HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-25, Page 101 5 • PAGE 10 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 Town&Coun#ry w .r` CLASSIFIE WANT CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: DEADLINES: I 12 NOON TUESDAY, Too late to classify: ads will be accepted until 2 p,rn. Tuesday ,for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '4,50 min, •22 words 204 ea, additional word thereafterm,Consecutive Insertions: 2 con• secutive insertions, '4,00 eo. 3 or more con. secutive insertions '3.50.ea.,ln.Memoriam: '4,50 min, plus 354 per line of rhymed verse; Cards of thanks:'4.50 min. 25 words plus 6C for each additional word, Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions, -Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25, for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion,•Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week, Prompt Payment: 50C discount per week Or word ods paid in full at time of purchase within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday of 5.00.p rn ) Dis lpa y_Classified:_rates available on request', •ITTS EASY! To place your hard hitting Classified "ad "PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY` 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM' 524-2614 Address mail' correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal= Star. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Pork, Goderich. N7A 4B6 1. Articles. for Sale 1assifi ation wap omething You Have For Something You Want Sample Swaps: •babysitting for shopping •a riding lawn mower for a snowblower •electric knife for small roasting pan with cover. •auto mechanical services to someone, who will snowblow -lane-for-the-winter For More Information Coll Theresa at 524-2614 SWAP SHOP 1978 550 HONDA "motorcycle., Bags, fairing, radio.. Cod shape Will trade for sr cell half ton Of menial venue, 524.2241 •07.09 5.. Cars for Sale r • 4,1977 TOYOTA Cetica 3 speed automatic has summer end winter rih auls on 1lois canis in' Rood running condition, body is reasonable S1400,00 cortidred or 5.1300,00 as is. 0611., 524 4766 0ltfn'.r , ' ' AUTOMATIC Toilet BQw1 Cleaner ieinoveS rutin 1975 MONZA VO good shcipe. best offer or trade lime and miner cil deposits,. Simply place in the fore .iloviinohile or motorcycle, 524 8198 offer. 6 corner of youi 'toilet tank, Available at Hoff p m 01tfnx, „ ' ,meyer Plumbing clad Heclting „ Kingsto'n Street r' r Godet ich 524 7861, 1lfeii. w 19/6"CHRYSLER Newport 4 door. 400 cubic inch o . . t+nqu.u- ii'ds hnriy work' yocid rubber new iNGLIS-WASHER:52751007iNG1IS-DRYER'5• 175'00-'--1l1(1'.t(11iy.11.rlil(.ir-53007,as • rsPhone 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment JOHN. DEERE.' 340 Spitfire •good • condition 5750 00 Phone 357 3597 08 7H. Boats, Motors `8 Marine TWO 12 FT aluminum boots two Evertrude °UP board Motor 14 5 h p and 6 h p 'i 524 8813 08 ZODIAC-Z34;inflatuble boat-Fakes-up-to'20'h-p motor 1 1 , ft; long windshield good cQnditinri Iwo sets floor boards 524.8422, 08 FARM MARKET 11 classifications -16. For Rent OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT Located ideally in • downtown Goderich. can 524-2664 17. Apartments for Rent MODERN two, anent 2orpeted throughout Phone 529.7888 38tfor Good condition. Phone 565.5277,. • ()id' • 524'47111 07 08 ' .. ' - ' MARY`KAY COSMETICS Try out cornplete line of '., 1982 RENAULTrSeugo sporty uutomcitic,. AM FM0 , skin cure daft glamour items. All -'products cassette very good condition. Coll after i7 p.in., available; For information/colt 525.9332. 05.08 529 3118 08 1,1 - _ HARDWOOD.,SLABS,.by.the trUckload,dehvcred _..0,.._QN.TARIO, GQ-V,ERNMCNT,;__V_O.Iii'cles _find Coll ' early 1110rn47igs or ,evenings' 'Others, 24 1980 86 Automobiles 'Chev' Ford and 529.7642. 07,08,09 - - , ' Dodge • 4 6 and 8 cylinders 1 1981 Cadillac F lcc'twoorf _25.1 9130.84_; _r;--r-and-l,ton.tr uc k s , FINAL CLEARANCE on all winter (lathing. Up to 25 1980.87 4 wlfoel di ave pickups. jeeps and AMC , 50 eeicent off ,regular price Limited quantities:. Euyles 5 1980.82 Veins and Station wagons, 10 ' Auhur rt Co.Op 526 7262.. 07 OBar ,. - Vnii Barites Oros (Aird u-tility bodies' Mighton s Car, title! Truck: Sn1es .4 Miles' west of Durham on BEDROOM,und living room fiirnitutr odd chairs No.. 4 Highwciy 01 6 miles past 01 H(mover' 011 No, tobles and dishes, Apply at 524 8715 or' 177 - 4 Highway, Phone 369.3136 08. Britannica Rd, West, 08x • COMMODORE USERS Why spend yo(ii hard earned dollars on expensive programs when you, can rent at it fraction of cost.> Write for.carnplete details • J. Smith Software Dunganrioh NOM' • IRO. 08 11x ° LARGE WOODEN office desk 61,' 'x 35 • S75 00 • Phone 524 7688 08 LARGE. black lonnh root with mink collar worn S50.00 grey and white nunk rollar'28 long x 9' Wide 5150 00 brown milk collar 71 long ,;,7 minks yttccllecl)'550.00-hrown'and'.vhite'fox col -6 e m-OStfnx lilt 38' long x 4 wide 540 00 'long white uric! I brown tipped fox ?olio!. 27 longx 7 vVtrh with 'notching cid fs.Sl50 00 52.1 2852 Mondny F 'cloy 1 5prn 08 1975 FORD LTD, Dohsn t •Hoed much for 'safety, New !roma hreti nnd ntitstrri cyl.r 5250.00 Phgno 529 ' 203 08'09n. 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock - 11F, Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm' Systems 111{ Farm Real Estate GROUND FL.gOR one bedioarrr "upartmunt (Adults no pets Call 524,2111 4711 'SINGLES aharorient no smoking fully furnished 524 9895 03tfi1 • .s ' 11J: For Rent FARM LAND to lease approximately 90 acres in part Lot 8 Conc. I Goderich Twp; just south of tonin Phonc collect ' ''' 05.09 11K. Farm -Real Estate 23. Commercial Property for Rent STORE or OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Hamilton Street, Goderich Call '524-8735 BENNET1-ST Apurnnenfs is now tnki ng appficn tions for two bedcoomiipartnnent avcrflclble se coed week of February Phone 524 6653, 04tfai ONE-BEDROOM'aper trnerll-for-r 6111 -in -Walton - S23000 ever'ything.:Included 110 'pets:Phone di:ytinte 887 9620 05tf SALTFORD •Two bedroom ground floor. Fridge and stove- Tenant poys own heat and hydro 5280.00 per month, Call 5242111 0511 -11KFarm-Real-Estate 1 FARMS FOR SALE Parcel •No. 1 5112,500.00 - 150 acre. with approximately 130 acres workable. Til- ed randomly, good 4 bedroom brick house with hardwood floors and fireplace. Large -timber frame barn. -Small woodlot surrounding house. North one-half Lots 30, 29 and '28, Concession 1, Huron' Township. 5 miles eastof Amberley and 11/4 miles north. } 1 Parcel No.'.2 560,000.00. - 75 acres with approximately 60 acres workable.,Tiled systematically at 66 feet. 'Aluminum clad 3 ,bedroom house and smaller timber frame barn. North one-half Lot 27 and North one-half of North one-half Lot 26, Concession 1; Huron Township. 5 smiles east of -Amberley and 11/4 -miles north. -Above parcels grew canola, flax, and wheat in 1986. 2,700 - 3,000 heat units. Clay loam soil. 53,000.00. deposit to accompany any offers. • For'more information' contact Farm Credit Corporation, 881-1490. Ask for Art McGahey.. • 12. Real Estate.for Sale FULLY LICENSED Restaurant and Tavern for sale in Mitchell: Owner retiring and moved so must he sold.. WIII. rorrifice for quirk stile. Phonee 348 832.1' 08 09 PRIVATE SALE '12 year old red brick bungalow 3 plus 1• bedrooms 1', baths cur port'~ large recreotion room with bar fireplace: with'wood stove".rnsert_storage.shild .located in n nice quiet 1977,OLDSMOBIL'E 98 loaded spotless 76 000 miles Nrw tires hattrfry •Forest Green paint • Green velvet 'Metier S3900.06 serious buyers only 524 2369' 08 09 1977 CORDOBA. power steeru19 power brakes an <rUrs(` tilt power windows power 5oat PT, AM FM sti,reo blue with white trial radials. 51 400 cis is SI 650 rertifred Coll 482 5761 after ,.GAS STOVE white good working condition Phone 524 422,3 08 i, , COMPUTERS Sclles-and-servuc-(Irrrissnr10,t inOnitors, purriers paper hooks grid mugntrnr:s C W •s COMPUTF.R5 R SUPPIIES KINCARDINE LTD• /37 Ouepen'5treet i(. nistachne 1 396;3114 Iltfm ACCORDION Srclnclellr white pearl 120 hos% 5 switch treble iipprrtised tit 5450 00 Phone 524 6623. Ol tf ,x TRADITIONAL style sofa rind 'choir Iwo siaivel rockers two pair lined drapes q_ x_84'_5_.-84'+ 6. Trucks for Sale 1975 DAT SUN ion with topper on it new paint new' fenders 1,97F3 Datsun 6210 with new paint lob body'work,drnle ,Cull after 6 p n1. 524,-2477 or 175 St David Street 07,08 th 19F14-MEIALI;IC-RED-Sitiriki-J-410' four wheel' drive cnnv,;hiller 43 000 ric turd, k ildmetr es soft` top ,nevi r nspol equipped with optioned hard ,top wit)s'life out Wine) leather wheel, winth,. heavy duty bumpers trailer pockoge new ex • haiist Asking S6900.00 plus tax r Will certify,. Ter MS Cm hired cheque 524 6091 08,09 1981 CHEV ton 6 cyl 3 sperrl stdmlard Call colter 4 p In 574 8445 08, All In very good condition ?hone 574 2209 after 530pm, 0809nx (ARMOR on tcght woodhurrunq 'tone 111 very good condrtioi, Best offer 524 9117 08 . BRAND NEW shumliptmnq r ll,rir nnd sink P1)00e 482 5458 08 Sf T OF GOLF CLUBS Wilson 1700 'Pile; full set 900(1 hciq -. '1! 0(1 "tin t 5350'00 -`fir rr;- Pho110 524 2431 08 - GENERAL Instr(ment 10 ft 'nosh <citelltt0'rlish and equipment Tor sole Call 524 4243 (nytnne 441f0u SATELLITE DISH Lease To Own O •Monthly Leasing -Also -Available •Easy Monthly Payments L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Servide v. • Ca81 Day or Night 524-9595 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We cah Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S I5UR LOCATION THE SAVES MONEY mile south • on Hwy. 21. GGDERICH 524-7231 Weeven. take trades 1978 C 1 7 RENEGADE brown soft top superb rnadition with extras Certified 'S4'250 60 117 Phrase 524.6670 08 09 1980 CHEV short box. Silverado 350 automalic power steering power hrake5 shding,.reor win dow Rally wheels sale finis Call ,524 9568 after 6 p:rn 08 1.975 CHEROKEE a a 4._Needs :body work oed rnuf flr.a gan.d bins 5600 00 Phone 529 7203 08 09n. • SPORTS MCI'4EATIO.N CENTRE 0 IPMENT 7classifications 7A7For Sale General 17._Apartments_for Rent SINGLE WORKING GIRL wanted to share.'apart• meet with some roily lurokhod Coll Jocm weekdays ct.524 6673, 07 08 ATTRACTIVE one bedroorn iipilrtnipi11 civailahle April 1st Carpeted throughout fridge. nnd stove intruded, 5275 per month' plus uti1ittes..•Phone 524:7186 ctfte'r 6 p,tn 07 08 STORE FOR LEASE Main Street LUCKNOW (Next Door to the Sentinel) 1800 SQ. FT. with 24 FT. FRONTAGE For particulars call: -PAT LIVINGSTON 528-2822 JOHN BUCHANAN 524-2614 [25. Wanted to Buy $$$$$$$$$$ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates,. dining, bedroom, living•, room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture ,etc: •call.Seaforth 527-1847, ',or 527-1633 0100 in Goderich;; For: more information call .TWO BEDROOM own !merit for, rent 524 4902; 08nx Square, available April 1 5247365 07 08 FARM FOR SALE 20 acres with, 5 bedroom, 1 n,'a storey frame house, 4 pc.. bath' down and 2•pc.both up, upstairs carpeted; -20 -x-50-steel-shed_and old bank barn set up for 35 sow wiener operation. on Hwy. 8. close to Clinton, 482-3300. 13. Mobile Homes PINE.VIEW..MOBILE_Home_P.ark-Grond_Bend- Adult Pork with homes for sale 00 lots and lots available Rent 599 00 monthly will buy used mobile `homes •14 ,ll width only 238 5584 or 243.22,94,, 0212 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS . lawn anti g(trrfen• oncrete -nutonigtive7-n,ovnng-painting _demi Ing sanders 3 miles East of Krrscarrltnr: on i; Highway 9 Phone 395 2685. 42t1ur MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent 540 00 per day Phone 524 4877 oriel 6 p.m.. 4?tin" A. MOTORIZED woodsphtter 525 00 per cloy, Call 5248110 alter 4 p 43tln. 713. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 71), Bicycles -Motorcycles, ATV's, .etc.- 7F. etc:7F. Snowmobiles & equipment. 7G. Rec.. Vehicles - Campers &Trailers-' 7H; Boats. Motors & Marine ' 7.1. Service, Parts & Repairs '< 7K. Swimining Pools & Supplies 1 FOLLOW YOUR HEART` GIVE WITH YOUR HEAD 7A. For Sale General a PRF (NVFNTORV CLFr1f{ANC' ffugn savings on rifles shotguns ;ropes downrrggerc V H F radios fish finders lake' Huron Rod nnd Gun 268 7182 Open sevendays06 09 I7E. Motorqcles, ATVs, etc. 1906 SUZUKI 6501vngn motorcycle Blnrk seldom ridden For Ripointment to view roll 524 6486 anytime 07 09 (Need'something repaired? Bring it in! Reasonable rates. Layman !Rental 'equipment 2(19 MEI! 11) Ri) ( 7(11)1 Rl('f l- 12,1:2659 • FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524.6231 rent., -car *stem We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS •WEEKEND -RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT, MOVING V)tNS AVAILABLE STRICKLANDS 344 Huron Rd , Goderich 524-8311 1 close to Phone BACHELOR own Minn! with 4 p hath • fridge stove nail utilities' included available nn mediately Please ohmic 524.7409 ore, 524.4234 08tf ,GARDINER S MOTEL Off=ection rates week ly rrionthly. Fridges and stoves all utilities in. eluded 524.7302 '02tfar ONE` "BEDROOM ground floor (martr0ent avcrlible March 1. 5325 including heat hydro fridge, and stove. Phone 524-9437' 06t1 n 26. Help Wanted CLASS A licenced auto mechanic: Excellent vrolk'iinq rrn>ilitTons (Arid ,171)71. nel,ation'' Position av'irllcihle immedi(7tely Fol iippointlnent phoria Jap Pfrnnnlc r T -Service . ,M0nager McGeg Pontioc•Buick•Cadillac,, 37 Hamilton St, Goderich, 524 8391 or 1.800,265.5507 03tf 1OPS' N TRENDS is 'ow huing for spring line, .Horne.pai hes, Coni ni ton sures, Managernen1 position asall9hle,. Ca11 Koren '786 4778„: 06'15 MATURE-PERSOFJ•wonterf-tu.rnr,e fo▪ r-oile_sc hoot aged child n, My home doily 46 p rn,. Friday: evening until 9 pni 'Saturday~. 10 a rn. •'6 p.m.. Interested persons ripply ni writing to Drawer No 85 o Gorier ieh Signal Star P O. Box 220 Goderich Ont iN7A 466 06tf.. -ARE YOU e• xtremely good with childre.• n2 Do you enjoy ,being ound childreh") Al you:outgoing, self motivated ,.10nsrierst.ous with a sense of humour'? If so wad like to horn from you` We ore looking for q full time Nonny Your biggest responsibility twill`" hr.' qualrty care of two chrldien. Rote• of- pay, negotiable ,Reply `un mediately vnth mime phone, and ref evenr'es't0 Drawer No 90 c o .S,gnnl Stur• 'Bot;, 220 Goderich out N7A,4B6 07 08 , ''PARI TIME school hip, drivers required Will trelm .Apply ,Sherwood Transporlotiori 0r 'call 524'7622 08 09(71' • •. FOR RENT BLUEWATER MANOR ADULT BUILDING (Available Feb. or March) 1 1 bedroom ground floor apartment 1 - 2 bedroom, 3rd floor apartment , All utilities plus cable, controlled entrance, carpeted' throughout. stove & fridge. laun- dry facilities. PHONE 524-2315 -18.-Houses-for_Rent GIRL GUIDE CAMP KEFWAYDIN 1100' Coderich 1.nqurres this, . following sunnier staff. Camp par ei for Coiltp nig se! 0141c1e1master Water front Director Writer front nnrl Comp Assistants For Information rind applic(atiori forms please write to Bo. '236 WALKERTON Ont NOG - 7V0 08' TWO BEDROOM unit fudge and stove hose 'meat fully carpeted 5425 00 per month plus utilities A.vridable Februciry' 1st aruf March 1st Phone 574 2879 ' 05t1 TWO BEDROOM bungalow Fr ig° stove Washer large lot west end references re qulrrd nvciilcihle March;. 7 Phone -524 8715-0)-08 PARTS COUNTER ATTENDANT 1.'Ve require_u_rnciluro-e,xpr+rencerI person to, elks' aVF'I r>i;r parts taunter The qualified person should hr; mill orq(mted have; good publim•refu non skills arid he a'notivgted self slurler Ibis i', ci full tone positron al,a busy shop Salary to he commensurate with griper ence Please reply in .trict confidence to '010wer No 91 z1 o Signal - Star Box 220 Godr4ich Oet N7A 486 08 09 PERSON WITH F C- F. wonted to work port 111i1n of defy Fore (entre ,S(Mul resume to •K Day Carr'? Centre c. o Comfy Austin Gen Del Godleyh Qi11 N7A 3Y4 08 09 REQUIRED IMME.DIATFLY E.erWive secretary for President of 10(01 lost paced business Must posse;~ proficient typi'Iiq word processing dic tophnne nnd (>1 q(nIlll(ItiOnllli ‚.1411'. Slim thclnd and exper more with rnullln>afe software n definite asset Seed resu 1147 to Mower No 93 r. o Signal Stir Box 220 Goderich Ont N7A 466 08 • THREE BEDROOM family borne for' rent In Goderich elo;e to Square and Hospital. Garage references required 5475.00 monthly plus utilities Avorlohlr.! rmn>edrntety Apply to Drawer' No 92 r o Signal Stair Publishing Box 220 Goderich N7A 4136 08 09 ONE. STOREY three hedroorn house 9th conies soon -Ashfield- Township -for rent Phone 579 7783 O8 TWO :BEDROOM horne availc>hle immediately Call 524.4870 after 5 p in 08 TWO BEDROOM townhouse for rent crvniiahI. April 1 Phonc '74 7940 08 09 23. Commercial Property for Rent r LUCKNOW store for Tense on Main Street inext door to The lin-know Sentinels 1800 sq ft with 74 ft Irnntnge nvoilnhlr• immediately Phone 528 2822_ 03thtx STORE FOR RENT Modern -store -with -approx: 34 -ft. frontage on. Newgate St., for rent effective May 1st. See' Ken , McGee at McGee Pontiac - Buick at 524-8391. CAREER IN TRUCKING ' Transport drivers ne•d•d, Now is the time to train for your clan •A•' license. For pte•scre•ning Infer, view and l06 placement Information contact: Mery Orr's Group. • LOCAL AGRI BUSINESS' requires help'for the Spring season. Positions available in the .fertilizer, store or truck driving area." Send resume stating previous experience, drivers licence class d• when available. Apply to: Drawer No. 88 Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4B6 A , TURF and.LANCiSCAPE STAFF rerlurred for hiring and Summer ('nnrltrl.tte thrust he re,pnnsrhlr•, hard. -working-np.tf-rn-Mppearan( e., -anion doing ,thrive as craw. ssork 1 tperlcnre • and echo.tttnn in this field an asset but not netrssar. Send rt,sumi' to THE. LAWNMASTER RR 2„ Seafnrth, Ont tiOl< 1W0527.1750