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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-04, Page 17
Full `' pause e Evening activities at the MacKay Centre started on February llth with a card party arranged by Russell Alton. Prizes went to Art Young, high player in Euchre and Bud Elliott high player 500. Greta Zoethout won the draw. Door prizes went to Bernadine Kinney, Grace Black Vi Bell and Grace Cook. The Variety Program on Wednesday, Feb. 25th played to a full house 1 Don McMillan arranged the program and Russell Alton was in charge of the pro- ceedings. Alton welcomed everyone and in- troduced Marie and Bill Flynn from Clinton. Marie introduced the Huron Strings - Arnold Craig from Goderich, Lorne Lawson, War- ren Whitmore and Stanley Hillen all from Clinton. Marie accompanied the group on the piano. They played a variety of jigs and country and western favourites. The coun- try and western mood continued with a display of step dancing from Sherri and Kel- ly Good. The musical entertainment con- Jiss&iEili* tinued with a solo from Jeff Hearn. Hearn sang two George Gershwin classics, "Of Thee I Sing" and "Fascinating Rhythm." Russell Alton thanked the musicians and introduced Dave Harman who brought his slides taken on trips to local places of in- terest. The first set of slides were taken in his garden in Goderich and the beautiful displays of bulbs and flowers reminded us that summer is just at uund the corner. His interest in gardening was highlighted in his slides of the Mwn Festival" in Hirrtiilton and Cullen Gardens in Whitby. Thele were also slides of Algonquin National Park. • The March Calendar is a busy one! Fri- day, March 27 Card of Life Clinic will. be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p':rn. at MacKay Cen- tre. This service is open to everyone in the community: The Card of Life is'a small plastic card containing the owner's photograph, medical information and the names of two people to contact in an emergency. You receive two, Martha recalls Whit ' 1 wonder if you're having fun over t cute little burgers that are getting publi - ty..They have been given all kinds of names, like sliders and grease' bombs and others just as terrible. No-one cares what they call them, just as long as they are available. Bill Lohman, a UPI feature writer, had all this in an arti- cle and it brought back memories quite clearly. He relates that these burgers, un- til now, could only be bought in regional chains or local diners. White Castle, a midwest chain of cozy stop and eat joints, was the first or gran - daddy of the baby burger. White Castle sold its first one in 1921 and encouraged the customers to "buy em by the sack.'' Last , year the company sold more than 480 million itty-bitty hamburgers with sales exceeding $268 million. These little gems, one ounce of beef pat- ties pierced With holes and cooked, on a bed of onions are as legendary as the tales of infatuation that followed them. I, too, remember them. ° I lived in Windsor and enjoyed slipping across to Detroit in a ferry boat. A couple . blocks up 'Woodward from the dock seem- ed like a mile straight up. I always crossed to the other side of, the street because .of Vernors factory which produced 'ginger • ale. ' ' I can't recall, but close by you could buy the best Hire's root beer and I still like it. Farther on, on a corner, stood the white, shiny, porcelain,White Castle. Over the'en- try from both streets was teh good looking "Castle" which later seemed to be smaller. • • Many people were surprised to find the burgers at the Midwest Fair in Arizona nited Men's Fellowship sponsors sors handicapped For some two years now men . of North Street United Church have been meeting for breakfast usually the first Sunday of the month, with an average attendance of about 40. Men from St. George's and Knox Chur- ches havebeen our guests on occasion. A spiritual essage is shared usually with a guest speaker. This year the group decided to sponsor the cost of bringing to church each Sunday anyone in a wheelchair. We have had as many as four people using. this service on any one Sunday. Ed Hagle has arranged for the use of the handicap van'. with the assistance of various members of the congregation.. The proceeds from the group's Spaghetti Dinner on March 11 will be used for this project. Society. discusses rabies Further problems the Toronto Society have faced lie in the fact that members of their executive are admitted animal ac- tivists, Through their not wanting to be af- filiated with this society, the OHS had run into some problems. "We know legacies have been cancelled. People have 'called to say we were in their will, but they were taking us out because we were fighting with Toronto," he said. Another area the OHS has faced some con- troversy in was in the farming community. Mr.'Koury explained that many people think of a humane society as a group that takes care of pets. He points, out that he doesn't need to know what a special kind of cattle or goat is to know, "every animal on earth needs foot!, shelter, water and care. If they are not given these, it is illegal; I know that." Fundraiser One big fund raising effort discussed was an 11 hour telethon. This telethon will run on March 22 on the Rogers Cable Network, and on some MacLean -Hunter stations. Flying high tk' from page 1 Roland loved. everything he said from there. For me the highlight was going., over the Burlington Skyway fbr the first time in my life In under thirty minutes. But you know, Roland pulled it off. I think the guy was legitimate. Hell, I don't rare if you don't Own a pilot's license Roland. After taking off and landing with nothing so much as a fender bender in between, I say you deserve ore:. On Sunday I took the train home from Huntsville with three hundred inebriated skiers and a gtiy by the 'name of Rang The Clown. It'k called justice. 4 cards, one is carried in your wallet, and the other on the refrigerator door. A special decal is placed on the outside of the refrigerator and on your windshield to let rescuers know that you have a Card of Life. 'l'he Card of Life costs $3.5O With a special family rate of $10.00, and $1.00 to update a card. Application forms can be picked up in advance from the office between the hours - of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Complete the form and bring it along on the 27th your pictur% is taken and card made up while you wait. For further information pleasei call 524-6660. Upcoming Events: Fri. March 6 at 12:30 p.ni.; Pot Luck and Movie,; Wed. March 11 at 8 p.m. Card Party; Fri. March 13th at 12:30 p.m. Brown PaperBag Lunch and Bingo; Fri. March 13 at 8 p.m. Dance; Fri. March 20 at 1 p.m. Dessert, Bridge/500 par- ty; Wed• March 25 Variety Program at 8 p.m.: Fri• March 27 1-3 p.m. Card of Life Clinic'; Sat. March 28th at 18 p.m. Dance. astle b'urgers ROUND ABOUT Witfi Martha Rathburn and it was not uncommon for them to be shipped to troops overseas. When asked What they missed' about 'GoderiCh, son Doug acid his wife, M4 define replied,; "Pete's hot dogs." Pete Zi zmer- man's hot dog wagon was popular on The • Square for years. It shows you that taste,• flavor and aroma linger in the memory for • years. In the last couple weeks, daughter-in- law Madeline had a.heart attack and while she was in poor shape, she was ,released from hospital. The -weather here'has been great with a little cold; Not bad though, as the Cana- dians here say. I hope you are all well and taking your vitamins. Love Martha . GOdERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1887 -PAGE 3A WM if Sehootof Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. Hairstyling ® Barberinge Ear Piercing55 Erb St. East !Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pin ciossas.senirt 'Iat of *Aron" a aiteath 1 --..._.� 7103 OPEN: .. Moes Tu , Ttui &I✓`t `.9. aan to 6 Ont (Clot ed 12;n0n to l' A,unch) Wednesday 9 ant to Noon (Afternoon by rAppo'intmertt) Saturday 9 am to Noon (Atternorin° et45@d.) -Prtday..'.tc4+ r estli ... CLIP 'N _.,. A. . m..®rte®ar r;�,® ©®m ,a PECK APP,U . CES 1 "IPITHEHEAFrrOF DOWNTOWN VARNA', ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Residential & Commer'cial Cleaning - weekly mi3id service - spring cleaning - window washing house sitting • FULLY GONDED & INSURED 524®5170 "Sa°tisfaction Guaranteed" Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon OPEN Evenings Until 8:00 P.M. SALE STARTS Wed:, March 4 and ens Sat., March 7, 1987 or while quantities last. 1999®2199 LADIES' JACQUARD SWEATERS • 100°.° acrylic knit lac guard sweoters rn fashion right rolours 01 Royal Jade.'yKhak'� Navy and blossom 5 M l and 0 S Reg. 24.99-26.99 2399 LADIES' COTTON PANTS A. 2 rargo style purkets ,n front Furklr. detail lode nr Rnyr,I 81 ue Sires 10 to 20 Reg. 29.99 1699 LADIES' GABARDINE ' PANTS B. (wo woo stretch gabar done pants wllh Lycra spandex panel fol rum my control' In Black Navy or Khaki Sires 1040 20 and, 38 to 44 Reg. 21.99 kor,per 2e9:, A sturdy vehicle with sprang 'suspension for lifelike action! Reg. 3.99 'White Swan, B Roil Pack Paper Towels s99'ea. White Swan, Biott of 200 Facial Tissues .89 ea. White Swan, Pack of 150 Paper Napkins Capri, 4 Roll Pack Bathroom Tissue 1.09 099ea. Infant's 2 Pc. Sets Well styled sets with printed knit 'tops and suspender pants. Assorted colours. Sizes 12-24 months. Reg. 14.99 11 .99set Men's Boxed Briefs 2 boxes / 2.99 100% Combed Cotton briefs in boxes ... stock up today. Reg. 1.99 ea. PYJAMA COLLAR T-SHIRTS In, ,non Super •romfy styles with p111mmr1 roller Assorted sires and minors A great fashion buy, Rog. 12.99 1099 Men's Casual Hosiery A „TM. 4 Wheeler- 1.99 Action -packed vehicle with pull back action. Don't miss the savingys! Reg. 2.49 Palmolive qp Liquid 3e Gl9ea. Regular. or Lemon/Lime scent. 1.5 L, 'size. Ladies' �y �`•elts 3.99ea. Super selection of up to date styles in spring's newest colours. Reg. 5.99 Artie Power Cold water laundry d L. size. •779 tergitnt. 12 III •99 ea. styles an the s...at a super 12.99 .99 ea. r 'heir! Wide tyles in the 5.99 Ladies' Handbags Wide assortement o latest fashion colou Peoples saving! Reg Girl's Handbags A great buy lust selection of Caffa latest colours. Reg t°r I SAVE' I. s o 1.97 pr. Rib knit style in Hack, navy, copen blue, grey, brown, yellow, white, royal or seagreen. Sizes 10 to 12. Reg. 2.49 pr. Ladies' Casual Tops 15.99ea. A super assortment of casual tops at a low price that is simply too good to resist! Sizes S.M.L., Reg. 19.99 set LADIES' 2 -PC SKt.RT SETS 0'%, na:yr,rpr ,(O". ' ntMc n`i P''K,;.rM A,, t L.II. r• •..ilei 67,.64. • e,,sri onrt tx'nn ::Ay ry,:•a .0 r hot:, ..ail ,n atoll ,rnr pr .,ikon ices S ea i ;,n.l i 40 171 Rag. 29.99 • Ladies' Knit Leggins / Stirrups 6.99 ea. To complement, your new casual tops, selection of leggings and stir- rups pants in black & assorted ea, fashion colours. Sizes S.M.L. Reg. 8.99 Printed, by Esmond, Blankets 11.99 ea. Warm, 100% polyester blankets in a wide array of p ints and geometric patterns. T In/Double size. Reg. 14.99. Large Size 6 Teas Towels .99 ea. Heavy waffle weave towels in assorted colours. 23 x 34" (ap- prox. Reg. 1.19 MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS Fnr him sopor rnminr table 00,1 sport ahris n,,nr ted antra ns rn,nurs and Si las pen r mhs rho fnntnstr Ponples savmge Al Ilya Ins,' prre hey more than no" Rog. 14.99 1199 ea. 'Mb The Square, Goderich. Open: M Knitting Yarns Beautiful selection o4. yarns• In a' palette of spring fresh colours. Jacana, Reg. 2.67 Angorel Reg. 1.49 1.99 499 LADIES' SLEEPSHIRTS &'DORM SETS, Polyester cotton knit sleapshirts 8 dorm set al a super 25°. saving, 39" sloop - shirts: White with assorted 'F hntstnne or Looney Tunas arr6en,priats 36" sleep• shirts: White with pink or turquoise stripes Dorm sof: Boar print with solid red short Sires S M l and 1 sire (Flintstone print) A. 39 Flintstone 6r Looney Turns print sleepshirts �q� Rog. 17.99 a y e9 B. 36 tleepshiri with boseboll' nerkbne and i placket front ��.9'S � Rag. 19.99 �y C. 2 pr dorm sat with Bear print top and solid red short®e7� Rog. 14.99 1 - Sat. 9-5:30 p.rn., Friday 9-9' p.m. We also cash Baby Bonus Cheques. FOR VALUE, PEOPLE TRIM PEOPLES