HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 7I : - fW1_1'1: ": _�_ 1. 17 1, � ... � �� "I , I . - , I: . , . , --- - --- -- - - -7 -- 7. --- -7 -7 -_ - � --1 -.1.1-1. -1-1-11 . -1-1 -1 . ......... . ..... - --- - - ... . .... . �. -, "" , � .... . . "". .,."-,�""--.�-,,,,,�".,.�,,,,;,�,� , � ""I'll',",, 1� __ -111�111:1_11 11-1�---'-�-,-,�-i,..i,li"�,�7�,- �
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. I . - . I ,
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I � . . . I I -
'.A ,� '' . I..... 11.11 �, .11 . THE"i EXBTER, TIMES I ....... I I I I I ; 1:11,
k� � � .. � I . I .: I 1. .
I . ,,_ 11 .1 . .1.1.11 . � I -
i_____.___ _._1___-_-__1 ,::I: 111111:1111:111,1111:411- .I., ______._M_q1N_--"-14. � I __ . I I � I I
,�� = I 6 I _ ...""..", .__.__.___ ,.''I, �11 . I—— 1.::,�::11:111`:: I """ . i, I .. 11 :
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I . . . . --- I I I
I I . i .1 . I . � �
. I TXCAN . szxsuaxi I . � I � I I . I I � .
Crediton, � ' I . 11 . � �, ;, ____.. I I 11 ..
NatiOnal � I I Albw Blanche Armitage wwi On Ounday may 28tb 1wr4ce -,N-ili . - - I L ,�� ; I . . ''I
- 1. "" be beld at 2,130 V.41�, Rev. Alchar'i . . 1.4- .1 I
A large number fromi here attended guvst of friviids ou: the Sauble Liao 11 - It I �
I I ,
;0.. � %, : . -ew . I � 11obbs. .of Jwhea street ,church LX(- . L . I . 11 -1 . I �, . I . I I
I . QX9 f uneral of mr, J .awes McKeever of for ,a f .days of ;th,,� jyt(it week ter will preac.b. sp('acial 1111141C w1l. W * I . .. . I , ,
. I . Nount'Carmel, last Saturday Morning .Xr� �I!Uvorge Reluilton Is very w�cak be given , and 'special of- . � I 0% . r 11, '411, - 11 .. . 0 . I I . . I I .
, ,
. . I I More psrU". laro next week, Yet over hils (51113kness, will bt� taken at � � I . , ", I I 1) 11 � �� . . I . 1, I I
. Miss. E olma Wein, of, Loudon is purchased f'"Ing : 'r. Last 71 I * ....
Portlauld AN% Wiltrill. llod,;ins has the close, Z1:011day (,vouir,g 1,011011-i'll.;f ..: I ouildminl�P;, , I I ... I . I
I � ;. I g ix few weeks with her par- ,, i, , new irubber tired buggy, . . ay 1. -111 a grand e ' I . 11 ., . I - I I � I . . .
. I spendin . I Um Xaok Atkinson haa been visit. 61, ?9th tbvrc, i� be , 11- " I
" .
I the churob. Rev, I . . I . . 4 .1 I . �
aid .1 'L .
. ents here, . I tertAinment held in L � Whe", I ffl%all 'ed . �:
ing her 81ster near Urand Bvnd. Ona4er 1, U P i n 1,
Mr, Milton, Harris of Parkhill p 6 . I ,.
- Uivs Mary aMoX,ey was the gues'. 3'. E.J, Alllllya�d, or- Hensall will give I I I
, I . �W%14401 .
.,�Vo- our town a flying visit on Saturday of Allos A. McLaughlin for a few splund-id Lkne light vjew;3 illUBtraua.,- .YOU have spent h I I I � I lj�:
� . Cenient lapt, . I dayk-, ' - hi,;3 Very popular entertaininant NvUh tLiadreds of dollars, in building. Can you afford to lot this I'll- ,�� . . . . I I I I
I . Last Sunday Rev. Burn delivered li,�, ltose� 6hanirack d7nd Tijj�;fjo, 1,,1 * ves,tmeRt depreciate in vdlue? � I I 1. � �, . 1� I , I I .
; '1�1 . Mr. 'A. XeSean had asuddeu break , . , I
I L na � I I
- ,
I �. I
� � . his first serni6ti in ()redi d. Imlarid an, ' I Just consider it from a ' , . . I I � I . � I .
, We have on baud a good supply of body was well pleased. ton' Every- dimn ,whem his -auto broke at Dan,- 'all d ScotlitInd, There . business standp'olnt. � 11 I I I I I �
jt�, , " + ,Vill also be shown and sung illustrat, .
� _ I . . I . .
� above cement. Let ushave your next Quite a number around here arb laid 60& ' An unprotected wooden surface soon requires. repairs. . I I I I
I _ . I
I ,up with the ineasles. . .ikm 'Gra, -ou" ,�jc by I � I I I . , I
,.'order, � , A football match Nvois held a*t La- (,d tiong.s', ReadjnXs ar.d al�-o .solos by � I . I .
'04Y, . . - can when ,the former played DcVL5 5 E ,ce 0 , ris and Mu. . .bL The rava g action of time and weather is c . . - I . � . I I
I . . gin ' .
: , . I I Miss Alma Hill was in Exeter one the ocore being 6 to ' 0 in favor or 11.,,�Ivall Mal(� Qijartellt,t. 11errt,I%.h'_ I I . ertain, � I I � . I i� .. I . I 1
. I I day last week, L I frCllts 6erved by. tti(� ladiva -at. � -i:h,,� I The 'Unpainted building rapidly decreasesiin -value. .. I . I I I
, R, G. Seldon, . What about .the baseball team? Lufcan � I � . .. I I . . . . .. I
. . elotw. A very. tine tinio is assurt� � I Paint is pr . ,� . �. � i I .� I I
�, � . A ba-�*ball niateh was hold ,,it Parkw, d OteCtion, a real insurance policy against rot and decay --jt is a money �
I L , , I -
. . � I � They are a long tlme� organizing. Let hill when,thoy played ,Lucan I%%, Everybody, K�,ome aurl'bave a good saver on the farnj, not alij expense. . . I . I I � . I
. I � � it be soon. I � km,,�, A(draffi4iop 20 and 15) ,conts. I . . I
- L I
I � I �.. Rev, Millyard of )�(ensall delivered Prilday tevening, ,J I I .. Dollars are saved and Property value increased .. � . . . � :
Mr. Chirflia W. 11askett waa.U10 . I .0 � I I � by Painting at the ri ht tim 1*1 i
1, . an excellent addresm. and gave some guost of friends on Itha Sauble Line Childreu Cry 9 e wlt� � � . I L
. . I
. . ., 11 .. stereo Vi &�vlews in the Methodist Mr. Tom McLaughlin %pen't Sunday L I � � j
urg g . I I
. . - . � Ob In onday evening. Every- evening at his home, . FOR FLETCHER'S . � Pure W � I � I I i
� I
I I body was well pleased with his � views The. 'test exam,i for itlie Ithird form 'TO R 1A ' . Vi" I.
, . as they were very educating. of the IR-gli %chool are over andt,'�Ibe OAS -_ I MINERVA Pteady
I ) - � I- . Pdr, Harry Hilber'&, P.P. was in pu�plls �are not Eorry. , , 0 � PreparedPA It IN I I
. I �, .
I � r Toronto last week on Business.. : Mrs. Michtwl Armitage ils visi'viii- Ttev2 Wonderful Regj*ts of :NGNV� ... .. I � . . T I I
. � . I I Mr. Herbert Axt was in Our town in Lonid(Dri, I � York City 11 .. .The paint that Spreads evealy, dries hard and always locjl�:3 goo ' �
� I on Tuesday. � . . , of 'the Liver with Have ycu ever v4s3bod NE!Nv York? � - d. ; ,
� I . I
� I Dexangemeni; For the house, the,barn, the outbuildings, or fcr an � . I
.. . Housecleaning is the order of the constipation iiijares %he so ;�plexj i 1he great metropolis of the r.(..%v �. I I
� � �, Pk T�� 1. - workaw 11 rot. you should -do eo , , at - ainting job Minerva Paint 15 best. Y Other
. , 4% day &W ,P I
� . � I � .1 . ., Have pity on the p9or brooms i'ndu,e,! .,pimples ,sillow skin, 'Remove , very firit opjwrtar,-�ty as ,it trip �
%, 1. I . T 11 1) (11� � urely. there will be a celebration t,h, aaasa L,v usln.g C,,ifter's LiLtle L:.V. Lne . The Perfect incorporation of the Minery . I � I 1.
� here on the 24th. Get bw-v a -no think I
. - L- of thirs x.a�tare besides being hi4bly , a inp,edients ' �
. er ,Pallls One a do,4v. Try th,eni, 3roduces, a paint With great covering capacity—while � I
.11 it over; I . -------- 0- Id',4reoUng is also an effu--ation. __ " � I . I
I �
.. : , I I Mr. Irish was in Exeter vu 8abur- INIAIL ZRAINS WONT 'STOP The Grar-d , Trank-Lobigh Valley its elastic properties prevent p eeling Off, Uistering or I
U 11F V! IT['! I I . . day. . . . � roa'te Kjs fte J�jeen'c Lin'a fX,Q,M Qjj�N.. I
. I 11� I A.s it is impossiblv to hold the mail
I" 1 '�, ad!ar. polx�tr, Convexfr�nt train ser- . - crackfin ' insuring long life, thus putting off the neces-
M0 �6red 3kt,�.as at any ot t is� ne - , I 0 r ai . I
11 k, F 1 C,��",W , � . Mr. El 're Gower has iecov�6red .. dt!"s i . ,cessary - Sity %e � - I
. after'a'n attack 0'fBroncnitis� . I . "tce and excellent (�quipinont. . nting for the longest time—rneaning ecou-
* 19W � for th,e T&mes to go 'to press Qni timi F U)l irtaiticulars and Lick*l� from .. I Only to you., . 11 I I .
AS VJIE RBSULT or A Tip . Mr, Otto Brown of,. Sebewaing is so as to reach. their destim,ation on � I � i
I spendi ,a, few days in town. We tbno In ordexthat t)ii*R ma,� Grand Trunk agqnit, or aiddxc,,�j% A, L41. �, �, L - I
many a woman mow h" a. rep ng ., be dom Miff 3),VstrIct r0,,scng6,r a- - �� ". � � The Minerva Trade Mark is Your guide to the right paint .i �
, uta- understand Mrs, Brown and daughter j� N r%ttuired that Porreispandentoe on , I �,ea�, Tor � . I I I
I - - Mon. a's a fine baker iwho was will go back with him. . etc.. ete.. reach this offick� ct '.he car- I' Ont, . . . —the paint that stands the hardest of wear.. I
* L 4 tbrmerly known ats. biA aliL ordinary I - — ji*,-,%t p6l.sible moment, 5his etc. in- -------- 4>— . I . . Seventy-six ,y�ars of/paint making experience is behind V
, one. The ti,p)s Ito I .. - olad-.i.3 advertising matter. - . every can of Minerva Paint. . I
, , CENTRALIA , All diisplay addarnuat be in This office .� . 1.
* ." I k .USE SNOW -DRIFT1 ri LOUR . spring q,rain is. looki.ng AW, and not later than one o'clock Tac.*lay k`.*fA .0-Swo T 00% R I A I Look for the Minerva Dealer—tell him what you want.to p:Lint. . f,
I U!ha't is all't[he secret ,aboift ft with the grain is growing rapidly. 11 a ohanga for the current -week kis ' Yor Iffants and Children. � But always be sure it"s Minerva Paint you get. , I �
J� , ,
I 1the use of 'Sno-%v Drift flour half rche Uemers [Trothau and U'odgkw 4itill ck,,FAre4 it ils the intewsts of ' 0 he � ad- I There's a Minerva Pain * ,1! f�
baklin.? is already done. With juat remain onthe -sick list rot much jin�- v_�rtiiiser or wefl as the Publish'r twa The Kind You ,HaVe Always Bought . t specialty for every purposet. . I , I
I . .nl� I
.. apdrLuaTy care .-,and iskill 'twice " provernent ils repoetod, t,Nt-: xule be intorcod. . 11 S61d by Prominant dealers at all points includin& . ,
� I The- Offloial board .inceting of the , I 0 —_ Bears the lip . � .-
Izood results are aissured. I * . I . .
Methodist Churelt was -held lusb ir(-ek . � mi I I ..
. DIDDULPI-I COUNOIL Mignature of � 11 "r. Tn1rAWKNS CSC So F N
ff. Cook Sons and Co. ,�he finances -were reL)orted as bei:.g I � 11 . . It . � - I . I �
. in -excellent shape. Tlut ou'dook ijgl� . T1c fcouncil met jiursuant Ito a& ----.O-.-. . . I
Hensall Ont. bri-lit for UiL future of tbe lobuxch.. jol,trnmlent. ,tba Reeve �and all thv� . HARDWARE AND STOVES, EXETER, ONF. c i . .. .
- I . clegaba to 111,01 -q -exint 'No, 3 WHALE -N, ... 11 I
. , . . Jo�� Essery Nvas elected -d nbei. pi - BY-Jalil I - P, of � I A
� I — the 440trLct- meeting, and a commit-, r1fll appoihtlng pathma*ers fencell- Mr. -arid Mrs. John T41:"� of Lon -L : "I . JOHNSON & Co. 111 1 4�, �
� :p .
� . tee was! appointed to secure -it preaoh�' 0�nver% and pond ke-elpere ,was daly . don;, 1%'-w Bertha Sathatrby. of Lon.- . . .
, I er for next year. i paqj�4?d. A deputation from ile coun- -don -an-d Afhi4 Gt,rtiu . SQLLIUrby, 1, . .. : CA114TADA .1 I .
,' :. - �
. . Our Baseball bqys Orove to Zurich otl of t4be villaga of L�aoan ,, pr,, of f ,- . .
y, �pojngn ei,t and ad,dressed tke council on Ith.4 Winchelma. *pent Sarday here the ., . TORONTO . ONT. I I
,1,7`& - I [018 ! Fr;Aa afternoon for tile L� dokt:�a:jailit-y of having ,the arrioralt- guests of thedt ino't I her. . � I I . .� - I
, '
. !.�,
- �_ [M ! WIS of the seatsqA. F ollowlug is %he score . � Miss Janet Brooks is home frolu � . "IT'S SO EASY TO PAINT WITH NXINERVA " . ,
. � .
� X14 by innings; . . ural j5padal:fst ,to be 'appo4fted- for Hanliota, Xp,n_ for a visit with her :1 - ' , . .
I Centralia 2. 3 1. 3. 0, 0. 0.,�,10 the ,county of Blid-illesex by 'the OliL- . ,� � B33 , . �
. ' pareifts. . 4 I , . . . .
I -
. Zurich 0, 0_1, 6. 2, 0. Q-0 aT10, GOvor-1111nent located in Lucqn. . Mii%s Way Hatness. of',Exater spent - _ - � .
Zh, .
I*., tor Sak � , ;Geo. Palmer, of Exeter ump,ired to � j'ca%':on must be made in connec- Sunday,.1ere the guest of her ,couisin � 1. . 11� i.j . . 4
I I I the sati%f&dtion of all. Iiian with %ome hi.gh sDbool or coll- . '. . � -_ 110 11 . * , I
I Obarlotte 110 11 -`
� 1�1, � � . - � - eg,-r,dt,c in�qtfti.Ae and should .be ioent- Mr. Frank Squiro hai bt�,efi in 1.11i.j . - , . __ --A
t ) I I a the great EXER8 EXCUR, rally located In th',%. respect Lucan, uosl*t Frai.k i,s eer- -
� LOTS -first claiss i HOMESE 91ON vicinity driving . -_ ---
� Northern addition VVLthiU the city lim- 11. S.'his maich stgrouger claim than on drivix g � — __ _______ - _ _____
t 'Z) its bf calgary. 9�- W4!Llte-r- iC11ad- ,1jh '019cagli) can lbe plxt in! by . ny other iseboole 5-b, tainly a cracker . po,R'tv.
.p -i . Last fThuj,,s.day hii moved to t,%ro d.1f. �
, This � Is I what the ii,cluding eer(ain ,poin'tis. 'o -n 'Gra,`ad. tbe Mowntsbiips of Diddialph ,Nlssoari ferent forms it mile avart iind -drove WARFA . . ___ , ___ __ -memakamm MKOK
. ,#' C. P. R. states; rfrunk P,aic4,5c-iRa1lw`ay J�fiy 16 830; Lond= Tp. nucarly all of the. Towin- - '
�? I - .111- 113
4�', ` . .1,11,ou can recommend, this property Xur�e 133 27*; July 11. ,25; �Au'gWat, 8, sli,ips of M&Gillivary and Lobo- tho ,108. ror,U Who can beat ihat? .
r urelientsaaa good investment . 'T -o -weeks ago -we mado mentain r;.-r.ntMng 4 few days -%v-nbh friends in Im 11 W
- . 2'2,;3epte&be!r 5, 19;Wir_ngpeg �nd` - largest Itxact -and f,inedt a g'ri cult ur,i I ,)f Ith,,i .,;ud,dpn deatla of Miss K4�tj,r.. 1, h.- village. . .
iodii safe and profitable." ItIurn. $I33.00;;E1d1moJift'cn Na ,,, re� I -
. t�Ulfll lands �, -even in, the C 1411
� a itibe eDuxity or "" U G G I E br""' to B U (411 " I E S,
These lotsare selOng now at $175,00 1�1411.00. ., r", ill Laiighlin at 11..'�,gin,(- , Another X)IF1.13 Mary Carmichael of Dablila. . L 0
- ,
. . . Mijakelis gobd for sbety days pTov4nce Mhe Reeve and clerk ve burden of sorrow has befallen the sjxmt over Sunday here ap :the, guest
. . ach one tbird down and balance. in projpo±Ujc1r.4te ra1vis and prinfai!pal of agridiculture and education to UrIle
, t. tris at 6% poin ts in -XvIanitoba, Sukabehewrun, and, . ., 1-�_,__.�
eix ereat. It -you want to make some �to 'the app- took d1l on Saturday and died, on '1111-io'"':,.�s Ada Norris and Eva Camp- kw 'ES HAS
. I Int welve abd eighteen mon lain jcla4m ,3f th-la vicinity family when Mik,js Rose here at homa of 11151�ii; ZT-1 Chappel. A CARLOAD OF NEW BUGGI
L Allba.rite;: fllc�meisivekexz' C.-Ifoursid1r.1 ol-ritine'n'. The Court of RevWon I will Su - riday, )their isi:jiter Mary -not bar- bAl ara epenW, ng a week with Mitch' .
j 2n?0Xn1e*_d-6S"t delay in l6oking me up as lk)alcebs wAl a!po be on,.sale Mi! cer(t4i7m( b.�,- held on Saturday. June ,3113. *It - -
i I '41a a chance of a lifetime. ftities via Sarria and the 1. I ing returned from the funeral oj ell rrf�mds I ARRIVED. I
A-1 N0C'Vther,U on,2 p.,.- in, ., 'Aiccounto totha amoadt �
.e- Don't Forget that we have Farm Navlgatic�r_ Company. Seruice tickets of $15.65 were pa!F)se(d.1. -Tbe R-ecv�e the deiceased sister at Regina. Mr. [%��o Dalton bViteliell spent Sun -
I "-�, Lands to sell as well, of the very best, atd Uluig,ttrwfed I-11ter9ture frotal any and Couns. Davb �nd Ryan iviere Mp- . - - . . day at the.home of Mrs. M, Drake. __ �
, , And splendidly situated, I . Grand Trunk Agent. dr alddreos A. point,:Id with power to have 1he Clan- I I . Alra. .Tamejs Barbour ,who has been 11 --o"00- -.400--- �
I . 111h bro')i1chitis, we are plealsed.
� I . Her Mile. ti,11 w,.
I . I . � I I 43, Duff Di�jttriict Paissc,:ger .'agent' ebo,ye br,:tdgt s*we7r.,x-%.:,t%�d so as Ito f4ewcomer-I suppo�e you first I ask a to -*aY -is improvihg. The InterDational Harvester Company having �
I , �', &WMA . Toram1to Omt; . r,_:oci,va a oejiner2t ficoe. The aouncil . I 0 - I
_ ry I John Wolper has sold. his mail a�,djoum-_,id ,ko mee�t again izri S'atiuxd ,y boarder what he Is acoustomed to,pay-7 stationed me at Exeter to handle their full Line of
.from Exeter to Mtohel to Mr. Rar):y. jur � 13rd,, t 10a. ;in. -W. D.. Stanley Landlady (grimly and pointedly)- KIRKTO1,T I
.L af . goods such as the
I . B.Carling A�ilrling of Exeter nort.h. ; ollMrk. No;, 1'whea,?'�-,Puck. Mrs. Wa6hbnrn is having her barn
. .. 1. . . � - I " I I - . I . I repaired.
. . . - .
. : -.1 . WOODUAM � . . . SEAF&RTH Fortunate. . Mr. and Ivrxs. Win. Marshall spent . McCormick Binders, Mowers, Rakes Man=
+-4 . A chauffeur wo6ed a suffragette. .'i-' Saturday and Sunday with relatives
. . . . I I . Mrs. Edger Mills; returiwd home on, The annual meeting of tho S-eaforLh I... Acquaintances report � ' hexe. i . I iare Spreaders, Seeding Tools, Bind=
ED DOESN'T SEEE' YOUR Fr�day last aftex aftending t�he faMr br.gnic,h of 11he. Lord�s Day Allilance That.the turtledoves first met 7 I At Ithe election of officer& in the
I I of, her mother 1. wa,4 held tin the town hall on Wed- One day W court. I I
1. PATRONA-IGE era.1 Ig The mectin-g. ira8 . 1 Epworth League last ,Friday nigM. er Twine Gasoline Engijues, , .
I �, Mrs- Mitch,�l died in Toronto -,o.1 at"'Iday evenir ' Dix. Torrillazelwood. was elected pres-
. �
".. , Monday and was burlied in Watford elddloLtbed thy Rev. W. G. Tlann'iDj. Their married life, so runs the tale� . ident and Allen Duffield secre'tary, I Windmills, COLkShutt Plows. .
. The m , ob-advert-ii;Lng buzi�ncss men her former home, Ontarlo occretarY of ithe all-lianoc Who. . Is happy and sublime, Several from here are attending the - -
I he work was progressin.- favorably. For they are mever out cf jail I
ido ri;ut eicek your patronage. yoiiz at- Tho dootor's home while 'standing tj At the same time. I W. U. S. Convention in Exeter.
. Itention or fo-fir-so -wh 6hould Yan in th,�, villaga reoently took fri-lit A_-d,tIt%-fg�s were i�so %17.en by Rev. � Mr. Hunter will remain with me. Particuldr at-
ly � - -Xansas City ;FournA I The lawn -mover, the garden rake
. oonfAr it-hemr The -DroZre.-.%.fve bus- at a r.asssing automobile and made 'for F. 11. Larkin and Rev, Father Cor- . . and Ithe boe, have again appeared jd-e- tention will be paid to Machine Repairing of all kinds. .
� .
; li-Mos, men pay attention to you. thus home but iras -captured before goin. coran.. The ofacers,eiceted -%vere.- __ . — - mending ,the accustomed,attention for The first shipment will arrive on Saturday and wM con- I
., I ames Beattie; scicretars- - W -itar Feeding. . the season, . .
. I . . Idiciserring your attentlon tn return. fal*� .L)irogiA Vlt J, tc 6inUctsed of th-,- Sucts For -', I .
' Spr,ng ordIps have all gone in, fn: -executive cOMMUI-00 1 9ugnr beetN.rire pruo,*ibly fit the head 0 1 sist of a carload of First Class Buggies, especially
They arv. "on their Tnev.d.e.' all' k1the, good ehape but are ueedin,;; ratn. ' r,o.,,9*ticjnt 31imi,sters of the Ifst of suevulptit f -ed for winter. ECZEAU WAS SPREADING , Young Men's Outfits. These will be the Celebrated L
4, -, h,2r mother Mrs. Ror's. I . .. . 1;.'.\'j1)PrIjnPijts in Colorndu bare demon-
. _j .Viae Ito m.icure- valuto for you 'tha t Arraruber of ladles from here Nvill ing ' '
iattend ILhe W. X S. ,Branch weet- The by-dro-eledtwic ,--inz. IwIM-01) 14,11 D. D..D, *CQred ilt High Grade GRAY BUGGIES fr(,m Chatham manu- �, .
� will i9tand adw!rj-tmng, Th� fac*t that ing in Exeter thils week. An extem., his, bzon working in - neliAbor- strint,-(I ilitit they have a distinct feed- ThL,!Is 19 o'Transhition of a, lettiar ZD-
� dvex-Oseis pieces utign bus; -me :15 I -.% *,vorking Ina Ivi- of thi-tr uiru, due to the high written us in Fren-ch, on A-pril 16th faCtured by the largest concern in Canada. .
. ,te, .a 11 iness sive programme eoverin.- three da)f. baud for r-cme ,t], �
i I I men Ithe nace,sr.fty-to "malr.-� good(`- has been sent out . in .tGwn putting.u`p pokis. st:14.,ul .-Univilt. I . . 18,10 �by Blx.'Dan BabAinfdau. Gwp, X,um- .
� � *1 110 Meet live icompeltition-to buty well .At the quarterly of&-lal .Board m!r-r. L. Ho7ures profo--olix.' '1UXS0. - — . I . . iiere N. ,13.
"I had t,,jem,suffe2ing w.�Vai f0lPhMa , I
� fit as -weffl as Ys own tle is I ,Cuce-d � w�,�k Whitfield Sweitzer was appdlnt- -irais in I for aboult 0 inoifths aZd liad tdonsal tiad __,""Mw 1"Nomm— �
� st-and he *mwc-t �L,d lay delegate to 'represent Wood- I " 'Horse Distem gewral Jodtoris who .did not do Me
� iso eis to b�- ab)e to sell Irck yp�ir pro, im.,oting held in Co,oper's ChurcitL lulot of )Boston is v:siti3g 11�.r Pa-rer i MI. �
. and Mrs. S. T. 116maIs
an6er a perpetual to Mrx F. H. Larkin ahat�hzo, .
.: jemeige ahvnys -wilth your 1n,,tTi,ai;;'n-, Liam 01ircut at the. annivil district, last ,wink attending 1the annual meet- . . per any good. The dilseaise whs spxegd$x.;; . �
frb.,rili-ithip He must work fb'r Y. ol� Uiceting of the Exeter dtstrk-L to bo' irg 'Of the - W F, IAI- S-. Of thOjxels- ., - -And I was. mo(st uncointox(table. I .
. bv' - i armer&l- '�c-'ght 1. would igio IcTazy. 'All my .
_svllth your a[ 1)�oval ..,w -r in -mibid, ho1d next Friday,in Main St., Church I .i -ria . Church. . Prince.Edward r . 1.
16 ", :�,i - 14e rnnst find 'barga:nd for you-, h,a Ex�,ti� r. 11!i-,3 Az-_in.,� Wilson. daug-Rter of I - - arls wnre Itelling .'me L -would loolsa -WES. SNELL, E x e t. te r I
, mil'.4t protoot you 1-n ,.-iy1.,s. in (111all. Ly Blk6 8, Jennison of the, base-M,Qct Air and Mrs. A'�,_ Wilson. l.ft ,on ftllly�Deelares "Nervi. xny� bandis anl,is I found the ft -lit --- I I uj� .
I * . Tuc�aday for N.y York wberb slie -.-M . . �
I in. r,r,c,i,. ,qc 1.z on- swd in vour s�r- left London la,st week to takic a I Une" Is a Specific. .treAtcoenfv.. - -_
, v`110:61 The ,non:-&dvert'r,1n--. 1-t,1,noss raArt'on ,as stenographer in Dattleford study for %a, pro�,.-"-Iotaal� nars!, I One Jay I frefa#ju ..the Mejsben,geai . 11-..-_�� .
. min ,'�:,. not, I . 0 � S a P,k. . Frod R,�atie. of Montreal is vksilt� - I aboult your D. D. 0, 'tr.atttmen't and .
I .
1�lw : . � . N.Lxt Sounday S. S. knnIvarsary ser- ing Y.� rarod'.�3. Mr, jft32�d, Mrs. Jam,�s "After; fifty Years' experience in rals- alsked for -a isample It laid me 60 ,S�IIPXA: tha full Government grant, Zhe ay. .
, -
. . ,� — . .. . � 13 -al -ti - no muich goo,4 that I immediately order- .
. ;�_ . . . anicy. E�sq, of Luiran lylIj 1111ayor. McCallum and ltapvc .Gr,49 remedy, gives such good results f ed It-wo large bottles bo;tUefs, It IiVook erage attqpdamoe was 163. The Salo I
. v4ceis will be -hold in the �churcho bere - - N1, � trig horses I can safely testify that
� . , � , , � I '' . . G��arge ISb � . . ,or an The WCatiher raan'Vmg emiled on the average attendance was 167. A com,
. � I I I 0 -preatch in the in'erc.qto of -the work were im Toronto la;at -week bder-view- all-" Id stable liniment as Nervillne.11 iellght lboiftlois alto,gether Ito icure mia farmers %,heise last fewdays and asi a,
� � '! � I . This will be the fory Second anniv-, ing it,,he hydro-clectric commillw0on Ti vns the very earnest letter Of .T. of 'the' terrible disen,se. I shall never itcation from the Stratford .0oll-i
� '.1 Rev. Wather Corcoran was in' Tor- .T. - -armers have mu'n, I
� I I � I I I I result 't,he majoriltY of f lClgiatle InIsUbiftc, re -con'tracts for tow
- - . Vorsary of th-e school The 'iyork is � ,stun, who lives near weiling- be irfthout a boUtle of 1). D. Al in tinished lsoedi'ag. gaginR; bmebers wais filed,
.� � 1 C7 able marag(�- 6nito dttlim-diijagg (the funeral of Itho toll P. I,. "I had a very valuable horse my , 10m,11 . I Miss Ah(ce Clark of London is visit- ,
I , . , I I . louritshing under the � I
I ne ment of the superin Lein ben t Mr. L. late Areh�iltshop McEvay. . -that took distemper a month ago, and The record often years of complete Sam -es Moir formerly of the V. P. R.
L .
. . 112v, A. 1-1. Mr-Phersori-of Cbalmer,P0' 'was afraid I was goi,ng to lose him. cures of t1ouzands of the most severe ing at li,�r home bere.
, WOW Beavers. and his able siaff. � . flotel. bas purchased Che Arlt-ngvori
mw . IALWS B C60 Mason, of Parkhill i s vl-s- Ho-i'al StratforO..,
A few days ago. two ,very' larg(� church, Toronto, preached. the,,P)primg Nis throat swelled and hard lumps de- ,,as - 1). D. D4 stiarift - iting at berlsiotexs Urs. h1roed-
. . . els shmv $hat to
I . copper 'tanks passed through here Ito aMniversary rservi,cos �in tba J:Irosby- veIoped. His nos,rils ran and lie hid a day as the absolute reliable -eczema Lea So A isgelaial in.er-ting of the town
NEw . terrible cough. X , . I CIT. council voted $3,000 ito Ithe board of
bt� placed in the Winchelsea Cream.. ta.rkan vhxrch on Sunday last week. � tried 11rent re�_ c`ir" - 0 Vat Rambler Ball Team would Uke watiar. Light end he'at comiosiot for;
" � I rt,y as coolains. The creamery there is Going i-1119 Buis.Tness.w-l%fr. � Alva hi medles, but was, Wiite lto-'day f r free 'trial bottle to arrange for,:,,hmes ivitb any of the bydro-electx1r, power. � .
f",, INTERNATIONAL — do"Xig QL wry lar,p busineos. Amc�st �Veist,coft_ son of Mrs. Wra. 'U'escotl Ilerviline .to khtc� D. D. D. La'bors'Sarieis, Dept, local ficams arouin4tt WrIto to (the Xayor Sandvri?on atitendedithe fun., .
"' . 1, relieve
� ", ''t , - amillar night on the country-rondij ol, &,tiforth N ho Arunt to Ca�frary lsi%i, . unable to, T: 1. 49 Colborn,e St. Taront�D. 'It car6i1n for date,s.
,�,� h,,re are the y�,Jloiv painted cecara qmj,tmor with '-,)r,r. Win. Vitokard. ., rj , I my horse !of his , Will give you in.%tadt relief oril of his brother-in-law tile late .
',"�.`, . , DICTIONARY ' for biln.,�clf arid' . ,S Pain and�- suffering Milton Tinkbeiner in laid Lily Nvilrbi a
� 1. � tanhiix. Last year over a million lbs. bj:anobirig olit in CURE W, 8. 110,�Ivy' ,*pr, John E, Hodgson of Woronto on '_�J:on,
T �' . -ad and 175 ton ,� I till I started to use ., al-ined ankle We &op;a Ito soon see da V
, of. cmain .were collect and in crmpany with 1� 1.d,,,Cud- 'line
.______01___ .
4.) i fr. B . . him holding down fir,st balso nig-ai.n. I
, .I*. I 7HE MERRIAM WEBSTER? bmsinoo,,a Weryl . X mix- . I
. I of ..butter pro!duced valued *at ,186.- ,morl, of. Xi,pi)�131.. F0113,, i4ito. bivs.in(,&� UICKLY ad a bottle of .Ner- - Z U Rloa . I — ------.*I— .
! 11 it is a VEW C:RP.A- . �()M In 1j;hj'a salation I ,the iorean,jery at.-IJablcirl, A-.'b.,rtn ono of, tho no " ' viline and. Sweet Mrs. McCormick spext - t 'the � late r 0 � I . � L
*.1, . -Rj%use lown-s 1.*,n that, Province tbLy arc bo in Lond.lbn. � . I
, f I — TION, covering every sule;va to be rapidly dlsplai�ing the �h ,011 and rubbed the mixture on the part of last week EA9T WrILLTAUS VO REABON FOR DOU.133T -
, I - - ivo and em-bor rising MID:; throat and chest three times a 'day and , Alm Adam F aust and son. Roy, I -oft .
. I . A irogr,"_ I �
/I 11 11 old of the world's thought, ch,cese-factory. I I T
I I ... . Ithe kind that make a sizccoLix- You 'WoUld scarcely believe the way On Tu,00day for Naj�iervlllc 111, w he re, Miss Benrice -the youngest daugly-ter A Statement of Pa�th Becked by #, . �.
. � notion and culture. Vie onl-V � C9 Ink,il'y
I '; of ibasimicbs im: Isbc wedt. W -o � truiit that horse plelmd up. Nervilin cured .
iNklv Tra-lin Scxv:ee )to 7Lnkea, e de in future. ,of Air. and Mr.s.. .Cbas, Prinstly of Strong .Guaran,tee .
.. � itow unabridged dictionary irL . ,.'n.:,v w4ll resi 1,
I I Inarty years. , �, I of Bay,%X' . Lho-ir InC04 tasingufne hopes wfll W r(!6 him. I -also have used Nervillne foi. Mr L,�o. Lamporte, .son of Ur. and lUh con. wastakon to 'Vietoel't Iroo. We 0MArantee -oomplele ,rellpf t � o,
I � fe I a c ' ,
1 ant , wPI ).�e aliz.-d and 1hat ive ivill be plea-sc,'d colic In horses . nd ows, and earnestly ' , pi"M London, last week, to undergo,
I An Jinpork 't'i a t ha t , � j , . of Drp�dalL � .
- 1
4'-* / 0 1 Becarse It d6lineg Over 400,000 ntniguratod durin,v thits cowingv rmt- to'l<,arTi oftbafr conbinued pros!p,arPty recommend it to every man that is Mrs obn, Lamport). all sufferers from cowtiipa:tldr� Xn ..
I I 1yords; move tha,a ever 1�031 " is now at Rabklrk, and rals-ing stodX!, .1tid A141%, Scission of otltaWn� W,Ml an cj%,�rat,ion of a serious car !trouble CVerY 10,11SO Nvhk1TQ NVO faj�jj, Iva will .
I I 11 .before appoAred between two . W101 be 4 new ,train uervilce 'to Mr. wrneott Vor strains, spra.his, ewellings, colic mar6ed at Ottawa on Tuoisday, c Tfi,,� apt,ration wasa completesiietoss. '411p3ply ,th,
1. I covers. o7oo.Vages. 600OXI- 'he Lake of flays di'lAri4t. A strin� Ur ;Ou,dnicxc� go�,% out next w0k. distemper, coughs, and colds, no linf-' .Unq Jaravq Carnit, of the Brunson 121r. Jame.% Dissett, who liv( . medilcine fr�,_e. *
I .t: .1 I ail) I � 's A��ar Rox-all Order)iv% are a gentle ,ef� I : I
. � lustraii0jus. . . dard Grand Trunk p,i,.% - s�nurer 'train Why ' don't you try 0 .ar's�rjitrl�l inent will prove so efficacious In the Line Stanley died at St. Jmw-pb'is hos- Ural)Uon.. Afin.,arriv,e.d Wit Sundfay lecti,ye, depeaidable anid aaro , 61v I .
. I � ,� 4 � ; Will 1-01M T(>rOnt,D with throug'h eoa- LiVer .Nll�i,f They, arc-, posi�jive ,�tire �stable as "Nervilfueo'-It's good ilbr pLtal London on Wednesday morriling to isce ihl,,� alster.'Mrss Margaret 331,s- ro,gulato I t
Because it is the ozilir cuotionary clws, 1),ir.'or, cars and dining �ii.rs tq for aiick hoadaobi., an'd 41,11 thel UJIS PTO- , , r. 0-rengtheml, and torijo. I
— with the new divided . man !��Ib�,rt, for,friternal or exterl�al following an operation f6k tunior, �,,ott who 'beta beed very ill arid b is They To-esItabP.,41 . I naltlw�ls funo'tioza
. �
I page. A �"BtWoke of Genius" to '15 C,c'ock iin the mornin-g .,daily, duood by dimrilered liver. Ohly on,e use, er 'er there is paln, Nerviline 44atb was quite unexpectod and h-er brothers Ewen cad Sohn, ii, it quiet, on �- way, ITIley do not I
I 1�/,; .1 , . 1. I *. .4 1 oxcelyt Stinday for Runtsville.. xeaoh- P-111 a 'do.90. . . . witi ouie it. 'Refuse substitute$. Lai -go 'dion had been rcport%,;d favorable 1* - da.USL� any iincu,ivi�qjjobe, grjp�rig Ott .1
,-'-,. oon,)- I �
jelaule it is im encyclopedia in :njr '(,he later pokint At abon t 3 o'clock ------#— b6ttles 50c, trial ,site 215c. at all deal- trom'stbrao Ito !time and the annouln(ci' . . . I
I I _. : '(&� li�, �,r ST. BIA-R,rs - nausea. Tligy - ,-,� Z,0 .,pj,MjS6n;% -to ..
I � . � , 1 t 110�
a Slagle volume, . �n Ithe oftc,tricion connocbln,-�'iviith the 'A4ocording Ito �vtajor,.Irio. 1. Mi ers, or The Catarrhozono Co., Xing$ton, in,�nt of 'her death .ha% ca"t)t, a gloom I take and wcri� "O ek0jy dU r
w , � V ri - alnOng her many friends in fte &avo- At ri:w,�oting of'tha Collegi I
� ; t , apted by the 'It'vamers for poiats in the "Lake of eill Of R3oWm&nv',1111e On't, �Vbb I a,4 in- 0 t. .
�llecadse A Is acO . I oontlY DoWmanvillo '1,14 � .. . ate In- ma -y be taken by tthy on4� p�
� trlict arid affording passe.n. bervibived tre, , any ,
I �� Courts, 136hools and Ila;5K.s ' 'dri,qL 0Uj?rZD Ui,n where ghe livod, . ,
� Tregs an the ono suprolue au gers,tha vpportunftyof r4eachim:X'their experiencing: a, very likely in.div,it,dal �i"i.j�jlt,C,, tbo,jrd, held JaS4 t evening, Dr,, 'Llinic. They /;)-,-rou&kIy �tone up tb(a I . I . I
I I thorll�y. I -, 1,Lffination in time for dinner. . b6iom. T�be, jgoodye4r'ZIre and RuU- 00 R N SIN 24 3110101t,14 �1'rl 13'10t'er Ro`thOrm'01 Of thO 1111nd C. Y. Smith balilsr chairrama the in- whole L%y9ten, 0 heafthy acHvi�t�,. I .1 . ,;
, . . . I I , f.� -Zou con pal corn� � Lfirv, ono of the ,early jscttle,r� of spottor's report was read. which. W 1.4 Rexall Ordo�j 04 4M Unsuri)OW)ID ."
�� I , . ai iug� fts fa"6111, , nier hard jilessly vemove ally flisfadf-DrY 'virith tlp Otoapllon,ok the tin.& I!Ideal for � Qe. use of tolilldiv,.t, pjcz I I
-ho k)OLOWS Will , � '0he Son4ay evenirtg boat -wrvl,,,,e Nr 1001117anY i)s t ' 1P .4toft, or bleedlhg, bV %bia To�vnsh�,p diod on tuesday hiv. s'j. ,
11 Cause he W - d I$ (A need C�tl' 60 favl4ilipt)V eb
I M _�_ $Uocelso. Lot, -.TIT' NVOWil hOt-.11 13rfta`nnl0 1,filin'ti ... ijo,j% an , i i ig Puttiani's Corn V.-,traotor. Xt 4.ng reached ,Qui ag�_, of, nertxly ei,��b'ty gyinnmipin and a K.W ifnp1`0vc1i)3r1atL9 folks and 4clileate p wie .
us toll � apiftir -
. never burns, IeaVe4 j m no
.. YOU about this now wotic, Id'al, t"o-r(figo, Do-orhuit'st. a�d'ath� hand,A-- 'Thn DOMInt011 PA'ana Wild fto seal-, contain , ti,goljit. can
- I - Y,oarlq. He. has boen.aiiamg more or 'to ftho ba,o,Pmqifl,. ,The Inspoctor 1,at- nol: lino highly. re�ojjmtm;a, �them ,
,talaft-', is iiii-mless, because ,qomposo , i7l;,r7F
� 11 , I _**,�-,.O. .1 - I., 11TIJIDI'�41n� ealling 1pol"Uq on 11!1,.,a�e organ. !Company also other colloorto "'t healing gui-As and balms. Mt 10,Z, for Some Y04M.41(hOUgh Ale to kj-(T. ljh',� g�.jqnjj�jsjuj I TO, I . �,
I , I - only o . -ft aa�.tourtjj ,ejav,5. all I 11f
� : ,f Unys" to "T'rinitf3vilk. IV, re In need of mate and female, h ad I 11. , , .i furors from any �orm. of otoy�- . I �
I ill be run, oil �a . years In use. Ou uaranteW '901 b:o. �iround most of ihhi� kiwo. awwhio h,ax0a , Gwrcrnment ronplro- is t. .,,� ev: I
11 . %v 'a U) (
I ) k witift hr AP641roh . 1, I 10 I - �) . . . . all, druggists," bqttleg.� nefuae fi,l�s j&, :,plit'jon And Its, '-ftfahid'alfl ,Z� 1.
� of A* dirldod pl*� W11no pahrldu!v ,is.for soacca 1,9IJ0. . 1. ,by .2609 , ,a�th ,came rather jjjj,,��., ect�Ai m,-�nln, lj,�majwa a v:xti,ng nrq sc,coLed T " I � I .
. ,., � I . ,Ivo k3fze.�, 'loc. wilia 216. 1,90wbiu)),er, , -.1
I MgARIAN CO., rahlishers. 8priniffela, lkao. " mtnth.q of July 41nd 4u-"- - sabOltutos, I I
G. & (% (7hring th, . r,� I . I Tho. funeral look plaice on . hur,%da by At otd,,�r Ith 4Zf4OL il)
mobtiontlilopt,ptr)veodvtrRgso,fi6to�ROOU I ,:," I 'Incl wh"'cil ,wip, C-hildren il fl)(A' I I W, I cla,�Is , gust- 1911 ill, at ( I ,on 11 6b'fh;,h Tle�ctxll Acme , �
�,,�,,,, r, ,,�,,,,j,,,,rn , I . . P At ss, aftil *' , t, . 11 I''
r c ", ��.r�",
ate th,,4 seho 'n L'� I
_ .16W101 I bo a`bown to Wet�llc I UTN WSPAIN I I 1loon 'the wterinon't''tal"iyO P d may prosorv,(�, k,% SULtIls X1 ( bur 660re I
__1 ... — � . .. .- - " to tile E P I I 1. . 1. . 11 a -
t,114�n, idea , city , FOR I � !: ; in: s 4'f1Tst-,c1as8 4.6booLand , imboivd� , � 11 ;9L 11 . I �
I ,
: . I I 1. ,4. ..� .
- _' , - . �
L " � �ar ljo,�6uo,lk$ bri �, , , , r I ",:j, %or IRAO OR' J. . , j .� . . I ''. 1 �14. 1
1 1 1 � r I .1 :1� ,,, " I L � . - , - I - .. :�', ,I �":: ::: I � _'_'...4 " I 1.
, � r - , . " - .. A
L.... 1, I I ,. 1. I , 0� , 1 �, 11 1� �:1 ... � .1 .il 111,1� , ', � � I -s, - � ��.-*�:".. ;,"It', �11 ,.,,T#W�6.A, �,, .-�� -11 � � .
. , . I � .. �_ � 4� I ��� ___Z�_ I I .. � " � � .1 r . 1, I I I , ",*— � �, , , , - r, �,, I ,.,:
� , L "' "'toniagyq. L - I . , . , �^ 41% , � 1, '. ulhern Conlebay, ( `h- 16 , **�
RN 9ZXI* '' �K .
,11.,� . _, �� I 11 �� pz�l ''. I I : " , , I-_ i, llww,il� ,.k �: 1,"),":., . _ ��
�_" - "JI -3 I ,
. , , ., �
. �4.,A;,.�,�111. ___�.L� -do ,� I -L _. I - _.A�"W. ,4
__ . , -__,.r,
� �- ."����"�".-.��Ll".,:-":,-�I."��,�,,.,��.-."-",.-�Q,,.,,,, ' .L I �