HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 11-M
Jesuit College Property on Wo-ary njo� AwlPts From COARding Dujias,
Street Se(.,ured.
t; For Tea You Can"t Beat L* ton"a" 413PORTS Fnom nir., ta,,uw,,�,
IP A delPatch from Montreal says: Anancier namea LoWs Al
It �R reported here' that the Cana- 1=41M CILN who had built lip .0, lArgo bli8inessill.
Tim St%ndwrd of Tea Perxection dian Northern has secured the AME UIC4, a short gpaco of time� has disv,
'All Over tho Jesuit College sito on Bleury, street appeared from Paris, F r4llce,, aUd
World Is as a location for torihinalE, The, large defalcation$ are fo4red.
colloge will,move W. cote 406 No!-, pplees of cattle, Gra�", cheeso 8ome time ago rari4l -,and the
ma provincea were flooded by a Cir-
ges, wher it owns fifty a,�ros of
e 'd OtheP I'l-04uce at U009 a
land. It has,been. known for some 44 oul r, which raii� "VornigWy iii,
time that the Canadian Northern and Abroad.
LIPTON T E.A ter"�t, We guarantee you I per
Railway were looking for a suit- cent a, day. We a,�-e the.OU17 hDusa
Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly able central site, and from time Is the Staladaird Artip-16-
gual,44teeing a fortnightly intor-
to time reports were� spread that Toronto,: Ma READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY est of 15 per cent,
y 1.0 —The markets paid regulAr�
they ha4 secured one. To reach were quiet to -day, with a slightly tnt water, removing old paint,
For malcivq 4,oap, oaftont ly, No stock exchange knowledge,
#heir now site on Bleury street it better feeling. Export,demaud in- 'aisinfecting ain.1co, closets, dr4iup AP4 for many -other ginimam depositi $0;
will be necessary for the company active. Winnipeg firmer, up some. 1purplanes, A can equalo 20 Ihs., SAL SOVAo
to tunnel under the mountain, The 0 Useful f6r 500 purposes—'sold 4venp - wbero. maximum, P20,000."
oarso gralus dull, with oats firm. I W, GjXLLr-%'9 COA%PAXY XaMXTJ�01) TOIMNTO. ONT. As a, result the Post brought tc
go BE cost of the new terminal and. the Flour—Winter wheat 90 per cent, I - .. 1111 1p: 1-1, F111 the luxurious apartments of 014,
entrance to it will involve, an ex- patentz, $3.40 to $3.45, Montreal new bank, facing uhe opera Co
, I mi
penditureof from two to three mil- freight; Manitoba flours --First Pat-
que, securit, a. of all kinds, At
'U lion dollars. ents, $5.10; second patents, $4 4rst, deposits rarely exceeded $6 in
and strong bakers', $4.40, on track, value, but when at the end of tlireq�
To ronto, months the clieutd zeoei id in W-#
HOW TO CURE, LAZINESS. Manitoba, Wheat—No. I Northern, terest double the amount they'
He Killed Joseph Tallion Wi.th an Axe in a
990, Bay ports; No. �� at'9034e, and paid in, the 'ideposits, increasea
Unusuhl Case of fleittil Derange. NO,. 3 at 94C., enormously. A few days ago Vie,
Lumber Cam ment in the I Rull Jail. Ontario Wheat—No. 2 red and
P average daily receipt of the bank
A despatch from Ottawa a white, 85 to 86c, outside, Commons Vote Fift 'Thousand. Dollars, to amounted to s2o,000,'sand the, daily
ay' Barley—Malting qualities, 65c, y interest, Pa
A -despatch from Sault. the head with a double -bitted. axe,, The HtIll jail authorities have a yments, to $400.
outside. This eitraordinary state of af-
�Jaxie, Ont,, says: William Carroll, afterward, admitting that he had unique Character under their care, Prepare for Duke's. Ooming
Oats—Ontari grades, 37 to 37i2c, fairs attracted the attention of M.
iged sixty-five, who in 1902 escaped, mistaken Tallion for another mart a, man named Albert. Cox, whose C) '0
against whom he had a grudge. titside, for No. 2, and 39?/2 to 40a, 'Ramakd, Chief of the Faris detoe-�
in the London Asylum upon � reason is affected, though he hats on track, Toronto. No. 2 W. 0, tive, force, who requested W
the In the court on, Thursday Carroll not been declared insane. The man A despaich from Ottawa saya: sentative of the. Duke of Connaught, '-H!ivier
Wat -of his discharge as fully. cured) was unconcerned, and did not was freed on Tuesdcy, but refuses oats, 39ygc,_and No.1.3, 38%C, Bay In Committee of Supply in the Com- and it had, been -decided to tear to call at his cabiuet at the Surete.
yas -convicted of the murder of Change his attitude of indiff ore -ace, to leave and was again locked tip 1 . mons on Thursday night a vote of down, some Portions of the present M - Rivier failed to arrive, at his -of-
Corn—No.. S.American yelow, fifty thousand dollaxs for improve- premisesand replace them. it war, ficeat the custom�*ry hour,,
lumber "mp n w eas is that 553/p to 50c, Bay ports, ry pro e
ros. Tallion in a ear hen the verdict -was announced. next day, One of his id and
Olind River, at tho. Assizes here on The defence entered a Plea Of in- heis, becoming lazy and for this rea- ments to Rideau Hall, preparato posed to expend this money in head casliier, in ord r ot to delay
)n. The I I ury Peas—No. 2 at So to 81c, outside. to the arrival of the Duke of'Con- the erection of two cottages foraer- the day's business, which promised,
Phursda,y aft6rno' re� sanity, which was not Considered son he frequently subjects himself Ry-e—prices purely nominal. be particularly brisk, took the
)urned a, verdict of guilty, wfth a by the jury after the evidence -of to a beating. He was put to work naught, was passed. vants, a garage, to improve the to
r4commendation of mercy. Both Drs. Bruce. Smith and Ryan, who on Wednesday morning Buckwheat—No. 2 a i t 52 to 5.30) 'Hon. Dr. Pugsley said his Royal -sewerage system of the Hall, and responsibility of opening his chief's,
sawing outside.
vore employed ut, Waldie Bros.' stated that the man was in a condi- wood in the jailyard and attempt- Highness had sent a, message asking to decorate some portions of the in- safe. He was astonished to find it
*amp, last November, and, accord- tion to realize what he was doing. -ad to punish himself several times Bran—Manitobas, $2,15, in bags, that no unnecessary expense be terior. empty, euept for a piece of paper,
oronto and shorts $4.3 to $23.50, gone to in mal ar on -w-A.-Ch he read: "I have been
�g to three -witnesses, Carroll en- The Charge of Mr. Justice Brit- when he found lie war, not worldng T ing preparations for "It woivld be a, good thing to te
)ered the shanty af, 5.30 o'clock in ton was slightly against the pri - in bags: Toronto. Ontario bran,
S fast enough. his arrival. However, it was deem- the present building down and build summoned by the police. This is
)he evenifig and struck Tallion on.oner. $22, in bags, Toronta. ed wise to make tome improve, a new and, more suitable one," re- the second time I have been thus'
I ments. The Chief Architect had marked Mr. Borden. insulted._ My, health and age can -
BIG NAT FOLLOWS "ROBBLE.11 COUNTRY PRODUCE. gone -over the place with a. repro- Dr. Pugaley agreed. not support it any more, Vnd I ten-
--K RECORD CA.TTLE PRICE. Beans�Car lots, $1.70 to $1.75, der my resignation. The funds of
ME NEWS IN A PARAGRAI if Queen Will Not Adinit Them to I n- and small lots, $1.90. - the bank are, in the hands of my
First Prize Guernsey at Canadian closure at A'Scot. Honey—Extracted, in tins, 10 to developed in the market for hogs, FIRED PISTOL IN' COURT. successor, who will arrive at noon."
Exposition Brings $8,200. Ilb per lb.; No. I comb, wholesale, and prices advanced 25 to 5W per M. Rivier has not been seen since
A despatch from London, Eng- $2 to $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, 1DO Pounds. Prisoner In Alberta Attempted to he left his house, and the successor
RAPPENINGS FROM ALL OYER A despatch from Philadelphia, land, says: Following the report wholesale, Toronto, May A.—Good heavy Kill Magistrate and Chief, spoken of in the note proves to
THE GLOBE IN A Pa., says -. What axe declared to be that the Queen has intimated that � $1.75 to $2.per dozen.
world's records for Guernsey cattle women in tight dresses with low Baled Hay—No. I at,$12 to $13,, choice steers and heifers for butcher A despatch 11 from High River, beentirely mythieal. All day there
NUTSHELL. -on track, and No.. 2 at 9 to $10.60. or export purposes sold from $5.90 Sudae'nly drawing a was a sad procession of depositors
were obtained on Thursday at a sale necks and enormous haits will not Alta., says A
on the farm of Frederick Phillips, be received in the Royad enclusure Baled Straw -0 to $6.50 on to $6.05, with medium 'Cattle from outside the premises, and it is esti- 4
track, Toronto. $5.60 to $6.85. Cows were firm at 32-oalibre revolver and firing, first mated that 3,4000 people have suf- 4
Canada, tbe,E;ppIre and the Worla at Villanova. Mortimer F. Plant, at Ascot Comes the announcement at Magistrate Sheppard, and then fered losses. 0
of New London, Conn., paid $3,2oo that she has intimated Potatoes—Car lots, 80 to 85c per $5 to $5, 25, and bulls steady at $5.. at Chief of Police Fisk -,.a prisoner 4
In Goixpra'L Before Your to her bag. Sheep and lambs were steady. Hogs It is stated that M. Rivier got
Eyes. for Billy's Franco of the Hogue, a ladies-in-waiting that they should Poultry—Wholesale prices of 'were 5 to 10c firmer at $5.85 f.o.b., named Wybrow made a dash for lib- rict of a large number -of securities
three-year-old bull, that was aiward- 'wear dresses that touch the ground, dressed. poultry:—Yearling thick- and $6.10 fed and watered. orty from the Police Court here on entrusted to him in London, where, I
ed first prize at the Canadian Ex- long sleeves, and high necks on all 4
Wednesday. Wybrow was ar- he often went. His highly respec- 4
CANADA. ensi 15 to Ift per lb., turkeys, 19 A I . I
position last year. The same bid- ordinary occasions. The maids of raigned on a Charge Of wilfully tbable appearande is believed to 4
Brockville is to have a free mail der paid $9,600 for a choice of one honor are instructed that t4py must to 21c. per lb. Live, I to 2a less, A. GOOD WINTER SEASON. smashing with 9, rocic the plate glass have done * much to win the confi- 4
9 of nine cows and selected Billy's weax toques and not large hats. window of a bowling -alley. N`01`8 denee of intending investors. 0*-
Parliament will adjourn either on Fraaces.,Lady Gazelle, a four -y -ear- Customs Revenue at St. John Port of his'.9hots took eff'oet, however, ingto his Tema-Tkable knowledge of
May 23 or, 19. old cow, bred by Yves Lanoe, of Butter—Dairy prints, 18 to 20c; Shows Increase. and after some excitement he was English, the opinion I is ventured
. the Isle of Guernsey. Seventy- TO COMBAT- CHOLERA inferior, 16 to 17c. Creamery, 23 to
E arl Grey will unveil the statue A despatch from -St. John, N. B., recaptured and rearraign'd to an- that he may be of English. origmi.
eight animals were sold.1-or a total 24c perib. for rolls, 22 to 23c for swer the original charge against
to Queen Victoria at Berlin -on the says: In spite of adverse trade Con- —S 4
-29th inst. of $37,27,5, Which is 'also said tO be Russian Dounia Totes a Credit of solids, and 22Y2 to 23yo for separa- ditions, the Winter port season at him, and on this -count he was sen- A. COMPLIMENT FROM RUSSLiL. 4
a world's record for cattle ofthis '$2,000,000 for Purpose. tor prints. St. John, -which closed on Wednes- teiic.od to a, month in jail, Before
iling of the manifest the new charge of a]
The Brantford T M-O.A. Cam- strain. Guernsey fanciers from all Eggs—Case lots, 18 to .190 per day with the f looting is Work of Dominion Observatory
paila closed on Thu*rsday. The sections of the 4country were pro- A despatch from St. Petersburg dozen.
ouin raised was $w,000. of the last steamer, shows an in- brought against him Wybrow will Commended for Accuracy.
sent. says - In the Douma -on Wednesday, Cheese—Large, 14c, and twins at crease in the Customs House of ex- be examined as to his sanity, it be -
The Guelph Junction Railway re- Which wis the fifth anniversary of 14yuc. Now cheese, IS to 13Y2 -e in ing believed that his reason jr, aj- A despatch' from Ottawa says.
turned $6,43b to the City for the the opening of the first Douma, Pro- a jobbing -way. ports over last Winter amounting fected. A bulletin of the Imperial Academy
- uarter ending in March. mier Stolypin, in a long speech, de- to $722,789. Duriijg the Winter 135 of Sciences, issued at 'St. Peters -
HALE AT 102 YEARS OLD. steamers arrived with cargoes, and burg and received here on Thurs-
;Angelina Napolitsno was — fended the Government against an ROG PRODUCTS.
of these 112 were given return ANOTHER B10 RAILWAY. day, has a referen-ce very compli-
interpellation on the promulgation Bacon—Long clear, 10Y2 to 110 loads. The Customs House export
ntenced to be hanged, at Sault Peterboro Man Treated to Auto
Ste. Marie for the murder of her Drive on 1116 Birthday. of the Polish Zemstov Bill by ad.- per lb. in.oase lots, mess pork, $20; figures show Canadian goods, $15, mentaTy to, the Dominion Gbserva-
husband. ministrative -order. The s-je-ech was do., short Cut, $23 to $23.50; pick- 3292,437; American goods, $8,346, - Application to Construct Road ftom toiy in its statement of the esti-
The Canadian and Now zealand A despatch from Peterboro says: mainly a repetition -of a, similar de- led Port Arthur to Quebec. pate made by the various obsery
VWornments have signed a con- On Wednesday, Mr. Joseph Man- fence in the Council -of the Empire. Ha ollar $19 to $20,. 636; total, $23,669,073. In addition ing stations of the Turkestan earth -
as t,eat- The Dounia, voted a credit of $ ms—Light to medium, 15c; do., to this there were express shipments A despatch from Ottawa says: quake, which occurred an January
ibract with the Union Steamship tell, 141, Downie street, w -q; - heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, lOyn to -11c; of Cobalt ore and Hudson Bay furs In the Commons Railway Commit- 3 and 4 of this year. The, estimate
Company for a direct, service be- ed by his Masonic brethren to an �000,000 to coihbat the cholera and breakfast bacon, 15Yg to 17c; backs, amounting to $1,800,000. During tee on Thursday a bill was consid- of Dr, Otto Klotz, the Dominion
b*een the twocou'utries. auto drive to celebrate his 102xid Plague- 18 to 18y2c, the season two new services to Au- ered incorporating the Quebec and se;
came much the
The Dominion Railway Board has birthday. Mr. Mantell is still Lard—Tierces, IOYc; tubs, IOYc; stralia, and Hamburg were inau- Great North-Western Railway Com- nearest to accuracy of any of those
sound mentally and. bodily and pails, lie.
ruled that the independent tele- CHEAPER POSTAGE. gurated. pany. The Concern has an ambi- published. Ottawa tinder -estimated
spends most of his daytime working
phone lines must be given long-dis- tious scheme to build a line. of rail- the di
stance by, forty kilometres.
in his garden. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL.
banee Connection by.the Bell Com- Rate Reduced on Letters to Canada way from Port Arthur to, Quebec Tiflis overestimated it by 130 kilo -
KILLED IN GRAVEL PIT. with a branch to Ottawa and Mont-
pany as an experiment for a year. From Rhodesia and Australia.. Toronto, bray 16.—Oats—Cana- metres, Irkutsk by 120 kilometres
Mr. E. N., Lewis introduce real. The directors axe. Dr. R. cilometres.
.4 a than Western, No, 2, 42 to 42y4c, F I and Hamburg by 190 1,
q.T.R. STATION BURNED. A despatch froin Ottawa says: a ling Mass of Earth Struck Lab- 'Cheverier, P, O'R6ilev. P. Clarke,
bill regarding'. banks in the House ear lots ex store, extra No. I feed, 014 -
Notice has been received by the 1)
4IY2 to 41ya; No, a Canadian West- orer at Ottairar and E. T. Daly, of Ottawa, and MUST X A K E I ECLARATION.
of Commons, and in the discussion Fire at Richmond, Qitebec, Does Post -office Department of the redlic- Jos. Borque, of Hull. The commit- —
'the treatment of bank Clerks by ern, 41 to 41y4c; No. 2 local white, A despatch� from Ottawa says:
Serious Damage. tion in the rate of postage on let-
Zome Corp tee. rather favored the charter, but Injuilgration. 'Regulations Apply to
oxations was roundly de- ters posted in Southern Rhodesia 40 to, 4aygo; No. 3 locad white, 39Y2 While working a. gravel pit at a question arising, as to the bonding
8y,. to
-of Au-
��T 'nounced. A despatch from Richmond, Que., and in the Commonwealth to 39y1c; No. 4 local white, 3 Britaniiia. Park bn Thursday a, fal- Canadian Citizens.
�,,t Constable McKay and Mr. Gor- says: Fire which broke out in a 38yc. Flour—Manit-oba, S powers it was deferred for consid-
llperiut the str li addressed to Canada, from PrIng ling mass of earth struck Rose a oration later. A despatch from Montreal says-.
dot were bringing two prisoiters a endent's office of the Grand 2d. per half ounce to Id. per half wheat patents, firsts, $5.30; do., workman, and he was killed. Ve ursday
Immigration officials on Th
-across Cobalt Lake in a canoe, Trunk Railway Station at 11-15 seconds, $a.80; Winter wheat pat- leaves a wi-dow and five children in
ounce. In the case of Southern ents, $4.50; strong bakers', $,C60; Ottawa. announced that the new regulations
when -one of the men stood up and o'clock on Thursday night, almost Rhodesia, the reduced rate took of- whic state that everybody coming �4
e. straight rollers, $4 to $4.10; do., LAUGH ON SCOTLAND YARD. h
the craft turned over. They Clung totally destroyed that structu, feet -on the Ist April, 1911, and in in bags, $1.80 to $1.90. Rolled oats into Canada�on a sleeping -car must.
to the canoe and were saved.' The efforts of the Grzrn-d Trunk theease of Australia, it took effect a Canadian immigration
Aailway and local fire brigades bn the* Ist of May, 1911. —Per barrel, $4.35; bagof go lbs., ORILLI,�t GitOWIN-G. Gang, of Dog Thieves Steals the fill out
1�t 1 0 -form before retiring for the night, 4
GREAT BAITARN7. kept the flames from Spreading. $2.05, Corn—American Nro. 3 yei- Chiefs Bulldog. would be strictly enforced. Even
The damage is estimated at $5,000. YIP— low, 60 to 61c. Millfeed—Bran, On- Assessment- Roll Shows Increase Ill from London, Eng- Canadian -born passengers are
King George held his,first, Court tario, $23; Manitoba. $22; mid- Population of 775. A despatch
on Tuesday. WILD ij�bi R* 1� I�Elg`jiqR) Gi dlings, Ontario, $24; shorts, Mani- land., says: Many valuable Pomer- Obliged to fill out a statement, giv-
Glasgow has offt.�rod the freedom H()OR.WO11M IN T1 A despatch f Orillia says: anians and -other pet dogs have ing details of address, accompanied
MAICA. toba,, $23; mouillie, $25 to 00. Eggs The assessment r`m
�of the city to Dominion "Premiers Dropped Lighted Matches at Rome —.Fresh, 19 to 20c. Cheese—West- roll returned on been stolen from residents of May- by declaration that -they are, Cana.-
-visiting England for the Imperial ern, lly!a to 11 7-8c. Butter�Choia- Wednesday shows the population of fair in the last few clays. Thieves, diam citi7ens, and there will be to
Conference. Dreaded Disease Discovered In in Quebec Village. Orillia, to be 6,478, an increase of as if to show theirzontempt, for de- exteption allowed.
l est, 22c; seconds, 21c.
tish Members Several Districts of Island. A report received from Lorrain-
FoutJhundred Bri of 775 over last year. The total as- tectives,, on Tuesday stole a fine
Parliament met on Thursday to ad- A despatch from Kingston, Ja- villO, Que-, a smail village five miles UNItE D STATE' S MARKETS. sessment is over three million dol- bulldog belonging to Sir Melville T. & N. 0. TRAIN 8117RUCK ROCK,
vocate the Anglo-American arbitra- maica, says � The, hook -worm disease east of Ville Marie, tells ' of the Minneapolis, lars, which is a round million move MacNaughten, chief of Scotland
tion treaty. has been discovered irlyarious dis- burning to death -of the three chil- May 16.—Wheat — than last year. Yaid, Engine Damaged in an Acchlent
May, 96 5-8c; July, 97 7-8 to 98c;
fi Near Dale..
GENERAL., tricts of the island. A large pro- dren of Richard Laroche in a - re September, 91.1-8 to 91y2c; No. I
portion of the Convicts, in the peni- that *destroyqd their home a few bard, $1.00yg; No. I Northern, 98 1 2 S it TT 'TT A despatch from Cobalt says:
The Legislative Council of Egypt tentiarY are af[ected. A meaical days ago. The father was at 'work A little south of Dane, on the T. &
is said to be a failure. expert is making an investigation. and the mother at � a neighbor's to $1; No. 2 white, 95Y-. to gsyc,, is 111L 2
when the fire started throu-h the ISTO. 3 wheat, 93y-, to gray' -'e, Corn— ^HEN MOTHER VERY a N. 0., No. 2 train on ThUTSday af-
rhildren dropping Some lighted No. $yellow, 51 to 51Y�,c- Oats— ternoon ran into a rock slide,
M matches into a wood box. As a re- No. 3 white, 31% to 32c. Rye—N-01 smashing the cowcatcher an4 one
f log sult of the shook, the mother is 2, $1.06. Bran—$21.50 to $22. Flour cylinder on the -engine. The train
—First patents, $4.60 to $4.90;.do., was rounding a curve at the time,
New York Paper Publishes Alarmist Repopt
R'Y D 0 Cl U` 0 N nt"n' A 0 TS LET paralyzed. seconds, $4.50 to $4.80; first Clear%, and the --engineer could not see, the
$3.10 to $3,55; do., seconds, $2.10 obstruction till within a few him -
to $2. 85. of Her.Condition' dred yards, It is supposed the rock
TO AID ALBERTA -PARIKE RS. Buffalo, May 16—Wheat--Spring, was dislodged by the violent thun-
Vickers, Sons and Maxim Will BLA d Ou NO. I Northern, Carloads s derstorm which swept over the
vej tc'�e, A despatch from NeN*v York says: "Ton guineas 'per cent the
o -maeut Locates S.Ites for De- $1.0,1y,; Winter scarce. Corn No. The, American published a, cable' despatch contin4es, 11for" three coli-atry
flu al. "lonstraflon Farms. a yellow, 57y1c; No. 4 yellow, 56c; from London on Friday morning -months' insurance on Alexandra'$
No. 3 corn, 66y, to 56y4c; No. 4 FATAL WCEL IN GERMANY.
A despatch ' Loin ' Edmonton, which says that grave rumors are life, is the present ruling 'rate."
Alta., says:' AtImb . asca Landing Corn, 54Y2 to 550, on all track, in -circulation in regard to Queen Although 'the Coronation is,only go 0
A. despatch'from Montreal says, I pacity of 25,000 tons,, sufficient to I If through billed. Oats—firmer. n f 'Rx,-Ministor Kills Prominent
Stoney, Plain, Olds, Claresholin Dowager Alexandra's health. The six weeks away, ton guineas per
P, Brodeur, who left onlacoommodate, any vessel likely -to - cent, is also quoted as !he rate Spoetsixian'at First Shot.
for Sedgwick, Vermillion and Medicine LIVE STOCK MARKETS. despatch says that the utanost en
Virvinian on Thursday night,ltlte tile St� Lav&nce route Rat are points at which the Depart- deavor is being made to keep the itgainst the PostPonel'ftellt Of that A despatch from Berlin says:
;stated that the contract for. the dry- many years to come. Nothing do.. ment of Agriculture will establish Montreal, May 16.—Choice, steers matter secret, but the. fact that her -event. Two inontbs ago the rate Lieut. Baron Vos Richtoff, a son of
�dftk at Montreal had been definite- finite has been softled as to the '05- demonstration firms in this prov- sold at 6yc, good at 5% to 6c, fair- life has been in Ownger for some was only two guineas per cent. the ox-,kinistcll, killed S. A. Oaf -
IV awarded to Messrs. Vickers, tablishment of, a dry-dock ab Quo- Ince, Every farmer in the province ly good'at 5y, to 5yc, fair at 4% to time 1last -bas percolated down to Many Conservative underwriters fron, apromiiYent sportsman, in A,
and Maxim. ip will be pr6�id-od with'a, reasonable 6c., and CoMmon a� 4,ya to fylt `P'er the shopkeepers and others. This are now iviusing to accept any fur- du I wi6 pistols near here on Wed-,
.9ons T) , submidy to, boo,
aid to the Contractors by the Sir Wilftid Laurier, Sir Frederick prospect, of taking advantage of in- pound. There were a few good has resulted in a rush to. Lloyd's tIlcr risks, nesd.ay. It -was agreed that each
DP�0-,dlolral Gove�nmemt Will be, at the. BoTden, Col. Sam Huglles, Sellator i and bu.1ts offered, which Company insurance against fitian- "The ftuth about Queen should take three shots at fift".ik
itructi,.mv, to be derived from the � c-ows Alex -
rate' '01. SLY')Jol� oil a capitat NT,61v'n Jones and lyfr; A. A, Allall'worlc. This also makes it b�ought 5,11c, and the lower grades cial loss in the event of the Dow- anetrIft is diat, she nevor recovered paces. Gaff-ron fell tit the first 8110L.
DtltlaY of T,:3.000,000 U11, 3,9'v�ars- also swiled on the Viroinan'to at- test of a-rimilture in e �ory vo 5, oin that down to 3Yga per 6gor Queen's death postponing the from her ber-eavemont following The' dUel was' the result of a qu4rrol.
rh,r, kl-l"dock will have a llftiiig ca- io-:.rl din C'or,.matiap ceremonies. tho. orovincd accessible 'b*y*' A much stronger. feeling Coronatiox, Xina; 1"dward'scleath." in D, rt�stauraub.