HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-25, Page 1131. Service Directory _it 35. Notice to Creditors 26. Help Wanted , 26. Help Wanted PSITION: for McKillop Mutual Insurance Office in Seaforth. Send resume by March 13, 1987 to: STUART WILSON, J ^:- 1, krucefield NOM 1JO Huron 011111 my He ..i lth Unit has a vacancy for a Public Health Nurse to do six months maternity relief at the Clinton office. Qualifications: B•Sc.N. or diploma in public health. Apply to: Dr, J K; • McGregor Huron County Health Unit, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 11112 31. Service Directory TOW: <SHIP OF ASHFIELD requires a Clerk Treasurer Applications will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. March 16, 1987 for the position of Clerk areasurreif: ,_-.. Appointed person will be respon- sible for all statutory duties of clerk and treasurer and also for tax collections. . Written applications (clearly marked) with a resume of qualifications and experience to be. submitted. Salary is negotiable. Donald M. Simpson R.R. 3 Goderich N7A 3X9 ALBION HOTEL Main St., Bayfield ,4s of March 3rd, the New Management of the Albion Hotel will , . accepting applications' fo' '>i endly, professional staff. •cooks •bartenders *waiters /waitresses , •housekeepers •dishwashers Send applications and or resume to Kim M°uszynski R.R. 2 Wingham NOG 2W0 We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Po11l-I and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 BLUE HORIZON POOLS &SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich CULBERT INSULATION r yed on Urethane FOOR111 Agricultural, Industrial Residential, Commercial FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 L & B Painting and Handyman Services. Interior - Exterior Reasonable rates, 154 Discount . for Senior Citizens - 527-2010 Call Anytime 1 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT A ppl la nces HOFFMEYER PLtiiTUV6iliG�iG �..-HrcaaaiNG LTH�r: 55 Kingston St. Goderich 27. Wanted General WANTED French packages for a VIC 20, Call 5297028 after 6 p m 02tfnx 29. Tenders Sealed Tenders will be received up to 1:00 p.m. March 12, 1987 for a Pick-up Truck by The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Goderich 64 West Street,. Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K4 Telephone: (519) 524-7371 Tenders should be clearly marlWd "TENDER FOR PICK -1413 TRUCK". The lowest or any tender, is not necessarily accepted. Specifications may be obtained at the above address. FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum jnstollation colt Norm 565.2638 Bayfield. Free estimates. • 02tfar MASONRY. stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information 'coil Stan Kirkham 482.5305. 03tfar CUSTOM BACK HOEING - dratn, repair, erosion control. cellar dOl'ilss. laser. Call Frank Postill 482.9101. 15tfar HURON BRUCE TUTORING Services • All subjects Kindergarten to Grade XIII. .Qualified teachers. Phone 529.7634 after 9 p.m 38tfor EXPERIENCED DRYWALL installer and Custom taper (7 year's experience) Experienced in all phases of renovations Specializing in recrea- tional rooms. Phone Tom 524-6364: -05-08x JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction •Replacement Windows •Renovations and doors •Decks •Roofing •Patios •Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after 6 p.m Ztevens IPA Lill LIP DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'n' ROTI= DISCO - POLKAS, WALTZES. GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES. ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC, 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge* BRUSSELS 887-61519 DAYTIME or EVENINGS 1 NEW CONSTRUCTION or , RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of The building trade. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION 524-6437 Goderich KE_.., K .-8 contsrRucs rota Complete .Construction •Custom Building •Additions•Renovotions •Roofing•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 31. Service Directory 4n9Ef A Show Cards• Truck Lettering_ C/(3/zty J\vy�t LONDES=:R,ORO 523-4874 KINCSPORT CONSTRUCTION N.R. 3 GODERICH •New Construction 'Renovations "Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Cottage Repairs Also complete barn renovations, concrete work, welding, etc. For more information call BERT KNOOP 529-7058 15 minute Oil Change Quaker State Motor. Oi l Fran Filters 50 Picton St. 524-7400 Goderich LYNN LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd. Kincardine, Ont. FOR ALL YOUR Manure, - Feed & Colin .Handling Requirements CALL 395-5286 Or see us in AArriberley. We handle everything - Almost. STEM CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:00 p.m. 012 years experience Addition;;, Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES References Available . No Job too Pik; or Small JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron ="d. 524-6931, All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial. Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation Ali or In -Part PURSER'S PUTTY Complete drywall service ARON (Barney) PURSER 524-2241 Goderich We make you look good" ANDREW'S CONSTRUCTION.-,• Roofing Renovations Additions ANDREW DEVRIES R.R. 5 Goderich 524-4149 PIANO -TUNING rid-PIANO-LLESSONS--I. DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 -PAGE 11 34. Personal 15 ALCOHOL a problem in your family') Al Anon con help For time of rneetings call 524.6001. 4ltfnx • i GLEN Brindley, as of this date February 11. 1987, will no longer be responsible for any debts. incurred by my wire, Pauline Brindley, 06.08x --1.SebMracGiUivray, will noJonger be responsible for any debt incurred by my wife Debbie MacGillivray of Lucknow as of this date Feb. 23,• 1987 08.11x NEED WORK DONE? °Renovations •Roofing• *Siding •Dry Wall• and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 RENOVATIONS EXTERIOR: •Roofing *Siding • New Additions • Eavestroughing •Fascia •Fencing •Siding •Decks •Soffits 1110112:111011r - INTERIORS: •Painting •Drywall •Woodworkjng •Complete Line of Marble • Counter Tops, Sinks and Whirlpools SpecfTlfzirig in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Vanities on display at Donna's Decorating 51 South St., Goderich Reasonable Rates & I ENTERPRISES 524-6257 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything Targe or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 DRAPERIES UNLIMITED vnrNr n. r / ustom Draperies Balloon Shades. / Valanc,es Venetians•Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation ` Maxine Murray u\ Proprietor For Shnp at Home Service / rail 524-2352 1 Day or Evening ART'S LANDSCAPING .NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St., E. Goderich 574.2645 BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Carnmercial-Residential-Parking, lots ertising helps gr;;. .,r: things h-•4.., lP •-.. no NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against tie Estate of Ethel May Robinson! Widow. late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 19th day of November 1986. are re• quired to file the same with full particulars with th a undersigned by the 14fh day of March, 1987, b: after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderrch, Ontario. this 12th day of February, 1987. PREST and EGENER. Barristers, etc. 33.Montreal Street, GoMderich Ontario. N7A 3Z2 • Solicitors for the Estate. 07.09 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of THOMAS GERALD HAMILTON, Machinist, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of October 1986, are required to file the sarrie with full par• ticulors with the undersigned by the 14th day of February 1987' as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich Ontario this 15th day of January, 1987. ' PREST and EGENER, Barristers. etc, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the,Estate 03-05 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE uI Duvtd Robs Robinson. late of the Village of Auburn, in the County of Huron. All ereons having claims against the Estate of Dagd Ross Robinson, late of the Village of Auburn, in the County of Huron, who died . November 10, 1986, are required -To file p'roixf-tf-"" same with the undersigned on or before the 4th day, of March. 1987. after which dote the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and tie undersigned will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then hove notice. DATED at Goderich. this 9th day of Feburary. 1987. NORMAN 8. PICKELL Borrister,end Solicitor .58 South Street P.O. Box 430 GODERICH Ontario Solicitor for the Estate 06.08 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RONALD GEORGE.McPHEE, -Deceased. ' •• • • All claims against the Estate of Ronald George McPhee late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron. who died on orabout the 4th day of August, 1986. must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 27th -day of March, 1987. After that date, the Estote will be distributed with regard only to the, 'claims of which the undersigned shall then . have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not there hove notice. Dated at Goderich the 13th day of. Eebruary 1.987. Deborah Lynn McPhee, Administratrix for the Estate of Ronald George McPhee 'By her solicitors, Messrs, Troyan & Fincher Barristers & Solicitors • P.O, Box 97, Goderich, Ontario N7A' 3Y5. • 07.09 iiia' frw emir uric calci irrfE urr nrr ARTICLES FOR SALE -MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS. Workshirts $2,75, workpants $3.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send'$2 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St. •Timothee, Quebec JOS 1X'0. 0.8 $S$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $S$ Buildings priced for im- mediate liquidation. All. items in stock. 28x40x14 53,996. 40x60x14 56:500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 7000x24 '521,789, Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide., Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800.387.2115.or 1•(416) 858.2446. 0,8 SWIMMING POQI SALE, 1986 inventory. Irrrrovnds, ongrounds, obovegrounds. Save hundreds, limited supply. Book early. Don't buy until you cor pare our guaranteed lowest prices. (613) 547.6434, (519) 658.8221, (705) 472.7850. 0.5.8 NORITAKE CHINA Sale. Terrific discounts on current pal'terns. First quality only. Delivered well packed, In• sured, Specify your N6ritake Pattern Name and number. For price list, shipping details, etc., send to. day o stomped self•addressed business envelope lo: Alexander's .THE NORITAKE EXPERTS, 158 Wanless Ave. Toronto M4N I W2 (416) 764.1222. 0.8 • RELAX to the "MUSIC" of Nature. Environmental sound recordings on cassettes, albums, compact discs and videos. Informative brochure Free. SOLITUDES, Box 309W, Mount Albert, Ont LOG 1MO. -0.8 HYDROPONICS • Grow your own, indoors, year found,'. in your spore room• basement, or greenhouse. Largest selectiobs, best prices in Canado. Send $2 for calglogue to Canadian Hydroponics, 8318 • 1'20th SI Surrey, B.C. V3W 3N4. 0.8 ' MAPLE SUGARING SUPPLIES for small 8 large pro• 'ducers. Lorge evaporator selection. Free catalogue. Visit our store 8 warehouse. Jakeman's Maple Fro - ducts, RR I, Beachville,Ont. NOJ 1A0. (519) 539.1366 or 537.8863,- 0-8 BABY,CHICKS• 12 varieties of brown egg chicks: also heavy meat types; capons, started and ready to lay PULLETS, Write for price list or contact ,agent in your area. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY, Box 154 Elmiro. N38 2Z6 (519) 669.2561. 0.8 EUROPEAN HYDROCULTURE & HYDROPONICS Crun- chy cucumbers, lettuce, healthy herbss.iptredible house plonk, the easy Bumper•Crep way. Inexpensive hydrocultyre skirts of $3 99 Send $3 for 64 page guideicotalogue. Bumper•Crop Hydroponics Ltd., 1316 Centre Street, N.. Calgary, AB., T2E 2A7, (4031 276.134'5. -0-8 NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guoronteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 21.0. No Phone. 03.13 STEEL BUILDINGS Half Price Sale Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more Phone Pioneer Econospon 1.800.387.6896 or (416) 678.1585.-.0.5.8 MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATIONAL equipment show specials for Februory only..Exomple 25)(33 52.967,. 3204 $3,714 40.42 54,811, 46.90 $9,887, 70.120 $27.681. Other sizes available,• Call toll ' free 1.800.387.4910. 0.8 SPRING 15 COMING f Gordeners • Everything you need is here. Over 3,000 products! 1000W Halides $179'. Greenhouses $149 Everything for the greenhouse and hydroponic gajdener at incredibly low prices. Send 52 for info -pack :Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour Street. Vancouver, B.C. V68 3149. (604) 682 6636 • 08 VACATIONS FLORIDA MARCH BREAK Tampa 5289. FI, Lauderdale 5309 Plus 10 Tax SVC limited space, Las Vegas Marina HoteLMay 15.18 $399 complete package. T 8 5 Tours 1.800.2650900 0.8 FISH, HUNT. RELAX Fully equipped housekeeping cot- tages. Package plans available Also Outpost Comp For brochure write Los? Lake Comp. Bok N, Elk Lake, Ont POJ IG0 0.8 WANTED TO BUY WWARO 5150 paid for Addison Two•Colour plastic radios Sorry none needed with white plastic Coll collect (416) 641 1420 0 8 55 CASH PAID SS I will pay $150tASPI for 1940's AD• DISON 2•colour Plastic radios. Call (519) 647.2033 or write Don Ellis. RR 2. Lynden. Ont LOR ITO, 0.8 • HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future with Tri.County Truck Driver Training Job search assistance available, Kitchener 720 King E . (519) 743.5011 , Brant• lord 300 Colborne E'. (51d) 756.0223 0 8 MA CHERIE HOME FASHr0N Shows Est. 1975. Join our successful family of independent representatives In presenting quality lingerie and leisurewear of In• Home parties for women. Coli toll free of 18002639183, 08 AIRLINE CP'UISESHIP JOBS now hiring. Big Money Will train (416) 4'82 1500, Extension 501 Days, Evenings/Weekenils,,• 0 8 Wirt ENTREPRENEUR • OPPORTUNITY. Enjoy high earnings in Auto Club and or advertising, Flexible•hours • full or parl•time. Contact Kelly at Head Office • loll free 1.800.265.1235 (9 a.m. • 3 p.m.). - 0.8 CHEFS. FIRST COOK. Joie our Lakeside staff in offering great load, worm hospitality and competent service at a'small Muskoka Seasonal Resort. Lakeside Lodge (705) 765-3380.- 0.8 WANTED: Experienced Ad person for small paper, Solary plus commission, Gogd growth potential. Send resume to Ms. Conolly, 2044. Walker Ave. Peter•, borough, Ont. P91. 1ST.- 0.8 .. SMALL RURAL. MUNICIPALITY seeking fulltime Rood Superintendent Please • direct inquiries to N. Childerhose. Clerk -Treasurer, Township ,of McDougall, RR 3, Parry Sound, Ont P2A 2W9 (705) 342-5252. 0.8 FRAGRANCE 8 HOSIERYp CONSULTANTS WANTED. Market Seasons exclusive) Replica Pure Perfumes 8 Fashion Hosiery. Earn hundreds, saving other thousands. Special: $315 Retoil kit $99. 1.800.387.7875.-- 0-8 OVERSEAS JOBS. Jobs paying high salaries are now available in many exciting ,and•rnleresting countries including Canadian North, Middle East and Aust,ralia. Many hove tax free salaries and high benefits. All skills required.. For further information write Overseas, Suite 472. 7305 Woodbine Ave., Dept. ON3, Markhom, Onl L3R 3V7. -0.8 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, Carpenters, Electricions, Plumbers, Management,' Mech., Mach , Drivers, Operators, Entry level degreed Up to $32.60 hour• 303.452.2258 or (3013) 382.3700. Trans Continental Job Search. lee. -0.8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DEALERS WANTED for well established home security business in ybui area. Excellent potential using our wireless system. For details contact BOLT Security Systems. 1251 Northside Rd. Burlington, Ont. L7M 1H7 or phone (416) 336.7747 -0.8 SERVICES OFFERED FARMERS WANTED who ore paying too much lax or are not using all the lox breaks ovoiloble • Phone us today, Appointment times available t'o process 1986 tax returns in,your home.' Form Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. East London, N5V 2Z9 1.800.265.1002, -0.8 PERSONAL., DATES GALORE, For all ages 8 unattached Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain• tonces call toll free 1.800.263.9163, Hours noon till 8 pm. -0-8 MEET SOMEONE NEW. Since 1967, we hove introduced tfiousonds for friendship or marriage. Write Personal Acquaintance Service, 249 Bronson Ave.. Ottawa KIR 6H6.." 0.8 AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S LARGEST Form Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ont. Fri, Mor. 13/87 10 o,m, (Sales can. ducted second Friday each month) Approx. 150.175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment Con. signments welcome For more information call (519) 4249998 or, (519) 424.9093. Proprietors KS, Homulecki 8 Sons. 0.8 CARSON'S LIGHT B DRAFT HORSE Consignment Sole, Sot. Feb. 28 10 a m. at Carson's Sales Arena, Listowel. Tack and equipment, 10 a.m. Consignments welcome. (50)291.2049. 0.8 EDUCATIONAL - FREE 1987 guide to study•ot•home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers. Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business... Cosmetology. Electronics. Legal/Medical secretary. Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1.800.268.1121.- 0.8 LEARN BOOKKEEPING by 'Ccrrrespbndence. For business or employment Certificate course. For free brochure, no obligation write U 8 R Correspondence Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB. R3T 286 0.8 r The Only way to ge YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for 5659.00 or in 1,241,007 homes in Ontario for $250x0® Place Your Blanket Cleeslflsd- Ad by calling on of our helpful classified ad- visors et your nearest weekly nserepapar office for details. Luck noes 520.2822 Goderich 524-2814 KlncsrdIne 396.2963 Clinton 402.3443' Walkerton 661.1600 Sealorth 527.0240 Mitchell 346.6431 erose .,® arm oft caw area •isaefts asea tavela ®®