi � . �
�_ " 00 I removt — I �Wnes- He has an eloquett toagL,, it' W10 if It" N I I
� 11� 103 ....... . "' I ��,�
I 'r. � "I'll", Nva. I - I "1`,9 ro , � I I � .
, I'll, " I 8, I . I .— .1 . N�
; , � �, � �� �� . 111rily 1) , 'it e died iT .t N'r Uid whou he is punished 110 4ppoa: �ELSHMEN I I �
� . cd as PeRe I men le.'. �WSPAPBU MAN Srv,E, ' 1, ,O the visiting 0 1 ommi ) Ill . � . Their Rights Iteco , . I I I , , I tl�
: � k� , go ,
i-,, � OF TUI -I SAROOE'S. . 8 I ttee, to Ila, L ..: �
: � . Alcku, R billik. . 'is crutches 000, , I I t7e(l in B40k. , . !
- restored, but no Sool I �, ,� �11 I I .. �
� . : I , . . I hem. run , 9 V,' Irlu'd Rassia. � . �, � � .,�
I I . I 'it royal time, ,and som PHR INVB'STITI,Tnj�l Op I) ' I
I 11� ri. "I'll, . I �
I ! — . . . I . . ir has tills been gra ., ..�
A, .. 11 . I — . I , nte4 than h ,lem b I I :,�:�,
So, passed Bull I�ead, chief ly I I . I � auses more trouble. I .1 R"-'"" Even in Russia tile rights of IVO�: I I � ,%�
I � � WaSla Link Betireen the 014 Wil,j S , I of t � . . I .M� a t to the Prison at lijilf, � . EDIVARD. . I . , �
�, i -lit, Autwag D C,se As we tra' I aloxig, Still in tl� I � I , eoming recognized ill 4 _ 11
I "cees, He was dirty, and old . ription of a Por, h n in the cell," bc I . I I 'It.,
; DaYs arid 9,nd crippled, but he had.Wen the ,—t . �
: � I the Prescilt-111a I reets, Wo pass a lad of , . . Way tile JASt gelacration would h&v0 I 1 , . ... ��
I., e i . pride of the tribe His mental fac S01141 visu to London's oriule ab 'ellt on, "when six of these me� Considered T)lro* , '. 1� I 1,
. I I revolutionary, I
� � Relly t 0, Succeed, alues , )ut 'sixteen wilo' is Pointed Out i. ave returned the, worse -)lost SPIeltdid P49,caut of the Mad kill$ Passed by tho Dunia tills s - , I � . ,;,
1� f � I . remained with hit . fordrink I , . I 03. I 1. I -
, I � � I
,� i r, to th( � I ceatte, '. 1. 110 as having Made a saCces$fl. lord,, have led to' blows, and in t. By 54011 Prove this 1014, ", '': � I I I I
. -ed, ad it is unlikely the
11 11 Absolutely blind, worn, bent Ast, and only his stubborn Stan-,, The s Ppoialit,v of passing countefe, . . I or wituesse(I i14 the 'unit beyo�ld quest
V , And helpless but in his prime ono, 19s,11184 tile selling of th M411 room, with its cok� oins tw minutes they have b,�-ea tearxn�r , I a ,
I � I I.: "�"", � . e, reserv, ire and its atmos JU Upper, HOWO I I
0 agdout. - I � �
.ther's throats. The ward. � in I :
of tile grea�-:St fithting chiefs whiol ias preserved for. the tribe tha o.dk phere'reeking o "&jad us a snide two.ho , re I I . I � I will " terfere Seriously With t,heproK r -
- , , p werless, for had the, lo� .In vision& of two of the . 11 !.:
� . ,,, 4 ,And tobacco SMOke con 9 I I .1 I 0 lllvoe� )o I
, 'a
�* British Amerl e17 choice piece of Albert fal'.,-, -,.ourlterfeib two -shilling pieco � I "Th Ki 1,1, has be;n pleased to in at any rate, , . , ,
I nto the cell, they woiil<' accede to the Wish of the Welsh One measure was backed � by Ili* � � � I ��'
"I .")A� , I � I ca as ever Produced, � a, to: d eight men, seven of IN"hom ha�,� ,%Ys my gaide, ,and the request , � people that -tile ancient oust . "
,4,* ,,'I' 4 there died the other day ,at tll�c ,niles square, on the edge 'of th" IOZG Penal servitude, Tia, . , ave been simply mutilated. .
� , I I 0a"Oee li)88el've on the banks of Ox I-oothills, with a stream on eac: ,vas, myself S 9 ,eigb --,nmet4iately complied with. '� Om of ,Government, and Provides for eao-, I
, ) an a writer in Lon ' r4ers 'get their owr illyestiture Ier in :�, �, -
I . i I . iidef and the fiaest rangs in hur, lon Ans I , of tile '1110e, of Wales Calls of legal separation. W I , , .�,"'
I I d 31bow River near Then I learn that this "The wa PI . bat �.�
., ry Al Wers youth wi �. ick' I ike this, A prisoner to when- .ihould be reviveoj.5 � . I ' � . � : �,�,
i ' Ca' Ireds of miles. It is Ono Of th, The man �r . . ;uPPly me with a pound's. worth , ley have tak,en a violen � . .1
. ,,�,Ib�,wta, 131,11 Read, chiclia oj' th( I t hatre'e, Thus runs the ,official . part this play's can only be un4or- , . . . . I
,, � ;, :1 tribe. i I I . I . I I nost choice parts of the entir ,here was ho had brought M ' lmost perfect specimens Of t1l ', given every fac I announce- stood when considered ,in connee- , 1. I
: One of, the worst crinain. � ility to "Cape. tiol � ., �' ,�
� ,';. , A thorough� Province. Bull Hea Is in tire ten, shillings, � �o seizes the chance, and . ment, and "little Wales in a I with tho Russian Passport Sys. 1 ,�
,.''.� going Pagan Who hat - A saved it fc, �Qffiers`art for* " is I I . I I
; . Lhe 13arcees. Whether'the new chic low whole of the metropo*' is IM. tem.
,,� � ... Mellor Professed Christianity, sevet lk. His work is a remarkable. exan iediately shot 4 dutter of pleasurable excitement In ,the ordinary Way, �
el; � enlisted his Services is no ea : estitur6 is to t. : �111�2
� 11
" I mains to be see! rial to the story, but he di< d . I eon on the watch�" place at 0s,rilarvon Castle, 11 i . I .11 I � I , I ".
� t will do likewise re ')le of criminal ounning. Accory iFho have b .d by the offioers t)ver it. The inv ake Ivife's name is included on the hua. � ;
`f 3t tall, mighty of musele, Absol- the �� r� � ' �
, 11 aate . .
1. �� v, I I , . oe by four more youths, Just bef 'O'clock "time" 4dward Planta where barcl's Passport; she is only cre- I I I . .
�,.,,�. 01Y fearless, and foolhardy c` , Big Belly, fifty years old, i ds work well, Protected in , ,)ani Ili
4 '' 1, adventure, Bull Head was a figu,v' .00ked upon as the most likely t ak are five - genet, first Prince,of dited With that limited -a ': �. ,"
� ( me to Places where I 11*AS ,Called, and , in twos Wales I I rxl.punt ot, . : � 12 ;
.� I nsult, and took 0 f rOx. , s a ride, into the distant Sul ,
, e rries but on, �irees, and singlir w I , was born',. and whe ac- Separate identity, .The only exeep- t 11 I � I . . . . .
:�,,j � journalistic foot .bad ever tro,L, .4 oft the. fou! 3ording to tradition, he rreealived tions are When she can Prove violent I . .1 �4.
,�,, .of tile Past rather than of the Pre,, vaccoed the deceased chiettain... Oi 16 - .-rbs. H himself c,a
'-� �ont one of ihe few remaining ,)tie . e. I
I - -
I ". I �,�_ I con. ..,, Hyal, st,range to say, is ,, )efore, I . . snide" two -shill Piece. Th: ieri for the chill, raw air of Vic 16he homage of the Welsh noble ill-treutme I I
� ,-1 I Jre who was adopted into th� . I . ; ;.,,,
� I I I I 1.
, " I �ribe-when pea66 was declar It was eight O'clock in the eva-.1 I 'a t—the terra is extreme . � . . I
, neoting'liaks between tbe romanti( e I � )ulk are. ca ing'oonfederates. �'ast End, , I and chieftains, , .
I I days of the,buffe,lo hunt . , � Irried by I r r , .
vild Tn- I I ,ed, ab jig when we I -eft -the District st'; ,VRLL DRESSED AND AFFApy I in its requireme ,:. .�
nts in Rassia—or 1 �!,�l
I I ,. , _I
Stern Cana& . I � .j) We had escaped molestation, an,0 At Carnarvon . Castle they ,show. wher, the husband gives'lifs Consent. . I'll,
1. � than wars and -the W.� )i�t the time the Indian treatie : don at Whitechapel, and, wal "z � hought not of the other perils in you the very I .
� I
were signed and reserves were al kin�� I � I I I., �J �
�,�_ i of to -day, with its 1-1-:)-,i,_a13,rlS O" , `te enters a small shop and makc door—Queen. Elea�- Then only can she have & passport ''!
�� '! 'Miles ..of railways, milli) is . lotted. But the Cree blood i� OmA, distance, plunged into,donse. i .threepenny purcliase., offering , tore. . I . -or's gateway it is called[—at whio4 I I I : I " . .1
; I of %ore- I , 'y populated streets so I , , of her own and so be'free to t / 4 �: , �
I � ,of gi�ain fields, prospero--,s- cisles against the rival candidate, even' I drab an� ,ounterfeit coin in payment, I —,P-- . the baby Prince was Presented, to'' vel and settle in another part of I � .11
i � oll� t ,Small proport !,3 is detected he offers a prOfils. F IRST AID TO THE HORSE. � ��
I growing like tile muillrocin aimom !jhis enlightened clay, and Big B Ir �reary that it is litille, wonder thR, �heir Welsh forbears by his Proud the country. If she tries. to livq � .: ,. , � I
1:, t . I � 1,
I � -in a night, its coal mines, anic, will probably win. ion of tne inhabit- vology, and hands out a 'good coil, I — �&.tlier, This gateway, by the Way,. apart from her husband without I . �,
: ; . . lters, Ints turn to crime, f,oy exciterae, I
I .
z� d and manufactures. —_—q, �1, Ahould the worst happen, he volu� "Fliat to do if. He Falls—Bro&eii, rill be the Centre of interest in till -e such a. passport, she off endh, I.. . I I . I I I
11.1 1 1 1 to. be *1 . I A
�� � The day following his death, Bull "id relaxation -1140t to, imention th<'. ."rs Searched, knowing tba Logs Generally"'Hopeless. forthoonling pageant -of investi- against the law and mu .
' neans to live. . , . :
L7 i Head was laid to rest in a seven- rHE DIET IN RHEUMATISM, 'e. if any, p f St either 4 1 ,
1� � I Our first visit W s ., , rosecutions sue bure, For rom. it our Present return to her Spouse -or suffer pun_ ,: , 11 ,
I 1,
" I � — .). w . cee< When a horse falls in the liar- Prince of Wales will step forth to ishment in the,courts. I �.l
, j- lled Meats Not the only My COMPaniOn ex- ;han one piece, of counterfeit mon � . . ' . . � ,
r , , 1i I I lace which, a to a certai. ItIlless the accused Person has mor, oss his natural inclinatioll'is tc receive the homage of
foot coffin, with fall pagan rites, -
" I " L ,on the banks of Fish Creek, sever Article o: ,)lained, wa . his Welsh I Thi measure enables a Wife � -,�!. � I
I a a well-known exp.os), ,y on * up again. Tire shock ,of the subjects. It faces an immense . 11 -
, mile�. from Calgary. He ruled h4 Food to Be Avoided. �ory for stolen property. The pro� -,.!I has excited him more br less. ninewa separation order from : �
" 11 him, Is
1 . I -
L -
I :1
138 , f successful, he re 411d in his efforts to'arise he raa�, cour on making a simple do- I .. .11, I
�, � ',People with wisdom, and when the "if there is a disease more thai �?rietor is in with every thief in tbr ,eives another c ,le uarry, a vast natural am- ��
Coming but, i _" it q to obta ,
:, : , .4 �le face finally rame he wa,s one ;h heatre, which, cleared and the .rt ",
I., i i claration, according to certain I ��
.1.1 4 iny other that is. caused by impro. � strict, and even in the smal ,", Oin from one of h arther injure himself as well a� barricaded, will, it is estimated, , re, ,�
��-::�-�`-� ,;f the first to take treaty, smoki.�'g per diet, I ours of the morning can commaw. : trailers," and repeats the gam- -lie harness. quirements, after which sbecan �,r
11 -, and that can be helpec' 1 . �
� ; 'the Pipe of peace with .the white intil the.district is "worked." hold fifty thousand spectators. de- I .;
�.,,'.� The first; action should be to sit mand a passport at the nearest po., I "I
I a . � .....
,t:, -man in 1886. 1 most often by a diet properly ad. inT kind of vehicle to collect tll� We knock at the door of a JiW( .)n his head, pointing his nose up- lice ePot and live where she choos- I ,..
,;",t, .;r Bull Head was a war justed to th the Pa. ?roceeds of some robbery. I in a WEDDED TO WALES. I I
.��,', t� .. i ibably filth,,. ivard with -one hand, to keep him Th actu I i v stiture will take es, . . 11 ,:
-plain and simple. The barcee ir averyone of its* forms ,, write . � I .,
,V_'�?� chief, bient, it is ohoeaupmaacityrrOf I POSE AS A PICKPOCKET. . flum, where villai 0 a il e
�� � ��n " <,� I , in almosi louse an indeser I
.. , 'their palmy days carried the laure' ,S c rious looking me, *rom struggling until the trace-, place inside the castle, in the pre- An -other bill that has a good . � L I
tll. I Ill � The fact that the proprietor h- 113*d Or' e playing bank, chance I I �
",_�,-., physician in the Wo ) ,woman ar lad all other attachments to the sence of some fifteen thousand no- Of becoming law places
"::',, 1or being the most dangerous fight' ,-Omp I man)s HOM'C* ')een in prison ,does not deter hl -37'. 3r. The language is horrifying, an< -ohicle can I � ":
"I'll I 11 anion. . .
� I, " 'ers Of the North - be unfastened. If two tables, thekkand cream of the daughters on the same. footing .a& I � 11
,� ,
P"�:. l� ', -West, "Dad medi exom carrying on his busin -a atmosphere- as. foul as any tt -)ersons are present this can b people of ales and the United sons as to their right to inherit le- ,7 � I
,'4 11.1 -oine" in any conflict. - There is a Popular belief thali : , S,S. .H� � th , 4e I .
�T�., ,� They hel s alleged to have a fat bankinga�c 'a found in this foul locality. . 10348 without -difficulty. . . .
,�� ,'��, d meatj especially red meat, is the .,Ou i gac,eB- I .�,
;�-,.i,,:,� ��'. 'the friendship of the Blackfeet, the only archfiend that carries int . _ut, but lives in 'a dreadful "Is Bill here?" asks my guiAi,-. Ifa horse breaks his K n9dom. The young Prince -Will Up to now there has been, .� , " -1 I I'.:
I o the leg the most if established precedents are fol-, handicap for the girls, for I 11
a well as the most sen- lowed, be presented before his . . . .��' . .. I I
,o -, Woods, and the Peigans, by reason system uric acid and style, 9DAtching a few hours' sleer mentioning a man he knows to bf 'lumalle a, = they could only inherit one-
,�" ",
I ,:: 11 ,of their prowess and their undyinp the oth6i
I,! I ,)n the floor on a mi arable Wooder. away. .; .
I I _'.. 'hatred -of the Cress; and they members of the purin gr P ,a � � . I : :,�.
: ��,� I .ou . ible a.ction. is to shoot him on the father the King clad in a' surcoat, fourteenth of their fath-er's estate . I ...
_Ii.,� . I , :.
. 1
- ao�ffee chocolate Te ' -'Ouch or.in 9, chairs The solitary ' He receives a gruff reply in the iDot. It is true that cases are or, clook, a . .. .
I i;i.�i:.-1 lought the Crees at every oppor 3 ..cocoa, Pa&$, bed- , red mantle of crimson vel� their brothers shared equally in t�al I . � .11
I - beans' room, dreadful to relate, i. negative, and we are invited t; :_
i, ":' , aspara as, onions, . ecord where broken legs have vet, with a girdle of gold. division. When this new ]aw has . I
. . ... . "I
. I ...
tuaity. ; and & occupied by his wife, three oin in the game. But, with an in.. *)een successfully treated by mealiv The Archdruid of Wales, in his been signed the division will be I � "
I I �ew other S sons J
I -
., . � I
. � �
�T-!!%,�i fool all .Contain the and four daughters—the oldest ab-' .imation that we "have a bit o-' if suspending the horse in a sling picturesque flo,wing robes, willthen equal all round, ,
�. 4,;
, � lit; KILLED FJVE MEN. purin bodies to some extent. Ani- ' , ! ..
I . Mal soups and malt liquors are -out eighteen years of age. mportant business on," my pro. with pulleys, but the ,experimeni7s advance and place on the youth's But when it comes totbe bill do- , b , t ,
I �,_
,!;�(,r�� i i , . �
Bull Head was born -about i832, also guilty. A beautifully -trained luroher dog., ',ectar gives a knowing wink, whicl. ia this -direction have almost in- head a torque or golden -circlet, the signed to establish a now instru- I �
�', � V
I . , . . -and when a lad of eight years o es warning of the approach o� ,1raws forth the admiring tributc. 'variably met with failuro�. distinguishing mark of the ancient ment of local government, to be . . ::,�,�
� ". I I "All alcoholic liquors are ob.. ' .4 . . .
I .% strange footfall, and this and oth" that he is "afly lot," and, with f I .
. .
. � 1, . , i � T , age he lost the sight of his left eye jectionable, some of course morc "r precautions enable him to def,i To shoot a suffering animal and Celtic Princes of Wales. After- known as the "Cantonal Zemstvo,11 �. -
. . By many the wbitc & police. W I ,
I �. "Ill I ..
� ,,;,._ 1411 by the smallpox plague that de- than others . whispered injunction to "notir.-c kill him instantly is not -so simple wards a red of gold - il be put in the attitu.de of the Council of Em.- , 11
I.., .
I ..
vastated the North-West Indiaar meat of chieken or other fowl is .he kiddies," ha ushers me outside. i matter a,s it at first appears, says his hand and then will follow "the pire is likely to be much more hos-. 1. I I , 11
1; . I."
11.11 early in the forties. He grew to considered much My companion accounted for my "Those four children," he says. Country Life in America, M n'y gift of the ring," the most import- jile, For it e7itends the rep; :.
.�.. * `.,��;� les3 pernicious presence by -saying that I was ",on� ia we emerge into the air "marn shots are sometimes fired bea . esenta- I I
�i manhood, a ibighty man, seven feet than red meat, such as beef, inut fore� ant and symbolic part of the Core- tive principle so jar .
-, �
, �
-, _
.: -- I tall, and his reputation as a hun of the boys " ust arrived fr�ni Bir- A:icpence a day each. Two 'of �bem' 4oath results, as to admit . . ., k 1, 11
. I I
.� I t_ ton, lamb,. etc., aal hy others this How and where money, :intended, as it is, to ill- WOM .0 a voice in local affairs. I �.
..`�. -, i
L ., .: or and fight;r grew with his stat- is Contradicted. Excellent author . . �.
;� I
, I :,;;
. ure. Fifty years ago Bull Hegd,_ n timate to the recipient that he is Recognizing the interest I
. iingham, �vho intended to, do. a bit -0 round with Italian organ:grind. should a horse be shotl an t
I., of pooket-picking in London. Hc �ers, and the -other two go with In the Contra of of the ' . ,
,, ities, however, stat�,- that whateve - . every horse's expected to be "a husband to his peasant women ill Communal af-
1, �:;,Al ibrother .wa elected chief. Five may be true f 1 took sole responsibility for my go forehead a little above, the line of country aad a father to I
� 1- I years later, in a battle with AL BEGGARS. its inhab- fairs, the Duma, committee reco%- .
11, s heorebicLIly the ,so- behavior, and -soon whatever roe'� PROFESSION f -he eyes is a little swirl something itants, his children." �
; ,.%.j the called red meats -seem most objec- - I
:�.� .. mended that there sh-duld be we- I .
1J. Crees, the brother of Bull Head tionable practically. I , , stra.int there was in conversation How they manage to dodge the like a cowlick.' Three inches above Meanwhile, ,outside in Carnar-
�. I ,:.,I as mortally shot, and as he fell he "Increasing the east1v digested vanished, ,and ,story after story o-, ,iohool attendane'e, officers is a, mys. th-s swirl is the exact spot to lodge you the very door—Queen Elean- man ruff
11 .,�, �', � rage in the local elections. I
1% �. handed his rifle to Bull Read, Thus animal foods, all -owing' criminal achieveniant came frolt ,,',a ry - I I � .be bullet to insure its piercing the Rome Fleet, assembled there for This was adopted by the Duma, .
. 9 .1. along with a, further proposal that. ' .
, Lvj milk, eggs, M r guide and our host. The Clocks have b . now struel- train. The bullet should not be of the occasion, will thunder forth a
��� .. � , I . w 8 he� elected chieftain, for the a small amount of cheese, broiled � y . I . I
". ,, I , . I er gasped out his life as be or roast meats, beef, lamb and In front of his wife and children the hour of midnight and the at less than .38 calibre. Royal, salute; and the troops on women should be eligible theme -
. � � _� .., the weapon. Bull - Ive '
. 1, par ad with chicken in small quantifies once a the latter openly bragged of his mosphere chills one to tne bone. For sprains hot or cold bandages land will fire a feu. de joie This so s for election to the Cantobal - -'11-A
, I Head, who wasfighting fronia,tee- clay often 'brings a happy result. crimes, and th4 followed him witb "I am going- to take you to one are recommended. Folneirtations latter will in itself be one, �f . the Zemstvo, and even to its executive . .
_i . . I I
I , p�ae, shot at and killed a Cree ,war- Combine with these farinaceous breathless attention.- The wife of the wicke-dest places anywhere promptly applied sometimes Pre- biggest things of ale 1, nd on re- offices. �
rior standing near by, then he and foods such as rice, farina, tapioca. gazed with pride on the husband 3,bo'ut here," my mentor announ-c- vent permanent lameness. Sprain- cord, for the whole strength of The fact that the Government.op-, . .
_.� .1 the
I ,� his squaw crawled forth and snak- wheat bread, etc., and suitabl�� wl o had put a, warder "to -sleep,' 1 es, "and I warn you to lie as low ing of the back sinews is only too Welsh Territorials is to be mobil- posed this recognition of women's I . . ..
A .. ed the dead body into. the teepee, vegetables and fruits. Such pro� ind she looked with stoical equan- ' ble, and allow me to do the common and unless promptly and ized and the King's household rights all through the debates au -
� . imity on the scars of his flesh he �8 po"s'
I � where they scalped it. oed4re-.may give just the,relief the talk If you have to. talk, use properly treated results in knuck- troo' �
1. ,:! - . showed me, left by the cruel cat- croo ing - ps will also be present, both gurs ill for its reception in the
� In the Indian roll of honor overworked Machin k lingo" (thieves' language), Ling and other complications. Blis- horse and foot.- �
, � 1: I 3 the cep e is craving. ) . Council of 'Empire, where the at-
a w I
.1.1, . trophies of war collected by ar, uring acute attacks -of rheu- 0 -nine-tails. They. were the strang- . At the moment, we Were, walk- tering, firing andeve rving are mosphere is naturally more conser- . ,
"I . . .
Sudden- resorted to, but it ould be borne vative. . . I
t,..'� I rior set his standard of efficiency matism the diet sho,uld consist of est people I have ever met. ing quickly along a street. ph n tie HOMAGE TO THE, IR PRINCE.
1M and re utation. for bravery. To milk, buttermilk, milk toast, A -TERROR TO THE WAR
.� I P DERS. ly my 'guide draws me down' a in mind that these drastic meas- Other suggestions have been _4� —
. �
, �L I �
� r
� , I the height of bravery, a sort of so long as there is any fever. All covering. The criinina�IB -of the discover that what is seemingly a able under favorable conditions, 'distinctively Welsh as possible. Another -Scandal -in the French I I . . I
. � ,capture a gun from aii enemy waa gruels, etc. This should continue One thing- I was not long in dis- Aime, we pick our way, and I soon Rest, turning out where p actic- the occasion, and to, render it as I � 1
il,;�, .d2,rk �,-ntry. Through the slush and ures are often unnecessarily taken. made to give added solemnity to CHIRGED WITH THEFT.
��? -, ,Cross of the Legion of Honor; to meats and other objectionable ,,, East End are loyal to.,each other. bla,nk wall contains a door. Pass- and massage oft -an effect a cure. One of these that will pro�ba
S ;1i take the scalp Was but a notch be- ticles mefitioned above should be When one of their number is in- ing through this without molesta- t
�� 11��;
I .
�.! , ; -w arid then foll4)-wed lesser excluded until recovery is as ur; Not infrequently a, horse will be acted upon is tha from b'e3',',r
I,: 10 I S - Foreign Office.
j", 1 q -aired for, -there are -always plent3, tion arouses my curiosity, I
I.: I grades of bravery for the capture ad- . and I pick up a nail. It is unnecessary to near Carnarvon, shall be brought
1,,� . ! In . of scouts to give him warning. h A grave development has occur- ..
,; ,of bows, knives, spears, and tto - - "Alkalino waters are valuable, Should there be a fight with w isper a desire for an explana, say that the first aid is to remove the celebrated Arrow ,Stone (C'aK- red in the Scandal of the account- �
- ,
,, - abawks. The war history is Paint- and excellent results Jollow the, I. the tic;n. the nail. If suppuration ensue reg-y-Saethau) upon whic ,
". �,.�, ce, there are seldom wanting , h the ant's department of the Frenc13L .
! ed clear and simple .on the tanned use of generous quantities (at least PC ' "We pressed a pI " he mur- poultice the wound and give tile Welsh chieftains of old shar � .
1. I 0
.. � i 0 of two great steer hides that three pints daily) of ariy pure Soft . ga pened foreign office, in connection with I I
. ", I
� aid no or two wba will run any risk -murs, "and that planal',1k:r'in an el- animal rest until well. It may be their battle axes, spears, -and ar- which M. Hamon, T,he head. of the
to rescue a companion. l *
1�61, .4 '.. ,are on the reserve, south-wes7t of water taken between meals." . ectric bell, so that the, doorkeeper well to remove the shoeforatime. rows, while swearing allegiance to department, is under arrest for al- I I
�, . �
� I : .7 t � �algary.� In red and black and I . . . . In the l6cality where my investi- shall be ready when we 'arrive. at Great care should be taken that their kings, leged embezzlement Recently the I I
�� .-I blue paint the hieroglyphics stare � , gations commenced, P11 oli-cemen nev- the next door." . tfie nail be not broken off flush with Another picturesque suggestion police arrested M ' I . I I
.1 i er venture singly . Cheda ne, the " . 1-1
I 11 d back at the reader and tell the SIXTY GOLDEN WEDDINGS. . �. They patrol in My guide gives three sharp taps, the sole and left there to fester. is that delegates chosen from all architect of the foreign offre, on a I __. I
4 -tale of -the tall chief's prowess. He I — . . pairs, and there'is always a coin- a,Ad a small panel is pushed back- Horses are peculiarly susceptible grades of the Welsh people shall compl
. . "" "" lought in thirty battles, he killed Celebration of , Fl. Ile rade within call; and it i's Whisper- to show a terrible face. In lang aint made by M. Devamberg, I I
�..� I a e h Festival - to tetanus, -or lockjaw, and a nail defile by threes before their now the well-known painter, who was
,,,,; .
..I- five men with his own hand, he as Old as the Revolution. ad that on occasion they regard dis- uago which I do not understand, often causes it. Prince - .
Fix , and do him homage - engaged to decorate the iliew French
-r part of -valor, but which I know to. be Yiddish, a —tl.-- � . will come three grey old embassy at ViennX. '-
stole horses from the Cress, too cretion as the bette . .
!.� � k st
. � guns, Scalps, five bows, five toma- Reims, the Centre of the chain- and let a man -go free rather than .low conversation .is carried on, shepherds from the hills, as re .
.t - is alleged to have beeii
-qting an interesting - event, friends. � lifted, and we are inside a club- . — . industry, to be followed by de to sign a receipt for $6,ow, . I
pq,gne disturbances, has just"been risk the certain vengeance -of his' Then a bolt is shot, a heavy bar . presenting the earliest pastoral ma
��:. -hawks, one spear from his one colebi THUMB RINGS, 'PRAGPI CUAI.SS - The artist
�:�:; Mies. the ,golden weddings of sixty old -three in
� 1 ,acknowledgment of an advance, . . . .
We traversed again the familiar which does not'appear -on the re- And Ankle Bracelets are in Favor farmers from the dales. After .
"' BRAVE AS RE WAS WILD. couples. W,e j�re not told*hether ground where years ago there was� gister-which shelters some of. the in Paris at. Present. them will march representatives of of $1400on the agreed price of $3,- 1 . I I
, 1, I
I I . they all came from Reims, although a reign of terror, cons-eqnent.on the worst -criminals in the locality, and. . 400. 31. Devanbeg now claims, the .
- The crude painted figures Show fhe celebration may have been linaz magpie chains and the ploughmen, the quarrymen
1.1, f night attacks, of successful and ited unsolved Ripper murder$,. and wher4a gabbling and drinking go ,on I I payment of $2,000, which he states I I
" then, diving down an alley, my unchecked to an al Thumb 'ings, the ironworkers, the tinplaters the -
0 to. the department.' ankle bracelets are in favor in I
�f.' I - . unsuccessful raids, of bloody bat- The fete is as old ,as -the Be arming extent. Paris, France, at present. An a0- colliers, an in threes, like�ise is due to him. I . .
"..; ties, and hurried flights. They show tion, -wbeki it first seems vOlu- guide took me into a little public- SECRET � GAMBLING CLUB. tress started the thumb those gallant sea captains who car- . It is further alleged that three
! . . to have house, to introduo6 me to one of 1. I ring fash� ry the good I name of Wales so high pieces of tapestry belonging to the
:� i Bull Head'a bravo rescues of been begun. Ili the time of the the most remarkable crimina She wore one of a design so 1.
i is in Three o5r four parties are either 'On. on every sea, that rolls. French diplowatit, service Were
:1 . friends, and an action tbat, had he Directory there wore two fetes, the England. . . . playing banker, faro, baccarat, or wide. that it reached nearly to the found in M. Chedanne's office. Ao- .
.� . been a British soldier, would have fete. of the old people'an . And these again will give place
�� d the fete His body was'misshapen, one leg nap, and every eye is turned on us nail, and the emeralds which coria- to representatives of 'the clergy of cording to the Matan, the under see- . 11 I
� � -won fox, him the, Victoria Cross.' -of the golden wedding. This seems oin, which Posed it matched her green gown . I I
,, :Bull Hed'd, one of his braves, and to, hav was wood,- and he got about with as We enter the card ro each denomination, to lord lieu- re-taryof fine arts learned that vari �
e been a very pretty affair, crutches, but he had a face of sin- also contains a zmall bar, from and hair ornaments. After that . "I
?1 . -the squaw of the brave were near- tenants of counties, admirals of ous pieces of the magnificent Gobe- . I .. . "
;""". tojudge from,. the account ,in 'the gular beauty; his hands werb long, which not only vodka but spirits theatrical first night the jeweler' Welsh ports, officers in the Welsh I . es sev- I I .
' ly Caught- by a large party of Creep. Debats.' Thar � a was a procession of ins taPestrr, which decorat I
`,"" - - -h.the & favored by Englishman are sold. received orders for thumb rings ' � �:
., , .Bot ,rcees a s oxen, -with their, horns crowned white, and,clean;,his eyes were al- Of Territorials, and the Welsh peers. oral of the French embassies . ., .1
. �.
j, c . Ost gazolle-lik You have to. pay double price for unique designs, and there are many I , : , � ,
ed bT children in contrary to the to be seen now. *14 — . 7 I
'Were mounted, and the horse rid- with flowers, follow Sion. . -a in their expres- . abroad., had been taken away ya an I'll
� ambled ' and crowne . unkno-wil destina ion. The seer 4 1
J. . �den by the squaw st everything, and t . I : ,
I -
i. d 1with violets, by young rules existing in well regulated Ser ents set with rubies or em- T 0 BE � I . . I . . . 1.1
, � Iell. Though hard pressed by the men,wreathed with myrtle. and old H c worth ten p , 6UESTS OF THE KING. tary in consequence issued a cir-clo-1-- I I
� I .
.1 I
.1 dis- man with garlands of olives and pounds a week when, times are to pay for anything, I was permit- lets, sanare popular for ankle brace- lar to the French diploin tic repie- I
, ,Oroes .Bull Head stopped, clubs where guests are not allowed erald It has been decided th I
.. Mounted, lifted the squaw to� the girls - dres . I good.. In his misshapen body there . d those of plain ,gold with at I 00, 000 a �
I sed as vestal virgi sentatives, asking them to inake out
'. back of the pony which ,carried th . ins. is an amazing amount of strength, ted. to treat the company. jeweled eyes are also' fashionable children shall aftend the King's an inven I I :
1, 0 At Paris, in' August, 1797, there torY Of their art treasures. �
,il - other brave, and then the Sarce4as was a great festival in honor of and thoselean hands can grip like ' It was getting towards three The short tight dr6sses make ankl� Coronation fete at the Crystal Pa- Grave thbarges are brought �,
.roole oil. and osca'ped. . . a vice. He is used by a very smart o'clock When m.y friend, whose side ornaments a necessity, it is declar- I -ace on June 130 as guests of the I
.the ,old :r �n, who wore .all given . leit invited . against M. Hamon With regard to I J
I � gang who, having plaiined a birr- I had nevei me to a ed and when -the gowns are long King. They ,will be chosen b bal- . I
I- -�'Bull'Head was born a pagan and seats -at opera, when "a grac- blary. drop him unceremoniously M-t y
,died one, He stayed by the beliefs ious He I lower hems are of lace, or chif- lot- The children to be invited will
� room adjoining Ze ,card rob he the the expenditure oB foreign offiCe
�� ; �6: 'crowned their white * whole club only consisted of two for, so the anklets can be seen and taken in -equal proportions from all moneys, He was said to have ra-
; .
I V -of his fathers. When he signed lock,s ,with garlands of ros&s," and down a collar grating, where he lies jected the offer of Prince MeUcr-
treaty In 1886, lie retired to the the ,soldiers pres nt.- in .w&it until the time is ripe for roorw-where half a, dozen- men appreciatecL . the public ,elementary s
c z,d arms. The , hools in the nith and air archduke who N,v
(I him to commence operations. Then, were seated round the coke fire The' black and wbite combination administrative area ofethe London
��_. ,.Tesenlc and kept his tribe in hand, idea of tile fete was the encourage, Illing to sell their palaces to tc�1'10e I
.even througfi the wildest kinds of Mont of the family circic� Tbe �ld it appears, his Wooden leg ,and drinking the fiery spirit of Russia. : which is fashionable is introdticing County Council, the number of boys w � I
:1 crutches are discarded, and lie It had loosened their tongn French Government foran oinbassy I
I Indian excitement, His, word was inan, who ,ivas a h,ap randfath� es, itself into J114011 aeeoqSoric�% aS -the and girls being equal. , 1�
, � 11,
� :, eneimes er Py 9 . I moves about with a strange, silent, ,and thd reserve 'which su'rrounded long neck chains or chains for lorg- 41- I banid i,o have had a llideolvg* new I . ,�� .
I 111� law, And lie saw his I ,, was feted as an encouragement SisAKE-LIKE MOVEMENT, them on ordinary occasions had I ,,,d,,g prected at a cost Of. ,$1,00, � 4 .1
re nettes, which are now made. of black . A NICE POIls"T IN LAW. 4 .",
. .
- � Zrop off one, by o i, from disease to the younger generation to fol- collecting all the valuable he can vanished. With one inan I became, 000. In conaection with this a Ilan- I
.and vi,olence; he saw his comrades low in fiis footstops. The same and white beads of satin and wood . ,,,,
. I
I .1. lay hands on, and handing them in very chummy, He bad, he told In azqo� I') garian contractor asserts that ,11(, I
I : .0f old battles 8icken and pass to idea is to be -found in our Curious a Or of pearls and bits of jet, )ri , 11 .�
: . I .Prominent Lawyer (at home) - has been swindled. I ''. �.
, �.
, �.
� -the happy hunting gro pids, and observance of the Dunrnow Flitoh, sacks through the grating to ac� qUitB frankly, served time. in im again, of round particles ,of 'gun ,,Where was 1 night before Jastl Al. Chedanne was at Rome 0 ,�
, 1. he stayed on, I ruling his'tribe. His bat wo, have no fete of the golden Corti , plices, . Russian pr;son�offence not speci- metal and porcelain, These are HOW do I know. Do y.bn oxpeet In Xbi- .,� , I ,:
;,e grew dim, and finally fail- wedding correspon-dinj to that held n prison and lie has done s ts Exhibition a, � .1 � 11 __
ono,e` I ev� fled -and he made my blood curdle, known , as the magpie chains, " " to remember every little fixing I Model of Rome duri,og the fourth . , ...
I I . - e biting at the Fne Ar .
b eral 'berms -this Man is� known as 9, IN A, RUSSIAN PRISOIZ, . �.�,
I . ,
� 11
� .
.0d entirely; lie, still ruledi He Bat at Reims last week. -The Wes! - with them are itsed black and white do 9P) century, when lie was ncalled back to . .1, .11,
in his. log'pabin in tile winter,. or . mirster Review. . terror to the warders,. and it is Suppose," ,Said this hardened bead handbags -and parasols wit)-" I I ,�
. . � I during his periods of incarceration 4n to me in � broken English, black and white striped handle�,�` I . . I. o � 4
. � V
his teepee in summ.er,'humped upi ___-1-_ � rueffic WO. 9'.) Paris by. a dispatch from, the for- : - .
�shrlvolod, a fea*rfal, rhourny-eyed that the mail becomes 8, vcritabltl between sips of the spirit, "a MAII , . _.;.__._&y4_. Same Lawyer (in court) -"Tho �oign office, He is now in the Santo . I
I I 0 1h, Huglp%-'1�lhat time is it �" Muggs dem -801,001 I ____ � 1"�, n - . � . . . � . I . . � � .
hopror olf.what bad one been a ' .on. His wooden log and his in Ruasia.hlas half a dozen friends S11nda,V Toachei�- " d . testimony of the witness is plainly Prison. I � . . �
I _', I C""'I't kn...yw." . Huggd-"Isn't 6,rqtc,11,1�8 al, - . :,
I I ,c 1�&k�n . , I . I ,
gvsate�t warrior the . Sareeos -over, � I �` go ,`.np, 1 " Muggs , MV'a,,�V, b"t, 07:1 in prison. Ho repro.%erits,that lie kTI)IT 11AVO no bvAhe , . , 9,7) unreliable. As you tea,.ho cannot . _.__44___ ''I . . . I .
. I � �
� �'olfr vmLon - so, he. can e. back of a v,.anti tb�,vsq. men to do swrno wnrk, - " " """' 1'00011,0'at Where ho Was on the 16th Q oer thiIig abou 11 I
� .
i � � I
I- I
, ,
I -
� -
, ,
I 11 �
boasted. Then finally .,be died,., ,(�Worc 41 � lil I t nocos,ttty, it I �
. . . I c --it's �,cacl"' . IT'ittle 1wilal"X0, mh'aw. I'm � all, , �' , . �, �,
I I I I warder Nvibh a cat-likespring, 'grip for which lie pays the I the ,children we'v� got. )I . Amy of October, 1887, bef.�voen 11,50 is tu 110tht I L�,
I . I I � . , M. and 12.01 P.=11 : I he I ,r Of ihvcntloil.a�d 00 I � I i.,� . ,, �,
I I I . ,�l ,
, -
I : I , � "I � . I i 1�1� V�, . I I . I .11. : , k � . father of toiL I ,
I . . �! ., ''I I 11 �. . 11 � . . , I.. I . I � I � , I . % I
I . I � � I . � . �, / � (I 1. IV I � I I I I . � . . � I I . li :. I
I � . , -','*_ . � - . -1 l-, .1 - . I � . I : . ,
I I 1�11` . , � , , ,�'! , . ,
. I f'. I , I I I � tf'�' � I N� � . . , , . , .11'�� " 1� I ." * ir , "I, I 1. . .� ,,� ', . . . . . � I I . I I . 1. 11
I . I I . :. � , � � . I � , .� ��_ i I � �, . .1. . ��,- " - - - * . I I I 1� � ,,, . . I . I . : I I . . i I I I . . . . . i 11 �
. I '�� I I I'— ,,_ , ", I . I _ - � I i - I 1, , I 1:1 I 1� . � I I _ . I I I I 11
. 1. �!, .�� P I ...-.11:111,1� ... :1� � - . , , .. . , 1. ... ,\ I . � " . � . . I � 11 I I . . . I
1 '� � - i �,,�. � � 1. I—- I lu� " � .,,,,���_. I I I .11� I " il . . 2, � I 11 , I ,t .....
, , ,
��:, , 11 - � (_ I "
A � � -� � I , ,,<
. , . I—. . 11 -1 iid�� _� -1 _ � , � . ''..'!,111111111"...-I . ... �� I -1 I,— L".-.]. - �,. :_ :.. I 'A ., 7 -1 I I , ! .1 / � � � , , �� - 1 . I . I L . .� . , 1. ''. I I � ''I . 4; � L I . � I I 11 11,
I 1�;� I . , .
1.1.2 . . I . 4, � I- .., .1:..-: LL I .� le �: :.�
.1 I � I I I 'L �.:,