HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-03-04, Page 6PAGE 6—GODFr1CH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1987 P I: k & Roil with NO SMALL C ANGE This Thurso, Frio, Sat. SATURDAY MATINEE 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. IN OUR FINE DINING ROOM DAILY `: PLCIALS LL Join with us to celebrate the WORLD �AY OFAY��A4!•11 PLACE: Trinity Anglican Church Bay field TIME: 2.00 p.m. DATE: Friday, March 6, 1987 THEME; Come and Rejoice Men and women from the surrounding areas of every denomination are invited to participate in an interdenominational service. The focus of the service is unity and world peace. It has long been thought that praying for people of all nations pro- motes a better understanding and accep- tance of all peoples and fosters a genuine concern for their well-being. More than 3000 churches in Canada alone will be holding services on March 6, and every other nation in the world will in some way participate in this effort. We would ask people to give tip just one hour out of their busy lives Whelp further this worthy event. At Trinity the service will be followed by refreshments. A birthday cake will be served to celebrate the 100th birthday of the World Day of Prayer. CHAIRPERSON: Cheryl Tomlinson For further information call 565-2459 or 565-2616 WALLCOVERING SALE See our Anniversary Sale Ad on Page 13 DECOR C 33 West St., Goderich 524-7117 Caly ry Baptist. Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 524-6445 Nursery Facilities...available Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Service - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service • 7:00 p.m. WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues. - 7:00 Mighty Mites - Ages 4&5 Olyrriplans - Ages 6-12 Wed. 6:30 • 8:00 Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH St. George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich RECTOR: THE REV. ROBERT .1. CROCKER Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.Y. March 8th 8:30 o.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a,m, Morning Prayer Sermon Series In Church History Church School and Nursery 2.00 p.m. Holy Communion at Christ Church, Part Albert. Wednesdays Irl Lent - 10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion (7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday) -You are always welcome= Kno Prsbyterin Church MINISTER: THE REV. G.L. ROYAL M.A.,M. DIV., Lorne H. Dotterer, Director o4 Praise Sunday, March 8 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School The Rev. Robert M. Bisset preaching (Nursery Facilities) Enter to Worship Deport to Serve North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 Sunday, March 8, 1987 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP & SUNDAY SCHOOL FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER -- Cable 12 Telecast at 1 p.m. --- REV. ROBERT O'. BALL MINISTER Robert Blackwell Director of Music Free Meth:.- dist Church Goderich Lawn Bowling,4lubhouse Picton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT 524-8800 Sunday, March 8 9:215 a.m. Childrerk Sunday School 11:00 a.m, Worship Service Fri. , March 6 - 7:30 p.m. Contemporary Gospel Mitac Concert with Special Division & Rev. Leonard Terry - Victoria School,..Goderich Saturday, March 7 - 7:30 p.m, Sunday, March It- 7,:po p.m. Rev. Leonard Terry Guest Speaker Lawn Bowling Clubhouse ALL ARE WELCOME COME WORSHIP WITH US Mb Wednesday Today marks the beginning of Lent. As`h Wednesday is celebrated by i Christians around the world as the first of (the 40 days prior to Holy Week, the seven days preceding Easter Sun4 Lent is the tliU whdn Christians remember tscion of Jesus Christ who was.• crucifi by the people of His day. Followers o Christ believe their Lord took on Himself the sins of the entire world, and all men whoever lived or whoever will live, and that His' dying paid the penalty of sin once and for all time to come, so that those who trust in Him for salvation are covered by Elis Grace, 'sinless in the sight of God Alxnighty. I • G i' CI music student Kathy Brown adds mushrooms to home-made pizzas during the G I>CI concert bands pizza -making day at the high school on Saturday. The music students and their parents made 1,100 dozen pizzas as one part of their fundraising projects to aid in the cost of their` planned trip to a music festival in England next year. The students will under- take their pizza preparation skills again on March 28. (photo by Lou -Ann Hope) Huron County Council will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 5, in the Court House council chambers, Goderich. . Huron County Library Board will meet at 10 a.m. on Monday, March 9, in . the Court House council chambers, Goderich.. Huron County Musem Committee will meet at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, in the Court. House council chambers, Goderich. • The •Goderich letornuc Development Committee Will meet at noon Wednesday, March 4 at the Parkhouse. The Administrative and Personnel Committee of council Will meet at 8:30 ' CIVIC CORNER a.m. Thursday,. Marchf&n the mayor's office at town hall. Town council will meet Monday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers. The Parks' and Waterfront Committee will meet Wednesday, March 11 at noon in the council chambers. , A public meeting regarding the recrea- tion master plan and feasibility study will be held Monday, March 16 in the council chambers beginning. at 7:30 p.m. Our Work Hag Our Personal Guarantee Serving Huron & Surrounding Area Since 1919 See Doug Stevenson - Memorial Counsellor for Goderich, Blythe Lucknow, Kincardine and surrounding reas° May we have the privilege of serving you .with your memorial needs, IOU FREE COURTESY OFFICE Itis4E mutt I it UIS ; Al~ir ; 1-0063-3477 ARMERS! PIe- se pl:- n to Otte;:d CROP INFORMATION DAY Bro o kside Central School Thursday, March 17 t87 9:30 AM * White and Kidney Bean Up -date Gordon Pryde - W.G. Thompson *Hyl r:: nd Seed Upd . to - C ern, Sys, Cereals Don Littleiohns err Changing In Grading St. ndards In Wheat Representative Canadian Grain Commission * Luncheon Speaker - Alex Henry - Sylvite SIT DOWN LUNCH PROVIDED * Market Upd*:te - Gerry Key rns M•_rrill Lynch - W;•.s Th,.-,mpson Jr, * Film - Tramlines *Displays from Mellor Chemical Companies PLEASE R.S.V.P. by M r; RCH 76th Noon in order that once can - Plan for lunch. CALL W.G. THOMPSON, PORT ALBERT 529-1901. 0 r� Future {4!'`1 n 4a meeting agena - PORT ALBERT NEWS Futirre E SS - Future community plans are on the agen- da for a public meeting to be held Monday, March 9 at 8 p.m. in the church basement.. The Port Albert community has been en- joying occassional euchre parties throughout the winter at Christ Church. The last euchre party was arranged by Jim and Donna Hayden with Mel Dickson finishing high men's, Mary Stewart high ladies, Gary Nicholson low men's and Jennifer Tigert law ladies. The Nicholson family are organizing the nest party to be held at Christ Church Friday, March 6 at 8 p.m. As well as organizing card parties Jim Hayden has been busy throwing bales of,hay to strengthen his bowling arm. Congratulations to the Port Albert hockey team who are enjoying second place in their league. Hockey playoffs will begin March 17. . The community wishes Gord Martin a speedy recovery after his recent surgery. Gord and Eleanor Cockfield from Livona, Michigan have been visiting Viola Petrie recently. A belated welcome to John and. Jennifer Lahey and family who moved into the com- munity last fall. We have.had a relatively quiet winter in the area and should have a good turnout for the upcoming euchre party and community . meeting. Residents go • • t nt .Ac y LOCHALS NEWS Kee Webster, 395-52E7 7 --1/That , - What a beautiful week we've had and in February too! Usually there's so much snow you can't see over -the banks. But winter's4not over yet, so prepare yourself? Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb was their daughter Sandra Darling and. her two children Mark and Heather of. Paisley. There will be many people in the com- munity glad to know that Rhetta MacLen- nan was able to be out in the other day in Lucknow with her daughter Margaret Morton of Point Clark. George and Andrea MacDonald left last wekk for a few days holidays in Kentucky. Edna Culbert visited with her family in `London for a cotiple of days recently. 'Mayme Wilkins visited with her mother Stella Irwin and brother Lloyd. Also visiting with Mrs. Irwin was her daughter Ruby of Woodstock. Prayer theme of WNIS meeting The WMS (WD) afternoon auxiliary Knox • Presbyterian Church, Goderich, held a meeting recently. Mrs. D. Murchison, president, presided ,for the. February 17 meeting with "Prayer" being the theme and read a suitable poem "Prayers are the stairs to God" and scripture Hebrews 4-14-16 followed by members joining in repeating tthaHymn "Our Father hears us when we prSecretary Jean Scott gave the roll call and "the minutes of last meeting. Reports were heard from Mrs. G.C. White (treasurer's report), Mrs. G..MacEwan (supply) and. Mrs. ' 0. Falkiner (correspondence). Visitors for the month are Mrs. C. Wilson and Mrs. E. Bogie. Business was attended to. Two large serv- ing trays were donated to the auxiliary 'by Mrs. G. Kaittung; a knee -throw made by the members previously will be given to a wor- thy -cause; members were informed a need for bedding, linens, etc. has been received from Armagh Horne for Abused Women and Children. The Synodical will be in Listowel April 21-22 and the Worlds Day of Prayer will be Friday, March 6 at 2 p.rn. in the Christian Reformed Church in Goderich. Mr. John Stringer, chairman of 'the - Search Committee at Knox Church, gave a very informative talk explaining the pro- cess by which a new minister is selected for a Presbyterian congregation and members present received a questionaire to help in this selection, never forgetting prayer is of vital importance. Mrs. McAllister thanked Mr'. Stringer for his talk. . -. Mrs. E. • Bogie ably presented the Fellowship of the Least . Coin. ' Mrs. R. McAllister's group conducted a group ques- tionaire "Exercising our .responsibility for Time" from selected portions of the Bible. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS CHANDLER Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 14. Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345