HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 9I *�.
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. ROOM. 01 IN 9ROR0100 hllhloll
. LUV; .)person 1who is the 048 b0la4
, 6� & janiiij, or any 10RIG OvOr Ill
t . homestead a, quaTter
*I 2reays old may � .
WtQni of available'DomMkou lend I"
gff,snitaba, f3asklitchewav,, or *1ber-ta
Who %pplical,at ,M(aot appear in persoo
� ,A envi 0
� q,t the. Dominion Lando
i 111, $jab.agemoy for the distriot, #114Y 113
! agerIqL) os
� j)rOXY may be had at the '
� pertain I conditions, bY, f atheT, MvthQt
f I fion, daughter, �brotherp or slotor of
� intending homesteadexi
, -
I vatie§.-Six 101001the 7�osidenftuKon
! wad owltivation Of the land 1A "�111
� of three years. W homesteader m0:1
ne Mlles oi. ,his holing"
l tIlive within ul '
�' stead on a 4f arm of at 16REit 190 Rar"
1� Wely. ojwned and occupied by him, or I
� ijis juther, me&er,, SO% .;d&lu&Wr. ,
111� brother or sister.
� i1n oartaLri districts a hclme#*d81T
. � i,u good standing may �pre,-epQ.t 0
11 quarter Scotian. alongside 'jnislaom,0�
11 stead. F,rice $3, Per acre. Dadtles�
Must real,desix molathEi inglaoli of SIX
I Lolmegtead edtri
� Iye,&rs from da
, I(, Vol, 'required to egy'lli
fimpluding the
Vniestead patent) , land 0dlfiytQQ
�i� . .
;� jifti, acres extra,
�� A homesteader who has exbauatoi
% ,b,t and cannot ob-
� bio homeotead Tig
r , ff a emPtion may take a pur.
l .. sed els i diffiriets
� _ joe ,3. per acre. Dulties-�-Uust.
�, , T 0 six mo-n[ths in each of tbree
I I f cm,ltivate fifty acres m.ad eres,
�, j bou�qe warth'09304-
- W. W. Coivf,
. Deputy0fthe i,ilitex.ofth,i nterlor
1� Z;l U -UnwithoAlEld p0lication Ohl .
, =;�t;;ill not be iilild Or,: ---- �
B, CABLING, Life, Accident, Fire and Plate
. oiass Inairlince, also Collecting A000unu
T. andAuotioneetldg.
I �
jW, BROWNING, m. D., M. ib
e P, S,, Graduate VictOP166 U,
I I Tinsity. 0 a and residencnee. Dominion
Asseciftte Coroner of Huron.
KI ---- - I I - - .-
� R. Bright, M. D., M, C, F. and
He- S., Honor Graduat@ Toronto Un -
Tears resident physician
T'vo 1' .
� 'Ters','y exe;,udra Ilospital, etc. Office
ITO ", old stand
and ,11den Dr. Amos'
A.adrew Street, Exeter.
� ___
. �6_11 [41SS DELIGHT HOBBS ,
11 ,
. Violin Instructor, James StreetP&V
I sonage, Exeter. —
. Ay
� � Physician and 'Surgeon end Ac -
I , , ejoucher. Office -Dr. Rollin's old office
I i" . � on gain Street, Residence -Corner
. and Albert Street, opposite
. James SEreet Methodist Parsonag%
jBnIxtee"r, Out. I
Fbo,me-,_0f6ce 89a, Res;dEnce 89b
,/—M—. C. A. ROUZE, V. S. . �
Graduate of Ontario Vet.- College
. Member of Ontario Veterinary Medi- J
cal Society. '
Treats all Diseases of Dome�sticated
I Animals on latest Scientific principles.
All calls day or night promptlY at-
tended too, office, 7jain8treet, Rxe-
� ter, Ramsey's Old Stand. . Ir .I,
�� �
�, arxisters, Solicitors, Notaries, Conve,re-e-
� -
� Commissioners. Scuoltors lor the Mo Ilion i
Bank, Etc.
I ft0ney toLoan at iawe,�t rateli of IntlereRt.
3k. CARLING B. A. . L. 33. U101CRO t
- ,
- We have a large ammint nt private fnn&
.van on farm an a vinage Prom Mee at iowral,e
. Barristen Solft-Itor,, M%in st- Exe 14,
14 , I
. '
41� Private fuya I ills to loan at lowebt rate
I of Interest.
Office opposite Contrai . Hotel Main
Street. Exeter Out. � .
____ ______
- . --- -
. ______
I � Let every farmer giVe LhiS farrn
the, degreetof LL. D.—lime, leg�
� !
I I umes and clrains'. -Rural New
:1 r Yorker.
t__ _____
Dairy Doings.
It takes two-thirds of all the good cow
. � -eats to keep her alive and without loss
,of flesh and the otber third of ordl.
mary good rations to enable her to give
I . mililk. The .expense of two-thirds of
. Itbe money earning r4ftions has to be
'I; ". when the cow Is earning.
- Mcurred I
ji6tbing. �
I Timothy bay is better than nothing
--as a feed for dairy cows, but it Is
.11 I 4 -et.
, vorth more to sell on the mark
W good supply of alfalfa will cut
, *,Wn the bran bills. -
�_, U the cow's tents are made sore
. from exposure to cold or wet -weather
I . j' applic.1tion of carbolized vaseline
'_ * . ".0or each milking will remedy the
I 966pble if used when -it first appears.
, N, 11
lhe best bay feeds for dairy cows,
� I Lre clover, alfalfa, cowpeas and.goy
� � , '
-^IN JQ4ns, They contain a large percent-
� ,Ze 'of proteI;i,,wb16 Is a great milk
I � r�odiiclrig element. .
, The world's champion milk cO'W,,PrO-
Xltiied nearly nine "tons Of millc last
I .. "I �, r, an advocates of dairying. n
I ferona to beef prodiction call at-
. , " "' to the fact that this cow Is
repared to repeat such performances
I 11 many years, while the b6eP Animal
I must go to the block to produce cash
.� . lor Jt8 owner.
, r ueees's in Rol.
I . %
,land Is 0asily understood A114 may be
tstated in o few words-efficlialt,cows,
. oxc,elittit. cao, eo�operatlon and till-
,Oerioi quality of butter Pod theoft
I .1 . . i
i I I I ,:,ili& �. . "
- I I � -.--.---..------ . I � I I I 11 . -a"-WW*"".*-W-4L ... 11 . . � . I =1 .1 I I Z I I .1 � I '.1 .. 11 �� .- "I -_ I -;-_— �. "I .. I
__ P.—.- - � I __ __ _________.___ ------ � ------ __ __ . . I I I ml �
__ 1. . I 11 �� � - . 11 11
M 1, 11 �� "I'll", I I I . .11 I � . ;__�;�_ - I - 14 and -rafters orga . nized to'get us - 0 � I .,
- - 11 I �._ I 1. � 40 -000" I � � . . � *�Quiblng b1tj 'whisken mustabbe, gang or , _d.eclallsts. liVaddy and 6,algbaad or I
I I . . . .
I . .
. . , . I 1. � .)Vt ill Trout of his nose with his. tin- grants In no tIme" will elPc,h New rived sQme,;vl w t 1,� to On acco ilia t. of the 11 I had . een given. 11
(ViR boat glided within Yqrk by Friday; Chicago already bem- tinit,-,egusumt�cl n. �djustlng Mr. Craig- 1#0 I I . I'�L
� , �_ thre
'"' f A Romance gaerrms"s A100119utlarorfo tile wharf the lift do- med in, New thought--teo,vt roads la head's Qum aml twulid a crwh of POO, u to die . � �0, I I ,1
P'. � - 11
IN, sceuded from flik. oirshlp, filling Vir. grangers everywhere. Will, secure title pie entirely .ilI,.:j to the fwe arts, Ailing . I I
I . 'IF I .
Of' Flying gialla, With terror. except for read purposes. Shayne, tby the studio ii�d the hall outside. 'Craig- 0 6uk best ,loctorsp ..
� � "I I'll
V1R6112'1'.1A- U I . I I
I "I doWt thl"It 41IJ get you another sun Sets apace! . Whoop! WhOOPI head's sculptor friend, with a lady T could not stand it 6 be a ray 1, I
V1 1) . osy, Caroline," said the old man, Wboopeel We'v(i got 'em, we�ve-90t model, escaped the angry mob Into the f9et and 1 was. so swelled,14 the . , I
"pieldug it 10 bits like that." lem! Cgroill,els dad. ready to bust all scaffolding of au equestrl�a group rep- ab4omen I Could hardly breathe. I . �,
1111in trying Wy fortune," said she, eight banks to back scheme, You must I 1.�
W. '116 -le eml)arrassed laugh. make good, Theodorle, Answer for the 11 But thanks to Dr. M1190 11'03rt .. �
I Ili, a . . le 41 , 11
, J,
TH-E AIR LANES � 4 "Humph!" said. her father. sake of divine PltY Just one leetle . Rein6iy an� Nervii I am e ta I'll
. - ' ____1 , be about the streets, a walking a4_ Ir
I The younger man, reowingly recov- teene,F Peep' Napoleon, Bonaparte mz� 1-1-11 . ;1 I
_.# ered from his Parl)IOXRY, Was touchl'39 Hannibal Miltlades; Craighead." I f vertisement of the ctIrAtiYe qual- , ..
BY the -row of buttons One by �one, and as 11jVbat does be mean," asked Vir- ities of your remedies, although I , , , I .��
, -, � .. . -
. Vop>night. 1909, by the Bobi:l*- Oliered way VirgWa glilla, "by till this about grants, high. � - ,V'-, r - (I - I *� I
iHERBERT QUICK Mel -till Company . I the launch g� to button. after buttou. wa3's and feO simple? It's a*fwly I f-7--- . 1, I I am 7o years old." � I . I
I I . heard him say q Ueer", . � . "a dl� JoHN R. CocpltAx, . I I..
. ,,She lofes me! She loves we notl She . I Lewisto�vn, 111, .
-11 __ 1 1 "I don't know," replied Carson. , � 11
lw� - 3XIMM lo-v'gs met HoorAyl" I, �
I - The sbout greeted the favorable an- "Some visionary thing," .... Better than any statement we; , I ��
worth a he -j- "' "And who is Caroline?" could .make regafding the Value of' �
ft%11 he walled, "and it wa's '' t oc. -j;m*Aure 6f�lt�- - - asked Vir- ' " I �.
� Swer of the oracle. The lady, as If . : . I
mow, 14 �qup;a,,to,,melv, idXes, niteam," replled,Rarnd. , I . I
- � 11 �, .,X� T� . � - - . feeling the fingers In her curls, turned ginla. : Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I
ikk - "She's lyut oV sai, .
, �_ 1,
, jf4rl .V I t I'll 'd the captain. - �ir
I t6g, - � . I and gently Slapped the. geutleinaii!� "Mrs. Graybill, Mr. Waddy's daugh- ,
and as a r I esiiit'.5 ' Thah,goedhu4�=_down." ter. Now, listen, Virginia, and watch. I are these words of Mr. Coch ' .
r . ears, The launch shot into the callal rgpvu Al 1,
� I_Wi �
11 - ,,,Why," asl&d,Mrg:1nIa, wonderingly, y to try." - He speaks from experiepce' I
.veOW4 - � d Out of sight. The, ladies were made She% read ' 17, .
r - . , 90Z,eR , I . �� . I "
- , - " tch, a -ad the 1� highest possible source of knowl:�' C
W;� LLW��F�4PI-Mbint.'Eqgnap". N -whpt,cen sho� ii:�oit over tbere In the sole owners of Carson�s cabin, ,and the He threw in the chi
... . � 11 T W
, , oodsv L
wiis;61'anger ttriedis men slept 'With the aeronef by night, wings began whirring like great buzzes.
+tpe, wnc 2 6 !'fat in g e r, t tr f e A& s � SU
. '. L edge. If you have any of ther . L
the slied,_,where-Cs; "' � 118hels' jist about ove' yol home, while by day Captain Harrod stood by Faster and faster the wing sections , I 1: signs of a weak hea t, such " . ' . 'L,
�d.atqsbl�4as in co , ma�hm,ll saild'Harrod. �Alj��ping away to the whirled until the aeronef strained up- f '. I V, � ,
. .. . ". -11 _1 I ' to aid Theodore, pain in the left shoulet or arm, ,
[ Finally CiTion 1, ,17irginla giew pale and, asking for her Insbings like a restive ',,�,, , -
.. ..-Mr-N, , � top -of� the dunes at times to scan tile wal'd On fainting and hungry spelh, shR&� .",
prdered'thetvPyiU nv� , 16., the 'glass scanned the great aerostat rig for the slim_v nosed Stickleback, liorst. Theodore tipped a ]ever, and ., I I
I... .11 ofn L I", ,�
-_ 11
�ltercatlon e . eF In ' "' - I ;,� *1th thZowered lift, like a nexcus, to reappearing 'with her oval she leaped forward, stretching the t ness of breath, smothering �pell. I
.-- .
, Inexplicably I a-- -1 .. ��
- - I 1, the ground. deck Just awash, -five degre , ,I fluttering or palpitation of the hea � �
,was roug�hly,'A qt lie tffllk I
.,baridled- A her thin, semi-1DvIsI- ropes at an angle of forty es.
bis leave, voydAvvengeance q�401 - I n ,1CaiWt you go a little faster?" said ble periscope in air. Having arranged Ile reversed it, and she slacked back- I I you need . �
zind the alwhiple whI�'1rjj,, �'&,,.0','M , aa: with Reagan for a cessation of the ward, as might an eagle repulsed by a
, . , . � she, laying down the binocul 's.
. ..
Worthless He,ba&m�e f6 -w. 1 48Aftah we clear Week's bay," said usiness until the aeronef foe. Virginia swung her hat and shout- 1 Dr., Miles' Heart Remed-Y. �
I � ., 1�1� I contraband b 3� I M, :
Inglo of the��2cibCsMp,As,,ft4ho'. �' aptain was ell. which for over twenty years "
� _0 . �d the captain. was off the stocks, the c, . �411 I
secretly to� lliitfdel;���1-1 Once clear of the channel, they stood worried. Ere -waved the Chautauqua 11rull the line on the end of that 11 .. . been recognized as the bd t prepa�_ I
imoss. . ? for the south shore, the engines firing salute one day, whereupon the subma- wing," said be, "and see If You cap tip � ration of Its, kind to be haY I I I I 11
I 'At the.Japon,,be,, took, a ,bqAt and in continuous explosion. suddenly rine sounded like a gallied rorqual. her. Pull!" ...
. 7 Sold under a guarantee assuring ,
�mwed ia. ',,Me- ncrftlt-40110re. T& "b6at , with a Uttle scream 7ir�gin:ia leaned The captain's ingenuity was not equal Virginia walked gingerly forward, I ��
. -1. return of the pr ce. of the first bottle"Irf1j.
. �
grom the��r,ubmarine�,.tbatMoXsignaliid out to look.upward past the awrimg. to the task of develop h dress flying, her hat whisked to L falls to benefit. AT ALL bRUGG18, I, .
garrod'had broughtzberficresmasbore, - - alarm. the top of the room. Grasping the fly- rt
� ,Or�,Qr account for her presence or her I I MILES MEOICAI_ CO-, Toronto, 010V
�ffe addressed one of-the,;Ineir-as Fa- � �� ..... - _ - - - - - - ----'---'-" - - , , I ing rope end, she pulled downward. . - � -, I - - _.__....� I . ,�
,vJfle and learned that-.tlw�$tickleback, , . , r I'll, 11 oydnx -4y*om 6arsun suddenly became possessed 0 The wings settled slightly, and then as - - - ...
�he submarine,,was�-uftbore-for .,,some . .1 I - ':;their - the *R00. an unremittlur-eentr9Y that Command* the gyroscope brain felt the depres- un WENT ABOUT VIT11 XARV=OUS RA- ..Mrs. Graybill looked at Craigheaa I %% �
unknown purpose. Reagan, the Stle- I' 1, #;,I)Vped, her,m,at, eagines ed VirgiWals, adr4tration. As he told Sion the lowered win -5 lifted as if con- PID=. Sternly. I'. I
' ,
. . I- w,i,Vger 4zat.§, her,scraws . "Don't pose!" gald she. "Don'ttlihilt,
Ideback-'s captain, came lazily up, and .., . _ � her again of his struggles, his experl: sciously rising to a load, it was mar- rdsenting an indlan maiden In a stam- i
i , gh�er%giant:Zull a'mesplend- ments, his failing Into 1he garden ol 1)
Mmer Informed him tbat-haff.Uner) i � "I . "I . . velous. pede of buffaloes. The model had been that I 'Want a beautiful lesson in everY� . .
Mas soing on board her. The captain, � ?'I'. . � ,,of ',,sted. Looking mp, ,VIr- Dr. Witherspoon, his meeting with . ,,Cault you pull barder?" cried Theo- posing for something -an Indian maid- thing, if I have been a minister's wife.', ' _ I I
.,.�Saw..:,ber ,overhead and co.wered Craii;head, the Briancial enlistment ol b his hair flying. en p- Tell me of Mr. De Land and -and Sa. I
Amazed; asked for what reason. . .., m S� (lure, oreheaded, erbaps-and bad feathers in her die Brown and the ebop suey and-an� I
! 19vM' goIW to use her." I 1. :%bc�, the boat, for peering. over Mr. Waddy and_,pf the puzzling e "Try." hair. .1,
'=!Land, � calUng like an evil bird sages he had received she became all ,,.&ye, itye, Sir," cried Virginia cheer- Craighead br0ke through by inaper- that life. Tell me, Air. Craighead)"' -) . I
� "The d—I you areT --17 ,�811betberg. . M I enthusiast too. The point here is that there was nq I � .
you up to NMs,, . ily. Tr.y it is." shouting "Make
I "Well, it not I'll -show !"Aball, 'Ali, answer the hail, miss?" "I'd like to meet Mr. Craighead," sonatim-, an officer, � 1,
I way for the police!" and uppercutting danger of Craighead's running
the authorities as a smugglor, Reagan Roactilng up, she pulled herself clear 00
� asked1he-captain. said she. "I'd like to feel sure that be ()f tile ttoot, her - strong little form the crowd with his elbows. while she listened -with such breath�
-you an! Harrod " Re hastily I ",Nb - . .
ce' !11 .-whisperbd Virginia. ,"Take can secure a monopoly of the naviga. swaying like a most charming pendu- less interest to his adventures. Ere ex -i ' �
'; Reagan's fa paled. , - "Hello, De Land!" said lie, nodding plained his natural transition from tho
drew a revolver from'his pocket, then no -notice, I beg of'you,�'captainlyy tion of the air." lum. The enormous dragon fly, throw to the sculptor. "'If cot beauteous
thrust it back. q�ie, Roe swept, on Me a 3neteor, "You might form an opinion of him, " hil- its power into the depressing wing, princess of the Apaches, bow?" study of artistic anatomy to surgery .
'Mow do we know," said Rea. -an, le:jTing-lhe launch behind. Virginia said he, "by reading his telegrams." rode level, with nine stone weight Qf "That you, Craig?" called down the and then through medidal jurispru-
; Oltbat you wou7t Peach after Yon get -1. . .---- ,,Of whom?" Inquired Virginia, evi. solid American girl dangling from the sculptor. "Wha.t. not sober? Go after dence to law, and over all gloomed tho
through with uq?" .. . I � .. I I dently thinking of something else. tip of * one w1ug-a mechanical para- the police. Turn these people out, shadow of hb, wonderful, his poetic,
- ,
,,If I make the play I expect too,,, re- I L - I I ; . . "Cralghead,11 replied Carson. "Here (,,,,. The boat stood in air as level as please, Craig!" his epic .dissipations. Mrs. Graybill; I
I , I I .
plied W,izner, IT11 be in a d—d sight I . � , " . - � they are. What do you think of them?" 11 qhji) in a calm. "Friends of mine," said Craighend was shocked, but slic, asked for all th� I
deepeen you are!" ;; . . The first was dated Charleston, ,,Eurrah!" shouted Theodore, swing- "I advertised for lem. Elope yon horrible tale that he might so relleval, I
W. Va. 'Wr products incorporated," ,,,, bil, arms. "Never anything like it haven't been incommoded. old man." it that nothizig would ever, ever indacei ,- �
'That means," said Reagan, "worse - I
than smuggling." . I � �. � it ran. ,qmmense sensation in trust in the world. Carried you on one wing "N'ot at alli" replIed tue sculptor ,,;:ir. him to drink again. 11
� - . I incubator and brooder. Why don't I and kept level. Hurrah for the Vir- "Only one thing- would ever do thet," ,�
"I mean the only thing the law pun . -ious co castically. "But get them out so Miss S
hear from illusti -conspiratorl aid he, "or maybv two. The pangs Ot
jishes worse than smuggling with a e Plute." ginla!" I
� I Brown and�-, can descend." :
I Craighead, th 11, despised loy,e"- i
submarine!" � .. I "Tries to be 4umorous," said Vir. He eased her down and stepped to Craighead's manner of disposing of "Which you have never experl- : �
Reagan answered slowly: . I I �� I . ginia, "Let's see the mext." where Virginia waited, hands out- the crowd commanded Mr. Waddy's 1 enced?" she aslied. I
"I didn!i expect rd ever go that far, The next date was dated, "En route stretched, red from the rough rope, sincere respect. He went about with � ,'Never," sald be, "as I am now_ I
but I gruess I'll fflLve to .. 1. . ,- to Cosmopolls from Incubator," and hair blown abroad, marvelous rapidity, sending away those I I' ely to I I
you, Wizaer. You're captain of the � I I I I I ' "And are you going to name her I ik .
StIckleback." !S . I I was unsigned. "To him -who command,, that?" she cried. 110h, how perfectly whose nonutilitY was unquestionable I ,,And the other shock that might- -, ��'t�'-40
1, ___- . . the winds, from him who winds the and maidug engagements with others � ,< j--.11,qq
I F_�.M commands, greeting," it ran. "Be of dear of you t" at "our Wall street office," the name I overturn yo& self control?" I -1-
. . Z;_ I - od cheer. The train is laid, the gin Theodore held the chafed hands , trl- of which made everybody more re- I "The failure of Carson," repUecl - ..
T AEROTZEF VERGINTA. = . _. go umph in his face. He opened the hiti, spectful. I Craighead. "That would put me dowig � . I J
1� . is set, the dogs of war strain forward red palms and kissed them over and and out -down arld outitt �
IRGINIA, left alone, was rath- in. the leash. But is there any aeronef I over again. Mrs. Stott came in and The dinner to which Mr. Craighead i The relations of Craighead to Mr. I I
er glad of it. Her desert -ion ! 1, I Broom end of pipe dream assumes ter. took Mr. De Land, Ali,ss Brown and � Waddy became more and more strain4 I
of the Shaynes, was a crisis I , I rifying concreteness. Noble, Sir, assure saw him doing it. Mr. Waddy was the first of a series 1 1
1 1,
V In her life. She had acted . ust wire saying you are "I hurt my hands," said Virginia, which reduced Mr. Waddy to torpor. j ed, for the fr,rmer could no longer ev- :i
I me of thine! J � show1jig them. "And uncle is kissing, The old gentleman, in his long frock i V.ain satisfact,6tily the failure of Car- 1
Impulsively in a matter of great mo- V , you and there is ,in aeronef, Collect!" them well." coat which buttoned to a surtout, bis to appear w.'tll h,s airship. Final- I
snent and needed time for thought. I . . "Did you answer this?" aske.d Vir, 417 I'm son , J I resolved Ili
She had taken flight to Carson's. Land- . gbila. ery kind and self sacrificing, frowzy face and his evident attach- ly as a last resoit �lr. Waddy I
. I sure," replied Mrs. Stott to take Craigheal, and Mrs. Graybill.
� Theodore Shook his head. ment to Mr. Craighead, was remember- 0
Ing and to shelter in the shade Of the , "It waii days and days before I gol ed in certain ultra bohdmian circles and go to the so,ut" �o settle the whole
- Thtis it ,vas that the thred
sole remaining branch of her family I it ly for his surreptitious slinking into the Problern 11
tree, full of confidence that she would , � were at Palmelto 131va.ch when Captai3l I �
find there a silver haired uncle and a � "Why didn't he send It to the planta. Un. cnAiGnmArl 11T CUSTODY. dimmest corners of cafes and roof gar. Harrod with t be launch passed i
� , tion?" asked Virginia. � dens. He had a dark secret, Mr. Craig- i
delicate old lavender aunt, redolent of VVMHE money for the last touches through Stron-'s I)ayou with Virginia I
the old regime and � ready to. receive "I gave him this address," said Thee. ' I - to the airship was to be the head said, which, he did not explain, and Mrs. Stott�on the way to the cabig, - �.Ilj
her tenderly loyal to the Carson blood. dore. "I -I stayed there too -too long." extent of Mr. Waddy's new originated in -Mr. Waddy's agreement where the first Carson aeronef wita . I
Instead of silver hair, Theodore, the He opened the gyroscope globe and finaiielal Venture, and then with the lady in goggles that the whole preparing for its delayed flight norff�: ��
audaciously false uncle, had the "lit- began running the engines lightly, set- came Craighead with his new hatched situation was improper. He felt obliged Tickets had been bought to Palmetto �
tle, silky kid's mustache," and there ting the heavy little wheels spinning, plan for actually monopolizing the air, to keep with oralghead because of
"r GINIA STrn1ED HIM ABSOUBIrDLYVIT11 rocking the aeronet from side to side and ML Waddy, baving submitted it a suspicion that the aerpnef was a Beach on Craighead!s statement that I
VMS 120 aunt- The grandni6ce of old via BRU VInLD GLASSES. Carson was here. I . .
General Carson, related to I Theodore to'note the operation of the balancing to his local lawyer. hesitated and was figment of two Slattery Institute Im- "Ah!" said Craighead. "How nat; -A
Carson by. no chain of descL;nt save asked the captain if 1w -upposed she devices. Preserving their perpendicu. lost. aginations, and be did not purpose to aral it all looks! I seem never to hav6'
the dubious one of the original ,third had been recognized. I laxity, as if of intelligent purpose, the ,,I'll go into it," he said. "We'll make let any guilty man escape, So he left these balmy, if somewhat sandy,
'Carson brother of hundreds of years "Ali reckon not, miss," said I-. "Jist gyroscopes moved th6 levers of the everybody come and settle that wants providently engaged a detective to
a chance mectin', Ab rockou. She's wln,,� differentials which would accel. I shadow both hi M Craig- shades. Dear old Yupon Hedge Inn"' I
ago and the ownership of this planta- � a trip by airship. Hey?" Mr. Craighead was halted by a liver -
tion, was weakly allowed to assume come to, raght ove, the inn," said the erate the propeller wheels of the low. "Exactly," replied Craighead. head, the unremitting presence of led attendant. . I
,ind captain. ered wing and correspondingly slow "Jest as if the whole country was whom in very plain clothes made Air. "Beg pardon, Sir," said he. "This Ja I
kinship from the place and name . Virginia Sat uuder the middle of the the upper. Right or left, Stern or bow, Waddy feel and look guilty and fugi.
never thought of sitting down with awning, quite in a tremble. The boat ' the depressed ,area would work the Our farm," cried Mr. Waddy. tive. a private clubhouse. The Inn's ove� I . -
Thdodore and tracing the, thing out. slowly threaded the Shelly entrance to harder, the ralsed part slower, while "It will be for circumamblent pur- therel" 111 5
She wondered just what the relation- 1)oses," replied CraIghea& '�'And, as His second reason for becoming Mr. "Oh, certainly," replied Cralghel(tt! .
ship was anyhow. Chloe said that the bayou and passed the wharf of the powerful rudders co-operated, moving -you so well said, a farnfs a cb�41L And Craighead's double was his sense of A'" cement walks look aMe to me' "' I :1
inn. The people on the quay 'were like a fish's fins, even now while tile I . duty of preventing that pupil f Dr. I
Cabsonses were CabsonseS, and she craning their necks at the descent of propeller rested. Theodore was get. remember, Mr. WqAdy, ln�, putting 0 "The one over at the Inn looks likiv",
inever bothered about different kinds, , ting past an awkward reference to his E;hayne and his pirates doN�ii and out Witherspoon from breaking the vow ck,11 said Mr, Waddy grimlY.
the passengers from the Roe. we and our pirates are making Way of abstinence. So he drank most of bri - I I
Ile couldn't be a real uncle, Virginia "Hurry, captain, burry!" urged Vir- long stay at the plantation by a pains- tile intoxicants served to Craighead, Craighead searched In vain .
, " for the matchless, unsinkable, double
. felt sure of that. He might be a son ginia. taking examiDatimi of the brain of his somewhat to the injury of his health, their arrival at the Inn for Carson,:Ilti
of General Carson by.'a second wife. acting, -universal speed, direct drive, b 14- 1
"Ah caln't, ma'am," said be. "Alf]) airship. nonlialation, ortbochromatic Carson but much to the betterment of is rep- .
He was the bead of the family any- .1 4 fp 11 ,� 44 + � , A 11F +h it
how. She must be satisfied with that. I
I hev to lie to a mintite,fou that uoaL.
Neve fear, miss; yo, all raght with
Zee IJOTV LL WOMS, .6—, e .X-
elfilmed. "It knoWs the levers to be
aernoef. Don't forget our anugULLY
southron coconspirator who will wing
u - - - - - - I - - _Zl�
was a relief to get Craighead back
Of his Invention, save that it was in
moved. Why, if a puff starts to over-
his way to Illinois by the time we re-
home, where he installed him as a
the mysterious sbed, chosen because
"Here you see," said a voice from
turn her she'll Strike with the lowered
turn. DoVt fall down and forget that."'
lodger and boarder, charging him well
of its remoteness and its unobstructed
the wharf, "two soon to be discarded
winp alone Mw a bird:- And see the
,,Well, you!d better have him on
fo r his accommodation and lending
beach, she really knew notbin,& She
modes of n1vigation-the boat displac-
intelligence of those ruddbrsl And
hand," said Mr. Waddy, "as he prom-
hbn the money on his note to pay for
began to wonder now .whether he
Ing water and the aerostat floating In
Wizner said she*d turn turtlel"
Ised, -or r1i know why he took my
It. On. arrival he went to bed and
was a world's genius or only the
the air upheld by gas. The hydroplane
"Amd Mr. C raJgbead doesn't get any
good bard money."
turned Craighead Over to Mrs. Gray-
, crude product of a country colleg ge,
must replace the boat; the nProuef.
report of till thisl What must he
It was on,occas,lons of this sort tbEft
bill, with strict injunctions to tele.
witij nothing to command a second'
the aerostat. I bore made a special-
think?" -
Mr. Craighead had sweated telegrams
phone the sherIff's office if he was tin-
-lance except 'his sinewy erectness,
; � A
of this, I know. The valu e of
"I told him about It," said Theodore
begging to know If Theodore really
accounted for for more than an hour.
�44 4+U � -
the pathetic yearning in his eyes - that elgar shaped craft ul) there as proudly. "And it was no -Ume, to tele- bad any airship. 14, Was a SIM on W — ,I- _ - _ I
the wonderful soitness In hisvoice. graph apologies. It was a time to aspects. Mr. Craighead began whiling
junk, dedticted from her present value, "But think, my dear Sir," protested . � A
"Uncle Theodore," suggested Vir- I , work.11 away time with a work- oT, the "Mor- HAD HER 1.
-ginin . to Mrs. Stott, "has invited us to Is the measure of bIr, Finley SbaYne S Virginia opened another of Craig- 2jr. Craighead, "of the untold millions ph(,logy Of the Crawfish" and dips Into
visit him. And, do Y013 linow"I think loss when ont, big Show Opens Its head's telegrams, It was addressed to in the Broom idea -aerial monopoly. De Quineey's "Spanish Nun." Look- NERVES WERE ALL UNSTRUNG. I
we'll go back with the captain if YOU ticket wagon. Seest thou?" Palmetto Beach, "or somewhere It is Even If , Tlleodore� should be only four Ing from the library window, he saw Wherever there is any weakness of thqk
can ofercome your nversion to the wa- Virginia looked attentively at the hoped," and seemed to be regarded by clubs and a spade, we still hold the Mrs, GraYbIll enter a summer house, heart or nerves, flagging 6nergy or phy. I �
ter." I Speaker, stailled. to bear her uncle's Craighead as very Important. "My aces, my dear 51r. Waddy. DO not leaving a. red bat on the railing out- sical -breakdown, tile use of, Milbum'g
1�jrs. name mentioned almost Ili his PITS- � grind your teeth thus so long as the
,,Wlil the bay be rough?" asked ence, She saw a youngish man of luck liflith turnedl It Is Craighead Fe- � merivan Nitrates and Air Products side. Heart and Nerve M -will soon produca
$14)11 ns if evni5dent that the 'Captain ILx now." said be. "Have found a " The *'Morpb�61ogy,, grew uninterest. a healthy strong system.
. body and . vompiny remaius ns the Archlinedean Miss �iessie gpaley, Arkona, -Ont., I
medium height, thin habit of . raighead stepped from t' n- is , ,
, I D pry up and dump Ing. C writes-�-"It %th the greatest 09 .
servk,d out the weather. long, thick hair, who was gazing. with ----.-----, __= lover Will) W1001 he wi
"Dond ca'm, ma'am." , every appearance of ibtere!3t, not .,it I the wor)(I We n1v allead whatever dow, went Into the summer house and e I write jolt-44ting the bene#� I . .
Wj�,jj.go,ll said Mrs, Stott. the aIrsbip, Not at it lady a hlippe;t,.j 10 113L. .,-,t�ront,T erld of the started at finding Mrs, Graybill there, V= received by Using,,3ro-ti ilbur ' 11, I
The Indlos hurriedly packed tbeli . PILES CURED at HOME her hair tousled about her head, her Heart and Nerve Ms. spring *
ill embarked. They were a tweutY-seven years, short, plumpt ad- I 41, ea I little nose elevated In that comical re� was all run down. And COUW td!Y'
dunnage ai ir. 0- � � _
-d in a sort of reduced ' by'NOW Absorption Method. ,,,V%*(.Il, tr)e .-jorunef end," said B y work,. I �e,lt to S. do r vad,
gay party. Virginia was full of laugb-� mirably gowne Woddy. "IYA41 bl'tter voille to the cen. soniblance to her father's. "Mr. Wad- ZPY me I had heart,tvoublo and that I -
g dilat- 11 ., dy informs me a �, I
ter. Her color rose and her eye. alf mournin svith her dolly little If yott '�Suffeg frol-a ble6di , that the, l'te Air. Gray. told j uiLst�ung. I jo6k I
early face turned toward the Roc, her brown 119, lei, or I'll see SvIlat 111w mere is for bill was a minister of the gospel," he fierves were v! I � I
ed as tbey took the stream itching,. blind or protrudin'g, getlolg Inolloy I)y f:11"t. pi-etcliscs." I medicine, as Le ordere&X40 to 40,.11ut .
enough to let Uipm through the DOW hair tousled about her face, her prom- � ent ed I
inent little cliln carrying tbL* facial an- Filesv seu'cl me ,your address, and ',j,ll,, two mcil wore the best of tray. T ur , did me no g ,)d. I WAS "wOrld4g. in� ' , .
cililal into the lagoon by daylight I will tell yon 110w tq cure your- eling companjous, Mr. waddy insisted "Yes," she replied, "he was," printing Off: ;� Lit thO .time, And. . , I
wriward. "And that he bas been called," Craig- *t i� I", ;L- �- �'.
gle, forward and do , . doetor said � W44 iu� type s . I
"Do you see any signs OfA OtOrw?" 4 hame by the 'absorptiot, on going In the smokM Nlr- 0110"head 1-4 I i,tn A I .
upward 'That talk will do with me," said self at I . alScv Sella took the stateroow while bl'. Z head went on, "to a better life a year caused the troublet U1. I Aou 0", �
ftst�ed tirs, SfOtt, noting lifs , money - �,�
shl , "but you've got to show PaPa #eat1r. - I My father advised'Me-ii Z -
.1 I D Lent i allil VVil1 - or more ?" he Im alifavoa . ' , , *
glances. 'I or there1l be trovble� lie lasted and then borrowed of .�Ir. Wad- GraybIll. so I
"No, ma'am," be returned, "Ali was something besides oratory pretty soou 801ne bf this ItojjlLe #eatiiaent I'Vourteen months#" answered Mrs, ur ilia as
I -ial witli references d y. renofiUrom. tbem, IBOfOtel W Jbisllc'
just tryin, to make out if Ah9d eve' tells me free for `tX Mr. Craigbead bad ndvertised foi one box I noticed. a,'greAt d!004 00, -A
seen that draft befo' aloft thah.pt that you, and Mr, Carson are the 6r8t frolu votir o;�v locality if re� people to organive a rapid business 11X bave been rottaing, said Craig- could work from WoWng to � -1 w � , , I . I �
cat sil. ever to sell him a gold brick, and he bead, "a work ori the %0*110109Y Of r�r 11 SUB
The craft alluded to Was ft gr qtlestc;�, InIlTlediate, relief and campaign coveklog the civilized world out any smotherin . f1teling orh I I
proposes to matte an elample of YOU. It holds me enthralled, I can fteolmnitril ,,1hor6 ' ' 'to' I I . �
ver Condor, gleamin,4 in tile sun- pCtilialteiit 'd " seilcl -fro , I , � I I ; I
I to Meet him in Wo�� Twetty-third the C -*wflsh" vtq,- 00 � ,
Witb Tou're supposed to bc- in Custody 110NV, . The person who tans to glean 'Wisdom ntrvow Ate mu do I 'T I � � , :.1
Virginia Studied her, absorbedlY Why, here's p9pAI,, 1. 110 llaotey, *buf tell otliers, of Street at the stualo oYlll,au acquawt=cel� -from 60 ora,wfsh has never tested, W P606 50"Oats , r . f, L, I I �
. . � I .' , � p 11 ,. � . .
I �e io�-dav to `�;. , 11 11 .1 � ,
I I +111� - at all'dw6rs tae ,
her field gla,Sles. ''I 0 tho vhavi!� UAS offer., Writ . . 1-grg., to ,whom he had neg, eted to Impart k I I
14- -- ,.:40''Op'4a V��bxl,q. !jlbat phela, Wx._*Wa4AV.."_n.P1P ": NIL ,1.4 iatolligetice with 4 bardfx Iled ,1,6 11 I
. I . I I... 9� $tmdl4er�,, PDX P , , Q . 'or, "po'Y'liAoW.1adlo e�# *'�, .. k *404-4." lApt Awmiohe'14., OVP*O % %IA0 TIADMI11 � I 11, I I
I I . � 11 I N, � I I . - I fo.wi Wi $._ . . . I I . Woutoll, At. v, 1 '. I , I � I , . I 4" ".1 �'�, , . I
, I . I 11. I �, ;9 I I I I . I., , �
I I . . . . � . , I I 1� � , I .1 � . ;1� , .. I 1, I v
I I . I I 1. I � 9 . I . � � � . I I I - I I : I � I
: , 11 I 1, �L 1, . , I . I __V. " :, ,""...",� � .. I , &lm��,:
.6 , L I I I I � i "I., - I I I . , I �, � .1 1_,' _L I . .:—, , I I I 1�_. ,".,.,,"'..."��0 �� ,, i !g.9_4.A#0g=i=� ... �.';�� I
I 11 � -.1 I , '6,13111�1,_1_1_ ) , �_:.111_ ao�,.�_�,O�,, � I It, �__.__.. ,__ 1.111��" . .,,,,A_'�_,.��.. - � _