HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-04, Page 12PAGE 12---GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1987
District tJ ew
There were eight tables in play at the
Auburn Community Hall on Feb. 24 and the
winners were: high lady1r-Ruth Lockart; low
lady, Karen Plunkett; high man, Gordon
Gross; low man, Harold McClinchey; nove-
ly, Murray Rollinson.
Euchre parties are held every Tuesday
evening in the Community Hall at 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
The minister, Gary Shuttleworth, con-
ducted the morning service at Knox United
Church. Organ prelude by Lori Millian. The
Junior and Senior choirs sang "We Turn To
Jesus - He is the One". The children's story
was told by the minister and they went toi
their Sunday School with teachers Margaret
Bakker and Sharon Ramsey. The minister's
sermon was entitled "A Matter of Life and
Death".' Offering was received by Brian
Ramsey and Bill Seers. •
The 3 M's Club will have their meeting
and games at the home of Mr: and Mrs.
Lawrence Plaetzer on Saturday evening'
March 7.
Mr. Stewart Toll of London visited••recent-
ly with his sister Marjorie McDougall.
urn r ws 32
Mildred Lawlor, 526-75
Unit 1I of the UCW will meet on March 11
at 2 p.m. in the church basement. Bring
your own bible and roll call is a donation of
food for the Survival Through Friendship
World's Day of Prayer will be held March
6 at 2•p.np. at the Huron Missionary Chapel'
Sorry to report that Mrs. Ellen Johnston is
a patient in Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, and Mrs. Tom Hallam is a patient
in University Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Peter of Bervie
visited on Friday with Mrs. Beth Lansing.
Mrs. Florence Steckly of Stratford called
on Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor on Sunday.
On Feb. 25, the members of Knox UCW
held an all-dav quilting in the rhnreh hasp -
---Anent»-.Five .quilts..were made and tied for
emergency and world relief outreach. A bir-
thday cake, made and donated by Leone
Robertson, was served in honour of Mrs.
Beth Lansing's birthday, by Bernice Ander-
son, Marilyn Verbeek, Marjorie McDougall
and Jean Plaetzer.
Last Saturday evening, about 30' friends
and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Seers•,to honour Miss Bet-
ty Marsh and Mrs. Margaret Robinson, on
their departure from Auburn to take up
residence in Goderich. Games and contests
were enjoyed under the direction of Mr. Bill
Mr. Gary Shuttleworth spoke words of
regret that these ladies were leaving our
community' and also expressed the best
wishes' of their friends on making their
homes in Goderich, Both ladies were
presented with lovely crystal candy dishes.
They expressed their kindness to all, in-
viting people to visit them in Goderich,
whenever possible. A lunch was served by
Maxine Seers and her helpers and all en-
joyed a social time.
The Clinton Legion has found a way Lo remember past veterans and auxiliary members
w'ho reside at Huronview. They have donated a plaque Ibackground), the wooden frame
made by Harold Chambers, which will carry the names of such residents. Presenting the
plaque are, (left to right), Gordon Scott, Zone PRO; John Deeves, Barbara Scott, Huron -
view Administrator Wayne Lester, and Harold Chambers, Zone Treasurer. (Anne Nare-
jko photo)
Our all-new for '87 spring lines of
home furnishings are are iving daily
and need . to make room!
Take advantage of our March
Spectacular storewide savings - browse
through our two floors check the lists
then come in and save!
Brentwood Matching Sofa •
and Chair •
Traditional style. curved front .Adjustable
cusions, Blue•grey floral. Also available
a pink•rosei • . .
WAS .1598, NOW
Flexsteel Matching Sofa
and Loveseat •
Contemporary style. Reversible cushions.
Colour: cream, beige: 1/199®
WAS 1950. NOW �''!!
Dev st Loveseaet.
'�Frenc"h ProvinCial style.•'. ood on' arms and
,back. Queen Anne leg, one cushion seat
Colour cream,. off-white floral. C •
WAS 699, NOW •
Flair Sofa and Chair
Contemporary style_ Sofa colour is rose, grey
and turquoise, chair is rose,with•high arms.
Simmons Sectional
Transitional style, 5 seater highback
Colour Bedford peach
WAS 1569. NOW ..
Brentwood Matching Sofa
and Chd r
3 seater adjustable cushions high back
Colour hopscotch beige tweed -
WAS 1039 NOW
Braemore Matching Sofa
and Chair
Contemporary style. Flipback' cushions.
Checked design colour
Courtney Slate. •
WAS 950. NOW .
'Cash and carry •only . delivery
charge on these items.
Hexagon Lamp Table ��
Glass top. WAS 240. NOW •
•Wall Clock 89e
WAS 149. NOW
Table Group.
3 pc. - 1 cock.toil table. 2 end tables. 35O•
WAS 600.
Kroehler End Table
Dark Oak, with drawer. I�•
WAS 210, NOW J
'Games Table 8 4 Chairs 569..WAS 699. NOW
I Chrome Kitchen Suite Z9®
5 piece. WAS 439. NOW a�a�
Chrome Kitchen Suite 49•
5 piece. WAS 459, NOW 3 J
Dining Room -'Suite • .
• Used • 6 chairs, china cabinet, C e
table . J
Corner Cupboard
Solid maple, dark finish. 699•
WAS 1050. NOW
Kroehler Tub Chair • 89•
Blue, WAS 199, NOW
Oak Wall Bar Unit
Electrohome. WAS 899, NOW 699®
Single Pedestal Desk with
Bookcase Unit
Sets Only
List 920 ....
with exclusive Adjusto-rest
coil. TWIN SIZE SETS starting at
4 Drawer Chest
French Provincial, cherry
finish WAS 359. NOW
Almond Lacquered
Coffee Table 8 2 End Tables 29�•
WAS 498. NOW
99 Boack LacqueredgRINGed End Tables • ea.
Almond Lacquered Coffee
Table 1 ONLY - CLEARING AT 99•
Stereo Cabinet
Black with 3 shelves, record
holder, glass doors 99s
Wall Unit
•Stereo and bar unit • adjustable
shelves, glass daces 299.
3 pc. Wall Unit
TV video and bar unit gloss
doors storage drawers. Size •
79• wide 7h. 22" deep.
Goatskin fini315V99m
Double Dresser and Mirror �9m
Single Pedestal Desk 169®
Ascot Swivel Rocker
High back, brick colour 1 �9v
WAS 359....,..,_ ................. 7
Krdehler Swivel Rocker
Wood trim, beige and cream cover,
reversible cushion.�o
VALUE 339...... 8
Kroehler Swivel Rocker
High bock. white and rust fabric.
VALUE 219.... 184.
Reston Glider Rocker
Wood trim, dark finish
Turquoise and mauve colour
VALUE 519 .. .
Kroehler Swivel Rocker
High back wood trim Solid
rust fabric.
VALUE 279 ..
Kroehler Glider Rocker
High back. rose velvet cover
VALUE 399.....
Lets you relax and recline
in any position you desire!
Close -to -the -wall
Great for your family room
and Chair
Contemporary style Wood on arms. loose cushions.
Colour dark brown velour 679•
Solid Pine Bedroom Suite
Honey finish Cannonball poster bed
• head and foot triple dresser and
mirror door chest night table. '499• .
Rosted Pine Finish Bedroom Suite
Triple dresser and mirror with Igovered doors,
door chest with lowered doors. fleodboord
Night table.
REGULAR VALUE 1865 NOW 459 9 -
Modern Polyester/Oak Bedroom
Grey'finish. Includes Armoire triple dresser
and wing mirror headboard and extensions,
two night tables
Simmons Sofa Bed
Transitional style Rose coloured fabric Regular
size, high bock
school tennis
ourney C K.1•1 et
By Jason Cameron, Adrian Rau,
Janine Helm and Trisha MacDonald"
'Grade 6, Room 7
Mrs. Tebbutt's Grade 6 class has just,
completed a written assignment about Cur-
rent Issues in Society. They are using the
computer program 'Stdrywriter'"to print out
the revised editions.
Kindergarten 1
Mrs. Cameron's Kindergarten'Rclass 1
made dough teddy bears on, Thursday,
February '26 w,ith the' help of Mrs., Marie
Webster and Mrs, fiddle's grade 6 class.
Thank you very much everyone 'for your
help. We had fun: ,
The table tennis double elimination tour-
nament is almost complete, On March 5, we
are hosting a tournament involving 5
.schools. Congratulations to ail students and
teachers who received a 10 km, 25 km, 50 km
and'100 km sticker' '
Grade 4-5, Portable 2
Study. study,, study' They, are studying
vegetables in Mr. Culp's Gr. 4-5 class. They
don't know very, many of them: One of the
vegetables they don't know is . the fid-:
dlehead. By its name it sounds like it,has a
fiddle for a head. They are also learning '
about watercress. There are vegetables
from parts of the world that some people'
..have never •heard of. They looked in tfie
"' newspaper and guess what they found...Well. •
• Mr. Culp fund it for therm. They found an
:advertisenaer t-.10 .a Stokes seed catalogue.
and they decided. to 'serid'for'Tielp!'•So they
. wrote' to Stokes -and the catalogue should be ,
coming anyday now!
Grade 2, Room 3
Miss Jewitt's Grade 2 class had Kelly
McNee up for the "All About Me" board last
week. This week April Moir has put' up pic-
tures for her •"All 'About Me" board. On
Mon. Feb: 23, we went outside and played
"Fox and Goose" and had a Snowball Relay.
We would also like to'wish Kelly McNee a'
.Happy Birthday on Fri. Feb: 2N
-46/.> ie 1412
Mrs. Young -1s gradte 2., las ad two '
'special visitors••recently. Mrs.'`D. Graham,
art consultant, did String Design Paintings
and Mrs. Marie Webster made bread dough
figures of the Little Bear family! Thank you
to both of these experts 'for their time and
support! This week's "All About Me". is Jeff,
MacLean. Is
Grade 5, Portable 1
Pupils in Grade 5 are "Pigging Out" on ,
Pig Activities as they learn more about
these hoggish animals. They have just com-
pleted an animal project on a domestic
animal of their choice.
Grade 3, Room 4
This week Room 4,"'Krakatoa, learned
about Pablo, a shoeshine boy in Lima, Peru.
We're trying to see if we can do 100
shpeshines ( chores) by Friday. Pablo would
need 100 shoeshines to buy a cane mat, a T,
shirt, and a pair of sandal§. We. also used a
magic story bag. Everyone had to write a
story about whatever he/she pulled out of
the bag. Some people pulled out hats, plastic
cookies, a wicker chair, fish, a big rubber
cricket, a hair curler, a rabit, a lamb,
chopsticks and a brush: This week we are
"introducing" Matt Hunter'
Professional Activity Day
Friday. Feb. 27 was a P.A. Day for the
teachers of Huron County. Mary Moffat, In-
tegrated Studies Coordinator, and Dee
Graham, Art Coordinator conducted In-
tegrated Studies Workshops at Brookside,
Grades K-4 in the morning and Grades 5-8 in
the afternoon. Some teachers from East
Wawanosh also attended- Interviews were
also held by parent or teacher request.
Lesson plans and report cards were
prepared, It was a busy and informative '-
Most of these items are
"one -of -a -kind -- once they're
gone they're gone!
Sale prices on Simmons
Bedding and our new motion
furniture are in effect till
March 31, 1987 - 'some Simmons
items while present stock lasts only.
71 ALBERT ST. «1-INTON 482 9505
"Music Moves Me".
Our Spring Concert, Apr, 29, at 8:00 p.m.,
will be an a14 -school revue called, 'MusicVI�v7es Me". Our three choirs will be perfor-
hg as well as those classes which were not
included In our Christmas show.
Brookside'lable Tennis •
We have finally completed our table ten-
nis tournament. The results are as follows:
Grade 8 Boys: Jeff Storey ( first), Billy Cur-
' ran (second) ; Girls: Sheila Hymers i first),
• Melany Wylds ( second) ; Grade 7 Boys:
Warren Andrew ( first), Mathew Sproul (se-
cond); Girls: Linda Hayden (first), Ruth
Ann Durnin ( second) ; Gr. 6 Boys: Terry ,
Livingston ifirstl, Chris MacDon'aid (se-
•cond); Girls: Tricia Brown (first), Heather
Jefferson "( second) ; Gr. • 5 Bbys: Jeff
Brindley i first 1, Elliot Bauer (second
Girls: Larissa Sproul (first), Michelle ,An-
drew i second) .
Congratulations. Thank you to everyone
who participated. -