HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-25, Page 91st Of 27 ict N w•'' 't ?y , rI vides etaiYed ace,. mit o: eric BY SHELLEY M('PHEE HA1S'1' It r' ads like a who's .who of Goderich Township, it's the long awaited Goderich. Township Families 1985. Published in conjunction with Goderich 'township's 150th sesquicentennial celebra- tions, this 380 page book provides a detailed account of 270 families who have made the municipality their home over the past cen- tury and a half. Goderich Township •Families 1985 was the brainchild of local history committee cu - chaired by Alison Lobb and Doug Yeo. An avid follower of family history, Mrs. Lobb has spent more than two years gathering and collating the informally in this im- pressive book. The result of the effort is a • comprehensive directory, of names, dates, photos, stories and lifestyles in Goderich Township. Mrs. Lobb in her meticulous fashion has devised a system of defining and separating individual families and genera- tions within those families in an early readable fashion. This attractive book holds a wealth of in- formation about the men, women and children who have lived with the boundaries of Goderich Township over the past 150 years. • It tells of John Hillock, who in 1832 came to Lot 19 Concession 5 in Goderich Township. It is sail! by his descendants, ..when he arrived at his farm he heard so- meone chopping wood. He walked through the bush toward the sound,' found an Indian couple, and they helped -him build his first cabin." • William Jervis, born in 1818 carne 'to Goderich Township in 1843 and lived there . until his death in 1904. It is remembered of him, •'William, -a well known figure around the Holrnesville area, made his rounds in a little rig drawn by a w-hite'pony. He had a lit= tie brown jug tucked under the seat to quench his thirst and to make his convera- t'ion'a bit more jovial. A stdry is told that he went into Courtice's store for a loaf of bread and Courtice was heard to. say', 'Bread is the staff of life.' 'to this William replied, 'Yes, • but whiskey is life itself.' " The book tells of the longstanding families that have made their names Welt known for • decades. in •Goderich Township - Lobbs, Lavis,' Ginn, Sturdy, Middleton, Tebbutt, • "Stirling-. It also :tells of the "new" settlers to the municipality, Dutch families like' the Dykstras, Haaks, DeJongs who came to his area in the 1950s., It tells of more recent families -who have made 'their 'come in Goderich Township including Pat and Con nie Osborne in 1976: Michael and ,Kate ownship families Moriarty. in 1980; Torn and Nancy Flynn in 1978, for example: It tells of great grandparents and children, uncles, aunts and cousins, brothers and sisters, in-laws and neighbours cti hu together make the complex . social structure of Goderich Township. Their rela- tionships and connections are woven together to create a special order of family. •':sturcture. '!'here's the Yuill-Ginn-Whitely-Fisher fancily ties, the.,(.'ole-Schilbe-Reder-Stirling connections, the 1,'eai an-Church-Middleton- '1'yndall-Oke-Harris-Mc Alli'Ster-Easonc linkages, Goderich Township Families reads like an intricate jigsaw puzzle, Family histories can be explored, compared and cross referenced to uncov„era complex intertwin- ing of family trees., Photographs of 1800s families can be com- pared to 1980s photos and facial resemblances can be distinguished. Tradi- tional narhes can be. traced back through the • genealogical framework of a family, The Whitley family tree reveals the tradi- tion of the name "Benson” dating back to the 1800s. It began with Andrew Whitely, who 'had a son Joseph, who had a •son Dr. James Ksten Whitely, more commonly known as "Benson." Born in 1856 -he practis- ed medicine in Goderich until" his death in 1037. Dr. Whitely had eight children, among them a son named Benson. D.r. Whitely also had a brother Charles who married Alberta Durnin, They. in turn gave birth to. a son Benson in 1919. Ben Whitely is well known to Goderich•Township people as the municipal treasurer. • ' Ben and his wife Dorothy. (Ginn ) Whitely's ,youngest child born 'in . 1956 is William Benson Whitely. Bill Whitely, farms with his father in Goderich Township and• is married to the former Michelle Smith, also of the township. • 'their son Andrew Benson was 'born in 1984. '!'his young boy carries, with his a strong sense of heritage, in the Christian namesOhe .bears. He is the first of the sixth generation of Whitelys to live on the same lot in Goderich Township since Andrew Whitely arrived in 1832. Lot 14, Concession 7 • is an Ontario Centennial farm and also one of the nine. Goderich- Township Ses- quicentennial Farms.. . `' Young -Andrew Benson Whitely represents • a blending of the rich past of Goderich Township and the. hopeful future that generations- to, come will bring• this municipality. In, Goderich Township Families, Esther MacMath I Ross i,; • quoted, 'For our pioneer forebearers of 150 years ago, life Must have been full of hardship anti sorrow. • • • • CORRECTION • In this week's ••ad for A&P the • coupon price'tbr Large Eggs is 99 dozen This Is incorrect. The correct prices is 99 dozen For your conve- nience please use the coupon •shown at right' WITH THIS .COUPON CANADA GRADE •'A' Large Eggs 'dozen LIMli"t per coupon. • • • Valid. until February 28th. 1987j i'Sbtnout coupon pay A&P,s regular price) SC 9634 • Then by generation after generation, the land was tamed. Those of us in the newer generations have been privileged to enjoy advantages of which our forebearers could only dream. What we and our descendants now have was built upon those foundations so courageously wrought. I liketo think that those ancestors, if they were to walk again upon this earth, would not be disappointed." Goderich Township Families was compil- ed by Alison Lobb and proofread by Doug Yeo, with assistance by Phyllis ('ox, Diane Lobb, Margaret Powell, BessieTownsherid, Elaine Townshend and Gayle Wilson. • '!'his impressive book is dedicated to the memory of the late Gerry Gin, "whose en- couragement and answeringaenthusiasm did much to ensure the success of our Goderich Township 1-5-0, and, to make this book a possibility." Gerry would be proud of this publication, as would the countless other men and women who over the past 150 years have worked to make Goderich Township the pro- sperous municipality it is known as today. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. 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