HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-25, Page 4MIN T_ IM. I t-AXA-L1V9R PIL Imaps,40a , is. one, Ot- a t the of the An is e el to con I the rule wi ,Per on i Co., OEM AN WEEK IS OVER :Kaiser Wilhelm and Party Leave England For Home., 'Best of Feeling Has Prevailed In the Capital During the Stay of the Ger- man Emperor and King and Kaiser Are Ex�ected to Bring Countries T69 -ther-Veto Bill 1, Now In the Lords, But Peers Are Stubborn. London, X[ay '?->.-The "German meek" whi-Ii was braught to a close 4by the depvriuro of the imperial yacht nzolleri, .'r0111 Sheerness `ye.,', -.,r - has 1)4,� i :U11 of promise potency good fo, SIAL nidid Functions, I 'ke the d,qiie'adoli of tll�d Victoria I urnent, t.j�� command Perform - e at tho D, ary Lane Royal Thea - and tht, cour, . ball, have heen less 'ficant t1l,til rht� eordialityLlisplay- *by the tw.. royal f,%milies and the !it. re�t taken by the London Nirds in t,,.. iovenlents uf the Ger- empei, I, and hter. empress and their Xing Ge,;roe has seemed delighted make tlle�German emperor promi- 111ht, and the relations between them e appeared intimate and uncloud- Vith au.;42iicion. King Edward aev- �seemed to trust his brilliant ­Krgll 'W, and int-vitably they wero ri. in coiWnental diplomacy. King e all.! Lie German emperor are �Md a to, by mutual affection, ppai.. _tly prefer to be considered WHes in br:-iging the t,% -,D nations into 848ol! and iriendlier relations. Momentnt.; are the issues between �,.the Hous -L, .. f Parliament, D Vo . olitica are - 0glected �a the pageantry and- social �Mcitement of th e mo -qt bri'lliant sea - London has ever known. Lord Lansdowne's bill 1% ill be read We second time 11vaday, aftez On I _`GO'7'C'r- inent Peors have walked E;L ±iouse an d irrecuncillable es haW ex.1'rcssed their dissent. not likely to em+qge from com_ "'Position leade 01, I he , rs will s d Wrl 10rcil)- the Govern - out. 10i'mulatin.- a definite reform e the Parliament bill will be nd reading by Lord ed to the secoz ey, and Lord Haldane will take ge of it in commttee. Even if Cnnv�, returns to the House, af- .1 hitstintide, Hot.inuis On— the sts' side are talking confident, the certainty of defeating tha as re, and prom;nent Members of House are dellaring that P1 euxrenctur ' is impossible, it Mr- Da,_-.,nr has stoppeki _,vith th�p deinand t."t. a referendum on home s'lall b40 the Price paid for the �ptance LJ the Parham,.nt bill. Tllet_" was 111--� Point on which the con- 'fereace b.- ­k.? down last Novembe 'd r. REdm,,- vet%�,ed the demani �thzn, ai.j .- uld do it again. The Ltrds will challenge tile Gov. 1ernmerIt I f�­-MtL- 500 puppets. If they )Make a fight for the refer. enduln (.:i h -_=e rule they are more PkelY t-. e.,n loy dilatur,y tactics and �;�Io atterl. t t(; Wear out the Patience oi Prim— Xin,�sfer by a prolongation lof f2le Tlx' sl ­"il -I the coronation season Vs against Li�-:n_ The country is weary lof const-4tutif.110 0 .antrov .eray. FIGHT! FIpw Iri darkiless; fight when you tire down-, die hard, and.Yotl wou t the at all. -Beecher. -'JV _Z W -Ts Rad Wif h 41eart and Nerves %00uld Not 51,eqi can 271AVS, At N ig-fit. Ilay th-o -MAII&Men and won= tosa_night Marg '04 ivas Jlftu -Upon a slee'Plosa.,bed. Sqmd Schoo istit(JgOnd di9turba 18 has AQ debMtated and'Irritatod3ho A d 'An ervous syst4=, that th%_'cjJ tn"', 'bhd refroiwng-sl"p B. M -elm- co and i of head Afis" John GrAy, lame Y'a'ke, Was Zast suininer I vg4.., so 'th 41 -my hearkandmetves thatXoo at night.� There-*as'sa6li g A"aCL )IeVy feeling in Iny chest thst Jt;pT4q,,;qOT, stoop, and, at at.tx4mJ W D,�dizz�r and h=e -to,., I." _V1 0 p from fallin ff, trtad. Lon but nevdrZb, , i tho R Oct until AT T'r, CXu day n lid them to I' led" sign t lbmin'5 Heart gaziza sectior. box, Or throe box"'41'0154*1e.2 Ladyill,40alers, at: �.Uilocl direab b 6, TJJ 0 hinl1w Torolitor. 4t, ed ma V 0-� W,&Vat, U 19 � "�.ty LV.-kJje. Kaiser Wimelm is &mar,conmineed7 1% "' I , I '--- - lie fed-?ral In'Ster 61 War J�erteaux was nor- MEflun MINQ I tff RAU ribly 111.1119-eJ. The swiftly revolvi UTI.i -that -he will die bT the ul��,qgplap to -day hand ot ng la 41W GRAPHIC BRIEFS. .to,' propeller cut off cleanly.his left to TELE te %2uatla, tweil-,y bAm ovaral tisnes, arm, IX Gard4w,,4jj vN acuat assassin. Thf2 has'been io� 21n own.-SSQ), 4-�cftone twice as a yotmg 'was found ten feet away from 40 Id' nd- , .. r .th V eport from Otta-wa. is that both man 'by Hurigaziar ser�rmti�,,�Secretary of War, t -le SPct whcre lie was sti:u -IT , , t The WI*_i a was visiti, L gypsh= When he ek-,, the Fil, & I I i1h. I �: I � a i, :a g Ids, friabd the-late.crown, ru Kille b'ck Of ll�s head was crushed in, his - 00116 -In the.' -sid�s axre preparing for a gonexal elec- fed- prhx-� of A'111� at Garl�ja. and its- &by Monoplane, cireat and the whole (if his left Y and lacerated. 0e, is said th is or I at 'bl COUViCti L form a ­ -killur Youn S' - 2 C' ', T",i4sti u ed 9 of Hamilton was die. eomtant topic of s -,,And after COUTersal-ion. betwftn 0a 16-mis was buried betteath 4wws xeaa cofik�d yvalking in his sleep on the -d ;,,,-at ,bravory I the eMperor andhiS friends. tOr LOSes�Controlat Start of Paris 1 tale --- -'- t% - _Lend .4 O.Sco'n a a 1,,� i1a of the monoplane vr 11,0 rit-Bmi. - ­ , 1 - on H e Strdit'iailway track _W"t a ia V, to Madrid Race4nd Plunges into waz takm out as quickly as possible one mile � nat"W. jjr The barge Xicaragua, humped into Group Of- Notables and Kills M military surgeone, �flx miles frOM town the gates of the Coxilwall Canal, putw ­aal­-ed by Ver`_ an' 1 and Another *an. 13erte who i-au_t! ad sustained �,ni- I YN__11qAle to get Out. Horses ting the canal -out of bIls:ness, aIIX, Se"iously Injures Premier pounl j7-:, -,Iles of two '7-ok tOM old lie h weTe the Sir Wilfrid Laurier luncf�ed on Sat- ­J V,�.JULIhy I.'.(, Uovol,_ bones in the Mad ` - i 1�ribried by his trumpet- -where -is 11 Monis and Slightly Hurts Two'i-ight 'lag, and faxiners I urday with the Colonial 8Lcretary and I-i'at his nose was broken. iiand difficu�lty in J that $".0, YOU bOmwed from inellast Othera. 11, 1 :o wil"sta.'i t,]- r0ontli? contused and that there getting them to 90 Past though the dined at night wit], Sir.Gilbert Parker, n the breast and abdo), -k!044 wps �kqme distance' away. Mer - Y retired fr,i.,1 Cua. "What MP" M.P. -P&Iis- May 22.-Franoe " N - Yesterday kre a 'V&lc trying to dig the elephant Thi steamer GotJlland was detained ei�:,,ape i at, "WIty, didnt y*u come to me.and id -another and terrible t h toll in hV and M. Monis Ou ,�but the job is Proving very diffl, f or 'ome time at GrOlOse Isle on so - Jr., we I re cult. Ed t" NN'Itll say Y*u m2mt haVe $111)?' Didn't. 16aY YOU 'Were so vorried you weron,-V; kag�nifclent endesvor to attain su. y hurt- _,a� Suspected a&, -,e -ss Wa.; IS nion ki."..'d. Yoursgif that nightp­ 'Of smallpox r macy in the art of -aviation, whe�, ".lose who had marxow es. 4, 013, weR, if I wasn,t n Z; - r� IaPes fr--,.).) "Djury was M. Lopine, th otion, _d dyn.A�Irte lw,�fibs vi.'l in I monoplane, the dmiver of which los� I 'an ­ - -i:" * . , I lysqIf e FSPactical Dev Aeu brid 111) 'Lall" of tHeo prin- the Prfict olice. Elo­Darling, I w, th oul Ony oin was LS- 'i i o i.�E. L, rr. ie Afonis and Ber- 84& -Dearest, do you carry mucil burned on'6WCu-iday, g4i _�ct,js are pay i derico sholld I be exPacte 10O`nfZQl, Phmged- in o p f Mom- "their. party ar- ln.� G. trains had ould die for y $ Wabas to u o rived at the t�4rance_?_I)Atl:r, f D, rPApr,1, lo.be taken ither lines. (A (21)]. Zatat �bers Of the Cabinet 'Who bad. gather- agat d q& ar ound by 1_,.Zl-c.1 ile WKI folljw un his led to w'itness the staxt- of the Petit about 6 o'clock, sholtly . . . . . . . . a_.i mareft ur'...1 Cv7arra- W1 U TOxisien xaos from pazds. to Madrid Garros, Ai-. Beaumant �_rl ri 00mu'RKED hhl�, -�hert had st d to' .I to -arted in the 11roady heavy fortifl- in the direction of An. the a e Minister of War, and i Lie stre(�ts here. 'n-1,90ulem-.1, c ipital of tz-., dcpartment of Juring the Prime Minister, his son, Charente. fla, was surrouxded last Satur KIDNEYS "'h " ]FJ I and a well-known spOitsmaa. . _.&VQV.P, I Tae n!bcl d-oinand that the gar. The great line Of RXetators borde,r. NXTROD TIREATMEN 1 T will care ou and malre a man of ons of b murrender being refused the at A 1arge number of Other pers ing the flying. was be."19 'held rigd unol a' ts influence the linda becon-tes active, the b nod puriflool so that all t wl Sunday.. Tho fedenals Caus()J lhilsh of Blood, FUU. aote h, y a large force Of Sol!; ho, how- T10-u-ples, L >.eicsand ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong ns steel, so, that nervou�no 1, ba: hfulnees and despondency disappear,, the eyes become br ,-,I *trL.Ig 11-mitted the Niulrsier�vlal party lit, the a d narrow escapes from injury- I ever, In exi face fu.1 positions commanLlin* The 10cident occur -red on th avia- I and some half hun .5yretur--i I o t:le body, �shd tho moral, physical a tal a, 0 lic-'s, Dizziness. e .�:proaches, and in Cie re- d -red other pe C ssy Les- Molineux and of distinction to walk across rsond r7eLoj,"y._�, :"vA­ora:of1; r1l d,.* -ns cei-se-no inore vitaf uaste from the system. I fur' Its the rebels lost the field 'vd arria,s cannot be a failure.* Doult let quacks Oils a-­aul 1� r-.c,,f a ra-a m I 1--ioir m. irue finally suc- .7 T thou- " vor, 40 vour liaia earned doi"r- f �R ed rd Was w Ists' by two hundred to a point where they cotild get a b :a[ Li dilq'� Jhetland-, the well-knOwn rail_ $and persons. ter view down the co at- e ,or IlAml M. Trail urse and r-- NO NA.-,grS USED V1 - see tbf,� wa RITTEN CONSENT ItOn, tound the QPII�,,Iing a Monoplane 'Idllm6xi as they TOSe from the starting Ways resting upon,,men of his With him it was M. Bounier' Thirty-Fo.i-, Y,;�rs a Judge. itrain, 0 vastly I V0711 FARALYSKS Occupation point and flew in their direction. tendency of the bloccl to rush to. his Trail's monoplane s Peter Z Summers rigston, May _-Judge Price will Inteiisified by, a a passenger. J\Tcither of these mo� f wooped'towqzd "I W4S trot:'Lled -w-Ii. Nervous Debility the earth at tli,3 impulse Of an air I �orm-,_Yycars. IlayfttoindiscretiLu week Oelt,brntte his 34-th year on ness, of vislont and. great steadiness I bec:1mc vo. y bonch, aodl _i I head, and often at times. when clear- flurry and it' appeared as tlioug�i the and e.:ocs.-es in yopth. .point of service is were demanded. Finding so�rae diffl- aviator was about to dash into the ee6,")o::denb and tdan,t care wliother I "I"ork0:1 Or 116t I Imagined everybo.1y Rt ded as Eli, Mest living judge in cultY in bending -9, stiffnass, With cavalry. The pilo.tls attention who hioltad at me gueszed in da, 11PPOinted judge of Pain having settled seem .1olikalnative dreams at 11 -enecl in 111r, back, it oc- morrientaxily to have been diverted ight weal curred to him tll&t his kidneys, might County , I Fronteliae, vice Bar. me ,b. -m. back ached, had pains in. the, be at fault, frona his cotirse and he make 4 qilick Z11 I IN Ileac, xiaVcls and feeb Wer. reAer, vd, by Ea wed a tile mor=7 or ap rl Daffetin on "This was a happy Idea, turn to the left, t0wards where th� 25, J. -"s, 6nd surrogate judge of for by X I not Only got rid,43f the paja 1h i1!!iiiJ1V.m I _petite til. Jgulill�,41 "Mm - - -- Alu.lars -wore .__, e, -c.3 turrca, hal _ narit`�ae court of Ontdrio by the 111f � ­qm I PartY Of Officials were 6ttitriding. Then V, r but many other troubles as well. I it m 9 loose, iiiamory pij'C�, P.C. X11111bness in -9, uis of Lorne took a full dose of Dr. Ramlitows. Pills 11111 jl(� lost ccnf%,Dl 0 the oraft altogethe% X1i0lin.70rszLt In L,.Zi,L 1.� I CJI�Ct'r toICI me I and it da$hed -violently into the Xili� UPC 1=1F.,YS13. I L.1 str tl .Von lvf aroh 3, 18yo. He and was 9116d, to note that So , ob- educat(:d at Newbutgh Grammar in fill,; isterial groap. hox, I I Ind irled iN ..i On of t1le kidn(IYS� which 1 had The impaet. knocked M, Berteau:g 1"It rc-'C:VCd 1­tla bolleft. 41 1 1, graduated at Quea-es as LL.B. lateuiry noticed, was, at once relieved. t 10.8 63, and w, ax in 'flushed appearance of m,Sr face BEFORE .to. the B rXh m1l.." as called e, 11 .11, 1-Is"4gi: ten feet away, where he lay in a pool 'rr�r�`MEI& "`a X t-0 Rentledy & waY` to a more rationzi C010k and 0 blood, badly mangled, while, unde a ctors. Ir a., He pr"ticed his poofessionwith gavL c '1011!�% I LIJ t".11 TR.ATAIENT none d Coo 'Xr'W 111=1102> ':'RVATHENT and It the wxeckage of the m011oplane lay' li'm inalle-1 could feel tl! � V:gorgoillg through sent the ner""' 11lave sent iaeroi many L. Whiting, K.(),, blood, removing upon '-,the Deutsch. Trail and M. �Bdoieur olnerg. and coutluile to do so.. patients neat and fulnesi5 and ed from 01'd wreak uninjured, GURES GUARANTEED OR No of t1lb firm, 'T. -17411111Y act splendidly PTemi" M'OAis, his son and M t is aignificant that the pre n my appotite. Dr, Hamilton,s .7EIlls '1 Ae dIeTed 11 judg here, wa!q a perceptible Improvement Britton, now Tustic,6 Britton le -ship, but declined n -at sort of dizziness that makes PAY reasons, olse ihis firm man at the, throttle A scene of fll-ghtfi72 cotfusion 101 Wo yeat anti eure VARICO" VMNc,, Wish when It hAd three judges to Its, rAegGs Win that hel were elsewhere lowed the fh1l Of tillo monoplan, URINAPLY COMPLAINTS, &JJJIqL X- AriD J3 NERVOU9 qy, BLOOD AND 0 'TOM ipadunar LO rrXen. No medicine g it .1 P LADDER VJSEA$zz� anc, g%,u Discascs au ijar�s 01 tAt aviation field arose Ves such unquestion- U C0TCZLTA1n0N ably good reaUtts, for stornaell, liver, cries Q adarm and dismay, and tens nla.& fo H- BOOKS FREE, It iuntbl, tO Cat Write fora Question and blood (troubles As Dr. J�Iamllton,i, r _41DIne reatmear. Ask Otornar4o Resign. of thotsands of Persons broke through donA, May q% -The members of P'lls, they are Milc% certaln� and al- the Ilifes d ' W&Ys, ourative. Rguse, any, su.bstltute. move-doto.wazas tile scene 711be onvalry, how - of the accident, S00 Dri i( -to H, N E By e.T ty to letY for Clio provenjiOn . All dealers sell Dr, 1-.tamlltog�,,,pills� �evow, by ZaPfttod eharges, Managed Animals, decided on r Me per box, or T1w 0. &KENNEDY ri� %tarrilogone Co., lgh� to as1t Loid Cr 'Cor. Aichigan Ave. and Gliswold St., Detroit,, Aich, ,�mor to re. DKIngston, out, to dear thg field and the injured men, he vice-;ro-sidenicy of the or� 4 were given �ftrst aid by the field snr. tion boe�duso he ong. From the Ardt Rwas seen tha All letter� froln caliadd mttst be addtes8ed nphol4s vivIl. Dr. HaMllton% Pill, I Barteaux was fatally hurt, an to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - 'that 1fi monis as derfdusly injured. Mentin,.Wilidsor, ont. If you. desire to Pevdbr-,said that 610 fact that' Cure t - - me:, us rprso=lly 4call at Aoilr iedf After Chn 71, IrOmerww4s 7ice-president oaus. had been cared Cd Institute in Detroit as ,;.;od I,IQ w. Una', for Correspond IF z ch are r.e iw' 14 r, th, Pat[Outs ift our Windsot ofliceg whi We See, and treat' to vefuse to jdQ Kidnoys and Livev we "a's reck. I ", "_;O once and ny pre4sons Iry for Canadian businesQ ottly, Ives wilh the w;w had roea:�cd. Ild"or Address all Jettp rs a s fol")ws. "S' )KENNEI)y XENNEDY, Windsor# Ont, T 11-10'rERE now every morning' _brip-hl and early, Special Features _Ev.-ery A For the first time in Your life You can get Special Features morraihg TIM' WO.UAX'S 1h.e daily newsfiafier Ihat'b'est- * m1lormed people Saturday Morning, I NEWS PAGE in Tbe Mall and Em- 1Y on for all the real news at pire Is the only Woman's d. ally MOATS T1.1,A1 In any Canadian Newspaper. k, our in the m a reasonable WOMANS MNGDOIVI-l:vor many years this has been a Particularly interesting orning. feature of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE. PINA-NCIAL 1VEWS-Recelved every nigj�t ovel, 'rlo� Mail and Empire's ow3. xet%, yoL,( \% IhL full The best, most complete, most accurate Tens of thousands of Canada's best women have never missed reading the WO - MAN'S ICINGDOM for years. 're, financial service of the New Yti:,k ql. , tile te- knowledged financial authority of Ar aork­.�. 2,rrry n,ost int' and . eresting reporIs of the news tha Most TBM VLAXEUR,-Never so good as to-dw,. An ex- tremely Interesting and instructive Pago. morning you can read in The Nau. ond I.'rn.ary precisely the same Wall Street. -A-�,teresfs you now ready hours earlier than CONTE" 4 -Ry LITERATURE by RATI]ERINE4 ITAL—IRBeautifully written reviews of all. the goEsip tij:t. York financiers are reading that.Fz-anie c -ver before. new books, and interesting chats about books and their authors. SPORTING NJEWS in The Mail and Emnire is e% -r ry- where recognized as the best in valluda. Our HE AIAIL AND EXPIRE is iinques- HE ATAIL AND EKPIRE has ILE%Q J6,u.10NS A" OPINIONS by iODWARD JJrE C.--7rree legal 'advice Ili any difficulty in wx;t special New York wire enables as te� publf,i�. Llit tionably Canada's greatest NEWS- papor. INTote that w0n"and Tmaintains its reputation as the best which. you may need it, Questions of your friends and neighbors, with Mr. Meek's Answers complete box scores of every U.. t In.11 9�­ni­ In all HI the leagues. Same COMPIC'ZO we emphasize � Compare any day's issue carefully newspaper in Canada by flWnishinsr and Opinions, make very interesting reading. MUSIC AND DRAIIEk-This has always b�en --L t% z� .1 -acing and all other sporting evelA.S. I � U the best tL11 Sily othek Canadian newspaper and you wW find plenty of evidence—niore its readers with all the real news I I fonlid in any a very special feature of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, and th ose who are Interested in Plays and- Players, and most Complete Sporting News in The Mail and Empire. real news fuller, more interesting,and more reliable re-' other paper—and in addition that of the splendid Laffan News 'Service, Composers, Musicians and their work should not miss a single number. FO'URTH COLU.XXN�11 on the Editorial pas -e -a parts of all worth -while -news than in any other paper. which ill-. eludes all the financial news and exclusive 130Y SCOUTS --A care:ully' conducted department of !nterest to, the boys and young men, magazine article every morning, non-pokitical, bright interesting, always Instrjuctive, and Illu- To furnish such a complete news ser- cable service of the New York Sun, the bes t- who are mak- Ine this new movement In boy life so popular. VIEDLI) AND WOOD by '�CALTE[A,,_Dellghtful minating the news of the day. Considered by vice costs a great deal, but we consider the edited newspaper in all America. and interesting, especially to Children and their everyone the best special daily feature of any newspaper in Canada --alone worth more to _-best; regardless of expense, none too good for The 2fail and Em pire-'s readerg If you want ALL the news, when it IS Mothers. ]FIRST-CLASS SERIAL STORY-AlwaYs running with any reader than the whole cost of the paper, 01-deP the - Mtzil and Empire eAfalL news, you need Th i and E mpire. from generous instaiments oq:�h Lturday morning. If You Nvant a -first-class, respectable, carefully con- ducied, well your newsdeaier TO -DA Y, 0Y write direct to TH.8 RAIL AND EMPJ'RE, Toronto, edited, live, up-to-date newspaper, subscribe for TRE MAM AND EMPIRE. Rebels Use Bombs. A Cbeerful outir)&k- 19 � "�.ty LV.-kJje. Kaiser Wimelm is &mar,conmineed7 1% "' I , I '--- - lie fed-?ral In'Ster 61 War J�erteaux was nor- MEflun MINQ I tff RAU ribly 111.1119-eJ. The swiftly revolvi UTI.i -that -he will die bT the ul��,qgplap to -day hand ot ng la 41W GRAPHIC BRIEFS. .to,' propeller cut off cleanly.his left to TELE te %2uatla, tweil-,y bAm ovaral tisnes, arm, IX Gard4w,,4jj vN acuat assassin. Thf2 has'been io� 21n own.-SSQ), 4-�cftone twice as a yotmg 'was found ten feet away from 40 Id' nd- , .. r .th V eport from Otta-wa. is that both man 'by Hurigaziar ser�rmti�,,�Secretary of War, t -le SPct whcre lie was sti:u -IT , , t The WI*_i a was visiti, L gypsh= When he ek-,, the Fil, & I I i1h. I �: I � a i, :a g Ids, friabd the-late.crown, ru Kille b'ck Of ll�s head was crushed in, his - 00116 -In the.' -sid�s axre preparing for a gonexal elec- fed- prhx-� of A'111� at Garl�ja. and its- &by Monoplane, cireat and the whole (if his left Y and lacerated. 0e, is said th is or I at 'bl COUViCti L form a ­ -killur Youn S' - 2 C' ', T",i4sti u ed 9 of Hamilton was die. eomtant topic of s -,,And after COUTersal-ion. betwftn 0a 16-mis was buried betteath 4wws xeaa cofik�d yvalking in his sleep on the -d ;,,,-at ,bravory I the eMperor andhiS friends. tOr LOSes�Controlat Start of Paris 1 tale --- -'- t% - _Lend .4 O.Sco'n a a 1,,� i1a of the monoplane vr 11,0 rit-Bmi. - ­ , 1 - on H e Strdit'iailway track _W"t a ia V, to Madrid Race4nd Plunges into waz takm out as quickly as possible one mile � nat"W. jjr The barge Xicaragua, humped into Group Of- Notables and Kills M military surgeone, �flx miles frOM town the gates of the Coxilwall Canal, putw ­aal­-ed by Ver`_ an' 1 and Another *an. 13erte who i-au_t! ad sustained �,ni- I YN__11qAle to get Out. Horses ting the canal -out of bIls:ness, aIIX, Se"iously Injures Premier pounl j7-:, -,Iles of two '7-ok tOM old lie h weTe the Sir Wilfrid Laurier luncf�ed on Sat- ­J V,�.JULIhy I.'.(, Uovol,_ bones in the Mad ` - i 1�ribried by his trumpet- -where -is 11 Monis and Slightly Hurts Two'i-ight 'lag, and faxiners I urday with the Colonial 8Lcretary and I-i'at his nose was broken. iiand difficu�lty in J that $".0, YOU bOmwed from inellast Othera. 11, 1 :o wil"sta.'i t,]- r0ontli? contused and that there getting them to 90 Past though the dined at night wit], Sir.Gilbert Parker, n the breast and abdo), -k!044 wps �kqme distance' away. Mer - Y retired fr,i.,1 Cua. "What MP" M.P. -P&Iis- May 22.-Franoe " N - Yesterday kre a 'V&lc trying to dig the elephant Thi steamer GotJlland was detained ei�:,,ape i at, "WIty, didnt y*u come to me.and id -another and terrible t h toll in hV and M. Monis Ou ,�but the job is Proving very diffl, f or 'ome time at GrOlOse Isle on so - Jr., we I re cult. Ed t" NN'Itll say Y*u m2mt haVe $111)?' Didn't. 16aY YOU 'Were so vorried you weron,-V; kag�nifclent endesvor to attain su. y hurt- _,a� Suspected a&, -,e -ss Wa.; IS nion ki."..'d. Yoursgif that nightp­ 'Of smallpox r macy in the art of -aviation, whe�, ".lose who had marxow es. 4, 013, weR, if I wasn,t n Z; - r� IaPes fr--,.).) "Djury was M. Lopine, th otion, _d dyn.A�Irte lw,�fibs vi.'l in I monoplane, the dmiver of which los� I 'an ­ - -i:" * . , I lysqIf e FSPactical Dev Aeu brid 111) 'Lall" of tHeo prin- the Prfict olice. Elo­Darling, I w, th oul Ony oin was LS- 'i i o i.�E. L, rr. ie Afonis and Ber- 84& -Dearest, do you carry mucil burned on'6WCu-iday, g4i _�ct,js are pay i derico sholld I be exPacte 10O`nfZQl, Phmged- in o p f Mom- "their. party ar- ln.� G. trains had ould die for y $ Wabas to u o rived at the t�4rance_?_I)Atl:r, f D, rPApr,1, lo.be taken ither lines. (A (21)]. Zatat �bers Of the Cabinet 'Who bad. gather- agat d q& ar ound by 1_,.Zl-c.1 ile WKI folljw un his led to w'itness the staxt- of the Petit about 6 o'clock, sholtly . . . . . . . . a_.i mareft ur'...1 Cv7arra- W1 U TOxisien xaos from pazds. to Madrid Garros, Ai-. Beaumant �_rl ri 00mu'RKED hhl�, -�hert had st d to' .I to -arted in the 11roady heavy fortifl- in the direction of An. the a e Minister of War, and i Lie stre(�ts here. 'n-1,90ulem-.1, c ipital of tz-., dcpartment of Juring the Prime Minister, his son, Charente. fla, was surrouxded last Satur KIDNEYS "'h " ]FJ I and a well-known spOitsmaa. . _.&VQV.P, I Tae n!bcl d-oinand that the gar. The great line Of RXetators borde,r. NXTROD TIREATMEN 1 T will care ou and malre a man of ons of b murrender being refused the at A 1arge number of Other pers ing the flying. was be."19 'held rigd unol a' ts influence the linda becon-tes active, the b nod puriflool so that all t wl Sunday.. Tho fedenals Caus()J lhilsh of Blood, FUU. aote h, y a large force Of Sol!; ho, how- T10-u-ples, L >.eicsand ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong ns steel, so, that nervou�no 1, ba: hfulnees and despondency disappear,, the eyes become br ,-,I *trL.Ig 11-mitted the Niulrsier�vlal party lit, the a d narrow escapes from injury- I ever, In exi face fu.1 positions commanLlin* The 10cident occur -red on th avia- I and some half hun .5yretur--i I o t:le body, �shd tho moral, physical a tal a, 0 lic-'s, Dizziness. e .�:proaches, and in Cie re- d -red other pe C ssy Les- Molineux and of distinction to walk across rsond r7eLoj,"y._�, :"vA­ora:of1; r1l d,.* -ns cei-se-no inore vitaf uaste from the system. I fur' Its the rebels lost the field 'vd arria,s cannot be a failure.* Doult let quacks Oils a-­aul 1� r-.c,,f a ra-a m I 1--ioir m. irue finally suc- .7 T thou- " vor, 40 vour liaia earned doi"r- f �R ed rd Was w Ists' by two hundred to a point where they cotild get a b :a[ Li dilq'� Jhetland-, the well-knOwn rail_ $and persons. ter view down the co at- e ,or IlAml M. Trail urse and r-- NO NA.-,grS USED V1 - see tbf,� wa RITTEN CONSENT ItOn, tound the QPII�,,Iing a Monoplane 'Idllm6xi as they TOSe from the starting Ways resting upon,,men of his With him it was M. Bounier' Thirty-Fo.i-, Y,;�rs a Judge. itrain, 0 vastly I V0711 FARALYSKS Occupation point and flew in their direction. tendency of the bloccl to rush to. his Trail's monoplane s Peter Z Summers rigston, May _-Judge Price will Inteiisified by, a a passenger. J\Tcither of these mo� f wooped'towqzd "I W4S trot:'Lled -w-Ii. Nervous Debility the earth at tli,3 impulse Of an air I �orm-,_Yycars. IlayfttoindiscretiLu week Oelt,brntte his 34-th year on ness, of vislont and. great steadiness I bec:1mc vo. y bonch, aodl _i I head, and often at times. when clear- flurry and it' appeared as tlioug�i the and e.:ocs.-es in yopth. .point of service is were demanded. Finding so�rae diffl- aviator was about to dash into the ee6,")o::denb and tdan,t care wliother I "I"ork0:1 Or 116t I Imagined everybo.1y Rt ded as Eli, Mest living judge in cultY in bending -9, stiffnass, With cavalry. The pilo.tls attention who hioltad at me gueszed in da, 11PPOinted judge of Pain having settled seem .1olikalnative dreams at 11 -enecl in 111r, back, it oc- morrientaxily to have been diverted ight weal curred to him tll&t his kidneys, might County , I Fronteliae, vice Bar. me ,b. -m. back ached, had pains in. the, be at fault, frona his cotirse and he make 4 qilick Z11 I IN Ileac, xiaVcls and feeb Wer. reAer, vd, by Ea wed a tile mor=7 or ap rl Daffetin on "This was a happy Idea, turn to the left, t0wards where th� 25, J. -"s, 6nd surrogate judge of for by X I not Only got rid,43f the paja 1h i1!!iiiJ1V.m I _petite til. Jgulill�,41 "Mm - - -- Alu.lars -wore .__, e, -c.3 turrca, hal _ narit`�ae court of Ontdrio by the 111f � ­qm I PartY Of Officials were 6ttitriding. Then V, r but many other troubles as well. I it m 9 loose, iiiamory pij'C�, P.C. X11111bness in -9, uis of Lorne took a full dose of Dr. Ramlitows. Pills 11111 jl(� lost ccnf%,Dl 0 the oraft altogethe% X1i0lin.70rszLt In L,.Zi,L 1.� I CJI�Ct'r toICI me I and it da$hed -violently into the Xili� UPC 1=1F.,YS13. I L.1 str tl .Von lvf aroh 3, 18yo. He and was 9116d, to note that So , ob- educat(:d at Newbutgh Grammar in fill,; isterial groap. hox, I I Ind irled iN ..i On of t1le kidn(IYS� which 1 had The impaet. knocked M, Berteau:g 1"It rc-'C:VCd 1­tla bolleft. 41 1 1, graduated at Quea-es as LL.B. lateuiry noticed, was, at once relieved. t 10.8 63, and w, ax in 'flushed appearance of m,Sr face BEFORE .to. the B rXh m1l.." as called e, 11 .11, 1-Is"4gi: ten feet away, where he lay in a pool 'rr�r�`MEI& "`a X t-0 Rentledy & waY` to a more rationzi C010k and 0 blood, badly mangled, while, unde a ctors. Ir a., He pr"ticed his poofessionwith gavL c '1011!�% I LIJ t".11 TR.ATAIENT none d Coo 'Xr'W 111=1102> ':'RVATHENT and It the wxeckage of the m011oplane lay' li'm inalle-1 could feel tl! � V:gorgoillg through sent the ner""' 11lave sent iaeroi many L. Whiting, K.(),, blood, removing upon '-,the Deutsch. Trail and M. �Bdoieur olnerg. and coutluile to do so.. patients neat and fulnesi5 and ed from 01'd wreak uninjured, GURES GUARANTEED OR No of t1lb firm, 'T. -17411111Y act splendidly PTemi" M'OAis, his son and M t is aignificant that the pre n my appotite. Dr, Hamilton,s .7EIlls '1 Ae dIeTed 11 judg here, wa!q a perceptible Improvement Britton, now Tustic,6 Britton le -ship, but declined n -at sort of dizziness that makes PAY reasons, olse ihis firm man at the, throttle A scene of fll-ghtfi72 cotfusion 101 Wo yeat anti eure VARICO" VMNc,, Wish when It hAd three judges to Its, rAegGs Win that hel were elsewhere lowed the fh1l Of tillo monoplan, URINAPLY COMPLAINTS, &JJJIqL X- AriD J3 NERVOU9 qy, BLOOD AND 0 'TOM ipadunar LO rrXen. No medicine g it .1 P LADDER VJSEA$zz� anc, g%,u Discascs au ijar�s 01 tAt aviation field arose Ves such unquestion- U C0TCZLTA1n0N ably good reaUtts, for stornaell, liver, cries Q adarm and dismay, and tens nla.& fo H- BOOKS FREE, It iuntbl, tO Cat Write fora Question and blood (troubles As Dr. J�Iamllton,i, r _41DIne reatmear. Ask Otornar4o Resign. of thotsands of Persons broke through donA, May q% -The members of P'lls, they are Milc% certaln� and al- the Ilifes d ' W&Ys, ourative. Rguse, any, su.bstltute. move-doto.wazas tile scene 711be onvalry, how - of the accident, S00 Dri i( -to H, N E By e.T ty to letY for Clio provenjiOn . All dealers sell Dr, 1-.tamlltog�,,,pills� �evow, by ZaPfttod eharges, Managed Animals, decided on r Me per box, or T1w 0. &KENNEDY ri� %tarrilogone Co., lgh� to as1t Loid Cr 'Cor. Aichigan Ave. and Gliswold St., Detroit,, Aich, ,�mor to re. DKIngston, out, to dear thg field and the injured men, he vice-;ro-sidenicy of the or� 4 were given �ftrst aid by the field snr. tion boe�duso he ong. From the Ardt Rwas seen tha All letter� froln caliadd mttst be addtes8ed nphol4s vivIl. Dr. HaMllton% Pill, I Barteaux was fatally hurt, an to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - 'that 1fi monis as derfdusly injured. Mentin,.Wilidsor, ont. If you. desire to Pevdbr-,said that 610 fact that' Cure t - - me:, us rprso=lly 4call at Aoilr iedf After Chn 71, IrOmerww4s 7ice-president oaus. had been cared Cd Institute in Detroit as ,;.;od I,IQ w. Una', for Correspond IF z ch are r.e iw' 14 r, th, Pat[Outs ift our Windsot ofliceg whi We See, and treat' to vefuse to jdQ Kidnoys and Livev we "a's reck. I ", "_;O once and ny pre4sons Iry for Canadian businesQ ottly, Ives wilh the w;w had roea:�cd. Ild"or Address all Jettp rs a s fol")ws. "S' )KENNEI)y XENNEDY, Windsor# Ont, T