HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-04, Page 16PAGE 2A---GOI)ERIt'H SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1987 --Go rich Lew n donations totalling '1'he general meetir); of Goderich legion Branch 109 for February tors held in the Jubilee Room with President Alvin Blackwell in the chair." Following the opening ceremony,- the Legion public speaking awards were presented to 20 students from five schools in the Goderich area. 'These awards were presented to the winners in the junior, in- termediate, senior and zone levels of competition. • The Branch approved the total of $1,370 in donations. The donations included; $300 to Girl Guide Tonya Glousher for her trip to Washington, $250 to the Vanastra Recrea- tion Centre, $250 to the North Huropn Big Brothers, $100 to the March of Durres, $250 to the Ladies Auxiliary Bowling, $200 to Junior C Hockey and $20 to the legion Zone Bowl- ing•Trophy. The Branch also approved the purchase of Diamond Jubilee Medalions: and a photograph or Sir Arthur Currie; 'The com- mander of the Canadian ('orps in World War Motions were passed to purchase a half page ad in the spring and summer brochure of the recreation department, to assist the ladies auxiliary to have a Christmas display in CourtHouse, Park and to pay one half the cost of new flooring at the arena. The Branch will invite the Dominion President .to be the guest speaker at the Both• anniversary dinner and dance to be held: next 'November. Provincial officer Bill Smith will be invited to. our Canada Day. celebration. Tile property Chairman was , given ap- proval to have a 400 watt light installed in the Legion parking luta '1 h€ poppy chairman reported that as of January 31, the poppy fund 'has a balance of $6,437,51., O'n Saturday, February 28 the Branch will. conduct the initiation of new members as ti n h 10 approv 1,37 at meeting 'Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 in Goderich recently donated a new stretcher for the emergency department to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Shown here, with the new $3,370 stretcher, are Ken Engelstad, hospital administrator, Howard Carroll, Branch 109 poppy chairman, I')irnn Bosman, head nurse in the emergency department, and Alvin Blackwell, president of Branch 109 in Goderich. (photo by Lou -Ann Hope) well As a seminar on election procedured, Al•l members are invited to this. important • aspect of Legion activity which will com- mence at 1:30 E).m. • Four new members were accepted Into Branch 109. These applications'were receiv,- ed from ordinary members Samuel J. Mullan and Ronald J. 1)elbergue and associate members Mildred Thom'and June Warwick•who is transferring from Branch 230 in St. Mary's. 'l'he annual branch honors and awards night will be held on Saturday, March 7 at 7:30 pm. in the Jubilee room and the Vimy Memorial Banquet will be held at the Branch on Saturday, April 4.. The next general meeting of thebranch is -scheduled forTuesday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Jubilee Room. :.....,,.,,,:,y ® .n°rursS�- Ontario ®S,` JT BOA D The Consolidated Hearings Act, 19 1 (SeO. 1981, co2O) 1N, THE MATTER OF the Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981,. (S.O. 1981, c. 20); ° --.and— IN THE MATTER OF the Environmental•Assessmen.t Act. (R:S,O. 1980: c.'1 ); \.. —and• -• - IN•THE MATTER OF Sections 6. 7 and 8 of the Expropriations Act, (R.S.•O. 1980,'c. 148); „ 'atad — IN THE 'MATTER 'OF the Niagara,Escarpment • Planning 'and Development Act, (R:S:O. 1980. c. 316)` —and— • IN.THE MATTER OF the Parkway`Belt Planning aaldDevelopment Act: (R:S 0,-1980, c: 368); ' The Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Command Charitable Foundation donated $3,000 to ^ Alexandra Marine and General,Hospital towards the purchase (If an Automatic Tourniquet for the operating rooms. Shown here with the new machine are 'Alvin Blackwell, president of Branch 109 in Goderich, hospital administrator Ken Engelstad and Howard Carroll, Branch 109 poppy chairman. Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Carroll made the presentation on • .behalf of theme provincial foundation. (photo by Lou -Ann Hope) AND IN THE MATTER OF an undertaking of Ontario Hydro •consisting•otthe acquisition- of property rights for, and, the design, construction, oeratiop and maintenance of over-. head alternating current transmission' lines,. and related . station, communication and-conftrol facilities, 'located within a -geographic area: -•' Between the Bruce Nuclear Power Development, near Kincardine, and the Esse Transformer Station, near Barrie; Betweeri the Bruce Nuclear Power Development and a new transformer Station to be built in the London area: and -' Between the new transformer station in the London area and the Nanticoke Generating Station, on, Lake Erie a • NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO PROCEED The Joint Board has given Ontario Hydro approval to proceed°wit.h a set of facilities in the above matter. These facilities, consifi+Ing of high voltage transmission, lines and a transformer station, are known as System Plan 1 (rr )(tmed) all asset out in the map below. • '„ Port��Elgin NLL P011 i{inardine). Lake 0 SYSTEM PLAN 1 Huron 6ddetich •' Hay i id (✓ ' Geargaon Bey Chatsworth "Couoigwood • Markdale .ESSA TSO 'Dundalk`Alliston nn 'Hanover ' Walkerton 'Shelburne • linton Ailsa Craig • . i Strathrov • SITE N o Exeter.' London Guelph �MILTO TS Lake Ontario MIDDLEPORT ®TS fR 50° iR Tdlso ' St Thomas Lake Slmcae • 0 Pori Oove N NTICOK€ E rie Copies of the decision may be obtained at the following repositories: • Ontario Hydro's head office (Public Reference Centre] 700 University Ave.. Toronto, Qnt. ■ Ontario Hydro's regional offices at: 93 Bell Farm Road Barrie, Ont. 5760 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. 1075 Wellington Road South London, Ont. 'gearing No. CH -85-03 Dated at Toronto this 4th day of March 1987' Yvonne Lane Hearings Registrar • • Office of Coolidated Hearings 1 St. Clair A' nue yVest, 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K7 • (416) 323-4814 Ontario Hydro's area offices •in; Alliston Barrie Orangeville Guelph Dundas Alliston Area Office 2 Victoria Street East Alliston, Ont. Barrie Area Office 45.Sargent Drive Barrie, Ont. Orangeville Area Office 70 Third Street Orangeville, Ont. Guelph Area Office 225 Edinburgh Road South Guelph, Ont. Dundas Area Office 49 Olympic Drive Dundas, Ont. Owen Sound Owen Sound Area Office 1025 -6th SI. East Owen Sound, Ont. Walkerton Walkerton Area Office P.O. Box 1390 °Bruce County Road #3 Walkerton, Ont. Clinton Clinton Area Office P.O. Box 550 Highway #4 South Clinton, Ont. Strathroy Strathroy Area Office 110 Albert St. Strathroy, Ont. Simcoe Simcoe Area Office 4 Boswell Street Simcoe, Ont. Beachville Beachville Area Office P.O. Box 130 Beachville, Ont: Aylmer East Elgin Area Office John St. North Aylmer, Ont. • ■ Public Libraries in: Clinton (27 Albert St.) -Owen Sound (824'1st Ave. W.) Guelph (100 Norfolk St.)-Simcoe (46 Colborne St. S.) Kitchener (85 Queen St. N.)=Strathroy (34 Frank St.) ',London (305 Queens Ave.)-St.Thomas (15 Curtis St.) Merkdale (21 Main St. E.)-Tillsonburg (2 Lib r , P..ane) The Reasons for Decision may be read at the aforesaid repositories. Copies of the Reasons for Decision may be purchased from: • Ontario Government Bookstore 880 Bay St. Toronto, Ont. M7A 1N8 Telephone: 1-800-268-7540 The cost of each copy is $5.00 which.includes mailing,costs. 11