HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 10. _11,___T"RW _m"��,� 7 I � 11, I ,� I � . I I I , ! . I - 7 - - , " 1. �. _.;11 17-1_
�, . .1 . '. , � � � I I � , I'll
. . . � � 11 . I I I � I , : I . I I - �. I �. I . . - - . . . I . _1171- 1-11.7- --1111-- - i
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..� . , . I !"'"_.'""' � 1. I I I . ,� THE EXSTER TIMES I � . .
.. I - ___ "' - ---1 ... _ I '-"---- - I . I
-,------ � L I . I
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11 � ,__ ,- - _�_
I � I , - - - _-, , � . , i 11 I I � I I I - 1.1--11- �% I I . . _ I �, �7 - 11; � , . � I I I - I I I , . ., "_
I . I BOIL I �
� , 8 AND PIMPLES . , , �
, " '' _' .
..,. I is L11D TO REST '__ - ___ � THE MARKETS. I MAY SECURE- PEACE. � - "I I I .. . �. . . I , , , , I
I P calwedo,,,Itog t4or by bad blood, An DICKINSON RESIGN'S - :.V Ina
, � o:r Y,ga eans� 11 's , ' _ It, ran, I I escape, ,
I e thosy$tem; of tho bad , Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Diaz and Madero Are Waiting For k Bishov 0,114 Charles Burgess,
* .
I . .004 the boils or pimples ill not dis- - UNION ,IS USELESS Futurelli Someon-3 tD Make Advances. charged
I � , with, rape upon. the
I 11 I . L I or$ 11
4 V. Remains. of Alrohl)lshop McF,ygly U, Close. Higher,. ive Stock- of .Mary Ar,senean, at Michi loote ,
, .. Pret, , $. $aoretatY of War Petires. - . Juaroz, ."lexico, May 13, -The Provi.
I, I ,t, pure blood and keep it pure by Pla0ed. In Vault, Latest Quotations, slonal (vivenimetit of hloxl�u made Were discharged. .,
L ; . Mmoving every trace of imp -are, morbia � to Attend to. His Own Affa - I
. � �, � I 1. , irs. I eter Outside LIVIDIRPOOL, May 12-Virm at opening inue.) progresz- with .its work of or. The grand jury !a submitting Jfs�,
�, 'I., �, - , "I Mwr from the �ystem by using the � .. -.-- i I Ill SYMPatbY �Vlth sharp advance Ili Ana- �.11ni,,,,�, 'on yesterday. Although not)). report touched upon the necessity to ,
� , ,. I � I I I" �A lmown blood niediclue, I . . .copyright League. ca, ,and iirlees wQre %(I to %a liiguwl In t! V
� . 011, x was done yesterday by. ot'dew ot t
. I,
I . 13MMOCE BLOOD B=PXS ERMON SUCCESSop ' There was further gOOLL Outside sp c 31'
," I I , IS APPOINT D lative support, with shorts nervous, 60;. t.10 Provinsioriat (46vernalent re-"peet� '", V410 lnx.-w4tu QUIA.4411S A4 "Vo 41414.�
� I . ') . K . ' ,
� . Polls Cure&. --,-- Up ports from Russio� regarding the weather ;Ilg 01(W� liegrotlation. quate for the importance, of the dld-�
�, � continue bullish, a �, the fact th'it � .
I . POSTAL SALARIES .' GO . ad Plata offers firmi, therc is a� dOtdlock over procoduiv trict., . I
I I Mr. A. . J'. Saulnior, Norwood, N.S. Funeral Service of Roman Catholic; with lighter Argentine shipments thli I
, , I
I wrift-I'Two years ago I was troublea Henry L. Stimson, Recently Republi. . Week And firmer Australian offers, with bl-�,cawe miare pr.nlounevd. . .! Viviler; I 1 , .
1, Prelate Is Attended by Church Dig. the continent bidding for cargoe. vernawat. and Ow llrov!;iwial 6 �
, I ,i in all UO �
�, vitli boils on neek and back, and I lui, After Eight Years
i, , can Candidate for Governor of New H Positions. There I* a general tightenlog ,, Ivir d s I licli, New York, May 13.-Aiter '
.001ald ,not get i7d of them. A friend nitaries From All Over the Qoun. on. Sydney Fisher In Explaining L orainent nro s,,t4ticI1,l., ,t� .i -t 1! ' eig .
.1 , ad d me to try Burdock Blood York Will Take the Vacancy in . of all offers here, due to the change W V-1011 %vvi,-;.v Ilr lh-',' .',or to uxa�kv years in the Arctic ice pack, a,m gsA , .
� try -Many Public Men Are Pres, Copyright Act Says Better Terms weather conditions J'a Southern Europe, - *,
I I 010=Z;,eancell after using two li�ttlea I the' Cabinet - Dickinson's Re. Could I CHICAGO, May 12. -Short sellers were, i... lir.q.move. despatched bk. balloon.from the he � ,
. �*vas pleased to note the boils were ca- . ant - Consigned to Vault to Be Secured If Canada With. ding fox, cover to -day at the olosi Ulldflivd g,�.h1,1,iv,.,.Q ,xro a,min c4l"arteTs of the Baldwla-Z!Ziegler )o rt
. 1r_ , .
_ I "t-1 expedition Ili Frank Xosef Lart ,'
signetion Delayed by Reason drew From, the Inte �l !, 1,li,,,� th 7 I !
-1. .1 Await Final Disposition. or two market In wheat. Their actiou 1pni;y I,,) t:ll k�r4 , � J, I , � I
ti -rely gone, and I have not been troubled rnational U tw-1
i i was due to the pit having beciorne ov 1i .1-1$ tq,_,�,1_1 '? l,"d t I uwt allue 24, 1902, is now'16 the hands 'O' I
. -- ,� of the Troubles In, Mexico. Group Postoffice Employes' . il0v Ox�.V�l I .
. �-
, � ,� -,--,,,' wit any amoe." Toro I uto, , Jday W. -"Fergus Patrick . - sold and then suddenly confronted wletll� . , , the original I sender, Evelyn Brig s; I -�,,,'
; . millers' reworta telling of a somewhat m aii'l, ..e4� .1 tl,� )�.,Zl;ll Plo"I.
i Pimples Cured. Washington, May Ia.-See Wages Resolutions Carry. 1, �, i t`� .
f I MbL�'vay, o=e Bishop of London, late retary of doubtful condition of the crop In sections '�it ,IA .,I r;, yo.�T,,! z, _'. -t %vert, Ilut Baldwin. .Baldwin, 'seat. out a seTi .
; Ass Eva, A. Skinner, Granby, Quo. War Diol"insoa has resigned. Presi. of the soutl.west, where the drought was of messages stoutly sealed in smal
I . Arohbisho� of Torouto, but over all Ottawa, May, 1& -There was a busi� most severe last fall. Final sales . ,;uzoe.,r.,u]. -To,,J,ty it';, ,-s.,wc1Wd 11�, 6asks,
i e me V, t U . , -
1, 11 writew-111 am pleased to recommend , dent Taft has appointed Heary L.. ,, and suspended by a special I
, est o. tile 'holy church of Jesus S inisoxi. ness-like "Ll 11,_%., Io X%hilt is b ,;"\vd tho:1
. , t sitting of the House yester- I'Ac higher than 24 hours belf-17 . releasing ,device from balloons, WbLft .
I Burdock Blood Bitters as it has don t&II!t. farewell from all of us until recently Republican candi- day alla a number of ,Government cIrnoflnished 1/4c up to %e to Ific off; -,,',N' 1';'.'.-.Ai1llt i?. ing t,,`sio1v(!d to -:I the balloon s I '?'.
11 =ueh good. My face was covered with, dUte for governor of New Y rk, in measures were under consideration. J/10 to %o lower to 3/0 advance, and 1J,00a - `,,act" ",* ) ,V. ank low enough for 66�., v
I I pimples, and beirif advisqd by a friend � we meet again with God in beavea." 0 "'it". . ! i;11!111�,uli - .1 I.:
,.L ( Wit.L these words the Right Rev. ,1��$ place, .1 I I Hon, W. S. Fielding introduced a ho products varied from last night's. �_ I _., 1�<,,.,, t1l:ly k�.,!Ici�,�et � 1,1�i:l of the casks to touch wilter. or ib&` 1.
V to try Burdock. B ood Bitters and have Alichael Fallou, Bishop : of See Dickirlsola's resignation I I.V9.1 to 1.45 decline, the latter for May * I . that cask was released and'6e balloo;i .
, .theni-nmoved I did so and I now have London, VV = bill to extend for one year the char� pork. .. I ,oc - r-_Z.,;,t.at'.1' lt.rt)Ug.) i,lQlir llk!'A.
f 1i concluded all e I as April 28, and, his action . freed of just that muoh Weight, sailli
t" I loquent oration over ters ,of the Canadian banks, 1, 1� � ! _4 i
,lot a spot On, illy ace, , 0"I"'u, % bud-,, ;i forvi .i rulatioris�
I . tav alurtal remains of his grace Arch- was due to the Pressure of his private which . Winnipeg options. � I .. . � oil again until anotdier cask.teuchpd
. '' - . 11
I Burdock Blood Bitters iis manufac at the end of every tea years. I Close, Open, High. Low, Close, I �. . j ut h "'! fo: ..'We Is C011 and was released. So t'
" � , I . bi-Allul) AlcRvHY. It was it fitting tri- business Ia Tennessee. The Pr6siden.Vs e?'Pire robably means that the general Wheat- u�,' 1C.1 in ill,.- :.., r to �, �1110 rebol i I
ionly by The T. Milburn Co., by letter of abeeptance, dated May 0, This I v�t...'. rs a, -.vv declamd tiwy w,u!d , bt .
I : bate a strong "'all to a sroug r e vis ipo May ..... 95% 957/8 9w- 1 051A - Went ou. until all the casla� Wert) X.,
Toronto, Ont. shows that in the.meantime Mr. Dick" of the Bank Apt will be de- July ..... 961/2 97 97% 96% _'. ::.�,.g t.) ilecont I)ia-l's 1111mi posited. The message now in *'.
=__ *7n 1% __�= __� . and more appropriate because until next session of Parlia- 14 1 Gen, i., Baldwin's
�, , 111 an ferred a 91711, ,
P t,ie one who spoke Was the,ecclesiusti- inson had offered to sacrifice his . - Oct. ...... 891/2 .... .... .... 90% '�'�'tt) �� $t:�.JC�"QntL ('_"I(1('r1Ce of Ili- . h s the second thitl
� 1, vate aff airs I �Pri ment, I Oats- � 4 has come back to -him. .
�, cat snecessor in Londoa to the one f his leaving the Cabinet Befote the boasideration in commit, may ..... 361/s '32 s6% s6 36% c-'Ilt- - to r -P-Igrn and gro ab'ead wit;i I
SOIL FERTILITY. �Nho had departed, who took duri g the Mexican tro'ables- should �fl % . � .
i up the n tee of Hon. Mr. Fisher's bill to amen July 'A , 'O., TIX4 ltlat*011,4, l)rovi.IJ1lg Lliat
L :.. I d ..... 37ya 314 38 37 37% � . I Steamers I n Ocillision.
I croz n down to. as ; diate
/ , � ler he -had lai sume embarass the Vre!�ideat, The corre- the Copyright Act was taken up, the Toronto Urain Marks. . - . lz vk-.1,z(`.,.t tu i,,iwe , appoint -
'L � _Z;11� 'Principles by Means of Which It Is a iarger responsibility and wa spondence is Of t1le most cordial na,. Minister mad t aw-.t (.).' L� vornors for Murteen (if the
11 . 11 s now Lure, , . 6 some additional'ex- ..... 086 . New York, May IS. -The ateaniship
� � Restored or Maintained. powpleting the work he had left unfin- . planaticifis in reference to it. He said Itye, bushel ._.4 .......... o7o .. . A% orti se - -n st.-',�.; and to again tr.n.;- Merida of the Ward Line, with 20T,4
- Soil fertilfty can be restored and 1slied. Jacob M. Dickinson is 60 years old that unde Barley, bushel ..... 060 ,::* ;j". pu%vor iian the hands of the revo- passengers I rom. Havaua for this city '
"� � and a lawyer. ]British r the present arrangements Oats, busbGl ... :::: L..onar ;1, N7.
r , all
- No more impressive scene has ever I Ile was one�,of the �u ::*.:*.�: 0 42 Y 1.Z1 11 was rammed by the steamer Admir A
"') ish ...... 048 . 050 1 Farragut off Cape Charles, Virgiaiw, .
� �11'11 � -nd sume, of the in-
,, . ileges in Peas, ioushel ............... o 78 090 0a ill') vl.wl- I '
1. '*I the persistent practice of simple I A,,alls of St. Michael's Cathedral than the Alaska boandnry tribunal, and is Canada. Cop 4_1TOCItO 10;.dors: believe Clat the nilk' shortly after midnight yesterday ni 1)Ta_
witnesseLl within the stately c011asel for the United States before residents had copyright priv . .,
inalatained in any agricultural region I been bjects and bone fide -Brit' Buc),wheat, buwiZ .
, ,.
r I � c 1, I i;tems of farming. The growing of I that of yesterday. The ornate decora- ii� Past President of the American Bar yright acts were undbr Toronto Dairy Market. � - ing. The hTerida's passengers andi .
. consideration, both in the Imperial Butter, store lots ............ on . 4 .. V :�uc'00-;$os su - Nvill hiclude 1�lex-
-le? Lions, sufficient in themselves to form AssOciation. While his borne is in .C. 'City, whita,m, Loe Provisional Guv. .crew were transferred to the Admiraf I
, � 018
1, 11 . ,uminous crops, tile turning under Parlianient and in Canada, a Butter, separator, dairy lb 0 21 022 Farragut. .Water poured through t4e
- , I ad when,
I * green martures to make humus and a suitable background for such acere- Nashville, Tenn.. and lie has served these were passed, he proposed to ex- 33utt9r, creamery, Ili. r;lls* 0 22 023 ""11111"It tvi!- bv rilovot], and tbot sub. .
, I'll niunial, were amplified by tht funereal on the Supreme Court Beach of that' tend Canadian privileges th.roughout Butter, creamery, solids ... : 0 91' 022 ' 41li-iAO11 lit 1-11.� thilux hardly would ga,ping wound in the Merida's sld6,
I systematic rotation of crops are state, he had a law office in Ohicago. t 2399s, new -laid ............... 019 nd five hours after the collision th(I
, �: �,
I � .� drapings; the gathering ,of the pre- he Empire. Z -g afforl a cowp!etle trinsfer of polities, a
. I � utely essential. In most attempts lates around the basket with. the for years before lie became Se Cheese, lb . .................... 014% Power. . . stearnship settled beneath the waves.,'
.11 ,�
. ,,, Under the new Canadian act citi- Honeycombs, dozen ..... ....250 .... . I
. The Admiral Farragat was somewhat'
i I.. ebuild soils the use of the element I gorgeous colorings of the papal vest� of War. He has large land interests zells of countries outside the inter- Liverpool Grain and Produce. . I damaged in the collision, but -was
� . horns Is equally Important. With ments; the sombre hue of tile densely Stimson is a New York lawyer, for- fiatiozial union were not given copy. LIVERPOOL, May 12 -Closing -Wheat . PA63ENGERS RESCUED. able tQ Jaroceed.
I ! merly a partner of Senator Root; He right Privileges in Canada unless there -Spot steady; No. I red western, no ,
exception of swamp or peaty types, , packed throng in. the pews mingled - �- - a
I I 111. � soils tire adpquately provided with 1 Nvitn the white surplices of the visiting is 43 years old, He served as United was a special arrangement with that stock; No. 2 Manitoba, Ts fid; No. 3 Mani- Peopl-. on Steamer Merida Owe Lives Sworn In as Judge.: I 9
, I % NT_ I toba, 7s 4d. Futures steady; May 7s.O%d,
. I ths lum. I trogea can be secured 1 clergy in the centre of the nave; n southern New country. The new bill provid6d for I . to an Engineer.
� these, and the striking figure of the York, and as such initiated proceed- ma July 6s ll%cl, 00t. Gs Md. . Brockville, May 13.-Lt.-Ool. Fisher I
, ough clover. alfalfa, cowponq, soy king such arrangements. Plour-Winter patents, 27s 6d. liorfolk, Va., May 13. -The passen- returned to Brockville from Pernbrolice, I *
I . '; ings against tlie Standard Oil Co., and cific coast), a to. gers and crew (if the steamer Merida where Ile .
. � �� and the lilm. No farmer 1 spe most of the railroads running into I . . was sworn in as junior
t ; 'eans, vetch . aker in the pulpit, clotIled in a It was a question as to Whether Can-
, v, , simple black cassock with a broad ada should remain ill the union under 6 were landed lv',re at 7 p.m. Perry E. judg.- of the County of Renrrew by
� ,v .. uld buy commercial nitrogen for Nely York, convicting them -of rebat- the new act. Under the present sys- . Boulon, all expert engineer, was the Judge Dollohoe, He will enter upon
� '.
� I girdle of purple, towering above and Ing Montreal Grain and Produce.
I �_ , - ary field nise. Track farmers ,lad reaching over the vast throng made a T He also prosecuted tile Sugar tem a country outside of the union ITREAL, May:12-Cables on Mant- real hero of'the lioar. It was largely lils official duties shortly.
- 0 �,, MON
11�.tl _,�_' I - eners require it Ia this form for ! i r� st for defrauding the Government toba spring. wheat came stronger, through Boulon's assistance that the
-4 � Picture which those Who saw will could get privileges in all countries bids -3d higher, but even at this .dZ121th
ce .
I . � uIck action in small areas, but farm- never forget. And in the clos' and recovered over $3,000,000, besides in the union by Obtaining copyright they were out of line with values here at Farragub's wireless was repaired and I
�. lug mo- sending many of the employes a from oneof its members. The United
I nients of his rtinarks, when Bishop nd "I'll,
I I . can obtalit an abundance of the the close as i.,�L:fi its !V20 to Ze per bushel. Operator Leach's first call for aid, at .
. officials to jail. Ile also prosecuted "
.4 .Wement practically without cost by Fallon said, "Eternal rest come unto States was a case in point. That The foreign demand for oats continues ---
: �",,� . goRd, and, as bids were 3d higher, further rom -1 2, The Practical Young Student.
I him. The Lord let perpetual light 0. W. Morse, the banker, who is now country, while not a member of the th_� old Dominion liner Hamilton and
�,: 5.30 o'clock, was made possible. F '
'.�, �6owing ie,_nimes, oul and servii swes were made, . The local market was
shine upon him and may his s t ig a fifteen -year sentence in At. union, could get ah .its advantages stronger in sympathy with the advance the battleship Iowa, both 55 miles ' Teacher-What',was the brand I' I
. �'�. In order to make these restorative the souls of aT the faithful departed, With,out giving any concessions in re- In Winnipeg. and sellers were asking away came quick response. The lowa ` of Cain? $ . X.
�� Ian a prison, and James Gordon Bea -
I I . nett of The New York Herald, who higher prices, but in the absence of buill,
I � : .Crops attain Proper growth Most Soils through the mercy of God, Test in turn. Under the circumstances, Mr. ness no change was established. A very and the Hamilton raced to save lives. ' - Tolinny-Dunno. I can!t keep -q
I .1, ,&t and niariv types west of the Uls- ! peace," there was had to pay $30,000 line for publishin nllsh& thought it would be as well for firm feeling prevails in tile flour market, The Hamilton won.
I �,-�', 11 �. . a spiritual quick- 9
, F,_ ' . , ertisexiients. Just a few min- 3
." ening; a wave of emotion passed over Canada to withdraw from the union, utes after eight o'clock the Hamilt .
t, , 119ftsippi river must be limed. Failures i . indecent adv _f all the trademarks.- ,
I I and a fairly active trade is passing for on track o
� t,: - I all, as it might be when the voice of Stimson was Col. Roosevelt's choice local account, but the foreign demand is New York Sun.
i "' ,?n'th the clovers are due almost alto. unless an arrangement. could be made � ,
�, �. " , ., ' the archangel -Was speaking. The soft e in New York whe eby an outsider's privilege within quiet. . in
I - -in excess of acid in the soil. I 1
*�tber to , or Republican candidat sighted the Admiral Farragut, a
" intoning of the organ which followed " St fall f but went down r oats -Canadian western, No 2, 42c to half an hour had 1;feboats out. With - - ------------ ---
z - "�11., 5 Ia or govcrnr�r, the union Would be -restricted to the. 4 -hundred and twen-
h I n� ,.Ground limestone aPPlIed at the rate with his party, o,.%ing to the dissen 21Ac, car lots, ex -store; extra ko. 1 feed, .
, in two hours three
��, �- -. and the sweet voices of the choristers . i one country withia which it had been 41%c to 41%c; NO, 3 C.W., Ale to 41%c; No. ty-nine passenvel,si, shifted from the '_ - _' * "' - "
; I � � , -50f from 1.000 to 10,000 pounds per acre as they chanted the responses of the sions in the Re., ublTican ranks and obtained. The Minister further stated 2 local white, 40o I
. . ' , to 40:Yze; No. 3 local Farragut to flint'llamilton. The Meri- WATER FOR CATTLE.
, Meutralizes the acid and increases the requiem of peace. Not a few said, tne OPPI'sitiOn called his belief that if Canada were white't 392/_-C to 311%c; No. 4 local whilte, da's lights wera extinguished tea min- J �
� to with- 38�� , 89'. w -i
� .., 1, PPPIY Of available calcium, thus ren. "Even as he Who succeeded his grace draw from the union, several coun- Flour -Manitoba, spring,wheat patent,, utes after the collision. Passengers � Drink*Should, Be Warmed In Winter to,
I � .1 -r. Stimson is a*mighty hunter and tries would immediately take steps seconds, $4.80; winter wheat were thrown from their beds in state ! Prev�ht Chills. I I �
� ,,, " clerin.- tho -,oil more hospitable to Is. to the see of London, and has so fit- lyl firsts, $5,30;
-_ , � to
I . I I games. 11!ulation. to insure the pres. I tingly expressed what was in every his favorite stamping ground is the secure privileges within the Dom a. patents, $4.50; strong balcers',
. . I iMce of li-te1-i,-1 -he Canadian Rocky Monatains district, ion. Progress was reported. . straight rollers, $4 to $4.10; In bags, $1.80 cers quieted Ship's offi-! It Is Important that the water drul&.1
I "I, hear, may he also succeed him in t i $4.60; rooms and bunks below.
'11�0 is sometimes nee- archiepiscopal see of Toronto, here to The Ontario & Quebec Railway bill, . by
,,, . f 1 He has been for
� .� � to $1.90. women passengers, three
; , �.: � .essary. Le��uaies that do not form tll� t man and holds a Rolled oats - cows giving three or more gallonst -
, - I cjh has beeu to which,there have been objections, lbs., $2.05. - their arms rushed to the dech in their o -
� �i. . ,tercles (in rheir roots do not fi% n1tr i implement the work -whi liusiastic militia -XIer barrel, $4.�5; bag of 00 or four of mhom having infants in fxailk�daily'be warmed ta about'". I
i I" 1� . O- so abundantly endowed with his bless- commission as captain in. the Na- Was allowed. to stand in the a Corr -American, .No. a yellow, 6od, to '
: , -, � lisence 61c. � . rdg�t clothes. I i degrees. Otherwise the cows wlll�not:
gen- Faf'!' le,' tional Guards. of the promoter. Mr. Graham sug- Two scare Ilexican refuaees were I dr1nk as much as they need to keely-aV` ft
: ,-�,�',',- - Mine has I's own special Ing and spirit." I i
I A bacteria. -Soll taken from .1 spot in Shortly after 10 o'clock, the proces- gested that a good title for the rail- $21; middlings, Ontario, $24; shorts, Mani- among the I . a good m3ilk flow. It does not -tak,e,
,,-,I . � Millteed-Bran, Ontario, $22; Manitoba,
: I I'. Mer�da's passo- ge,;s, bound
. � '�,,. which sweet clover is estatitished can 1 slon, of clergy arrived, the b Hon'Ored by McGill. NNry might be the Ontario and Abitibi. toba, ;23; mouillie, $25 to $30. for the United Stdies and Europe. much Ice.water to chill a thin fleshed
I �
, ., ..A I ishops
f , � lile used in Inocul,iting and prelates passing into the chancel The bill to incorporate the Gra' Dressed hogs -Abattoir, $9.50 to $9.75 per
� I � tAl for alfalfa, Montreal, May 13. -The aanu . One passenger is said to have been cow through and through on a cold .
� �� - al con. in 100 lbs. .
. '_. Uese legumes and grouping themselves in order of vocation for conferring degree Growers' Grain Co. passed through a Roman Catholic archbishop enroate 11 . �
� �77� I! , " Nlvfn�- a 'common or- procedure around the casket. The. applied science, law, dentis s in arts, committee and was given a Beef -Plate, half -barrels, 100 lbs., $8.75; � I Winter day, especially whem all d1al .
I .. � Mism to serve them to deriving nitro. I try, music . third barrels, 200 lbs., $17; tierces, SOD lb's., $25. to Rome. - - .
� ,' * . I I archbishop's throne was appropriately at the graduating school of McGill reading. There was a short discas- Lard -Compound tierces, 375 lbs., 8%o; Compelled to walk some disfih�ql
" : ,
, - _� from the air. About 100 pounds of lef-, vacant, while on the opposite University took place at the Royal . b ;, 50 lbs. net (parchment lined), 9%c;, Une woman said she lost $1,000 I ..
��, ". - � , -, . I I Sion over the title, in view of the t 0'�"es gold deposited with in through the snow or a cutting- winci.fd _�N
, ,� ubs, SO lbs. net, grained, two.handles, 10c; I the Merida purs- � get to the pond. Experiments at the, _�
I ,, . � , , . per aere is sufflelent. It should be side a canopy had been erected for 'Victoria College at three o'clock yes- -wide powers sought by the promoters. Palls, wood, 20 lbs. met, lo%c; tin palls, 2D er, and half a carload of tropical birds, ,
� ; - .tained from a snecessful field or his excellency Mgr. Stagill, papal terday afternoon. W. S. bliddlebro of North Grey sug- lbs. gross, 9%c. which she was' importing. The seore- 1 HIssourl station show that drink -Ing', . k,
'. I t,of the particular legume which It ablegate, ivhG, robed in purple and Chief Justice Fitzpatrick, who ice. gested that it should change to the Pork-Heav7 Canada short tar
11 .
� (,ut, mess, I y to the Italian legation in Mexico ' wiliter 18 needed in proportion to
I I � desired to grow. -Breeder's Gazette. gold with mitre and cope, conducted , ceived the h6norary degree of LL.D., Grain Growers' Trading Co. In that barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, $22.50; balf-6arrels, . 'milk yield. That Is, a co -,v giving 02,
11 � the high mass of the -requiem. $11.60; Canada short cut and back pork, Ost eight trunks, and there were many tl%--' ,
, ,"*� . 1! ! addressed the students. case, he said, nobody I'Vould be mis- other losses equally as great. .
z,� ,,,
. 45 to 55 pieces, barrels, $23; Canada e.e-.r I gallons of milk a day needs about'
',�,, �1. The archbishops present were: I The honoraxy degree of doctor of led. pork, barrels, 30 to 35 piece $2D; bean '.. I ��
I . - - S' . ; twice as much water as one giving,
� ,� '. . Irchbishop Bruchesi, Montreal; Arch- � civil law was conferred upon Hon. Finding that the western Oonserva- pork, small pieces, but fat, barrels, $16.50. Carroll Must Hang.— _"'�,
ggs-Fftt2le -to 211he. If the water Is too colX
'Business methods in buying and I ' E. W. P. Guerin, B.A., B.C.L., judge tives were against changing the name C s erns, Ill/ic to il%c. 'ault Ste. Marie, Ont., May 13. -The ,,three gallons.
; bishop Begin, --Quebec; Arch'i.ishop E
.. Gauthier of Ottawa. . ! heese� e �' .
. selfing receive attention The bishops in attendance were: ; of the Supreme Court. dropped. . was Butter -Choicest, 22c to .221/-,c; seconds, asSlZes closed yesterday, at the last qu
� too htde of the company, the question , to be comfortable if drunk In large'
.11 among farm Those receiving the honorary degree 21C to 211AC. t . duty devolving upon Justice Britton antitles the cow will not drink
I ers. The way and man- Bishop DowRng, Hamilton; Bisho of doctor Of law, besides Sir Chaxles The resolutions to increase the sal- I : enough and as a resuit will drop con- �_
�� ner of using Tem;
the income from the Latioleppe, vicar apostolic of �f - Fitzpatrick, were Samuel Edw aries of Postoffice employes were dis- CATTLE MARKETS. ! being the sentencing of Win. Carroll - . -
I farm is quite as impor'ant as a large I kaming; Bishop Weber, :lead � ard i to hang on July 26 for the murder o i ; siderably in her milk yield. When,
� : = of the 1 Dawson, "Litt.D., FAIR.C.S. 0 cussed ill committee. The total ' i Missourl Chief .Tosephine was giving
� I -M.G., '
. I 1 yield anil a good Roman Catholic College at Berlin; I . Joseph Taillon, i. a lum-bei &
. profit. Bish-op Bruneau, Nicolet; � and Rev. Jean Charlemange Brao, amount involved was $51,850. East Buffalo Cattle Market. back of Blind River in November. 1 100 pounds of milk each day last wIn-
11. . . .., ___J, Bishop Ca- 1 Q. Litt.D., professor of � modern lan- In reply to Mr. Taylor of Leeds
reY, t. o , .B.; Bishop Placdon-
-.1 nell, At an ra, Ont.; Bishop Fallon, 1 1 -carriers celpts, 300; market fairly active and stoic manner, which has characteriz- of -water. Imagine how she would baVe�
: guages, Vassar College. Mr. Lemieux said that letter EAST BUFFALO, May 12. -Cattle -Re- Carroll received sentence in the same ter she drank daily thirty-one gallonW -
1 The degree of doctor of must was delivery was establis]X,ed in Places of ,
. . Homemade Land Roller. ndon; Bis p O'Connor, Peterboro; ! conferred upon Ch�rles Henrylemills, inhabitants. This . He -had nothing to say, and in fact I
steady; prime steers, 0.15 to $6.25; but- ed his attitade throughout the trial. suffered If that had been tee waterl It,
, . twelve thousand cher grades, $3.25 to $6.
,� . A friend of mine N;,rltes that he ha,�� Bishop Fee an, Fall River; Bishop I Allis aac was the rule, bat the practice Calves -Receipts, 2400 head; marke was warmed, howefer, and Josephine:
e 41ved sixty years, but bas just found Hickey, Roo ster. , was to tive and firm; cull to choice, ;4.60 tot ` did not seem to realize his position: did not chill after drinking , A. good:
� I , , . - apply it to towns of between e4 and Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 9000; $5.70. 1
� out bow to make a land roller that Those in the first seats were: Pre- mar- It is believed that clemenc%will be tank beater should be us2'thls win- .1 1,
� . mi All Foolish Stories. twelve thousand people. ket active, 10c higher; choice laml�s, $6.15 h
. ,actually does the business, says a ror- er Whitne�, A. C. Macdonnel, M.P., , 1-r. Taylor said he had seen it men- to $6.25; cull to fail,, $5 to $6; Yearlings, shown in OarrolPs case, as h is an ter to warm the water for cows. It
i South Toroato; Edinund Bristol, Id.P., Washington, May 13 -Through See- tioned in the newspapers that Brock- 1�4'50 to $5; S 9 to s4A. �11 man and had been confined in
, 'respondent of the Iowa Hoinestmd. retary ,of State Knox, President Taft ,ille, heep, s.
' Centre Toronto; Hon. Dr. Reaunit�, . Hogs -Receipts, 9500; market,active and aSY111M.Ai X.riznd�vu in la(112. &-r,m -I, iph Will Pay,
ae gets a section of round galvan.,Zed P yesterday authorized American Am- Hon. ,Mr. Graham's. constitu- strong; yorkers, $6.60 to $6.65; . Jigs, $6.65- - - � �� _��j"=_ .
I - to get . . �
''I 'Iron. culvert material. lie prefers to ALP, ., Minister of Public Works; bassador Henry Lane Wilson at Mex ency, -with nine thousand people, was mixed, ;6.50 to $6.60; heavy, $6.30 to $6.45', 1 � I , I $I_
I ' Eon. Frank Cochrane, 11._:ster of . rrier delivery. Mr. roughs , $5.30 to $5.60; stags, $4.50 to TS. ' - 11 - I
'have it at least two feet in diameter lands and Mines; Hon. J. J. F�,y, At. ico City to deny in, the most Positive Lemieux, however, stated that he had New York Live Stock. .. i �m�m;i:i:llil''l,i�;��::]�i!!golI
I a letter -ca
. terms "all foolish stories" of inter- ff�N!
I and corrugated. The section is as long torney-General of Ontario, and lion, not heard of it himself. NEW YORIC, May 1-2.-13eeves-Re- a
. as YOU wish to make the roller. It is W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary. i vention. in Mexico by the U. S. See- JOB. Russell (Toronto) pointed out celpts, 2714 bead. Market slow; steers, �
turned on end, and an iron axle or rod Behind them were seated Hon. retary Knox's telegram to 2.1r. Wilson, Children Cry fbr Fletcher's IF
, I ! which also is to be made public in that junior mail clerks got les , 14,85 to $6.35; bulls, $3.75 to $5.50; cows, . %P
1, � 'Of 9zle size Is placed exactly in the cell. Charles Murphy, Secretary of State, . the beginning than mail carrierssb ia �1,73 to $4.70. . I.... I I .
" ter. The inside Is then rea representing the Dominion ' Mexico, was sent following a session . ut Calves -Receipts, ll_oo. veals, strong,
dy to be Govern � aaci. no allowance for clothing. $6 to $7.75; culls and throwouts, s5 to s5m.
1, -mith cement mortar. Let it cure I Mr. Lemieux said he was quite rid Lambs -Receipts, 7300 bead.
=0 n Te r Ia M.P., Waterloo- i of the Cabinet. at which the Mexican,,
M.P., , 1 tan -le took ur) much of the time. ��
, I g, wetting Nipissing. = I � willing the consider clipped sheep, $325 to $4.60: clip- 119
-"p 'I
0 ' 0 re, 'hp
for two weeks befbre usin ido -
ii eat &elorge �L' a' J. Al. Gibson, . ; I S "Iy
�', 'occasionally du Next came Ion. I . I ,the question of pt�S iaLbs, $5.2 wooled lambs,
� ring that time. A frame Finij�hod New Bridge. supplying railway mail clerks with 5rto $5-75;
1 Lientenant-Governor Of Ontario, a $5.75 to $6.85; SP Ing lambs, nominal; no
Is bolted to the axle, of course. ad uniforms. He also expressed himself sales. , I
P . ,*,�i
I -_---- _ - . . � . -Tustice Latchford. Port Hope, blay 13, -Yesterday, as inclined to the view that Canada -'�'09` ' Receipts, 2SOO head; market. easi- a . , I
. - The ceremony of robing the celL� morning the last sectiou of the big. should follow tile example of the er, at $6.10 to $6.60; pigs, $6.70. - I ,
, , - I
.1 brant lasted a few minutes, and then U.N.R. brid,Q was plated in p"osition, United States and . Chicago Live Stock. , I I An - �
I c th-, organ pealed forth in the solemn and ELS soo:. as the ties an rails are other countries and I I 'i -
- . -1
provide more distLactive and ornate CHICAGO, May 12-Hogs--Recelpts, l2.
'r sang I r 1�2,- : "I
91 mass Of requiem, and the'ehoi, laid, trains will be able to c oss. , , ... � . -
- Alcute Dyspepsid in, Latin; . � mail cars. . . 000; market 10c'higher; mixed and bui- - The Kind You Have Alw�iys Dougilt, ,t�
chers, $5.80 to $6.33; good, heavy, smq to and which lias been .
I � 'Eternal rest give them, 0 Lord; Chestnuts. I The .Minister then made reference $6.20; rough, heavy, ;5.so to s5.9o; Iiisht, $6
P--- 'aad let perpetual light shine about "Under n spreading chestnut tree," to the various inereases which have to $6.40; Pigs, ;5)-S5 to $6.35. � 'U Ilse, f()r Over 00 Years, hans borne tile signatuve of �
. "Oh, wo:-.dman, spare that treel"- ,be,ell,given. to the service recently, anil Cattle-Recelpts, 15oo; maricet is steady; - --------2 .-.nd lias becii made xrudei- Ws per -
restoration Of StoraaCh them. A hymn, 0 Lord, becometh thee Tbey're both the biggest cheitnuts - n in ate that there Would be more beeves, $4.95 to $6.45; cows and heifers,' t -
r in � Zion; and a vmv shall be paid d . . . . $2.40 to $5.65; stockers and feederso sir to I
in all our poetry, in the future. 1 a��, 501-�Ll i;7,Pe:--ns1:0nL sbice its infancy.
�, I Power Comes Quickly. Jerusalem, 0 Lord, hea,r -.._-_ , . $580* ,Texans, $4.60 to $5.60; calves, $4.50- , � �,2Z�Iw- -6-117%7 3:10 OMC to 40.0ceive yoxx in t1ills.
,�, _ _ . -7u4mili, The resolutions were passed AJ[11 Counterfeits, 7jn:,t,a, .7-S n__ -jUet,a8-90o(1-" are but; .
- . , shortly t� si. �
. With the ' t Medicine. mYtprayer, and all flesh shall come �_ L � _ ___=_,� Sheep and Lambs-Recelpts, 10,000; mar- 1 lExiiierlinents tZat tr,* �io _ _).d c '
Righ to hee." :" after midnight and bills based upon ket Steady; nati-e, *3 to $4.80; Western,1 - �
. - The confiteor was recited, and then thLem were given first readi.ng. -"20 '17f-21 an(l,endanger the health of I
. I.- - L $3.50 to $4.80; lamlis, $4.50 to $6.65; west-, d Chiloiren-yr,
� , , I er PaME Was Terribly Affficted I erli, $5.25 to $E.70. I , Infants a?4 I-Perieaco ki,gainst Experiment.
J , 1, . "My food se tied to decompose Ja � the Kyrie Eleison, during which . A Sure Tip. . I . �
. I my storna,ch," writes Mr. jaal prayers were offered up to the Lord � ,41'1,\�
� ph Clem- . * With Lame Back- L.ondo May 13. -For the first time Found Lafayette's Body. I�Z�
� :mons, Of Newbridge, p.o, 4,1 had a to have mercy on the soul which had I
, I 'stomach that 4iled in some way to passed away. I in two lileeks, William Hayden has . I , Wh�at fl" sm %.;A1RS�T1%1.ayR I 'A . -
I Perform its work. i)Igestion, Could Not Sweep Tito ,r199r. Edinburgh, May I.S.-L.-ing amid the . 14
� ew thin, Bishop Fallon, - is ,substitixte for Castc.-
11 seemei At the, conclusion of the sermon, by taken the index finaer of bis right e rains of the Empire Music Hall, PastorL% is .-,I 'h&rmles '
niore or less arrested and I hand from the tip Of 'his nose, - It was fil the pit where the counter -weights .? oil, pa3.*e-
11 Yellow, nervous. The stoma gr final absx)lLition was It is hard to do house work with -A 1� gorle, ]Drol)s arLd SoOtIzing 83 -N. -I -lips. it .is 1,10asant. It
ch became given, the prelates c weak and aching back. . a long time to remain in one position
: ( think the riis,lt; eri last evening found the body of substance. Itg ag-c),18 it3 g%zarr lie 3102 0�,,�=,'_Warcotic
_ s
� I distended and impeded apparentiy the around the cask,t and onling close of the, iron curtain,were sunk, 9'earch. eointpins neltiler oliililnn, 2(,_Ti)r,)71!_ . I
11 � action of the heart, for Often at night body W . ith rinkling th,e Backache comes from sickkidneys, and
t � I ater. The funeral what a lot of trouble Lafayette the Great, the vaudeville teo,. It d6st�eoys Worms �
It would do great stunts. At times I holy w. I -sickkidn6ys c4use. worth the inconvenience, for now he ,.:El
;� �i
I 11
- is
1 1 1 1 cortege then moved off has a fine tip to his nose where for- `e'?former who with a number of his and affilYs r,ov,evistines,-, .
, ,. would vornit a muco and at to Mount H Pe But, they cau"t Ixelp it. if ' P , . It; cr,cs ]Dlar.vl -.-:r.i inid Wind
. morework
' � us' Ma8s'ost ter- was tem- is put on them than they. can stand itio eompany perished in, the fire that (
, � th6.e times my head ached ra Cemetery, where the body merly he had none, cone. 1t Teauc,; " 'J �
9 I le-' 'as TeCtIling -Tro-Wblos" cure"; "'Onstipation I-'.* e,! -*J "'
A friend, who had bee porarily committet 'Yesterday morning the cartilage of I
ribly. n oured- I d ,to the vault -not to be wondered stroyed the theatre A body whiblil and X1hitn1en(,,y. y%,-, ftj;�G;,_
I to that they ' �%Jjate,,a t1,
; ' of a, simIlar condition, advIsed rne to await a decision 'as to the flaal is. order. 906 out of the -finger waA cut away and there to ie rq ood, ,-� 3gulates the
reg position. I 10:1 the end of the nose stuck that cixti- ruinsr, supposed to have been that ofl'
I take Dr, ITainlit ulaxly, I d Pills are a specifiefor previously had bee� taken from the,' "
� . owil; pills I Doad's McIney , lage. Stoilo-"' -_�d -T�10_vrcls, CIVI-119 11calthy axid 3�_atm,al �sleep. .
I Wbich I cUd. The reslilt in my case . I lame,'weak or dehing baoRs,land fbeall - Lafayet.te, n,oVr proves to bave beenj T -ho C11n'f1r`OU`,', PPUe,:Z04-,v&-TLw 21c,ther"s Fi,�,.Ud.
. WaS $Imply Tua,rVelousl. Dr, 11ainilton's A Strong Gas Well. kidney txoubles. Only oils thing remains to be done, that of Richards, who actdlel as La. I . �Az . �.,
I Pills removed the cause, strengtIftned Mzi. Napoleon Larmour, Smith!s Pills where the finger nail was, a piece of fayettees double in the carryin o " , Z 7 n
. the stornaeb, ez�elted the liver to normal, , Vienna, Ont., MaY 13. -Tho Domin. OAtL_ tvr?fPm-_19T #.&. _1-.- :_ -1 skin will 'hnv. f- i- -;4-A 4_1 VL- -1 g -uti 0 E N U R, wgl E. t ;,`- L 5�4,;,�Z" , , 0 0 A A A U,rA,Vcz
I .. 1. - - .. -11 . - 1.
� � _____ ___ - I—-
�-__ -, - ------- 11- V-I�LL �VUR uiowecL ai:4,rlleNyejA, nere YesteNlay. The liciss by Using Doa-nlg YE14-ney-li _ - ----" -- t - _ uluuJul
. & Ab a _" ' ' company died Y*
�a , , Within rnO. X.can now ,eat, oleep, -and r r says it is one of the stvongest oar ago X waa Ily -imictal wfthlio I 6-plith Ia
�, I � Uvo like z live man." I ferrik . mae He's a Oapwrer.
11 . I I t1le I talit3
�,� �, � . 390 adviseid-Ttte Dr. 11amilton's Pillel w,Olrs 6VOt struck in Canada, Ir ts 94*� had was 89,'U& I coi4d :ii6tl,e.*w Drockville, MaY'13.-George To er .
.. � . pouring out to -day six million fe ' 4 W firb.
�they ara sure to do you good, 26c et , Owl 243" Dvrk floor. 1'-wAs a&vi - d Aci fiSh. and game overseer for this s ' -
I of gas per day, tr .t
i.� I I %yer box, at all dealers, or Whe, Ca- L,y ,O&iVsMdne.v]?Mi4*whiiDhl,dfd,Uit tion of the SL Lawrence River, mgede�' Rifle I by Fa
� :, ga�rrhokoae co" mrigston, .Canada� _ --------- � ,With the, greatest boriffiL %'oW,y *W a, gizure of three large nets 'up the Me
:L., I * . . -$i W� evd'rr 1 north channel, This makes nine h 13tewarli of PutAa
I I . ._
�, , I'll, I I I �. I Confessed to Thefts. ghTOW-bor-ja and I AM 40"4-W Brnelwille,
11 I
meoppAmd tbie$6-4 1W.'eto s4Y has cilptured this season so far, 0
, Kingston, May IS. -A fifteen -year.old � , 021 � tier home as ti)o
kl� �, or. Hamilton's Pills W or Irom Ianie`.'bu'R`;.,,0d Ili I I i
'� I boy, fouii.d-guilty of MARY pett3� thelts .41, � n1v
5 , =1 % 1. of the sk"411 w1ifte
K",r � . Cure Indigestion from -city ,stores, Was given a*year In I I - " 0 , 0 , Kingston Canadian Club. ,
� ' ' -Sokm i I -lipped from, a Ia
.. , 1. I t .. ey :P&Aral Ingston, May IS.-SiT George ,Gib. r' her head on
, W*. lie ffidustriad school. Met,dhantg hail b , I - It,
sli� 044 - TjAiW. bons was the guest of the Canac lian .-.
. I lqyspepsia been complaining fbr months of the, d c , I t f, rice by i� . worriall nevor reg
., I I =410"� thefts.. The lad bonlessed, "I 4 in . Vrvztl , , - INIll- Club at the noon-ilay Juncheori. He . , . I
� � I . I . I . I � 0 'to Ariake, on the work of the In'te,mat' I - v �1.� 00 J-ra,,r;
, I 1 IOU4
...'' - �� ots" 'if' 11 00,414. " aterwaz�g Commission. . .
11, ! I I I I , " �, � I .. '� I
I I . ., . I I I . '.. I � . I 11 . .. � I I I
I I I d - 1. I I I I .. . � . . ,� ,�.
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i I 1� I ��� " .
I . " � � , %J,,�, I �
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. i� I 11 I I . I I � , . I .
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I � . �� ,� -t ,� ,. � . 1, . . I , I . I I � 1�� .
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,,, " ,. , a , , . 1111,;;,� ',4:� �!�, ,!., I .. "' I
"I .1-1 4.W�4,.,� : . __ ,& , L ,� � , I t )�
I __,_ � " __ - _�__4 _ � � . ! ..� 1.�`, . . --t_' ,��,�,��.�'L, --,:" - ' �
'1,� __ , _ . __1_iad.� 19A ��:__�,_;a�,_ ,:�A�' :, - , '
�. Jd.._1____ 1;��_,�!�_:!�,:�� - 'L
ui wie vaueevine I
ing I Ugnature'of . .
arday, this be I I - Bears the S3 I ,_1
!esulting from the I � __ I . !
"" .1 . � I
� I " " I !
� i �1- I I I I "
I . I I . = :
, � .7 $1 -.=
1. � .
. I
. .
From Ladder. I . � 9, ,ee,,�;�;%O�-4
�', , ,-. I..
. 4pz . I I
13 -.Mrs, -James' I . ,�o � � - 11 � I I �
8 Corners died iti . :!:�` ,�y 4-V 11
sult of a frwture z I I
ousedleanirig'. � She I MIA.#
�er a,nd fell, strik-1 Ille 11hid You H
me crockery. The, ave, Always Bought ,
ibd'tohisciougness. 1
'11, I n usa 'Voir ovor 30 Years I.
I 01 : . _714C CENTALIA ,�OMPANVA -t? MOR StRCZT, 14EW YORK d . I
, �� .. 11. , � . � , .... rry, � . -
. I . - 9- - � I "I'll , I I
,, - 11� ,�
01" I"�,'," -W _1� � . I , I .1 . � . "I ::: . I I . .. . .. 11
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111111 L, . � I J .. I . I I
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-1 .1
� � . . Whibilibillikli"L ;. -__ , .., . I'- .., ._,�,,.r_.___,
'�'L: i 4t-, , ".-
I . _1 I Lt,'Ad!� 122L*PVA0V11VA1(